Date Issued: December 7, 2022
Addendum 1, Page 1 of 1
PROJECT No. 39006
Addendum No.: 1
Addendum Date: December 7, 2022
Issued by: City of Rosemead
Reminder 1: Bid due date/time remains unchanged. Bids are due at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday,
December 13, 2022.
Reminder 2: Please sign Addenda Acknowledgement on page CBF-5 of Bid Package Section
Titled “Contract Bid Forms”. Entire Contract Bid Forms section shall be
submitted as Bidder’s Proposal.
Addendum 1 reissues a Revised Base Bid Schedule. Please see Attachment A – Revised Base
Bid Schedule per Addendum 1. All bidders are required to submit this Revised Bid Schedule
as part of their bid to be considered responsive.
Addendum 1 replaced Section 07550 of the Technical Provisions Section. Please see
Addendum 1 provides clarification of the Liquidated Damages - The Liquidated Damages shall
not apply to proper cure time of the coating work.
Addendum 1 provides responses to the following questions received:
Question 1: We keep seeing "Bid Letter" mentioned in the instructions but see no form with this title. Is
the "Bid Letter" something we provide on our own or are bid form pages "CBF‐1 through CBF‐8"
considered the "Bid Letter?"
Response 1: The “Bid Letter” that the Bid package mentioned is the entire Contract Bid Forms section,
which shall be submitted as Bidder’s Proposal/Bid. Since the original Base Bid Schedule has been revised
with this Addendum No. 1. Bidder must replace the original Base Bid Schedule with the Revised Base Bid
Schedule in their Proposal/Bid
Question 2: If submitting our bid electronically, please confirm if we should hold on to the original bid
bond until requested or if we should mail to arrive on bid day.
Response 2: The City will notify the lowest responsive bidder to deliver the physical bid bond to the City
following the bid opening.
Attachment A – Revised Base Bid Schedule per Addendum 1
Issued by City of Rosemead
BIDDER: ________________________
CBF - 2
PROJECT No. 39006
Garvey Office Building - Pre-Demolition Haz-
Mat Abatement, including all necessary relevant
work, and notices and processing through
AQMD and other required Agencies. For
abatement scope of work and requirements,
see Appendix A and B (Asbestos and Lead-
Based Paint Inspection Reports). Reroof
existing Office Building, see Technical
Provisions for work details.
1 LS $__________ $________________
Garvey Gymnasium Building - Pre-Demolition
Haz-Mat Abatement, including all necessary
relevant work, and notices and processing
through AQMD and other required Agencies.
For abatement scope of work and requirements,
see Appendix A and B (Asbestos and Lead-
Based Paint Inspection Reports). Reroof
existing Gymnasium Building, see Technical
Provisions for work details.
1 LS $__________ $________________
Garvey Office Building - Repair underlayment
as needed prior to roofing. This bid item may be
increased or reduced at the discretion of the
City. The provisions of Sections 3-2.2.2 and 3-
2.2.3 of the Greenbook governing increases or
decreases in quantity of more than 25% shall
not apply to this item.
550 SF $__________ $________________
TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT IN WORDS: _______________________________________
07550 -1
(Garvey Park Offices)
A. Section includes modified bituminous roofing system.
1. Remove the existing roof system to the structural deck. Drains to be plugged during
demolition. All non-functioning curbs and equipment to be removed.
2. Apply rosin paper and Type II base sheet.
3. Apply SBS modified base sheet – Stressbase 80– in 25 lbs per sq of hot asphalt.
4. Apply SBS-modified cap sheet, 155 mil – Stressply Plus FR Mineral(P80).
5. Flashings Details:
a. SBS-modified flashing ply in all flashing areas –Stressbase 80– extending the
flashing base ply 6” onto the roof field. Apply SBS-modified flashing cap sheet
in all flashing areas -- Stressply Plus FR Mineral(P80) – extending 9” onto the
roof field.
b. Edge Metal: Install new, 22 gauge kynar edge metal. Set all edge metal in
mastic and prime prior to flashing ply installation.
c. Gutters: Install new, 22 gauge kynar gutters with a box design 5” x 5” x 5”
where existing.
d. Site Screen Supports: Install 16 gauge covering for all supports fastened to the
structural deck and site screen. Lead flash the covering with clamp and caulk.
e. Step Down: Install step down detail with 22 gauge, galvanized edge metal.
Install per manufacturer requirements.
f. All flashings to be terminated with a termination bar set in butyl tape.
Termination bar to be fastened every 6” o.c. with caulking above the
termination bar. At all equipment, install 22 gauge, galvanized skirt metal to the
existing counterflashing metal.
g. All sheet metal to be installed with ANSI SPRI ES-1 compliant metal.
6. Surfacing: Allow the roof to cure for 30 days. Apply Title 24 compliant acrylic coating
at rate of 1.0 gal/square
7. Install new lead flashings at all penetrations. Clamp and caulk all lead flashings.
Umbrella cover required for the lead flashing. No pitch pockets. Solar penetrations to
be lead flashed.
a. I-Beam: Form fit lead flashings with wood block.
8. Place all conduits, pipes and any other utility lines on rubber blocks as needed.
9. Equipment Vents: Coat all equipment at 2 gal per sq with Cool-Sil. Wirebrush all
existing rust prior to coating.
10. Metal Pans: Seal all duct seams with structural tape. Then coat all equipment at 2
gal per sq with Cool-Sil. Wirebrush all existing rust prior to coating.
11. Install new drains and drain covers at all existing internal drains.
12. Ponding Water Areas: Install additional layer of StressBase 80 base sheet. Prime
area with Cool-Sil Bleed Block Primer at rate of 1.0 gal/square. Apply Title 24 coating
material – Cool-Sil – at a rate of 3.0 gal per sq. Embed 30 lbs per sq of Title 24
compliant minerals.
A. Accessories. (2.19)
07550 -2
B. Edge Treatment and Roof Penetration Flashings. (2.20)(3.9)
A. ASTM D 41 - Standard Specification for Asphalt Primer Used in Roofing, Dampproofing, and
B. ASTM D 312 - Standard Specification for Asphalt used in Roofing.
C. ASTM D 451 - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Granular Mineral Surfacing for
Asphalt Roofing Products.
D. ASTM D 1970 - Specification for Sheet Materials, Self-Adhering Polymer Modified
Bituminous, Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection.
E. ASTM D 1079 Standard Terminology Relating to Roofing, Waterproofing and Bituminous
F. ASTM D 1227 Standard Specification for Emulsified Asphalt Used as a Protective Coating
for Roofing.
G. ASTM D 1863 Standard Specification for Mineral Aggregate Used as a Protective Coating
for Roofing.
H. ASTM D 2178 Standard Specification for Asphalt Glass Felt Used in Roofing and
I. ASTM D 2824 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating.
J. ASTM D 4586 Standard Specification for Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos-Free.
K. ASTM D 4601 Standard Specification for Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber Base Sheet Used in
L. ASTM D 5147 Standard Test Method for Sampling and Testing Modified Bituminous Sheet
M. ASTM D 6162 Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified
Bituminous Sheet Materials Using a Combination of Polyester and Glass Fiber
N. ASTM D 6163 Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified
Bituminous Sheet Materials Using Glass Fiber Reinforcements.
O. ASTM D 6164 - Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified
Bituminous Sheet Materials Using Polyester Reinforcements.
P. ASTM D 6754 - Standard Specification for Ketone Ethylene Ester (KEE) Sheet Roofing.
Q. ASTM D 6757 - Standard Specification for Underlayment Felt Containing Inorganic Fibers
Used in Steep-Slope Roofing.
R. ASTM E 108 - Standard Test Methods for Fire Test of Roof Coverings
S. Factory Mutual Research (FM): Roof Assembly Classifications.
T. National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA): Roofing and Waterproofing Manual.
U. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. (SMACNA) -
07550 -3
Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.
V. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL): Fire Hazard Classifications.
W. Warnock Hersey (WH): Fire Hazard Classifications.
X. ANSI-SPRI ES-1 Wind Design Standard for Edge Systems used with Low Slope Roofing
Y. ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
Z. UL - Fire Resistance Directory.
AA. FM Approvals - Roof Coverings and/or RoofNav assembly database.
BB. CBC – California Building Code
CC. California Title 24 Energy Efficient Standards.
A. Contractor shall submit all required documents such as, but not limited to Installer’s
Qualifications, Shop Drawings, and warranties. Requests for substitutions are subject to
review according to the General Conditions. If approved, substitution material must conform
to all required Submittals.
B. Product Data:
1. Contractor shall submit manufacturer product data for all products necessary for
completion of roofing system and as specified including manufacturer's technical
product data, installation instructions and recommendations for each type of roofing
product required. Include data substantiating that materials comply with minimum
specified requirements.
C. Test Data and Certifications:
1. Submit independent test data that indicates the cap sheet complies with CRCC and
title 24 requirements.
D. Installer Qualifications:
1. Submit installer qualifications; Refer to Quality Assurance article below.
E. Samples:
1. Submit samples of any materials necessary for completion of roofing system.
F. Warranty:
1. Submit unexecuted Manufacturer's Thirty Year High-Performance No Dollar Limit
(NDL) warranty covering LABOR AND MATERIALS for ALL components of the
roofing system required against leaks, edge to edge (perimeter metal) and deck up
(all base sheets, flashing components and insulation. Warranty covers: Metal
Coping, Counter flashing, and Edge metal where applicable, insulation, base ply, cap,
coating, lead flashings, and any and all miscellaneous roof flashings. This warranty
shall be provided by Garland Company. Contractor is responsible to achieve this
warranty by all needed coordination with Garland Company.
2. Contractor shall provide five (5) years labor warranty to Garland Company and the
City .
G. Any material submitted as equal to the specified material must be accompanied by a report
signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the state in which the installation is
to take place. This report shall show that the submitted equal meets the Design and
07550 -4
Performance criteria in this specification. Substitution requests submitted without licensed
engineer approval will be rejected for non-conformance.
A. Installer Qualifications: Installer (Roofer), who can be the general contractor or his / her
roofing subcontractor, shall be specializing in modified bituminous roof application with
minimum 10 years’ experience. Installer shall provide proof of certification to install Garland
Company’s roofing system within the past three (3) years. Roofing Contractor to submit
minimum at time of awarding the contract a letter from Garland Company stating the Installer
is a certified installer in good standing and approved to install the roofing system. The
issuance date of the above addressed letter shall be maximum fifteen (15) days prior to this
project’s bid date. This letter shall be provided to the City prior to award of the contract.
B. Perform Work in accordance with NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual.
C. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified with
documented ISO 9001 certification and minimum of twelve years of documented experience
and must not have been in Chapter 11 bankruptcy during the last five years.
D. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with
minimum five years documented experience and a certified Pre-Approved Garland
E. Installer's Field Supervision: Maintain a full-time Supervisor/Foreman on job site during all
phases of roofing work while roofing work is in progress.
F. Product Certification: Provide manufacturer's certification that materials are manufactured in
the United States and conform to requirements specified herein, are chemically and
physically compatible with each other, and are suitable for inclusion within the total roof
system specified herein.
G. Source Limitations: Obtain all components of roof system from a single manufacturer.
Secondary products that are required shall be recommended and approved in writing by the
roofing system Manufacturer. Upon request of the Architect or Owner, submit Manufacturer's
written approval of secondary components in list form, signed by an authorized agent of the
A. Convene minimum two weeks prior to commencing Work of this section.
B. Review installation procedures and coordination required with related Work.
C. Inspect and make notes of job conditions prior to installation:
1. Record minutes of the conference and provide copies to all parties present.
2. Identify all outstanding issues in writing designating the responsible party for follow-up
action and the timetable for completion.
3. Installation of roofing system shall not begin until all outstanding issues are resolved
to the satisfaction of the Architect.
A. Contractor responsible to coordinate material delivery.
B. Store all roofing materials in a dry place, on pallets or raised platforms, out of direct
exposure to the elements until time of application. Store materials at least 4 inches above
ground level and covered with "breathable" tarpaulins.
07550 -5
C. Receive materials to site with seals and labels intact, in manufacturer's original containers,
dry and undamaged. Any damaged material to be noted at delivery and reported
immediately to the client.
D. Store and handle roofing sheets in a dry, well-ventilated, weather-tight place to ensure no
possibility of significant moisture exposure. Store rolls of felt and other sheet materials on
pallets or other raised surface. Stand all roll materials on end. Cover roll goods with a
canvas tarpaulin or other breathable material (not polyethylene). City reserves the right to
have all material delivered and stored by the contractor on non- City property at no
additional charge to the City .
E. Do not leave unused materials on the roof overnight or when roofing work is not in progress
unless protected from weather and other moisture sources.
F. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to secure all material and equipment on the job site. If
any material or equipment is stored on the roof, the Contractor must make sure that the
integrity of the deck is not compromised at any time. Damage to the deck caused by the
Contractor will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and will be repaired or replaced at
his expense.
G. Store at room temperature wherever possible, until immediately prior to installing the roll.
During winter, store materials in a heated location with a 50 degree F (10 degree C)
minimum temperature, removed only as needed for immediate use. Keep materials away
from open flame or welding sparks.
H. Avoid stockpiling of materials on roofs without first obtaining acceptance from the
I. Adhesive storage shall be between the range of above 50 degree F (10 degree C) and
below 80 degree F (27 degree C). Area of storage shall be constructed for flammable
A. Coordinate Work with installing associated metal flashings as work of this section proceeds.
A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits
recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under
environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits.
A. Upon completion of the work, provide the Manufacturer's written and signed NDL Warranty,
warranting that, if a leak develops in the roof during the term of this warranty, due either to
defective material or defective workmanship by the installing contractor, the manufacturer
shall provide the Owner, at the Manufacturer's expense, with the labor and material
necessary to return the defective area to a watertight condition.
1. Warranty Period:
a. 30 years from date of acceptance.
b. Provide minimum five (5) year labor warranty to City and manufacturer at no
07550 -6
A. Basis of Design: Materials, manufacturer's product designations, and/or manufacturer's
names specified herein shall be regarded as the minimum standard of quality required for
work of this Section. Comply with all manufacturer and contractor/fabricator quality and
performance criteria specified in Part 1.
B. The design is based upon roofing systems engineered and manufactured by The Garland
Company for City of Rosemead standard. Substitutions must meet and/or exceed
The Garland Company
3800 East 91st Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44105
Austin Hansen
A. Base (Ply) Sheet:
1. Stressbase 80 or equal
B. Modified Cap (Ply) Sheet: One ply bonded to the prepared substrate with interplay adhesive.
1. Stressply Plus FR Mineral(P80) or equal
C. Flashing Base Ply:
1. Stressbase 80 or equal
D. Flashing Cap (Ply) Sheet
1. StressPly Plus FR Mineral(P80) or equal
E. Flashing Ply Adhesive:
1. Hot Asphalt
A. Nails and Fasteners: Non-ferrous metal or galvanized steel, except that hard copper nails
shall be used with copper; aluminum or stainless steel nails shall be used with aluminum;
and stainless steel nails shall be used with stainless steel, Fasteners shall be self-clinching
type of penetrating type as recommended by the deck manufacturer. Fasten nails and
fasteners flush-driven through flat metal discs not less than 1 inch (25 mm) diameter. Omit
metal discs when one-piece composite nails or fasteners with heads not less than 1 inch (25
mm) diameter are used.
B. Walkway Pads - Commercial Innovations Walkway Pads: As recommended and furnished
by the membrane manufacturer set in approved adhesive to control foot traffic on roof top
surface and provide a durable system compliant non-slip walkway.
C. Sealant - Green-Lock Structural Adhesive: Single component, 100% solids structural
adhesive as furnished and recommended by the membrane manufacturer.
1. Elongation, ASTM D 412: 300%
2. Hardness, Shore A, ASTM C 920: 50
3. Shear Strength, ASTM D 1002: 300 psi
D. Butyl Tape: 100% solids, asbestos free and compressive tape designed to seal as
recommended and furnished by the membrane manufacturer.
07550 -7
A. Vents and Breathers: Heavy gauge aluminum and fully insulated vent that allows moisture
and air to escape but not enter the roof system as recommended and furnished by the
membrane manufacturer.
B. Pitch pans, Rain Collar 24 gauge stainless or 20oz (567gram) copper. All joints should be
welded/soldered watertight. See details for design.
C. Drain Flashings should be 4lb (1.8kg) sheet lead formed and rolled.
D. Plumbing stacks should be 4lb (1.8kg) sheet lead formed and rolled.
E. Liquid Flashing - Tuff-Flash: An asphaltic-polyurethane, low odor, liquid flashing material
designed for specialized details unable to be waterproofed with typical modified membrane
1. Tensile Strength, ASTM D 412: 400 psi
2. Elongation, ASTM D 412: 300%
3. Density @77 deg. F 8.5 lb/gal typical
F. Fabricated Flashings: Fabricated flashings and trim are specified in Section 07620.
1. Fabricated flashings and trim shall conform to the detail requirements of SMACNA
"Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" and/or the CDA Copper Development Association
"Copper in Architecture - Handbook" as applicable.
G. Manufactured Roof Specialties: Shop fabricated copings, fascia, gravel stops, control joints,
expansion joints, joint covers and related flashings and trim are specified in Section 07710.
1. Manufactured roof specialties shall conform to the detail requirements of SMACNA
"Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" and/or the NRCA "Roofing and Waterproofing
Manual" as applicable.
A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared.
B. Inspect and approve the deck condition, slopes and fastener backing if applicable, parapet
walls, expansion joints, roof drains, stack vents, vent outlets, nailers and surfaces and
C. Verify that work penetrating the roof deck, or which may otherwise affect the roofing, has
been properly completed.
D. If substrate preparation and other conditions are the responsibility of another installer, notify
Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding.
A. General: Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation.
1. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving
the best result for the substrate under the project conditions.
2. Fill substrate surface voids that are greater than 1/4 inch wide with an acceptable fill
3. Roof surface to receive roofing system shall be smooth, clean, free from loose gravel,
dirt and debris, dry and structurally sound.
4. Wherever necessary, all surfaces to receive roofing materials shall be power broom
and vacuumed to remove debris and loose matter prior to starting work.
5. Do not apply roofing during inclement weather. Do not apply roofing membrane to
damp, frozen, dirty, or dusty surfaces.
07550 -8
6. Fasteners and plates for fastening components mechanically to the substrate shall
provide a minimum pull-out capacity of 300 lbs. (136 k) per fastener. Base or ply
sheets attached with cap nails require a minimum pullout capacity of 40 lb. per nail.
7. Prime decks where required, in accordance with requirements and recommendations
of the primer and deck manufacturer.
A. Install modified bitumen membranes and flashings in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions and with the recommendations provided by the National Roofing Contractors
Association's Roofing & Waterproofing Manual, the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers
Association, and applicable codes.
B. General: Avoid installation of modified bitumen membranes at temperatures lower than 40-
45 degrees F. When work at such temperatures unavoidable use the following precautions:
1. Take extra care during cold weather installation and when ambient temperatures are
affected by wind or humidity, to ensure adequate bonding is achieved between the
surfaces to be joined. Use extra care at material seam welds and where adhesion of
the applied product to the appropriately prepared substrate as the substrate can be
affected by such temperature constraints as well.
2. Unrolling of cold materials, under low ambient conditions must be avoided to prevent
the likelihood of unnecessary stress cracking. Rolls must be at least 40 degrees F at
the time of application. If the membrane roll becomes stiff or difficult to install, it must
be replaced with roll from a heated storage area.
C. Commence installation of the roofing system at the lowest point of the roof (or roof area),
working up the slope toward the highest point. Lap sheets shingle fashion so as to constantly
shed water
D. All slopes greater than 2:12 require back-nailing to prevent slippage of the ply sheets. Use
ring or spiral-shank 1 inch cap nails, or screws and plates at a rate of 1 fastener per ply
(including the membrane) at each insulation stop. Place insulation stops at 16 ft o.c. for
slopes less than 3:12 and 4 feet o.c. for slopes greater than 3:12. On non-insulated
systems, nail each ply directly into the deck at the rate specified above. When slope
exceeds 2:12, install all plies parallel to the slope (strapping) to facilitate backnailing. Install
4 additional fasteners at the upper edge of the membrane when strapping the plies.
A. Base Ply: Install (1) one Stressbase 80 base sheet in twenty-five (25) lbs. (11.3kg) per
square of bitumen shingled uniformly to achieve one ply over the entire prepared substrate.
Shingle in direction of slope of roof to shed water on each area of roof. Do not step on base
rolls until asphalt has cooled, fish mouths should be cut and patched.
B. Lap ply sheet ends eight (8) inches (203mm). Stagger end laps twelve (12) inches (304mm)
C. Extend plies two (2) inches (50mm) beyond top edges of cants at wall and roof projections
and equipment bases.
D. Install base flashing ply to all perimeter and projection details after membrane application.
E. Modified Cap (Ply) Sheet: Solidly bond the modified membrane to the base layers with
specified asphalt at the rate of twenty-five (25) to thirty (30) lbs. (11-13kg) per 100 square
F. The modified membrane roll must push a puddle of asphalt in front of it with asphalt slightly
visible at all side laps. Exercise care during application to eliminate air entrapment under the
07550 -9
G. Apply pressure to all seams to ensure that the laps are solidly bonded to substrate.
H. Apply asphalt no more than five (5) feet (1.5m) ahead of each roll being embedded.
I. Extend membrane two (2) inches (50mm) beyond top edge of all cants in full moppings of
the specified asphalt
J. Install subsequent rolls of modified membrane across the roof as above with a minimum of
four (4) inch (101mm) side laps and eight (8) inch (203mm) end laps. Stagger the end laps.
Apply the modified membrane in the same direction as the previous layers but stagger the
laps so they do not coincide with the laps of the base layers
K. Fibrous Cant Strips: Provide non-combustible perlite or glass fiber cant strips at all wall/curb
detail treatments where angle changes are greater than 45 degrees. Cant may be set in
approved cold adhesives, hot asphalt or mechanically attached with approved plates and
L. Wood Blocking, Nailers and Cant Strips: Provide wood blocking, nailers and cant strips as
specified in Section 06114.
1. Provide nailers at all roof perimeters and penetrations for fastening membrane
flashings and sheet metal components.
2. Wood nailers should match the height of any insulation, providing a smooth and even
transition between flashing and insulation areas.
3. Nailer lengths should be spaced with a minimum 1/8 inch gap for expansion and
contraction between each length or change of direction.
4. Nailers and flashings should be fastened in accordance with Factory Mutual "Loss
Prevention Data Sheet 1- 49, Perimeter Flashing" and be designed to be capable of
resisting a minimum force of 200 lbs/lineal foot in any direction.
M. Metal Work: Provide metal flashings, counter flashings, parapet coping caps and thru-wall
flashings as specified in Section 07620 or Section 07710. Install in accordance with the
SMACNA "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" or the NRCA Roofing Waterproofing manual.
N. Termination Bar: Provide a metal termination bar or approved top edge securement at the
terminus of all flashing sheets at walls and curbs. Fasten the bar a minimum of 8 inches (203
mm) o/c to achieve constant compression. Provide suitable, sealant at the top edge if
O. Flashing Membrane Installation: Seal all curb, wall and parapet flashings with an application
of KEE Lock Flashing Adhesive and mesh on a daily basis. Do not permit conditions to exist
that will allow moisture to enter behind, around or under the roof or flashing membrane.
P. Prepare all walls, penetrations, expansion joints and where shown on the drawings to be
flashed with asphalt primer at the rate of one hundred (100) square feet per gallon. Allow
primer to dry tack free.
Q. Use the modified membrane as the flashing membrane. Adhere to the underlying base
flashing ply with specified asphalt unless otherwise noted in these specifications. Nail off at a
minimum of eight (8) inches o.c. from the finished roof at all vertical surfaces.
R. Solidly adhere the entire sheet of flashing membrane to the substrate.
S. Seal all vertical laps of flashing membrane with a three-course application of trowel-grade
KEE Lock Flashing Adhesive and fiberglass mesh.
T. Coordinate counter flashing, cap flashings, expansion joints, and similar work with modified
07550 -10
bitumen roofing work as specified in other Sections.
U. Coordinate roof accessories, miscellaneous sheet metal accessory items, including piping
vents and other devices with the roofing system work.
A. Metal Edge:
1. Inspect the nailers to assure proper attachment and configuration.
2. Run one ply over the edge. Assure coverage of all wood nailers. Fasten plies with ring
shank nails at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c.
3. Install continuous cleat and fasten at 6 inches (152 mm) o.c.
4. Install new metal edge hooked to continuous cleat and set in bed of roof cement.
Fasten flange to wood nailers every 3 inches (76 mm) o.c. staggered.
5. Prime metal edge at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry. Do not
prime for Green-Lock System lightly sand metal to improve bond.
6. Strip in flange with base flashing ply covering entire flange in bitumen with 6 inches
(152 mm) on to the field of roof. Assure ply laps do not coincide with metal laps.
7. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Seal outside edge with rubberized cement.
B. Roof Edge With Gutter:
1. Inspect the nailer to assure proper attachment and configuration. Increase slope at
metal edge by additional degree of slope in first board.
2. Run one ply over the edge. Assure coverage of all wood nailers. Fasten plies with ring
shank nails at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c.
3. Install gutter and strapping.
4. Install continuous cleat and fasten at 6 inches (152 mm) o.c.
5. Install new metal edge hooked to continuous cleat and set in bed of roof cement.
Fasten flange to wood nailer every 3 inches (76 mm) o.c. staggered.
6. Prime metal edge at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry. Do not
prime for Green-Lock System lightly sand metal to improve bond.
7. Strip in flange with base flashing ply covering entire flange in bitumen with 6 inches
(152 mm) onto the field of the roof. Assure ply laps do not coincide with metal laps.
8. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof.
C. Scupper Through Wall:
1. Inspect the nailer to assure proper attachment and configuration.
2. Run one ply over nailer, into scupper hole and up flashing as in typical wall flashing
detail. Assure coverage of all wood nailers.
3. Install a scupper box in a 1/4 inch (6 mm) bed of mastic. Assure all box seams are
soldered and have a minimum 4 inch (101 mm) flange. Make sure all corners are
closed and soldered. Prime scupper at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow
to dry.
4. Fasten flange of scupper box every 3 inches (76 mm) o.c. staggered.
5. Strip in flange of scupper box with base flashing ply covering entire area with 6 inch
(152 mm) overlap on to the field of the roof and wall flashing.
6. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Apply a three-course application of mastic
and mesh at all seams.
D. Scupper Through Wall (Overflow):
1. Inspect the nailer to assure proper attachment and configuration.
2. Run one ply over nailer up the overflow, into the scupper hole and up flashing as in
typical wall flashing detail. Assure coverage of all wood nailers.
3. Install scupper box in a 1/4 inch (6 mm) bed of mastic. Assure all box seams are
07550 -11
soldered and have a minimum 4 inch (101 mm) flange. Make sure all corners are
closed and soldered. Prime scupper at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow
to dry.
4. Fasten flange of scupper box every 3 inches (76 mm) o.c. staggered.
5. Strip in flange scupper box with base flashing ply covering entire area with 6 inch (152
mm) overlap on to the field of the roof and wall flashing.
6. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Apply a three-course application of mastic
and mesh at all seams.
E. Surface Mounted Counterflashing:
1. Minimum flashing height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Maximum
flashing height is 24 inches (609 mm). Prime vertical wall at a rate of 100 square feet
per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all field plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering wall set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to field
of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Apply a three-course application of mastic
and mesh at all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Apply butyl tape to wall behind flashing. Secure termination bar through flashing, butyl
tape and into wall. Alternatively use caulk to replace the butyl tape.
6. Secure counterflashing set on butyl tape above flashing at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. and
caulk top of counterflashing.
F. Reglet Mounted Counterflashing:
1. Minimum flashing height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Maximum
flashing height is 24 inches. Prime vertical wall at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon
and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all field plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering wall set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to field
of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Apply a three-course application of mastic
and mesh at all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Apply butyl tape to wall behind flashing. Secure termination bar through flashing, butyl
tape and into wall. Alternatively use caulk to replace the butyl tape.
6. Cut reglet in masonry one joint above flashing.
7. Secure reglet counterflashing with expansion fasteners and caulk reglet opening.
G. Expansion Joint:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Chamfer top of
curb. Prime vertical curb at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Mechanically attach wood cant to expansion joint nailers. Run all field plies over cant
a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install compressible insulation in neoprene cradle.
4. Install base flashing ply covering curb set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to
field of the roof.
5. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Attach top of membrane to top of curb and
nail at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. Apply a three-course application of mastic and mesh at
all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
6. Install pre-manufactured expansion joint cover. Fasten sides at 12 inches (609 mm)
o.c. with fasteners and neoprene washers. Furnish all joint cover laps with butyl tape
between metal covers.
07550 -12
H. Equipment Support:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Prime vertical
at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all field plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering curb set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to
field of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Attach top of membrane to top of curb and
nail at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. Apply a three-course application of mastic and mesh at
all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Install pre-manufactured cover. Fasten sides at 24 inches (609 mm) o.c. with
fasteners and neoprene washers. Furnish all joint cover laps with butyl tape between
metal covers.
6. Set equipment on neoprene pad and fasten as required by equipment manufacturer.
I. Curb Detail/Air Handling Station:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Prime vertical
at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all field plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering curb set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to
field of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Apply a three-course application of mastic
and mesh at all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Install pre-manufactured counterflashing with fasteners and neoprene washers or per
manufacturer's recommendations.
6. Set equipment on neoprene pad and fasten as required by equipment manufacturer.
J. Skylight:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Prime vertical
at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all field plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering curb set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to
field of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Attach top of membrane to top of wood
nailer and apply a three-course application of mastic and mesh. Allow to cure and
5. Install pre-manufactured lens and fasten flashing sides at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. with
fasteners and neoprene washers.
K. Exhaust Fan:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Prime vertical
at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering curb with 6 inches (152 mm) on to field of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply installed over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to field of the roof. Attach top of membrane to top of wood curb
and nail at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. Apply a three-course application of mastic and
mesh at all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Install metal exhaust fan over the wood nailers and flashing to act as counterflashing.
Fasten per manufacturer's recommendation.
L. Passive Vent/Air Intake:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Prime vertical
at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
07550 -13
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering curb with 6 inches (152mm) on to the field of the
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply installed over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to field of the roof. Attach top of membrane to top of wood curb
and nail at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. Apply a three-course application of mastic and
mesh at all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Install passive vent/air intake over the wood nailers and flashing to act as
counterflashing. Fasten per manufacturer's recommendations.
M. Roof Drain:
1. Plug drain to prevent debris from entering plumbing.
2. Taper insulation to drain minimum of 24 inches (609 mm) from center of drain.
3. Run roof system plies over drain. Cut out plies inside drain bowl.
4. Set lead/copper flashing (30 inch square minimum) in 1/4 inch bed of mastic. Run
lead/copper into drain a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm). Prime lead/copper at a rate of
100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
5. Install base flashing ply (40 inch square minimum) in bitumen.
6. Install modified membrane (48 inch square minimum) in bitumen.
7. Install clamping ring and assure that all plies are under the clamping ring.
8. Remove drain plug and install strainer.
N. Roof Drain Alternate:
1. Plug drain to prevent debris from entering plumbing.
2. Taper insulation to drain minimum of 24 inches (609 mm) from center of drain.
3. Install two base flashing plies (40 inch square minimum) in bitumen.
4. Set lead/copper flashing (30 inch square minimum) in 1/4 inch (6 mm) bed of mastic.
Run lead/copper into drain a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm). Prime lead/copper at a
rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
5. Run roof system plies over drain. Cut out plies inside drain bowl.
6. Install modified membrane (48 inch square minimum) in bitumen.
7. Install clamping ring and assure that all plies are under the clamping ring.
8. Remove drain plug and install strainer.
O. Plumbing Stack:
1. Minimum stack height is 12 inches (609 mm).
2. Run roof system over the entire surface of the roof. Seal the base of the stack with
elastomeric sealant.
3. Prime flange of new sleeve. Install properly sized sleeves set in 1/4 inch (6 mm) bed
of roof cement.
4. Install base flashing ply in bitumen.
5. Install membrane in bitumen.
6. Caulk the intersection of the membrane with elastomeric sealant.
7. Turn sleeve a minimum of 1 inch (25 mm) down inside of stack.
P. Heat Stack:
1. Minimum stack height is 12 inches (609 mm).
2. Run roof system over the entire surface of the roof. Seal the base of the stack with
elastomeric sealant.
3. Prime flange of new sleeve. Install properly sized sleeves set in 1/4 inch (6 mm) bed
of roof cement.
4. Install base flashing ply in bitumen.
5. Install modified membrane in bitumen.
6. Caulk the intersection of the membrane with elastomeric sealant.
7. Install new collar over cape. Weld collar or install stainless steel draw brand.
Q. Liquid Flashing:
07550 -14
1. Mask target area on roof membrane with tape.
2. Clean all non-porous areas with isopropyl alcohol.
3. Apply 32 wet mil base coat of liquid flashing over masked area.
4. Embed polyester reinforcement fabric into the base coat of the liquid flashing.
5. Apply 48-64 wet mil top coat of the liquid flashing material over the fabric extending 2
inches (51 mm) past the scrim in all directions.
6. Apply minerals immediately or allow the liquid flashing material to cure 15-30 days
and then install reflective coating.
A. Clean-up and remove daily from the site all wrappings, empty containers, paper, loose
particles and other debris resulting from these operations.
B. Remove asphalt markings from finished surfaces.
C. Repair or replace defaced or disfigured finishes caused by Work of this section.
A. Provide traffic ways, erect barriers, fences, guards, rails, enclosures, chutes and the like to
protect personnel, roofs and structures, vehicles and utilities.
B. Protect exposed surfaces of finished walls with tarps to prevent damage.
C. Plywood for traffic ways required for material movement over existing roofs shall be not less
than 5/8 inch (16 mm) thick.
D. In addition to the plywood listed above, an underlayment of minimum 1/2 inch (13 mm)
recover board is required on new roofing.
E. Special permission shall be obtained from the Manufacturer before any traffic shall be
permitted over new roofing.
A. When the Project is in progress, the roofing system manufacturer will provide the following:
1. Report progress and quality of the work as observed.
2. Provide regular job site inspections.
3. Report to the Owner in writing any failure or refusal of the Contractor to correct
unacceptable practices called to the Contractor's attention.
4. Confirm after completion that manufacturer has observed no application procedures in
conflict with the specifications other than those that may have been previously
reported and corrected.
A. Base (Ply) Sheet: Basis of Design
1. Stressbase 80: 110 mil SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) rubber modified roofing
base sheet reinforced with a fiberglass scrim. Designed for torch applications with a
burn-off backer that indicates when the material is hot enough to be installed.
a. Tensile Strength, ASTM D 5147
07550 -15
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 100 lbf/in
b. Tear Strength, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 110 lbf XD
c. Elongation at Maximum Tensile, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 4% XD 4%
B. Modified Cap (Ply) Sheet: Basis of Design
1. StressPly Plus FR Mineral(P80): 155 mil SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) rubber
modified roofing membrane reinforced with a fiberglass and polyester composite
scrim. This membrane is designed for torch applications and has a burn-off backer
that indicates when the material is hot enough to be installed.
a. Tensile Strength, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 310 lbf/in
b. Tear Strength, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 500 lbf
c. Elongation at Maximum Tensile, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 8% XD 8%
d. Low Temperature Flexibility, ASTM D 5147, Passes -30 deg. F
07550 -1
A.Scope of Work: Section 1 & 2 (Blue & Green Sections)
1.Section 1: Remove the existing roof system to the structural deck. Drains to be
plugged during demolition. All non-functioning curbs and equipment to be removed.
Note: Tear off all flashing material on the east Section 1 parapet wall, including the
material on the east side interfacing with Section 2.
2.Section 2: Remove the edge metal and gutters to the structural deck.
3.Section 1: Install EPS crickets at the drainage area to ensure positive drainflow.
4.Apply ½” wood fiberboard / perlite coverboard in hot asphalt.
5.Apply SBS modified base sheet – Stressbase 80 – in 25 lbs per sq of hot asphalt.
6.Apply SBS-modified cap sheet, 155 mil – Stressply Plus FR Mineral(P80).
7.Flashings Details:
a.SBS-modified flashing ply in all flashing areas –Stressbase 80 – extending the
flashing base ply 6” onto the roof field. Apply SBS-modified flashing cap sheet
in all flashing areas -- Stressply Plus FR Mineral(P80) – extending 9” onto the
roof field.
b.Parapet Wall: Install new 22 gauge, kynar coping cap. Install wood nailer if
necessary. Prior to installing the metal, wrap the flashing plies up and over the
wall extending 2” down per manufacturer details. City to determine color of the
1)On walls over 3’, install a termination bar at 2’ high to all flashing plies.
Set in butyl tape and fasten every 6” o.c. Caulk above the term bar.
Flashing plies above the termination bar to extend over the term bar 6”.
c.Edge Metal: Install new, 22 gauge kynar edge metal. Set all edge metal in
mastic and prime prior to flashing ply installation.
d.Gutters: Install new, 22 gauge kynar gutters with a box design 5” x 5” x 5”
where existing.
07550 -2
e. Interior Wall: Flashing plies to be terminated under existing counterflashing
metal secured with a termination bar set in butyl tape. Install new 22 gauge
skirt metal counterflashing to the existing flashing metal.
f. Scupper: Re-line per manufacturer detail. Caulk the exterior side of the
g. All flashings to be terminated with a termination bar set in butyl tape.
Termination bar to be fastened every 6” o.c. with caulking above the
termination bar. At all equipment, install 22 gauge, galvanized skirt metal to the
existing counterflashing metal.
h. All sheet metal to be installed with ANSI SPRI ES-1 compliant metal.
8. Surfacing: Allow the roof to cure for 30 days. Apply Title 24 acrylic coating at 1 gal
per sq.
9. Install new lead flashings at all penetrations. Clamp and caulk all lead flashings.
Umbrella cover required for the lead flashing. No pitch pockets. Solar penetrations to
be lead flashed.
a. I-Beam: Form fit lead flashings with wood block.
10. Place all conduits, pipes and any other utility lines on rubber blocks as needed.
11. Equipment Vents: Coat all equipment at 2 gal per sq with Cool-Sil. Wirebrush all
existing rust prior to coating.
12. Metal Pans: Seal all duct seams with structural tape. Then coat all equipment at 2
gal per sq with Cool-Sil. Wirebrush all existing rust prior to coating.
13. Install new drains and drain covers at all existing internal drains.
14. Ponding Water Areas: Ponding Water Areas: Install additional layer of StressBase 80
base sheet. Prime area with Cool-Sil Bleed Block Primer at rate of 1.0 gal/square.
Apply Title 24 coating material – Cool-Sil – at a rate of 3.0 gal per sq. Embed 30 lbs
per sq of Title 24 compliant minerals.
B. Scope of Work: Section 3, 4, 5 (Orange Sections)
1. Remove the existing roof system to the structural deck. Drains to be plugged during
demolition. All non-functioning curbs and equipment to be removed.
2. Deck: Concrete
a. Install ¼” DensDeck Prime. Tape all joints.
b. Attachment Method: Adhere in hot asphalt
3. SBS-modified torchable base sheet, Ultra-Shield Torch base
4. Torch apply SBS-modified torch cap sheet, StressPly IV UV Mineral. Cap sheet to be
Title 24 compliant (CRRC certified)
5. SBS- modified flashing ply in all flashing area – Ultra-Shield Torch Base – exteneding
the flashing base ply 6” onto the roof field. Torch apply SBS-modified flashing cap
sheet in all flashing areas – StressPly IV UV Mineral – extending 9” onto the roof field.
6. Flashing Details:
a. Parapet Wall: Install new 22 gauge, kynar coping cap. Install wood nailer if
necessary. Prior to installing the metal, wrap the flashing plies up and over the
wall extending 2” down per manufacturer details. City to determine color of the
b. Edge Metal: Install new, 22 gauge kynar edge metal. Set all edge metal in
mastic and prime prior to flashing ply installation.
c. Gutters: Install new, 22 gauge kynar gutters with a box design 5” x 5” x 5”
where existing.
07550 -3
d. Interior Wall: Flashing plies to be terminated under existing counterflashing
metal secured with a termination bar set in butyl tape. Install new 22 gauge skirt
metal counterflashing to the existing flashing metal. Caulk above existing counterflashing
e. High Wall Flashings: At 2’, terminate flashing plies with a termination bar set in
butyl tape and fastened every 6” o.c.. Flashing piles above termination bar to
extend up and over the parapet wall 2” on the exterior side and down past the
termination bar 6”.
f. All flashings to be terminated with a termination bar set in butyl tape.
Termination bar to be fastened every 6” o.c. with caulking above the termination
bar. At all equipment, install 22 gauge, galvanized skirt metal to the existing
counterflashing metal.
g. All sheet metal to be installed with ANSI SPRI ES-1 compliant metal.
7. Install new lead flashings at all penetrations. Clamp and caulk all lead flashings.
Umbrella cover required for the lead flashing. No pitch pockets. Solar penetrations to
be lead flashed.
8. I-Beam: Form fit lead flashings
9. Place all conduits, pipes and any other utility lines on rubber blocks as needed.
10. Install new drains and drain covers at all existing internal drains.
11. Install rain diverters to redirect water from low vents
A. Accessories. (2.19)
B. Edge Treatment and Roof Penetration Flashings. (2.20)(3.9)
A. ASTM D 41 - Standard Specification for Asphalt Primer Used in Roofing, Dampproofing, and
B. ASTM D 312 - Standard Specification for Asphalt used in Roofing.
C. ASTM D 451 - Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Granular Mineral Surfacing for
Asphalt Roofing Products.
D. ASTM D 1970 - Specification for Sheet Materials, Self-Adhering Polymer Modified
Bituminous, Used as Steep Roofing Underlayment for Ice Dam Protection.
E. ASTM D 1079 Standard Terminology Relating to Roofing, Waterproofing and Bituminous
07550 -4
F. ASTM D 1227 Standard Specification for Emulsified Asphalt Used as a Protective Coating
for Roofing.
G. ASTM D 1863 Standard Specification for Mineral Aggregate Used as a Protective Coating
for Roofing.
H. ASTM D 2178 Standard Specification for Asphalt Glass Felt Used in Roofing and
I. ASTM D 2824 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating.
J. ASTM D 4586 Standard Specification for Asphalt Roof Cement, Asbestos-Free.
K. ASTM D 4601 Standard Specification for Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber Base Sheet Used in
L. ASTM D 5147 Standard Test Method for Sampling and Testing Modified Bituminous Sheet
M. ASTM D 6162 Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified
Bituminous Sheet Materials Using a Combination of Polyester and Glass Fiber
N. ASTM D 6163 Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified
Bituminous Sheet Materials Using Glass Fiber Reinforcements.
O. ASTM D 6164 - Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified
Bituminous Sheet Materials Using Polyester Reinforcements.
P. ASTM D 6754 - Standard Specification for Ketone Ethylene Ester (KEE) Sheet Roofing.
Q. ASTM D 6757 - Standard Specification for Underlayment Felt Containing Inorganic Fibers
Used in Steep-Slope Roofing.
R. ASTM E 108 - Standard Test Methods for Fire Test of Roof Coverings
S. Factory Mutual Research (FM): Roof Assembly Classifications.
T. National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA): Roofing and Waterproofing Manual.
U. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. (SMACNA) -
Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.
V. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL): Fire Hazard Classifications.
W. Warnock Hersey (WH): Fire Hazard Classifications.
X. ANSI-SPRI ES-1 Wind Design Standard for Edge Systems used with Low Slope Roofing
Y. ASCE 7, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
Z. UL - Fire Resistance Directory.
AA. FM Approvals - Roof Coverings and/or RoofNav assembly database.
BB. CBC – California Building Code
07550 -5
CC. California Title 24 Energy Efficient Standards.
A. Contractor shall submit all required documents such as, but not limited to Installer’s
Qualifications, Shop Drawings, and warranties. Requests for substitutions are subject to
review according to the General Conditions. If approved, substitution material must conform
to all required Submittals.
B. Product Data:
1. Contractor shall submit manufacturer product data for all products necessary for
completion of roofing system and as specified including manufacturer's technical
product data, installation instructions and recommendations for each type of roofing
product required. Include data substantiating that materials comply with minimum
specified requirements.
C. Test Data and Certifications:
1. Submit independent test data that indicates the cap sheet complies with CRCC and
title 24 requirements.
D. Installer Qualifications:
1. Submit installer qualifications; Refer to Quality Assurance article below.
E. Samples:
1. Submit samples of any materials necessary for completion of roofing system.
F. Warranty:
1. Submit unexecuted Manufacturer's Thirty Year High-Performance No Dollar Limit
(NDL) warranty covering LABOR AND MATERIALS for ALL components of the
roofing system required against leaks, edge to edge (perimeter metal) and deck up
(all base sheets, flashing components and insulation. Warranty covers: Metal
Coping, Counter flashing, and Edge metal where applicable, insulation, base ply, cap,
coating, lead flashings, and any and all miscellaneous roof flashings. This warranty
shall be provided by Garland Company. Contractor is responsible to achieve this
warranty by all needed coordination with Garland Company.
2. Contractor shall provide five (5) years labor warranty to Garland Company and the
City .
G. Any material submitted as equal to the specified material must be accompanied by a report
signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the state in which the installation is
to take place. This report shall show that the submitted equal meets the Design and
Performance criteria in this specification. Substitution requests submitted without licensed
engineer approval will be rejected for non-conformance.
A. Installer Qualifications: Installer (Roofer), who can be the general contractor or his / her
roofing subcontractor, shall be specializing in modified bituminous roof application with
minimum 10 years’ experience. Installer shall provide proof of certification to install Garland
Company’s roofing system within the past three (3) years. Roofing Contractor to submit
minimum at time of awarding the contract a letter from Garland Company stating the Installer
is a certified installer in good standing and approved to install the roofing system. The
issuance date of the above addressed letter shall be maximum fifteen (15) days prior to this
project’s bid date. This letter shall be provided to the City prior to award of the contract.
B. Perform Work in accordance with NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual.
07550 -6
C. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified with
documented ISO 9001 certification and minimum of twelve years of documented experience
and must not have been in Chapter 11 bankruptcy during the last five years.
D. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing Work of this section with
minimum five years documented experience and a certified Pre-Approved Garland
E. Installer's Field Supervision: Maintain a full-time Supervisor/Foreman on job site during all
phases of roofing work while roofing work is in progress.
F. Product Certification: Provide manufacturer's certification that materials are manufactured in
the United States and conform to requirements specified herein, are chemically and
physically compatible with each other, and are suitable for inclusion within the total roof
system specified herein.
G. Source Limitations: Obtain all components of roof system from a single manufacturer.
Secondary products that are required shall be recommended and approved in writing by the
roofing system Manufacturer. Upon request of the Architect or Owner, submit Manufacturer's
written approval of secondary components in list form, signed by an authorized agent of the
A. Convene minimum two weeks prior to commencing Work of this section.
B. Review installation procedures and coordination required with related Work.
C. Inspect and make notes of job conditions prior to installation:
1. Record minutes of the conference and provide copies to all parties present.
2. Identify all outstanding issues in writing designating the responsible party for follow-up
action and the timetable for completion.
3. Installation of roofing system shall not begin until all outstanding issues are resolved
to the satisfaction of the Architect.
A. Contractor responsible to coordinate material delivery.
B. Store all roofing materials in a dry place, on pallets or raised platforms, out of direct
exposure to the elements until time of application. Store materials at least 4 inches above
ground level and covered with "breathable" tarpaulins.
C. Receive materials to site with seals and labels intact, in manufacturer's original containers,
dry and undamaged. Any damaged material to be noted at delivery and reported
immediately to the client.
D. Store and handle roofing sheets in a dry, well-ventilated, weather-tight place to ensure no
possibility of significant moisture exposure. Store rolls of felt and other sheet materials on
pallets or other raised surface. Stand all roll materials on end. Cover roll goods with a
canvas tarpaulin or other breathable material (not polyethylene). City reserves the right to
have all material delivered and stored by the contractor on non- City property at no
additional charge to the City .
E. Do not leave unused materials on the roof overnight or when roofing work is not in progress
unless protected from weather and other moisture sources.
F. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to secure all material and equipment on the job site. If
07550 -7
any material or equipment is stored on the roof, the Contractor must make sure that the
integrity of the deck is not compromised at any time. Damage to the deck caused by the
Contractor will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and will be repaired or replaced at
his expense.
G. Store at room temperature wherever possible, until immediately prior to installing the roll.
During winter, store materials in a heated location with a 50 degree F (10 degree C)
minimum temperature, removed only as needed for immediate use. Keep materials away
from open flame or welding sparks.
H. Avoid stockpiling of materials on roofs without first obtaining acceptance from the
I. Adhesive storage shall be between the range of above 50 degree F (10 degree C) and
below 80 degree F (27 degree C). Area of storage shall be constructed for flammable
A. Coordinate Work with installing associated metal flashings as work of this section proceeds.
A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits
recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under
environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits.
A. Upon completion of the work, provide the Manufacturer's written and signed NDL Warranty,
warranting that, if a leak develops in the roof during the term of this warranty, due either to
defective material or defective workmanship by the installing contractor, the manufacturer
shall provide the Owner, at the Manufacturer's expense, with the labor and material
necessary to return the defective area to a watertight condition.
1. Warranty Period:
a. Section 1 & 2: 30 years from date of acceptance.
b. Provide minimum five (5) year labor warranty to City and manufacturer at no
A. Basis of Design: Materials, manufacturer's product designations, and/or manufacturer's
names specified herein shall be regarded as the minimum standard of quality required for
work of this Section. Comply with all manufacturer and contractor/fabricator quality and
performance criteria specified in Part 1.
B. The design is based upon roofing systems engineered and manufactured by The Garland
Company for City of Rosemead standard. Substitutions must meet and/or exceed
The Garland Company
3800 East 91st Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44105
Austin Hansen
07550 -8
A. Base (Ply) Sheet:
1. Stressbase 80 or equal
2. Ultra-Shield Torch base
B. Modified Cap (Ply) Sheet:
1. Stressply Plus FR Mineral(P80) or equal
2. StressPly IV UV Mineral
C. Flashing Base Ply:
1. Stressbase 80 or equal
2. UltraShield Torch base
D. Flashing Cap (Ply) Sheet
1. StressPly Plus FR Mineral(P80) or equal
2. StressPly IV UV Mineral
E. Flashing Ply Adhesive:
1. Hot Asphalt
A. Nails and Fasteners: Non-ferrous metal or galvanized steel, except that hard copper nails
shall be used with copper; aluminum or stainless steel nails shall be used with aluminum;
and stainless steel nails shall be used with stainless steel, Fasteners shall be self-clinching
type of penetrating type as recommended by the deck manufacturer. Fasten nails and
fasteners flush-driven through flat metal discs not less than 1 inch (25 mm) diameter. Omit
metal discs when one-piece composite nails or fasteners with heads not less than 1 inch (25
mm) diameter are used.
B. Walkway Pads - Commercial Innovations Walkway Pads: As recommended and furnished
by the membrane manufacturer set in approved adhesive to control foot traffic on roof top
surface and provide a durable system compliant non-slip walkway.
C. Sealant - Green-Lock Structural Adhesive: Single component, 100% solids structural
adhesive as furnished and recommended by the membrane manufacturer.
1. Elongation, ASTM D 412: 300%
2. Hardness, Shore A, ASTM C 920: 50
3. Shear Strength, ASTM D 1002: 300 psi
D. Butyl Tape: 100% solids, asbestos free and compressive tape designed to seal as
recommended and furnished by the membrane manufacturer.
A. Vents and Breathers: Heavy gauge aluminum and fully insulated vent that allows moisture
and air to escape but not enter the roof system as recommended and furnished by the
membrane manufacturer.
B. Pitch pans, Rain Collar 24 gauge stainless or 20oz (567gram) copper. All joints should be
welded/soldered watertight. See details for design.
C. Drain Flashings should be 4lb (1.8kg) sheet lead formed and rolled.
D. Plumbing stacks should be 4lb (1.8kg) sheet lead formed and rolled.
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E. Liquid Flashing - Tuff-Flash: An asphaltic-polyurethane, low odor, liquid flashing material
designed for specialized details unable to be waterproofed with typical modified membrane
1. Tensile Strength, ASTM D 412: 400 psi
2. Elongation, ASTM D 412: 300%
3. Density @77 deg. F 8.5 lb/gal typical
F. Fabricated Flashings: Fabricated flashings and trim are specified in Section 07620.
1. Fabricated flashings and trim shall conform to the detail requirements of SMACNA
"Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" and/or the CDA Copper Development Association
"Copper in Architecture - Handbook" as applicable.
G. Manufactured Roof Specialties: Shop fabricated copings, fascia, gravel stops, control joints,
expansion joints, joint covers and related flashings and trim are specified in Section 07710.
1. Manufactured roof specialties shall conform to the detail requirements of SMACNA
"Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" and/or the NRCA "Roofing and Waterproofing
Manual" as applicable.
A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared.
B. Inspect and approve the deck condition, slopes and fastener backing if applicable, parapet
walls, expansion joints, roof drains, stack vents, vent outlets, nailers and surfaces and
C. Verify that work penetrating the roof deck, or which may otherwise affect the roofing, has
been properly completed.
D. If substrate preparation and other conditions are the responsibility of another installer, notify
Architect of unsatisfactory preparation before proceeding.
A. General: Clean surfaces thoroughly prior to installation.
1. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving
the best result for the substrate under the project conditions.
2. Fill substrate surface voids that are greater than 1/4 inch wide with an acceptable fill
3. Roof surface to receive roofing system shall be smooth, clean, free from loose gravel,
dirt and debris, dry and structurally sound.
4. Wherever necessary, all surfaces to receive roofing materials shall be power broom
and vacuumed to remove debris and loose matter prior to starting work.
5. Do not apply roofing during inclement weather. Do not apply roofing membrane to
damp, frozen, dirty, or dusty surfaces.
6. Fasteners and plates for fastening components mechanically to the substrate shall
provide a minimum pull-out capacity of 300 lbs. (136 k) per fastener. Base or ply
sheets attached with cap nails require a minimum pullout capacity of 40 lb. per nail.
7. Prime decks where required, in accordance with requirements and recommendations
of the primer and deck manufacturer.
A. Install modified bitumen membranes and flashings in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions and with the recommendations provided by the National Roofing Contractors
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Association's Roofing & Waterproofing Manual, the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers
Association, and applicable codes.
B. General: Avoid installation of modified bitumen membranes at temperatures lower than 40-
45 degrees F. When work at such temperatures unavoidable use the following precautions:
1. Take extra care during cold weather installation and when ambient temperatures are
affected by wind or humidity, to ensure adequate bonding is achieved between the
surfaces to be joined. Use extra care at material seam welds and where adhesion of
the applied product to the appropriately prepared substrate as the substrate can be
affected by such temperature constraints as well.
2. Unrolling of cold materials, under low ambient conditions must be avoided to prevent
the likelihood of unnecessary stress cracking. Rolls must be at least 40 degrees F at
the time of application. If the membrane roll becomes stiff or difficult to install, it must
be replaced with roll from a heated storage area.
C. Commence installation of the roofing system at the lowest point of the roof (or roof area),
working up the slope toward the highest point. Lap sheets shingle fashion so as to constantly
shed water
D. All slopes greater than 2:12 require back-nailing to prevent slippage of the ply sheets. Use
ring or spiral-shank 1 inch cap nails, or screws and plates at a rate of 1 fastener per ply
(including the membrane) at each insulation stop. Place insulation stops at 16 ft o.c. for
slopes less than 3:12 and 4 feet o.c. for slopes greater than 3:12. On non-insulated
systems, nail each ply directly into the deck at the rate specified above. When slope
exceeds 2:12, install all plies parallel to the slope (strapping) to facilitate backnailing. Install
4 additional fasteners at the upper edge of the membrane when strapping the plies.
A. Base Ply: Install torch base sheet to a properly prepared substrate. Shingle in proper
direction to shed water on each area of roofing.
1. Lay out the roll in the course to be followed and unroll 6 feet (1.8 m).
2. Using a roofing torch, heat the surface of the coiled portion until the burn-off backer
melts away. At this point, the material is hot enough to lay into the substrate.
Progressively unroll the sheet while heating and press down with your foot to insure a
proper bond.
3. After the major portion of the roll is bonded, re-roll the first 6 feet (1.8 m) and bond it in
a similar fashion.
4. Repeat this operation with subsequent rolls with side laps of 4 inches (101 mm) and
end laps of 8 inches (203 mm).
5. Give each lap a finishing touch by passing the torch along the joint and spreading the
melted bitumen evenly with a rounded trowel to insure a smooth, tight seal.
6. Extend underlayment 2 inches (50 mm) beyond top edges of cants at wall and
projection bases.
7. Install base flashing ply to all perimeter and projections details.
B. Modified Cap (Ply) Sheet: Over torch base sheet underlayment, lay out the roll in the course
to be followed and unroll 6 feet (1.8 m). Stagger seams over the torch base sheet seams.
1. Using a roofing torch, heat the surface of the coiled portion until the burn-off backer
melts away. At this point, the material is hot enough to lay into the substrate.
Progressively unroll the sheet while heating and press down with your foot to insure a
proper bond.
2. After the major portion of the roll is bonded, re-roll the first 6 feet (1.8 m) and bond it in
a similar fashion.
3. Repeat this operation with subsequent rolls with side laps of 4 inches (101 mm) and
end laps of 8 inches (203 mm).
4. Give each lap a finishing touch by passing the torch along the joint and spreading the
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melted bitumen evenly with a rounded trowel to insure a smooth, tight seal.
C. Fibrous Cant Strips: Provide non-combustible perlite or glass fiber cant strips at all wall/curb
detail treatments where angle changes are greater than 45 degrees. Cant may be set in
approved cold adhesives, hot asphalt or mechanically attached with approved plates and
D. Wood Blocking, Nailers and Cant Strips: Provide wood blocking, nailers and cant strips as
specified in Section 06114.
1. Provide nailers at all roof perimeters and penetrations for fastening membrane
flashings and sheet metal components.
2. Wood nailers should match the height of any insulation, providing a smooth and even
transition between flashing and insulation areas.
3. Nailer lengths should be spaced with a minimum 1/8 inch gap for expansion and
contraction between each length or change of direction.
4. Nailers and flashings should be fastened in accordance with Factory Mutual "Loss
Prevention Data Sheet 1- 49, Perimeter Flashing" and be designed to be capable of
resisting a minimum force of 200 lbs/lineal foot in any direction.
E. Metal Work: Provide metal flashings, counter flashings, parapet coping caps and thru-wall
flashings as specified in Section 07620 or Section 07710. Install in accordance with the
SMACNA "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" or the NRCA Roofing Waterproofing manual.
F. Termination Bar: Provide a metal termination bar or approved top edge securement at the
terminus of all flashing sheets at walls and curbs. Fasten the bar a minimum of 8 inches (203
mm) o/c to achieve constant compression. Provide suitable, sealant at the top edge if
G. Flashing Base Ply: Seal all curb, wall and parapet flashings with an application of mastic and
mesh on a daily basis. Do not permit conditions to exist that will allow moisture to enter
behind, around or under the roof or flashing membrane.
1. Prepare all walls, penetrations, expansion joints, and other surfaces to be flashed with
asphalt primer at the rate of 100 square feet per gallon. Allow primer to dry tack free.
2. Adhere modified flashing base to the underlying base flashing ply with specified
flashing ply adhesive. Nail off at a minimum of 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. from the
finished roof at all vertical surfaces.
3. Solidly adhere the entire sheet of flashing membrane to the substrate. Tops of all
flashings that are not run up and over curb shall be secured through termination bar 6
inches (152 mm) and sealed at top
4. Seal all vertical laps of flashing membrane with a three-course application of trowel-
grade mastic and fiberglass mesh.
5. Coordinate counter flashing, cap flashings, expansion joints, and similar work with
modified bitumen roofing work.
6. Coordinate roof accessories, miscellaneous sheet metal accessory items, including
piping vents and other devices with the roofing system work. When using mineralized
cap sheet all stripping plies type IV felt / Versiply 40 shall be installed prior to cap
sheet installation.
H. Flashing Cap Ply: Install flashing cap sheets by the same application method used for the
base ply.
1. Seal curb, wall and parapet flashings with an application of mastic and mesh on a
daily basis. Do not permit conditions to exist that will allow moisture to enter behind,
around or under the roof or flashing membrane.
2. Prepare all walls, penetrations, expansion joints and where shown on the Drawings to
be flashed with required primer at the rate of 100 square feet per gallon. Allow primer
to dry tack free.
3. Adhere to the underlying base flashing ply with specified flashing ply adhesive unless
07550 -12
otherwise specified. Nail off at a minimum of 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. from the finished
roof at all vertical surfaces.
4. Coordinate counter flashing, cap flashings, expansion joints and similar work with
modified bitumen roofing work as specified.
5. Coordinate roof accessories, miscellaneous sheet metal accessory items with the
roofing system work.
6. All stripping shall be installed prior to flashing cap sheet installation.
7. Heat and scrape granules when welding or adhering at cut areas and seams to
granular surfaces at all flashings.
8. Secure the top edge of the flashing sheet using a termination bar only when the wall
surface above is waterproofed, or nailed 4 inches on center and covered with an
acceptable counter flashing.
I. Roof Walkways: Provide walkways in areas indicated on the Drawings.
A. Metal Edge:
1. Inspect the nailers to assure proper attachment and configuration.
2. Run one ply over the edge. Assure coverage of all wood nailers. Fasten plies with ring
shank nails at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c.
3. Install continuous cleat and fasten at 6 inches (152 mm) o.c.
4. Install new metal edge hooked to continuous cleat and set in bed of roof cement.
Fasten flange to wood nailers every 3 inches (76 mm) o.c. staggered.
5. Prime metal edge at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry. Do not
prime for Green-Lock System lightly sand metal to improve bond.
6. Strip in flange with base flashing ply covering entire flange in bitumen with 6 inches
(152 mm) on to the field of roof. Assure ply laps do not coincide with metal laps.
7. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Seal outside edge with rubberized cement.
B. Roof Edge With Gutter:
1. Inspect the nailer to assure proper attachment and configuration. Increase slope at
metal edge by additional degree of slope in first board.
2. Run one ply over the edge. Assure coverage of all wood nailers. Fasten plies with ring
shank nails at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c.
3. Install gutter and strapping.
4. Install continuous cleat and fasten at 6 inches (152 mm) o.c.
5. Install new metal edge hooked to continuous cleat and set in bed of roof cement.
Fasten flange to wood nailer every 3 inches (76 mm) o.c. staggered.
6. Prime metal edge at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry. Do not
prime for Green-Lock System lightly sand metal to improve bond.
7. Strip in flange with base flashing ply covering entire flange in bitumen with 6 inches
(152 mm) onto the field of the roof. Assure ply laps do not coincide with metal laps.
8. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof.
C. Scupper Through Wall:
1. Inspect the nailer to assure proper attachment and configuration.
2. Run one ply over nailer, into scupper hole and up flashing as in typical wall flashing
detail. Assure coverage of all wood nailers.
3. Install a scupper box in a 1/4 inch (6 mm) bed of mastic. Assure all box seams are
soldered and have a minimum 4 inch (101 mm) flange. Make sure all corners are
closed and soldered. Prime scupper at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow
to dry.
4. Fasten flange of scupper box every 3 inches (76 mm) o.c. staggered.
5. Strip in flange of scupper box with base flashing ply covering entire area with 6 inch
07550 -13
(152 mm) overlap on to the field of the roof and wall flashing.
6. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Apply a three-course application of mastic
and mesh at all seams.
D. Scupper Through Wall (Overflow):
1. Inspect the nailer to assure proper attachment and configuration.
2. Run one ply over nailer up the overflow, into the scupper hole and up flashing as in
typical wall flashing detail. Assure coverage of all wood nailers.
3. Install scupper box in a 1/4 inch (6 mm) bed of mastic. Assure all box seams are
soldered and have a minimum 4 inch (101 mm) flange. Make sure all corners are
closed and soldered. Prime scupper at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow
to dry.
4. Fasten flange of scupper box every 3 inches (76 mm) o.c. staggered.
5. Strip in flange scupper box with base flashing ply covering entire area with 6 inch (152
mm) overlap on to the field of the roof and wall flashing.
6. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Apply a three-course application of mastic
and mesh at all seams.
E. Surface Mounted Counterflashing:
1. Minimum flashing height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Maximum
flashing height is 24 inches (609 mm). Prime vertical wall at a rate of 100 square feet
per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all field plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering wall set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to field
of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Apply a three-course application of mastic
and mesh at all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Apply butyl tape to wall behind flashing. Secure termination bar through flashing, butyl
tape and into wall. Alternatively use caulk to replace the butyl tape.
6. Secure counterflashing set on butyl tape above flashing at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. and
caulk top of counterflashing.
F. Reglet Mounted Counterflashing:
1. Minimum flashing height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Maximum
flashing height is 24 inches. Prime vertical wall at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon
and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all field plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering wall set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to field
of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Apply a three-course application of mastic
and mesh at all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Apply butyl tape to wall behind flashing. Secure termination bar through flashing, butyl
tape and into wall. Alternatively use caulk to replace the butyl tape.
6. Cut reglet in masonry one joint above flashing.
7. Secure reglet counterflashing with expansion fasteners and caulk reglet opening.
G. Expansion Joint:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Chamfer top of
curb. Prime vertical curb at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Mechanically attach wood cant to expansion joint nailers. Run all field plies over cant
a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install compressible insulation in neoprene cradle.
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4. Install base flashing ply covering curb set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to
field of the roof.
5. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Attach top of membrane to top of curb and
nail at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. Apply a three-course application of mastic and mesh at
all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
6. Install pre-manufactured expansion joint cover. Fasten sides at 12 inches (609 mm)
o.c. with fasteners and neoprene washers. Furnish all joint cover laps with butyl tape
between metal covers.
H. Equipment Support:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Prime vertical
at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all field plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering curb set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to
field of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Attach top of membrane to top of curb and
nail at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. Apply a three-course application of mastic and mesh at
all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Install pre-manufactured cover. Fasten sides at 24 inches (609 mm) o.c. with
fasteners and neoprene washers. Furnish all joint cover laps with butyl tape between
metal covers.
6. Set equipment on neoprene pad and fasten as required by equipment manufacturer.
I. Curb Detail/Air Handling Station:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Prime vertical
at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all field plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering curb set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to
field of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Apply a three-course application of mastic
and mesh at all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Install pre-manufactured counterflashing with fasteners and neoprene washers or per
manufacturer's recommendations.
6. Set equipment on neoprene pad and fasten as required by equipment manufacturer.
J. Skylight:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Prime vertical
at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all field plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering curb set in bitumen with 6 inches (152 mm) on to
field of the roof.
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply in bitumen over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to the field of the roof. Attach top of membrane to top of wood
nailer and apply a three-course application of mastic and mesh. Allow to cure and
5. Install pre-manufactured lens and fasten flashing sides at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. with
fasteners and neoprene washers.
K. Exhaust Fan:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Prime vertical
at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering curb with 6 inches (152 mm) on to field of the roof.
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4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply installed over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to field of the roof. Attach top of membrane to top of wood curb
and nail at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. Apply a three-course application of mastic and
mesh at all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Install metal exhaust fan over the wood nailers and flashing to act as counterflashing.
Fasten per manufacturer's recommendation.
L. Passive Vent/Air Intake:
1. Minimum curb height is 8 inches (203 mm) above finished roof height. Prime vertical
at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
2. Set cant in bitumen. Run all plies over cant a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm).
3. Install base flashing ply covering curb with 6 inches (152mm) on to the field of the
4. Install a second ply of modified flashing ply installed over the base flashing ply, 9
inches (228 mm) on to field of the roof. Attach top of membrane to top of wood curb
and nail at 8 inches (203 mm) o.c. Apply a three-course application of mastic and
mesh at all vertical seams and allow to cure and aluminize.
5. Install passive vent/air intake over the wood nailers and flashing to act as
counterflashing. Fasten per manufacturer's recommendations.
M. Roof Drain:
1. Plug drain to prevent debris from entering plumbing.
2. Taper insulation to drain minimum of 24 inches (609 mm) from center of drain.
3. Run roof system plies over drain. Cut out plies inside drain bowl.
4. Set lead/copper flashing (30 inch square minimum) in 1/4 inch bed of mastic. Run
lead/copper into drain a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm). Prime lead/copper at a rate of
100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
5. Install base flashing ply (40 inch square minimum) in bitumen.
6. Install modified membrane (48 inch square minimum) in bitumen.
7. Install clamping ring and assure that all plies are under the clamping ring.
8. Remove drain plug and install strainer.
N. Roof Drain Alternate:
1. Plug drain to prevent debris from entering plumbing.
2. Taper insulation to drain minimum of 24 inches (609 mm) from center of drain.
3. Install two base flashing plies (40 inch square minimum) in bitumen.
4. Set lead/copper flashing (30 inch square minimum) in 1/4 inch (6 mm) bed of mastic.
Run lead/copper into drain a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm). Prime lead/copper at a
rate of 100 square feet per gallon and allow to dry.
5. Run roof system plies over drain. Cut out plies inside drain bowl.
6. Install modified membrane (48 inch square minimum) in bitumen.
7. Install clamping ring and assure that all plies are under the clamping ring.
8. Remove drain plug and install strainer.
O. Plumbing Stack:
1. Minimum stack height is 12 inches (609 mm).
2. Run roof system over the entire surface of the roof. Seal the base of the stack with
elastomeric sealant.
3. Prime flange of new sleeve. Install properly sized sleeves set in 1/4 inch (6 mm) bed
of roof cement.
4. Install base flashing ply in bitumen.
5. Install membrane in bitumen.
6. Caulk the intersection of the membrane with elastomeric sealant.
7. Turn sleeve a minimum of 1 inch (25 mm) down inside of stack.
P. Heat Stack:
1. Minimum stack height is 12 inches (609 mm).
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2. Run roof system over the entire surface of the roof. Seal the base of the stack with
elastomeric sealant.
3. Prime flange of new sleeve. Install properly sized sleeves set in 1/4 inch (6 mm) bed
of roof cement.
4. Install base flashing ply in bitumen.
5. Install modified membrane in bitumen.
6. Caulk the intersection of the membrane with elastomeric sealant.
7. Install new collar over cape. Weld collar or install stainless steel draw brand.
Q. Liquid Flashing:
1. Mask target area on roof membrane with tape.
2. Clean all non-porous areas with isopropyl alcohol.
3. Apply 32 wet mil base coat of liquid flashing over masked area.
4. Embed polyester reinforcement fabric into the base coat of the liquid flashing.
5. Apply 48-64 wet mil top coat of the liquid flashing material over the fabric extending 2
inches (51 mm) past the scrim in all directions.
6. Apply minerals immediately or allow the liquid flashing material to cure 15-30 days
and then install reflective coating.
A. Title 24 Coating Application
1. Product to be roll applied.
2. Apply per 1.1, B instructions.
3. Contractor to comply with manufacturer application guidelines.
A. Clean-up and remove daily from the site all wrappings, empty containers, paper, loose
particles and other debris resulting from these operations.
B. Remove asphalt markings from finished surfaces.
C. Repair or replace defaced or disfigured finishes caused by Work of this section.
A. Provide traffic ways, erect barriers, fences, guards, rails, enclosures, chutes and the like to
protect personnel, roofs and structures, vehicles and utilities.
B. Protect exposed surfaces of finished walls with tarps to prevent damage.
C. Plywood for traffic ways required for material movement over existing roofs shall be not less
than 5/8 inch (16 mm) thick.
D. In addition to the plywood listed above, an underlayment of minimum 1/2 inch (13 mm)
recover board is required on new roofing.
E. Special permission shall be obtained from the Manufacturer before any traffic shall be
permitted over new roofing.
A. When the Project is in progress, the roofing system manufacturer will provide the following:
1. Report progress and quality of the work as observed.
2. Provide regular job site inspections.
07550 -17
3. Report to the Owner in writing any failure or refusal of the Contractor to correct
unacceptable practices called to the Contractor's attention.
4. Confirm after completion that manufacturer has observed no application procedures in
conflict with the specifications other than those that may have been previously
reported and corrected.
A. Base (Ply) Sheet: Basis of Design
1. Stressbase 80: 110 mil SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) rubber modified roofing
base sheet reinforced with a fiberglass scrim. Designed for torch applications with a
burn-off backer that indicates when the material is hot enough to be installed.
a. Tensile Strength, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 100 lbf/in
b. Tear Strength, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 110 lbf XD
c. Elongation at Maximum Tensile, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 4% XD 4%
B. Modified Cap (Ply) Sheet: Basis of Design
1. StressPly Plus FR Mineral(P80): 155 mil SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) rubber
modified roofing membrane reinforced with a fiberglass and polyester composite
scrim. This membrane is designed for torch applications and has a burn-off backer
that indicates when the material is hot enough to be installed.
a. Tensile Strength, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 310 lbf/in
b. Tear Strength, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 500 lbf
c. Elongation at Maximum Tensile, ASTM D 5147
1) 2 in/min. @ 73.4 +/- 3.6 deg. F MD 8% XD 8%
d. Low Temperature Flexibility, ASTM D 5147, Passes -30 deg. F