RFP 2022-28 - Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services RFP CITY OF ROSEMEAD REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE HANDLING SERVICES SUBMITTALS: Three (3) bound copies of the proposal, and one (1) electronic PDF file of the proposal and one (1) Microsoft Excel file with Form K: Service Rates Cost File on flash drive in sealed envelope(s) must be received by the City of Rosemead's City Clerk's Office by: no later than January 12, 2023 at 10:30 am or Electronic proposal submittal through the City of Rosemead Vendor Portal hosted by PlanetBids at: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home Proposals submitted through PlanetBids Vendor Portal shall be Submitted no later than January 12, 2023 at 10:30 am CONTACT PERSON: Danielle Garcia, Fiscal and Project Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 (626) 569-2127, dgarcia@cityofrosemead.org PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THE TIME AND DATE STATED ABOVE SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED. FACSIMILE AND E-MAIL PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please direct any questions or concerns regarding this Request for Proposal (RFP) to Danielle Garcia, via email: dgarcia@cityofrosemead.org or on the City’s PlanetBids Vendor Portal no later than Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 2:00 pm. Answers to submitted questions will be posted on the City's website and PlanetBids. This RFP is posted on the City's website and Vendor Portal Hosted by PlanetBids at: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home Please review the requirements of the RFP and submit your proposal by the date specified. Issued by: Danielle Garcia, Fiscal and Project Manager City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 1 of 72 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services City of Rosemead, California SECTION A: RFP INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................... 2 NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS PASS/FAIL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST SECTION B: SOLICITATION INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 11 INTRODUCTION TO RFP DOCUMENTS BACKGROUND INFORMATION SECTION C: PROPOSED SERVICES ....................................................................................................... 18 SECTION D: RESPONSE FORMAT .......................................................................................................... 32 SECTION E: SELECTION CRITERIA ........................................................................................................ 43 SECTION F: FORMS .................................................................................................................................. 48 FORM A: COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL FORM B: PROPOSER’S STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION FORM C: CERTIFICATION OF NON-GRATUITIES FORM D: CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS FORM E: VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS FORM F: NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PROPOSER FORM G: SERVICE RECIPIENT RATE PROPOSAL SUMMARY AND SIGNATURE FORM H: PASS/FAIL REQUIREMENTS FORM I: NOTICE TO PROPOSERS REGARDING CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS FORM J: REFERENCES FORM K: SERVICE RATES ATTACHMENT 1 FORM K (EXCEL DOCUMENT) ATTACHMENT 2 DRAFT INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE HANDLING SERVICES AGREEMENT (to be provided at the Mandatory Pre-Proposal Video Conference, and also made available via an addendum to this RFP) City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 2 of 72 SECTION A RFP Information & Proposal Instructions City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 3 of 72 PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services City of Rosemead, California 1. RFP RELEASE 1.1. This RFP is being issued by the City of Rosemead (City). The City is soliciting proposals from entities (Proposer(s)) with demonstrated experience and qualifications in providing Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services such as those required in this RFP. 1.2. The RFP will be available beginning November 17, 2022, on the City website at: https://www.cityofrosemead.org/government/city_departments/city_clerk/bids_an d_rfps or on the PlanetBid System™, at the following URL: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home. All proposal documents related to this solicitation will be posted by the City on PlanetBid System™, as indicated above. In the event the RFP document is obtained through any means other than the City’s website, the City will not be responsible for the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the RFP document. It is the Proposer’s responsibility to ensure that the most complete and current version of the RFP document has been downloaded or otherwise obtained, including any addenda. 1.3. Before submitting a response, each Proposer shall make all investigations and examinations necessary to ascertain all conditions and requirements affecting the full performance of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement and to verify any representations made by the City. If the Proposer receives an award because of its proposal submission, failure to have made such investigations and examinations will in no way relieve the firm from its obligation to comply in every detail with all provisions and requirements of Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, nor will ignorance of such conditions and requirements be accepted as a basis or justification for any claim whatsoever by the firm for additional compensation. 1.4. Proposers are also required to review the documents listed below. These additional documents can be found on the City website at: https://www.cityofrosemead.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=10035075&pageId=19079480 or on the PlanetBid System™, at the following URL: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home.  Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement (to be provided at the Mandatory Pre-Proposal Video Conference, and also made available via an addendum to this RFP).  The current agreement between the City of Rosemead and Republic Services for Comprehensive Refuse Services, including amendments 1 and 2.  Current customer rate sheets.  Street Transit Shelters map.  The current agreement between the City of Rosemead and Athens Services for Street Sweeping Services.  Street Sweeping maps. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 4 of 72 2. MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL VIDEO CONFERENCE. 2.1. A MANDATORY pre-proposal videoconference is scheduled to be held on December 5, 2022, beginning at 2:00 p.m. PT via the video conference application, Zoom, hosted by the City. The Proposer must complete and submit Form A, located in Section F of this RFP, three (3) business days prior to the Mandatory Pre-Proposal Video Conference. An invitation code for this MANDATORY pre-proposal video conference will be sent to the Proposer after the Proposer has submitted Form A of this RFP to the City. Attendance by a representative of each Proposer at the MANDATORY pre-proposal video conference is a requirement to be responsive to this RFP. No proposals will be accepted from Proposers that do not attend the MANDATORY pre-proposal video conference. 2.2. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in this proceeding should contact Danielle Garcia, Fiscal and Project Manager at (626) 569-2127 at least 48 hours prior to any meetings. Proposers should be aware that the City’s intent is for Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services to begin on August 1, 2023. Proposers are encouraged to carefully review the instructions for the Rate Proposal Forms in Section F of this RFP document before completing the Rate Proposal Forms (Attachment 1). 3. SUBMITTING PROPOSALS 3.1. The response must include all forms provided or information requested or required by the scope of work or specifications. Responses must be clearly marked “Proposal for Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services” and include a reproducible digital copy of the complete proposal. Proposals must be received no later than 10:30 a.m. PT on January 12, 2023. The City of Rosemead's City Clerk's Office will receive three (3) bound copies of the proposal, and one (1) electronic PDF file of the proposal and one (1) Microsoft Excel file with Form K: Service Rates Cost File on flash drive in sealed envelope(s), or electronically on the City’s chosen e-procurement website, at https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home. Hardcopy proposals shall be addressed to: City of Rosemead – City Hall City Clerk’s Office 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk 3.2. The specific service requirements of the City’s requested services are contained within the definitions and body of the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, which will be provided at the Mandatory Pre-Proposal Video Conference, and also made available via an addendum to this RFP. Prospective Proposers are encouraged to examine the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement in its entirety to ensure an understanding of the services being requested herein. For the purposes of this RFP, in the event of any conflicting information, the definitions and terms contained in the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement apply. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 5 of 72 3.3. Proposer may provide Proposal Service Alternatives and Agreement Exceptions for the City to consider. Refer to Section D.2.6 (Proposal Service Alternatives and Agreement Exceptions) for additional detail regarding submitting alternatives and exceptions to this RFP. Additional costs associated with each Proposal Service Alternative or Agreement Exception is to be separately accounted for using the forms provided in Section F. 3.4. Proposals/corrections received after the closing time will not be accepted. The City will not be responsible for proposals not properly or timely, delivered. Upon award, all submissions become a matter of public record. 4. QUESTIONS 4.1. Any questions regarding submissions, process, or proposals must be submitted electronically via the City of Rosemead’s chosen e-procurement website at https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home or to Danielle Garcia at dgarcia@cityofrosemead.org. All questions must be submitted in writing and received no later than 2:00 p.m. PT on December 15, 2022. 5. ADDENDA 5.1. The City will not accept responsibility for incomplete packages or missing addenda. It is the vendor’s responsibility to monitor the City website or PlanetBid System™, for release of the addenda prior to submission of the quote to make certain the package is complete, and all required addenda are included. This information will be available via https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home. Vendors are cautioned against relying on verbal information in the preparation of proposal responses. All official information and guidance will be provided as part of this solicitation or written addenda. Addenda, if issued by the City, will be transmitted via the City website or PlanetBid System™, Addenda must be digitally acknowledged through PlanetBid System™ or a printed and signed version must be submitted with a hardcopy proposal. If addenda are not digitally acknowledged via PlanetBid System or signed and submitted with a hardcopy proposal response, the proposal may be deemed non-responsive and rejected. 6. AWARDS 6.1. The City reserves the right to waive any informality in any proposal. 6.2. The City may conduct interviews of qualifying Contractors to make a final selection. The successful Contractor will be recommended to the City Council for authorization to enter into an agreement for Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services with the City of Rosemead. The contract award, if any, will be made to the Contractor who, in the City’s sole discretion, is best able to perform the required services in a manner most beneficial to the City. 6.3. This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract, or to pay any amount incurred in the preparation of the proposal. The City reserves the right to accept or reject all proposals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with any qualified Contractor, or to cancel this RFP in part or in its entirety. The City may require the selected Contractor to participate in negotiations and to submit such technical, price, or other revisions of the proposal as may result from negotiations. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 6 of 72 The City reserves the right to extend the time allotted for the proposal, and to request a best and final offer, should it be in its best interest to do so. 6.4. The proposal may be awarded in its entirety as proposed; however, the City reserves the right to award elements of the work, independently, and to do portions “in-house”. Additionally, the City reserves the right to award subsequent work on this project based on information presented in this proposal, without recourse to a separate or subsequent RFP process, should it be in its best interest to do so. 6.5. It is required that each proposer responds to all components of this RFP. Where detailed specifications and/or standards are provided the City considers them to be material and may accept or reject deviations. The list of proposals submitted will be posted on PlanetBid System™, normally within 24 hours. 7. BONDS. 7.1. Proposers are required to submit a separate proposal bond or cashier’s check in the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) to guarantee the Proposer’s obligation to negotiate in good faith and execute an Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement with the City of Rosemead at rates stated and will furnish a performance bond and other required information. The bonding company must be listed on Treasury Circular 570 and licensed to operate in the state of California. If the Proposer fails, refuses, or neglects to furnish the required performance bond and information, the City may retain the deposit or cash the certified check or enforce the proposal bond as compensation for liquidated damages for the Proposer’s breach. 7.2. Likewise, a Performance Bond will be required of the successful Contractor in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) (cash deposit, certified or cashier's check or money order may be substituted in lieu of either bond) within ten (10) days of award. 7.3. Original Bond or Cashier’s Check MUST be received AT CITY HALL, Attn: Danielle Garcia, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770 and marked with the words “PROPOSAL BOND FOR” and the proposal number, NO LATER THAN the proposal due date and time, for the vendor to be considered responsive. 7.4. Proposal bonds guaranteeing proposals rejected by the City of Rosemead shall become null and void and will not be returned. All other proposal securities will be held in accordance with PCC, Section 20929 “…the security of an unsuccessful bidder shall be returned in a reasonable period of time, but in no event shall that security be held by the agency or district beyond 60 days from the time the award is made.” If the City receives a check as a proposal bond, the City will immediately deposit the check upon opening proposals. After the proposals are opened, checked, and duly considered, the City will issue a reimbursement check if the proposal is not awarded. 8. BRAND NAMES, ALTERNATIVES, OR EQUIVALENTS 8.1. The use of the name of a manufacturer, or any specific brand or make, in describing any item contained in the solicitation document does not restrict vendors to the manufacturer or specific article, this means it is being used simply to indicate a quality and utility of the article desired; but the goods on which City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 7 of 72 bids/quotes/proposals are submitted must in all cases be equal in quality and utility to those referred to. This exception applies solely to the material items in question and does not supersede any other specifications or requirements cited. Materials differing from stated specifications may be considered, provided such differences are clearly noted and described, and provided further that such articles are considered by a City official to be in all essential respects in compliance with the specifications. 9. PREPARATION 9.1. All proposals and required forms must be organized in accordance with the proposal content (Section D, Table 6). All proposals will go through an initial “Pass/Fail” review to check for completeness and compliance with the proposal requirements. A Pass/Fail Submission Checklist has been provided at the end of this section. These documents must be submitted to comprise a complete proposal. 10. REJECTION 10.1. The City’s intent is to provide Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services in the most effective and economical manner and therefore it will make the provider selection based on which Proposer best fulfills the requirements and provides the best value to the City and its residents and businesses. 10.2. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality in any proposal. The City may reject the proposal of any vendor who has previously failed to perform properly, or complete on time, contracts of a similar nature, or to reject the proposal of a vendor who is not able to perform such a contract satisfactorily. The City may reject the proposal of any vendor who is in default of the payment of taxes, licenses, or other monies due to the City of Rosemead. Submitted proposal may be withdrawn at any time prior to the submission time specified in this RFP, provided notification is received in writing before the submittal deadline. Proposals cannot be changed or withdrawn after the submittal deadline. No handwritten notations or correction will be allowed. The responding Contractor is solely responsible for all costs related to the preparation of the proposal. 10.3. Any or all proposals will be rejected if there is reason to believe that collusion existed among the Proposers. Proposals received from participants in such collusion will not be considered for the same work when and if re-advertised. 11. TERM AND PRICING ADJUSTMENT 11.1. The Contract entered into pursuant to this RFP is for a minimum of ten (10) year term and a maximum of fifteen (15) year term. City will not accept automatic extensions or evergreen terms. 11.2. Proposer shall honor proposal prices and terms for One-Hundred and Eighty Days (180 days). City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 8 of 72 12. SUBCONTRACTORS. 12.1. For all projects, the vendor must list any subcontractors/subconsultants that will be used, the work to be performed by them, and total number of hours or percentage of time they will spend on the project. Each Proposer must submit with their proposal the following:  The full name of each subcontracting firm as required by Government Code, Sec. 4201, typed or legibly printed.  The address of each firm.  The telephone number at the place of business.  Work to be performed by each subcontracting firm.  Total approximate dollar amount of each subcontract.  If sub-contractor is participating as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), the following additional information is required on the "Designation of Subcontractors" form enclosed: o Status as a DBE, age of the firm and the annual gross receipts.  Submit the "Designation of Subcontractors" form enclosed herewith. No Contract shall be considered unless such list is submitted as required. 13. PROCUREMENT SCHEDULE 13.1. The City plans to adhere to the following procurement schedule to the extent possible. Changes to the procurement schedule shall be at the sole option of the City. Table 1, on the following page provides the major milestones of this RFP process. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 9 of 72 TABLE 1 – Procurement Schedule Activity Date RFP Released November 17, 2022 Mandatory Pre-Proposal Video Conference December 5, 2022 at 2:00 pm Last Day to Submit Questions December 15, 2022 at 2:00 pm Proposals Due January 12, 2023 at 10:30 am Interview Qualified Proposers February 16, 2023 Present Evaluations Results to City Council March 28, 2023 Finalize New Agreement for City Council Approval April 10, 2023 City Council Award of Agreement May 9, 2023 Hauler Transition May through July 2023 Start Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services August 1, 2023 14. PROCUREMENT GOALS / SUMMARY OF INTENT. The goals of this procurement process are to: 14.1. Comply with solid waste legislation including Applicable Law; 14.2. Comply with all changes in Applicable Law; 14.3. Comply with other State laws that have been adopted since January 2022, when the prior agreement was last amended; 14.4. Enhance food waste collection in compliance with AB 1826 and SB 1383; 14.5. Anticipate and flexibly accommodate future statutory changes; 14.6. Maintain a high level of customer service for the least possible and reasonable cost; 14.7. Provide an opportunity for stakeholder input regarding new or additional solid waste services desired from the collection provider, including residential and commercial customers (Service Recipients); 14.8. Minimize service disruption through a smooth transition period, if an Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement is negotiated with a new provider; 14.9. Use new technologies and/or methodologies to reduce the City’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions/climate change; and 14.10. Retain all other provisions of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 10 of 72 The City’s intent with the services provided as part of this RFP is to continue to provide the community with the appropriate level of service, at the highest quality, and at the best price. The specifications contained within this RFP are designed to establish an effective, efficient, environmentally clean, uniform, and safe system of collection. To this end, the City has tried to provide as much information as possible to all prospective Proposers in this RFP to allow them to properly prepare their responses and compute fair and reasonable compensation and rate quotes. However, it is the sole responsibility of the Proposer to calculate the rates quoted in the applicable set of Rate Proposal Forms provided in Attachment 1 of this RFP document. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 11 of 72 PASS/FAIL SUBMISSION CHECKLIST PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services City of Rosemead, California In addition to the items requested for the proposal the following documents are required to be completed and submitted by the Proposer. The following documents must be provided by ALL Proposers in reproducible digital copy via hardcopy submittal package or PlanetBids at: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home (See Section D):  Response File o Proposal Cover Letter (signed) o Proposal Bond (1 original, notarized copy only) or cashier’s check o Performance Bond Commitment Letter o Addendum(s) (digitally acknowledged on PlanetBids at: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home or signed and included in hardcopy submittal package Response File) o Table of Contents o Executive Summary o Qualifications o Statement of Financial Qualifications o Technical Proposal o Service Exceptions/Alternatives (if applicable) o Appendix (if applicable)  Forms (See Section F) o Form A: Communication Protocol o Form B: Proposer’s Statement of Organization o Form C: Certification of Non-Gratuities o Form D: Container Specifications o Form E: Vehicle Specifications o Form F: Non-Collusion Affidavit of Proposer o Form G: Service Recipient Rate Proposal Summary and Signature o Form H: Pass/Fail Requirements o Form I: Notice to Proposers Regarding Contractual Requirements o Form J: References  Form K: Service Rates Cost File (to be submitted separately from Response File in Microsoft Excel - Proposed Customer Rate Form (Form K) – Attachment 1) The following documents must be provided by the AWARDEE ONLY (With Agreement) and delivered to City Hall, Attn: Danielle Garcia, Public Works Department  Collection Service Agreement for Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services  Insurance Required by Contract  W-9 Form  Performance Bond Required by Contract City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 12 of 72 SECTION B Solicitation Information City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 13 of 72 BACKGROUND INFORMATION PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services City of Rosemead, California 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this section of the RFP documents is to familiarize prospective Proposers with the City and its current and proposed solid waste services. Any term that is capitalized in this section is specifically defined in the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, and the meaning of such term is solely as defined therein. Each Proposer is encouraged to fully review the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement upon its release and identify in its proposal any exceptions it proposes. A copy of the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement will be provided at the Mandatory Pre-Proposal Video Conference and also made available via an addendum to this RFP. 2. GEOGRAPHY AND DEMOGRAPHICS The City of Rosemead is an urban suburb located in the San Gabriel Valley, 10 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. It is bound on the north by the cities of Temple City and San Gabriel, and on the west by Monterey Park, Alhambra, and the unincorporated Los Angeles County community of South San Gabriel. It is bound on the south by Montebello, and by El Monte and South El Monte on the east. The City is 5.5 square miles (2,344-acres) in size. According to the 2020 Census, the City had a population of 51,185. 3. COLLECTION SYSTEM DATA The information regarding the current collection system is being provided to give prospective Proposers a general understanding of the current collection system. 4. CURRENT INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE HANDLING SERVICES Republic Services currently provides residential and commercial solid waste management services to the City through an Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement that will expire on July 31, 2023. Athens Services provides Street Sweeping Services under a separate agreement. No other haulers are licensed to provide any Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services within the City. The following is a summary of current services. 4.1. Residential Cart Collection Service Programs SFD Service Recipients currently receive a wheeled Cart for Garbage, Recyclable Material and Organic Waste, based on volumetric need. The details of current services for SFD Service Recipients are as follows:  Weekly curbside collection of Garbage (96-Gallon Black or Grey Carts standard, 64- and 32- Gallon Carts available and provided at a discounted rate for certain qualifying accounts (e.g., seniors, people with disabilities);  Weekly curbside collection of Recyclable Material in a Blue 96-gallon cart; City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 14 of 72  Weekly curbside collection of Organics in a Green 96-gallon cart;  Up to five on-call Bulky Waste Collection per year; up to 5 items per Collection;  Curbside Battery Collection;  E-waste accepted at the semi-annual shredding events; and  Holiday Tree Collection. 4.2. Multi-Family Collection Service Programs  MFD Service Recipients currently receive a 1.5, 2, 3, 4 or 6 yard bin or wheeled Cart for Garbage service. A Recyclable Material and Organic Waste cart may be provided based on Applicable Law;  Up to four on-call Bulky Waste Collection per year; up to 4 items per Collection. 4.3. Commercial Collection Service Programs  Commercial Service Recipients currently receive wheeled Carts or Bins for Garbage, Organic Waste and Recyclable Material, based on volumetric need. Commercial Collection Service is provided to Service Recipients on an at least weekly basis, up to six (6) times per week. 4.4. SB 1383 Related Services  Site Visits and assessments;  Route reviews and container inspections;  Reporting assistance;  Customer compliance enforcement and outreach records maintenance;  Edible Food Recovery: o Develop list of Tier 1 & 2 Commercial Edible Food Generators on annual basis.  Conduct inspections to assess compliance  Provide program information to generators. 4.5. Debris Box And Roll-Off Collection Services Currently, temporary debris box and roll-off services are provided to Service Recipients on an as-needed basis. 4.6. City Facilities Services  Weekly Garbage, Recycling, and Organic Waste collection from City designated facilities; and  Street Can Collection Services from bus shelters three times per week. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 15 of 72 4.7. Good Corporate Citizenship / Value-Added Services The City currently benefits from the following value-added services, at no additional charge, provided by Republic Services.  Collection for City Sponsored Events, including but not limited to: o 4th of July Event in July (minimum service level includes two 40-yd Roll-offs for Garbage; twelve 3-yd Bins, four each of for Garbage, Recyclables, and Organic Waste; and lids & trash liners) o Moon Festival Event in September (minimum service level includes three 40-yd Roll-offs for Garbage; twelve 3-yd Bins, four each of Garbage, Recyclables, and Organic Waste; and lids & trash liners); and o Fall Fiesta Event in October (minimum service level includes one 20-yd Roll-off for Garbage; eight 3-yd Bins, 3 for Garbage, 3 for Recyclables, and 2 for Organic Waste; and lids & trash liners).  Concerts in the Park Title sponsor commitment annually.  Unlimited and high diversion bulky item and street litter abatement program.  Semi-annual community paper shred days.  Compost giveaways to community and schools upon request.  Residential recycling rewards program.  Public education and outreach provided through quarterly newsletters, semi- annual billing inserts, commercial and multi-family recycling workshops, and technical assistance as requested.  Disaster cleanup response.  Scholarship program offered annually to Rosemead residents that are college bound high school seniors.  Community quality of life cleanup events.  Development Reviews.  Multilingual customer service and outreach materials in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese. 4.8. Street Sweeping Services Currently, Athens Services provides Street Sweeping Services for the City. The City is divided into street sweeping zones and Athens performs street sweeping on both sides of the street on the same day within a 4-hour period for each zone. A copy of the current street sweeping map is provided as Attachment 3. 4.9. Other Services Household Hazardous Waste collection events are provided by Los Angeles County Department of Public Works for free and are open to all residents of Los Angeles County for household waste. Household Hazardous Waste is any product labeled toxic, poisonous, corrosive, flammable, combustible or irritant that is disposed. In addition to toxic household products. E-waste comprised of computer monitors, televisions and stereos are also accepted. Collection events prevent materials hazardous to soil and ground water from entering landfills. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 16 of 72 5. SERVICE RATES Service Recipients are billed by the Contractor quarterly based on container size and the frequency of collection. See additional documents found on https://www.cityofrosemead.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=10035075&pageId=19079480 for current service rates. 6. SERVICE DATA Table 2, on the following pages, includes Service Recipient data reported by the Contractor as of 2022. Please note, the Contractor did not report any compactors being serviced in the City and information regarding the number of roll-off containers that are being serviced was not provided. Table 3 includes the reported tonnage data from the Contractor in 2019, 2020 and 2021. The City does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided in Table 2 or Table 3, on the following pages. The City neither warrants nor accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein. It is the responsibility of the Proposer, at its sole cost, to conduct its own investigation and research and to independently verify all material facts and information necessary for it to submit a response to this RFP. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 17 of 72 Table 2 - Current Service Recipient Data as of November 2022 Number of Residential Cart Service Recipients Garbage 32-Gallon 64-Gallon 96-Gallon Accounts with 1 container 0 13 11,881 Accounts with 2 containers 0 0 87 Accounts with 3 containers 0 0 18 Accounts with 4 containers 0 0 8 Accounts with 5 containers 0 0 3 Accounts with 6 containers 0 0 2 Accounts with 9 containers 0 0 1 Accounts with 169 containers 0 0 1 Recyclable Materials 32-Gallon 64-Gallon 96-Gallon Accounts with 1 container 5 10,687 26 Accounts with 2 containers 1 105 0 Accounts with 3 containers 0 8 0 Accounts with 5 containers 0 2 0 Accounts with 6 containers 0 1 0 Organic / Green Waste 32-Gallon 64-Gallon 96-Gallon Accounts with 1 container 7555 23 2,907 Accounts with 2 containers 25 1 169 Accounts with 3 containers 1 0 32 Accounts with 4 containers 0 0 8 Accounts with 5 containers 1 1 5 Accounts with 6 containers 0 0 3 Accounts with 7 containers 0 0 1 Accounts with 8 containers 1 0 0 Number of Commercial Service Recipients Garbage Carts 1/Week 2/Week 3/Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 32-Gal 1 0 0 0 0 0 64-Gal 1 0 0 0 0 0 96-Gal 28 0 0 0 0 0 Recyclable Materials Carts 1/Week 2/Week 3/Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 32-Gallon 2 0 0 0 0 0 64-Gallon 1 0 0 0 0 0 96-Gallon 16 0 0 0 0 0 City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 18 of 72 Table 2 - Current Service Recipient Data as of November 2022 Number of Commercial Service Recipients (continued) Yard Waste Carts 1/Week 2/Week 3/Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 64-Gallon 8 0 96-Gallon 10 0 Organic Waste Carts 1/Week 2/Week 3/Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 64-Gallon 96 5 96-Gallon 1 0 Garbage Bins 1/Week 2/Week 3/Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 1.5 CY 128 6 0 0 0 0 2 CY 15 0 0 0 0 0 3 CY 289 163 70 22 38 31 4 CY 16 13 15 6 2 9 6 CY 3 3 3 2 1 1 Recyclable Materials Bins 1/Week 2/Week 3/Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 1 CY 2 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 CY 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 CY 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 CY 32 13 13 3 2 0 4 CY 0 0 0 0 1 0 Organic Waste Bins 1/Week 2/Week 3/Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 1 CY 8 1 1.5 CY 7 3 2 CY 14 26 Number of City Designated Facilities Garbage 1/Week 2/Week 3/Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 3 CY 23 0 0 0 0 0 Recyclable Materials 1/Week 2/Week 3/Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 3 CY 2 0 0 0 0 0 Organic Waste 1/Week 2/Week 3/Week 4/Week 5/Week 6/Week 64-Gallon 3 0 0 0 0 0 City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 19 of 72 Table 3 - Tonnage Data 2019 2020 2021 Single-Family Dwelling Total Tonnage 21,429.18 24,389.35 25,244.16 Garbage 12,113.24 12,045.59 13,817.99 Recycling 3,914.45 5,310.11 4,339.97 Organic / Green Waste / Food Waste 4,520.38 5,298.36 4,613.47 Residual 881.11 1,735.29 2,472.73 Multi-Family Dwelling Total Tonnage 2,451.13 1,967.91 1,951.94 Garbage 2,307.07 1,794.04 1,809.64 Recycling 68.13 89.91 84.49 Organic / Green Waste / Food Waste 48.44 41.43 16.14 Residual 27.48 42.54 41.66 Commercial (Includes City Tonnage) Total Tonnage 15,199.51 12,203.09 12,104.02 Garbage 14,306.20 11,124.91 11,221.65 Recycling 422.50 557.51 523.95 Organic / Green Waste / Food Waste 300.39 256.88 100.11 Residual 170.42 263.79 258.31 Roll off/Debris Box Total Tonnage 4,655.13 3,637.72 4,238.38 Garbage 4,307.48 3,606.45 4,154.29 Recycling 253.66 11.05 54.38 Organic / Green Waste / Food Waste 9.81 16.76 21.68 Residual 84.18 3.46 8.03 City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 20 of 72 SECTION C Proposed Services City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 21 of 72 PROPOSED SERVICES PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services City of Rosemead, California Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services included in this procurement process are to be provided in the incorporated City limits of Rosemead (“City Service Area”). Following City Council approval, Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services will start on August 1, 2023, and will terminate with a minimum ten (10) years or a maximum of fifteen (15) years. City will not accept automatic extensions or evergreen terms. The City is proposing that the following Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services be provided within the City Service Area. Proposers should note that the City is very interested in providing these services with minimum disruption to residents and businesses. Therefore, as part of the Operations Plan requested in Section D, 2.4 of this RFP, proposers will be required to discuss the methodology they will use to minimize the impact of any operational changes that may occur. Proposers should also note that the City is interested in providing these services in the most sustainable manner possible, such as, but not limited to, providing the following:  State-of-the-art processing facilities that always meet or exceed all federal, state, and local permitting requirements;  Incorporating education and outreach programs to further the City’s diversion requirements and goals;  Educating Service Recipients on the benefits of diversion program participation; and  Reducing air emissions and wear-and-tear on City streets and Environmental Stewardship including the use of local vendors and innovative “green” approaches to providing services. Therefore, as part of the Diversion Plan requested in Section D, 2.4 of this RFP, Proposers will be required to discuss the methodology they will use to provide sustainability programs associated with providing requested services. 1. OVERVIEW OF BASE SERVICES All Service Recipients in the City shall receive Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, which includes a minimum collection of at least weekly Garbage, Source Separated Recyclable Material and Source Separated Organic Waste. By default, Source Separated Organic Waste Collection Service is required to include a mix of Green Waste and Food Waste for all Service Recipients. The selected Contractor will be required to collect all source separated Recyclable Materials and Organic Waste and process for diversion from landfill in a manner that guarantees diversion credit under the requirements of Applicable Law. Contractor will be required to not use source separated Organic Waste as Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) at a landfill. Source Separated Recyclable Materials accepted as part of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services includes cans (aluminum and tin), glass bottles, newspaper, mixed paper, cardboard, and plastics. All Service Recipients in the City shall be serviced using the designated sizes of Carts and Bins, as well as 10 to 40 cubic yard Roll-off Containers for permanent Roll-off Service Recipients. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 22 of 72 2. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING (SFD) COLLECTION SERVICES 2.1. SFD Bundled Service - The City wishes to retain a weekly SFD Solid Waste Collection Service system, using one (1) 96-Gallon Black or Grey Garbage Cart (with the option to downsize to a 32-Gallon or 64-Gallon Garbage Cart), one (1) 96-Gallon Blue Recycling Cart, and one (1) Green 96-Gallon Organic Waste Cart as part of the base SFD Solid Waste Collection Service. On-premises collection must be made available to eligible participants (physically unable to move carts). 2.2. SFD Garbage Collection Service - The City wishes to retain a weekly, automated SFD Garbage Collection Service program consisting of Black or Grey Garbage Carts in 32-, 64-, and 96-Gallon sizes. Proposers are required to provide pricing for the 32-, 64-, and 96-Gallon Garbage Carts requested by SFD Service Recipients. 2.3. SFD Recycling Collection Service - The City wishes to retain a weekly, automated SFD Recycling Collection Service program, using 96-Gallon Recycling Carts. One (1) 96-Gallon Blue Recycling Cart will be provided to each Service Recipient as part of the base service to SFD Service Recipients. SFD Service Recipients may request additional Recycling carts at no additional cost. The cost for the base SFD Recycling Collection Service is to be included in the SFD base Service Rates. 2.4. SFD Organic Waste Collection Service - The City wishes to include a weekly, automated SFD Organic Waste Collection Service of Green Waste and Food Waste, using 96-Gallon Green Carts. One (1) 96-Gallon Organic Waste Cart will be provided to each Service Recipient as part of the base service to SFD Service Recipients. SFD Service Recipients may request additional Organic Waste carts for no additional cost. Holiday Tree Collection is to be included as part of the curbside Organic Waste Collection Services program, starting December 26 through the second Friday in January of each year. The cost for the base SFD Organic Waste Service is to be included in the SFD base Service Rates. 2.5. SFD Large Item Collection Service - The City is requesting to provide Large Item Collection Services to SFD Service Recipients. This service includes the on-call collection of a combination of five (5) Large Items (such as furniture, carpets, mattresses, wood or yard trimmings, discarded household goods, etc.), or up to ten (10) 32-gallon bags, up to five (5) times per year for SFD Service Recipients at no additional charge, at the request of the SFD Service Recipient. Bulky Waste Collection Services are to be provided within two (2) business days of the request. The cost for Bulky Waste Collection Service is to be included in the SFD base Service Rates. 2.6. Additional Services  Holiday Tree Collection – Annually, the Contractor shall collect all holiday trees from December 26 through the second Friday in January.  Home Compost Bins – The Contractor shall store, promote and distribute up to 500 home compost bins per year to City residents.  Kitchen Food Waste Pails – Contractor shall provide kitchen food waste pails to all residential customers or offer an alternative solution to facilitate the transfer of food from the kitchen to the organics collection cart. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 23 of 72  Sharps Collection – Upon request, Contractor shall provide one postage-paid mail-back home generated sharps container annually at no additional cost to City residents.  Extended Producer Responsibility City-wide Collection – Contractor to promote and offer collection drives twice annually to collect and divert electronic waste (E-waste), textiles, carpet and mattresses.  Backyard/Off-Street Collection – The Contractor may charge customers for this service. This service includes a discount program for qualifying seniors or customers with disabilities with no additional charge to comply with ADA or similar state law.  Curbside E-Waste Collection- Contractor shall provide free curbside household batteries and e-waste collection services.  Universal Waste and Household Hazardous Waste – In the event that the services provided by the County are discontinued, the Contractor shall negotiate in good faith with the City to include these services as part of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services. 3. MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING (MFD) COLLECTION SERVICES MFD Collection Services will be considered as part of the Residential Collection Service. The City wishes to have MFD Collection Service continue to be provided to Service Recipients in Carts and Bins. 3.1. MFD Bundled Service - The City wishes to have a weekly MFD Solid Waste Collection Service system, using Carts and/or Bins as requested by the MFD Service Recipient. The base MFD Solid Waste Collection Service will include at no additional cost one (1) 96-gallon Blue Recycling Cart per Service Recipient, and one (1) 32-Gallon Green Organic Waste Cart. The actual configuration of Recycling and Organic Waste Cart and/or Bin sizes shall be based on the total equivalent volume and configured in a manner determined by the Service Recipient in consultation with the Contractor. MFD Service recipients may request additional carts and/or bins or increase their collection frequency for an additional cost. 3.2. MFD Garbage Collection Service - MFD Garbage Collection Service collection system shall use variable size Black or Grey Carts (32-, 64-, and 96-Gallon) and Bins (1-6 cubic yard bins). Proposers must provide pricing for all container sizes listed here and in Form K. 3.3. MFD Recycling Collection Service - The City wishes to expand the current MFD Recycling Collection Service program for all MFD Service Recipients in the Service Area by using variable-size Carts and Bins. One (1) 96-gallon Recycling cart will be provided to MFD Service Recipients as part of the base service to MFD Service Recipients. Additional MFD Recycling Collection Service may be provided for an additional cost in variable size Recycling Carts and/or Recycling Bins, with the volume, collection frequency and container type based on the individual needs of the MFD complex. The Contractor will be required to furnish the necessary number and size of Bins and Carts to accommodate the MFD Recycling Collection Services. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 24 of 72 3.4. MFD Organic Waste Collection Service - The Contractor will provide MFD Organic Waste Collection Service to all MFD Service Recipients in the Service Area, consistent with State requirements of AB 1826 and SB 1383. MFD Organic Waste Collection Service is required to include Green Waste and Food Waste in this program. Each MFD Service Recipient will receive one (1) 32-Gallon Green Organic Waste Cart as part of the base service. Additional MFD Organic Waste Collection Service may be provided in variable size Carts and/or Bins, with the volume, collection frequency and container type based on the individual needs of the MFD complex. The Contractor will be required to furnish the necessary number and size of Bins and Carts to accommodate the MFD Organic Waste Collection Services. The cost for additional MFD Organic Waste Service is to be separately accounted for in the MFD Service Rates. This service is to be arranged by the property manager of the MFD complex. The City is interested in proposals that can provide solutions for providing MFD Organic Collection Service in mixed-use complexes (MFD and Commercial Service Recipients that have limited space for collection Carts or Bins, and/or Bin enclosures). The use of split Carts and/or split Bins is acceptable. Holiday Tree Collection is to be included as part of the curbside Organic Waste Collection Services program, starting December 26 through the second Friday in January of each year. 3.5. MFD Large Item Collection Service - The City is requesting that the selected Contractor provide Bulky Waste Services to MFD Service Recipients. This service includes the on-call collection of a combination of six (6) Large Items (such as furniture, carpets, mattresses, wood or yard trimmings, discarded household goods, etc.), or up to ten (10) 32-gallon bags, up to five (5) times per year for each Dwelling Unit in a MFD Service Recipient complex, to be arranged with the property manager. Bulky Waste Collection Services are to be provided within two (2) days of the request. The cost for Bulky Waste Collection Service will be “bundled” into the MFD Collection Rates proposed on Form K. 4. COMMERCIAL COLLECTION SERVICES 4.1. MXD (Mixed-Use Dwellings) Collection Services - MXD (Mixed-Use Dwellings) Collection Services will be considered as part of the Commercial Collection Service. 4.2. Commercial Bundled Service - The City wishes to retain a weekly Commercial Solid Waste Collection Service system, using Carts and/or Bins as requested by the Commercial Service Recipient, and including at no additional cost the equivalent volume of Garbage and Recycling Collection Service, with a minimum of at least one (1) 96-gallon Blue Recycling Cart per Service Recipient, and one (1) 32-Gallon Green Organic Waste Cart as part of the base Commercial Collection Service. The actual configuration of Recycling and Organic Waste Cart and/or Bin sizes shall be based on the total equivalent volume and configured in a manner determined by the Service Recipient in consultation with the Contractor. Proposers are required to provide pricing for collection of the base services and for any additional services that may be requested by the Commercial Service Recipient. 4.3. Commercial Garbage Collection Service - The City wishes to use variable size Garbage Carts (64-and 96-Gallon) and Garbage Bins (1-6 cubic yard bins). City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 25 of 72 Proposers must provide pricing for all container sizes listed here and in Form K. 4.4. Commercial Recycling Collection Service - The City wishes to provide single-stream Commercial Recycling Collection Service program, using variable size Recycling Carts and Recycling Bins, to all Commercial Service Recipients in the Service Area, consistent with the State requirements of AB 341 and SB 1383. Each Commercial Service Recipient will receive one (1) 96-gallon recycling carts at no additional cost as part of the base service (the actual configuration of Carts and/or Bins may be determined between the Contractor and the Service Recipient; up to two (2) smaller size Carts may be provided if necessary to meet space constraints). Additional Commercial Recycling Collection Service may be provided in variable-size Carts and/or Bins, with the volume, collection frequency and container type to be based on the individual needs of the Commercial Service Recipient or Commercial complex. The Contractor will be required to furnish the necessary number and size of Recycling Bins and Recycling Carts to accommodate the Commercial Recycling Collection Services. The cost for additional Commercial Recycling Collection Service is to be separately accounted for in the Commercial Service Rates. 4.5. Commercial Organic Waste Collection Service - The City wishes to provide Organic Waste Collection Service to all Commercial Service Recipients in the City Service Area, including Food Waste, consistent with State requirements of AB 1826 and SB 1383. Commercial Organic Waste Collection Service is required to include both Green Waste and Food Waste. Each Commercial Service Recipient will receive the equivalent volume of one (1) Green 32-Gallon Organic Waste Cart at no additional cost as part of the base service (the actual configuration of Carts and/or Bins may be determined between the Contractor and the Service Recipient; up to two (2) smaller size Carts may be provided if necessary to meet space constraints). Additional Commercial Organic Waste Collection Service may be provided in variable-size Organic Waste Carts and/or Organic Waste Bins, with the volume, collection frequency and container type to be based on the individual needs of the Commercial Service Recipient or Commercial complex. Large generators of Green Waste may also subscribe to collection of Green Waste only (in addition to the required base service). This service is to be arranged by the Commercial Service Recipient or the property manager of the Commercial complex, as appropriate. The cost for additional Commercial Green Waste or Organic Waste Services is to be separately accounted for in the Commercial Service Rates. 5. CITY SERVICES 5.1. Collection from City Service Recipients - The Contractor will provide collection services to all City Facilities, at no cost to the City. These services include the collection of Garbage, Recyclable Material and Organic Waste from City Facilities. This service also includes collection of City-generated Bulky Waste from City facilities. Frequency of service will be determined by location need. A list of current locations and service levels will be provided in the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement. The Contractor will provide Solid Waste Collection Services for City-Supported Events, at no cost to the City, upon request. 5.2. Collection from City Transit Shelters - The Contractor will provide Garbage collection services to public trash cans and City-owned bus stops not less than City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 26 of 72 three (3) days per week, at no cost to the City. This service will also include minimally annual power washing public trash cans and maintaining cleanliness in and around the trash cans. A list of current locations will be provided in the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement. 6. STREET SWEEPING SERVICES 6.1. Contractor must provide a proposal to include Street Sweeping Services. City staff has performed a preliminary evaluation of the City’s current street sweeping schedule and is requesting that Proposers include cost proposals for the following options for providing the City’s street sweeping services.  Option 1 – Perform street sweeping during different time periods on the same day. Option 1 revises the City’s street sweeping schedule to perform sweeping on each side of the street, during separate time periods on the same day. For example, streets currently swept on both sides on Monday between 8AM – 12PM will be revised to one side of the street swept on Monday between 8AM – 12PM, and the other side of the street swept on the same Monday between 12PM – 4PM. Option 1 includes: o Updating existing “No Parking” signs by applying stickers to revise the time periods. o Alternating sides of the street swept with the least amount of impact to current sweeping operations and schedule.  Option 2 – Perform street sweeping during the same time period on different days. Option 2 revises the City’s street sweeping schedule to perform sweeping on each side of the street during the same time period on different days. For example, streets currently swept on both sides on Monday between 8AM – 12PM will be revised to one side of the street swept on Monday between 8AM – 12PM and the other side of the street swept on Tuesday between 8AM – 12PM. Option 2 includes: o Potential increase in street sweeper drive time and associated costs. o Updating existing “No Parking” signs by applying stickers to revise the time periods. o Requiring rerouting street sweeping throughout the entire City and results in the most significant impact to the current sweeping schedule.  Option 3 – Maintain current street sweeping schedule. No changes or impacts to the current street sweeping schedule. 6.2. Residential and Commercial Street Sweeping Service is to begin after 7:00 a.m. and before 7:00 p.m. The streets for Street Sweeping Service are to be designated by the City. 6.3. The City is interested in using sweepers equipped with clean air engines, that operate quietly, and are equipped such that they will sweep rocks, glass, and other debris effectively form public roads, including shoulders and bike paths. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 27 of 72 7. GOOD CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP / VALUE-ADDED SERVICES 7.1. Contractor may provide additional good corporate citizenship / value-added services for the City to consider. Refer to Section D.2.6 (Proposal Service Alternatives and Agreement Exceptions) for additional detail regarding submitting alternatives and exceptions to this RFP. Additional costs associated with each good corporate citizenship / value-added service is to be separately accounted for using the forms provided in Section F. 8. EDUCATION AND OUTREACH 8.1. Contractor must provide an on-going and effective Education and Outreach Program, provided to all Service Recipients in the City to assist the City in meeting its diversion requirements and goals. The Education and Outreach Program may involve the development of education and outreach materials, staffing at City-Supported Events, a City-specific website that fully explains the Contractor’s services and rates, effectively promotes the diversion options offered to Service Recipients, and allows Service Recipients to submit service changes, inquiries, complaints or queries, as well as other social media platforms, and other strategies. The Proposer must include specific details of the proposed Education and Outreach Program, how the program will be managed, and how effectiveness of the program will be measured on an ongoing basis. These indicators are to be incorporated into the on-going reports provided to the City, and the City reserves its right to re-direct Contractor’s efforts or require additional Contractor efforts if the Education and Outreach Program is not showing measurable and tangible results as proposed. Education and Outreach Program responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, the following:  Recycling and organic waste program implementation, including conducting on-site waste audits and providing written summary reports for all Service Recipients at least once per year for the first three (3) years of the term. Thereafter, on-site waste audits will be conducted for a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of Commercial Service Recipients, with the primary focus on those Service Recipients with the lowest program participation or diversion. The results of the waste audits and on-going AB 341, AB 1826, and SB 1383 compliance reports will be provided to the City;  Educate City staff and Service Recipients as appropriate, regarding Applicable Law, and other State legislation;  Develop and distribute public education and outreach material to Service Recipients;  Advise appropriate personnel (management, employees, janitors, etc.) at MFD and Commercial Service Recipients on methods and recommendations to increase recycling and decrease landfilling (i.e., how to maximize diversion and provide educational materials, posters, labels, etc.);  Inform and educate Service Recipients on the full range of all services being offered, including Cart and Bin exchange and cleaning, Clean-Up Day annual City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 28 of 72 events, and Bulky Waste Collection, and availability of Kitchen Food Waste Pails/Containers;  Advise Service Recipients on the selection of collection services and container sizes to maximize diversion, and the potential cost control if a Service Recipient takes recommended actions to increase diversion;  Educate Service Recipients, especially MFD and Commercial Service Recipients, on how to participate in Recycling and Organic Waste diversion programs, and decrease or eliminate contamination; and  Educate and train staff and custodians on best practices for recycling, waste reduction and availability and use of in-house recycling containers. Upon award of Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, the Contractor will meet with key City staff on a monthly basis to review, at a minimum, program performance, current and anticipated activities, specific outreach performed to promote high participation in diversion programs, ability for Service Recipients to change service levels, awareness of and participation in Bulky Waste Collection, methods to monitor contamination, Service Recipient service messaging on diversion programs. Starting in July 2024, at the City’s option, the frequency of meetings may be reduced. The Contractor may use subcontractors to perform some or all the duties normally assigned to outreach staff. The City will approve any such subcontractors in advance. The City will approve the specific program activities associated with the Education and Outreach Program, and the selected Contractor’s Education and Outreach Plan will be included as an Exhibit to the final executed Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. 9. COLLECTION CONTAINERS 9.1. Contractor must provide Collection Containers that are compliant with SB 1383. Contractor must distribute new carts and newly painted bins at the start of the Agreement. Each container must be in a color distinctive to each use and all containers for the same use shall be colored the same. Each container shall be marked with an adhesive label or imprinted with its intended usage in letters and pictures. The label shall specify what materials are allowed to be placed in each container. Labels must represent acceptable versus unacceptable items in written or graphic form. The following colors shall be used for collection container lids: Garbage (black or grey); Recyclable Materials (blue); Organic Waste (green); Contractor-owned Compactor Bins (color appropriate to content as previously designated). Contractor must provide Carts ranging in size, including 32-, 64-, and 96-gallons. The Contractor must also provide Bins ranging in size from 1- to 6-cubic yard capacity for collection from MFD Service Recipients, Commercial Service Recipients, and City facilities, except for Organic Waste Bins which shall be provided in sizes ranging from 1- to 2-cubic yard capacity. The cost for this service is to be bundled in the Collection Service rates and not charged as a separate cost to the Service Recipient. Proposer’s Cart and Bin specifications will be included in the final Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. The City may inspect the condition of the Carts and Bins and may require immediate replacement of Carts or Bins if they are determined by the City not to be in good working order or visually acceptable appearance. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 29 of 72 The City anticipates that during the term of the proposed Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, Carts will need to be repaired and/or replaced with new Carts. Accordingly, all new Carts will have heavy duty wheels, attached hinged lids, and be designed to be resistant to inadvertent tipping due to high winds. All new or replacement Carts must be compatible with automated collection and similar to the existing Carts. The City will approve the specific colors of the Carts (blue for Recyclable Material, green for Organic Waste, and black or grey for Garbage) and Cart design (square, rectangular, tall, short). The lids and bases on all Carts must have matching colors or as approved by SB 1383. All new or replacement Carts will be manufactured with a minimum twenty percent (20%) recycled material content and come with a ten (10) year warranty against defects. The City strongly encourages new and replacement Carts to be made of materials with a higher recycled content than twenty percent (20%). The City also requires that all new or replacement Carts be hot-stamped, embossed, or labeled/decaled with “Disposal Company”, a unique identification number, and images of the type of materials to be collected (i.e., Garbage, Organic Waste, Recyclable Material). All Carts shall also contain instructions for proper usage. If any of the above is accomplished via labels or decals, such labels or decals must be maintained and/or replaced as necessary throughout the term to maintain a near new appearance. The Carts shall contain all writing in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish languages. Throughout the term of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, at no cost to Service Recipients, Contractor must replace or repair Carts or Bins if replacement or repair is due to wear from normal use, or damage caused by the Contractor. In addition, Service Recipients may request a Cart or Bin exchange for each commodity type twice during the term of the Agreement at no cost to the Service Recipient. However, if the Cart or Bin is damaged by Service Recipient, Contractor may charge for the repair or replacement. Replacement or repair of a Bin or Cart is to be done by the next regularly scheduled collection day after verbal or written notice by the City, a Service Recipient, or as observed by Contractor’s staff. At a minimum, the City will assess liquidated damages for Carts or Bins not in good working order or visually deficient, Contractor not replacing or repairing Carts or Bins as required by the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, Contractor not promptly removing graffiti from Carts or Bins, or for Carts or Bins not properly labeled. 10. COLLECTION VEHICLES 10.1. Upon commencement of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement and throughout the term of the agreement, the Contractor must provide collection vehicles that comply with federal, state, regional and local clean air and safety standards. Contractor shall transition all of its residential and commercial Collection vehicles to renewable natural gas (RNG) by December 31, 2025. The specific type of fuel to be used is to be proposed by the Proposers. Proposers also must demonstrate how their collection vehicles will comply with California Air Resource Board standards. The City encourages the use of collection vehicles that exceed the minimum standards, including the use of CNG/LNG/Electric powered vehicles. Additionally, if during the term of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, new technologies are available such as hybrid or electric powered collection vehicles, the City or the Contractor may City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 30 of 72 request/negotiate implementation of such new collection vehicles, with a corresponding change on Service Rates to reflect additional cost or savings. The City is also concerned with additional wear to the City’s streets from collection vehicles. The City is interested in collection methods and collection vehicles that minimize wear on the City’s streets. Proposers must specify the gross operating weight of the collection vehicles, the methods to monitor, report and eliminate overweight collection vehicles from operating within the City. The City will assess liquidated damages for vehicles that exceed local, state or federal maximum loaded vehicle weights, collection vehicles not meeting the required performance standards, or leaking fuel, oil, coolant, or hydraulic fluids on the public or private streets and parking lots located within the City. Proposers are required to provide a description of how their collection vehicles and collection methods will minimize wear on the City’s streets. All collection vehicles will be equipped with GPS tracking devices that can be used to record start and stop times, vehicle locations, and maximum speed. All collection vehicles must meet federal, state, and local maximum noise standards, and be repainted at least once every five (5) years, or as reasonably determined by the Agreement Administrator to maintain a positive public image. In addition, vehicles that will be used on a temporary basis (during regular vehicle maintenance or repair) must meet all the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement specifications if they are used more than forty-five (45) days per year. Additional details on specific vehicle requirements can be found in the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement. 11. COLLECTION HOURS AND DAYS 11.1. SFD collection hours shall be between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. MFD collection hours shall be between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Commercial and City collection hours shall be between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Commercial collection adjacent to SFD/MFD/MXD shall be between 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturday 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. The City may also require restricted collection hours in areas impacted by commute traffic, road repair, around schools, in areas where commercial collection is within six hundred (600) feet of residential housing, or where continued noise complaints about collection vehicles have occurred. 12. DISPOSAL AND PROCESSING FACILITIES 12.1. Proposers must submit Proposals offering disposal and processing facilities that are fully permitted and have secured adequate capacity for the City’s collected Garbage, Recyclable Material and Organic Waste for the term of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. Proposers may additionally include facilities that are planned or in process of getting permitted provided they can show the status of the permitting process, and the expected date of operation.  The name, owner and type of the facilities to be used for disposal, transfer, Recyclable Material and Organic Waste processing and their location and distance from the center of City; City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 31 of 72  The name and owner of the facility(ies) to be used for vehicle and equipment parking, storage and maintenance, and their location and distance from the center of City;  The name and owner of the facility to be used for customer service, and its location and distance from the center of City;  Recovery rates for the disposal facility, Recyclable Material and the Organic Waste processing facilities, net of residual.  Operating limitations of the Recyclable Material Processing Facilities (i.e., contamination/residual, material types accepted, hours, etc.). Include single-use disposable container types that will and will not be recycled as diversion;  Operating limitations of the Organic Waste Processing Facilities (i.e., contamination/residual, material types accepted, hours, etc.). Include single-use disposable container types that will and will not be composted or otherwise processed as organic waste diversion;  How Recyclable Materials and Organic Waste will be marketed and sold, contingencies for changes in markets, and the average dollar/ton received for the sale of Recyclable Material and for processed organic waste (compost);  The permitted capacity of each facility where materials will be disposed of or processed, and the ability to accommodate the City’s operations over the term. Processing facilities must have appropriate permits from all applicable regulatory entities (including but not limited to CalRecycle and the Local Enforcement Agency) in place at all times.  Any unbuilt/proposed processing facilities that are anticipated to be used during the term of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. This must include name, location, type of materials accepted for processing, permit status, expected start-up date. Please note that Proposer’s reliance only on future processing facilities will be grounds for disqualification. Any proposed use of future facilities must be accompanied by an alternative if future facility or capacity does not materialize as anticipated. 13. DIVERSION STANDARDS 13.1. The Contractor will be responsible for diverting from disposal at least fifty (50%) of all materials the Contractor collects from all services under the provisions of the Agreement, starting August 1, 2023, measured annually. The Proposer must also provide their methodology for assisting the City in achieving the State’s seventy-five percent (75%) diversion goal. 14. DISPLACED EMPLOYEES 14.1. The City requires that the selected Contractor offers employment to displaced employees of the prior contractors (and, if applicable, subcontractors) for a period of not less than ninety (90) days and to comply with the requirements of sections 1072 and 1075 of the California Labor Code. Proposers shall include a declaration of intent in the cover letter of their proposal, indicating their agreement to retain the employees of the prior contractors/subcontractors for a period of not less than ninety (90) days pursuant to section 1072(a) of the California Labor Code. Any City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 32 of 72 Proposer that fails to include such a declaration in the cover letter of its proposal may be considered non-responsive, and, if so, its proposal will not receive further consideration. Prior to contract award, the City will require the selected Contractor to affirm its commitment to provide offers of employment to displaced employees, including the provision to employ displaced employees for not less than ninety (90) days. The City will also require the selected Contractor to agree to make information about wage rates, benefits and job classifications of employees available to the City prior to subsequent procurement for solid waste collection and transportation services. 15. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND BILLING 15.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the billing and collection of payments for all Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services. Contractor must charge Service Recipients the Service Rates approved by the City and such rates may be adjusted under the Agreement. 15.2. The Contractor shall not charge the City for the inclusion of additional educational or other materials in the invoices. 15.3. The City wishes to not discontinue services to SFD Service Recipients. Upon written request of the Contractor, City agrees to assist Contractor in submitting account delinquency information to Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office for placement on the tax roll 16. SERVICE RATES 16.1. The City wishes to provide incentives for residents and businesses to actively participate in Recycling and Organic Waste programs, while not being required to over-subscribe for services. Service Rates will be based on the Garbage, Organic Waste and Recycling container capacity, and/or the number of containers and frequency of collection. Maximum Services Rates will be effective August 1, 2023 and will be adjusted beginning July 1, 2024, and each July 1 thereafter during the term of the Agreement by multiplying the prior year’s Maximum Service Rate by 1 plus the percentage change in the “Consumer Price Index” or CPI index (or another mutually agreed-upon index if this one is no longer published) between the most recently published index and the corresponding index published twelve months earlier as described in the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement. 17. CONTRACTOR’S PAYMENTS TO THE CITY The Contractor will pay to the City the following fees: 17.1. Procurement Fee: The Contractor shall reimburse the City a one-time fee for the cost of Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement solicitation, evaluation, negotiation and award process, as determined by the City. This one-time payment is due within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 33 of 72 17.2. Franchise Fee: The Contractor shall pay Franchise Fee to the City. Franchise Fee will be quarterly payment to City equal to a minimum ten percent (10%) of Gross Revenues collected under the terms of this Agreement. At no time shall this franchise fee be added to customer billing statements. 17.3. Mitigation Fee: In addition to the payments stated above, the Contractor shall pay an optional Mitigation Fee to the City, either as a single lump sum payment within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Agreement or as an annual fee subject to annual adjustment in the same manner as Contractor’s service rates, to assist City in mitigating the impacts of solid waste collection activities within the City, including but not limited to impacts related to noise, traffic, air quality, storm water contamination prevention, and enforcement activities. Proposers are requested to propose a Mitigation Fee as it relates to these and other impacts related to solid waste collection activities within the City. The proposed Mitigation Fee is to be separately accounted for using the forms provided in Section F. 18. CITY IMPOSED MITIGATION FEES 18.1. Annual SB 1383 and Administrative Fee: For the administrative costs of reporting and enforcing SB 1383, advertising and outreach solid waste programs, and managing the City’s solid waste program, Contractor shall pay City an annual SB 1383 and Administrative Fee, as determined by the City. 19. OTHER FEES 19.1. The City may set other fees, as it deems necessary, such as landfill closure funding. The amount, time, and method of payment and adjustment process shall be set in a manner similar to that for other fees described in this Section. 20. ADJUSTMENT TO FEES 20.1. City may adjust the fees described in this Section and Article 4 of the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement (to be provided at the Mandatory Pre-Proposal Video Conference and also made available via an addendum to this RFP) at any time during the Term of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. All changes in the total amount of fees to be collected by Contractor and remitted to the City shall be promptly reflected in an adjustment in Service Rates, such that the Contractor shall be fully compensated in its Service rates for all such fees. 21. BILLING AUDIT, FINANCIAL AUDIT, AND PERFORMANCE REVIEW 21.1. Only if requested by the City, a billing audit, financial audit, and performance review may be conducted up to two times during the initial term, provided that a pre-established methodology is agreed to by both the City and the Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for paying for one hundred percent (100%) of the Billing Audit and Performance Reviews. 22. RECYCLING AND COMPOST REVENUES 22.1. If Proposer receives any revenues from the sale of processed recyclables and organic waste (i.e., compost), it will be retained by the Contractor. The City believes it is appropriate for the successful Contractor to retain these revenues City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 34 of 72 and directs Proposers to take these monies into account when completing their Service Rates. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 35 of 72 SECTION D Response Format City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 36 of 72 RESPONSE FORMAT PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services City of Rosemead, California 1. PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS Three (3) bound copies of the proposal, and one (1) electronic PDF file of the proposal and one (1) Microsoft Excel file with Form K: Service Rates Cost File (Attachment 1) on flash drive in sealed envelope(s) with a cover indicating the proposer name and proposal title and number must be submitted. Alternatively, Proposers may provide a reproducible digital copy of the complete proposal, in a single PDF file submitted via the PlanetBid System at the following link: https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home. Additional copies may be requested by the City at its discretion. All blank spaces must be filled in and noted, in blue ink or typed, with amounts extended and totaled as appropriate. All required original signatures must be in blue ink. All corrections made by the Proposer to any part of the RFP document must be initialed in blue ink. Only one (1) proposal from any individual, firm, partnership, or corporation under the same or different names will be considered. Proposals by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by two (2) corporate officers. One signature must be from the chairman, president, or vice-president, and the other signature must be from the chief financial officer, assistant treasurer, secretary, or assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation must be shown below the signature. Proposals by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner. His/her title must appear under his/her signature, and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. Proposals by limited liability companies must be executed in the company’s name and signed by a managing member. No Proposer shall take exception to the specifications herein. Proposals taking exception to the specifications may be rejected as non- responsive. 2. PROPOSAL CONTENT To expedite the evaluation process, each proposal shall be organized in accordance with this Section as outlined in Table 4. Instructions for preparing each section of the proposal shown in the outline are given in the following subsections. Proposals that do not follow the specified format outlined below, or fail to provide the required documentation, may receive lower scores during the evaluation process. In the event of any conflict between any of the proposal documents, resolution thereof shall be in the City’s sole discretion. The Proposers shall provide the information as requested and as applicable to the proposed services. Headings and section numbering used in the proposal shall be the same as those identified in Table 4. Proposals shall include the following information in the format indicated in Table 4, on the following page. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 37 of 72 SECTION TABLE 4: OUTLINE FOR PROPOSAL 1 COVER LETTER EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROPOSAL BOND PERFORMANCE BOND COMMITMENT LETTER SIGNED COPIES OF ADDENDA TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 QUALIFICATIONS 3 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL QUALIFICATIONS 4 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL 5 FORMS 6 SERVICE EXCEPTIONS/ALTERNATIVES (if applicable) 7 APPENDIX 2.1. Cover Letter, Executive Summary, Proposal Bond, Performance Bond Commitment Letter, Signed Copies of Addenda, Table of Contents All proposals must be accompanied by a cover letter not exceeding the equivalent of four (4) pages and should provide as follows:  Name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address of applicant’s key contact person.  Description of the type of organization (e.g., corporation, partnership, limited liability company, including joint venture teams and subcontractors) submitting proposals.  Name of the entity that will sign the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, in the event one is awarded.  Written statements warranting, certifying, and guaranteeing the following: o Proposer has examined, understood, and agreed to the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. o The requirements of the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement as described in this RFP document, its enclosures, and all addenda, by listing all addenda and dates received, have been thoroughly reviewed and the Proposer has conducted all due diligence necessary to confirm material facts upon which the proposal is based. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 38 of 72 o If the City awards the Collection Service to the Proposer, that the Proposer shall reimburse the City for the cost of this procurement, in an amount as determined by the City. This one-time payment is due within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. o The Proposer will not receive any additional compensation that is not included in the Proposer’s Rate Proposal Forms (Attachment 1) for providing Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services in the City. o The validity of the proposal contents including proposed Service Rates and pricing for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days. o The Proposer will enter into the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement with the City if selected as the City’s Collection Service provider. o Disposal capacity for all Garbage that pertains to this Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. o Recyclable Materials Processing capacity for all material that pertains to this Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. o Organic Waste Processing capacity for all Organic Waste that pertains to this Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. o No gratuities have been or will be offered or given by Proposer, or any agent or representative of the Proposer, to any officer or employee of the City or any participant in the selection of a Proposer to furnish the services described herein to secure a favorable treatment regarding the evaluation, scoring, and Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement award process. The following items should be appended to the cover letter:  Executive Summary – Not to exceed six (6) pages. Must highlight the major elements of the Proposer’s qualifications and proposal, including a brief description of the Proposer’s initial transition plan and schedule, and facilities to be used. All information should be provided in a concise manner.  Proposal Bond;  Performance Bond Commitment Letter;  Signed Copies of Addenda acknowledging receipt or digital acknowledgement within the PlanetBid System; and  Table of Contents. 2.2. Qualifications Key Staff Persons (including Proposer’s Service Supervisor and Collection Service Manager assigned to the City). Proposers must identify each person and provide resumes for key staff proposed for the service identified herein. Demonstrated experience in providing residential and commercial Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, and knowledge of collection containers and automated collection vehicles is of key importance to the City. Additionally, Proposers must demonstrate experience and ability to work closely with the current hauler and City staff during the transition period, and on an ongoing City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 39 of 72 basis with City staff during the duration of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. Staff Responsibilities. Proposers must provide names and resumes of principal officers, partners, or other officials or managers who will be performing substantive responsibilities required under the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. Proposers must describe relevant technical experience of key personnel, their background in Garbage, Recyclable Material, and Organic Waste collection/processing. References. Proposers must provide a minimum of three (3) clients that the City may contact to conduct a reference check. The Proposer must be providing or have provided similar services as requested herein to these references the within the last three (3) years. Complete references must also be included on the Form provided in Section F. Litigation and Notice of Violation History. For all Litigation and Notice of Violation History, Proposer may limit disclosures to the following California counties: Los Angeles, Ventura, Kern, San Bernardino, Orange, and Riverside. The Proposer must provide a history for the last five (5) years of all claim settlements, arbitrations, litigation proceedings, and civil actions involving One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) or more, and all criminal actions in which the company, its parent company, subsidiaries, all partners, or principals were involved. For each case, the Proposer must provide the following:  The name of the claim, arbitration, litigation or action;  The amount at issue or the criminal charges alleged; and  The resolution of the case. The Proposer must also provide details of any current or threatened legal actions in California against the Proposer or its parent company, subsidiaries, all partners, principals, or joint venture company(ies) by a governmental entity contracting with the Proposer or its parent company for services relating to solid waste management, or against such a government entity by the Proposer or its parent company or joint venture company(ies). For each action, the Proposer must provide the following:  The name of the action;  The court in which the action is pending;  The action number; and  The amount at issue. The Proposer shall provide a list of all Notice of Violations and/or enforcement actions taken against it during the last five (5) years by any regulatory agency such as, but not limited to, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Air Quality Management District, a Local Enforcement Agency under the California Integrated Waste Management Act, or Cal/OSHA. The list shall include the name of the regulatory agency and the date of the enforcement action and a copy of any Notice of Violation. The Proposer shall inform the City if it has had a permit, franchise, license, entitlements, or business licenses that have been revoked or suspended in the last five (5) years. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 40 of 72 The Proposer must list any liquidated damages, administrative fines, charges, or assessments that total Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) or greater in any one (1) calendar year during the last five (5) years that have been paid by the Proposer to a public agency as a result of solid waste management services provided by Proposer. The list shall include the name of the public agency, the date and amount of the liquidated damages, administrative fines, charges, or assessments, and the reason the public agency assessed the liquidated damages, administrative fines, charges, or assessments. The Proposer must list any claims against a bid, proposal, or performance bond and the results and failure to receive a bid, proposal, or performance bond, or any contractual defaults or termination in the last fifteen (15) years. 2.3. Financial Qualifications The Proposer must provide a written statement of its financial qualifications to perform the work described in this RFP. The statement must thoroughly describe and provide documentation of the Proposer’s ability to secure financing for all trucks, facilities, other equipment and labor required to perform all services described in this RFP, as must include the total estimated amount of expense and financing that is expected to be incurred and used in performing the work. This statement must be accompanied by a letter from Proposer’s bank/financial institution clearly stating that the Proposer has adequate assets and/or irrevocable line of credit that is sufficient to compensate for all required payments to the City, capital costs, equipment costs, start-up costs, and a minimum of three (3) months’ operating costs. The Proposer must provide copies of audited financial statements for the entity that is proposed to sign the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, for the most recent three (3) fiscal years. Audited financial statements should include: balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes, footnotes, and subsidiary schedules. In the event that a Proposer does not have audited financial statements, three years of business tax returns, with supporting schedules, may be provided. However, tax returns are not an alternative to providing audited financial statements; if the Proposer has audited financial statements, those must be provided. The City reserves the right to require submission by Proposer, at no cost to the City, an opinion by a Certified Public Accountant with regard to the financial status of such Proposer, including ownership of, or interest in, equipment and facilities prior to award of a Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. As is set forth in this RFP, the City will make reasonable efforts, but makes no representation, that it will be able to maintain total confidentiality of Proposer’s financial information. A Proposer that submits financial information that it asks to have treated as confidential should submit a statement justifying the request, reference it in the proposal and label it as a separate attachment, clearly identifying it as confidential. At all times, the City will comply with the provisions of the California Public Records Act. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 41 of 72 2.4. Technical Proposal Proposers are required to provide a description of the way the requested services are to be provided. The work plans must address and include those items as specified below. The City will place significant emphasis on Proposer’s proposed work plans during the evaluation process. At a minimum, Proposers shall include the following work plans: Transition Plan Proposers shall provide a detailed Transition Plan that describes the plans and schedule of events for the provision of new services. The Transition Plan will be included as part of the operations plan, which is an exhibit to the final Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, when approved by the City. The Transition Plan must, at a minimum, address the following items:  In concise terms, what the Proposer will accomplish prior to the start of Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services;  How Service Recipients will select the size and number of Carts or Bins;  How the Proposer will retain the current franchisee’s employees;  How the Proposer will provide transition services;  The specific types of education and outreach activities that will occur, including specific frequencies and amounts of education and outreach, by type of activities;  How the transition will be coordinated with the current services and current hauler (switching of containers, billing system, etc.); and  Transition schedule and weekly timing plan to transition from the current collection system to the Proposer’s collection system, for public education and outreach on new services, and for removal and replacement of Carts and Bins. In developing the Transition Plan, Proposers should consider that the City strongly seeks to reduce disruption to Service Recipients during the transition period. Operations Plan Proposers shall provide a detailed Operations Plan that presents the specific collection and processing programs that will be implemented in the City. This must address items as listed above and include: A. VEHICLES  A listing of the Proposer’s collection equipment and all accessories by type, model, year of manufacture, and anticipated remaining useful life, as of the date of the inventory;  As new collection vehicles are to be provided, delivery guarantees by manufacturers shall be included in the proposal for all new equipment to be provided to the City;  Vehicle fuel type, size, number of axles, gross vehicle weight, maximum load capacity, turning diameter, number of collection compartments, for all collection vehicles (front loader, side load, rear load, single-body, split-body collection, regular compactor, small compactor, pup trucks, etc.); City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 42 of 72  How Proposer’s collection vehicles will reduce air emissions, and reduce wear and tear on the City’s streets;  How the Proposer will use technology, such as GPS, to track and monitor collection and identify the proposed technology brand to be used;  The appearance of the vehicles including the color and information to appear on the outside of the vehicle;  Vehicle maintenance program, including response/replacement/repair time for vehicles on route; and  The scheduled maintenance and cleaning of the vehicles. B. CONTAINERS  Containers to be used;  Past experience of other collection programs with this type of container;  The sufficiency of the containers’ capacity based on the requirements of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services;  The suitability of containers to be used in areas that have may have limited space, or are in Bin enclosures;  Ease of cleaning and the appearance of the containers, including their colors and information to be imprinted on the containers; and  Container maintenance program, including response/replacement/repair time for containers, including prompt reporting and removal of graffiti. Turnaround time from observation or receipt of a graffiti citing report to graffiti abatement shall be 24 hours. C. ROUTE OPERATIONS  The number of vehicles required for the collection programs, and the number of routes to be performed by each service line and material type collected;  The number of containers collected per hour by service line and material type collected;  Total number of route hours (8 or 10 hours/day, and the total hours on-route by service line and material type collected;  The number of vehicle passes per Service Recipient;  Number of crew members required per vehicle and their responsibilities;  The advantages and disadvantages of the type of vehicle chosen (particularly about noise, emissions, and the impact on the City’s roads);  How drivers and dispatch will communicate while on route to resolve customer service requests/complaints;  Methods used by drivers to monitor contamination and how this will be communicated to Service Recipients;  The material types each vehicle will collect; and  Approach to conducting annual route audits to verify the service levels and Service Recipient billing is 100% correct. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 43 of 72 D. FACILITIES  The name and owner of the facilities to be used for transfer, Recyclable Material and Organic Waste processing, corporation/maintenance yard, customer service, etc., their location and distance from the center of City;  Recovery rates for the Recyclable Material and the Organic Waste processing facilities, net of residual.  Operating limitations of the Recyclable Material and Organic Waste Processing Facilities (i.e., contamination/residual, material types accepted, hours, etc.);  How Recyclable Materials and Organic Waste will be marketed and sold, contingencies for changes in markets, and the average dollar/ton received for the sale of Recyclable Material; and  The permitted capacity of each facility and the ability to accommodate the City’s operations over the term. E. SAFETY  Staffing safety requirements, including physical, drug, and alcohol testing requirements;  Hazardous Waste, including E-Waste and U-Waste, management protocols; and  Health and safety management procedures. F. REPORTING  Detailed Applicable Law monitoring and reporting, including electronic transmission of reports to City and cloud-based reports;  Method used to track tonnage collected, disposed, processed, and residue disposed; and  Process for reporting Service Recipient complaints and dispute resolution to the City. Customer Service Plan Proposers shall provide a detailed Customer Service Plan that specifies the customer service operations that will be used in the City. The Customer Service Plan will be included as an exhibit to the final Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, when approved by the City. Customer service hours should be noted. The Customer Service Plan must include the following:  Protocol for receiving customer calls, issuing work orders, closing work orders, and call backs to Service Recipients;  Protocol for Service Recipient billing, billing changes, and billing disputes;  Whether or not a new phone system and/or new website will be included;  Staffing levels to ensure excellent customer service and limited wait times (state the number of customers per Customer Service Representative); and  Payment programs and options providing alternatives for Service Recipients to pay. Diversion Plan Proposers are required to provide a description of the diversion and sustainability programs associated with providing the requested services. This may include, without limitation, the City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 44 of 72 Proposer’s approach in obtaining the diversion goals specified in this RFP. Proposers must provide diversion estimates, which must not be less than the minimum diversion required in this RFP and must be tied to specific collection methods and public education programs. Failure to provide the estimated diversion tonnages and diversion estimates will be grounds for disqualification. The Diversion Plan will be included as an exhibit to the final Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, when approved by the City. The Diversion Plan must, at a minimum, include the following:  Proposer’s approach to meeting the City’s diversion requirements and assisting the City with meeting CalRecycle’s seventy-five percent (75%) diversion goal. This must be done by specific diversion programs by program type (SFD, MFD, Commercial, Recyclable Material, Organic Waste, Bulky Waste, etc.);  Diversion facilities to be used (including name, location, owner/operator, permit status, and permitted capacity);  A schedule showing specific programs and tasks, milestones, and time frames for meeting the diversion requirements, as specified in this RFP; and  A table segregated by SFD, MFD, Commercial, and Additional Services that estimates tonnages for Recyclable Material and Organic Waste delivered and processed, and the estimated residual tonnages for each calendar year of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement beginning with Agreement Year 2023;  Proposer’s approach to reducing contamination of Recyclable Materials and Organic Waste;  Proposer’s approach to reducing air emissions, and wear and tear on the City’s streets;  Environmental Stewardship (all environmental management policies and activities related to the proposed activities should be described, including the use of alternative fuel vehicles, use of recycled products throughout operations, internal waste reduction and reuse protocol, water and resource conservation activities within facilities (design, construction and operation), compliance with laws governing E-Waste, HHW, and U-Waste, and use of non-toxic products when possible);  Use of local vendors; and  Innovative “green” approach to providing services. Education and Outreach Plan Proposers shall provide a detailed Education and Outreach Plan that specifies the methods and public education materials that will be used for program start-up, and throughout the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement term for the City. Specific attention should be given to methods to achieve high participation and diversion through Recycling and Organic Waste Collection programs, City-Supported Events, and on-going “how to” promotions. The Education and Outreach Plan will be included as an Exhibit to the final Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, when approved by the City. Specifically, Proposers must address all items as discussed in Section C, 5.3 of this RFP, as well as the following:  Implementing aggressive public education programs, especially with MFD and commercial solid waste generators, to meet the City’s diversion requirements; City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 45 of 72  Methods to reduce contamination of Recyclable Material and Organic Waste;  Educating Service Recipients on the benefits of participation in Recycling and Organic Waste Collection programs; and  Implementing public education and outreach programs in the City’s schools, business community, City facilities, and special events. 2.5. Forms Proposers must provide a copy of Form A prior to attending the Mandatory Pre- Proposal Video Conference, and Forms B-K of Section F, in the order they are listed in Section F with their proposals. Proposers shall use only the forms and format provided. Any deviation from those provided may be grounds for rejection of the entire proposal. Proposers must provide their proposed Service Rates. Proposers shall use only the forms and format provided. Any deviation from those provided may be grounds for rejection of the entire proposal. Proposed rates must include recycling and Organic Waste programs that are fully compliant with SB 1383 regulations, and all requirements under AB 1594, AB 341, AB 1826, and any other existing Applicable Law. 2.6. Proposal Service Alternatives and Agreement Exceptions Proposers may submit alternatives to the services listed in this RFP, or exceptions to the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement language. However, proposers must propose on all required services as included in this RFP or their proposal will be rejected as being non-responsive. If service alternatives or Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement exceptions are presented, as provided for in this section of the RFP, they must be included as an attachment to the proposal and must contain the price of the service alternatives using the forms provided in Section F and must include specific language necessary for inclusion in the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. Each Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement exception must be presented by stating:  The specific exception, the page and line numbers of the exception;  The suggested changes to the program related to the exception;  The suggested changes in the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement language related to the exception; and  The way the proposed change would benefit the City, the Service Recipients or both. Please note that the City has no obligation to accept any proposed service alternative or Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement exception. Proposals will be evaluated based on the required services and Agreement language as set forth in this RFP. 2.7. Appendix Proposers may provide any additional technical information (i.e., only information specifically related to equipment of services to be provided) that they believe to be City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 46 of 72 applicable to this proposal and include such information as an appendix. Proposers are discouraged to include marketing material, education and outreach material or other additional information not related to the equipment or services to be provided. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 47 of 72 SECTION E Selection Criteria City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 48 of 72 SELECTION CRITERIA PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services City of Rosemead, California 1. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS Those proposals that have passed the initial “Pass/Fail” review described below will be evaluated and scored by the Evaluation Team, which may consist of City staff members, consultants, and other evaluators at the discretion of the City Manager, based on the following evaluation criteria:  Qualifications  Technical Approach  Sustainability  Service Rates A consensus scoring model will be used, with City Council having final approval. The results of the evaluation process will be presented to the City Council for direction by City Council on the next steps following the evaluation and negotiation process. In determining and evaluating the best proposal, the prices will not necessarily be controlling, but quality, equality, efficiency, utility, general terms, delivery, suitability of the service offered, and the reputation of the service in general use will also be considered, with any other relevant factors. The following subsections provide a brief discussion of each of the evaluation criteria listed above. 2. PASS/FAIL REVIEW A panel of City staff members and such other parties as the City deems necessary, will conduct an initial “Pass/Fail” review of all proposals submitted to check for completeness and compliance with the proposal requirements. Proposals that have been determined to be complete and in compliance with the proposal requirements will undergo further evaluation. Proposals that are not complete or are not in compliance with the submittal requirements may be disqualified from further evaluation and will be returned to the proposer. 3. EVALUATION CRITERIA 3.1. Qualifications General Qualifications The experience, past practices and prior performance of each proposer will be evaluated to determine the relative ability of each proposer to implement the program elements described in this RFP and to attain the City objectives for solid waste management. Qualifications, evaluation criteria and areas of experience to be considered will include without limitation: City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 49 of 72  Qualifications and structure of project management team, relationships between management team and corporate management, and internal controls;  Previous experience, past practice and prior performance providing services to jurisdictions of similar size;  Successful prior operation of residential and commercial solid waste programs;  Implementation and administration of complex solid waste collection systems, including equipment selection and route design;  Successful operation of Recyclable Material and Organic Waste programs that achieve high participation levels and diversion rates;  Cost-effective processing and marketing of Recyclable Material and Organic Waste with demonstrated success in attaining highest and best uses for such materials (if applicable);  Demonstrated expertise in implementing and maintaining customer service programs, including the development and use of performance measures and benchmarking;  Previous experience, past practice and prior performance in successfully designing and implementing transition plans, relevant to this RFP;  Experience in designing, implementing, and operating public education and information programs that promote high participation and diversion;  Demonstrated expertise in designing and using data management systems to assure accurate data collection, analysis and reporting;  References whom the City may contact regarding past practices and prior performance; and  Litigation history. Financial Qualifications Each proposal will be also evaluated to assess the relative financial capacity and strength of the proposer. This will include without limitation:  An evaluation of financial statements;  A financial review of each proposer, including a review of key financial indicators, outstanding debt and debt coverage ratios, ability to finance capital purchases and needed start-up investments in equipment; and  Proposer’s capacity and plans for responding to fluctuations in the value of recyclable material markets. 3.2. Technical Approach The purpose of the technical review is to evaluate how the Proposer can meet the proposed performance specifications and criteria on a long-term basis, as well as transition. The technical evaluation will include without limitation:  Proposer’s overall collection approach (automated collection, split-body collection vehicles, diversion facilities to be used, types of containers to be used, etc.); City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 50 of 72  Proposer’s approach to transition that minimizes disruption to the community and Proposer’s implementation schedule;  Review of the Proposer’s processing facility(ies) for Recyclable Material and Organic Waste. Proposers will be disqualified for offering a processing facility(ies) that is not fully permitted and/or is not capable of handling the volume and types of materials generated by the City during the term of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, taking into consideration any existing obligations on the part of the facility(ies). Processing facilities must have appropriate permits from all applicable regulatory entities (including, but not limited to, CalRecycle and the Local Enforcement Agency) in place at all times;  The location of proposed disposal and processing facilities, and effect of material transportation distances on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions;  Proposer’s approach to providing a high quality and customized customer service program;  Proposer’s data management system for tracking customer service data, and providing accurate reports to the City;  Commitment to employee and public safety; and  Proposer’s approach to provide City with annual updates on new innovations to consider. 3.3. Sustainability Diversion Programs Each proposal will be evaluated based on their approach to providing innovative, high quality and effective processing and marketing of Recyclable Material (and Organic Waste if appropriate), reducing greenhouse gas emissions, meeting or exceeding diversion requirements, and Proposer’s internal sustainability practices. Education and Outreach Program Each proposal will be evaluated based on the Proposer’s approach to provide effective and innovate strategies to delivering Education and Outreach materials to all Service Recipients that will results in higher awareness of and participation in all required services, promote achievement of diversion requirements, and reduce contamination of collected Organic Waste and Recyclable Materials. 3.4. Service Rates The Service Rate evaluation is intended to provide an equitable basis for comparison between proposals and an evaluation of the effect of programs on Service Rates. Only Service Rate information as submitted by Proposers will be used in this evaluation. The proposals will be reviewed to verify that the proposed Service Rates are consistent with the activities described in the proposal and the Proposer’s work plans, and as part of the evaluation the City may require that Proposers provide detailed assumptions made in developing their Service Rates. Proposed Service Rates, including rates for optional services, will be compared by services. Note, however, that Service Rates for alternatives as provided for in Section will not be included as part of the Service Recipient Rate evaluation. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 51 of 72 Please note the following:  Throughout the term of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, the selected Contractor may not charge for any service not explicitly included in the final Service Rates;  Throughout the term of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, the selected Contractor will not receive any revenue that is not based on approved services as allowable to bill using the schedule of Service Rates; and  Throughout the term of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, the only adjustment to Service Rates will be as provided for via annual rate adjustments or detailed rate reviews (methodology provided in the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement). City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 52 of 72 SECTION F Forms City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 53 of 72 PROPOSAL FORMS PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services City of Rosemead, California Proposers that attended the Mandatory Pre-Proposal Video Conference must submit their original signed Form A as part of their proposal. Additionally, Proposers must complete and submit Forms B - K on the following pages as part of their proposal. Failure to complete and submit the required forms may result in disqualification from this RFP process. Form A: COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL Form B: PROPOSER’S STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION Form C: CERTIFICATION OF NON-GRATUITIES Form D: CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS Form E: VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS Form F: NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PROPOSER Form G: SERVICE RECIPIENT RATE PROPOSAL SUMMARY AND SIGNATURE Form H: PASS/FAIL REQUIREMENTS Form I: NOTICE TO PROPOSERS REGARDING CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS Form J: REFERENCES Form K: SERVICE RATES City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 54 of 72 Form A COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL The City of Rosemead commits to a procurement process for Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services to be open, objective, and carefully monitored. The following rules will be adhered to and enforced. Until the Rosemead City Council awards the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement, all contact between participants, participant’s sub-contractors, participant’s subconsultants, participant’s affiliates, participants lobbyists, legal or political advisors, or any individual or entity that may be assisting the participant in preparing a response to this RFP, or providing work to the participant should participant be selected, and the City of Rosemead, shall be in writing by email to: City of Rosemead Danielle Garcia Email: dgarcia@cityofrosemead.org All communications between the City of Rosemead and a participant, along with the related responses, will be transmitted simultaneously to all participants that have signed into and attended the MANDATORY pre-proposal video conference and will be included as part of the evaluation record. Any participant who fails to recognize or use this process of communication will be notified of its violation and may be subject to disqualification from the selection process at the sole discretion of the City of Rosemead. Any contact or attempt to contact or directly interact with any elected or appointed official for the purpose of obtaining information or influencing the RFP Process, including the selection process, Form A must be disclosed and will be grounds for determination of non-compliance and disqualification from the selection process. All participants must acknowledge and sign this statement as part of the RFP process. All participants must provide a signed version of this statement electronically three (3) days prior to the MANDATORY pre-proposal video conference. Participants that do not provide this signed statement will be disqualified from this procurement process. On behalf of my company/agency, I understand and accept the rules established in this statement. Company Name: (Print or Type) Representative: Title: (Print or Type) Primary Representative Phone Number: Primary Representative Email: Signature: Date: (Sign in Ink) City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 55 of 72 Form B PROPOSER’S STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION 1. Full Name of Business Concern (Proposer): Principal Business Address: 2. Principal Contact Person(s): Name: Phone Number: 3. Form of Business Concern: Corporation Partnership Joint Venture LLC Other 4. Provide names of partners or offices as appropriate and indicate if the individual has the authority to sign in name of Proposer. Provide proof of the ability of the individuals so named to legally Bind the Proposer. Name, Title Address Name, Title Address If a corporation, in what state incorporated: Date Incorporated: Month Day Year 5. If a Joint Venture, LLC, or Partnership, date of Agreement: City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 56 of 72 Form B PROPOSER’S STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION 6. List all subcontractors participating in this Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement : Name Address a) ___________________________ _____________________________________________ b) ___________________________ _____________________________________________ c) ___________________________ _____________________________________________ d) ___________________________ _____________________________________________ 7. Outline specific areas of responsibility for each firm listed in Question 7. Please include total hours or percentage of time subcontractor will spend on the project. a) ___________________________________________________________________________ b) ___________________________________________________________________________ c) ___________________________________________________________________________ d) ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Identify the provisions of any agreement between parties which assigns legal or financial liabilities or responsibilities: ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. If responding firm(s) are a partially or fully-owned subsidiary of another firm, or share common ownership with another firm, please identify the firms and relationships. ___________________________________________________________________________ City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 57 of 72 Form C CERTIFICATION OF NON-GRATUITIES TO: THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CERTIFICATION This is a written certification, signed under penalty of perjury, stating that no persons acting on behalf of _____________________ has paid, or offered or attempted to pay, any elected or appointed official, officer or employee of the City any compensation or consideration, in any form whatsoever, in connection with obtaining or entering into this Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement . Name Title Signature Date City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 58 of 72 Form D.1 CART SPECIFICATIONS (Complete 1 form for each service offered) 1. Select services provided: 2. Will the container be new or used? Garbage New Recyclable Material Organic Waste (Yard Trimmings only) Organic Waste (Yard Trimmings and Food Waste) Food Waste only 3. Manufacturer: ____________________________________ 4. Material of Construction: ____________________________________ 5. Recycled Content (percentage): ____________________________________ 6. Manufacturing Method (rotational molding, injection molding, other): ____________________________________ Container Size 32-gal 64-gal 96-gal 1.5 yd 2 yd 3 yd 4 yd 6 yd 7. Color 8. Durability (in service years) 9. Cost of Each Container 10. Dimensions of Each Container (Length x Width x Height) 11. Wheel Size 12. Manufacturer’s warranty City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 59 of 72 Form D.2 BIN SPECIFICATIONS (Complete 1 form for each service offered/ indicate new or used) 1. Select services provided: 2. Will the container be new or used? Garbage New Recyclable Material Used Organic Waste (Yard Trimmings only) Organic Waste (Yard Trimmings and Food Waste) Food Waste only 3. Manufacturer: ____________________________________ 4. Material of Construction: ____________________________________ 5. Recycled Content (percentage): ____________________________________ 6. Manufacturing Method (rotational molding, injection molding, other): ____________________________________ Container Size 32-gal 64-gal 96-gal 1.5 yd 2 yd 3 yd 4 yd 6 yd 7. Color 8. Durability (in service years) 9. Cost of Each Container 10. Dimensions of Each Container (Length x Width x Height) 11. Wheel Size 12. Manufacturer’s warranty City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 60 of 72 Form D.3 ROLL OFF CONTAINER SPECIFICATIONS (Complete 1 form for each service offered/ indicate new or used) 1. Select services provided: 2. Will the container be new or used? Garbage New Recyclable Material Used Organic Waste (Yard Trimmings only) Organic Waste (Yard Trimmings and Food Waste) Food Waste only 3. Manufacturer: ____________________________________ 4. Material of Construction: ____________________________________ 5. Recycled Content (percentage): ____________________________________ 6. Manufacturing Method (rotational molding, injection molding, other): ____________________________________ Container Size 10 yd 20 yd 30 yd 40 yd 7. Color 8. Durability (in service years) 9. Cost of Each Container 10. Dimensions of Each Container (Length x Width x Height) 11. Wheel Size 12. Manufacturer’s warranty City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 61 of 72 Form E VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS (Complete 1 form for each vehicle of service provided/indicate new or used) 1. Select Service: Garbage Recyclable Material Organic Waste Other: ______________ New or Refurbished 2. Manufacturer and Model a. Cab and Chassis _____________________________ b. Body _____________________________ c. Engine _____________________________ d. Transmission _____________________________ 3. Cab and Chassis: a. Cab Height _____________________________ b. Number of Axles _____________________________ c. Overall Length with Body Mounted _____________________________ 4. Body: a. Type of Body _____________________________ b. Rated Capacity _____________________________ c. Practical or Net Capacity _____________________________ d. No. of Collection Compartments ____________ e. Net Capacity of Each Compartment ___________ _ cubic yards f. Overall Body Length ___________ _ inches g. Body Height ___________ _ inches h. Body Width ___________ _ inches i. Loading Height Above Ground ____________ Minimum (inches) ____________ Maximum (inches) 5. Weight ____________ GVW (lbs.) ____________ Tare (lbs.) 6. Will the vehicles be owned, leased, or other? 7. Purchase/lease cost of each vehicle $ _____________ 8. Fuel type ____________ 9. Fuel usage ____________ mpg 10. Average fuel per fill ___________ _ gal/fill 11. Average fills per day ____________ fills/day 12. Average fills per week (M-F) ____________ fills/week 13. Emissions rating City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 62 of 72 Form E VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS (Complete 1 form for each vehicle of service provided/indicate new or used) a. CO ___________ _ g/bhp/hr. b. HC (total hydrocarbons) ___________ _ g/bhp/hr. c. NOx ___________ _ g/bhp/hr. d. Particulate Matter ___________ _ g/bhp/hr. 14. Safety Features 15. Color 16. GPS Monitoring and Tracking Features City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 63 of 72 Form F NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT OF PROPOSER and DISCLOSURE OF NON-COMPETE AGREEMENTS State of _________________County of _________________, being duly sworn, deposes and says that: 1. He/She is _________________ of ________________, the Proposer that has submitted the attached proposal; 2. He/She is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such proposal; 3. Such proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham proposal; 4. Neither said Proposer nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees, or parties in interest, including this affiant, has in any way colluded, connived, or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Proposer, firm or person to submit a collusive or sham proposal in connection with the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement for which the attached proposal has been submitted or to refrain from proposing in connection with such Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement , or has in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collision or communication or conference with any other Proposer, firm, or person to fix the price or prices in the attached RFP, or of any other Proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost component of the proposal or the response of any other Proposer, or to secure through any collusion, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against the City of Rosemead, CA or any person interested in the proposed Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement ; and 5. The rate proposal in the attached RFP is fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement on the part of the Proposer or any of its agents, representatives, owners, employees, or parties in interest, including this affiant. 6. Proposer must list the name of any and all other solid waste service providers and/or affiliates that it has a “non-compete” agreement with that prohibits the other solid waste services provider from proposing on services as requested in this RFP. Failure to disclose this information will result in immediate disqualification from this RFP process. Signed Title Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of _____________________, __________. _______________________________________ My Commission Expires: ______________ Notary Public, State of California City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 64 of 72 Form G SERVICE RECIPIENT RATE PROPOSAL SUMMARY AND SIGNATURE In preparing the Rate Proposal Forms Proposers should be aware of the following: All collection service rates proposed on these forms for City of Rosemead shall be fixed through June 30, 2024 and should reflect service requirements as specified in the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement . The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: That _________________ have personally and carefully examined the specifications and instructions for the work to be done as set forth in Sections A - F of this RFP and the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement (Attachment 2). That _________________ have made examination of the services as applicable to the proposal, and fully understand the character of the work to be done. That _________________agrees to pay the City the Reimbursement for the Cost of the Procurement Process within 30 days of award of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement . That, having made the necessary examination, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish all materials, vehicles, plant, equipment and facilities, and to perform all labor and services which may be required to do said work with the time fixed and upon the terms and conditions provided in the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement , at the service rates set forth on the Rate Proposal Forms set forth below: PROPOSER: President/Partner/Owner/Managing Member Secretary Firm Name Individual: Partnership: Joint Venture: LLC: Corporation: , A Corporation (State of Incorporation) Signature Instructions: If business is a CORPORATION, name of the corporation should be listed in full and both President and Secretary must sign the form, OR if one signature is permitted by corporation by-laws, a copy of the by-laws shall be furnished to the City as part of the proposal. If business is a PARTNERSHIP, the full name of each partner should be listed followed by d/b/a (doing business as) and firm or trade name; any one partner may sign the form. If the business is a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, the Managing Member must sign the form. If the business is INDIVIDUAL PROPRIETORSHIP, the name of the owner should appear followed by d/b/a and name of the company. If business is a JOINT VENTURE, the full name of each joint venturer should be listed in full and each joint venturer must sign the form, OR if one signature is permitted by the joint venture agreement or by-laws, a copy of the agreement or by-laws shall be furnished to the City as part of the proposal. Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________ City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 65 of 72 Form H PASS/FAIL REQUIREMENTS PROPOSER NAME: (name of the entity that will sign the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement in the event one is awarded) Key Contact Information Name: Title: Address: Telephone Number: Email: The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows (initial next to each statement): ______ The Proposer has attended the MANDATORY pre-proposal video conference held on December 5, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. PT. ______ The Proposer has provided all required items in Section 1 of their Proposal, including Cover Letter, Executive Summary, Proposal Bond, Performance Bond Commitment Letter, and Signed Copies of Addenda. ______ The Proposer certifies that Proposer has agreed to meet the specifications and instructions for the services to be done as set forth in Sections A - F of this RFP. ______ The Proposer certifies that Proposer has agreed to meet the specifications and requirements as set forth in the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement (Attachment 2). ______ The Proposer certifies that Proposer has made an examination of the services as applicable to the proposal, and fully understands the character of the work to be done. ______ The Proposer warrants that the requirements of the Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Agreement as described in this RFP, its enclosures, and all addenda have been thoroughly reviewed and the Proposer has conducted all due diligence necessary to confirm material facts upon which the proposal is based. ______ The Proposer certifies that all proposed transfer and processing facilities are fully permitted and capable of handling the City of Rosemead’s Solid Waste during the term of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement . Processing facilities must have appropriate permits from all applicable regulatory entities (including but not limited to CalRecycle and the Local Enforcement Agency) in place at all times. ______ The Proposer agrees to pay fifty percent (50%) of the cost of each of the two (2) Performance Reviews, during the initial term of the Agreement. This amount will be escalated annually by the same percentage increase of percentage change in the “Consumer Price Index” (CPI) used to adjust customer rates. Adjusted cost shall be rounded to the nearest cent. ______ The Proposer agrees to submit a Performance Bond or Letter of Credit in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) effective August 1, 2023. ______ The Proposer agrees to reimburse the City for the solicitation, evaluation and award of this procurement process, in an amount set by the City. This one-time payment is due and payable to the City within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement . ______ The Proposer acknowledges the validity of the proposal contents, including proposed Service Rates and pricing for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days from the proposal due date. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 66 of 72 Form H PASS/FAIL REQUIREMENTS Having made the necessary examination, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish all materials, vehicles, plant, equipment and facilities, and to perform all labor and services which may be required to do said work within the time fixed and upon the terms and conditions provided in the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement (Attachment 2), at the service rates set forth on Form K (Attachment 1): PROPOSER: __________________________________ President/Partner/Owner/Managing Member __________________________________ Secretary __________________________________ Firm Name __________________________________ Individual: Partnership: Joint Venture: LLC: Corporation: , A Corporation (State of Incorporation) Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________ Signature Instructions: If business is a CORPORATION, name of the corporation should be listed in full and both President and Secretary must sign the form, OR if one signature is permitted by corporation by-laws, a copy of the by-laws shall be furnished to the City as part of the proposal. If business is a PARTNERSHIP, the full name of each partner should be listed followed by d/b/a (doing business as) and firm or trade name; any one partner may sign the form. If the business is INDIVIDUAL PROPRIETORSHIP, the name of the owner should appear followed by d/b/a and name of the company. If the business is a LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, the Managing Member must sign the form. If business is a JOINT VENTURE, the full name of each joint venturer should be listed in full and each joint venturer must sign the form, OR if one signature is permitted by the joint venture agreement or by-laws, a copy of the agreement or by-laws shall be furnished to the City as part of the proposal. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 67 of 72 FORM I: NOTICE TO PROPOSERS REGARDING CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services City of Rosemead, California 1. SUMMARY OF CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS a. A contract is required for any service performed on behalf of the City. Work cannot begin until the contract has been fully executed by both parties. 2. SUMMARY OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS a. These are the Insurance Requirements for Contractors providing services or supplies to the City. By agreeing to perform the work or submitting a proposal, you verify that you comply with and agree to be bound by these requirements. When Contract documents are executed, the actual Contract language and Insurance Requirements may include additional provisions as deemed appropriate by City’s Risk Manager. b. You should check with your Insurance advisors to verify compliance and determine if additional coverage or limits may be needed to adequately insure your obligations under this agreement. These are the minimum required and do not in any way represent or imply that such coverage is sufficient to adequately cover the Contractor’s liability under this agreement. The full coverage and limits afforded under Contractor’s policies of Insurance shall be available to Buyer and these Insurance Requirements shall not in any way act to reduce coverage that is broader or includes higher limits than those required. The Insurance obligations under this agreement shall be: 1 - all the Insurance coverage and limits carried by or available to the Contractor; or 2 - the minimum Insurance requirements shown in this agreement, whichever is greater. Any insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits and coverage required, which are applicable to a given loss, shall be available to City. c. Contractor shall furnish the City with original Certificates of Insurance including all required amendatory endorsements and a copy of the Declarations and Endorsement Page of the CGL policy listing all policy endorsements to City before work begins. City reserves the right to require full-certified copies of all Insurance coverage and endorsements. 3. INSURANCE a. General Insurance Requirements i. All insurance shall be primary insurance and shall name City of Rosemead as an additional insured. The naming of an additional insured shall not affect any recovery to which such additional insured would be entitled under the policy if not named as an additional insured, and an additional insured shall not be held liable for any premium or expense of any nature on the policy or any extension thereof solely because they are an additional insured thereon. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 68 of 72 ii. If the operation under this Agreement results in an increased or decreased risk in the opinion of the City’s Risk Manager, then Contractor agrees that the minimum limits hereinabove designated shall be changed accordingly upon written request by the Risk Manager. iii. Contractor agrees that provisions of this Section as to maintenance of insurance shall not be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Contractor may be held responsible for the payment of damages to persons or property resulting from Contractor’s activities, the activities of its subcontractor, or the activities of any person or persons for which Contractor is otherwise responsible. iv. A Certificate of Insurance, and an additional insured endorsement (for general and automobile liability), evidencing the above insurance coverage with a company acceptable to the City’s Risk Manager shall be submitted to City prior to execution of this Agreement on behalf of the City. v. The terms of the insurance policy or policies issued to provide the above insurance coverage shall provide that said insurance may not be amended or canceled by the carrier, for nonpayment of premiums otherwise, without 30 days prior written notice of amendment or cancellation to City. In the event the said insurance is canceled, Contractor shall, prior to the cancellation date, submit new evidence of insurance in the amounts heretofore established. vi. All required insurance must be in effect prior to awarding this Agreement, and it or a successor policy must be in effect for the duration of this Agreement. Maintenance of proper insurance coverage is a material requirement of this Agreement, and the failure to maintain and renew coverage or to provide evidence of renewal may be treated by the City as a material breach of contract. If Contractor, at any time during the term of this Agreement, should fail to secure or maintain any insurance required under this Agreement, City shall be permitted to obtain such insurance in Contractor’s name at Contractor’s sole cost and expense, or may terminate this Agreement for material breach. vii. Without limiting any other Contractor obligation regarding insurance, should Contractor’s insurance required by this Agreement be cancelled at any point prior to expiration of the policy, Contractor must notify City within 24 hours of receipt of notice of cancellation. Furthermore, Contractor must obtain replacement coverage that meets all contractual requirements within 10 days of the prior insurer’s issuance of notice of cancellation. Contractor must ensure that there is no lapse in coverage. b. General Liability and Property Damage Insurance i. Contractor agrees to procure and maintain general liability and property damage insurance at its sole expense to protect against loss from liability imposed by law for damages on account of bodily injury, including death therefrom, and property damage, suffered or alleged to be suffered by any City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 69 of 72 person or persons whomsoever, resulting directly from any act or activities of Contractor, its subcontractors, or any person acting for Contractor or under its control or direction, and also to protect against loss from liability imposed by law for damages to any property of any person caused directly or indirectly by or from acts or activities of Contractor, or its subcontractors, or any person acting for Contractor, or under its control or direction. Such public liability and property damage insurance shall also provide for and protect City against incurring any legal cost in defending claims for alleged loss. Such general liability and property damage insurance shall be maintained in the following minimum limits: A combined single-limit policy with coverage limits in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence will be considered equivalent to the required minimum limits. c. Automotive Insurance i. Contractor shall procure and maintain public liability and property damage insurance coverage for automotive equipment with coverage limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit. If Contractor does not use automobiles in performing its work under this Agreement, Contractor shall provide a waiver releasing City from all liability resulting from Contractor’s use of personal vehicles under this Agreement. d. Worker’s Compensation Insurance i. Contractor shall procure and maintain Worker’s Compensation Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence or as will fully comply with the laws of the State of California and which shall indemnify, insure, and provide legal defense for both Contractor and City against any loss, claim, or damage arising from any injuries or occupational diseases happening to any worker employed by Contractor in the course of carrying out this Agreement. ii. Waiver of Subrogation: The insurer(s) agree to waive all rights of subrogation against City, its elected or appointed officers, officials, agents, volunteers and employees for losses paid under the terms of the workers compensation policy which arise from work performed by Contractor for City. Questions and requests for modification of these terms must be negotiated and approved prior to bid closing and are at the full discretion of the City. I have read and understand the above requirements and agree to be bound by them for any work performed for the City. Authorized Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________________ Printed Name: ____________________________________ City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 70 of 72 FORM J: REFERENCES PROPOSAL NO. 2022-28 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services City of Rosemead, California The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three public agencies for which Proposer has performed work of a similar scope and size within the past 3 years. If the instructions on this form conflict with the references requested in the scope of work, the scope of work shall govern. Complete this form out accordingly. Fill out this form completely and upload it with your proposal. 1. Name and Address of Owner / Agency Name, email and Telephone Number of Person Familiar with Project Contract Amount Type of Work Date Completed 2. Name, email and Address of Owner / Agency Name and Telephone Number of Person Familiar with Project Contract Amount Type of Work Date Completed 3. _____________________________________________________________________________ Name, email and Address of Owner / Agency Name and Telephone Number of Person Familiar with Project Contract Amount Type of Work Date Completed The following are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all brokers and sureties from whom Proposer intends to procure insurance bonds: City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 71 of 72 Form K SERVICE RATE PROPOSAL - INSTRUCTIONS Form K is provided in an Excel workbook. Form K shall be submitted in Excel format either on a USB drive or electronically on PlanetBids. In completing your hard copy of the Customer Rate Forms, use this Excel Workbook. Each Tab has two (2) tables included on them. The first table represents the Proposer's proposed service rates for a 10-year contract term. The second table represents the Proposer's proposed service rates for a 15-year contract term. Designated Tab Instruction Tab A Please include all proposed Maximum Service Rates for services available to SFD Service Recipients. SFD 2023 Rates For any of the requested SFD cart sizes or services that the Proposer does not offer, please fill in as "N/A". If the Proposer has additional SFD container size options or services that are not included in the requested services, please add them into the "Other" section with the corresponding rates. Tab B Please include all proposed Maximum Service Rates for service levels and items available to MFD Service Recipients. MFD 2023 Rates For any of the requested MFD collection container sizes or collection frequencies that the Proposer does not offer, please fill in as "N/A". If the Proposer has additional MFD container size, frequency, or service options that are not included in the requested services, please add them into the "Other" section with the corresponding rates. NOTE: All Multi-Family Dwelling Trash Rates include the equivalent of one 96-Gallon recycling cart and one 32-Gallon Organic Waste cart. Any increased or additional collection service request for Recycling/Organic Waste/Green Waste/Food Waste will be offset by the included bundled cost of Recycling/Organic Waste/Green Waste/Food Waste. For Example: a.) The cost for a 96-Gallon Recycling Cart is $60 for once-a-week collection. This cost is already included with the bundled trash rate. b.) Should the Service Recipient increase the collection frequency to twice a week collection, the cost for recycling collection is NOT $120, it is $60 for the increased collection. c.) The unbundled rate may be $120 for twice a week collection, however that rate is being offset by the already included once a week collection rate, which results in a twice a week collection rate at $60. City of Rosemead | Proposal No. 2022-28 Page 72 of 72 Tab C Please include all proposed Maximum Service Rates for service levels and items available to Commercial Service Recipients. Commercial 2023 Rates For any of the requested Commercial collection container sizes or collection frequencies that the Proposer does not offer, please fill in as "N/A". If the Proposer has additional Commercial collection container size, frequency, or service options that are not included in the requested service levels, please add them into the "Other" section with the corresponding rates. NOTE: All Commercial Trash Rates include the equivalent of one 96-Gallon recycling cart and one 32-Gallon Organic Waste cart per Commercial service unit. Any increased or additional collection service request for Recycling/Organic Waste/Green Waste/Food Waste will be offset by the included bundled cost of Recycling/Organic Waste/Green Waste/Food Waste. For Example: a.) The cost for a 96-Gallon Recycling Cart is $60 for once-a-week collection. This cost is already included with the bundled trash rate. b.) Should the Service Recipient increase the collection frequency to twice a week collection, the cost for recycling collection is NOT $120, it is $60 for the increased collection. c.) The unbundled rate may be $120 for twice a week collection, however that rate is being offset by the already included once a week collection rate, which results in a twice a week collection rate at $60. Tab D Please include all proposed Maximum Service Rates for Additional Service Items. (Street Sweeping Services, Lock charges, Special Pick-Up Charges, etc.) Additional 2023 Rates For any of the supplied Additional Service Items that the Proposer does not offer, please fill in as "N/A"; however, Proposers please note that the City is requiring all proposers to include proposed rates for Street Sweeping Services as an option for the City to consider. If the Proposer has Additional Service Item options that are not included in the supplied service levels, please add them into the "Other" section with the corresponding rates. Tab E Please provide the basis of your startup capital expenses (What are the anticipated startup capital costs for proposed trucks and containers by line of business?). Capital Start Cost Tab F Please provide the proposed solid waste mitigation fee. Proposers shall describe what activities the mitigation fee is mitigating and whether it is proposed as an annual payment or lump sum payment. Additionally, please provide the proposed changes in proposed Maximum Service Rates associated with each Proposal Service Alternative or Agreement Exception. Solid Waste Impact Mitigation Fee, Proposal Service Alternatives and Agreement Exceptions