PC - Item 3B - Exhibit F - Appendix B General Biological Assessment GENERAL BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBERS 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 CITY OF ROSEMEAD, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Borstein Enterprises, Inc. 11766 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 820 Los Angeles, California 90025 Prepared by: Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, California 92530 (909) 772-9009 JULY 2022 APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | i Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ i 1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Location ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Location ..................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Methodology..................................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 Literature Review .................................................................................................................. 1 2.2 Field Survey .......................................................................................................................... 1 3.0 Results .............................................................................................................................................. 2 3.1 Environmental Setting ............................................................................................................ 2 3.2 Soils ........................................................................................................................................ 2 3.3 Habitat Communities.............................................................................................................. 2 3.4 Wildlife .................................................................................................................................. 3 3.5 Sensitive Biological Resources ............................................................................................. 3 3.5.1 Special Status Plants............................................................................................... 3 3.5.2 Sensitive Wildlife ....................................................................................................... 5 3.6 Critical Habitat ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.7 Migratory Nesting Birds......................................................................................................... 7 3.8 Wildlife Movement Corridors ................................................................................................ 7 3.9 Jurisdictional Waters .............................................................................................................. 7 4.0 Project Impacts................................................................................................................................ 7 4.1 Impacts to Habitat Types ........................................................................................................ 7 4.2 Impacts to Sensitive Species .................................................................................................. 8 4.3 Impacts to Migratory Nesting Birds ....................................................................................... 8 4.4 Impacts to Critical Habitat .................................................................................................... 8 4.5 Impacts to Wildlife Movement Corridors ............................................................................. 8 4.6 Conflict with Local Policies or Ordinances Protecting Biological Resources ...................... 8 4.7 Conflicts with the Provisions of an Adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or Other Approved Local, Regional, or State Habitat Conservation Plan ........ 9 4.8 Impacts to Jurisdictional Waters ............................................................................................. 9 5.0 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................ 9 6.0 CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................................................... 10 Fieldwork Performed By: ........................................................................................................................ 10 7.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 11 APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | ii Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 FIGURES Figure 1 – Location Map Figure 2 – Vicinity Map Figure 3 – Project Plans Figure 4 – Habitat Map Figure 5 – Impact Map APPENDICES Appendix A – Observed Species List Appendix B – Potential Species List Appendix C – Site Photographs Appendix D – Soils Map APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 1 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 1.0 Introduction Hernandez Environmental Services (HES) was contracted by Borstein Enterprises, Inc. to perform a General Biological Assessment (GBA) on an approximate 3.44-acre project site within the City of Rosemead, Los Angeles County, California. The purpose of the GBA is to document the presence/absence of sensitive resources that may be present on the site, to document existing habitats, and generally address biological questions that may be needed for project approval. This GBA will present the results obtained from the field survey and will provide recommendations that may be needed to mitigate potential biological impacts from project activities. 1.1 Project Location The project site is located at the northeast corner of Mission Drive and Walnut Grove Avenue within the City of Rosemead, Los Angeles County, California. The site address is 8601 Mission Drive, Rosemead, California. The site consists of Los Angeles County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 5389-009-029, -030, and -031. Specifically, the project site is located within Section 18, Township 1 South, Range 11 West of the El Monte United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5- minute topographic quadrangle. The project site center point latitude and longitude are 34°05’18.4499” North and 118°04’51.9358” West (Figures 1 and 2). 1.2 Project Description The development plan is to construct 37 dwelling units comprised of 29 single-family detached homes and eight duplex units. The community includes a private park with tot lot and other amenities. The total area of impact is approximately 3.44 acres (Figure 3). 2.0 Methodology 2.1 Literature Review HES conducted a literature review and reviewed aerial photographs and topographic maps of the project location and surrounding areas. The following USGS quads were used to query the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB): El Monte, Pasadena, Mt. Wilson, Azusa, Baldwin Park, Los Angeles, Southgate, Whittier, and La Habra. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) County Endangered Species Lists and CNPS Rare Plant Inventory were reviewed to obtain species information for the project area. 2.2 Field Survey On June 27, 2022, HES conducted a field survey of the 3.44-acre project site. Ambient temperature APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 2 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 at 9:25 A.M. was 77° Fahrenheit, sunny, with winds ranging from 0 to 1 mile per hour from the southeast. The purpose of the field survey was to document the existing habitat conditions, obtain plant and animal species information, view the surrounding uses, assess the potential for state and federal waters, assess the potential for wildlife movement corridors, and assess for the presence of critical habitat constituent elements. The entire 3.44-acre project site was surveyed. Linear transects approximately 50 feet apart were walked for 100 percent coverage. All species observed were recorded and Global Positioning System (GPS) way points were taken to delineate specific habitat types, species locations, state or federal waters, or any other information that would be useful for the assessment of the project site. A comprehensive list of all plant and wildlife species that were detected during the field survey within the project site is included in Appendix A. Sensitive plant and wildlife species with the potential to occur within the project area are listed in Appendix B. Representative site photographs were taken and are included within Appendix C. 3.0 Results 3.1 Environmental Setting The project site, previously known as Guess Park, contains non-native, ruderal habitat with portions of disturbed dirt trails and gravel. The project site is bordered by residential development in all directions and busy roads to the south and west. The site is flat with elevations ranging from 351 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) to 360 feet AMSL. 3.2 Soils According to the USDA Web Soil Survey, soil at the project site is classified as Urban land- Palmview-Tujunga complex (1002), 0 to 5 percent slopes (Appendix D). 3.3 Habitat Communities The entire 3.44-acre project area supports a ruderal habitat community dominated by non-native plant species. This habitat type is common in previously disturbed areas. Characteristic species within the project area include red brome (Bromus madritensis), prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola), redstem filaree (Erodium cicutarium), telegraphweed (Heterotheca grandiflora), shortpod mustard (Hirschfeldia incana), cheeseweed (Malva parviflora), tumbleweed (Salsola tragus), and Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon). Several ornamental species from the surrounding single- family residences were near the fence but within the project site, including cape leadwort (Plumbago auriculata), creeping fig (Ficus pumila), oleander (Nerium oleander), California wild grape (Vitis californica), Chinese elm (Ulmus parviflora), and Brazilian peppertree (Schinus APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 3 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 terebinthifolia). 3.4 Wildlife General wildlife species documented on the project site or within the vicinity of the site include the northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos), American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), California scrub jay (Aphelocoma californica), Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto), American kestrel (Falco sparverius), California towhee (Melozone crissalis), monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), bumblebee (Bombus sp.), and checkered white butterfly (Pontia protodice). 3.5 Sensitive Biological Resources A total of 45 sensitive species of plants and habitats and 45 sensitive species of animals has the potential to occur on or within the vicinity of the project location. These include those species listed or candidates for listing by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and California Native Plant Society (CNPS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM). All habitats utilized by these species was evaluated during the site visit and a determination has been made for the presence or probability of presence in this report. This section will address those species listed as Candidate, Rare, Threatened, or Endangered under the state and federal endangered species laws or directed to be evaluated under other state, county, or municipal regulations. All sensitive species within a 5-mile radius of project area were reviewed and a complete list of those species are discussed in in Appendix B. 3.5.1 Special Status Plants A total of 13 plant species are listed as state and/or federally Threatened, Endangered, Candidate, Rare, or as 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. Other sensitive species that have a potential to exist on the project site will also be discussed in this section. The following is a description of these species: Braunton’s milk-vetch Braunton’s milk-vetch (Astragalus brauntonii) is a federally Endangered Species and ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species is found in recently burned or disturbed areas with sandstone or carbonate layers. It is found in chaparral, coastal scrub, and valley-foothill grassland habitats. No suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species is not present. Parish’s brittlescale Parish’s brittlescale (Atriplex parishii) is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species is usually found on drying alkali flats with fine soils. No suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species is not present. APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 4 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 Nevin’s barberry Nevin’s barberry (Berberis nevinii) is a federally and state Endangered Species and is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species grows on steep, north-facing slopes or in low grade sandy washes. It inhabits chaparral, cismontane woodlands, coastal scrub, or riparian scrub. No suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species is not present. Lucky morning-glory Lucky morning-glory (Calystegia felix) is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species is found in meadows and seeps as well as riparian scrub. It prefers alkaline and alluvial soils. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Southern tarplant Southern tarplant (Centromadia parryi ssp. australis) is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species is often found in disturbed sites near the coast at marsh edges. It grows in alkaline soils with saltgrass or on vernal pool margins. No suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species is not present. Smooth tarplant Smooth tarplant (Centromadia pungens ssp. laevis) is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species inhabits alkali meadows and scrub within valley and foothill grasslands, chenopod scrub, meadows and seeps, playas, and riparian woodland. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Parry’s spineflower Parry’s spineflower (Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi) is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species is found on dry slopes and flats, sometimes at the interface of two vegetation types, such as chaparral and oak woodland. It grows in dry, sandy soils that are not found in the study area. No suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species is not present. Slender-horned spineflower Slender-horned spineflower (Dodecahema leptoceras) is a federally and state Endangered Species and is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species inhabits flood deposited terraces and washes within chaparral, cismontane woodland, and alluvial fan sage scrub. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. San Gabriel Mountains dudleya San Gabriel Mountains dudleya (Dudleya densiflora) is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species grows in crevices and on decomposed granite on cliffs and canyon walls. APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 5 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 It inhabits chaparral, coastal scrub, cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest, and riparian forest habitats. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Mesa horkelia Mesa horkelia (Horkelia cuneata var. puberula) is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species inhabits chaparral, cismontane woodland, and coastal scrub habitats within sand or gravel. No suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species is not present. Coulter’s goldfields Coulter’s goldfields (Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri) is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species is usually found on alkaline soils in playas, sinks, and grasslands. It inhabits coastal salt marshes, playas, and vernal pools. No suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species is not present. California Orcutt grass California Orcutt grass (Orcuttia californica) is a federally and state Endangered Species and ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species is found in vernal pools and wetlands. No suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species is not present. Brand’s star phacelia Brand’s star phacelia (Phacelia stellaris) is ranked 1B.1 in the CNPS Rare Plant Inventory. This species grows in open areas of coastal scrub and coastal dunes. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. 3.5.2 Sensitive Wildlife A total of 10 wildlife species are listed as state and/or federally Threatened, Endangered, Rare, or Candidate Species. Sensitive species which have a potential to occur will also be discussed in this section. Following is a description of these species: Arroyo toad Arroyo toad (Anaxyrus californicus) is a federally Endangered Species and a CDFW Species of Special Concern. This species can be found in rivers with sandy banks, willows, cottonwoods, and sycamores. It inhabits loose, gravelly areas of streams in drier parts of the range. This species habitat includes semi-arid regions near washes or intermittent streams, including valley-foothills, desert riparian, and desert washes. No suitable habitat is present. This species is not present. Swainson’s hawk APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 6 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni) is a state Threatened Species. This avian species requires adjacent suitable foraging areas such as grasslands, or alfalfa or grain fields supporting rodent populations. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Bell’s sage sparrow Bell’s sage sparrow (Artemisiospiza belli belli) is on the CDFW Watch List. This species lives in chaparral and coastal scrub habitats and nests in chaparral dominated by dense stands of chamise. Suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species has the potential to be present. Santa Ana sucker Santa Ana sucker (Catostomus santaanae) is a federally Threatened Species. It is a habitat generalist but prefers sand-rubble-boulder bottoms and cool, clear water and algae. No suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species is not present. Southwestern willow flycatcher Southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) is a federally and state Endangered Species. It is found in riparian woodland habitat in southern California. No suitable habitat is present. This species is not present. Coastal California gnatcatcher Coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) is a federally Threatened Species. This bird occupies low, coastal sage scrub in arid washes and on mesas and slopes. No suitable habitat is present. This species is not present. Foothill yellow-legged frog Foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii) is a state Endangered Species and a CDFW Species of Special Concern. This species requires cobble-sized substrate for egg-laying and needs at least 15 weeks to attain metamorphosis. No suitable habitat is present. This species is not present. Southern mountain yellow-legged frog Southern mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) is a federally and state Endangered Species and on the CDFW Watch List. This species is aquatic and tadpoles may require up to four years to complete their aquatic development. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Bank swallow Bank swallow (Riparia riparia) is a state Threatened Species. This bird requires vertical banks and cliffs with fine-textured soils near streams, lakes, rivers, and oceans to dig nesting holes. No APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 7 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 suitable habitat is present in the study area. This species is not present. Least Bell’s vireo Least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) is a federally and state Endangered Species. This species is found in riparian forest, riparian scrub, and riparian woodland. Nesting habitat of this species is restricted to willow and/or mulefat dominated riparian scrub along permanent or nearly permanent streams. No suitable habitat is present. This species is not present. 3.6 Critical Habitat The proposed project site is not located within any designated federal critical habitat. The closest federal critical habitat is coastal California gnatcatcher critical habitat located 3.65 miles south of the project site within the Whittier Narrows Natural Area and near the San Gabriel River. 3.7 Migratory Nesting Birds Migratory non-game native bird species are protected under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Additionally, Sections 3503, 3503.5, and 3513 of the California Fish and Game Code prohibit take of all birds and their active nests. The study area has shrubs and trees near the borders that can be used by nesting songbirds during the nesting bird season of February 1 to September 15. 3.8 Wildlife Movement Corridors Wildlife movement corridors link together areas of suitable habitat that are otherwise separated by rugged terrain, changes in vegetation, or human disturbances. The project site was evaluated for its function as a wildlife corridor that species would use to move between wildlife habitat zones. Usually, mountain canyons or riparian corridors are used by wildlife as corridors. The project site consists ruderal habitat with surrounding residential development and busy roads. In addition, no jurisdictional waters exist on site. No wildlife movement corridors exist on the project site. 3.9 Jurisdictional Waters No state or federal jurisdictional waters exist on the project site. 4.0 Project Impacts 4.1 Impacts to Habitat Types The project site contains approximately 3.44 acres of ruderal habitat that is expected to be impacted from project implementation (Figure 5). APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 8 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 4.2 Impacts to Sensitive Species The project site is flat and ruderal with sparse non-native vegetation, including shortpod mustard and brome grass. There is residential development, paved roads, and human activity in all directions surrounding the site. Due to the nature of the project site and surrounding development, no sensitive plant or wildlife species have the potential to occur. No impacts to sensitive species are expected. 4.3 Impacts to Migratory Nesting Birds Migratory nongame native bird species are protected under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Additionally, Sections 3503, 3503.5 and 3513 of the California Fish and Game Code prohibit take of all birds and their active nests. If vegetation removal and other ground disturbance activities can be conducted outside of the recognized nesting bird season (February 15 through September 15), impacts to nesting birds is not expected. If work cannot be avoided during the nesting bird season, prior to initiation of project activities that would remove vegetation or otherwise disturb nesting activity (for instance, mobilization of heavy equipment), work associated with project activities have the potential to impact nesting birds. 4.4 Impacts to Critical Habitat The proposed project site is not located within any designated federal critical habitat. No impacts to critical habitat would occur from project development. 4.5 Impacts to Wildlife Movement Corridors The project site is not located within a designated wildlife corridor or linkage. No wildlife corridors or linkages were found to occur on site. No impacts to wildlife corridors or linkages would occur from project development. 4.6 Conflict with Local Policies or Ordinances Protecting Biological Resources The Los Angeles County Significant Ecological Areas (SEA) program identifies over 60 trees that are protected, including oaks. A Protected Tree Permit is needed for removal of any of the identified trees. The trees on site include tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), Mexican fan palm (Washingtonia robusta), Brazilian peppertree, Chinese elm, and glossy privet (Ligustrum lucidum). None of these trees occur in the SEA protected tree list. Therefore, no conflict would occur. APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 9 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 4.7 Conflicts with the Provisions of an Adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or Other Approved Local, Regional, or State Habitat Conservation Plan The proposed project does not conflict with an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved Habitat Conservation Plan. 4.8 Impacts to Jurisdictional Waters No state or federal jurisdictional waters exist within the project site. Therefore, no impacts to jurisdictional waters would occur. 5.0 Recommendations Based upon the findings of this report, it is recommended that the following measures be implemented as part of the project to avoid, minimize, or compensate for the anticipated impacts from project activities: Nesting Birds • If ground disturbing and vegetation clearing activities cannot be avoided during the nesting bird season (February 15 through September 15), a qualified biologist should conduct a pre-construction nesting bird survey within all areas of breeding/nesting habitat within and adjacent to the project site prior to initiation of project activities that would remove vegetation or otherwise disturb nesting activity (for instance, mobilization of heavy equipment). Surveys should be conducted not more than 3 days prior to initiation of activities. • If nesting birds are encountered, a qualified biologist will establish an avoidance buffer zone around the nest (buffer zones vary according to species involved and shall be determined by the qualified biologist). No activities that would adversely affect the nest shall occur within the buffer zone until the qualified biologist has determined the nest is no longer active and the young are no longer dependent on the nest. APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 10 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 6.0 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this biological evaluation, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date 07/11/2022 Signed PROJECT MANAGER Fieldwork Performed By: Sarah Vasquez ASSOCIATE BIOLOGIST Sarah Gulyas ASSOCIATE BIOLOGIST APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 11 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 7.0 REFERENCES American Ornithologists’ Union. 1983 (and supplements 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, and 1995). The A.O.U. Check-List of North American Birds. 6th ed. Allen Press. Lawrence, Kansas. Burt, W.H., and Grossenheider, R.P., 1980. Peterson Field Guides, Mammals. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, New York. CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game). 1988a. California’s wildlife, Volume I: Amphibians and Reptiles. State of California Resources Agency. Sacramento, California. CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game). 1988b. California’s Wildlife, Volume II: Birds. State of California’s Resource Agency. Sacramento, California. CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game). 1988c. California’s Wildlife, Volume III: Mammals. State of California Resources Agency. Sacramento, California. CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game). 2014 (October). Natural Communities List. The Resources Agency of California, Department of Fish and Game, Natural Diversity Data Base. Sacramento, California. CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game). 2014 (October). Endangered and Threatened Animals List. The Resources Agency of California, Department of Fish and Game, Natural Diversity Data Base. Sacramento, California. CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game). 2014 (October). Endangered Threatened and Rare Plants. The Resources Agency of California, Department of Fish and Game, Natural Diversity Data Base. Sacramento, California. CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game). 2014 (October). Special Animals List . The Resources Agency of California, Department of Fish and Game, Natural Diversity Data Base. Sacramento, California. CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game). 2015. RareFind On-line program. Data Base Record Search for Information on Threatened, Endangered, Rare, or Otherwise Sensitive Species California Department of Fish and Game, State of California Resources Agency. Sacramento, California. APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 12 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 CDFW (California Department of Fish and Wildlife). 2018. CNDDB MGS Data. The Conservation Strategy for the Mohave Ground Squirrel. The Resources Agency of California, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Natural Diversity Data Base. Sacramento, California. Department of the Army. 1986 (Nov 13). 33 CFR Parts 320 Through 330, Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule. Federal Register 51(219):41206-41206. Department of the Army. 2000 (Mar 9). 33 CFR Parts 320 Through 330, Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule. Federal Register 65(47):12818-12899. Department of the Army. 2002 (Jan 15). 33 CFR Parts 320 Through 330, Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule. Federal Register 67(10):20020-2095. Hickman, J.C. 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press. Berkeley, California. Holland, R.F. 1986 (updated 1996). Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of California. Non-game Heritage Program. California Department of Fish and Game. Sacramento, California. Munz, P.A. 1974. A Flora of Southern California. University of California Press. Berkeley, California. Sawyer, J.O. and T. Keeler-Wolf. 1995. A Manual of California Vegetation. California Native Plant Society. Sacramento, California. Spencer, W.D., P. Beier, K. Penrod, K. Winters, C. Paulman, H. Rustigian-Romsos, J. Strittholt, M. Parisi, and A. Pettler. 2010. California Essential Habitat Connectivity Project: A Strategy for Conserving a Connected California. Prepared for California Department of Transportation, California Department of Fish and Game, and Federal Highways Administration. Stebbins, R.C. 2003. A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians. 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston, Massachusetts. Tibor, D.P. 2001. California Native Plant Society’s Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California. California Native Plant Society. Special Publication, No. 1, 6th ed. APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 General Biological Assessment P a g e | 13 Hernandez Environmental Services 17037 Lakeshore Drive Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 Udvardy, M.D. 1994. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. New York, New York. USFWS (United States Fish and Wildlife Service). 2008. Draft revised recovery plan for the Mojave population of the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California and Nevada Region, Sacramento, California. 209 pp. USFWS (United States Fish and Wildlife Service). 1993 (Sep 30). Plant Taxa for Listing as Endangered or Threatened Species; Notice of Review. Federal Register 50 CFR Part 17. U.S. Department of the Interior. Washington, D.C. USFWS (United States Fish and Wildlife Service). 1994 (Nov 15). Endangered or Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Animal Candidate Review for Listing as Endangered or Threatened Species. Federal Register 50 CFR Part 17. U.S. Department of the Interior. Washington, D.C. USFWS (United States Fish and Wildlife Service). 1997c (Oct. 31). Endangered or Threatened Wildlife and Plants. Federal Register 50 CFR Part 17. U.S. Department of the Interior. Washington, D.C. FIGURE 1 Figure 1 Project Site Boundary Legend N Location Map APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 City of Rosemead, Los Angeles County, California FIGURE 2 Figure 2 Project Site Boundary Legend N Vicinity Map APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 City of Rosemead, Los Angeles County, California Project Location FIGURE 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MAIL9 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 14 15 16 17 18 19 38.29' 42.62' 26.17' 26.17' 32.67'32.67' 26.17' 26.17' 33.48' 26.17' 26.17' 32.67 ' 32.67' 26.17 ' 26.17' 38.35'76.50'86.00'76.62'86.14'S89°55'40"W 174.11'S00°56'10"E 542.70'N00°19'33"W 254.20'N28°55'42"E 389.37'S64°1 8 ' 3 2 " E 2 5 0 . 3 7 'S20°14'36"W 169.63'N89°08'21"E 86.93' 15.0015.3017.2313.23 13.76 20.00 24.00 13.00 20.0014.018.00 20.0020.73 18.0010.0011.5030. 8.00 20.00 5 TYP 5 TYP 19.15 6.020.0038.00 13.00 13.00 20.00 24.00 20.00 TYP 12.1 7 10.17 14.69 11.00 20.003TYP3TYP21.010.0 8.0 13.05 12.03 M M SBE PAR 1 MAP 148-19-52D SBE PAR 2 MAP 148-19-52D 2PTS SO CALIF EDISON CO NO SITUS APN: 5389-005-800 QUYEN Y TO 4629 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-042JOANNE TRINH8600 ZERELDA STAPN: 5389-009-047MANDY TA8606 ZERELDA STAPN: 5389-009-048DAVID K IKARI/DENNIS S IKARI8612 ZERELDA STAPN: 5389-009-049JI HWAN LEE/EUN JOO LEE8620 ZERELDA STAPN: 5389-009-043MIKE B TO/TRITIA TO 4623 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-041 WILLIAM J STONECYPHER JR 4617 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-040 CARLOS VILLAGRAN/ KAREN VILLAGRAN 4613 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-039 FENGYI J SITU/TRACY F SITU 4607 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-038 NGO & BANH FAMILY TRUST NGO ALEXANDER D TR 4603 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-037 JASON SAM/FRAUSTINA SAM 4549 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-036 LAIRD ANDERSON/ DONNA B ANDERSON 4545 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-035 BRYANT M TANG 4539 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-034 LENK TRUST LENK JANET M TR 4535 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-033 KOKICHI NAKAZAWA/ SUMIE NAKAZAWA 4529 BARTLETT AVE APN: 5389-009-032 S A N D Y H W U 8 6 3 9 M I S S I O N D R A P N : 5 3 8 9 - 0 0 9 - 0 2 6 DE H O N G 86 3 7 M I S S I O N D R AP N : 5 3 8 9 - 0 0 9 - 0 2 8 DUBOIS F A M I L Y T R U S T DUBOIS W A Y N E A & DOROT H Y A T R S 8635 M I S S I O N D R APN: 53 8 9 - 0 0 9 - 0 2 7 MISS I O N D R I V EWALNUT GROVE AVE.BARTLETT AVE.4040803232886.016.0DU 5 DU 9 DU 7 DU 10 DU 11 DU 12 DU 13 DU 14 DU 15 DU 16 DU 17 DU 20 DU 21 DU 22 DU 23 DU 32 DU 33 DU 31 DU 34 DU 35 DU 24 DU 25 DU 26 DU 27 DU 28 DU 29 DU 30 DU 18 DU 19 DU 1 DU 2 DU 3 DU 6 DU 4 DU 8 DU 36 DU 37 L01 L02 L03 TYP L05 L06 L07 TYP L08 TYP L04 TYP C01 C02 C02 C02 L05 P01 TYP W01 TYP A0.1.1VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D ARCHIT E CT C -3 1873 ST ATEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES N 500 100 150 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN &PROJECT STATISTICS ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN SFD PLAN 1 2,351 sf SPANISH COLONIAL HACIENDA SFD PLAN 2 2,553 sf "DUPLEX" PLAN 1 1,546 sf "DUPLEX" PLAN 2 1,868 sf VICINITY MAP PROJECT SUMMARY: ·OWNER / APPLICANT:BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES, INC. 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, SUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 ·CONTACT:ERIK PFAHLER erik@borsteinenterprises.com 310.582.1991 x203 ·APN:5389-009-029, 030, 031 ·ZONING: ··CURRENT:R-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ··PROPOSED:P-D ·GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION ··EXISTING:LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ··PROPOSED:MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ·PROJECT SIZE: ··GROSS SF:3.435 AC (149,929 SF) ··NET SF:3.378 AC (147,146 SF) ·LOT SIZE / F.A.R. / LOT COVERAGE: ··LOT 1 (DU 9-37) : 127,151 SF / 67.1% / 43.0% ··LOT 2 (DU 4):3,089 SF / 76.8% / 39.5% ··LOT 3 (DU 3):2,250 SF / 90.7% / 48.0% ··LOT 4 (DU 2):2,250 SF / 90.7% / 48.0% ··LOT 5 (DU 1):2,809 SF / 84.5% / 43.5% ··LOT 6 (DU 5):3,095 SF / 76.7% / 39.5% ··LOT 7 (DU 6):2,002 SF / 102.0% / 54.0% ··LOT 8 (DU 7):2,002 SF / 102.0% / 54.0% ··LOT 9 (DU 8):2,499 SF / 95.0% / 48.9% ·TOTAL NUMBER OF DWELLNG UNITS:37 DU ··SFD PLAN 1:14 DU ··SFD PLAN 2:15 DU ··DUPLEX PLAN 1:4 DU ··DUPLEX PLAN 2:4 DU ·DENSITY:10.95 DU/AC •OPEN SPACE AREA: 17,298 SF / 11.8% WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS ·PARKING: ··GARAGE:74 SPACES ··GUEST:25 SPACES ··BICYCLE:2 SPACES ·BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TYPE:TYPE VB ·OCCUPANCY:R-3 SFD/DUPLEX (CRC) ·PRIVATE OPEN SPACE:VARIES: MIN. 390 SF / DU ACHIEVED ·SCHOOL DISTRICT:ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT 3907 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD #220 ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 626.312.2900 ·ELECTRICAL SERVICE:SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON P.O. BOX 6400 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 800.655.4555 ·GAS SERVICE:SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY P.O. BOX C MONTEREY PARK, CA 91756 800.427.2200 ·WATER SERVICE:CALIFORNIA AMERICAN WATER COMPANY 8657 GRAND AVENUE ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 626.614.2500 REFER TO CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SITE PLAN LEGEND FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICULAR ACCESS FIRE HYDRANT (3 PROPOSED) BICYCLE RACK (2 SPACES) CENTRAL COMMON OPEN SPACE 1,644 TOT. SF / 1.1% WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS SURFACING: TURF OTHER COMMON OPEN SPACE 15,654 TOT. SF / 10.6% WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS SURFACING: COMMON AREA LANDSCAPING TOTAL OPEN SPACE 17,298 TOT. SF / 11.8% WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS REAR YARD AREAS 34,359 TOT. SF / 23.4% WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS CITY PARKWAY LANDSCAPE 489 TOT. SF / 0.3 % WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS SURFACING: PARKWAY LANDSCAPING TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA 51,470 TOT. SF / 34.5% WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS R.O.W. HARDSCAPE 1,383 TOT. SF / 0.9% WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS SURFACING: NATURAL COLORED CONCRETE DRIVE AISLE HARDSCAPE 30,810 TOT. SF / 20.9% OF PROJECT SURFACING: NATURAL COLORED CONCRETE HARDSCAPE (SIDEWALKS) 9,578 TOT. SF / 6.5% WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS SURFACING: NATURAL COLORED CONCRETE TOTAL HARDSCAPE AREA 40,388 TOT. SF / 27.1% WITHIN PROJECT LIMITS 6ft HIGH SPLIT-FACE CUM WALL w/ 4in HIGH SPLIT-FACE CUM CAP PARKING STALLS TO BE STRIPED PER CITY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 17.112.111H TRASH COLLECTION BIN LOCATION PER REPUBLIC SERVICES WILL SERVE LETTER C01 C02 L01 L02 L03 L04 L05 L06 L07 L08 L09 P01 W01 DWELLING UNIT LEGEND SPANISH COLONIAL HACIENDA SANDY H WU 8639 MISSION DR APN: 5389-009-026 DE HONG 8637 MISSION DR APN: 5389-009-028 DUBOIS FAMILY TRUST DUBOIS WAYNE A & DOROTHY A TRS 8635 MISSION DR APN: 5389-009-027 EQ EQEQ EQ10'-0 " EQ EQ EQ EQ90°130' - 3 3 / 8 " REQ S Y S T B K : 1 3 . 0 ' 10'-0 " 90° 9'-4 3/8" REQ. SY STBK: 9.36'EQEQEQ EQ 10'-1 5/8" REQ. SY STBK: 10.14'EQEQEQEQ 90° GAS ELECM&P TELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR 26-80A23 60-50SL60-50SL 50-50SL 26-68 A24200 1234 67 5 121314151716 891011 30-80 SC 24-80 24-80 24-80 30-50SH 50-68 BIPASS50-50SL 26-80 26-6890-80FOLDING DR GAS ELECM&PTELE/CABLE160-70 SECT. GAR. DR 26-80A23 60-50SL 60-50SL50-50SL 26-68 A24200 1 23 4 67 5 121314151716 89 1011 30-80 SC 24-80 24-80 24-80 30-50SH 50-68 BIPAS S50-50SL 26-80 26-68 90-80FOLDING DR 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR34568791011121415 16 171312 30-50 SH30-50SH26-8026-80A2324-8024-8030-80 SC60-50SL 60-50SL50-50SL50-50SL26-68A24 20090-80FOLDING DR24-8020-40SH 40-50SL##-#########160-70 SECT. GAR. DR3456 87 9 10 1112 14 1516 17 13 12 30-50SH 30-50SH26-8026-80A23 24-80 24-80 30-80 SC60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50 SL 50-50SL2 6-68A24 200 90-80FOLDING DR24-8020-40SH 40-50SL##-#########GAS ELECM&P TELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT . G AR . D R 26-80 A23 60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50 SL 26-68 A24200 1234675 1213 1415 1716 891011 30-80 SC 24-8024-80 24-8030-50SH 50-68 BIPASS 50-50SL 26-80 26-68 90-80FOLD I NG DR160-70 SECT. GAR. DR3 45 6 879 1011 12 1415 16171312 30-50SH26-8026-80A23 24-80 24-8030-80 SC 60-50SL60-50SL50-50 SL 50-50SL 26-68A2420090-80FOLDING DR24-8020-40SH40-50SL##-###########-##SL160-70 SECT. GAR. DR3 45 6 879 10111214151617131230-50SH26-80 26-80A23 24-8024-80 30-80 SC 60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50 SL50-50SL26 -68A2420090-80FOLDING DR24-8020-40SH40-50SL##-##### # # # # ##-##SL GAS ELECM&P TELE/CABLE 160-70 SEC T . GA R . D R 26-80 A23 60-50SL 60-50SL50-50SL 26-68A24 200 1234675 12 1314 15 17 16 891011 30-80 SC 24-8024-80 24-80 30-50SH 50-68 BIPASS50-50 SL 26-80 26-68 90-80FOLDIN G D R 160-70 SE C T . G A R . D R 3456879101112 14 1516 17 13 12 30-50SH 30-50SH 26-80 26-80A2324-8024-80 30-80 SC60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50SL50-50SL26-68A2420090-80FOLD I N G D R24-8020-40SH40-50 SL##-#########GAS ELECM&P TELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT . G AR . DR 26-80A23 60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50SL 26-68A24 200 1234675 1213 1415 1716 891011 30-80 SC 24-8024-80 24-80 30-50 SH 50-68 BIPASS 50-50SL 26-80 26-68 90-80FOLDI NG DR 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR3 45 6 8 7 9 1011 12 1415 1617 13 1230-50SH26-8026-80A2324-80 24-80 30-80 SC60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50SL50-50SL26-68A24 200 90-80FOLDING DR24-8020-40SH 40-50SL##-###########-##SL GAS ELECM&PTELE/CABLE 160-70 SEC T . GA R . D R 26-80 A23 60-50SL 60-50SL50-50SL 26-68A24200 123467512 1314 15 17 16 891011 30-80 SC 24-8024-80 24-80 30-50SH 50-68 BIPASS 50-50 SL 26-80 26-68 90-80FOLD I NG D R 160-70 SECT . G A R. DR 34 56 87 910 111214 1516 17 13 12 30-50SH 30-50SH 26-80 26-80A23 24-80 24-80 30-80 SC 60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50 SL 50-50SL26-68 A24200 90-80FOLD IN G D R 24-80 20-40SH 40-50SL ##-###### ###GASELECM&P TELE/CABLE160-70 SECT. GAR. DR26-80 A2360-50SL60-50SL 50-50SL26-68 A242001234675 12131415 1716 891011 30-80 SC 24-80 24-8024-80 30-50SH 50-68 BIP AS S 50-50SL26-8026-6890-80FOLDING DR160-70 SECT. GAR. DR3456 87 910 1112 14 1516 1713 1230-50SH26-80 26-80 A23 24-8024-80 30-80 SC60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50SL50-50SL26-68 A24 20090-80FOLDING DR 24-8020-40SH 40-50SL##-###########-##SL 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR34 5687910111214151617131230-50SH30-50SH26-80 26-80A2324-8024-8030-80 SC60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50SL50-50SL26-68A2420090-80FOLDING DR24-8020-40SH40-50SL##-#########GAS ELECM&P TELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR26-80 A2360-50SL 60-50SL 50-50SL26-68 A24200 1234 67 5 12 13 1415 1716 891011 30-80 SC 24-8024-80 24-8030-50SH 50-68 BIPASS 50-50 SL26-8026-68 90-80FOLDING DR GASELECM&PTELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT . G A R . D R 26-80 A2360-50SL60-50SL50-50SL26-68A24 2001 23 4675 1213 1415 171689101130-80 SC24-80 24-80 24-8030-50SH50-68 BIPASS50-50SL26-80 26-68 90-80FOLDING DRGASELECM&PTELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR26-80 A2360-50SL60-50SL 50-50SL26-68A2420012 34 6 751213141517168 910 1130-80 SC 24-80 24-8024-8030-50SH50-68 BIPASS50-50 SL 26-8026-68 90-80FOLDING DR160-70 SECT . G AR . D R 3456 8 7910 1112 14 1516 17 13 12 30-50SH30-50SH 26-8026-80A23 24-8024-8030-80 SC60-50SL60-50SL 50-50SL 50-50SL 26-68A24 200 90-80FOLD I N G D R 24-8020-40SH40-50SL ##-##### # ### 160-70 SEC T . G AR . D R 3 45 6 8 7 9 1011 12 1415 1617 13 12 30-50SH26-8026-80A23 24-8024-8030-80 SC60-50SL60-50SL50-50 SL 50-50SL 26-68A24200 90-80FOLDIN G DR 24-8020-40SH 40-50SL ##-####### ####-##SLGASELECM&PTELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR26-80A2360-50SL 60-50SL50-50 SL 26-68A24 20012 34 6 75 1213 1415 1716 8 910 11 30-80 SC24-80 24-8024-8030-50SH 50-68 BIPASS 50-50SL26-8026-68 90-80FOLDI N G DR 160-70 SEC T. GA R . DR 34 56 87 910 1112 14 1516 17 13 12 30-50 SH 30-50SH26-8026-80A23 24-80 24-80 30-80 SC 60-50SL 60-50SL50-50SL 50-50SL 26-68A24 200 90-80FOLD I NG D R 24-80 20-40SH40-50SL ##-##### ### # 160-70 SECT. GAR. D R 345687910111214151617 13 12 30-50SH 26-80 26-80A23 24-80 24-80 30-80 SC 60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50SL 50-50SL 26-68 A24200 90-80FOLDING D R 24-80 20-40SH 40-50SL ##-####### # # ##-##SLGASELECM&P TELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR26-80 A2360-50SL 60-50SL 50-50SL26-68A2420012 346751213141517168 9101130-80 SC24-8024-8024-8030-50SH50-68 BIPASS 50-50SL26-8026-6890-80FOLDING DRGAS ELECM&P TELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT. G A R . D R 26-80A23 60-50SL60-50SL50-50SL 26-68A24200 1234 67 5 121314151716 891011 30-80 SC24-80 24-80 24-80 30-50SH50-68 BIPASS 50-50SL 26-80 26-68 90-80FOLDIN G D R 160-70 SECT. GAR. D R 345 687 910 11 12 14 1516 17131230-50SH26-80 26-80A23 24-8024-80 30-80 SC 60-50SL60-50SL 50-50SL50-50SL26-68 A24 20090-80FOLDING DR24-80 20-40SH 40-50 SL##-###########-##SL160-70 SECT. G A R . D R 345687910111214151617 13 12 30-50SH30-50SH26-8026-80A23 24-8024-8030-80 SC 60-50SL60-50SL50-50SL 50-50SL 26-68A24 200 90-80FOLDIN G D R 24-80 20-40SH40-50SL ##-###### # # # GAS ELECM&PTELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR 1 234 6510111213151617 1426-80 A23 20060-80 SGD 60-50SL60-50SL 7 8910 24-8030-80 SC24-80 24-8020-40SH160-70 SECT . G A R . D R 60-50SL891011 1314 12 1234 675 151617 24-80 26-80A23 200 80-80 SGD50-50SL 30-80 SC 40-50SL24-8024-80 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR 60-50SL 891011 1314 12 1234 67515161724-8026-80 A2320080-80 SGD50-50SL 30-80 SC40-50SL24-8024-80GAS ELECM&P TELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT. G A R . D R 123465 10111213 151617 14 26-80A23 200 60-80 SGD60-50SL60-50SL 78910 24-80 30-80 SC 24-80 24-80 20-40SH 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR 60-50SL 891011 1314 12 123 4 6 7 5 151617 24-80 26-80 A23 200 80-80 SGD 50-50SL 30-80 SC 40-50SL24-80 24-80GASELECM&PTELE/CABLE 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR123 4 65101112131516171426-80 A2320060-80 SGD 60-50SL 60-50SL7891024-8030-80 SC24-8024-8020-40SHGAS ELECM&P TELE/CABLE160-70 SECT. GAR . D R 123465 10111213 151617 14 26-80A23 200 60-80 SGD60-50SL 60-50SL 78910 24-80 30-80 SC24-80 24-80 20-40SH 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR60-50SL 89101113 14121 234675 15161724-8026-80A2320080-80 SGD 50-50SL30-80 SC40-50SL24-80 24-80GAS ELECM&PTELE/CABL E 160-70 SECT. GAR. DR 26-80A23 60-50SL 60-50SL 50-50SL26-68A24200 1234 67 5 121314151716 891011 30-80 SC24 -8024-8024-80 30-50SH 50-68 BIPA SS50-50SL 26-80 26-6890-80FOLDING DR 5 9 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 32 33 31 34 35 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 18 19 1 2 3 6 4 8 36 37 A0.1.2VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES PHASING MAP /SETBACK DETERMINATION IRREGULAR LOT SETBACK DETERMINATION EXHIBIT (SOUTHEAST CONTIGUOUS NEIGHBORING LOTS) CONSTRUCTION PHASING MAP PHASE 2PHASE 1 GAS ELECM&P TELE/CABLE53'-0"31'-0" 21'-0"7'-9" 31'-0"6'-8"53'-0"20'-112"26'-212"GREAT ROOM 30'-5" x 20'-6" BEDROOM 4 11'-0" x 11'-0" BA. 3 PANTRY STORAGE GARAGE 20'-5" x 20'-1"STORAGE/TRASH 2'-3"20'-112"20'-5" 2'-3"5'-2"15'-212"53'-0"31'-0"46'-612"6'-512"53'-0"4'-012"16'-1112"2'-3" 31'-0" 17'-1112"13'-012"4'-0"28'-712"7'-9" BEDROOM 2 10'-0" x 11'-0" BEDROOM 3 10'-0" x 11'-0" LOFT 11'-1" x 8'-8" LAUNDRY BA. 2 MBA W.I.C. MASTER BEDROOM 17'-4" x 14'-6"MORNINGW.I.C. TECH/LIBRARY A1.1.1VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES FLOOR PLAN 40 8 12 AREA TABULATION CONDITIONED SPACE (ELEV. A & B) FIRST FLOOR:1026 SF SECOND FLOOR:1,325 SF TOTAL CONDITIONED:2,351 SF UNCONDITIONED SPACE (ELEV. A & B) GARAGE:489 SF COVERED PORCH:9 SF TOTAL UNCONDITIONED:498 SF SECOND FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN PLAN 1 SFD 9'-1"9'-1"25'-3"100305410 200 210 215215111140 300 500 101 710 410 100 300 305210410500 200110 101 4:12 4:12 4:12 4:124:124:124:12 4:12 4:124:124:12 4:12 4:12 410500100210410101 100 210 410200 101 A1.2.1VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES SPANISH COLONIALEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS& ROOF PLAN 40 8 12 FRONT ELEVATIONENTRY ELEVATION REAR ELEVATIONLEFT ELEVATION ROOF PLAN PLAN 1 SFD EXTERIOR ELEVATION MATERIAL LEGEND 100: BUILDING COMPONENTS CONCRETE 'S' ROOF TILE WOOD FASCIA BOARD ENTRY DOOR METAL SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR BUILDING ADDRESS SIGNAGE 200: EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH STUCCO o/ FOAM TRIM STUCCO o/ FOAM CORBELS STUCCO o/ SHAPED FOAM 300: PAINTED DETAILS PAINTED SHUTTER PAINTED FOAM FAUX GABLE END VENTS 400: EXTERIOR WOOD RAFTER TAIL POT SHELF OUTLOOKER / BRACKET CORBEL 500: EXTERIOR METAL POT SHELF 600: EXTERIOR VENEERS ADHERED MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER 700: MISCELLANEOUS DECORATIVE CERAMIC TILE DECORATIVE PRECAST GABLE END DETAIL 100 101 110 111 140 200 210 215 220 300 305 400 405 410 415 500 600 700 710 9'-1"9'-1"25'-3"100710 200 210 415210111140 300 405 600 400 101 220 410 100 300210 200600405415 400 101 110 10'-11"4:12 4:12 4:124:124:124:12 4:12 4:124:124:124:124:12 405100210410400101 100 210 410200 101 A1.2.2VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES HACIENDAEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS& ROOF PLAN 40 8 12 FRONT ELEVATIONENTRY ELEVATION REAR ELEVATIONLEFT ELEVATION ROOF PLAN PLAN 1 SFD EXTERIOR ELEVATION MATERIAL LEGEND 100: BUILDING COMPONENTS CONCRETE 'S' ROOF TILE WOOD FASCIA BOARD ENTRY DOOR METAL SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR BUILDING ADDRESS SIGNAGE 200: EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH STUCCO o/ FOAM TRIM STUCCO o/ FOAM CORBELS STUCCO o/ SHAPED FOAM 300: PAINTED DETAILS PAINTED SHUTTER PAINTED FOAM FAUX GABLE END VENTS 400: EXTERIOR WOOD RAFTER TAIL POT SHELF OUTLOOKER / BRACKET CORBEL 500: EXTERIOR METAL POT SHELF 600: EXTERIOR VENEERS ADHERED MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER 700: MISCELLANEOUS DECORATIVE CERAMIC TILE DECORATIVE PRECAST GABLE END DETAIL 100 101 110 111 140 200 210 215 220 300 305 400 405 410 415 500 600 700 710 GREAT ROOM 30'-5" x 24'-10" GAS ELECM&P TELE/CABLE53'-0"31'-0" BEDROOM 4 10'-0" x 12'-6" BA. 3 PANTRY STO. / COATS GARAGE 20'-1" x 20'-9" 20'-8"10'-4" 31'-0"50'-0"3'-0"53'-0"24'-1012"5'-6"19'-712"20'-912"20'-1"22'-1112"3'-0" BEDROOM 2 12'-4" x 11'-0" BEDROOM 3 10'-0" x 12'-0" LOFT 13'-10" x 12'-4" LAUNDRY BA. 2 MBA W.I.C. MASTER BEDROOM 17'-2" x 14'-2" LINEN 8'-0"45'-0"53'-0"31'-0"40'-812"12'-312"53'-0"7'-912"12'-1012"10'-4" 31'-0" TECH LINEN A2.1.1VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES FLOOR PLAN 40 8 12 AREA TABULATION CONDITIONED SPACE FIRST FLOOR:1129 SF SECOND FLOOR:1,424 SF TOTAL CONDITIONED:2,553 SF UNCONDITIONED SPACE GARAGE:467 SF COVERED PORCH:16 SF TOTAL UNCONDITIONED:483 SF SECOND FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN PLAN 2 SFD 9'-1"9'-1"27'-2"100305410 200 210 700215111140 300 500 410 101 710 410 100 300 305 210410500 200 500 101 110 4:12 4:12 4:124:124:124:12 4:124:12 4:12 410500100210410305101 100 210 410200 300101 A2.2.1VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES SPANISH COLONIALEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS& ROOF PLAN 40 8 12 FRONT ELEVATIONENTRY ELEVATION REAR ELEVATIONLEFT ELEVATION ROOF PLAN PLAN 2 SFD EXTERIOR ELEVATION MATERIAL LEGEND 100: BUILDING COMPONENTS CONCRETE 'S' ROOF TILE WOOD FASCIA BOARD ENTRY DOOR METAL SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR BUILDING ADDRESS SIGNAGE 200: EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH STUCCO o/ FOAM TRIM STUCCO o/ FOAM CORBELS STUCCO o/ SHAPED FOAM 300: PAINTED DETAILS PAINTED SHUTTER PAINTED FOAM FAUX GABLE END VENTS 400: EXTERIOR WOOD RAFTER TAIL POT SHELF OUTLOOKER / BRACKET CORBEL 500: EXTERIOR METAL POT SHELF 600: EXTERIOR VENEERS ADHERED MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER 700: MISCELLANEOUS DECORATIVE CERAMIC TILE DECORATIVE PRECAST GABLE END DETAIL 100 101 110 111 140 200 210 215 220 300 305 400 405 410 415 500 600 700 710 9'-1"9'-1"27'-2"100 710 200 210 600210111140 300 405 400 710215 101 220 410 100 300210 200600 400 405 710 101 110 4:12 4:12 4:124:124:124:12 4:124:124:12 4:12 710 210410 400100 215 101 100 210 410200 400 300 101 A2.2.2VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES HACIENDAEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS& ROOF PLAN 40 8 12 FRONT ELEVATIONENTRY ELEVATION REAR ELEVATIONLEFT ELEVATION ROOF PLAN PLAN 2 SFD EXTERIOR ELEVATION MATERIAL LEGEND 100: BUILDING COMPONENTS CONCRETE 'S' ROOF TILE WOOD FASCIA BOARD ENTRY DOOR METAL SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR BUILDING ADDRESS SIGNAGE 200: EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH STUCCO o/ FOAM TRIM STUCCO o/ FOAM CORBELS STUCCO o/ SHAPED FOAM 300: PAINTED DETAILS PAINTED SHUTTER PAINTED FOAM FAUX GABLE END VENTS 400: EXTERIOR WOOD RAFTER TAIL POT SHELF OUTLOOKER / BRACKET CORBEL 500: EXTERIOR METAL POT SHELF 600: EXTERIOR VENEERS ADHERED MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER 700: MISCELLANEOUS DECORATIVE CERAMIC TILE DECORATIVE PRECAST GABLE END DETAIL 100 101 110 111 140 200 210 215 220 300 305 400 405 410 415 500 600 700 710 GASELECM&PTELE/CABLEGAS ELECM&PTELE/CABLEGREAT ROOM 20'-5" x 23'-3" PDR COATS STORAGE GARAGE 20'-5" x 20'-3" PNTRY GREAT ROOM 23'-5" x 25'-0" PDR GARAGE 21'-5" x 20'-3" RECYCLE PNTRY TRASH DROP GREEN 45'-4" 1'-0"10"24'-0"4"21'-0" 13'-6"7'-6"1'-0"8'-1012"8'-11"17'-112"17'-1"53'-0"1'-0"2'-10"10'-7"10'-11"27'-8"53'-0"1'-0"21'-0"4"22'-0"2'-0"10" 45'-4"20'-312"21'-5"20'-5"20'-312"2'-8" 3'-0" GREENTRASHRECYCLE STORAGE STORAGE A3.1.1VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES BUILDING PLAN 40 8 12 AREA TABULATION CONDITIONED SPACE FIRST FLOOR:586 SF SECOND FLOOR:960 SF TOTAL CONDITIONED:1,546 SF UNCONDITIONED SPACE GARAGE:475 SF COVERED PORCH:12 SF TOTAL UNCONDITIONED:487 SF FIRST FLOOR DUPLEX BUILDING PLAN AREA TABULATION CONDITIONED SPACE FIRST FLOOR:716 SF SECOND FLOOR:1,152 SF TOTAL CONDITIONED:1,868 SF UNCONDITIONED SPACE GARAGE:488 SF COVERED PORCH:17 SF TOTAL UNCONDITIONED:505 SF DUPLEX PLAN 1 PLAN 2 BEDROOM 2 10'-0" x 11'-0" BEDROOM 3 10'-0" x 11'-0" LOFT 11'-1" x 8'-1" LAUNDRY BA. 2 MBA W.I.C. MASTER BEDROOM 14'-5" x 13'-0"LINENBEDROOM 2 10'-6" x 11'-0" BEDROOM 3 10'-7" x 11'-3" LOFT / BR. 4 12'-8" x 11'-1" LAUNDRY BA. 2 MBA W.I.C. MASTER BEDROOM 12'-1" x 15'-7"LINEN45'-4" 24'-0"4"21'-0" 13'-6"7'-6"28'-8"1'-0"53'-0"1'-0"2'-10"45'-8"3'-6"53'-0"11'-112"4"10'-1012"2'-0" 45'-4" 11'-112"9'-1012"23'-4"BEDROOM 4 10'-1" x 11'-1" A3.1.2VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES BUILDING PLAN 40 8 12 DUPLEX SECOND FLOOR DUPLEX BUILDING PLAN PLAN 1 PLAN 2 PLAN 2 BEDROOM 4 OPT. 140 140 9'-1"9'-1"27'-10"9'-1"9'-1"27'-10"100 410305 500300210 200 111 210 140 410 101 200 700 100 305 410300500210101 110 100 300500305410210 101 215 200200700 100305 410300500210 410110 101 A3.2.1VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES SPANISH COLONIALEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 40 8 12 FRONT ELEVATION DUPLEX ENTRY ELEVATION (PLAN 2) REAR / MISSION DRIVE ELEVATIONENTRY ELEVATION (PLAN 1) EXTERIOR ELEVATION MATERIAL LEGEND 100: BUILDING COMPONENTS CONCRETE 'S' ROOF TILE WOOD FASCIA BOARD ENTRY DOOR METAL SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR BUILDING ADDRESS SIGNAGE 200: EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH STUCCO o/ FOAM TRIM STUCCO o/ FOAM CORBELS STUCCO o/ SHAPED FOAM 300: PAINTED DETAILS PAINTED SHUTTER PAINTED FOAM FAUX GABLE END VENTS 400: EXTERIOR WOOD RAFTER TAIL POT SHELF OUTLOOKER / BRACKET CORBEL 500: EXTERIOR METAL POT SHELF 600: EXTERIOR VENEERS ADHERED MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER 700: MISCELLANEOUS DECORATIVE CERAMIC TILE DECORATIVE PRECAST GABLE END DETAIL 100 101 110 111 140 200 210 215 220 300 305 400 405 410 415 500 600 700 710 140 140 9'-1"9'-1"27'-10"9'-1"9'-1"27'-10"100 400 405300210 200 111 210 140 400 101 600 210200220 100 710300405210 101 600110 415 100 300405710210 101 415 200 600200220 100710 300 405210 110 400 210 101 A3.2.2VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES HACIENDAEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 40 8 12 FRONT ELEVATION DUPLEX ENTRY ELEVATION (PLAN 2) REAR / MISSION DRIVE ELEVATIONENTRY ELEVATION (PLAN 1) EXTERIOR ELEVATION MATERIAL LEGEND 100: BUILDING COMPONENTS CONCRETE 'S' ROOF TILE WOOD FASCIA BOARD ENTRY DOOR METAL SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR BUILDING ADDRESS SIGNAGE 200: EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH STUCCO o/ FOAM TRIM STUCCO o/ FOAM CORBELS STUCCO o/ SHAPED FOAM 300: PAINTED DETAILS PAINTED SHUTTER PAINTED FOAM FAUX GABLE END VENTS 400: EXTERIOR WOOD RAFTER TAIL POT SHELF OUTLOOKER / BRACKET CORBEL 500: EXTERIOR METAL POT SHELF 600: EXTERIOR VENEERS ADHERED MANUFACTURED STONE VENEER 700: MISCELLANEOUS DECORATIVE CERAMIC TILE DECORATIVE PRECAST GABLE END DETAIL 100 101 110 111 140 200 210 215 220 300 305 400 405 410 415 500 600 700 710 4:124:124:12 4:12 4:124:124:124:12 4:12 4:124:124:12 4:124:124:124:12 4:12 4:124:124:124:12 4:12 1'-4"1'-4"1'-4"4:12 4:124:124:12 4:128:12A3.3.1VALENCIA CALIFORNIA 91354 949 939 1310 www.architeyk.com A P P L I C A N T P R O J E C T DR AW INGS DATE SHEET NO. JOB NO. A R C H I T E Y K 29222 DAKOTA DRIVE LICEN S E D A RCHIT E CT C -3 1873 S T A TEOF CA L I F O RNIAR EN.10 -3 1 -2 3EVERITT KANG 8601-8623 MISSION DRIVE ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA BE-21-001 220516 11766 WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 820LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90025 310.582.1991 BORSTEIN ENTERPRISES ROOF PLANS 40 8 12 SPANISH COLONIAL ROOF PLAN DUPLEX HACIENDA ROOF PLAN FIGURE 4 Figure 4 Project Site Boundary Legend N Habitat Map APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 City of Rosemead, Los Angeles County, California Ruderal Habitat (3.44 Ac.) FIGURE 5 Figure 5 Project Site Boundary Legend N Impact Map APNs 5389-009-029, -030, & -031 City of Rosemead, Los Angeles County, California Ruderal Habitat (3.44 Ac.) APPENDIX A Observed Species List Plant List Scientific Name Common Name Acmispon americanus Spanish clover Ailanthus altissima Tree of heaven Bromus madritensis Red brome Chenopodium album White goosefoot Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass Erodium cicutarium Redstem filaree Euphorbia maculate Spotted spurge Ficus pumila Creeping fig Heterotheca grandiflora Telegraphweed Hirschfeldia incana Shortpod mustard Lactuca serriola Prickly lettuce Ligustrum lucidum Glossy privet Malva parviflora Cheeseweed Nerium oleander Oleander Plumbago auriculata Cape leadwort Salsola tragus Tumbleweed Schinus terebinthifolia Brazilian peppertree Tribulus terrestris Puncture vine Ulmus parvifolia Chinese elm Vitis californica California wild grape Washingtonia robusta Mexican fan palm Wildlife List Scientific Name Common Name Aphelocoma californica California scrub jay Bombus sp. Bumblebee Corvus brachyrhynchos American crow Danaus plexippus Monarch butterfly Falco sparverius American kestrel Melozone crissalis California towhee Mimus polyglottos Northern mockingbird Pontia protodice Checkered white butterfly Streptopelia decaocto Eurasian collared dove APPENDIX B Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. gabrielensis San Gabriel manzanita Dicots None None 1B.2 Chaparral Chaparral. Rocky outcrops; can be dominant shrub where it occurs. 960- 2015 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Astragalus brauntonii Braunton's milk-vetch Dicots Endangered None 1B.1 Chaparral | Coastal scrub | Limestone | Valley & foothill grassland Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland. Recent burns or disturbed areas; usually on sandstone with carbonate layers. Soil specialist; requires shallow soils to defeat pocket gophers and open areas, preferably on hilltops, saddles or bowls between hills. 3-640 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Atriplex parishii Parish's brittlescale Dicots None None 1B.1 Alkali playa | Chenopod scrub | Meadow & seep | Vernal pool | Wetland Vernal pools, chenopod scrub, playas. Usually on drying alkali flats with fine soils. 4-1420 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii Davidson's saltscale Dicots None None 1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub | Coastal scrub Coastal bluff scrub, coastal scrub. Alkaline soil. 0- 480 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Berberis nevinii Nevin's barberry Dicots Endangered Endangered 1B.1 Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub | Riparian scrub Chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, riparian scrub. On steep, N- facing slopes or in low grade sandy washes. 90-1590 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. California Walnut Woodland California Walnut Woodland Woodland None None Cismontane woodland Not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Calochortus clavatus var. gracilis slender mariposa-lily Monocots None None 1B.2 Chaparral | Coastal scrub | Valley & foothill grassland Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland. Shaded foothill canyons; often on grassy slopes within other habitat. 210-1815 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Calochortus plummerae Plummer's mariposa-lily Monocots None None 4.2 Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub | Lower montane coniferous forest | Valley & foothill grassland Coastal scrub, chaparral, valley and foothill grassland, cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest. Occurs on rocky and sandy sites, usually of granitic or alluvial material. Can be very common after fire. 60-2500 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Calochortus weedii var. intermedius intermediate mariposa-lily Monocots None None 1B.2 Chaparral | Coastal scrub | Valley & foothill grassland Coastal scrub, chaparral, valley and foothill grassland. Dry, rocky calcareous slopes and rock outcrops. 60-1575 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Calystegia felix lucky morning- glory Dicots None None 1B.1 Meadow & seep | Riparian scrub Meadows and seeps, riparian scrub. Sometimes alkaline, alluvial. 9-205 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Canyon Live Oak Ravine Forest Canyon Live Oak Ravine Forest Riparian None None Riparian forest Not present. Centromadia parryi ssp. australis southern tarplant Dicots None None 1B.1 Marsh & swamp | Salt marsh | Valley & foothill grassland | Vernal pool | Wetland Marshes and swamps (margins), valley and foothill grassland, vernal pools. Often in disturbed sites near the coast at marsh edges; also in alkaline soils sometimes with saltgrass. Sometimes on vernal pool margins. 0-975 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Centromadia pungens ssp. laevis smooth tarplant Dicots None None 1B.1 Alkali playa | Chenopod scrub | Meadow & seep | Riparian woodland | Valley & foothill grassland | Wetland Valley and foothill grassland, chenopod scrub, meadows and seeps, playas, riparian woodland. Alkali meadow, alkali scrub; also in disturbed places. 5-1170 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Chorizanthe parryi var. parryi Parry's spineflower Dicots None None 1B.1 Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub | Valley & foothill grassland Coastal scrub, chaparral, cismontane woodland, valley and foothill grassland. Dry slopes and flats; sometimes at interface of 2 vegetation types, such as chaparral and oak woodland. Dry, sandy soils. 90-1220 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Cladium californicum California saw- grass Monocots None None 2B.2 Alkali marsh | Freshwater marsh | Meadow & seep | Wetland Meadows and seeps, marshes and swamps (alkaline or freshwater). Freshwater or alkaline moist habitats. -40- 2150 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Cuscuta obtusiflora var. glandulosa Peruvian dodder Dicots None None 2B.2 Marsh & swamp | Wetland Marshes and swamps (freshwater). Freshwater marsh. 15-280 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Dodecahema leptoceras slender- horned spineflower Dicots Endangered Endangered 1B.1 Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub Chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub (alluvial fan sage scrub). Flood deposited terraces and washes; associates include Encelia, Dalea, Lepidospartum , etc. Sandy soils. 200-765 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Dudleya cymosa ssp. crebrifolia San Gabriel River dudleya Dicots None None 1B.2 Chaparral Chaparral. On granite cliffs and outcrops, surrounded by scrub. 365- 1250 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Dudleya densiflora San Gabriel Mountains dudleya Dicots None None 1B.1 Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub | Lower montane coniferous forest | Riparian forest Chaparral, coastal scrub, cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest, riparian forest. In crevices and on decomposed granite on cliffs and canyon walls. 270-1100 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Dudleya multicaulis many- stemmed dudleya Dicots None None 1B.2 Chaparral | Coastal scrub | Valley & foothill grassland Chaparral, coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland. In heavy, often clayey soils or grassy slopes. 1-910 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Galium grande San Gabriel bedstraw Dicots None None 1B.2 Broadleaved upland forest | Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Lower montane coniferous forest Cismontane woodland, chaparral, broadleafed upland forest, lower montane coniferous forest. Open chaparral and low, open oak forest; on rocky slopes; probably undercollected due to inaccessible habitat. 425- 1450 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Helianthus nuttallii ssp. parishii Los Angeles sunflower Dicots None None 1A Freshwater marsh | Marsh & swamp | Salt marsh | Wetland Marshes and swamps (coastal salt and freshwater). 35-1525 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Horkelia cuneata var. puberula mesa horkelia Dicots None None 1B.1 Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub Chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub. Sandy or gravelly sites. 15-1645 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Imperata brevifolia California satintail Monocots None None 2B.1 Chaparral | Coastal scrub | Meadow & seep | Mojavean desert scrub | Riparian scrub | Wetland Coastal scrub, chaparral, riparian scrub, mojavean desert scrub, meadows and seeps (alkali), riparian scrub. Mesic sites, alkali seeps, riparian areas. 3-1495 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri Coulter's goldfields Dicots None None 1B.1 Alkali playa | Marsh & swamp | Salt marsh | Vernal pool | Wetland Coastal salt marshes, playas, vernal pools. Usually found on alkaline soils in playas, sinks, and grasslands. 1- 1375 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Lepidium virginicum var. robinsonii Robinson's pepper-grass Dicots None None 4.3 Chaparral | Coastal scrub Chaparral, coastal scrub. Dry soils, shrubland. 4- 1435 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Linanthus concinnus San Gabriel linanthus Dicots None None 1B.2 Chaparral | Lower montane coniferous forest | Upper montane coniferous forest Lower montane coniferous forest, upper montane coniferous forest, chaparral. Dry rocky slopes, often in Jeffrey pine/canyon oak forest. 1310-2560 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Muhlenbergia californica California muhly Monocots None None 4.3 Chaparral | Coastal scrub | Lower montane coniferous forest | Meadow & seep Coastal scrub, chaparral, lower montane coniferous forest, meadows and seeps. Usually found near streams or seeps. 100- 2000 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Navarretia prostrata prostrate vernal pool navarretia Dicots None None 1B.2 Coastal scrub | Meadow & seep | Valley & foothill grassland | Vernal pool | Wetland Coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland, vernal pools, meadows and seeps. Alkaline soils in grassland, or in vernal pools. Mesic, alkaline sites. 3-1235 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Open Engelmann Oak Woodland Open Engelmann Oak Woodland Woodland None None Cismontane woodland Not present. Orcuttia californica California Orcutt grass Monocots Endangered Endangered 1B.1 Vernal pool | Wetland Vernal pools.10-660 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Orobanche valida ssp. valida Rock Creek broomrape Dicots None None 1B.2 Chaparral | Pinon & juniper woodlands Chaparral, pinyon and juniper woodland. On slopes of loose decomposed granite; parasitic on various chaparral shrubs. 975- 1985 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Phacelia stellaris Brand's star phacelia Dicots None None 1B.1 Coastal dunes | Coastal scrub Coastal scrub, coastal dunes. Open areas. 3- 370 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Pseudognapha lium leucocephalu m white rabbit- tobacco Dicots None None 2B.2 Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub | Riparian woodland Riparian woodland, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, chaparral. Sandy, gravelly sites. 35-515 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Ribes divaricatum var. parishii Parish's gooseberry Dicots None None 1A Riparian woodland Riparian woodland. Salix swales in riparian habitats. 65- 300 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Riversidian Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub Riversidian Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub Scrub None None Coastal scrub Not present. Scutellaria bolanderi ssp. austromontan a southern mountains skullcap Dicots None None 1B.2 Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Lower montane coniferous forest Chaparral, cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest. In gravelly soils on streambanks or in mesic sites in oak or pine woodland. 425- 2000 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Sidalcea neomexicana salt spring checkerbloom Dicots None None 2B.2 Alkali playa | Chaparral | Coastal scrub | Lower montane coniferous forest | Mojavean desert scrub | Wetland Playas, chaparral, coastal scrub, lower montane coniferous forest, Mojavean desert scrub. Alkali springs and marshes. 3- 2380 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Southern California Arroyo Chub/Santa Ana Sucker Stream Southern California Arroyo Chub/Santa Ana Sucker Stream Inland Waters None None Not present. Southern Coast Live Oak Riparian Forest Southern Coast Live Oak Riparian Forest Riparian None None Riparian forest Not present. Southern Sycamore Alder Riparian Woodland Southern Sycamore Alder Riparian Woodland Riparian None None Riparian woodland Not present. Symphyotrichu m defoliatum San Bernardino aster Dicots None None 1B.2 Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub | Lower montane coniferous forest | Marsh & swamp | Meadow & seep | Valley & foothill grassland Meadows and seeps, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub, lower montane coniferous forest, marshes and swamps, valley and foothill grassland. Vernally mesic grassland or near ditches, streams and springs; disturbed areas. 3-2045 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Rare Plant Rank Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Symphyotrichu m greatae Greata's aster Dicots None None 1B.3 Broadleaved upland forest | Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Lower montane coniferous forest | Riparian woodland Chaparral, cismontane woodland, broadleafed upland forest, lower montane coniferous forest, riparian woodland. Mesic canyons. 335- 2015 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Thelypteris puberula var. sonorensis Sonoran maiden fern Ferns None None 2B.2 Meadow & seep | Wetland Meadows and seeps. Along streams, seepage areas. 60-930 m. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Walnut Forest Walnut Forest Forest None None Broadleaved upland forest Not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Accipiter cooperii Cooper's hawk Birds None None CDFW_WL- Watch List | IUCN_LC-Least Concern Cismontane woodland | Riparian forest | Riparian woodland | Upper montane coniferous forest Woodland, chiefly of open, interrupted or marginal type. Nest sites mainly in riparian growths of deciduous trees, as in canyon bottoms on river flood- plains; also, live oaks. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Aimophila ruficeps canescens southern California rufous- crowned sparrow Birds None None CDFW_WL- Watch List Chaparral | Coastal scrub Resident in Southern California coastal sage scrub and sparse mixed chaparral. Frequents relatively steep, often rocky hillsides with grass and forb patches. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Ammodramus savannarum grasshopper sparrow Birds None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern Valley & foothill grassland Dense grasslands on rolling hills, lowland plains, in valleys and on hillsides on lower mountain slopes. Favors native grasslands with a mix of grasses, forbs and scattered shrubs. Loosely colonial when nesting. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Anaxyrus californicus arroyo toad Amphibians Endangered None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_EN- Endangered Desert wash | Riparian scrub | Riparian woodland | South coast flowing waters | South coast standing waters Semi-arid regions near washes or intermittent streams, including valley-foothill and desert riparian, desert wash, etc. Rivers with sandy banks, willows, cottonwoods, and sycamores; loose, gravelly areas of streams in drier parts of range. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Anniella stebbinsi Southern California legless lizard Reptiles None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | USFS_S- Sensitive Broadleaved upland forest | Chaparral | Coastal dunes | Coastal scrub Generally south of the Transverse Range, extending to northwestern Baja California. Occurs in sandy or loose loamy soils under sparse vegetation. Disjunct populations in the Tehachapi and Piute Mountains in Kern County. Variety of habitats; generally in moist, loose soil. They prefer soils with a high moisture content. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Antrozous pallidus pallid bat Mammals None None BLM_S- Sensitive | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern | USFS_S- Sensitive | WBWG_H- High Priority Chaparral | Coastal scrub | Desert wash | Great Basin grassland | Great Basin scrub | Mojavean desert scrub | Riparian woodland | Sonoran desert scrub | Upper montane coniferous forest | Valley & foothill grassland Deserts, grasslands, shrublands, woodlands and forests. Most common in open, dry habitats with rocky areas for roosting. Roosts must protect bats from high temperatures. Very sensitive to disturbance of roosting sites. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Arizona elegans occidentalis California glossy snake Reptiles None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern Patchily distributed from the eastern portion of San Francisco Bay, southern San Joaquin Valley, and the Coast, Transverse, and Peninsular ranges, south to Baja California. Generalist reported from a range of scrub and grassland habitats, often with loose or sandy soils. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri coastal whiptail Reptiles None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern Found in deserts and semi-arid areas with sparse vegetation and open areas. Also found in woodland and riparian areas. Ground may be firm soil, sandy, or rocky. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Athene cunicularia burrowing owl Birds None None BLM_S- Sensitive | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern | USFWS_BCC- Birds of Conservation Concern Coastal prairie | Coastal scrub | Great Basin grassland | Great Basin scrub | Mojavean desert scrub | Sonoran desert scrub | Valley & foothill grassland Open, dry annual or perennial grasslands, deserts, and scrublands characterized by low- growing vegetation. Subterranean nester, dependent upon burrowing mammals, most notably, the California ground squirrel. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Bombus crotchii Crotch bumble bee Insects None None Coastal California east to the Sierra- Cascade crest and south into Mexico. Food plant genera include Antirrhinum, Phacelia, Clarkia, Dendromecon, Eschscholzia, and Eriogonum. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Buteo swainsoni Swainson's hawk Birds None Threatened BLM_S- Sensitive | IUCN_LC-Least Concern Great Basin grassland | Riparian forest | Riparian woodland | Valley & foothill grassland Breeds in grasslands with scattered trees, juniper- sage flats, riparian areas, savannahs, and agricultural or ranch lands with groves or lines of trees. Requires adjacent suitable foraging areas such as grasslands, or alfalfa or grain fields supporting rodent populations. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Campylorhync hus brunneicapillu s sandiegensis coastal cactus wren Birds None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | USFS_S- Sensitive | USFWS_BCC- Birds of Conservation Concern Coastal scrub Southern California coastal sage scrub. Wrens require tall opuntia cactus for nesting and roosting. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Catostomus santaanae Santa Ana sucker Fish Threatened None AFS_TH- Threatened | IUCN_VU- Vulnerable Aquatic | South coast flowing waters Endemic to Los Angeles Basin south coastal streams. Habitat generalists, but prefer sand-rubble- boulder bottoms, cool, clear water, and algae. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Coccyzus americanus occidentalis western yellow-billed cuckoo Birds Threatened Endangered BLM_S- Sensitive | NABCI_RWL- Red Watch List | USFS_S- Sensitive Riparian forest Riparian forest nester, along the broad, lower flood- bottoms of larger river systems. Nests in riparian jungles of willow, often mixed with cottonwoods, with lower story of blackberry, nettles, or wild grape. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Corynorhinus townsendii Townsend's big-eared bat Mammals None None BLM_S- Sensitive | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern | USFS_S- Sensitive | WBWG_H- High Priority Broadleaved upland forest | Chaparral | Chenopod scrub | Great Basin grassland | Great Basin scrub | Joshua tree woodland | Lower montane coniferous forest | Meadow & seep | Mojavean desert scrub | Riparian forest | Riparian woodland | Sonoran desert scrub | Sonoran thorn woodland | Upper montane coniferous Throughout California in a wide variety of habitats. Most common in mesic sites. Roosts in the open, hanging from walls and ceilings. Roosting sites limiting. Extremely sensitive to human disturbance. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Cypseloides niger black swift Birds None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern | NABCI_YWL- Yellow Watch List | USFWS_BCC- Birds of Conservation Concern Coastal belt of Santa Cruz and Monterey counties; central and southern Sierra Nevada; San Bernardino and San Jacinto mountains. Breeds in small colonies on cliffs behind or adjacent to waterfalls in deep canyons and sea-bluffs above the surf; forages widely. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Empidonax traillii extimus southwestern willow flycatcher Birds Endangered Endangered NABCI_RWL- Red Watch List Riparian woodland Riparian woodlands in Southern California. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Emys marmorata western pond turtle Reptiles None None BLM_S- Sensitive | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_VU- Vulnerable | USFS_S- Sensitive Aquatic | Artificial flowing waters | Klamath/North coast flowing waters | Klamath/North coast standing waters | Marsh & swamp | Sacramento/S an Joaquin flowing waters | Sacramento/S an Joaquin standing waters | South coast flowing waters | South coast standing waters | Wetland A thoroughly aquatic turtle of ponds, marshes, rivers, streams and irrigation ditches, usually with aquatic vegetation, below 6000 ft elevation. Needs basking sites and suitable (sandy banks or grassy open fields) upland habitat up to 0.5 km from water for egg- laying. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Eumops perotis californicus western mastiff bat Mammals None None BLM_S- Sensitive | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | WBWG_H- High Priority Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub | Valley & foothill grassland Many open, semi-arid to arid habitats, including conifer and deciduous woodlands, coastal scrub, grasslands, chaparral, etc. Roosts in crevices in cliff faces, high buildings, trees and tunnels. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Falco peregrinus anatum American peregrine falcon Birds Delisted Delisted CDF_S- Sensitive | CDFW_FP-Fully Protected Near wetlands, lakes, rivers, or other water; on cliffs, banks, dunes, mounds; also, human-made structures. Nest consists of a scrape or a depression or ledge in an open site. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Gila orcuttii arroyo chub Fish None None AFS_VU- Vulnerable | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | USFS_S- Sensitive Aquatic | South coast flowing waters Native to streams from Malibu Creek to San Luis Rey River basin. Introduced into streams in Santa Clara, Ventura, Santa Ynez, Mojave and San Diego river basins. Slow water stream sections with mud or sand bottoms. Feeds heavily on aquatic vegetation and associated invertebrates. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Glyptostoma gabrielense San Gabriel chestnut Mollusks None None Terrestrial. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Gonidea angulata western ridged mussel Mollusks None None Aquatic Primarily creeks and rivers and less often lakes. Originally in most of state, now extirpated from Central and Southern California. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Icteria virens yellow- breasted chat Birds None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern Riparian forest | Riparian scrub | Riparian woodland Summer resident; inhabits riparian thickets of willow and other brushy tangles near watercourses. Nests in low, dense riparian, consisting of willow, blackberry, wild grape; forages and nests within 10 ft of ground. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Lasionycteris noctivagans silver-haired bat Mammals None None IUCN_LC-Least Concern | WBWG_M- Medium Priority Lower montane coniferous forest | Oldgrowth | Riparian forest Primarily a coastal and montane forest dweller, feeding over streams, ponds and open brushy areas. Roosts in hollow trees, beneath exfoliating bark, abandoned woodpecker holes, and rarely under rocks. Needs drinking water. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Lasiurus blossevillii western red bat Mammals None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern | WBWG_H- High Priority Cismontane woodland | Lower montane coniferous forest | Riparian forest | Riparian woodland Roosts primarily in trees, 2-40 ft above ground, from sea level up through mixed conifer forests. Prefers habitat edges and mosaics with trees that are protected from above and open below with open areas for foraging. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Lasiurus cinereus hoary bat Mammals None None IUCN_LC-Least Concern | WBWG_M- Medium Priority Broadleaved upland forest | Cismontane woodland | Lower montane coniferous forest | North coast coniferous forest Prefers open habitats or habitat mosaics, with access to trees for cover and open areas or habitat edges for feeding. Roosts in dense foliage of medium to large trees. Feeds primarily on moths. Requires water. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Lasiurus xanthinus western yellow bat Mammals None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern | WBWG_H- High Priority Desert wash Found in valley foothill riparian, desert riparian, desert wash, and palm oasis habitats. Roosts in trees, particularly palms. Forages over water and among trees. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Lepus californicus bennettii San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit Mammals None None Coastal scrub Intermediate canopy stages of shrub habitats and open shrub / herbaceous and tree / herbaceous edges. Coastal sage scrub habitats in Southern California. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Nyctinomops femorosaccus pocketed free- tailed bat Mammals None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern | WBWG_M- Medium Priority Joshua tree woodland | Pinon & juniper woodlands | Riparian scrub | Sonoran desert scrub Variety of arid areas in Southern California; pine- juniper woodlands, desert scrub, palm oasis, desert wash, desert riparian, etc. Rocky areas with high cliffs. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Nyctinomops macrotis big free-tailed bat Mammals None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern | WBWG_MH- Medium-High Priority Low-lying arid areas in Southern California. Need high cliffs or rocky outcrops for roosting sites. Feeds principally on large moths. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Onychomys torridus ramona southern grasshopper mouse Mammals None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern Chenopod scrub Desert areas, especially scrub habitats with friable soils for digging. Prefers low to moderate shrub cover. Feeds almost exclusively on arthropods, especially scorpions and orthopteran insects. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Ovis canadensis nelsoni desert bighorn sheep Mammals None None BLM_S- Sensitive | CDFW_FP-Fully Protected | USFS_S- Sensitive Alpine | Alpine dwarf scrub | Chaparral | Chenopod scrub | Great Basin scrub | Mojavean desert scrub | Montane dwarf scrub | Pinon & juniper woodlands | Riparian woodland | Sonoran desert scrub Widely distributed from the White Mtns in Mono Co. to the Chocolate Mts in Imperial Co. Open, rocky, steep areas with available water and herbaceous forage. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Palaeoxenus dohrni Dohrn's elegant eucnemid beetle Insects None None No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Phrynosoma blainvillii coast horned lizard Reptiles None None BLM_S- Sensitive | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Coastal bluff scrub | Coastal scrub | Desert wash | Pinon & juniper woodlands | Riparian scrub | Riparian woodland | Valley & foothill grassland Frequents a wide variety of habitats, most common in lowlands along sandy washes with scattered low bushes. Open areas for sunning, bushes for cover, patches of loose soil for burial, and abundant supply of ants and other insects. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Polioptila californica californica coastal California gnatcatcher Birds Threatened None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | NABCI_YWL- Yellow Watch List Coastal bluff scrub | Coastal scrub Obligate, permanent resident of coastal sage scrub below 2500 ft in Southern California. Low, coastal sage scrub in arid washes, on mesas and slopes. Not all areas classified as coastal sage scrub are occupied. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Rana boylii foothill yellow- legged frog Amphibians None Endangered BLM_S- Sensitive | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_NT-Near Threatened | USFS_S- Sensitive Aquatic | Chaparral | Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub | Klamath/North coast flowing waters | Lower montane coniferous forest | Meadow & seep | Riparian forest | Riparian woodland | Sacramento/S an Joaquin flowing waters Partly-shaded, shallow streams and riffles with a rocky substrate in a variety of habitats. Needs at least some cobble- sized substrate for egg-laying. Needs at least 15 weeks to attain metamorphosi s. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Rana muscosa southern mountain yellow-legged frog Amphibians Endangered Endangered CDFW_WL- Watch List | IUCN_EN- Endangered | USFS_S- Sensitive Aquatic Disjunct populations known from southern Sierras (northern DPS) and San Gabriel, San Bernardino, and San Jacinto Mtns (southern DPS). Found at 1,000 to 12,000 ft in lakes and creeks that stem from springs and snowmelt. May overwinter under frozen lakes. Often encountered within a few feet of water. Tadpoles may require 2 - 4 yrs to complete their aquatic development. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Rhinichthys osculus ssp. 8 Santa Ana speckled dace Fish None None AFS_TH- Threatened | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | USFS_S- Sensitive Aquatic | South coast flowing waters Headwaters of the Santa Ana and San Gabriel rivers. May be extirpated from the Los Angeles River system. Requires permanent flowing streams with summer water temps of 17- 20 C. Usually inhabits shallow cobble and gravel riffles. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Riparia riparia bank swallow Birds None Threatened BLM_S- Sensitive | IUCN_LC-Least Concern Riparian scrub | Riparian woodland Colonial nester; nests primarily in riparian and other lowland habitats west of the desert. Requires vertical banks/cliffs with fine- textured/sand y soils near streams, rivers, lakes, ocean to dig nesting hole. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Spea hammondii western spadefoot Amphibians None None BLM_S- Sensitive | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_NT-Near Threatened Cismontane woodland | Coastal scrub | Valley & foothill grassland | Vernal pool | Wetland Occurs primarily in grassland habitats, but can be found in valley- foothill hardwood woodlands. Vernal pools are essential for breeding and egg-laying. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Taricha torosa Coast Range newt Amphibians None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern Coastal drainages from Mendocino County to San Diego County. Lives in terrestrial habitats and will migrate over 1 km to breed in ponds, reservoirs and slow moving streams. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Taxidea taxus American badger Mammals None None CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern Alkali marsh | Alkali playa | Alpine | Alpine dwarf scrub | Bog & fen | Brackish marsh | Broadleaved upland forest | Chaparral | Chenopod scrub | Cismontane woodland | Closed-cone coniferous forest | Coastal bluff scrub | Coastal dunes | Coastal prairie | Coastal scrub | Desert dunes | Desert wash | Freshwater marsh | Great Basin grassland | Great Basin Most abundant in drier open stages of most shrub, forest, and herbaceous habitats, with friable soils. Needs sufficient food, friable soils and open, uncultivated ground. Preys on burrowing rodents. Digs burrows. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Scientific Name Common Name Taxon Group Federal List State List Other Status Habitats General Habitat Micro Habitat Presence/ Absence Thamnophis hammondii two-striped gartersnake Reptiles None None BLM_S- Sensitive | CDFW_SSC- Species of Special Concern | IUCN_LC-Least Concern | USFS_S- Sensitive Marsh & swamp | Riparian scrub | Riparian woodland | Wetland Coastal California from vicinity of Salinas to northwest Baja California. From sea to about 7,000 ft elevation. Highly aquatic, found in or near permanent fresh water. Often along streams with rocky beds and riparian growth. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. Vireo bellii pusillus least Bell's vireo Birds Endangered Endangered IUCN_NT-Near Threatened | NABCI_YWL- Yellow Watch List Riparian forest | Riparian scrub | Riparian woodland Summer resident of Southern California in low riparian in vicinity of water or in dry river bottoms; below 2000 ft. Nests placed along margins of bushes or on twigs projecting into pathways, usually willow, Baccharis, mesquite. No habitat for this species is present on the project site. This species is not present. APPENDIX C Ruderal habitat on the project site. Disturbed areas of rocks and pavement. Facing north. Ruderal habitat on the project site. Appears to be previously disturbed. Sparse vegetation present. Ruderal habitat on the project site. Single- family residence adjacent but offsite. Facing northwest. Ruderal habitat on the project site. Facing west. Power lines offsite. Ruderal habitat on the project site. Facing south. Mission Drive exists south of the site. Ruderal habitat on the project site. Appears to be previously disturbed. Sparse vegetation present. Mexican fan palm (Washingtonia robusta) in the distance. APPENDIX D Soil Map—Los Angeles County, California, Southeastern Part (Property Line) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/27/2022 Page 1 of 3377238037724103772440377247037725003772530377256037725903772620377238037724103772440377247037725003772530377256037725903772620400150400180400210400240400270400300400330 400150 400180 400210 400240 400270 400300 400330 34° 5' 22'' N 118° 4' 56'' W34° 5' 22'' N118° 4' 48'' W34° 5' 14'' N 118° 4' 56'' W34° 5' 14'' N 118° 4' 48'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 11N WGS84 0 50 100 200 300 Feet 0 15 30 60 90 Meters Map Scale: 1:1,260 if printed on A portrait (8.5" x 11") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Los Angeles County, California, Southeastern Part Survey Area Data: Version 8, Sep 13, 2021 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Dec 5, 2020—Feb 6, 2021 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Soil Map—Los Angeles County, California, Southeastern Part (Property Line) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/27/2022 Page 2 of 3 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 1002 Urban land-Palmview-Tujunga complex, 0 to 5 percent slopes 3.4 100.0% Totals for Area of Interest 3.4 100.0% Soil Map—Los Angeles County, California, Southeastern Part Property Line Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/27/2022 Page 3 of 3