CC - 1959 - 39 - Purchasing Rules and RegulationsRESOLUTION N0. 39
WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized and directed under
the provisions of the Municipal Code to adopt rules and regulations
for the administration of the purchasing system created in said
Code; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemead does
hereby adopt the following rules:
The objectives of these rules are to facilitate efficient and
economical administration of the purchasing function of the City.
The following terms, whever used in these rules, shall be
construed as follows:
SECTION 1. "Agency" and "Using Agency': Any department,
agency, co ss on, bureau or o er unit o he City government which
derives its support wholly or in part from the City.
SECTION 2: "Bidders' List": A current file of sources of
supply of articles for each category of commodities repetitively
purchased for City use.
SECTION 3. "Services": Any and all services including but
not limi~he following: the repair or maintenance of equip-
ment, machinery and other city-owned or operated property; and towel
and cleaning services. The term does not include services rendered by
City officers or employees nor professional and other contractual
services which are in their nature unique and not subject' to competi-
SECTION 4. "Lowest Responsible Bidder": In addition to
price, the "lowest responsi le bidder" will-be determined after the
follcwing factors have been considered:
(a) The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to
perform the contract or provide the service required;
(b) Whether the bidder has the facilities to perform
the contract or provide the service promptly, or within the
time limit specified, without delay or interference;
• •
(c) The character, integrity, reputation, judgment,
experience and efficiency of the bidder;
(d) The bidders' record of performance of previous con-
tracts or services;
(e) The previous and existing compliance by the bidder
with laws and ordinances relating to the contract or service;
(f) The sufficiency of the financial resources and
ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the
(g) The quality, availability and adaptability of the
supplies, equipment or services to the particular use re-
(h) The ability of the bidder to provide future main-
tenance and service for the use of the subject of the con-
(i) The number and scope of conditions attached to the
SECTION 5: "Responsible Bid": An offer, submitted by a
responsi. 1 eidder to iCurnish supplies, equipment or services in
conformity with the specifications, delivery terms and conditions
and other requirements included in the invitation for bids.
SECTION 6: "Responsible Bidder": A bidder who submits a
responsible E3d-and vTo ii -not only financially responsible, but is
possessed of the resources, judgment, skill, ability, capacity and
integrity requisite and necessary to perform the contract accord-
ing to its terms.
SECTION 7: "Purchases": Purchases of supplies, equipment
and personal propertys aJ.l include leases or rentals as well as
transactions by which the city acquires ownership.
SECTION 8: "Suppi.ies" and "Equipment": Any and all articles,
tb.ings or personal property furnished to or used by any agency.
While the need for occasional emergency purchases is recog-
nized, the practice must be curtailed as much as possible by
anticipating needs so that the normal purchasing procedure utiliz-
ing bidding may be used.
SECTION 1: Conditions. An emergency shall be deemed to
exist iy-..
(a) There is a great public calamity;
(b) There is immediate need to prepare for national
or local defense;
(c) There is a breakdown in machinery or an essential
service which requires the immediate purchase of supplies
or services to protect the public health, welfare or safety;
(d) An essential departmental operation affecting the
public health, welfare or safety would be greatly hampered
if the prescribed purchasing procedure would cause an undue
delay in procurement of the needed item or service.
SECTION 2. By the Purchasing Officer. In case of an emer-
gency w c requires immediate purchase o supplies, equipment or
service, the City Council may authorize the Purchasing Officer to
secure by open market procedure, as prescribed in the Municipal Code,
at the lowest obtainable price, any supplies, equipment or services
regardless of the amount of the expenditure.
(a) Recorded Explanation. A full report of the cir-
cumstances o a 1 emergency purchases in excess of $500 shall
be filed by the Purchasing Officer with the Council and shall
be entered in the minutes of the Council.
SECTION 3. By Heads of Departments. In case of an emergency
which reru__-e Tmmed.; equipment or services,
the head cf any usin' agency may, it to approval of the Purchasing
Officer pL:rc:har;e directly an suppliee, equipment or services in
the amount of X2,000 or less.
(a) Reco:,-C'.(-.C Expla.nat.'.or.. The head of such using agency
;hall, not~lace_~ an .l;.e n x~ regular business day thereafter,
submit to the Purchasing Officer a requisition, a tabulation
of bids received, if any, a copy of the ddi.very record, and a
full written report of the circumstances of the emergency.
The report shat.'. be filed with the Council as provided in sub-
section e.) abore.
The Purchasing 01'fic,r may issue pre-numbered order books to
,)rcperly authorized officials for '.a^e in securing over-the-counter
delivery of miscellaneous supplies when the need arises in the vicin-
ity of a source of supply. Such purchases shall be limited to amounts
not exceeding $100. All order books and all order blanks shall be
-n erly accounted for by the official to whom they have been issued.
The Furchasing Officer and every officer and employee of the
City are expressly prohibited from accepting, directly or indirectly,
from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase
order or contract is, or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money,
or anything of value whatsoever.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of August , 1959•
1TST :
SECTION 1: Article 6 is added to Chapter 5 of Part 1 of Divisi.c;;
2 of Title 5 of the Government Code, to read:
Purchases of Supplies and Equipment by Local Agencies
Sec. 54201. "Local agency." As used in this article, the term
"local agency" means every city, county, city and county, district, or
other local governmental body or corporation empowered to expend pub-
lic funds for the acquisition of property.
Sec. 54202. Policies and procedures to be adopted by local
aency: Prohibitions: Purchases of supplies and equipment to be in
accordance with adopted policies and applica e law. Every lbca
gency s a adop policies an procedures , including bidding regula-
tions, governing purchases of supplies and equipment by the local
agency. Purchases of supplies and equipment by the local agency shall
be in accordance with said duly adopted policies and in accordance
with all provisions of law governing same. No policy, procedure, or
regulation shall be adopted which is inconsistent or in conflict with
Sec. 54203. Same: Manner of adoption where local agency is
city, county, or city an county. I e oca agency is a city, a
county, or a city and county, he policies provided for in Section
54202 shall be adopted by ordinance in the manner provided by law or
by charter, as the case may be.
Sec. 54204. Same: Manner of adoption where local agency is
other than eity;c.ou_nty, or city and ccui~:ry. i° tthe local agency .s
osier :!:zan a city, c;;u:,ty, cr city _ county, the policies provided
for in Section 54202 shall be adopted by means of a written rule or
regulation, copies of which shall be avai.:table for public distribu-