CC - Item 6.A - FiberCityITEM 6.A -DISCUSSION ON FIBERCITY September 13, 2022, Rosemead City Council Meeting 1 Background •At the March 8, 2022, City Council meeting, SiFi Networks (SiFi) provided a presentation on their FiberCity brand. •FiberCity is privately owned fiber optic network that provides gigabit speed internet service. •Through FiberCity, SiFi constructs and maintains fiber optic infrastructure and leases the infrastructure to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) •ISPs deliver broadband internet service to residences and businesses at a competitive fee. •At the March 22, 2022, City Council meeting, Council Member Dang requested staff to agendize the FiberCity item for further discussion at a future City Council meeting. 2 Current Internet Providers •AT&T and Spectrum provide broadband internet service to the City primarily through copper cable infrastructure. •AT&T also offers fiber optic broadband internet to residences and businesses in limited areas within the City. 3 Monthly Internet Service Rates for ISPs in Rosemead vs. FiberCity ISP Provider Broadband Type Residential Business 50 mbps 500 mbps 1 gbps 300 mbps 500 mbps 1 gbps AT&T1 Cable/Fiber $60 NA $801 $951 NA $1601 Spectrum Cable NA $45 $65 $75 $95 $115 FiberCity ISP Fiber NA NA $70 NA NA $90 1. AT&T provides fiber broadband internet to Rosemead residences and businesses through its “AT&T Fiber” brand. However, AT&T’s fiber broadband is only currently available in limited areas in the City. Fiber Optics & Chamber 4 Aggregation Shelter 5 Cabinet Details 6 Cabinet Details 7 Fiber Access Box 8 FiberCity Benefits 1.Citywide implementation of fiber optic cable for broadband internet service, providing higher bandwidth and faster data transfer compared to the City’s current ISPs primary use of copper cable. 2.FiberCity provides up to10 gigabit service to residences and up to 100 gigabit service to businesses. 3.No cost to the City. All applicable costs the City incurs in supporting the delivery of FiberCity such as, but not limited to, plan check, inspection, permits, staff time, are reimbursed by SiFi during the project. 4.SiFi will contribute $150,000 per year towards the city employing a dedicated single point of contact to support the installation until the network is fully installed within the public ROW. 5.FiberCity offers an aid program that focuses specifically on supporting disadvantaged families by offering lower broadband internet rates. SiFi allows city staff to set the parameters for which households qualify. This is separate to the federal ACP program and any other local, state, or federal program. 9 FiberCity Costs 1.Significant impacts to the City’s infrastructure including proposed installation of fiber optic conduits within the majority of City roadways, utility chambers, cabinets, and two (2) aggregation shelters requiring 1,000 SF. 2.Conflicts with future City and utility agency infrastructure projects resulting in potential schedule delays and additional costs. 3.Due to the design/construction approval process, the implementation of FiberCity will require significant staff resources to review and approve public works permits and perform inspections in a timely manner. 4.FiberCity proposes an aggressive permit processing schedule. Based on current engineering staff resources, the proposed schedule may result in disruption to the City’s engineering services and operations. 5.Based on FiberCity’s Development Agreement, the term of the agreement is thirty (30) years. Upon the expiration or termination of the agreement SiFi is not obligated to remove any part of the FiberCity System. Any part of the System abandoned by SiFi will become the property of the City. The abandoned system is a potential liability and burden to the City. 10 City Outreach •Staff performed outreach to Cities that have implemented FiberCity including City of Placentia, Fullerton, Rancho Cordova, and Simi Valley. •General feedback from Cities was positive and city staff recommended to implement FiberCity. •Additional engineering staff needed to facilitate the design/construction process. •Extra effort needed to coordinate current/future CIP projects. •FiberCity was highly responsive to city requests. •FiberCity provided effective outreach and communication to the community. 11 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council discuss this item and provide direction to staff. 12