CC - 1959 - 67 - Easter Superior Court DistrictNESOLLTI0N h0.0 RGSOI.LTIOin OF IRE CITY COUTNCIi, C2 YHE CITY CF ROS2i--1.4,D QUSSTING TRAA 3 vet 0 TUI CITY CF ROSetiiLAD PiUe TF+t, igOITNEAST :U T iS FAST SJPSttI 'd COURl' DISTUCT. . THE CITY GCLtiCIIa Oi% L:Trr. CITY OP •BOSE"_; 3U'?i xi 3UI-V 4 U~d a , WUREAS, the 3, r' r:f Super.,iQoxr, of loc An'-"- Cwxgn-~ has adopr.r:d Ordinastcp. No. :t526 dividinja thh .,r -f - Angel-s into tine Superior Court Districts purn.tant. to 'x.,.,ptt-r 1'171, California Statutes of 1959, and :.cE L AS, uudrr r!,e terms of raid - r ~inan, r r. tc entire territory within the ocun~lQries of th- City of Rose.*_-Ad eis b.«+. p laced within chi Northeaaf-. Lidtri: r, tr br oprvi( ed '-3y a S::peri^r .Court Lepartm!*nt luratea in the City if Pasadena, a-23 . WHERV92 the City •,f Rvsemvad lies entirely within the 91. Monte Judili4l Dimtrirt. qnd it wov.7:1 faril3tntn the t14ndlin& . of matterR b-:ine trar_- f,-:ri« = ir• zx the Muriaipel rr thr S senior Court: for tha a.; . i . ipal ~ta*r. Disrri. r, to lie within cb,,: Superior Court: Distri t rid 1Tt1;TtEAS, by reg4rrs rf the easier a~-r•eef, tr- the city of Pomona, which iy the =ear -)f the Ea4r 5:aperinr. Cr,ust J:ietsict., it wrnald he iiorF. -tzve.aienr f.Dr the , itizens nf Ku-r_~ v9 for 01- City of 3sse2N-!ed to Lie: ::itv-in t.'le E-3=t S. r,rrl'r uZf Distrie't, Jim;; THESEPOM9 dE IT RESOLYBO the City of RC,emsad rpq•.L~~ata the ,bard County of Las Angeles tv amenj-i.ts :Ir4ti imrh .,rh.r rrr.,, v• ,ray ' - ne- slif-y r, win?-i• rt,- r~ t >>;~-rt .r 1.r ,71-rrt r 'v^.rtI-, -r ~uppr; c ~.c: rw tir+t~i, t. that the City Counnil of of Scporvisnr4 of the Ztinra 'U.:. .$62.15 as to tak- t1a the _ir-j ^f R1:F r~tllv RESOLVED FURTHER that a rexciiied v py of this reaolut::i be forwarded to the Board of'SuperriAors sf Loa Angeles County aul that a copy thereof be forwarded to thF Pre!?idirg Jti3a) cf'the Superior CDaiLt of Lis Angeie4 County. PASSED AN) ADOPTED this 28th day of October.' 1959. MhYCR 0 O ATTEST: T t um