CC - Item 6B - PresentationCity Manager’s Office FY 2023 Work Plan September 13, 2022 Access Control & Camera System Upgrade •Install 62 access control points •Upgrade 156 cameras •BID issued on September 1, 2022 •Contract Award Oct/Nov 2022 2 New City Website •Existing website launched in 2017 •Functional but outdated •Contract expires in June 2023 •What are City Council’s desires for a new website? 3 Server Upgrade Project •RFP issued August 25, 2022 •Will replace 5 existing servers •Enhance reliability and efficiency of City network •Contract award Oct/Nov 2022 4 Purchasing Policy Review •Discussions with National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) •Will review current City policies and procedures •Make recommendations to align with industry standards and best practices •Presentation to City Council in fall 2022 5 Weekly Highlights from City Hall •Reviewing applications to create electronic bulletin •Weekly updates on programs, events, and services •Expected launch in October 2022 6 Permitting System Upgrade •One-stop-shop for residents and businesses •Online access •Enhanced workflow •Integration with existing processes 7 Additional Projects •New animal licensing system •Businesses registry process •Admin policies and procedures review •Emergency Operations Center trainings •Local Hazard Mitigation Plan update •Enhanced employee engagement events •Legislative tracking 8