CC - Item 6A - Renaming of Public Safety Center DiscussionROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER <k DATE: OCTOBER 25, 2022 SUBJECT: RENAMING OF PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER DISCUSSION SUMMARY This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Mayor Pro Tem Ly. He would like to resume discussion on renaming the Public Safety Center to the Tim Murakami Public Safety Center. 1AX41;t1131100-11 At the May 26, 2020, City Council meeting, then Council Member Ly proposed to the City Council renaming the Public Safety Center to the Tim Murakami Public Safety Center. At this meeting, the City Council approved Administrative Policy 50-09 — Establishing Policy with Procedures for Naming and Remaining of City Facilities. During the discussion of renaming the Public Safety Center, a motion was made to activate Administrative Policy 50-09 and create a sub -committee, per Section I, comprised of then Mayor Pro Tem Low, Council Member Ly, and former City Manager Molleda. Since the approval of Administrative Policy 50-09 and the creation of the sub -committee, no further action has been taken or brought back to the City Council for consideration. Mayor Pro Tem Ly is requesting to resume discussion on renaming of the Public Safety Center. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council discuss and provide further direction to City staff STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT - None FISCAL IMPACT - None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. AGENDA ITEM 6.A City Council Meeting October 25, 2022 Page 2 of 2 Submitted by: Ericka Hernandez City Clerk Attachment A: Administrative Policy 50-09 Attachment B: Excerpt of City Council Meeting Minutes Dated May 26, 2022 Attachment A Administrative Policy 50-09 N � CITY OF ROSEMEAD Administrative Policy Manual Policy Number: 50-09 Date Established: May 26, 2020 Date Revised: ��, II �tt �'� City Council Approval: 4Vka- 7u!'w4ao�T °Ru��-- SUBJECT: ESTABLISHING POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR NAMING AND RENAMING OF CITY FACILITIES PURPOSE: TO ESTABLISH A PROCESS WITH CRITERIA'S FOR NAMING OR RENAMING OF CITY FACILITIES. GENERAL POLICY The Rosemead City Council shall have the final authority to name and rename City facilities by following the criteria outlined in the provisions. The Policy in general should be used to determine if a City facility name is an appropriate representation for the community. A request may be initiated by any City Council Member or City staff to rename an existing facility. PROVISIONS A. Care and sensitivity should be given to an existing facility name if the name contains historical relevance. B. A request to name or rename a City facility should be submitted in writing to the City Council for review, discussion, and consideration. The request shall include: A brief description of the request and proposed name; and A statement or summary of the basis for the proposed name such as background information or achievements. C. Consideration may be given to an individual or group that has made a significant contribution to the community and or had a long-standing affiliation with the City. D. Names that aid in the geographical location of a facility, historical event, and or reference to a period of time which reflects the City's ethnic and or cultural diversity. E. No City facility shall be named after an individual that has engaged in conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals. F. No City facility shall be named referencing political, religious, discriminatory or derogatory names. G. No City facility shall be named that may cause confusion due to duplication or similar to an existing City facility within the City or surrounding areas. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Policy 50-09 Contents of the Administrative Policy Manual H. No City facility shall be named while serving as an elected City Official of the City, City Commission, or City Committee. If no consensus is reached by the City Council on a name for a City facility, the City Council may create a subcommittee to review and provide recommendations. J. The subcommittee shall consist of two (2) Council Members, (1) City Commissioner, (1) city staff member (appointed by the City Manager), and the City Manager. Recommendations by the subcommittee shall be presented before the City Council at a regular open session meeting. All decisions with respect to the naming or renaming of a City facility will be at the sole discretion for the City Council, which shall determine whether a City facility should be named or renamed. Page 2 of 2 Attachment B Excerpt of Approved City Council Minutes Dated May 26, 2020 Agenda Item 7A & 7B Discussion to Saturday, June 61. Ms. Molleda shared that the city is talking to the School Districts on doing drive by parades for the High School seniors who graduated but were not able to have their regular ceremony due to the pandemic; noted Public Safety would be helping with traffic control; stated the Parks and Recreation Department is also working on lawn signs for the seniors to display at their homes. Mayor Armenta noted Senator Susan Rubio is partnering up with Baby -to -Baby, who will be donating diapers and baby wipes for 300 families at the Drive event. City Attorney Richman reported that we adopted an eviction moratorium ordinance for the months of March, April, and May, and gave residents 6 months to pay that back, which is up at the end of this month; stated the County notified City staff that their interpretation of our ordinance is once the City's eviction moratorium ends that the County's moratorium would kick -in; asserted that she will keep Council posted as she receives updates. 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Discussion on Draft Policy for Naming and Renaming City Facilities This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Mayor Pro Tem Polly Low. She would like to discuss a policy and process for naming and renaming City facilities. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide direction. Mayor Armenta opened the Public Comment period. Mayor Armenta read the Public Comment received via email from Barbara Murphy, noting it applied to both Agenda Items 7A and 7B. Dear Mayor and City Council. IMHO city facilities and parks should not be named after people. They should be named with a street identification. I doubt there are more than 5 people in Rosemead who know who Sally Tanner was, nor who Jay imperial was, nor who Tim Murakami is. The Safety Center could be named Garvey Safety Center or South Rosemead Safety center. The proposed Edison land park on Mission could be named Mission Wells Park, or Mission Walnut Grove Park or any combination of the 3 streets names. Naming a city edifice or park, other than a President of the USA, makes no sense. There being no further speakers, Mayor Armenta closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Pro Tem Low expressed she is not in favor of setting a precedence of naming a city facility after any particular person; explained many people have made significant contributions to the community and had a long-standing affiliation Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2020 Page 10 of 14 with the City; emphasized we need to focus on establishing a policy that is clear and a Council Member cannot suggest naming a facility after someone simply because they are friends. Council Member Clark suggested adding another Provision to the draft Administrative Policy No. 50-09 stating that "Naming a city facility after an individual should only be considered postmortem." Council Member Ly shared a quote former Council Member Jean Hall used to say, "flowers are for the living", meaning we want to honor people while they are still alive and can feel appreciated. Mayor Armenta noted she has attended ribbon cutting ceremonies in other cities for facilities named after individuals, and the pride that the individual and their families feel after receiving that tribute is beautiful to see. After further discussion, Council Member Clark withdrew her suggestion to add a postmortem provision to the Policy. Council Member Ly indicated support for the draft Policy as current or future Council Members and/or the subcommittee will have flexibility to change the Policy as they see fit at that time. Council Member Clark inquired if Agenda Item 7B could still be approved since it. was not taken to the subcommittee as stated in the Policy. City Attorney Richman clarified the City Council can approve the next agenda item as Provision I states only "If no consensus is reached by the City Council on a name for a City facility, then the City Council may create a subcommittee to review and provide recommendations." ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded Mayor Pro Tem Low to approve Administrative Policy No. 50-09 "Establishing Policy and Procedures for Naming and Renaming of City Facilities". Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None B. Renaming Public Safety Center Discussion This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Council Member Steven Ly. He would like to discuss renaming the Public Safety Center to the Tim Murakami Public Safety Center. Recommendation: That City Council discuss and provide direction Council Member Ly stated he believes the Public Safety Center should be renamed after Tim Murakami because he was our first-ever Chief of Police Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 26, 2 02 0 Page 11 of 14 and revolutionized the office; noted Mr. Murakami is a testament that you can work your way up as he did from Lieutenant to Captain and now, he is the Undersheriff, the number two in charge at the Sheriff's Station. His rise is a story that we can tell to inspire youth of the community that want to join law enforcement. Undersheriff Murakami continues to remember his roots in Rosemead and supports us as he attended the City's first-ever Responders Day even though he is a busy professional. Council Members Clark and Dang concurred and indicated support to rename the Public Safety Center after Tim Murakami. Mayor Pro Tem Low echoed her earlier sentiment that she is not in favor of naming a city facility after any person; duly noted that this has nothing to do with Tim Murakami as she agrees that he has done a lot for the city, however I have to stick with my gut. Council Member Ly stated since there is no urgency on this item, he proposed forming the subcommittee and invited Mayor Pro Tem Low to join him in reviewing this request; noted if there is a way we can bring Mayor Pro Tem Low to a consensus that we can all live with then I say we push this item until it is brought back to Council when the remodeling at the Public Safety Center is started. Mayor Pro Tem Low accepted Council Member Ly's invitation to serve on the subcommittee with an open mind. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded Mayor Pro Tem Low to form a subcommittee comprised of Mayor Pro Tem Low, Council Member Ly and City staff appointed by the City Manager, to review the request to rename the Public Safety Center to the Tim Murakami Public Safety Center. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None . C. Small Lot Division Discussion This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Council Member Sean Dang. He would like to discuss small lot division matters. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide direction. Council Member Dang presented a PowerPoint, explaining a small lot division is a type of development in areas zoned for multi -family that constructs free-standing townhome style single-family homes on lots that are smaller than conventional single-family lots; indicated this will create new homeownership opportunities; noted there is no homeowner's association since the ordinance does not allow for common foundation or walls between these units, which provides a cost savings, Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of May 26, 2020 Page 72 of 14