TC- Minutes- 03-03-2022Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING March 3, 2022 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:02 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Escobar INVOCATION: Commissioner Nguyen PRESENT: Commissioner Drange, Commissioner Escobar, Vice Chair Quintanilla and Chair Masuda ABSENT: Commissioner Nguyen STAFF PRESENT: Traffic Engineer Robbins, Director of Public Works Michael Chung, and Commission Liaison Daniel Nguyen 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Chair Masuda opened the public comment period. The City received a Public Comment via email from The Rios Family expressing traffic and speeding concerns along Muscatel Avenue and requested speed bumps to be added on Muscatel Avenue. The Rios Family also mentioned cars not stopping at the all -way stop on Muscatel Ave and Marshall Street and requested for larger Stop signs with lights. Chair Masuda closed the public comment period. 2. PRESENTATIONS Director of Public Works Chung stated the presentation for the City's Strategic Plan will be rescheduled for a future Traffic Commission meeting. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Masuda asked Traffic Commissioners if anyone would like to make revisions or additions to the minutes of February 3, 2022. Vice Chair Quintanilla made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Escobar, to accept consent calendar. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar No: None Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 3, 2022 Page 1 of 8 Abstain: None Absent: Nguyen 4. NEW BUSINESS A. TRAFFIC REVIEW OF LINE OF SIGHT FOR VEHICLES EXITING CUL-DE-SAC LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MUSCATEL AVENUE NORTH OF LAWRENCE AVENUE Traffic Engineer Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained that the resident requested the City to evaluate the installation of red curb to improve line of sight for vehicles exiting from the cul-de-sac located on the West Side of Muscatel Avenue North of Lawrence Avenue near the address of 4301 Muscatel Avenue. The resident reported having difficulty exiting the cul-de-sac onto Muscatel Avenue during peak school hours due to cars being parking up to the curb return on Muscatel Avenue. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions and a line -of -sight analysis for vehicles exiting onto Muscatel Avenue. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Robbins provided recommendations for the installation of 20' of red curb starting at the end of the curb returns on the west side of Muscatel Avenue on the north and south corners by the cul-de-sac in order to improve line of sight visibility. Chair Masuda opened the Public Comment period. The City received a Public Comment via email from Resident James Bui thanking staff for looking into this item and for the recommendation of red curb installation. The resident expressed that 20' of red curb is too much and would result in taking away four parking spaces on the street. The resident suggested the following: 12' or up to 15' of red curb, 20' of no parking within the school pick up and drop off time, or 20' of red curb allow and the property owners to park in the cul-de- sac. The City received a Public Comment via email from the Chen Residence expressing her concerns with the line of sight visibility when exiting the cul-de-sac. The resident requested to have the line of sight defined only to allow two cars parked in a row and away from their mailbox. The City received a Public Comment via email from Resident Yuen Yu Moy expressing how it is difficult to safely exit from his driveway and from the street parking along Muscatel Avenue due to the speeding. The resident suggested a stop sign to be installed on the southeast corner of Muscatel Avenue and Lawrence Avenue or to allow for the construction of a driveway on their property so they can exit through Lawrence Avenue. Chair Masuda closed the Public Comment period. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 3, 2022 Page 2 of 8 Chair Masuda commented that the reason there is no parking within the cul-de-sac is because it is a fire lane and there are signs posted at the entrance, exit, and sides of the curve. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if 20' is standard for red curb. Director of Public Works Chung asked Traffic Engineer Robbins to confirm if 20' is based on MUTCD Guidelines. Traffic Engineer Robbins responded that the recommendation of 20' was based on the California MUTCD Guidelines and also commented that 20' of red curb would only remove one vehicle parking space on each side. Commissioner Drange asked if the houses have driveways since they are not allowed to park in the street. Director of Public Works Chung responded that each house has a driveway. A resident who did not identify themselves attempted to make a Public Comment via Zoom, however, we were unable to receive the comment due to technical issues on the user's end, Chair Masuda commented he would like to hear the resident's comment regarding the agenda item before voting on a decision. Commissioner Liaison Nguyen asked the resident for their contact information, however, did not receive a response. Chair Masuda suggested to table the agenda item. Commissioner Drange asked if we could table the item for the end of the agenda and see if we could obtain the resident's information before adjourning. Chair Masuda agreed with the suggestion. Staff was not able to obtain contact information as the resident left Zoom and was no longer participating in the meeting. Commissioner Drange made a motion to accept staff recommendations as presented. Commissioner Drange made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Escobar, to accept Staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar No: None Abstain: None Absent: Nguyen Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 3, 2022 Page 3 of 8 B. TRAFFIC REVIEW FOR RED CURB REQUEST FOR 3247 JACKSON AVENUE Traffic Engineer Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained that City received a "General Curb Marking Request" from a resident to evaluate the installation of red curb on either side of the driveway at the address of 3247 Jackson Avenue. The resident requested for the City to install driveway red tipping. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions as well as an examination of guidelines within the CAMUTCD, CVC, and City of Rosemead's curb marking policy. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Robbins provided recommendations for the installation of red curb on either side of the driveway, often referred to as red tipping in front of the address of 3247 Jackson Avenue. The recommended 1 foot of red curb will not affect the parking that is allowed on Jackson Avenue. Chair Masuda opened the Public Comment period There were no Public Comments from the audience. Chair Masuda closed the Public Comment period. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked how common is the driveway red tipping in the City. Traffic Engineer Robbins responded there are quite a few, but mostly seen on the narrower streets. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if these requests are received on a conditional basis. Traffic Engineer Robbins responded if it looks like their driveway is narrow and meets the City of Rosemead curb marking policy and procedures. Director of Public Works Chung commented that parked cars were encroaching into their driveway and making it difficult for the homeowners to safely enter and exit. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if a resident presented a narrow driveway and a narrow street, would we approve their request for red curb also. Director of Public Works Chung replied that staff would evaluate the request and provide recommendations to the Traffic Commission for approval. Chair Masuda commented that the request would be received on a case by case basis. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 3, 2022 Page 4 of 8 Commissioner Escobar made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Drange, to accept Staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar No: None Abstain: None Absent: Nguyen C. LINE OF SIGHT REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND BARTLETT AVENUE Traffic Engineer Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained that the resident requested the City to evaluate the line of sight visibility and existing roadway conditions are the intersection of Bartlett Avenue (north of Mission Drive) and Mission Drive. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 5 -years of available collision data, and a line of sight analysis. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Robbins provided recommendations for the installation of approximately 35' of red curb on the north side of Mission Drive, east of Bartlett Avenue. Traffic Engineer Robbins mentioned during their review, it was noted that the tree located by the number one circle indicated on the proposed recommendations diagram needs should be trimmed. Chair Masuda opened the Public Comment period. The City received a Public Comment via email from Resident Paul Lee stating it is difficult for him to make a left turn on to Mission Drive from Bartlett Avenue due to parked cars blocking line of sight. The resident suggested adding red curb from the driveway of 8701 Mission Drive to Bartlett Avenue. The City received a Public Comment via email from Resident L. Trinh expressing safety concerns when turning on to Mission Drive from Bartlett Avenue on the south side of Mission Drive due to parked cars blocking line of sight. The City received a Public Comment via email from a Resident expressing safety concerns when turning on to Mission Drive from the Bartlett Avenue on the south side of Mission Drive due to parked cars blocking line of sight. The resident suggested extending the existing red curb at least two to three cars length. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 3, 2022 Page 5 of 8 The City received a Public Comment via email from Resident Donna stating it is difficult to see oncoming westbound traffic when turning on to Mission Drive from Bartlett Avenue due to cars parking too close to the corner at the northeast corner of Mission Drive and Bartlett Avenue. The City received a Public Comment from Resident Ryan C. expressing safety concerns when turning on to Mission Drive from Bartlett Avenue on the south side of Mission Drive due to parked cars blocking line of sight. The resident suggested extending the existing red curb. Chair Masuda closed the Public Comment period Commissioner Drange commented that several of the Public Comments received were regarding Bartlett Avenue on the south side of Mission Drive, which is not specific to the agenda item. Commissioner Drange asked if the residents would need to submit a request for the City to look into this side of the street or if the City would automatically look into it. Director of Public Works Chung responded the Traffic Commission could direct staff to look into it. Chair Masuda confirmed to have staff look into the request regarding extending the red curbing at the intersection of Mission Drive and Bartlett Avenue, on the south side of Mission Drive. Director of Public Works Chung asked Traffic Engineer Robbins if the existing red curb on the south side of Mission Drive meets the requirements of the stopping sight distance. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied that the red curb on the south side met the MUTCD guidelines. In order to extend the red curb, staff would need to do a traffic review similar to the other side. Commissioner Drange commented that since Mission Drive is diagonal, it would seem like additional red curb would be needed to get the same line of sight as a perpendicular road. Director of Public Works Chung agreed with Commissioner Drange that the angle of the road is what is compounding a lot of these line of sight issues. Director of Public Works Chung recommended to evaluate requests as they are received or to evaluate the entire roadway on Mission Drive. Director of Public Works Chung asked the Traffic Commission if they would like to have the evaluation of Mission Drive as a topic of discussion for a future meeting. Chair Masuda confirmed they would like to have staff first look into the south side of Bartlett Avenue and then we can bring back for discussion the option of evaluating the entire roadway on Mission Drive. Traffic Engineer Robbins commented that parking spaces will be removed as a result of line of sight analysis and is something the Traffic Commission would need to consider if evaluating the entire roadway on Mission Drive. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 3, 2022 Page 6 of 8 Director of Public Works Chung agreed with Traffic Engineer Robbin's comment regarding less parking spaces due to installing red curb. Resident Ken made a public comment expressing safety concerns when turning left onto Mission Drive from Bartlett Avenue on the south side of Mission Drive and that safety is more important than parking spaces. Chair Masuda asked the Commissioners if there are any questions or comments regarding the agenda item. Commissioner Escobar commented that it is evident based on the Public Comment received from Resident Donna that there is a line of sight issue for turning left onto Mission Drive coming from the north side of Bartlett Avenue and agrees with staff recommendation. Vice Chair Quintanilla commented why we would not also look into the parallel streets such as Dubonnet Avenue on the north side since it also has the same issue with the angle of the road. Director of Public Works Chung responded staff will take a look at the entire stretch and see if it is feasible. Chair Masuda commented it is good to be proactive but that not all streets along Mission Drive may have a line of sight issue. Vice Chair Quintanilla agreed with Chair Masuda and commented evaluating from Rosemead Boulevard up to at least Muscatel Avenue or even up to the City limit as the entire road is at an angle. Resident Ernesto Rios made a Public Comment asking if they will receive a letter or email notification regarding their non -agenda item submitted via email and when it will be addressed. Director of Public Works Chung confirmed the Public Comment was received and staff can follow up to provide more information and steps moving forward if the request warrants being brought to Traffic Commission. Commissioner Escobar made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Drange, to accept Staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar No: None Abstain: None Absent: Nguyen 5. STAFF REPORTS A. PROGRESS UPDATE ON CITY OF ROSEMEAD'S BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 3, 2022 Page 7 of 8 In the February 3, 2022, Traffic Commission meeting, the Traffic Commission directed staff to evaluate the existing City of Rosemead's Bicycle Transportation Plan that was prepared in 2012. Director of Public Works Chung explained that the plan is comprehensive with several good recommendations, however, some of the recommendations are general and open-ended. Staff has contacted the consultant to better define these recommendations. Director of Public Works Chung stated a detailed presentation will be prepared and presented in the next Traffic Commission meeting on April 7, 2022. The meeting will be held similar to a workshop for open discussion with the Commissioners to provide recommendation and direction. Chair Masuda asked if it would be something that is decided in that meeting. Director of Public Works Chung responded that the Traffic Commission would decide to either move forward with the recommendations or if new goals need to be added to the plan. Chair Masuda asked if we will be able to receive the plan before the next meeting. Director of Public Works Chung responded he can forward the presentation outlining the bike plan before the next meeting. 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Chair Masuda thanked the Public Works department for their work on the Walnut Grove Avenue Resurfacing project. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for April 7, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Michael Chung, P.E. Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of March 3, 2022 Page 8 of 8