TC - Item 3C - Traffic Review on Temple City Boulevard Between South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus DriveAP TRANSTECIi TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: October 6, 2022 SUBJECT: Traffic Review on Temple City Boulevard between South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a resident request to conduct a traffic review evaluate installation of speed humps along the segment of Temple City Boulevard between just South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive as shown in Figure 1. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate traffic calming measures along this segment of Temple City Boulevard. The traffic review included an analysis of existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 3 years of available collision data, average daily traffic (ADT) counts, a 24-hour Speed Survey, as well as an examination of the field conditions. Figure 1: Vicinity Map for Temple City Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive r ' �i >u. °�wa �_A��y�-,�a, .� �%'.h,��Yilfew4��3�. •t 7 6 vY $� i.. !` 9 � F i LEGEND =� Request Location: 0.5 Mile Segment of Temple City Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 12 Traffic Review on Temple City Boulevard between South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive Figure 2: Existing Conditions on Temple City Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive �rj s( •, 4wx-mo-.....,.(.. � �+ � _ _ 1 Y., -vex- _ o 1-41-.i IFcz)l Hb q v, .,I, LEGEND _ PEED RIGHT LANE Right Lane Must Turn LIMIT Speed Limit Ped Crossing (S1-1) Stop Sign (111-1) MUST 40 TURN RIGHT Right (R3-7) (112-1) LONNfRA1PL '�' J No Crossing (R9-3) I W�Weight Limit Sign �cus ANYTIMSTOPPING NO Parkin Or °Yu 310X3 1136a ANYTIME g Pxxxixn¢x ( ) nuE� "--� Stopping x Variations t Movement Restriction PARMNG 7._ NG I 4 Weight Limit Sign (RS -2) STOPPING Uar xxv (1161 Variation) rt fnGTON9 A Existing Traffic Signal Truck Route (R14-1) No U -Turns (R3-4) CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 12 Traffic Review on Temple City Boulevard between South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive PICTURE SUMMARY LOFTUS DRIVE LOOKING NORTH TOWARDS TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD LOOKING NORTH TOWARD GUESS STREET GUESS STREET LOOKING WEST TOWARDS TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD LOOKING NORTH TOWARDS MARSHALL STREET 1 lot a N tw, TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD LOOKING NORTH TOWARDS ELLIS LANE GUESS STREET LOOKING EAST TOWARDS TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 12 Traffic Review on Temple City Boulevard between South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive COLLISION INVESTIGATION A Collision History Analysis and investigation was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 3 -year period between August 2020 through August 2022 (available data at the time of traffic review). A review of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS within 50 feet of each intersection and midblock along Temple City Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive was conducted. Based on the Collision History Analysis and investigation, it was determined that there were 11 total collisions reported. A summary breakdown of the number of collisions within the studied segment are listed below and shown in Table 1 and depicted in Figure 3. 2022 - 4 collisions 2021- 4 collisions 2020 - 3 collisions Total Collisions -11 Table 1: Temple City Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 12 -H,, W+in ITT �M W. ro111E11-1 1 11 N, -, "I "V -- I .. .., m. ate, , a. IE 1-1 o w, TI .., m. w�,IT .. ,, o , T .D. III III „E.m. .,ten n, �_ aM,� w, DIII �m 0.ECITY . ..,-n ,6= „� .. , - 4 OTHER. -.-E w. ...T, I „m .1 A�LHHT , T,T...� NITT w. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 12 Traffic Review on Temple City Boulevard between South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive Hgure s: t.Oulslon ulagram, temp k'- 4� I ,iaM1 A a` o _{-1 LITy t3ouievara Trom bourm OT valley t3ouievara TO LOTms urive L i, Iii -�e� .,, i.� .i. •.�!"t'i ti34 IE i 7 To IL LEGEND ALLCOLLISIO CashType Non Ped En Bl ke LblII Ions/Craues #ofCrashes PED&BIKE-CashType #ofCrashes Fatality (Death) 0 Fatality (Death) 19 0 Severe Injury O 0 Severe Injury 0r♦ 0 Injury Other Visible 0 0 Injury -Other Visible 0 Injury - Complaintof Pain 0 5 Injury - Complaint of Pain 0 Property Damage Only 0 6 Property Damage Only 0 Total 11 Total 0 TOTAL CRASHES 1 11 E- VIETH MPITT— 'I— CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 12 Traffic Review on Temple City Boulevard between South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive carries more traffic and higher speed than would be safe for installation consideration. The Speed Hump criteria outlines that a street must have a posted speed limit of 25 mph or less and carry less than 3,000 vehicles per day. Temple City Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive has a posted speed of 40 mph with 20,100 vehicles per day. Instead, other traffic calming measures were recommended and determined to be a more appropriate improvement to address the resident concerns. TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES AND STRATEGIES Traffic calming is the process of reducing vehicle speeds using both passive devices, such as signs and striping, and physical devices such as changes in road elevation or path. As part of this study, traffic speeds, collisions, and traffic volumes were used to assess existing conditions along this segment. The type, design, and placement of traffic calming devices depend upon the road classification, desired traffic speed and types of traffic issues along Temple City Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive. The following is a list traffic calming measures that are recommended for this segment: 1) Larger Dimension Signs: Installation of larger dimensioned signage are recommended as treatments to increase the motorist's awareness and other Driver conditions by highlighting various areas of the roadway. All sign dimensions should comply with the dimensions specified in the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Table 213-1 Regulatory Sign and Plaque Sizes. The larger sizes are shown in the multi -lane column as 36"x36" for stop signs and 30"x36" for speed limits. Table 213-1. Regulatory Sign and Plague Sizes (Sheet 1 of 4) 2) Radar Feedback Signs: Radar feedback signs are an effective way to alert Drivers of their speed. The speed of each passing vehicle is taken and displayed next to the posted speed limit. 3) Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department deploys officers to perform enforcement on residential streets for at least an hour a day. After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment of Temple City Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive would benefit from additional traffic calming measures and signage installation. Please refer to Figure 4 for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 8 of 12 Conven onal Road ! Sign or Plaque Des iination Section Singlet Multi- Expressway Freeway Minimum Oversized Lane ! Lane ! Stop R1-1 26.05 30x30'! 36x36 1 38x36 — 30x30* 46x48 Speed Llmlt R2.1 28.13 24 x 30'! 30 x 35 ! 36 x 48 48 x e0 1 18X24' li 30 x 36 2) Radar Feedback Signs: Radar feedback signs are an effective way to alert Drivers of their speed. The speed of each passing vehicle is taken and displayed next to the posted speed limit. 3) Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department deploys officers to perform enforcement on residential streets for at least an hour a day. After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment of Temple City Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive would benefit from additional traffic calming measures and signage installation. Please refer to Figure 4 for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 8 of 12 Traffic Review on Temple City Boulevard between South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive Figure 4: Proposed Recommendations for the segment of Temple City Boulevard from South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive RJR!B ID INSTALL CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP PLAQUE BELOW THE EXISTING STOP SIGN. 1 Per Section 2C.59 CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP Plaque (W44P). The CROSS TRAFFIC CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP (W44P) plaque (see Figure 2C-9) may be used in combination with a DOES NOT STOP T STOP sign when engineering judgment indicates that conditions are present that are causing or could cause drivers to misinterpret the intersection as an all -way stop. W44P 44 INSTALL RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN MIDBLOCK ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD .,o NORTH OF LOFTUS DRIVE ABOVE EXISTING 40MPH SPEED SIGN ON EXISTING STREET 40 -�� LIGHT POLE FOR NORTHBOUND TRAVELING VEHICLES, PER CAMUTCD SECTION 26.13.19. 1 � s 7Taq r 5 _ OINSTALL SOLAR POWERED RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN WITH OVERSIZED (30X36) 40 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN (112-1) MIDBLOCK ON TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD SOUTH OF 401` f=-- ELLIS LANE FOR SOUTHBOUND TRAVELING VEHICLES, PER CAMUTCD SECTION 26.13.19. Marshall St osErALAD OREPAINT ALL EXISTING CROSSWALKS AT SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS WITHIN THE SEGMENT OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD FROM ELLIS LANE TO LOFTUS DRIVE. MARSHALL STREET AT TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AND LOFTUS DRIVE AT TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD. C `OPTIONAL: INSTALL NO LEFT TURN (R3-2)SIGN WITH 6AM-9AM AND PM -6 PM J MON-FRI PLAQUE. PER CAMUTCD SECTION 26.18. Local authorities, by ordinance, may prohibit the making of any turning movement by any vehicle at any intersection or between any designated intersections. Refer to CVC 22113. HAM 34FM I Fltl CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 9 of 12 Traffic Review on Temple City Boulevard between South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive Attachment 1: ADT Count: Average Daily Traffic Counts Prepared by NDSIATD Prepared by National Data 6 Surmon8 Services VOLUME Temple City Blvd S/O Guess St Day: Thursday CBy: Rosemead Date: 2/3/2022 Proiect8: CA22_020042_001 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 11 of 12 DAILY r 0 Fo,,00 AM • TOTAL Period . TOTAL 00:00• 45 20 0 0 65 12:OO 147 168 0 0 315 00:15 31 13 0 0 44 12:15 130 141 0 0 271 00:30 27 32 0 0 59 12:30 125 167 0 0 292 WAS 14 117 16 81 0 0 30 198 12A5 134 536 151 627 0 0 285 1163 01:00 19 11 0 0 30 13:00 135 143 0 0 278 01:15 I8 6 0 0 24 13:15 125 141 0 0 266 01:30 13 23 0 0 36 13:30 140 151 0 0 291 01:45 7 57 8 48 0 0 15 105 13A5 135 535 138 573 0 0 273 1108 02:00 8 8 0 0 16 14:00 155 137 0 0 292 02:15 7 21 0 0 28 14:15 152 146 0 0 298 02:30 7 7 0 0 14 14:30 153 163 0 0 316 02:45 6 28 7 43 0 0 13 71 14:45 167 627 132 578 0 0 299 1205 03:00 8 11 0 0 19 15,10 160 149 0 0 309 03:15 7 11 0 0 18 15:15 178 165 0 0 343 03:30 13 16 0 0 29 15:30 140 193 0 0 333 03,15 1 9 37 13 51 0 0 22 88 15AS 175 653 169 676 0 0 344 1329 0400 18 34 0 0 52 16:00 153 177 0 0 330 04:35 39 48 0 0 87 16:15 204 158 0 0 362 04:30 47 46 0 0 93 16:30 167 140 0 0 307 WAS 44 148 43 171 0 0 87 319 16:45 179 703 173 648 0 0 352 1351 05:00 30 48 0 0 78 17:00 161 189 0 0 350 05:15 53 44 0 0 97 17:15 242 218 0 0 460 05:30 57 80 0 0 137 17:30 203 178 0 0 381 05AS 86 226 62 234 0 0 148 460 17:45 200 806 203 788 0 0 403 1594 06:00 45 88 0 0 133 18:00 223 184 0 0 407 06:15 92 66 0 0 158 18:15 181 167 0 0 348 06:30 102 81 0 0 183 18:30 180 143 0 0 323 WAS 153 392 109 344 0 0 262 736 18:45 153 737 132 626 0 0 285 1363 07:00 122 120 0 0 242 19:00 148 110 0 0 258 07:15 173 125 0 0 298 19:15 130 110 0 0 240 07:30 221 154 0 0 375 19:30 107 91 0 0 198 07:45 1 235 751 168 567 0 0 403 1318 19:45 94 479 82 393 0 0 176 872 08:00 231 179 0 0 410 20:00 106 96 0 0 202 08:15 214 205 0 0 419 20:15 76 86 0 0 162 08:30 189 179 0 0 368 20:30 55 80 0 0 135 WAS 187 821 154 727 0 0 341 1538 20.45 80 317 64 326 0 0 144 643 09:00 172 150 0 0 322 21:00 69 95 0 0 164 09:15 135 134 0 0 269 21:15 91 78 0 0 169 09:30 169 145 0 0 314 21:30 91 65 0 0 156 WAS 128 604 126 555 0 0 254 1159 21:45 61 312 52 290 0 0 113 602 10:00 125 125 0 0 250 22:00 59 48 0 0 107 10:15 135 126 0 0 261 22:15 38 31 0 0 69 10:30 121 115 0 0 236 22:30 52 37 0 0 89 WAS 147 528 119 485 0 0 266 1013 22:45 57 206 40 156 0 0 97 362 11:00 176 181 0 0 357 23,10 46 31 0 0 77 11:15 152 125 0 0 277 23:15 50 29 0 0 79 11:30 154 146 0 0 300 23:30 46 24 0 0 70 1145137 619 135 587 0 0 272 1205 23:45 53 195 18 102 0 0 71 297 TOTALS 4328 3883 8211 TOTALS 1 6106 5783 11889 SPLIT% 52.7% 47.3% 1 40.9% SPLIT% 1 51.4% 48.6% 59.1% DAILY P •13 II AM Peak Hour 07:30 07A5 07:30 PM Peak Hour 17:15 1:00 17:15 AM Pk Volume 901 731 1607 PM Pk Volume 868 708 1651 Pk Hr Fader 0.959 0.891 0.959 Pk Hr Fmrm 0.097 0.904 0.897 7-9Volume 1572 1284 2856 4-6 Volume 1509 1436 2945 7-9 Peak Hour 07:30 07:45 07:30 4-6 Peak Hour 17:00 17:00 17:00 7-9 Pk Volume 901 731 1607 4-6 Pk Volume 806 788 1594 Pk Hr Fader 0.959 0.891 0.959 Pk Hr Factor 0.833 Vo. 0.9a6 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 11 of 12 Traffic Review on Temple City Boulevard between South of Valley Boulevard to Loftus Drive Attachment 2: ADT 24HR Speed Survey me SPEED Temple City Blvd S/O Guess St Dar. Thursday Date: 2/3/2022 Summary City: Rosemead Project#: CA22 020042_001 00:00 AM 0 0 2 8 23 56 61 32 11 5 0 0 0 198 01:00 0 0 0 6 14 26 30 17 9 3 0 0 0 105 02:00 0 0 0 3 8 23 19 14 4 0 0 0 0 71 03:00 0 0 0 3 7 21 30 17 9 0 1 0 0 88 04:00 1 0 6 9 38 77 83 68 23 10 3 1 0 319 05:00 0 1 4 19 53 112 127 77 50 14 2 1 0 460 06:00 0 5 8 36 84 182 210 124 62 22 2 1 0 736 07:00 2 6 17 52 165 355 357 248 85 29 2 0 0 1318 08:00 3 7 24 66 203 420 402 258 109 34 12 0 0 1538 09:00 5 5 2 47 149 314 326 189 83 27 6 1 0 1159 10:00 1 6 13 29 129 286 302 156 65 19 7 0 0 1013 11:00 3 13 18 52 169 309 338 199 70 28 7 0 0 1206 12:00 PM 3 5 20 38 156 340 312 191 71 21 6 0 0 1163 13:00 1 8 13 35 145 308 315 182 67 24 9 1 0 1108 14:00 2 5 22 53 157 323 350 181 82 24 6 0 0 1205 15:00 1 2 16 49 186 373 384 211 72 33 2 0 0 1329 16:00 4 5 19 56 207 384 368 196 81 23 6 2 0 1351 17:00 4 6 33 77 246 493 411 209 87 22 6 0 0 1594 18:00 7 3 20 56 194 413 375 190 73 22 9 1 0 1363 19:00 0 2 12 36 123 267 238 134 46 11 3 0 0 872 20:00 3 4 9 28 82 183 187 97 37 9 4 0 0 643 21:00 1 1 9 25 74 172 170 93 39 10 8 0 0 602 22:00 1 0 6 12 50 98 104 64 21 5 1 0 0 362 23:00 Totals 0 2 2 8 33 80 91 51 25 4 1 0 0 x97 10FT0011 42 c.1 86 0% no 1% $03 .1 �695 13% 5615 2o%r'2c%j 55" 3198 irs,j 6% AM Volumes 15 43 99 330 1062 2181±22.113999 580 191 42 4 0 8211 %AM 0%Ori 5% 11%% 3% 1% 0% m% AM Peak Haur W:00 ]100 O80J OBW OBW 08000 08:00 0800 08:00 M00 OBWVolume 5 13 24 56 203 420 109 36 12 1 1598 PM Volumes 27 43 181 a73 1653 34349 701 208 61 4 0 toad %PM 0% 0% lA 2% 8% l7%% 3% 1%59%PM Peak Mur 1800 13. 17M 17. 17. 17: t0017:0] ]5:00 13:00 1a. 17. Volume 7 a 33 77 246 4931 87 33 9 2 1594 Directional Peak Periods AM 7.9 WON 12.2 PM 46 Off Peak Volumes All Speeds Volume % Volume % Volume % Volume % 2856 1 14% 2271 1 11% 2945 15% 12028 1 60% 15th I 50th Average 85th 95th ADT Temple City BNtl I Summary 1 33 140 41 1 48 53 20100 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Tra nstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 12 of 12