RFP No. 2022-28 Addendum No. 1 (Combined) - Issued 12-19-2022 ADDENDUM NO. 1 To all prospective consultants under Request For Proposal No. 2022-28 1. Companies in Attendance at Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference Notice is hereby given that the following companies were represented at the mandatory Pre- Proposal Conference held on December 5, 2022. • Athens Services • Burrtec Waste Industries • Republic Services • Valley Vista Services • Waste Management 2. Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement (Attachment 1) The draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement (Agreement), as referenced in the City’s Request for Proposal (RFP) as Attachment 1, is attached to this Addendum No. 1 in electronic form. Prospective Proposers are encouraged to examine the draft Agreement in its entirety to confirm an understanding of the services being requested. The City reserves the right to make modifications to the draft Agreement to more fully effectuate the intent of the RFP and the City’s desired collection services. Proposers may provide a list of Agreement exceptions, subject to the requirements in the RFP. The City has no obligation to accept any proposed service alternative or Agreement exception. Responses will be evaluated based on the required services as set forth in the RFP and Draft Agreement. 3. Street Sweeping Agreement (Attachment 2) The draft Street Sweeping Agreement is attached to this Addendum No. 1 in electronic form. Prospective Proposers are encouraged to examine the draft Street Sweeping Agreement in its entirety to confirm an understanding of the services being requested. The City reserves the right to make modifications to the draft Street Sweeping Agreement to more fully effectuate the intent of the RFP and the City’s desired street sweeping services more fully. Proposers may provide a list of Agreement exceptions, subject to the requirements in the RFP. The City has no obligation to accept any proposed service alternative or Agreement exception. Responses will be evaluated based on the required services as set forth in the RFP and Draft Agreement. 4. Procurement Schedule This Addendum extends the last day to submit questions to 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, the 22nd day of December 2022, and extends the proposals due date to 10:30 a.m. on 19th day of January 2023. The full procurement schedule is updated in table on the following page. MAYOR: SEAN DANG MAYOR PRO TEM: STEVEN LY COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARMENTA MARGARET CLARK POLLY LOW City of Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 TABLE 1 – Procurement Schedule (Revised Addendum No. 1) Activity Date RFP Released November 17, 2022 Mandatory Pre-Proposal Video Conference December 5, 2022 at 2:00 pm Last Day to Submit Questions December 15, 2022 at 2:00 pm December 22, 2022 at 2:00 pm Proposals Due January 12, 2023 at 10:30 am January 19, 2023 at 10:30 am Interview Qualified Proposers February 16, 2023 Week of February 20, 2023 Present Evaluations Results to City Council March 28, 2023 Finalize New Agreement for City Council Approval April 10, 2023 City Council Award of Agreement May 9, 2023 Hauler Transition May through July 2023 Start Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services August 1, 2023 5. Sections 6.1 and 6.2 on page 26 of the RFP document is hereby revised as follows: 6.1 Contractor must provide a proposal to include Street Sweeping Services. City staff has performed a preliminary evaluation of the City’s current street sweeping schedule and is requesting that Proposers include a cost proposal for the following option for providing the City’s street sweeping services. Cost proposals for previously listed Options 1 and 2 are no longer required to be included in the submittal. A cost proposal related to Option 3 must be included in proposal submittals.  Option 1 – Perform street sweeping during different time periods on the same day. Option 1 revises the City’s street sweeping schedule to perform sweeping on each side of the street, during separate time periods on the same day. For example, streets currently swept on both sides on Monday between 8AM – 12PM will be revised to one side of the street swept on Monday between 8AM – 12PM, and the other side of the street swept on the same Monday between 12PM – 4PM. Option 1 includes: o Updating existing “No Parking” signs by applying stickers to revise the time periods. o Alternating sides of the street swept with the least amount of impact to current sweeping operations and schedule.  Option 2 – Perform street sweeping during the same time period on different days. Option 2 revises the City’s street sweeping schedule to perform sweeping on each side of the street during the same time period on different days. For example, streets currently swept on both sides on Monday between 8AM – 12PM will be revised to one side of the street swept on Monday between 8AM – 12PM and the other side of the street swept on Tuesday between 8AM – 12PM. Option 2 includes: o Potential increase in street sweeper drive time and associated costs. o Updating existing “No Parking” signs by applying stickers to revise the time periods. o Requiring rerouting street sweeping throughout the entire City and results in the most significant impact to the current sweeping schedule.  Option 3 – Maintain current street sweeping schedule. No changes or impacts to the current street sweeping schedule. 6.2 Residential and Commercial Street Sweeping Service is to begin after 7:00 6:00 a.m. and before 7:00 4:00 p.m. The streets for Street Sweeping Service are to be designated by the City. 6. Service Recipient Data Question: On page 17 of current service data there is one line of 1 account with 169 containers. What is this for? Answer: The account is associated with a home owners association with a total of 169 trash containers serviced on a weekly basis in the same manner as residential customers. Question: On roll off service history. Are the number of pulls information available? Answer: The tonnage information provided includes both temporary and permanent roll-off accounts. There are four permanent accounts that are collected weekly (1 25 cubic yard box, 1 30 cubic yard box, and 2 40 cubic yard boxes). The frequency and number of pulls for temporary service is not available. 7. Contractor Payments to the City Question: What are these amounts? • Procurement Fee • Mitigation Fee • Annual SB 1383 and Administrative Fee Answer: The reimbursement for the cost of the Procurement / Negotiation process is expected to be a one-time reimbursement not to exceed $300,000 and will be based on actual costs related to the solicitation, evaluation, negotiation, and award process for both the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement and Street Sweeping Agreement, as determined by the City. The City is currently reviewing the mitigation, SB 1383, and administrative costs related to the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement. The Mitigation Fee and Annual SB 1383 and Administrative Fee are fees subject to being set by the City Council and would be included as a pass through in the customer rate. Proposers should not include these fees in the proposed rate sheet. Section 17.3 on page 34 of the RFP documents is hereby revised as follows: 17.3. Mitigation Fee: In addition to the payments stated above, the Contractor shall pay an optional Mitigation Fee to the City, either as a single lump sum payment within thirty (30) days of the execution of the Agreement or as an annual fee subject to annual adjustment in the same manner as Contractor’s service rates, to assist City in mitigating the impacts of solid waste collection activities within the City, including but not limited to impacts related to noise, traffic, air quality, storm water contamination prevention, and enforcement activities. Proposers are requested to propose a Mitigation Fee as it relates to these and other impacts related to solid waste collection activities within the City. The proposed Mitigation Fee is to be separately accounted for using the forms provided in Section F. 8. Acknowledgement of Addendum No. 1 Each proposer shall acknowledge receipt of this addendum in their submitted proposal. Failure to provide such acknowledgement shall render the proposal as non-responsive and subject to rejection. If you have already submitted a response, this addendum will invalidate your response and you must submit a new response before the due date specified. Except for the changes noted above, all other requirements and provisions of the originally issued Request for Proposal shall remain in effect. _____________________________ Michael Chung, PE Director of Public Works Issued December 19, 2022 I ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF ADDENDUM NO. 1 _____________________________ _____________________________ Bidder’s Signature Company Attachment: 1 Draft Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement 2 Draft Street Sweeping Agreement Attachment 1 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 DRAFT AGREEMENT 1 FOR THE PROVISION OF 2 3 INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE HANDLING SERVICES 4 5 Executed Between the 6 City of Rosemead and __________. 7 8 This ___ day of ____ 2023 9 10 The City may elect to include some services included in this draft agreement. Those services are 11 highlighted in grey. 12 13 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 2 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 TABLE OF CONTENTS 14 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement 15 Table of Contents 16 Article 1. Definitions ................................................................................................................ 5 17 Article 2. Term of Agreement .................................................................................................18 18 Article 3. Conditions Governing Services Provided by Contractor ..........................................18 19 Article 4. Franchise Fees and Payments ...............................................................................19 20 Article 5. General Requirements ............................................................................................21 21 Article 6. Collection Service Rates .........................................................................................27 22 Article 7. Collection Service Billing .........................................................................................32 23 Article 8. Diversion Requirements ..........................................................................................35 24 Article 9. Service Unit Types ..................................................................................................37 25 Article 10. Residential Service ...............................................................................................38 26 Article 11. MFD Service .........................................................................................................45 27 Article 12. Commercial Service ..............................................................................................51 28 Article 13. Mixed Use Dwelling Service (MXD) ......................................................................58 29 Article 14. City Services .........................................................................................................58 30 Article 15. Additional Services ...............................................................................................59 31 Article 16. Collection Routes ..................................................................................................60 32 Article 17. Minimum Performance and Diversion Standards ..................................................60 33 Article 18. Collection Equipment ............................................................................................62 34 Article 19. Contractor’s Office ................................................................................................66 35 Article 20. Contractor Support Services .................................................................................67 36 Article 21. Emergency Service ...............................................................................................71 37 Article 22. Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements ......................................................72 38 Article 23. Nondiscrimination .................................................................................................77 39 Article 24. Service Inquiries and Complaints ..........................................................................77 40 Article 25. Quality of Performance of Contractor ....................................................................78 41 Article 26. Performance Bond ................................................................................................79 42 Article 27. Insurance ..............................................................................................................80 43 Article 28. Hold Harmless and Indemnification .......................................................................84 44 Article 29. Default of Agreement ............................................................................................87 45 Article 30. Modifications to the Agreement .............................................................................90 46 Article 31. Legal Representation ............................................................................................91 47 Article 32. Conflict of Interest .................................................................................................91 48 Article 33. Contractor's Personnel .........................................................................................91 49 Article 34. Exempt Waste ......................................................................................................93 50 Article 35. Independent Contractor ........................................................................................93 51 Article 36. Laws to Govern.....................................................................................................93 52 Article 37. Consent to Jurisdiction ..........................................................................................93 53 Article 38. Assignment ...........................................................................................................93 54 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 3 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Article 39. Compliance with Laws ..........................................................................................94 55 Article 40. Permits and Licenses ............................................................................................94 56 Article 41. Ownership of Written Materials .............................................................................95 57 Article 42. Waiver ..................................................................................................................95 58 Article 43. Prohibition Against Gifts ........................................................................................95 59 Article 44. Point of Contact ....................................................................................................95 60 Article 45. Notices .................................................................................................................95 61 Article 46. Transition to Next Contractor ................................................................................96 62 Article 47. Contractor’s Records ............................................................................................96 63 Article 48. Entire Agreement ..................................................................................................97 64 Article 49. Severability ...........................................................................................................97 65 Article 50. Right to Require Performance ...............................................................................98 66 Article 51. All Prior Agreements Superseded .........................................................................98 67 Article 52. Headings ..............................................................................................................98 68 Article 53. Exhibits .................................................................................................................98 69 Article 54. Attorney’s Fees .....................................................................................................98 70 Article 55. Effective Date .......................................................................................................98 71 72 Exhibits 73 Exhibit 1 City Approved Service Rates ............................................................................... 100 74 Exhibit 2 City Sponsored Events ........................................................................................ 101 75 Exhibit 3 List of City Properties and Current Service Levels ............................................... 102 76 Exhibit 4 Collection Container Specifications ...................................................................... 105 77 Exhibit 5 Transition Plan ..................................................................................................... 108 78 Exhibit 6 Administrative Charges and Penalties ................................................................. 111 79 Exhibit 7 Customer Service Plan ........................................................................................ 113 80 Exhibit 8 Collection Service Operations Plan ...................................................................... 114 81 Exhibit 9 City-Approved Processing and Disposal Facilities ............................................... 118 82 Exhibit 10 Sustainability and Compliance Plan ................................................................... 119 83 Exhibit 11 Outreach and Education Plan ............................................................................ 123 84 Exhibit 12 Acceptable Recyclable Materials ....................................................................... 124 85 86 87 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 4 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 This Integrated Solid Waste Handling Service Agreement (“Agreement”) is hereby entered into by 88 and between the City of Rosemead, a general law city existing under the laws of the State of California 89 (“City”) and [NAME OF CONTRACTOR] a California [LEGAL CAPACITY] (“Contractor”) as of ______, 90 2023 under the terms and conditions set forth herein. 91 92 RECITALS 93 94 The Legislature of the State of California, by enactment of the California Integrated Waste 95 Management Act of 1989 (the “Act”) and subsequent additions and amendments (codified at California 96 Public Resources Code Section 40000 et seq.), has declared that it is in the public interest to authorize and 97 require local agencies to make adequate provisions for garbage collection within their jurisdiction. 98 The State of California has found and declared that the amount of garbage generated in California, 99 coupled with diminishing landfill space and potential adverse environmental impacts from landfilling and the 100 need to conserve natural resources, have created an urgent need for State and local agencies to enact and 101 implement an aggressive integrated waste management program. The State has, through enactment of the 102 Act, directed the responsible State agency, and all local agencies, to promote disposal site diversion and 103 to maximize the use of feasible garbage reduction, re-use, recycling, and composting options to reduce the 104 amount of garbage that must be disposed of in disposal sites. 105 Pursuant to its Municipal Code and California Public Resources Code Section 40059(a) as may be 106 amended from time to time, City has determined that the public health, safety, and well-being require that 107 an exclusive right be awarded to a qualified contractor to provide for the collection of garbage, recyclable 108 materials, and organic waste materials, except for collection of materials excluded in City’s Municipal Code, 109 and other services related to meeting the Act’s 50 percent diversion goal and other requirements of the Act. 110 City further declares its intent to regulate and set the maximum rates Contractor may charge Service 111 Recipients for the collection, transportation, processing, recycling, composting, and/or disposal of garbage, 112 recyclable materials, and organic waste materials. 113 The City Council has determined that Contractor, by demonstrated experience, reputation, and 114 capacity, is qualified to provide for the collection of garbage, recyclable materials, and organic waste 115 materials within the corporate limits of City, the transportation of such material to appropriate places for 116 processing, recycling, composting and/or disposal; and City Council desires that Contractor be engaged to 117 perform such services on the basis set forth in this Agreement; and, Contractor has represented that it has 118 the ability and capacity to provide for the collection of garbage, recyclable materials, and organic waste 119 materials within the corporate limits of City; the transportation of such material to appropriate places for 120 processing, recycling, composting and/or disposal; and the processing of materials. 121 By Resolution No. ___, the City Council of City duly approved this Agreement, together with the 122 Franchise Fee, Contractor payments to City, and other City-imposed fees provided for in the Agreement 123 (collectively “City Imposed Fees”), and found and determined that such City Imposed Fees were both 124 necessary and reasonably reflect, or are less than, the actual costs City that will incur in the administration 125 of the contracted services, compliance with mandatory state laws and regulations related to the contracted 126 services, and to mitigate the of impacts provision of the contracted services will have on City streets, 127 Support for these findings is provided in both Resolution No. ___ and the accompanying staff report dated 128 _____. 129 130 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 5 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 OPERATIVE PROVISIONS 131 Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and consideration contained 132 in this Agreement, City and Contractor agree as follows: 133 134 Article 1. Definitions 135 For the purpose of this Agreement, the definitions contained in this Article apply unless otherwise 136 specifically stated. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the 137 future, words in the plural include the singular, and words in the singular include the plural. Use of the 138 masculine gender includes the feminine gender. The meaning of terms or words not defined in this Article 139 will be as defined in the Integrated Waste Management Act, or if not defined therein, then as commonly 140 understood in the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services industry when the common understanding is 141 uncertain. 142 1.01 AB 341. “AB 341” means State of California Assembly Bill No. 341 approved October 5, 143 2011. AB 341 requires businesses, defined to include commercial or public entities that generate more than 144 4 cubic yards of commercial solid waste per week or multifamily residential dwellings of 5 units or more, to 145 arrange for recycling services and requires jurisdictions to implement a commercial solid waste recycling 146 program. 147 1.02 AB 827. “AB 827” means State of California Assembly Bill No. 827 approved October 02, 148 2019. AB 827 requires businesses that are mandated to recycle under AB 341 (“MCR”) and/or mandated to 149 recycle organics under AB 1826 (“MOR”) or SB 1383 and that provide customers access to the business, to 150 provide customers with a recycling bin and/or organics collection bin for those waste streams that is visible, 151 easily accessible, and adjacent to each bin or container for trash. 152 1.03 AB 939. “AB 939” or “The Act” means “The California Integrated Waste Management Act 153 of 1989” codified in part in Public Resources Code §§ 40000 et seq, and such regulations adopted by. 154 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) for implementation of the Act, or 155 its successor agency, including but not limited to, the Jobs and Recycling Act of 2011 (AB 341), SB 1016 156 (Chapter 343, Statues of 2008 [Wiggins, SB 1016]), the Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling 157 Resources Code § 40000 and following as it may be amended and as implemented by the regulations of 158 CalRecycle. 159 1.04 AB 1594. “AB 1594” means State of California Assembly Bill No. 1594 approved 160 September 28, 2014. AB 1594 provides that as of January 1, 2020, the use of green material as Alternative 161 Daily Cover does not constitute diversion through recycling and would be considered disposal. 162 1.05 AB 1669. “AB 1669” means State of California Assembly Bill No. 1669 approved 163 September 30, 2016 which amends California Labor Code Sections 1070 through 1076 with respect to the 164 hiring of displaced employees under service contracts for the collection and transportation of solid waste. 165 1.06 AB 1826. “AB 1826” means State of California Assembly Bill No. 1826 approved 166 September 28, 2014. AB 1826 requires each jurisdiction, on and after January 1, 2016, to implement an 167 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 6 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 organic waste recycling program to divert from the landfill organic waste from businesses. Each business 168 meeting specific organic waste or solid waste generation thresholds phased in from April 1, 2016 to January 169 1, 2020, is required to arrange for organic waste recycling services. 170 1.07 AB 3036. “AB 3036” means State of California Assembly Bill No. 3036 approved 171 September 27, 2018. AB 3036 prohibits a County, City, District, or local government agency from subjecting 172 the hauling of certain byproducts from the processing of food or beverages to an exclusive franchise, contract, 173 license, or permit. 174 1.08 Agreement. “Agreement” means the written Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services 175 agreement between the City and the Contractor covering the work to be performed and all contract documents 176 attached to the agreement and made a part thereof. 177 1.09 Agreement Administrator. The City Manager, or his or her designee, designated to 178 administer and monitor the provisions of the Agreement. 179 1.10 Agreement Year. “Agreement Year” means each twelve (12) month period from August 1st 180 to July 30th during the term of this Agreement. 181 1.11 Alternative Fuel Vehicle. “Alternate Fuel Vehicle” means a vehicle whose engine uses a 182 fuel other than gasoline or diesel fuel, such as compressed natural gas (CNG) or other fuel with comparably 183 low emissions of air pollutants regulated under the California Clean Air Act, Health and Safety Code Section 184 39000 et seq. or the South Coast Air Quality Management District's rules and regulations including Rule 1193. 185 1.12 Applicable Law. “Applicable Law” shall mean all federal, state, county, and local laws, 186 regulations, rules, orders, judgments, decrees, permits, approvals, or other requirements of any governmental 187 agency having jurisdiction over an aspect of this Agreement that are in force on the Effective Date, and as 188 may be enacted, issued or amended thereafter, including without limitation, to the City’s Municipal Code, the 189 California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (Public Resources Code section 40000 et seq.), as 190 amended as of the Effective Date, inclusive (without exclusion to other amendments not referenced here) of 191 AB 939, AB 341, AB 1826, AB 1594, SB 1383, and inclusive of all regulations implementing same adopted 192 as of the Effective Date. 193 1.13 Best Management Practice. “Best Management Practice” means the schedule of activities, 194 prohibition of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce, to 195 the maximum extent that is technologically and economically feasible, the discharge of pollutants in the storm 196 drain system. 197 1.14 Bin. “Bin” means a metal or plastic waste container designed or intended to be 198 mechanically serviced by a commercial front-end loader vehicle. It shall be designed to hold from one (1) to 199 six (6) cubic yards of material with the lid properly closed. The specifications for Contractor-provided Bins are 200 set forth in Exhibit 4. 201 1.15 Biohazardous or Biomedical Waste. Any waste which may cause disease or reasonably 202 be suspected of harboring pathogenic organisms; included are waste resulting from the operation of medical 203 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 7 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 clinics, hospitals, and other facilities processing wastes which may consist of, but are not limited to, human 204 and animal parts, contaminated bandages, pathological specimens, hypodermic needles, sharps, 205 contaminated clothing and surgical gloves. 206 1.16 Box. "Box" means a large open -top rectangular metal containers used to store and 207 transport MSW, Recyclable Materials, Green Waste, Construction and Demolition Debris, or other materials, 208 collected using a special vehicle equipped with hooks and a winch to pull the box onto the flat bed of the truck 209 for transport. 210 1.17 Brown Goods. Electronic equipment such as stereos, televisions, computers, VCR’s and 211 other similar items collected from SFD Service Units. 212 1.18 Bulky Waste. “Bulky Waste” or “Large Items” has the same meaning as ”Bulky Item” as 213 defined in Section 8.32.020 of the Municipal Code. “Bulky Waste” also means Solid Waste consisting of 214 discarded white goods, furniture, tires, carpets, mattresses, and similar large items which do not fit in a regular 215 Collection Container and require special handling due to their size but can be collected and transported 216 without the assistance of special loading equipment (such as forklifts or cranes) and without violating vehicle 217 load limits. “Bulky Waste also includes Electronic Waste (E-Waste). It does not include abandoned 218 automobiles and other vehicles, nor does it include items defined as Exempt Waste. 219 1.19 Business Day. Any Monday through Friday, excluding any holidays as defined in Section 220 5.03. 221 1.20 Calendar Year. Each twelve (12) month period from January 1 to December 31. 222 1.21 Cart. “Cart” means a heavy plastic receptacle with a rated capacity of at least twenty (20) 223 and not more than one hundred (100) gallons, having a hinged tight-fitting lid and wheels, that is provided by 224 the Exclusive Franchise Solid Waste Contractor, approved by the City, and used by Service Recipients for 225 collection, accumulation, and removal of solid waste from commercial, industrial, or residential premises in 226 connection with Exclusive Franchise Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services. The specifications for 227 Contractor-provided Carts are set forth in Exhibit 4. 228 1.22 CERCLA. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act 229 of 1980, 42 U.S.C. Sections 9601 and following, as may be amended and regulations promulgated 230 thereunder. 231 1.23 Change in Law. means the occurrence of any of the following events after the Effective 232 Date, when such event has a material and adverse effect on the Parties’ responsive obligations or the 233 performance of their respective obligations under this Agreement (except for any payment obligations): (i) the 234 enactment, adoption, promulgation, amendment, repeal, judicial interpretation, or formal administrative 235 interpretation of any Applicable Law; (ii) the issuance of any order or judgment of any federal, state, or local 236 court or agency in a proceeding to which a Party is a party, but not to the extent such order or judgment finds 237 the Party asserting there to have been a Change in Law to have been negligent or otherwise at fault; or (iii) 238 the denial, suspension, or termination of any government permit or other entitlement, but not to the extent 239 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 8 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 such denial, suspension, or termination is the result of any act or omission of the Party asserting there to 240 have been a Change in Law. 241 1.24 City. The City of Rosemead, California, including any unincorporated areas of the County 242 that may be annexed by the City during the Initial Term and all extensions. 243 1.25 City Collection Service. City Garbage Collection Service, City Organic Waste Collection 244 Service, City Recycling Service, City Clean-up Services, City-Sponsored Events Services, and Large Item 245 Collection Services. 246 A. City Clean-up Services. On-call City requested Collection from Agreement 247 Administrator to support City services and operations. 248 B. City Garbage Collection Service. The Collection of Garbage, by Contractor, from 249 City Service Units in the Service Area and the delivery of that Garbage to a Disposal Facility. 250 C. City Bulky Waste Collection Service. The periodic on-call Collection of Bulky Waste, 251 by Contractor, from City Service Units in the Service Area and the delivery of those Bulky Waste to a 252 Disposal Facility, Materials Recovery Facility or such other facility as may be appropriate under the terms of 253 this Agreement. 254 D. City Organic Waste Collection Service. The Collection of Organic Waste, by 255 Contractor, from City Service Units in the Service Area, the delivery of those Organic Waste materials to an 256 Organic Waste Processing Facility and the processing and marketing of those Organic Waste materials, and 257 the disposal of all City Organic Waste Processing Residue. 258 E. City Recycling Service. The Collection of Recyclables Materials by the Contractor 259 from City Service Units in the Service Area, the delivery of those Recyclable Materials to a Materials 260 Recovery Facility and the processing and marketing of those Recyclable Materials, and the disposal of all 261 City Recyclables Materials Processing Residue. 262 F. City Sponsored Event Services. On-call Collection Services at City-Sponsored 263 Events. 264 1.26 City Facility. City Facility(ies) means any building or other site that the City owns, leases, 265 or occupies that are listed in Exhibit 3. 266 1.27 City Manager. “City Manager” means the City Manager of the City of Rosemead, or his or 267 her designated representative, or any employee of the City who succeeds to the duties and responsibilities 268 of the City Manager. 269 1.28 Collect and Collection and Collected. The removal of Solid Waste from a Service Unit and 270 transportation to a Disposal Facility, Organic Waste Processing Facility, Materials Recycling (or Recovery) 271 Facility, or Transfer Station as appropriate. 272 1.29 Collection Container. A Bin, Cart, Debris-Box or Roll-Off Container that is approved by the 273 Agreement Administrator for use by Service Recipients for Collection Services under this Agreement. 274 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 9 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 1.30 Collection Services. Contractor’s obligations under this Agreement to Collect Solid Waste 275 within the Service Area. Collection Service includes Residential Collection Service, Commercial Collection 276 Service, and City Collection Service. 277 1.31 Collection Vehicle. A licensed vehicle that has all required licenses to provide Collection 278 Service and that has been approved by the Agreement Administrator for use under this Agreement. 279 1.32 Commencement Date. Has the meaning specified in Section 2.01 of this Agreement. 280 1.33 Commercial Collection Service. Collection Service provided to Commercial Service Units. 281 Commercial Collection Service includes Commercial Garbage Collection Service, Commercial Organic 282 Waste Collection Service, and Commercial Recycling Collection Service. Commercial Collection Service 283 specifically includes the following: 284 A. Commercial Garbage Collection Service. The Collection of Garbage by Contractor, 285 from Commercial Service Units in the Service Area and the delivery of that Garbage to a Disposal Facility. 286 B. Commercial Organic Waste Collection Service. The Collection of Organic Waste, 287 by Contractor, from Commercial Service Units in the Service Area, the delivery of those Organic Waste 288 materials to an Organic Waste Processing Facility and the processing and marketing of those Organic 289 Waste materials, and the disposal of all Commercial Organic Waste Processing Residue. 290 C. Commercial Recycling Collection Service. The Collection of Recyclable Materials, 291 by Contractor, from Commercial Service Units in the Service Area, the delivery of those Recyclable 292 Materials to a Materials Recovery Facility and the processing and marketing of those Recyclable Materials, 293 and the disposal of all Commercial Recyclable Materials Processing Residue. 294 1.34 Compactor. Any Collection Container which has a compaction mechanism, whether 295 stationary or mobile. 296 1.35 Compost. “Compost” means the act or product of the controlled biological decomposition 297 of Organic Wastes that are Source Separated or are separated at a centralized facility. Compost may also 298 include the product of anaerobic digestion or other conversion technologies. 299 1.36 Construction and Demolition Debris. “Construction and Demolition Debris” means 300 discarded materials removed from premises, resulting from construction, renovation, remodeling, repair, 301 deconstruction, or demolition operations on any pavement, house, commercial building, or other structure or 302 from landscaping. Such materials include but are not limited to “inert wastes” as defined in Public Resources 303 Code Section 41821.3(a)(1) (rock, concrete, brick, sand, soil, ceramics and cured asphalt), gravel, plaster, 304 gypsum wallboard, aluminum, glass, plastic pipe, roofing material, carpeting, wood, masonry, trees, remnants 305 of new materials, including paper, plastic, carpet scraps, wood scraps, scrap metal, building materials, 306 packaging and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, renovation, repair and demolition operations 307 on pavements, houses, commercial buildings, and other structures. 308 1.37 Consumer Price Index (CPI). The index sets published by the Unites States Department 309 of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Consumer Price Index series (CPI index as proposed by Contractor). 310 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 10 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Option 1: CUURS49ASA0, All Urban Consumers, Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, not seasonally 311 adjusted 312 Option 2: CUSR0000SEHG02, Garbage and trash collection in U.S. city average, all urban consumers, 313 seasonally adjusted 314 Option 3: CUSR0000SEHG, Water and sewer and trash collection services in U.S. city average, all urban 315 consumers, seasonally adjusted 316 1.38 Container. “Container" means a Collection Container. 317 1.39 Contaminant. Any material or substance placed into or found in a Collection Container 318 other than the type of Source Separated material for which that Collection Container is intended or reserved. 319 For example, anything that is not Recyclable Materials is a Contaminant if placed into or found in a Recyclable 320 Materials Collection Container. Similarly, anything that is not Organic Waste is a Contaminant if placed into 321 or found in an Organic Waste Collection Container. 322 1.40 Contractor. _________, which has entered into this Agreement. 323 1.41 County. Los Angeles County, California. 324 1.42 Customer. “Customer" means the owner, occupant or user of premises at which MSW or 325 recyclable materials are generated and then collected by Contractor. Customers include Residential 326 Customers, Multifamily Customers, and Commercial Customers. City is also a receiver of Collection Services 327 but not a Customer. 328 1.43 Dispose or Disposal. “Disposal” or “Dispose” means the final disposition of Solid Waste at 329 a permitted Landfill or other permitted Solid Waste disposal facility, as defined in California Public Resources 330 Code 40192(b). 331 1.44 Disposal Facility. “Disposal Facility” means the place or places listed in Exhibit 9 as 332 City-approved locations for the Disposal of Garbage or other materials as appropriate and acceptable. 333 1.45 Diversion or Divert. The programs and activities that reduce or eliminate the Disposal of 334 Solid Waste in landfills, which can include source reduction, reuse, salvage, Recycling, and Composting. 335 1.46 Diversion Compliance. Compliance with Diversion requirements under the Act and 336 applicable CalRecycle regulations. Should there be a Change in Law for Diversion Compliance, Contractor 337 may request a rate adjustment pursuant to Section 30.01.1. 338 1.47 Dwelling Unit. A building or part of a building designed for residential use by a single 339 independent housekeeping unit and having separate exterior access, toilet, and facilities for cooking and 340 sleeping. 341 1.48 Edible Food. “Edible Food” has the same meaning as found in Section 8.32.020 of the 342 Municipal Code. Edible Food means food intended for human consumption. For purposes of this Agreement, 343 Edible Food is not Solid Waste if it is recovered and not discarded. Nothing in this Agreement requires or 344 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 11 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 authorizes the recovery of food that does not meet the food safety requirements of the California Retail Food 345 Code. 346 1.49 Edible Food Recovery. “Edible Food Recovery” means the actions to collect and distribute 347 Edible Food and distributing it to local food recovery organizations from places where it would otherwise go 348 to waste such as, but not limited to, restaurants, grocery stores, produce markets, school cafeterias, or dining 349 facilities. 350 1.50 Effective Date. “Effective Date of Agreement” shall mean the date on which the Agreement 351 is signed by the duly authorized representatives and the parties and delivered by the last of the parties to sign 352 and deliver. 353 1.51 Electronic Waste (E-Waste). E-Waste means electronic equipment such as stereos, 354 televisions, computers, and other similar items collected from SFD Service Units. 355 1.52 Exempt Waste. “Exempt Waste” means “Excluded Waste” as defined in Section 8.32.020 356 of the Municipal Code and Biohazardous or Biomedical Waste, Hazardous Waste, Sludge, automobiles, 357 automobile parts, boats, boat parts, boat trailers, internal combustion engines, lead-acid batteries, dead 358 animals, and those wastes under the control of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 359 1.53 Food Waste “Food Waste” means (1) food scraps including all edible or inedible food such 360 as, but not limited to, fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, seafood, shellfish, bones, rice, beans, pasta, bread, 361 cheese, coffee grounds, and eggshells. Food Scraps excludes fats, oils, and grease when such materials are 362 Source Separated from other Food Scraps; and (2) food-soiled paper, which is compostable paper material 363 that has come in contact with food or liquid, such as, but not limited to, compostable paper plates, paper 364 coffee cups, napkins, and pizza boxes. 365 1.54 Franchised Diversion. Franchised Diversion means the rate of diversion that Contractor is 366 responsible to achieve as defined and calculated Section 8.01.3 of this Agreement. 367 1.55 Franchise Fee. The fee stated in Section 4.03.1 of this Agreement that Contractor has 368 voluntarily agreed to pay in consideration of the exclusive rights granted by the City under this Agreement. 369 1.56 Garbage. All putrescible and non-putrescible solid, semi-solid and associated liquid waste 370 generated or accumulated through the normal activities of a premises. Garbage does not include Recyclable 371 Materials, Organic Waste, or Bulky Waste, that is source-separated and set out for purposes of collection and 372 recycling. 373 1.57 Green Waste. “Green Waste” means grass clippings, leaves, landscape and prunings 374 waste, wood materials from trees and shrubs, and other forms of organic materials generated from 375 landscapes or gardens. 376 1.58 Gross Revenue. All monetary amounts actually collected or received by Contractor for the 377 provision of Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services pursuant to this Agreement, including but not 378 necessarily limited to: all receipts from Service Recipients, inclusive of late charges, contamination charges, 379 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 12 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Franchise Fees or any other cost of doing business. “Gross Revenue”, for purposes of this Agreement, does 380 not include any fee or charge levied by the City directly on Service Recipients to mitigate costs incurred by 381 City which is billed, collected and remitted to City by Contractor, or revenues generated from the sale of 382 Recyclable Material, Compost or energy, grants, cash awards, State of California Department of Conservation 383 payments, or rebates resulting from the performance of this Agreement. 384 1.59 Hazardous Waste. “Hazardous Waste” has the same meaning as set forth in Section 385 8.32.020 of the Municipal Code. Hazardous Waste shall have the meaning set forth in California Code of 386 Regulations, Title 14 §17225.32 and Health and Safety Code §25117, or successor laws and regulations as 387 may be amended from time to time. 388 1.60 Holiday. “Holiday” means New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence 389 Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and any other day recognized by 390 resolution of the City Council as a day on which waste Collection Service will not be provided until the following 391 day, excluding Sunday. 392 1.61 Home Compost Bin. A portable durable container purchased by the Contractor, and 393 distributed to SFD or MFD/MXD Service Recipients as requested, and stored and distributed by the 394 Contractor to SFD or MFD/MXD Service Recipients for use by those Service Recipients to compost Organic 395 Waste at their premises. 396 1.62 Household Hazardous Waste. “Household Hazardous Waste” means that waste resulting 397 from products purchased by the general public for household use which, because of its quantity, concentration 398 or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may pose a substantial known or potential hazard to human 399 health or the environment when improperly treated, disposed or otherwise managed, or, in combination with 400 other Solid Waste, may be infectious, explosive, poisonous, caustic, toxic, or exhibit any of the characteristics 401 of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity as per California Code of Regulations Title 22, Division 4.5, 402 Chapter 11, Section 66261.3. 403 1.63 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services. The collection of Garbage, Recyclable 404 Materials, and Organic Waste within the corporate limits of City; the transportation of such material to 405 appropriate places for processing, recycling, composting and/or disposal; and the processing of materials. 406 1.64 Kitchen Food Waste Pail. A plastic receptacle with a rated capacity not exceeding two and 407 one-half (2.5) gallons, having a hinged lid, suitable for use in a SFD Service Unit for temporary storage of 408 SFD Organic Waste that is approved for such purpose by City. 409 1.65 Manure. Stable bedding and other waste matter normally accumulated and associated with 410 stables or in livestock. 411 1.66 Materials Recovery Facility. “Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)” means a facility listed in 412 Exhibit 9 to which commingled Solid Waste, Organic Waste and Recyclable Materials are brought for 413 separation into marketable Recyclable Materials. 414 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 13 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 1.67 Maximum Service Rate. The maximum amount that Contractor may charge Service 415 Recipients for Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, as listed in Exhibit 1, and as may be adjusted in 416 accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 417 1.68 Mixed Waste Processing Facility. Means a State-permitted commercial Solid Waste facility 418 listed in Exhibit 9 which accepts and processes Unicycling for diversion from landfill disposal. The City 419 reserves its Flow Control Rights over the Mixed Waste Processing Facility. 420 1.69 Multi-Family Dwelling (MFD) Collection Service. MFD Solid Waste Collection Service 421 serves a Multi-Family Dwelling, and specifically includes the following, MFD Garbage Collection Service, MFD 422 Large Item Collection Service, MFD Organic Waste Collection Service, and MFD Recycling Service: 423 A. MFD Garbage Collection Service. The Collection of Garbage, by Contractor, from 424 MFD Service Units in the Service Area and the delivery of that Garbage to a Disposal Facility. 425 B. MFD Bulky Waste Collection Service. The periodic on-call Collection of Bulky 426 Waste , by Contractor, from MFD Service Units in the Service Area and the delivery of those Bulky Waste 427 to a Disposal Facility, Materials Recovery Facility or such other facility as may be appropriate under the 428 terms of this Agreement. MFD Bulky Waste Collection Service may include the Collection of Bulky Waste 429 using Roll-Off Containers. 430 C. MFD Organic Waste Collection Service. The Collection of Organic Waste, by 431 Contractor, from MFD Service Units in the Service Area, the delivery of those Organic Waste materials to 432 an Organic Waste Processing Facility and the processing and marketing of those Organic Waste materials, 433 and the disposal of all MFD Organic Waste Processing Residue. 434 D. MFD Recycling Service. The Collection of Recyclables Materials by the Contractor 435 from MFD Service Units in the Service Area, the delivery of those Recyclable Materials to a Materials 436 Recovery Facility and the processing and marketing of those Recyclable Materials, and the disposal of all 437 MFD Recyclables Materials Processing Residue. 438 1.70 Municipal Code. Municipal Code means the City of Rosemead Municipal Code. 439 1.71 Non-Collection Notice. A written notice approved by the Agreement Administrator that 440 notifies a Service Recipient of the reason Contractor did not Collect Solid Waste set out for Collection. 441 1.72 Organic Waste. “Organic Waste” has the same meaning as set forth in Section 8.32.020 442 of the Municipal Code and means Food Waste, Green Waste, Wood Waste, and food-soiled paper waste that 443 is mixed in with Food Waste. 444 1.73 Organic Waste Collection Service. The Collection of Organic Waste from Service Units and 445 processing at an Organic Waste Processing Facility, and the disposal of all Organic Waste Processing 446 Residue. 447 1.74 Organic Waste Processing Facility. “Organic Waste Processing Facility” means any facility 448 designed, operated and legally permitted for the purpose of receiving and processing Food Waste, Green 449 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 14 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Waste, and Organic Waste listed in Exhibit 9. The City shall designate the Organic Waste Processing Facility 450 for the Contractor to deliver Collected Organic Waste material under this Agreement. 451 1.75 Overage. “Overage” means Solid Waste set out for Collection either on top of or outside of 452 a Container or in any manner that prevents the Container lid from completely closing or potentially cause 453 Solid Waste to spill during Collection by Contractor’s vehicles. 454 1.76 Premises. “Premises” means any land or building in the City where waste is generated or 455 accumulated. 456 1.77 Prohibited Container Contaminants. “Prohibited Container Contaminants” means any of 457 the following but does not include Organic Waste specifically allowed for Collection in a Container that is 458 required to be transported to a high diversion organic waste processing facility if the waste is specifically 459 identified as acceptable for Collection in that Container in a manner that complies with the requirements of 460 14 CCR Section 18984.1, 18984.2, or 18984.3. (A) Non-Organic Waste placed in a Collection Container 461 designated for Organic Waste provided pursuant to 14 CCR Section 18984.1 or 18984.2; (B) Organic Wastes 462 that are, carpet, hazardous wood waste, or non-compostable paper placed in the Collection Container that is 463 part of an Organic Waste Collection Service provided pursuant to 14 CCR Section 18984.1 or 18984.2; (C) 464 Organic Wastes, placed in a Collection Container designated for Garbage, that pursuant to 14 CCR Section 465 18984.1 or 18984.2 were intended to be Collected separately in a Collection Container designated for Organic 466 Waste or Recyclable Materials; (D) Organic Wastes placed in the Collection Container designated for 467 Recyclable Materials shall be considered Prohibited Container Contaminants when those wastes were 468 specifically identified in this Agreement, or through local ordinance for Collection in the Container designated 469 for Organic Waste, or mutually agreed to and promulgated by the City and Contractor. Paper products, 470 printing and writing paper, wood and dry lumber may be considered acceptable and not considered Prohibited 471 Container Contaminants if they are placed in Collection Container designated for Recyclable Materials; and 472 (E) Exempt Waste placed in any Collection Container. 473 1.78 Quarter. A three-month period during a calendar year. The first Quarter is January through 474 March. The second Quarter is April through June. The third Quarter is July through September. The fourth 475 Quarter is October through December. 476 1.79 Rate Year. “Rate Year” means the period July 1st to June 30th, for each year during the 477 Term of this Agreement, except the first year which begins on August 1, 2023. 478 1.80 Recyclable Materials. Recyclable Materials means those materials that are separated from 479 Solid Waste prior to disposal to be recycled consistent with the requirements of the Act. Recyclable Materials 480 that can be placed in the Recycling Container include but are not limited to, glass and plastic bottles, 481 aluminum, tin and steel cans, metals, unsoiled paper products, printing and writing paper, and cardboard, 482 and any other items as determined by the Agreement Administrator. 483 1.81 Recycling. “Recycling” means the process of collecting, sorting, cleansing, treating and/or 484 marketing Recyclable Materials that would otherwise become Garbage, and returning them to the economic 485 mainstream in the form of raw material for new, reused, or reconstituted products which meet the quality 486 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 15 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 standards necessary to be used in the marketplace. The collection, transportation or disposal of Solid Waste 487 not intended for, or capable of, reuse is not Recycling. “Recycling” does not include transformation as defined 488 in Public Resource Code Section 40201. 489 1.82 Residential Collection Service. “Residential Collection Service” means ongoing regularly 490 scheduled collection of Solid Waste by an Exclusive Franchise from Residential Service Units and MFD 491 Service Units and the delivery of that Solid Waste to a Disposal Facility, Recycling Facility, and/or Organics 492 Processing Facility. 493 1.83 Residential Premises. “Residential Premises” means: (i) any building or structure, or 494 portion thereof, that is used for residential housing purposes and has four (4) or fewer distinct living units; and 495 (ii) any multiple unit residential complex which, with the prior written approval of the City Manager, receives 496 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services using standard residential Containers. 497 1.84 Residual or Residuals. “Residual” or “Residuals” means Solid Waste that is not Diverted 498 from landfill Disposal after it has been delivered to an Organic Waste Processing Facility or a Recyclables 499 Processing Facility for processing for Diversion from landfill Disposal. Residual does not include Recyclable 500 Materials or Organic Material that is processed for Diversion but lacks an available market. 501 1.85 Roll-Off Container. A metal container with a capacity of ten (10) or more cubic yards that 502 is normally loaded onto a specialized Collection vehicle and transported to an appropriate facility. 503 1.86 SB 1383. “SB 1383” means State of California Senate Bill 1383 Short-lived Climate 504 Pollutants: Organic Waste Reductions, approved September 19, 2016. 505 1.87 Self-Haul. Collection of Solid Waste by the resident, owner, or occupant of the Premises 506 on which the Solid Waste was generated pursuant to a City-issued permit and in accordance with the 507 requirements of the Municipal Code. 508 1.88 Service Area. That area within the city limits of the City of Rosemead designated by City 509 as the Service Area. 510 1.89 Service Recipient. An individual or entity receiving Collection Service. 511 1.90 Service Unit. “Service Unit” means a single subscriber to Contractor’s Integrated Solid 512 Waste Handling Services. SFD Service Units, MFD Service Units, MXD Service Units, City Service Units or 513 Commercial Service Units. Service Unit specifically includes the following: 514 A. City Service Unit. City Facility(ies) that utilize a Bin, Cart, or Roll-Off Container(s) 515 for the accumulation and set-out of Solid Waste. City Service Units are the properties set forth in Exhibit 3 516 and may be modified by written notice to Contractor by the City. 517 B. Commercial Service Unit. All retail, professional, wholesale and industrial facilities, 518 and other commercial enterprises offering goods or services to the public that utilize a Garbage Bin, 519 Cart, Compactor, Roll-Off Container for the accumulation and set-out of Commercial Solid Waste. 520 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 16 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 C. Multi-Family Dwelling and MFD Service Unit. “Multi-Family Dwelling” and “MFD” 521 shall mean any building or structure, including but not limited to Mobile Home Parks, or portion thereof, 522 used for residential purposes having five (5) or greater distinct living units. 523 D. MXD (Mixed-use Development) Service Unit. A mix of Commercial Service Units 524 and five (5) or greater Dwelling Units in the Service Area utilizing any combination of Collection 525 Containers for the accumulation of and set out of Solid Waste. 526 E. SFD Service Unit. Any Single-Family Dwelling Unit in the Service Area utilizing a 527 Cart for the accumulation and set out of Solid Waste originating from SFD Residential Premises. 528 1.91 SFD Collection Service. SFD Garbage Collection Service, SFD Recycling Service, SFD 529 Organic Waste Collection Service, and SFD Large Item Collection Service. 530 A. SFD Garbage Collection Service. The Collection of Garbage, by Contractor, from 531 SFD Service Units in the Service Area and the delivery of that Garbage to a Disposal Facility. 532 B. SFD Bulky Waste Collection Service. The periodic on-call Collection of Bulky Waste 533 , by Contractor, from SFD Service Units in the Service Area and the delivery of those Bulky Waste to a 534 Disposal Facility, Materials Recovery Facility or other such facility as may be appropriate under the terms 535 of this Agreement. SFD Bulky Waste Collection Service does not include the Collection of Bulky Waste 536 using Roll-Off Containers. 537 C. SFD Organic Waste Collection Service. The Collection of Organic Waste, by 538 Contractor, for SFD Service Units in the Service Area, the delivery of those Organic Waste Materials to an 539 Organic Waste Processing Facility and the processing and marketing of those Organic Waste materials, 540 and the disposal of all SFD Organic Waste Processing Residual. 541 D. SFD Recycling Service. The Collection of Recyclable Materials, including dry cell 542 household batteries when set out by the Service Recipient in heavy duty plastic bags and placed on the 543 Recycling Cart, by the Contractor from SFD Service Units in the Service Area, the delivery of those 544 Recyclable Materials to a Materials Recovery Facility and the processing and marketing of those 545 Recyclable Materials. 546 1.92 Single-family Dwelling or SFD. “Single-family/duplex dwelling” or “SFD” means any 547 residential premises with fewer than five (5) units single attached dwelling units, each designed for use by 548 one bona fide housekeeping group. 549 1.93 Sludge. The accumulated solids, residues, and precipitates generated as a result of waste 550 treatment or processing, including wastewater treatment, water supply treatment, or operation of an air 551 pollution control facility, and mixed liquids and solids pumped from septic tanks, grease traps, privies, or 552 similar disposal appurtenances or any other such waste having similar characteristics or effects. 553 1.94 Solid Waste. “Solid Waste” means all putrescible and non-putrescible solid, semisolid, and 554 liquid wastes, including garbage, trash, refuse, paper, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, demolition and 555 construction wastes, abandoned vehicles and parts thereof, discarded home and industrial appliances, 556 dewatered, treated, or chemically fixed sewage sludge which is not hazardous waste, Manure, vegetable or 557 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 17 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 animal solid and semisolid wastes, and other discarded solid and semisolid wastes, as set forth in California 558 Public Resources Code Section 40191(a)(b), as amended from time to time. Solid Waste includes Recyclable 559 Materials but does not include (1) Hazardous Waste; (2) radioactive waste regulated pursuant to the Health 560 and Safety Code Section 114960 et seq.; and (3) medical waste regulated pursuant to the Health and Safety 561 Code Section 117600 et seq. 562 1.95 Source Separated. “Source Separated” means materials that have been kept separate in 563 the Solid Waste stream, at the point of generation, for the purpose of additional sorting or processing in order 564 to return them to the economic mainstream in the form of raw material for new, reused, or reconstituted 565 products, which meet the quality standards necessary to be used in the marketplace, or as otherwise defined 566 in 14 CCR Section 17402.5(b)(4). 567 1.96 SRRE (Source Reduction and Recycling Element). A formal planning document that 568 demonstrates how the City will comply with the Act’s diversion goals. 569 1.97 Term. “Term” means the time period or duration which the Agreement is in effect. 570 1.98 Transfer Station. “Transfer Station” means the place or places listed in Exhibit 9 as City-571 approved locations conveyance of Solid Waste Collected by Contractor into larger vehicles prior to 572 transportation of the Solid Waste to a Disposal Facility or Processing Facility. 573 1.99 Unicycling. A method of separating trash and recyclable materials in a single Collection 574 Container. Trash materials are collected in bags and deposited into the Collection Container and recyclable 575 materials are deposited into the Collection Container loose and unbagged. 576 1.100 Universal Waste or U-Waste. Electronic devices, dry-cell batteries, non-empty aerosol 577 cans, fluorescent lamps, and fluorescent bulbs, mercury thermostats, and other mercury containing 578 equipment. 579 1.101 Waste. “Waste” means the useless, unused, unwanted or discarded material and debris 580 resulting from normal residential and commercial activity or materials which, by their presence, may injuriously 581 affect the health, safety, and comfort of persons or depreciate property values in the vicinity thereof. 582 1.102 Waste Generator. “Waste generator” means any person, as defined by the most current 583 version of the Public Resources Code, whose act or process produces solid waste as defined in that same 584 code, or whose act first causes solid waste to become subject to regulation. 585 1.103 Waste Reporting System (WRS). The electronic data recording and reporting system that 586 Contractor uses to provide data and reports that this Agreement requires Contractor to give to the City. 587 1.104 White goods. “White goods” means enamel-coated major appliances, such as washing 588 machines, clothes dryers, hot water heaters, stoves, and refrigerators. 589 1.105 Work Day. Any day, Monday through Saturday, that is not a Holiday as set forth in Section 590 5.03 of this Agreement. 591 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 18 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 1.106 Wood Waste. “Wood waste” means Solid Waste consisting of stumps, large branches, tree 592 trunks, and wood pieces or particles that are generated from the manufacturing or production of wood 593 products, harvesting, processing or storage of raw wood materials, or construction and demolition activities. 594 Article 2. Term of Agreement 595 2.01 Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement will be for a ten (10) year period beginning 596 August 1, 2023 and terminating on June 30, 2033. Contractor shall commence performance of its Collection 597 Service obligations under this Agreement on August 1, 2023 (“Commencement Date”). 598 Article 3. Conditions Governing Services Provided by Contractor 599 3.01 Grant of Exclusive Agreement. City hereby grants to Contractor, on the terms and 600 conditions set forth herein including the limitations set forth in sections 3.02 and 3.03, the exclusive franchise, 601 right and privilege to collect, remove and dispose of, in a lawful manner, Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, 602 and Organic Materials accumulating in the City’s Service Area that are required to be accumulated and offered 603 for collection to the Contractor in accordance with the City’s Municipal Code, for the Term of and within the 604 scope set forth in this Agreement. 605 3.02 Recyclable Materials Organic Waste, and Bulky Waste Discarded by Service Recipients. 606 This Agreement shall not prohibit any person from selling Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste or giving 607 Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste away to persons or entities other than Contractor. However, in either 608 instance: (1) the Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste must be source separated from and not mixed with 609 other Solid Waste; and (2) the seller/donor may not pay the buyer/donor any consideration for collecting, 610 processing or transporting such Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste. A discount or reduction in the price 611 for collection, disposal and/or recycling services for any form of un-segregated or segregated Solid Waste is 612 not a sale or donation of Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste and such Solid Waste does not qualify for 613 this exception. However, once the Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste have been placed in the Collection 614 Container and the Container set out for Collection, the Recyclable Materials or Organic waste become the 615 property of Contractor. 616 3.03 Exclusions to Exclusivity. 617 3.03.1 Specialized Recyclable Materials. If Contractor is unable or unwilling to Collect and 618 process for diversion specialized materials, including, but not limited to, Organic Waste, metals, Construction 619 and Demolition Debris, laboratory waste, pallets and others, and which a third party is able to re-use or 620 Recycle, Service Recipients shall have the right to engage the third-party recycler to collect and Recycle 621 those Source-Separated Recyclable Materials provided that the diversion is verified by the City. 622 3.03.2 Recyclable Materials Sold By Commercial Generator. If the Waste Generator at a 623 Commercial Service Unit has source separated Recyclable Material, the Waste Generator is entitled to sell 624 that Recyclable Material or be otherwise compensated in a manner resulting in a net positive payment to the 625 Waste Generator, when such collector is permitted as appropriate under the City Municipal Code. 626 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 19 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 3.03.3 Byproducts of Food and Beverage Processing. Under AB 3036 (2018), certain 627 byproducts from the processing of food or beverages from agricultural or industrial sources, provided they 628 do not include animal, including fish, processing byproducts, they are Source-Separated, they are not 629 discarded (meaning the generator may not pay the recipient any consideration, or accept a discount or 630 reduction in price for collecting, processing, or transporting such material), and they are used as animal feed, 631 are exempted from this Exclusive Franchise Agreement. Entities requesting exemption must apply to the 632 City and be any of the following: registered pursuant to Section 110460 of the Health and Safety Code, or 633 be exempted from registration pursuant to Section 110480 of the Health and Safety Code, or be a beer 634 manufacturer as defined in Section 23012 of the Business and Professions Code, or a distilled spirits 635 manufacturer, as defined in Section 23015 of the Business and Professions Code. 636 3.03.4 Donated Solid Waste. Recyclable Materials, Organic Waste, or Bulky Waste which 637 is Source Separated at any premises by the waste generator and donated to youth, civic or charitable 638 organizations qualified as such pursuant to Federal law. 639 3.03.5 Gardening or Landscape Services. Green Waste removed from a premises by a 640 gardening, landscaping, or tree trimming company as an incidental part of a total service offered by that 641 company rather than as a hauling service. 642 3.03.6 Self-haul. Service Recipients may choose to self-haul Solid Waste to Disposal or 643 Processing Facilities, to the extent authorized by the Municipal Code.. 644 3.04 Responsibility for Service Billing and Collection. Contractor is responsible for the billing 645 and collection of payments for Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services within the Service Area. 646 Article 4. Franchise Fees and Payments 647 4.01 Contractor’s Payments to City. The Parties agree that all fees and any payments owed by 648 Contractor to City under this Agreement are the product of extensive negotiations and constitute valid 649 consideration for the rights and privileges granted to Contractor under this Agreement. 650 4.02 Reimbursement for the Cost of Procurement/Negotiation Process. Contractor shall 651 reimburse the City a one-time fee for the cost of the Franchise Agreement solicitation, evaluation, negotiation 652 and award process in an amount adopted by a resolution of the City Council or by City Manager if City Council 653 has delegated such authority to the City Manager by resolution. This fee shall be due and payable on the 654 thirty (30) day after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 655 4.03 Quarterly Fees and Payments. The following quarterly fees and payments shall be due and 656 payable on the twentieth (20th) day of the month following the end of each Quarter for which the Integrated 657 Solid Waste Handling Services were provided; first such payment being due on October 20, 2023. The City 658 Council may adjust the Quarterly Fees by resolution, in which case Contractor shall be entitled to a rate 659 adjustment as a City-directed change in accordance with Section 30.01. The Quarterly Fees shall be 660 accompanied at the time of payment by a written report, in a format acceptable to the City, setting forth the 661 calculations Contractor used to determine the amount due and the basis for those calculations. Figures used 662 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 20 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 in the report shall be taken from Contractor’s general books of account, and Contractor shall retain all 663 supporting documentation in accordance with the records retention requirements in Section 22.01. 664 4.03.1 Franchise Fee. Contractor shall pay the City a quarterly Franchise Fee equal to ten 665 percent (10%) of the Gross Revenue received by the Contractor from Integrated Solid Waste Handling 666 Services provided in the City pursuant to this Agreement. 667 4.04 Annual Fees and Payments. On each anniversary of the Commencement Date, each of 668 the annual fees and payments shall increase by the same percentage that the Maximum Service Rate 669 increases for that same Calendar Year. 670 4.04.1 SB 1383 and Administrative Fees and Payments. The SB 1383 and Administrative 671 annual fees and payments shall be due and payable on August 1 of each calendar year; the first such 672 payments being due on August 1, 2023. In consideration of the administrative costs of managing the City’s 673 solid waste program, Contractor shall pay City annual SB 1383 and Administrative Fees in an amount 674 adopted by a resolution of the City Council or by City Manager if City Council has delegated such authority 675 to the City Manager by resolution. 676 4.04.2 Mitigation Fees and Payments. The Mitigation Fees and Payments shall be due and 677 payable on August 1 of each calendar year; the first such payments being due on August 1, 2023. The 678 Mitigation Fees and Payments shall be set at an amount adopted by a resolution of the City Council or by 679 City Manager if City Council has delegated such authority to the City Manager by resolution in consideration 680 of the impacts of solid waste collection activities within the City, including but not limited to impacts related 681 to noise, traffic, air quality, storm water contamination prevention, and enforcement activities. 682 4.05 Time and Method of Payment. Contractor shall pay all amounts owed under this Article 683 without prior notice or demand and without abatement, deduction, offset or credit in lawful money of the United 684 States, on or before the applicable due date, unless the due date lands on a weekend or Holiday, in which 685 case the due date shall be the next Business Day. If sent by U.S. mail, the remittance must be post-marked 686 on or before the due date. If hand-delivered, Contractor must request and receive a date-stamped receipt 687 from the City by 5:00 p.m. on the due date. 688 4.06 Late Payments. In the event Contractor fails to pay the City any amounts owed under this 689 Article on or before the applicable due date, then in addition to the amounts already owed, Contractor shall 690 pay a penalty as specified in Exhibit 6, except to the extent that such lateness is due to extenuating 691 circumstances. Contractor must submit any request for approval of a late payment in writing at least five (5) 692 Business Days prior to the date on which fees are due, and the request must be accompanied by a written 693 explanation of the extenuating circumstances and adequate supporting documentation. The City shall not 694 unreasonably withhold its approval and shall notify Contractor within three (3) business days of receiving the 695 request whether and to what extent the request has been approved. 696 4.06.1 Taxes and Utility Charges. The Contractor shall pay all taxes lawfully levied or 697 assessed upon or in respect of the operating assets or the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, or 698 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 21 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 upon any part thereof of upon any revenues necessary for the operation of the operating assets and the 699 provision of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, when the same shall become due. 700 4.06.2 Franchise Fee Disputes. In the event of any disputes between the Contractor and 701 the City with respect to the fees described in this Article 4, the City shall provide the Contractor with written 702 objection within 180 days of the receipt of the written report described in Section 4.03, encompassing the 703 dispute amount. The City shall state its objections in writing with reference to the applicable portion(s) of the 704 report and its reasons then known for its dispute. The Parties agree to meet and confer regarding any such 705 dispute. 706 4.07 In the event any City imposed fee is determined by a court to be excessive, invalid or 707 unenforceable (hereinafter “CIF”), then: (i) Contractor shall not charge or collect the future portion of such 708 CIF; (ii) to the extent the Customers are entitled to a reimbursement of any portion of such CIF, and City is 709 required to reimburse Contractor in the amount of such CIF previously remitted to City, thereafter, 710 Contractor shall directly reimburse all Customers entitled to reimbursement in the amount attributable to 711 each Customer account. In no event shall Contractor retain any portion of the fees reimbursed by City; (iii) 712 to the extent the Customers are entitled to a reimbursement of such CIF, and City is required by a court to 713 directly reimburse Customers, Contractor shall assist City in identifying all Customers entitled to a 714 reimbursement, quantifying the reimbursement amount attributable to each Customer account, and 715 obtaining and providing to City any other information needed to satisfy the obligations imposed by a court; 716 and (iv) City and Contractor will, within thirty (30) days following such court decision meet and confer to 717 negotiate in good faith and using reasonable efforts to attempt to agree on modifications to the Agreement. 718 Article 5. General Requirements 719 5.01 Service Standards. Contractor must perform all Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services 720 under this Agreement in a thorough and professional manner as described in Article 25, while meeting the 721 minimum performance and diversion standards listed in Article 17 according to the Sustainability and 722 Compliance Plan (Exhibit 10) developed by the Contractor and approved by the City. 723 5.02 Labor and Equipment. Contractor must provide and maintain all labor, equipment, tools, 724 facilities, and personnel supervision required for the performance of Contractor’s obligations under this 725 Agreement. Contractor must always have sufficient backup equipment and labor to fulfill Contractor’s 726 obligations under this Agreement. No compensation for Contractor’s services or for Contractor’s supply of 727 labor, equipment, tools, facilities or supervision will be provided or paid to Contractor by City or by any Service 728 Recipient except as expressly provided by this Agreement. 729 5.03 Holiday Service. The City observes New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, 730 Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day as legal holidays. 731 Contractor is not required to provide Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services or maintain office hours on 732 the designated holidays. In any week in which one of these holidays falls on a Work Day, SFD Collection 733 Services for the holiday and each Work Day thereafter will be delayed one Work Day for the remainder of the 734 week with normally scheduled Friday SFD Collection Services being performed on Saturday. Commercial 735 Collection Services will be adjusted as set forth in Article 12 but must meet the minimum frequency 736 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 22 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 requirements of one (1) time per week. Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services will not take place on 737 Sundays, unless previously authorized by the Agreement Administrator. 738 5.04 Inspections. The City has the right to inspect Contractor’s facilities or Collection Vehicles 739 and their contents used to provide services pursuant to this Agreement at any reasonable time while operating 740 inside or outside the City. 741 5.05 Commingling of Materials. 742 5.05.1 SFD Materials Collected in Rosemead. Contractor may not at any time commingle 743 any SFD materials Collected pursuant to this Agreement with any other material Collected by Contractor 744 inside or outside the City of Rosemead without the express prior written authorization of the Agreement 745 Administrator. 746 5.05.2 Commercial Garbage Materials Collected in Rosemead. Contractor may commingle 747 Commercial garbage materials collected pursuant to this Agreement with other materials collected outside 748 the City of Rosemead, provided that Contractor tracks the tonnage of Commercial material collected inside 749 the City of Rosemead separately using a City-approved allocation methodology. Changes to the allocation 750 methodology may only be made with the express prior written authorization of the Agreement Administrator. 751 5.05.3 Recyclable Materials. Subject to Sections 10.08.2 and 12.04.4, Contractor may not 752 at any time commingle SFD or Commercial Recyclable Materials Collected pursuant to this Agreement with 753 any other material type Collected by Contractor without the express prior written authorization of the 754 Agreement Administrator. 755 5.05.4 Organic Waste. Subject to Sections 10.09.4 and 12.05.7, Contractor may not at any 756 time commingle SFD or Commercial Organic Waste Collected pursuant to this Agreement with any other 757 material type Collected by Contractor, without the express prior written authorization of the Agreement 758 Administrator. 759 5.05.5 Commingled Garbage and Recyclables. Only in special circumstances in which 760 separate Collection Containers pose a challenge due to space or logistical constraints, and with prior written 761 authorization of the Agreement Administrator, Contractor may Collect Commercial Garbage and Recyclable 762 Materials in the same Collection Container, using a Split-bin or Unicycling, for the purposes of processing 763 Recyclable Materials for diversion. 764 5.06 Recyclable Materials and Organic Waste Contamination. Contractor must offer the Service 765 Recipients the correct combination of Cart and Bin sizes and collection frequency beyond the minimum 766 bundled service requirements as necessary, that matches their unique service needs to reduce contamination 767 of Recyclable Materials and Organic Waste, and provide service at least cost to Service Recipient. To support 768 City’s diversion goals and Contractor’s Diversion Requirements as set forth in Section 8.01.1, Contractor is 769 only required to collect and process Recyclable Materials if they have been separated by the Service 770 Recipient from Garbage and Organic Waste and will only be required to collect Organic Waste if it has been 771 Source Separated by the Service Recipient from Garbage and Recyclable Materials. 772 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 23 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 As part of Contractor’s Public Education Services under Section 20.02, Contractor has agreed to provide 773 outreach and support to Service Recipients as described in the Contractor’s Sustainability and Compliance 774 Plan provided as Exhibit 10 and Outreach and Education Plan provided as Exhibit 11. Additionally, 775 Contractor’s route collection personnel will report to Contractor’s supervisors if they observe potential 776 contamination problems, and/or insufficient collection capacity. For purposes of determining if Recyclable 777 Materials or Organic Waste are deemed to be contaminated, if, by visual or digital inspection, Recyclable 778 Materials are commingled with ten percent (10%) by weight or volume of Garbage or Organic Waste, or if, by 779 visual inspection, Organic Waste is commingled with three percent (3%) by volume of Garbage or Recyclable 780 Materials, then Recyclable Materials and/or Organic Waste will be deemed to be contaminated and 781 Contractor may take the following steps: 782 5.07 Violations by Service Recipients. The following provisions will apply to all Commercial, 783 MFD, MXD, and SFD Service Recipients. 784 5.07.1 First and Second Occurrence. For the first and second occurrence within any one 785 Calendar Year of contamination for a particular container (i.e., Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste), 786 Contractor must collect the contaminated container (as Solid Waste) and must affix a Contamination 787 Violation Notice to the contaminated container which contains instructions on the proper procedures for 788 sorting Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste, and must notify the Service Recipient by phone, U.S. mail, 789 e-mail, or in person (which may be a container tag), that for the third and subsequent incidents of excess 790 contamination, the Service Recipient may be charged a contamination fee for the contaminated container, 791 and Contractor may increase the Collection Container size, or require an additional Collection Container. 792 Contractor’s representative must also contact the Service Recipient by phone, U.S. mail, e-mail, or in person 793 (which may be a container tag) to ensure that they have the appropriate level of service for proper collection 794 of Recyclable Materials and/or Organic Waste. Contractor must also document the contamination issue in 795 the Waste Reporting System provide digital/visual documentation to the Service Recipient that clearly 796 documents the Service Recipient’s on-going contamination problems. 797 5.07.2 Third Occurrence. For the third or subsequent occurrence within any one Calendar 798 Year of contamination for a particular container (i.e., Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste), Contractor 799 must collect the contaminated Container (as Solid Waste) and must charge the Service Recipient a 800 contamination fee as set forth in Exhibit 1. Contractor must continue providing the Recyclable Materials or 801 Organic Waste Collection Services. Contractor must provide (or have provided) digital/photographic 802 documentation to the Service Recipient that clearly documents the Service Recipient’s on-going 803 contamination problems and written Notices of contamination as described above. Contractor may increase 804 the Container size or collection frequency and impose a contamination surcharge on the account for a period 805 of six months or until the Service Recipient has demonstrated no contamination for a period of three 806 consecutive months. Contractor must document contamination issue and surcharge in Waste Reporting 807 System and notify City within five (5) Business Days if Contractor increases the Container size or collection 808 frequency for excessive contamination or imposes the contamination surcharge to the account. City will 809 consult with Contractor and consider, and pursue as applicable, appropriate legal remedies against offending 810 Service Recipients to secure discontinuance of the contamination. 811 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 24 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 5.08 Tracking Occurrences of Contamination. Regarding Section 5.07, each Contamination 812 occurrence is tracked annually per Calendar Year, and resets at the start of each Calendar Year if 813 contamination occurrences are not active and consecutive. Where contamination is occurring, and 814 occurrences are consecutive and unremedied their count shall continue across Calendar Years until remedy 815 occurs. In this case, once the Service Recipient has demonstrated no contamination for a period of three 816 consecutive months the tracking calendar will reset. 817 5.09 Disputes Over Excess Contamination Charges. If Service Recipient disputes a 818 contamination charge (which must be within 30 days of them being assessed), Contractor will temporarily halt 819 any contamination charge and/or increased Maximum Service Rate resulting from increasing the Collection 820 Container size, or collection frequency, and Contractor may request a ruling by the City Manager to resolve 821 the dispute. During the pendency of any request, Contractor may restore Container size or number, or 822 collection frequency to the prior levels. A request by Contractor to the City Manager to rule on any such 823 dispute must be filed within ten (10) Business Days of Contractor’s halting of contamination charge, or 824 increased Maximum Rate, and must include written documentation and digital/visual evidence of ongoing 825 overall problems. The City Manager may request a meeting (in person or phone) with both the Service 826 Recipient and Contractor to resolve the dispute. Following such a meeting, the City Manager will rule on the 827 dispute within ten (10) Business Days, and the City Manager’s decision on resolving the dispute between and 828 Service Recipient will be final. If the City Manager rules in favor of the Service Recipient, Contractor will credit 829 the disputed contamination charges or increased Maximum Service Rate. If the City Manager rules in favor 830 of Contractor, Contractor may charge Service Recipient the prior halted contamination charge and/or 831 increased Maximum Service Rate resulting from increasing the Collection Container size or collection 832 frequency and may follow the steps in Section 7.07 for collection of delinquent accounts. 833 5.10 Container Overage and Correction Procedures. If a Customer is found to habitually 834 overflow their Collection Container(s), i.e., lid will not close, and/or material not contained within Container 835 Contractor may take the steps as listed below to correct Customers’ on-going overflow of material. All 836 customers will be notified of Collection Overages. Contractor shall notify the City regarding Commercial, 837 MFD, and MXD customers that habitually overflow their Containers so that the City can take appropriate 838 action with such customers to secure discontinuance of the overages. 839 5.11 Overage and Correction Procedures. Contractor shall provide the Service Recipients the 840 correct combination of Collection Containers and collection frequency that matches each Service Recipient’s 841 unique service needs to enable clean, efficient, and cost-effective collection of Solid Waste, Recyclable 842 Materials, and Organic Waste. City and Contractor agree that overflow of Solid Waste that is not properly in 843 the Service Recipient’s Solid Waste Collection Containers negatively impacts public health and safety. 844 Contractor has also agreed to conduct recycling audits and provide outreach and support to Service Recipient 845 accounts receiving the correct service level. However, if Service Recipients are found to habitually overflow 846 their Solid Waste Collection Containers, Contractor may take the steps as listed below to correct Service 847 Recipient’s on-going overflow of Solid Waste. 848 5.12 Prior Arrangements For Collection. If the Service Recipient has made prior arrangements 849 with Contractor for Collection of Solid Waste Overages, Contractor must collect such Overages as arranged, 850 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 25 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 and may charge the Service Recipient the Solid Waste Overage fee (prior arrangement) rate set forth in 851 Exhibit 1. 852 5.13 No Prior Arrangements. If the Service Recipient has not made prior arrangements with 853 Contractor for Collection of Solid Waste Overage, (i) Contractor may collect such Solid Waste Overage at no 854 additional charge as a courtesy, (ii) Contractor may not Collect the Solid Waste Overage and leave a Non-855 Collection Notice explaining the reason for non-collection of the Solid Waste Overage, (iii) Contractor may 856 Collect the Solid Waste Overage (up to two lifts) and charge the Service Recipient the Solid Waste Overage 857 fee (no prior arrangement) rate set forth in Exhibit 1 as provided below, or increase the capacity or frequency 858 of Collection of the existing Collection Container(s) to match documented service needs as provided below. 859 In managing Solid Waste Overages, the following apply: 860 5.13.1 SFD Service Recipients – Each Occurrence. For each occurrence Contractor will 861 not collect the Solid Waste Overage if the Collection Container could not be serviced by normal operating 862 procedures or cause spillage upon servicing and Contractor must provide the following written notice via e-863 mail, U.S. mail, or in person (which may be by Non-Collection Notice) to the Service Recipient: (i) the date, 864 description and photograph of the Solid Waste Overage and document in the Waste Reporting System. 865 Contractor’s Non-Collection Notice for SFD Service Recipients shall also contain instructions on (a) how to 866 schedule a Large Item Collection or (b) request an additional Collection Container to eliminate future 867 Overages. 868 5.13.2 Commercial and MFD/MXD Service Recipients – Each Occurrence. Contractor 869 must provide a written notice on the Container and may provide a copy of the notice via e-mail, U.S. mail, or 870 in person (which may be by Non-Collection Notice) to the Service Recipient with the date, description and 871 photograph of the Solid Waste Overage. Contractor may collect the Solid Waste Overage and may charge 872 the Service Recipient a Solid Waste Overage fee as set forth in Exhibit 1, and increase the capacity, or 873 collection frequency of the Collection Container to match documented service needs. At least ten (10) 874 Business Days prior to increasing the Collection Container size, or frequency of Collection, Contractor’s 875 representative must also contact the Service Recipient by phone, U.S. mail, e-mail or in person (which may 876 be by Non-Collection Notice) to ensure that Service Recipient has the appropriate level of service. Contractor 877 must document overage issue in the Waste Reporting System and notify City within ten (10) Business Days 878 of any changes in Service Recipient’s Collection Container size or collection frequency. The increased 879 capacity or collection frequency will remain in effect until Contractor determines that it is no longer needed 880 to prevent overages, which may be longer than the one Calendar Year stated above. Such determination 881 will be in Contractor’s sole but reasonable discretion and will be subject to the dispute resolution procedure 882 set forth below. City will consider, and pursue as applicable, appropriate legal remedies against offending 883 Service Recipients in order to secure discontinuance of the overages. 884 5.14 Tracking Occurrences of Solid Waste Overage. Regarding Sections 5.11 – 5.13 after 885 twelve (12) months have passed from the last applicable Solid Waste Overage occurrence, the next Solid 886 Waste Overage occurrence will be deemed a first Solid Waste Overage occurrence. 887 5.15 Disputes Over Container Overflow Charges. If Service Recipient disputes a Solid Waste 888 Overage charge or container size or collection frequency change within 30 days of the disputed action, 889 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 26 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Contractor must temporarily halt Solid Waste Overage charge and/or increased Maximum Service Rate 890 resulting from increasing the Collection Container size or collection frequency, and Contractor may request a 891 ruling by the City Manager to resolve the dispute. During the pendency of any request, Contractor may restore 892 Container size or number, or collection frequency, to the prior levels. A request by Contractor to the City 893 Manager to rule on any such dispute must be filed within ten (10) Business Days of Contractor’s halting of 894 Solid Waste Overage charge, or increased Maximum Rate, and must include written documentation and 895 digital/visual evidence of ongoing overall problems. The City Manager may request a meeting (in person or 896 phone) with both the Service Recipient and Contractor to resolve the dispute. Following such a meeting, the 897 City Manager will rule on the dispute within ten (10) Business Days, and the City Manager’s decision on 898 resolving the dispute between and Service Recipient will be final. If the City Manager rules in favor of the 899 Service Recipient, Contractor must credit the disputed charge or increased Maximum Service Rate. If the 900 City Manager rules in favor of Contractor, Contractor may charge Service Recipient the prior halted Solid 901 Waste Overage charge and/or increased Maximum Service Rate resulting from increasing the Solid Waste 902 Collection Container size or collection frequency and may follow the steps in Section 7.07 for collection of 903 delinquent accounts. 904 5.16 Ownership of Materials. Except as provided otherwise under Applicable Law, title to 905 Residential Waste, Commercial Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and Organic Waste will pass to Contractor 906 at such time as said materials are set out for Collection. 907 5.17 Spillage and Litter. Contractor may not litter premises in the process of providing Integrated 908 Solid Waste Handling Services or while its vehicles are on the road. Contractor must transport all materials 909 Collected under the terms of this Agreement in such a manner as to prevent the spilling or blowing of such 910 materials from Contractor's vehicles. Contractor must exercise all reasonable care and diligence in providing 911 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services so as to prevent spilling or dropping of Residential Waste, 912 Commercial Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, or Organic Materials and must immediately, at the time of 913 occurrence, clean up such spilled or dropped Residential Waste, Commercial Solid Waste, Recyclable 914 Materials, or Organic Materials. 915 5.17.1 Except as provided in Section 12.03.3, Contractor is not responsible for cleaning up 916 sanitary conditions caused by the carelessness of the Service Recipient; however, Contractor must clean 917 up any material or residue that is spilled or scattered by Contractor or its employees. 918 5.17.2 Equipment oil, hydraulic fluids, spilled paint, or any other liquid or debris resulting 919 from Contractor’s operations or equipment repair must be covered immediately with an absorptive material 920 and removed from the street surface. Contractor must document spillage in the Waste Reporting System 921 and notify City’s stormwater compliance coordinator within ninety (90) minutes of any spills resulting from 922 Contractor’s operations or equipment. When necessary, Contractor must apply a suitable cleaning agent 923 and cleaning technique to the street surface to provide adequate cleaning as approved by the City’s 924 stormwater compliance coordinator to be compliant with the City’s stormwater permit. 925 5.17.3 The above paragraphs notwithstanding, Contractor must clean up any spillage or 926 litter caused by Contractor within ninety (90) minutes upon notice from the City. If City deems necessary, 927 Contractor must engage third-party environmental clean-up specialist to remove any equipment oil, hydraulic 928 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 27 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 fluids, or any other liquid or debris that remains on street after Contractor’s own clean-up efforts. If clean-up 929 is not conducted to satisfaction of City, City has right to engage environmental clean-up specialist to perform 930 additional clean-up work at the expense of Contractor. In the event of Contractor’s spill or release of a 931 Hazardous Substance, Contractor is responsible for promptly notifying any federal, State, County, or local 932 governmental agency having jurisdiction over same as maybe be required under federal, State, County or 933 local law or regulation. 934 5.17.4 In the event where damage to City streets is caused by a hydraulic fluid spill (i.e., 935 any physical damage more than a simple cosmetic stain caused by the spill), Contractor shall be responsible 936 for all repairs to return the street to the same condition as that prior to the spill. Contractor shall be 937 responsible for all clean-up activities related to the spill. Repairs and clean-up shall be performed in a manner 938 satisfactory to the City and at no cost to the City. 939 5.17.5 To facilitate immediate cleanup, Contractor’s vehicles must always carry enough 940 petroleum absorbent materials along with a broom and shovel. 941 5.18 Green and Organic Waste Capacity. Contractor shall guarantee capacity for all City Green 942 and Organic Waste for the term of the Agreement using a facility listed in Exhibit 9. 943 5.19 Regulations and Record Keeping. Contractor must comply with emergency notification 944 procedures required by Applicable Laws and regulatory requirements. All records required by regulations 945 must be maintained at Contractor’s facility. These records must include waste manifests, waste inventories, 946 waste characterization records, inspection records, incident reports, and training records. 947 Article 6. Collection Service Rates 948 6.01 Collection Service Rates. Contractor is solely responsible for determining the rates it will 949 charge for providing the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, provided that Contractor shall not charge 950 any Service Recipient an amount that exceeds the applicable Maximum Service Rate set forth in Exhibit 1, 951 which may only be adjusted as provided in this Agreement. 952 6.02 Senior / Low-Income Discount as Contractor’s Good Will. In exchange for the good will of 953 the City and the general public, Contractor voluntarily agrees to discount the rate it charges for Integrated 954 Solid Waste Handling Services provide to eligible Service Recipients (the “Discount”) and that the Discount 955 shall neither impact the Maximum Service Rates nor be otherwise paid for or subsidized by any other Service 956 Recipients. Contractor shall make the Discount available to any person who demonstrates through 957 appropriate documentation that they are: (i) 60 years of age or older; or (ii) a person of low, lower, or extremely 958 low income, and enrolled in a discounted utility program; and (iii) the service account holder; and (iv) the head 959 of household and occupant at the Service Unit address. Within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date, 960 Contractor shall provide educational materials describing and explaining the availability and how to qualify for 961 and receive the Discount to all persons in the City currently subscribed to a discount rate program. Contractor 962 shall thereafter advertise the availability of the Discounted services on its website throughout the Term of this 963 Agreement and at least once per year by direct notice to all SFD Service Recipients. Adjustments to Maximum 964 Service Rates using CPI. Beginning on July 1, 2024, and annually thereafter, Contractor shall, subject to 965 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 28 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 compliance with all provisions of this Section, receive an annual adjustment to the Maximum Service Rates 966 as set forth in Exhibit 1 to this Agreement. 967 6.03 Maximum Service Rate Adjustment / Prop 218 Process. The Maximum Service Rates in 968 Exhibit 1 shall be adjusted on July 1, 2024, and annually thereafter in accordance with this Section 6.04. No 969 other adjustments shall be made except as provided in Section 30.01. Contractor understands and agrees 970 that City may elect to or be required to comply with California Constitution Article XIII D (Proposition 218) or 971 other Applicable Law before approving any new maximum service rate or any maximum service rate increase. 972 City shall not be in breach of this Agreement if its residents lawfully delay or prevent City from raising or 973 imposing the rates. In such event, City and Contractor shall meet in good faith to consider alternatives and 974 options, which may include permitting Contractor to terminate the Agreement without cause. All costs 975 incurred in providing notices required under California Constitution Article XIII D or other applicable law in 976 connection with a rate adjustment shall be paid by Contractor. 977 6.03.1 CPI Adjustment Calculation. For Rate Year 2025, beginning on July 1, 2024, and 978 for subsequent years thereafter, the rates shall be adjusted based on one hundred percent (100%) of the 979 12-month average change in the CPI for the 12-month period published immediately prior to the rate 980 application. Therefore, the first rate adjustment effective July 1, 2024, will be based on the percentage 981 change between the 12-month average of the CPI from February 1, 2022 through January 31, 2023, and 982 the 12-month average of the CPI from February 1, 2023 through January 31, 2024. The index to be used 983 shall be the [insert index]. 984 6.03.2 Annual Rate Cap on Maximum Service Rates. In any Rate Year that the calculation 985 of the CPI exceeds four percent (4%), the total adjustment for that year will equal four percent (4%) and the 986 rollover amount will be added to the rate adjustment percentage in the following year, or any subsequent 987 year. If the CPI is negative (after accounting for any applicable rollover percentages from prior years), there 988 will be no CPI adjustment for that year. 989 6.03.3 Rounding. Adjustments to the overall Service Rates shall be made only in units of 990 one cent ($0.01). Fractions of less than one cent ($0.01) shall not be considered in making adjustments. All 991 CPI indices shall be rounded at two (2) decimal places for the adjustment calculations. 992 6.03.4 Maximum Service Rate Adjustment Report. On or before March 1 of each year of 993 the Term, Contractor shall deliver to City a report on its proposed adjustment to the Maximum Service Rates 994 for the subsequent calendar year (the “Adjustment Report”). The Adjustment Report shall be in a format as 995 may be mutually agreed on between the City and Contractor and must contain or be accompanied by 996 Contractor’s adjustment calculations for the specific services performed under this Agreement during the 997 preceding Agreement Year in Microsoft Excel or other electronic format acceptable to the City. Contractor 998 shall be solely responsible for the cost of preparing the Adjustment Report. 999 Corrections. In the event the City determines the Adjustment 1000 Report contains substantial errors or omissions, Contractor shall, at its sole cost, provide a corrected report 1001 to the City. A corrected report submitted after March 1, shall be treated as a late report. 1002 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 29 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Late Report. If Contractor fails to submit the Adjustment Report by 1003 March 1, the City may: (1) accept and consider the late Adjustment Report if the City, in its sole and 1004 reasonable discretion, deems there is sufficient time to review and approve the proposed adjustment in 1005 time for it to be implemented on July 1; or (2) accept and consider the late Adjustment Report at its earliest 1006 convenience, in which case any approved rate adjustment shall only go into effect prospectively thirty (30) 1007 days after the City’s approval. In no event shall Contractor apply any rate adjustment retroactively. 1008 No Report. If Contractor fails to provide any Adjustment Report, 1009 the Maximum Service Rate shall remain unchanged for the next calendar year. 1010 6.04 City Approval. If Contractor provides a timely Adjustment Report, the City Manager shall 1011 notify Contractor on or before June 1 whether the City has approved the requested adjustments to the 1012 Maximum Service Rates for the next Rate Year. Approval of the City Council shall be required for any 1013 requested rate adjustment of more than four percent (4%) which shall only be permitted pursuant to Section 1014 6.07 [Extraordinary Adjustment] below. The City Manager may approve all other requests or refer them to the 1015 City Council at his or her discretion. 1016 6.05 Contractor payment for CPI review. Contractor shall be responsible for paying the cost of 1017 reviewing or correcting the annual CPI adjustment if the City determines that Contractor has made substantial 1018 errors and has not properly submitted or correctly calculated the CPI adjustment. 1019 6.06 Extraordinary Adjustments. Contractor and City acknowledge that there may be infrequent 1020 extraordinary events, including Change of Law, which, although they do not prevent either party from 1021 performing, and thus do not implicate the force majeure provisions hereof, nevertheless increase the cost of 1022 providing services above the Section 6.04 Maximum Service Rate Adjustment. The obligation of the parties 1023 in such event is to act reasonably toward each other in arriving at an appropriate adjustment in rates. 1024 Accordingly, at its option, Contractor may apply to the City not more frequently than once annually, for an 1025 extraordinary rate adjustment should an event or circumstance arise which negatively impacts the economic 1026 operation of Contractor and which is in excess of the rate adjustment resulting from the application of Section 1027 6.04. An extraordinary adjustment in rates will be deemed justified if it is necessary for the Contractor to make 1028 a substantial change in its operations, or substantial capital expenditure or investment to perform its 1029 obligations under this Agreement due to the occurrence of an event or circumstance which is beyond the 1030 reasonable control of Contractor. Extraordinary rate adjustments shall only be effective after approval by the 1031 City Council. 1032 6.06.1 Contractor’s Burden. In the event of such an application for an extraordinary rate 1033 increase, it is understood that the Contractor shall have the burden of demonstrating to the reasonable 1034 satisfaction of the City the basis for the extraordinary increase cost. Contractor shall bear the burden of 1035 justifying its request and shall be solely responsible for the cost of preparing and submitting sufficient 1036 documentation in support of its request. City in its sole reasonable discretion may request Contractor to 1037 provide any additional information it deems necessary to fully evaluate the request, and Contractor shall be 1038 solely responsible for the cost to of providing such additional information. Contractor shall allow City to review 1039 a report of its annual revenues and expenses for the services provided in the City prepared by a Certified 1040 Public Accountant or a licensed public accountant, which shall have been prepared in compliance with Rule 1041 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 30 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 58 of the “Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Accountancy,” as established by the California Code 1042 of Regulations, Title 16, Chapter I (“Financial Statements”). Such Certified Public Accountant or licensed 1043 public accountant shall be entirely independent of the Contractor and shall have no financial interest 1044 whatsoever in the business of the Contractor. City shall have the right to review this information in connection 1045 with the City’s review of Contractor’s extraordinary rate adjustment request. With respect to any Financial 1046 Statements or any other non-public information (“Confidential Information”), City agrees that: (a) it will hold 1047 in confidence all Confidential Information; (b) it will restrict the disclosure of Confidential Information within 1048 its own organization and to its agents or representatives who need to know the Confidential Information for 1049 the purposes of the request; (c) it will not disclose Confidential Information to any third party, excepting those 1050 subject to subsection (b), without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Parties; (d) it will not possess, 1051 copy and/or reproduce any written or electronically stored Confidential Information without the prior written 1052 approval of the Contractor; and (e) it will not use Confidential Information except as required for consideration 1053 of the request. City may consider increases or decreases in Contractor’s total revenues and total cost of 1054 services when reviewing an extraordinary rate adjustment request. The City will inform the Contractor upon 1055 receiving a California Public Records Act request or a subpoena for the Confidential Information by written 1056 notice delivered to the Contractor (“Notice”). The Contractor will have five (5) days from the date of the 1057 Notice to inform the City in writing of its intent to assert its confidentiality rights under this Agreement. The 1058 Contractor will have fifteen (15) days from the date of the Notice to seek judicial assistance to prevent the 1059 disclosure of the Confidential Information. If the Contractor fails to act within the five (5) or fifteen (15) day 1060 windows described above, the City may disclose the requested Confidential Information to the requestor or 1061 subpoenaing party. In the event Contractor seeks a court order to stay or enjoining the disclosure of the 1062 Records, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its Council, elected and appointed 1063 board or commission members, officers, employees, volunteers and agents (collectively, "Indemnitees") 1064 from and against any and all loss, liability, penalty, forfeiture, claim, demand, action, proceeding or suit in 1065 law or equity of any and every kind and description, whether judicial, quasi-judicial or administrative in nature, 1066 arising or resulting from or in any way connected with the subject CPRA or FOIA request for the Records. 1067 This Indemnity shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 1068 6.06.2 Review Costs. At the time of its request, Contractor shall also submit a payment to 1069 the City of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) to defray the City’s costs to review the request. In the 1070 event the City’s reasonable costs exceed that amount, Contractor shall reimburse the City for any 1071 documented amount in excess. 1072 6.06.3 Meet and Confer. The City and Contractor agree to meet and confer regarding the 1073 request and to negotiate in good faith regarding the appropriateness of the requested adjustment. 1074 6.06.4 City Review; Approval. City shall review the Contractor’s request and, in the City’s 1075 sole and reasonable judgment, make the final determination as to whether an adjustment to the Maximum 1076 Service Rates will be made, and, if an adjustment is permitted, the appropriate amount of the adjustment. 1077 Approval of the City Council shall be required for any Extraordinary Adjustments. The City shall notify 1078 Contractor of its decision within ninety (90) calendar days regarding whether it accepts Contractor’s request. 1079 Except as provided herein, any such change approved by the City shall not be implemented until January 1 1080 of the next Rate Year unless a different time frame is approved by the City Council. 1081 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 31 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 6.07 Five Year Meet and Confer. The City and Contractor agree to meet and confer on or about 1082 five (5) years from the Commencement Date regarding material changes in the cost of providing services that 1083 are substantially more than the rate adjustments resulting from the application of Sections 6.04 and 6.07. If it 1084 is determined that there have been material changes in the cost of providing services, then the City and 1085 Contractor agree to negotiate in good faith regarding appropriate adjustments to the rate. The process for 1086 demonstrating material changes in the cost of providing services shall follow the same process as outlined in 1087 Section 6.07.1. 1088 6.08 Procedures in Event of Invalidation of Rate Adjustment. In the event that City is unable by 1089 operation of Applicable Law to approve or implement a rate increase under this Article 6, or some or all of the 1090 Maximum Service Rates are disallowed by operation of Applicable Law, Contractor will have the right, within 1091 thirty (30) days after notice of any such inability to approve or invalidation of an approved rate increase, to 1092 request, in writing, that City negotiate in good faith regarding reductions in programs, services, or fees to 1093 compensate for any negative impact from the unapproved or invalidated rate increase. If City fails to 1094 commence negotiations in good faith or negotiations are not completed within forty-five (45) days following 1095 the date of receipt of Contractor’s request, either party may terminate this Agreement no earlier than one 1096 hundred and eighty (180) days after written notice to the other. 1097 6.09 Market Rate Review. Commencing on or about August 1, 2028, and then not more than 1098 once every five (5) years thereafter, the city shall have the right to conduct a Market Rate Review (MRR) for 1099 purposes of comparing the City’s Residential and Commercial rates, net of franchise fees, to the jurisdictions 1100 set forth below, which have been agreed upon by the Parties. 1101  Alhambra 1102  Temple City 1103  Monterey Park 1104  El Monte 1105  Whittier 1106  West Covina 1107  Baldwin Park 1108  Pasadena 1109  Arcadia 1110 Within sixty (60) days of Contractor’s receipt of a letter from City initiating the MRR, Contractor will 1111 gather the necessary records and will perform the following calculations and report the results to the City. 1112 Contractor shall make all records used to make the calculation available for review and verification by City 1113 or City’s consultant. 1114 6.09.1 Residential Weighted Average Rate Comparison 1115 1. Adjust the residential rates for the City and the Comparative Jurisdictions 1116 to back out the portion of the rates associated with franchise fees. 1117 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 32 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 2. Calculate the weighted average residential rate for the City and the 1118 Comparative Jurisdictions. 1119 3. Compare the City’s weighted average residential rate to the weighted 1120 average residential rates of the Comparative Jurisdictions. 1121 4. If the City’s weighted average residential rate is less than or equal to the 1122 weighted average residential rate of the Comparative Jurisdictions then the City’s residential rate may be 1123 adjusted as authorized provided for in this Agreement. 1124 5. If the City’s weighted average residential rate is more than the weighted 1125 average residential rate of the Comparative Jurisdictions then City’s residential rates may not be adjusted 1126 as otherwise provided for in this Agreement until the City’s weighted average residential rate is less than or 1127 equal to the weighted average residential rate of the Comparative Jurisdictions. 1128 6.09.2 Commercial 3-Yard Bin Serviced One Time per Week Rate Comparison 1129 1. Compare the City’s rate for a 3-yard trash bin rate serviced one time per week to 1130 the rate for a 3-yard trash bin serviced one time per week in each of the Comparable Jurisdictions. 1131 2. If the City’s rate for a 3-yard trash bin serviced one time per week is less than or 1132 equal to the highest rate for a 3-yard trash bin serviced one time per week in the Comparative Jurisdictions 1133 then City’s commercial rates may be adjusted as otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 1134 3. If the City’s rate for a 3-yard trash bin serviced one time per week is more than the 1135 highest rate for a 3-yard trash bin serviced one time per week in the Comparative Jurisdictions then City’s 1136 Commercial rates may not be increased as otherwise provided for in this Agreement until the City’s rate for 1137 a 3-yard trash bin serviced one time per week is less than or equal to the highest rate for a 3-yard trash bin 1138 serviced one time per week in the Comparative Jurisdictions. 1139 Article 7. Collection Service Billing 1140 7.01 Responsibility for Collection Service Billing and Collection. Contractor shall be solely 1141 responsible for the billing and collecting payments for the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services it 1142 provides within the Service Area. 1143 7.02 Invoices. Contractor shall prepare and send out invoices, by either U.S. mail or electronic 1144 mail, to each Service Recipient in advance of all services provided by Contractor under this Agreement. If 1145 sent by mail, invoices for each billing period shall be placed in a separate envelope accompanied by a self-1146 addressed return envelope. All invoices shall include Contractor’s e-mail address include directions for 1147 payment by payment by check, credit card, or Automated Clearing House (ACH) debit, and shall include or 1148 be accompanied by a complete billing statement showing all charges and all services provided. City shall 1149 have the right to direct Contractor to revise the format of all invoices and billing statements upon reasonable 1150 notice to Contractor. 1151 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 33 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 7.03 Timing; Frequency. Contractor shall not initiate billing to any Service Unit sooner than the 1152 first day of the service period of Collections Services covered by the invoice. Contractor shall invoice Service 1153 Recipients once every month for Commercial Service Units, MFD Service Units and MXD Service Units and 1154 once every Quarter for SFD Service Units. No invoice shall be due and payable sooner than the last day of 1155 the respective month or Quarter for which Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services are provided. 1156 7.04 Partial Month Service. If, during a month, a Service Unit is added to or deleted from 1157 Contractor’s Service Area, Contractor shall pro-rate billing to the Service Recipient on a weekly basis, 1158 meaning one-fourth of the applicable rate found in Exhibit 1 multiplied by the number of weeks of service 1159 provided by Contractor. 1160 7.05 Overpayments. Contractor shall refund or issue a service credit for overpayments by 1161 Service Recipients no later than 30 days after Contractor discovers or is notified of the overpayment. 1162 Contractor shall refund every overpayment that: (1) exceeds two hundred dollars ($200.00) or the amount of 1163 Service Recipient’s typical invoice, whichever is less; or (2) is due to the Service Recipient closing the account 1164 prior to the end of the billing period. Contractor may issue a service credit of no more than two (2) years 1165 against future invoices for all other overpayments. 1166 7.06 Delinquent Service Accounts. Contractor shall report all Service Recipients whose 1167 accounts are delinquent by more than ninety (90 days) to the Agreement Administrator on a monthly basis. 1168 7.07 Contractor’s Reservation of Legal Rights and Remedies. Notwithstanding any other 1169 provision of this Article, Contractor reserves its right to, and may take such action as is legally available to 1170 Contractor, to collect or cause collection of past due invoice amounts; provided, however, that Contractor 1171 shall never discontinue Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services to any Service Unit except upon thirty (30) 1172 days prior written notice to both the Service Recipient and the Agreement Administrator. Contractor may send 1173 a written notice to Service Recipient regarding payments of Billings during the billed service period. 1174 7.08 City Rights to Lien Delinquent Accounts; Residential Delinquencies. 1175 7.08.1 Delinquent SFD and MFD Service Accounts. For health and safety reasons, 1176 Contractor shall not discontinue service to SFD Service unit or MFD Service Unit Customers or a Residential 1177 property that is not Unoccupied as provided above. City is authorized to collect delinquent Integrated Solid 1178 Waste Handling fees in the manner provided by section 25831 and 38790.1 of the Government Code. 1179 7.08.2 Upon the written request of Contractor, the City authorizes and agrees to assist 1180 Contractor in submitting account delinquency information to the Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office for 1181 placement on the tax roll. By submitting a written request, Contractor assigns its right to collect the 1182 delinquencies to the City. 1183 7.08.3 Contractor agrees not to discontinue service to SFD Service Unit or MFD Service 1184 Unit Customers. SFD Service Unit or MFD Service Unit Customers (owners or tenants) who have not 1185 remitted required payment within one hundred twenty (120) days after the date of billing shall be notified by 1186 Contractor on forms that contain a statement that if payment is not received within fifteen (15) days from the 1187 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 34 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 date of the notice, a ten percent (10%) penalty and one point five percent (1.5%) monthly interest will begin 1188 to accrue and the City will be informed of the delinquency in an annual report. Contractor will deliver a report 1189 of the delinquencies by no later than April 30th of each year with a request that the City place the 1190 delinquencies on the tax roll. City is authorized to collect delinquent solid waste fees or charges in the 1191 manner provided in sections 38790.1 and 25831 of the Government Code. To implement Contractor’s 1192 request, City will fix a time, date and place for hearing the report and any objections and protests to the 1193 report. As determined in the sole discretion of the City, Contractor shall mail notice of the hearing to the 1194 SFD Service Unit or MFD Service Unit Customers listed on the report not less than ten (10) days prior to the 1195 date of the hearing. At the hearing, City shall hear any objections or protests of SFD Service Unit or MFD 1196 Service Unit Customers liable to be assessed for delinquent fees. The City may make revisions or 1197 corrections to the report as it deems just, after which, by resolution, the report shall be confirmed. 1198 7.08.4 The delinquent fees set forth in the report as confirmed, shall constitute special 1199 assessments against the respective parcels of land and are a lien on the property for the amount of the 1200 delinquent fees. A certified copy of the confirmed report shall be filed with the Los Angeles County Auditor 1201 for the amounts of the respective assessments against the respective parcels of land as they appear on the 1202 current assessment roll. The lien created attaches upon recordation, in the office of the Los Angeles County 1203 Recorder, of a certified copy of the resolution of confirmation. The assessment may be collected at the same 1204 time and in the same manner as ordinary ad valorem property taxes are collected and shall be subject to 1205 the same penalties and the same procedure and sale in case of delinquency as provided for those taxes. 1206 Contractor understands and agrees that the City has no obligation to foreclose on the lien for any 1207 delinquency. Contractor shall pay all fees charged by Los Angeles County in connection with the 1208 establishment of this secured tax roll billing and collection program and shall pay all direct and indirect costs 1209 incurred by the City in processing delinquent and unpaid assessments through the secured property tax roll 1210 procedure. City shall remit to Contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt from the Los Angeles County 1211 Assessor of amounts collected pursuant to this process. Contractor shall notify the City in the event any 1212 delinquency on the report or for which a lien has been created is paid or otherwise resolved. 1213 7.08.5 With respect to placement of account delinquencies on the tax roll made in 1214 accordance with the above provisions, Contractor, upon demand of the City, made by and through the City 1215 Attorney, shall indemnify, hold harmless, protect City and appear in and defend the City and its elected 1216 officials, officers, employees and agents, in and against any claims or actions by third parties, whether 1217 judicial, administrative or otherwise, including, but not limited to disputes and/or litigation challenging the 1218 placement on the tax roll, levy, collection, or remittance of any delinquent rate, fee, charge, interest, penalty, 1219 or other amount on the tax roll or any lien associated with the foregoing, as impermissible general tax, special 1220 tax, assessment, or fee requiring compliance with any provision of Article XIII of the California Constitution, 1221 the various enabling and implementing statutes, or as being an ultra vires act, or is invalid under or otherwise 1222 contrary to any federal, state, or local law, ordinance, regulation, or decision of a court of competent 1223 jurisdiction; and/or challenging the certification, implementation, imposition, adjustment, levy or collection of 1224 any rate, fee, charge, interest, penalty or other amount under the Agreement. This provision shall survive 1225 the expiration of the period during which collection services are to be provided under this Agreement. In the 1226 event of an adverse legal determination or settlement of such action, the parties agree to cooperate and 1227 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 35 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 work in good faith to prepare such amendments or alternatives to the Agreement that will implement the 1228 original intent of the Parties while complying with any adverse legal determination or settlement. 1229 Article 8. Diversion Requirements 1230 8.01 Warranties and Representations. Contractor warrants that it is aware of and familiar with 1231 City's waste stream, and that it has the ability, and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide and 1232 employ sufficient programs and services to ensure City will meet or exceed City’s Diversion goals 1233 requirements (including, without limitation, amounts of Solid Waste to be Diverted, time frames for Diversion, 1234 and any other requirements) as set forth in this Article, Applicable Law, and CalRecycle Regulations, and that 1235 Contractor will do so without imposing any costs or fees other than those set forth in Exhibit 1, except as 1236 provided in Section 30.01.1. Contractor hereby agrees to assist the City to meet or exceed, on an annual 1237 basis the Diversion Compliance by undertaking the actions set forth in Section 8.02. 1238 8.02 Contractor Required Actions. Contractor shall take all of the following actions to assist the 1239 City in meeting, on an annual basis, Diversion Compliance: 1240 8.02.1 Except for Organic Waste collected from homeless encampments or material 1241 subject to quarantine by the California Department of Food & Agriculture, and except as provided in Sections 1242 5.06 and 5.10, collect and deliver all Organic Waste to an approved Organics Processing Facility for 1243 processing and Diversion. 1244 8.02.2 Except as provided in Sections 5.06 and 5.10, Collect and deliver all Recyclable 1245 Materials to an approved MRF, or other certified recycling facility, for processing Collect and deliver all 1246 Garbage to an approved Disposal Facility. 1247 8.02.3 Collect and deliver all Construction and Demolition Debris to an approved MRF (or 1248 other certified C&D facility that meets California requirements of 65% minimum diversion) for processing and 1249 diversion. 1250 8.02.4 Deliver all material set out for collection in Cart, Bins or Roll-Off Containers identified 1251 as containing source separated Recyclable Material to an approved MRF for processing and diversion. 1252 8.02.5 Deliver all material set out for collection in Cart, Bins or Roll-Off Containers identified 1253 as containing source separated Organic Waste to an approved Organic Waste Processing Facility for 1254 processing and diversion. 1255 8.02.6 Only Residual or material in Garbage Carts or Garbage Bins will be delivered to the 1256 approved landfill for disposal. All other material must go to the designated facility for full processing and 1257 diversion, with Residual only going to the landfill after the processing. 1258 8.02.7 Contractor must take all commercially reasonable and lawful actions to maximize 1259 diversion of materials from landfills. 1260 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 36 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 8.02.8 Contractor must develop and provide sufficient accurate information and data as 1261 necessary to ensure that Contractor and City annually demonstrate Diversion Compliance to CalRecycle. 1262 8.02.9 Contractor must implement public education and outreach programs as required 1263 under this Agreement. 1264 8.03 Annual Reporting. Contractor shall calculate the Diversion Compliance Rate on an annual 1265 basis and shall deliver a written report regarding the same to the City no later than February 14 of the year 1266 following the reporting period as set forth in Section 22.04. 1267 8.04 Failure of Recyclables Market. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to 1268 the contrary, where CalRecycle has determined that there are no commercially viable markets for a specific 1269 type of Recyclable Materials, or with written notice to City, Contractor is unable to identify a market for one or 1270 more Recyclable Materials despite the exercise of commercially reasonable efforts to process and market 1271 the material, and determines to dispose of the Recyclable Material(s), such a determination shall not 1272 constitute a failure to implement service, a failure to implement a program, or an event of default hereunder. 1273 8.05 Failure to Meet Franchised Diversion Rate. If CalRecycle determines that City has failed 1274 to meet the Diversion Compliance due to Contractor’s failure to undertake the actions described in this 1275 Section, Contractor must prepare, at Contractor’s cost and expense, and submit a corrective action plan to 1276 City sufficient to demonstrate good faith efforts by City to comply with Diversion Compliance and that is 1277 otherwise acceptable to CalRecycle, and shall be subject to Administrative Charges as allowed under Article 1278 25 and specified in Exhibit 6. Contractor must also submit a written corrective action plan to the City before 1279 March 15 of the year following the missed minimum Diversion requirement. Contractor’s corrective action 1280 plan must specify all actions Contractor will take to ensure it will meet Diversion Compliance Rates in the 1281 future, and shall be subject to the review and approval by the Agreement Administrator. Contractor must 1282 implement all measures identified in the corrective action plan at its sole cost and expense, unless the failure 1283 to meet Diversion Compliance was due to a Change in Law or due to the negligent acts or omissions of the 1284 City. If Contractor fails to submit an adequate corrective action plan or to fully implement a City-approved 1285 corrective action plan, it shall subject Contractor to Administrative Charges as allowed under Article 25 and 1286 specified in Exhibit 6 in addition to any other remedies available to the City. 1287 8.06 Representations and Warranties. Contractor represents and warrants that it is aware of 1288 and familiar with the Diversion Compliance, the Applicable Laws and City's waste stream. Contractor 1289 represents and warrants that it has the capacity, skill and ability to undertake the actions identified in Section 1290 8.02 above without imposing any costs or fees other than those set forth in the Schedule of Service Rates, 1291 as may be adjusted as provided for in this Agreement. Where the Diversion Compliance is modified by a 1292 Change in Law, Contractor agrees to develop and implement such actions, programs and measures as are 1293 necessary to bring City into compliance with the modified Diversion Compliance and City agrees that it will 1294 meet and confer with Contactor for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days regarding such actions, programs 1295 and measures, their implementation, and adjustments to rates reasonably necessary to effectuate same in 1296 accordance with Section 30.01. 1297 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 37 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 8.07 Mutual Cooperation. City and Contractor shall each reasonably cooperate in good faith 1298 with all efforts of the other Party to meet City's Diversion requirements under Applicable Law and the 1299 Contractor’s obligations under this Article. City's obligations in this regard shall include, without limitation, 1300 making such petitions and applications as may be reasonably requested by Contractor for time extensions in 1301 meeting Diversion goals, or other exceptions from the terms of Applicable Laws, and to agree to authorize 1302 such changes to Contractor’s Recycling, Organic Waste, or Solid Waste programs as may be reasonably 1303 requested by Contractor in order to achieve the minimum requirements of this Article. 1304 8.08 Contractor’s Diversion Programs. Contractor shall implement the Diversion programs 1305 required under this Agreement to ensure that City and Contractor comply with all Diversion requirements 1306 under Applicable and the City meets or exceeds all minimum Diversion requirements under Applicable Law. 1307 Contractor shall furthermore, at its sole cost and expense, (1) assist the City to respond to inquiries from, or 1308 prepare for and attend any hearing before, CalRecycle or any other regulatory agency relating to the City’s 1309 compliance with Applicable Law; prepare for and participate in CalRecycle’ s review of the City's SRRE.; 1310 apply for any extension available under Applicable Law; develop and implement a public awareness and 1311 education program consistent with the City's SRRE and Household Hazardous Waste Element and any 1312 related requirements of Applicable Law; (2) Provide the City with Recycling, source reduction, and other 1313 technical assistance as may be needed to comply with Applicable Law; (3) advise the City of additional 1314 programs or measures Contractor can, if authorized by the City, implement to increase compliance with the 1315 Diversion requirements of Applicable Law; and (4) promptly pay any and all fees, penalties, or other costs 1316 imposed on the City by CalRecycle relating to its Diversion requirements, and indemnify and hold harmless 1317 the City from and against any fines, penalties, or other liabilities, levied against the City for violation of such 1318 Diversion requirements. 1319 8.09 New Diversion Programs. If Contractor fails to meet any Diversion Compliance requirement 1320 or the City fails to meet any CalRecycle Diversion requirement notwithstanding Contractor’s implementation 1321 of all Diversion and public education programs as required by this Agreement, the City may direct Contractor 1322 to modify its Diversion and public education programs or implement new programs. Such modifications may 1323 constitute a City-Directed Change under Section 30.01. Contractor shall not implement new Diversion 1324 programs not described in this Agreement without the City’s prior consent. 1325 8.10 Nothing contained herein shall prohibit Contractor from meeting its diversion requirements 1326 by any alternative methods or procedures, provided it complies with Applicable Law, as may be amended 1327 from time to time. Contractor’s ability to meet its diversion requirements by alternative methods per this 1328 Section 8.05 is subject to Agreement Administrator review and approval. 1329 Article 9. Service Unit Types 1330 9.01 Service Units. Service Units include all the following categories of premises which are in 1331 the Service Area as of August 1, 2023 and all such premises which may be added to the Service Area by 1332 means of annexation, new construction, or as otherwise set forth in this Agreement during term of this 1333 Agreement: 1334 9.01.1 SFD Service Units. Services are specified in Article 10. 1335 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 38 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 9.01.2 MFD Service Units. Services are specified in Article 11. 1336 9.01.3 Commercial Service Units. Services are specified in Article 12. 1337 9.01.4 Mixed-use Development (MXD) Service Units. Services are specified in Article 13. 1338 9.01.5 City Service Units. Services are specified in Article 14. 1339 9.01.6 Any question as to whether a premise falls within one of these categories will be 1340 determined by the Agreement Administrator and the determination of the Agreement Administrator will be 1341 final. 1342 9.02 Service Unit Changes. City and Contractor acknowledge that during the term of this 1343 Agreement it may be necessary or desirable to add or delete Service Units for which Contractor will provide 1344 Service. 1345 9.02.1 Additions and Deletions. Contractor must provide services described in this 1346 Agreement to new Service Units in Contractor’s Service Area within five (5) Work Days of receipt of notice 1347 from City or the new Service Unit to begin such Service. 1348 9.03 Annexation. If during term of the Agreement, additional territory within or adjacent to the 1349 Contractor’s Service Area is acquired by City through annexation, subject to the requirements of Public 1350 Resources Code section 49520, Contractor agrees to provide Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services in 1351 such annexed area in accordance with the provisions and Maximum Service Rates set forth in this Agreement 1352 after termination of former contractor’s rights to provide service have been exhausted. Such Integrated Solid 1353 Waste Handling Services must begin within five (5) Work Days of receipt of written notice from City. Contractor 1354 may not begin Collection Service without written authorization from City. 1355 9.04 Route Map Update. Contractor must revise the Service Unit route maps to show the 1356 addition of Service Units added due to annexation and must provide such revised maps to the Agreement 1357 Administrator as requested. 1358 Article 10. Residential Service 1359 10.01 SFD Conditions of Service. Except as set forth below, Contractor must provide SFD 1360 Collection Services to all SFD Units in the Service Area, including all MFD Units subscribed to Cart or Bin 1361 Collection Service. The SFD Services are governed by the following terms and conditions: 1362 10.01.1 Curb Service. Except for those Service Recipients that choose to receive Bins for 1363 service, Contractor must provide SFD Collection Service to all SFD Service Units in the Service Area whose 1364 SFD Solid Waste is properly containerized in Garbage Carts, Recyclable Materials are properly 1365 containerized in Recycling Carts, except as set forth in Section 10.08.1; Organic Wastes are properly 1366 containerized in Organic Waste Carts, except as set forth in Section 10.09.3, where the Garbage, Recycling, 1367 and Organic Waste carts have been placed within three (3) feet of the curb, swale, paved surface of the 1368 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 39 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 public roadway, closest accessible roadway, or other such location agreed to by Contractor and Service 1369 Recipient, that will provide safe and efficient accessibility to Contractor's Collection crew and vehicle. 1370 10.01.2 Bundled SFD Cart Service. Contractor will use a weekly Bundled SFD Solid Waste 1371 Collection Service system with one (1) 96-Gallon Black or Grey Garbage Cart, one (1) 96-Gallon Blue 1372 Recycling Cart, and one (1) 96-Gallon Green Organic Waste Cart as part of the base SFD Solid Waste 1373 Collection Service. SFD Service Recipients shall receive additional Recycling Carts and additional Organic 1374 Waste Carts to be included at no additional cost, if requested. Garbage, Recycling, and/or Organic Waste 1375 Carts with a capacity of 32-Gallon or 64-Gallon may be requested by Customers that have space constraints. 1376 Pricing for downsizing Carts, or additional Carts, relative to the base Bundled Service are included in Exhibit 1377 1. 1378 10.01.3 On-Premises Service. Notwithstanding any term or definition set forth in this 1379 Agreement, Contractor must provide Collection of SFD Garbage, Recycling, and Organic Waste on the SFD 1380 Service Recipients premises to an SFD Service Unit as follows. 1381 At no additional cost to the SFD Service Unit. SFD Service Units 1382 where all adult Service Recipients residing therein have disabilities that prevent them from setting their 1383 Garbage, Recycling or Organic Waste Cart at the curb for Collection, and if a request for on-premises 1384 service has been made. 1385 At an additional cost to the SFD Service Unit. 1386 A. SFD Service Units where topography, steep driveways, below grade dwellings, or 1387 limited access to public streets that prevents the SFD Service Recipient from setting their Garbage, 1388 Recycling or Organic Waste Cart at the curb for Collection, as determined by the City and agreed by the 1389 Contractor, and if a request for on-premises service has been made. 1390 B. SFD Service Units inaccessible by standard 3 or 4 axel Collection Vehicles as 1391 determined by the Contractor and agreed by the City. Stinger/scout truck services shall be provided for the 1392 retrieval of Collection Containers from locations with accessibility constraints that make Containers difficult 1393 or impossible to access using regular trash collection trucks. 1394 C. Contractor must offer “push services” to SFD Service Recipients other than those 1395 listed above on a subscription basis upon request for the Service Rate set forth in Exhibit 1. Push services 1396 include, but are not limited to, dismounting from the Collection Vehicle, moving the Collection Containers 1397 from their storage location for Collection and returning the Collection Containers back to their storage 1398 location. 1399 Contractor must provide on-premises Collection Service on the 1400 same Work Day that curbside Collection would otherwise be provided to the SFD Service Unit. 1401 10.02 Frequency and Scheduling of Service. Except as set forth in Section 10.10, SFD Collection 1402 Service must be provided one (1) time per week on a scheduled route basis. SFD Collection Service must be 1403 scheduled so that all Service Units receive Garbage Collection Service, Recycling Collection Service, and 1404 Organic Waste Collection Service on the same Work Day. SFD Collection Service must be provided, 1405 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 40 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 commencing no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and terminating no later than 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except 1406 for Holidays in accordance with Section 5.03. The hours, day, or both of Collection may be extended due to 1407 extraordinary circumstances or conditions with the prior verbal or written consent of the Agreement 1408 Administrator. 1409 10.03 Manner of Collection. The Contractor must provide Collection Service with as little 1410 disturbance as possible and must leave any Garbage, Recycling or Organic Waste Cart in an upright position 1411 at the same point it was Collected without obstructing alleys, roadways, driveways, sidewalks or mail boxes. 1412 Contractor’s employees providing Collection Service must follow the regular walk for pedestrians while on 1413 private property and may not trespass nor cross property to the adjoining premises unless the occupant or 1414 owner of both properties has given permission. Care should be taken to prevent damage to property, including 1415 flowers, shrubs, and other plantings. 1416 10.04 New Carts and Kitchen Food Waste Pails. At the start of this Agreement, Contractor must 1417 supply new Carts and Kitchen Food Waste Pails that comply with Collection Container specifications in Exhibit 1418 4. If any changes to these specifications are adopted after the Effective Date that results in Contractor being 1419 required to replace Collection Containers before they have been fully depreciated, Contractor will be eligible 1420 for additional compensation in accordance with Exhibit 1. 1421 10.05 Replacement of Carts. Contractor’s employees must take care to prevent damage to Carts 1422 by unnecessary rough treatment. However, any Cart damaged by the Contractor must be replaced by 1423 Contractor, at Contractor's expense, within five (5) Work Days at no cost or inconvenience to the Service 1424 Recipient. 1425 10.05.1 Upon notification to Contractor by City or a Service Recipient that the Service 1426 Recipient’s Cart(s) has been stolen or damaged beyond repair through no fault of Contractor, Contractor 1427 must deliver a replacement Cart(s) to such Service Recipient within five (5) Work Days. Contractor must 1428 maintain records documenting all Cart replacements occurring and report through the Waste Reporting 1429 System monthly. 1430 10.05.2 Each Service Recipient is entitled to the replacement of one (1) lost, destroyed, or 1431 stolen Cart every ten (10) years during the life of this Agreement at no cost to the Service Recipient. Except 1432 in the case of a Cart that must be replaced because of damage caused by Contractor or in the case where 1433 Contractor elects to replace a Cart rather than repair it on-site, Contractor will be compensated for the cost 1434 of those replacements in excess of one (1) per type of Cart per Service Recipient during the term of the 1435 Agreement, in accordance with the “Cart Exchange” Service Rate set forth in Exhibit 1, or as may be adjusted 1436 by the City from time to time as provided under this Agreement. 1437 10.05.3 Contractor understands and agrees that this provision is intended to be applied on 1438 a per Cart type, individual Service Recipient basis and accordingly each Service Recipient could receive up 1439 to three (3) replacement Carts, one (1) of each type, every ten (10) years during the term of the contract. 1440 10.05.4 Repair of Garbage, Recycling and Organic Waste Carts. Contractor is responsible 1441 for the repair of Carts, including but not be limited to, hinged lids, wheels and axles. Within five (5) Work 1442 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 41 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Days of notification by the City or a Service Recipient of the need for such repairs, Contractor must repair 1443 the Cart or if necessary, remove the Cart for repairs and deliver a replacement Cart to the Service Recipient. 1444 10.05.5 Cart Exchange. Upon notification to Contractor by City or a Service Recipient that 1445 a change in the size of a Cart is requested, Contractor must deliver such Cart to such Service Recipient 1446 within five (5) Work Days. Each SFD Service Unit is eligible to receive one (1) free Cart exchange per 1447 Calendar Year during the term of this Agreement for moving to a larger Cart size. Each SFD Service Unit is 1448 eligible to receive unlimited Cart exchanges per Calendar Year during the term of this Agreement for moving 1449 to a smaller Cart size. Accordingly, Contractor will be compensated only for the cost of those exchanges in 1450 excess of one (1) per Calendar Year for those Service Units receiving larger Cart sizes, in accordance with 1451 the “Cart Exchange” service rate as set forth in Exhibit 1 or as may be adjusted this Agreement. 1452 10.05.6 Additional Cart Request. Upon notification to the Contractor by City or a Service 1453 Recipient that additional Black or Grey Carts for Garbage, Blue Carts for Recyclable Materials, or Green 1454 Carts Organic Waste are requested, Contractor shall deliver such Carts to such Service Recipient within five 1455 (5) Work Days, at the rate set forth in Exhibit 1. 1456 10.05.7 Ownership of Carts. Ownership of Carts is vested in the Contractor. 1457 10.06 Cleaning of Collection Containers. Once each Calendar Year, if requested by the SFD 1458 Service Recipient, Contractor must replace the dirty Collection Containers with clean Collection Containers. 1459 Any Collection Container cleanings done at a Contractor facility must be done in such a manner that results 1460 in no water entering the City’s storm drain system. This service must be provided at no charge to the Service 1461 Recipient, so long as the service is not requested more than once per Calendar Year. In addition, regardless 1462 of whether or not this cleaning is requested by the Service Recipient, Contractor will ensure that all Collection 1463 Containers are cleaned on an as-needed basis so as to maintain a clean appearance and proper function. 1464 Additional cleanings beyond once each Calendar Year will be subject to the Service Rate set forth in Exhibit 1465 1. 1466 10.07 SFD Garbage Collection Service. This service is governed by the following terms and 1467 conditions: 1468 10.07.1 Non-Collection. Contractor is not required to Collect any Garbage that is not placed 1469 in a Garbage Cart. In the event of non-collection, Contractor will follow the steps set forth in Section 5.10. 1470 10.07.2 Disposal Facility. Except as set forth below, all Garbage Collected as a result of 1471 performing Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services must be transported to, and disposed of, at the 1472 Disposal Facilities listed in Exhibit 9. In the event the Disposal Facility is closed on a Work Day, Contractor 1473 must transport and dispose of the Garbage at another legally permitted Disposal Facility. Failure to comply 1474 with this provision will result in the levy of a penalty as specified in Exhibit 6 and may result in Contractor 1475 being in default under this Agreement. 1476 10.08 SFD Recycling Service. This service is governed by the following terms and conditions: 1477 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 42 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 10.08.1 Overages. Corrugated cardboard that will not fit inside the Recycling Cart may be 1478 placed beside the Recycling Cart if flattened. 1479 10.08.2 Recycling - Improper Procedure. The Contractor is not required to Collect 1480 Recyclable Materials if the Service Recipient does not segregate the Recyclable Materials from Solid Waste 1481 or Organic Waste. Furthermore, Contractor is not required to Collect Recyclable Materials that are 1482 contaminated through commingling with Solid Waste or Organic Waste. To address contamination, 1483 Contractor must follow the steps set forth in Section 5.07. 1484 10.08.3 Materials Recovery Facility. Except as provided in Section 5.07, all Recyclable 1485 Materials collected as a result of performing recycling services must be delivered to the Materials Recovery 1486 Facility listed in Exhibit 9. Failure to comply with this provision will result in the levy of a penalty as specified 1487 in Exhibit 6 and may result in Contractor being in default under this Agreement. All expenses related to 1488 materials processing and marketing will be the sole responsibility of Contractor. City has the right to 1489 designate Materials Recovery Facility. 1490 10.08.4 Move In/Out Collection Service. Within three (3) months of opening a new account, 1491 at no additional charge, each SFD customer may request that Contractor provide one on-call Move-In/Out 1492 Recyclable Material Collection Service for recyclable packaging materials such as flattened cardboard 1493 boxes, and bundled newspaper and packaging foam. This will be offered as a one-time service for each new 1494 account. This service shall only include Recyclable Materials, and in the event that the Service Recipient 1495 includes Garbage in the materials set out for Collection by Contractor, this service shall be counted as one 1496 of the SFD Service Recipient’s free annual Large Item Collections as set forth in Section 10.10. 1497 10.08.5 Recycling - Changes to Services. Should changes in Applicable Law arise that 1498 necessitate any additions or deletions to the services described in this Section 10.08, including the type of 1499 items included as Recyclable Materials, the parties will negotiate any necessary cost changes and will enter 1500 into an Agreement amendment covering such modifications to the services to be performed and the 1501 compensation to be paid in accordance with Section 30.01.1 before undertaking any changes or revisions 1502 to such services. 1503 10.09 SFD Organic Waste Collection Service. This service is governed by the following terms 1504 and conditions: 1505 10.09.1 Organic Waste Processing Services. Contractor must ensure that all Organic Waste 1506 Collected pursuant to this Agreement is diverted from the landfill in accordance with Applicable Law. 1507 Contractor must ensure that the Organic Waste Collected pursuant to this Agreement is not disposed of in 1508 a landfill, except for residue resulting from processing. If the organics processing facility accepts bagged 1509 organic waste (where bags are biodegradable or otherwise), then Contractor is obligated to accept bagged 1510 Organic Waste. 1511 10.09.2 Organic Waste Processing Facility. Contractor must deliver all Collected Organic 1512 Waste to a fully permitted Organic Waste Processing Facility or a fully permitted Transfer Station, that has 1513 been listed in Exhibit 9 and agreed upon by the City. All expenses related to Organic Waste processing and 1514 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 43 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 marketing will be the sole responsibility of Contractor. Failure to comply with this provision will result in the 1515 levy of a penalty as specified in Exhibit 6 and may result in Contractor being in default under this Agreement. 1516 City has the right to designate Organic Waste Processing Facility. 1517 10.09.3 Holiday Tree Collection. Contractor must Collect Holiday Trees set out at the curb 1518 for Collection during the three-week period beginning December 26th each year during the term of this 1519 Agreement. Contractor must deliver the Collected Holiday Trees to an appropriate Organic Waste 1520 Processing Facility for Diversion through uses other than Alternative Daily Cover or Beneficial Use. This 1521 annual service will be provided at no additional charge to the Service Recipient. Contractor is not required 1522 to divert Holiday Trees with tinsel, flocking or ornaments. 1523 10.09.4 Non-Collection. Contractor is not required to Collect Organic Waste if the Service 1524 Recipient does not segregate the Organic Waste from Solid Waste or Recyclable Materials. Furthermore, 1525 Contractor is not required to Collect Organic Wastes that are contaminated through commingling with Solid 1526 Waste or Recyclable Materials. Contractor will address contamination in accordance with Section 5.07. 1527 10.09.5 Home Compost Bins. Contractor shall store, promote, and distribute a maximum of 1528 500 Home Compost Bins per Calendar Year to be used by Service Recipients to compost Organic Waste. 1529 Contractor is responsible for purchase of Home Compost Bins delivered to Contractor’s place of storage. 1530 10.10 SFD Bulky Waste Collection Service. This service is governed by the following terms and 1531 conditions: 1532 10.10.1 Conditions of Service. Contractor must provide Large Item Collection Service to all 1533 SFD Service Units in the Service Area whose Bulky Waste have been placed within three (3) feet of the 1534 curb, swale, paved surface of the public roadway, closest accessible roadway, or other such location agreed 1535 to by Contractor and Service Recipient, that will provide safe and efficient accessibility to Contractor's 1536 Collection crew and vehicle. Up to five (5) times per Calendar Year each Service Recipient is entitled to 1537 receive large item disposal amounting to a combined annual maximum of the equivalent of (a) five (5) large 1538 items, or (b) ten (10) 32-gallon bags at no additional cost and expense. For subsequent collection in any 1539 Calendar Year, the Contractor shall receive compensation from the customer at the rate for such service as 1540 set in Exhibit 1. 1541 10.10.2 Frequency of Service. Bulky Waste Collection Service will be provided on the next 1542 regular Collection day if the request is received at least two (2) Work Days in advance of the next regular 1543 Collection day. The Service Recipient may not intentionally commingle residential Bulky Waste with other 1544 Residential Waste. 1545 10.10.3 Bulky Waste Containing Freon. In the event Contractor Collects Bulky Waste that 1546 contain Freon, Contractor must handle such Bulky Waste in a manner such that the Bulky Waste are not 1547 subject to regulation as hazardous waste under applicable State and Federal laws or regulations. 1548 10.10.4 Maximum Reuse and Recycling. Contractor must dispose of Bulky Waste collected 1549 from Service Units pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with the following hierarchy: 1550 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 44 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Reuse as is (where energy efficiency is not compromised) 1551 Disassemble for reuse or Recycling 1552 Recycle 1553 Disposal 1554 10.10.5 Disposal of Bulky Waste. Contractor may not landfill such Bulky Waste unless the 1555 Bulky Waste cannot be reused or recycled. 1556 10.10.6 City Direction of Bulky Waste. City reserves the right to direct Contractor to take 1557 specific types of Bulky Waste Collected pursuant to this Section to designated sites not more than twenty 1558 (20) miles from any City boundary for the purpose of reuse or recycling at no cost. Contractor has no 1559 obligation to dispose of the Large Item residue remaining at the directed site or sites after scavengers and 1560 recyclers have removed reusable or recyclable Bulky Waste. 1561 10.11 Sharps Collection Program. Home generated sharps, such as needles, syringes, and 1562 lancets shall be placed in a sharps container and removed from the regular waste stream to minimize 1563 exposure to Solid Waste workers and Recyclable Materials processors. To ensure sharps are handled in a 1564 appropriate manner, Contractor shall provide, upon request, each SFD Service Recipient with up to one 1565 postage-paid mail-back sharps container per year at no additional cost. Seniors shall be provided with up to 1566 two postage-paid mail-back sharps containers per year at no additional cost. In addition, Contractor shall 1567 promote this program in newsletters and in other forms of outreach as determined by City. Additionally, 1568 Contractor shall provide to the City on an annual basis not less than 200 postage-paid mail-back Sharps 1569 containers for City staff to distribute at special events. 1570 10.12 Extended Producer Responsibility Diversion Program. Contractor shall provide a minimum 1571 of two City-wide electronic waste, textile, carpet, and mattress collection drives on an annual basis. Contractor 1572 will schedule collection events with City approval and advertise the drop-off events not less than one week 1573 prior to the scheduled collection event, but no more than one month prior to the scheduled collection event. 1574 All textile, carpet and mattresses Collected through this program shall be diverted from the landfill either 1575 through donation to a local non-profit organization or through other means of Diversion. 1576 10.12.1 Temporary Bin and Box Service. Contractor shall provide temporary Bin and Box 1577 service, including Construction and Demolition Debris Bins, to SFD Service Recipients. Contractor shall 1578 deliver such Bin or Box within one Business Day of request. The Contractor shall receive compensation for 1579 Temporary Bin and Box Service from the customer at the rate for such service as set in Exhibit 1. 1580 10.13 1581 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 45 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Article 11. MFD Service 1582 11.01 MFD Conditions of Service. Except as set forth below, Contractor must provide MFD 1583 Collection Services to all MFD Units in the Service Area. The MFD Services are governed by the following 1584 terms and conditions: 1585 11.01.1 Bundled MFD Cart Service. Except for those Service Recipients that choose to 1586 receive Bins for service, Contractor must provide MFD Collection Service to all MFD Service Units in the 1587 Service Area whose MFD Solid Waste is properly containerized in Black/Grey Garbage Carts, Blue 1588 Recyclable Materials are properly containerized in Recycling Carts, except as set forth in Section 11.08.1; 1589 Organic Wastes are properly containerized in Green Organic Waste Carts, except as set forth in Section 1590 11.09.3, where the Garbage, Recycling, and Organic Waste carts have been placed within three (3) feet of 1591 the curb, swale, paved surface of the public roadway, closest accessible roadway, or other such location 1592 agreed to by Contractor and Service Recipient, that will provide safe and efficient accessibility to Contractor's 1593 Collection crew and vehicle. 1594 11.01.2 Bundled MFD Bin Service. Contractor must provide MFD Solid Waste Collection 1595 Service to MFD Service Units in the Service Area that choose to receive Bins for service. MFD Collection 1596 Service shall be provided in Garbage Bins at the size and frequency as requested by the MFD Service 1597 Recipient, and including at no additional cost one (1) 96-Gallon Blue Recycling Cart and one (1) 32-Gallon 1598 Green Organic Waste Cart as part of the base bundled MFD Collection Service. Additional services may be 1599 requested by the MFD Service Recipient. To be exempted from MFD Recycling Service or MFD Organic 1600 Waste Collection Service, Service Recipient must apply for exemption to the Contractor. All such exemption 1601 applications must be reported in the Waste Reporting System and approved by the City. Additional Collection 1602 Containers or different size Collection Containers are subject to the applicable Service Rate set forth in 1603 Exhibit 1. 1604 11.01.3 On-Premises Service. Notwithstanding any term or definition set forth in this 1605 Agreement, Contractor must provide Collection of MFD Garbage, Recycling, and Organic Waste on the MFD 1606 Service Recipients premises to an MFD Service Unit as follows. 1607 At no additional cost to the MFD Service Unit. MFD Service Units 1608 where all adult Service Recipients residing therein have disabilities that prevent them from setting their 1609 Garbage, Recycling or Organic Waste Cart at the curb for Collection, and if a request for on-premises 1610 service has been made. 1611 At an additional cost to the MFD Service Unit. 1612 A. MFD Service Units where topography, steep driveways, below grade dwellings, or 1613 limited access to public streets that prevents the MFD Service Recipient from setting their Garbage, 1614 Recycling or Organic Waste Cart at the curb for Collection, as determined by the City and agreed by the 1615 Contractor, and if a request for on-premises service has been made. 1616 B. MFD Service Units inaccessible by standard 3 or 4 axel Collection Vehicles as 1617 determined by the Contractor and agreed by the City. Stinger/scout truck services shall be provided for the 1618 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 46 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 retrieval of Collection Containers from locations with accessibility constraints that make Containers difficult 1619 or impossible to access using regular trash collection trucks. 1620 C. Contractor must offer “push services” to MFD Service Recipients other than those 1621 listed above on a subscription basis upon request for the Service Rate set forth in Exhibit 1. Push services 1622 include, but are not limited to, dismounting from the Collection Vehicle, moving the Collection Containers 1623 from their storage location for Collection and returning the Collection Containers back to their storage 1624 location. 1625 Contractor must provide on-premises Collection Service on the 1626 same Work Day that curbside Collection would otherwise be provided to the MFD Service Unit. 1627 11.02 Frequency and Scheduling of Service. This service must be provided as deemed 1628 necessary and determined between Contractor and the MFD Service Unit, but such service must be received 1629 no less than one (1) time per week with no exception for holiday(s) as set forth herein, except that Collection 1630 service scheduled to fall on a holiday may be rescheduled as determined between the Service Unit and 1631 Contractor as long as the minimum frequency requirement is met. The size of the container and the frequency 1632 (above the minimum) of Collection will be determined between the MFD Service Unit and Contractor. 1633 However, size and frequency must be sufficient to provide that no Solid Waste need be placed outside the 1634 Collection Container. Contractor must provide containers as part of the Commercial Collection Maximum 1635 Service Rates set forth in Exhibit 1. Service Recipients may own and provide their own Compactor provided 1636 that the Service Recipient is completely responsible for its proper maintenance, and such Compactor is of a 1637 type that is compatible with Contractor's equipment. All other Collection Containers used by Service 1638 Recipients must be owned and supplied by Contractor. 1639 11.03 Manner of Collection. The Contractor must provide Collection Service with as little 1640 disturbance as possible and must leave any Garbage, Recycling or Organic Waste Cart in an upright position 1641 at the same point it was Collected without obstructing alleys, roadways, driveways, sidewalks or mail boxes. 1642 Contractor’s employees providing Collection Service must follow the regular walk for pedestrians while on 1643 private property and may not trespass nor cross property to the adjoining premises unless the occupant or 1644 owner of both properties has given permission. Care should be taken to prevent damage to property, including 1645 flowers, shrubs, and other plantings. 1646 11.04 New Carts and Kitchen Food Waste Pails. At the start of this Agreement, Contractor must 1647 supply new Carts and Kitchen Food Waste Pails that comply with Collection Container specifications in Exhibit 1648 4. If any changes to these specifications are adopted after the Effective Date that results in Contractor being 1649 required to replace Collection Containers before they have been fully depreciated, Contractor will be eligible 1650 for additional compensation in accordance with Section 6.07. 1651 11.05 Replacement of Carts. Contractor’s employees must take care to prevent damage to Carts 1652 by unnecessary rough treatment. However, any Cart damaged by the Contractor must be replaced by 1653 Contractor, at Contractor's expense, within five (5) Work Days at no cost or inconvenience to the Service 1654 Recipient. 1655 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 47 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 11.05.1 Upon notification to Contractor by City or a Service Recipient that the Service 1656 Recipient’s Cart(s) has been stolen or damaged beyond repair through no fault of Contractor, Contractor 1657 must deliver a replacement Cart(s) to such Service Recipient within five (5) Work Days. Contractor must 1658 maintain records documenting all Cart replacements occurring and report through the Waste Reporting 1659 System monthly. 1660 11.05.2 Each Service Recipient is entitled to the replacement of one (1) lost, destroyed, or 1661 stolen Cart every ten (10) years during the life of this Agreement at no cost to the Service Recipient. Except 1662 in the case of a Cart that must be replaced because of damage caused by Contractor or in the case where 1663 Contractor elects to replace a Cart rather than repair it on-site, Contractor will be compensated for the cost 1664 of those replacements in excess of one (1) per type of Cart per Service Recipient during the term of the 1665 Agreement, in accordance with the “Cart Exchange” Service Rate set forth in Exhibit 1, or as may be adjusted 1666 by the City from time to time as provided under this Agreement. 1667 11.05.3 Contractor understands and agrees that this provision is intended to be applied on 1668 a per Cart type, individual Service Recipient basis and accordingly each Service Recipient could receive up 1669 to three (3) replacement Carts, one (1) of each type, every ten (10) years during the term of the contract. 1670 11.05.4 Repair of Garbage, Recycling and Organic Waste Carts. Contractor is responsible 1671 for the repair of Carts, including but not be limited to, hinged lids, wheels and axles. Within five (5) Work 1672 Days of notification by the City or a Service Recipient of the need for such repairs, Contractor must repair 1673 the Cart or if necessary, remove the Cart for repairs and deliver a replacement Cart to the Service Recipient. 1674 11.05.5 Cart Exchange. Upon notification to Contractor by City or a Service Recipient that 1675 a change in the size of a Cart is requested, Contractor must deliver such Cart to such Service Recipient 1676 within five (5) Work Days. Each MFD Service Unit is eligible to receive one (1) free Cart exchange per 1677 Calendar Year during the term of this Agreement for moving to a larger Cart size. Each MFD Service Unit is 1678 eligible to receive unlimited Cart exchanges per Calendar Year during the term of this Agreement for moving 1679 to a smaller Cart size. Accordingly, Contractor will be compensated only for the cost of those exchanges in 1680 excess of one (1) per Calendar Year for those Service Units receiving larger Cart sizes, in accordance with 1681 the “Cart Exchange” service rate as set forth in Exhibit 1 or as may be adjusted this Agreement. 1682 11.05.6 Additional Cart Request. Upon notification to the Contractor by City or a Service 1683 Recipient that additional Carts for Garbage, Recyclable Materials, or Organic Waste are requested, 1684 Contractor shall deliver such Carts to such Service Recipient within five (5) Work Days, at the rate set forth 1685 in Exhibit 1. 1686 11.05.7 Ownership of Carts. Ownership of Carts is vested in the Contractor. 1687 11.06 Cleaning of Collection Containers. Once each Calendar Year, if requested by the MFD, 1688 Contractor must clean all Collection Containers or must replace the dirty Collection Containers with clean 1689 Collection Containers. Any Collection Container cleanings done at a Contractor facility must be done in such 1690 a manner that results in no water entering the City’s storm drain system. This service must be provided at no 1691 charge to the Service Recipient, so long as the service is not requested more than once per Calendar Year. 1692 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 48 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 In addition, regardless of whether or not this cleaning is requested by the Service Recipient, Contractor will 1693 ensure that all Collection Containers are cleaned on an as-needed basis so as to maintain a clean appearance 1694 and proper function. Additional cleanings beyond once each Calendar Year will be subject to the Service Rate 1695 set forth in Exhibit 1. 1696 11.07 MFD Garbage Collection Service. This service is governed by the following terms and 1697 conditions: 1698 11.07.1 Non-Collection. Contractor is not required to Collect any Garbage that is not placed 1699 in a Garbage Cart. In the event of non-collection, Contractor will follow the steps set forth in Section 5.10. 1700 11.07.2 Disposal Facility. Except as set forth below, all Garbage Collected as a result of 1701 performing Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services must be transported to, and disposed of, at the 1702 Disposal Facilities listed in Exhibit 9. In the event the Disposal Facility is closed on a Work Day, Contractor 1703 must transport and dispose of the Garbage at another legally permitted Disposal Facility. Failure to comply 1704 with this provision will result in the levy of a penalty as specified in Exhibit 6 and may result in Contractor 1705 being in default under this Agreement. 1706 11.08 MFD Recycling Service. This service is governed by the following terms and conditions: 1707 11.08.1 Conditions of Service. Contractor must provide MFD Recycling Service to all MFD 1708 Service Units in the Service Area whose Recyclable Materials are properly containerized in Recycling 1709 Collection Containers except as set forth below, where the Recycling Collection Containers are accessible. 1710 The Maximum Service Rates for Contractor’s MFD Recycling Services are set forth in Exhibit 1. 1711 11.08.2 Base MFD Recycling Service. All MFD Service Recipients subscribing to MFD Solid 1712 Waste Collection Service must receive weekly collection of Recycling Materials with a minimum of at least 1713 one 96-gallon Recycling Cart per Service Recipient and included in the Bundled Rate set forth in Exhibit 1. 1714 The actual configuration of Recycling Collection Container sizes to be provided will be based on the total 1715 equivalent volume and configured in a manner determined by the Service Recipient in consultation with 1716 Contractor. 1717 11.08.3 Overages. Corrugated cardboard that will not fit inside the Recycling Cart may be 1718 placed beside the Recycling Cart if flattened. 1719 11.08.4 Recycling - Improper Procedure. The Contractor is not required to Collect 1720 Recyclable Materials if the Service Recipient does not segregate the Recyclable Materials from Solid Waste 1721 or Organic Waste. Furthermore, Contractor is not required to Collect Recyclable Materials that are 1722 contaminated through commingling with Solid Waste or Organic Waste. To address contamination, 1723 Contractor must follow the steps set forth in Section 5.07. 1724 11.08.5 Materials Recovery Facility. Except as provided in Section 5.07, all Recyclable 1725 Materials collected as a result of performing recycling services must be delivered to the Materials Recovery 1726 Facility listed in Exhibit 9. Failure to comply with this provision will result in the levy of a penalty as specified 1727 in Exhibit 6 and may result in Contractor being in default under this Agreement. All expenses related to 1728 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 49 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 materials processing and marketing will be the sole responsibility of Contractor. City has the right to 1729 designate Materials Recovery Facility. 1730 11.08.6 Move In/Out Collection Service. Within three (3) months of opening a new account, 1731 at no additional charge, each MFD customer may request that Contractor provide one on-call Move-In/Out 1732 Recyclable Material Collection Service for recyclable packaging materials such as flattened cardboard 1733 boxes, and bundled newspaper and packaging foam. This will be offered as a one-time service for each new 1734 account. This service shall only include Recyclable Materials, and in the event that the Service Recipient 1735 includes Garbage in the materials set out for Collection by Contractor, this service shall be counted as one 1736 of the MFD Service Recipient’s free annual Large Item Collections as set forth in Section 11.10. 1737 11.08.7 Recycling - Changes to Services. Should changes in Applicable Law arise that 1738 necessitate any additions or deletions to the services described in this Section 11.08, including the type of 1739 items included as Recyclable Materials, the parties will negotiate any necessary cost changes and will enter 1740 into an Agreement amendment covering such modifications to the services to be performed and the 1741 compensation to be paid in accordance with Section 30.01.1 before undertaking any changes or revisions 1742 to such services. 1743 11.09 MFD Organic Waste Collection Service. This service is governed by the following terms 1744 and conditions: 1745 11.09.1 Base MFD Organic Waste Service. All MFD Service Recipients subscribing to MFD 1746 Garbage Collection Service must receive weekly collection of the equivalent volume of at least one (1) 32-1747 gallon Green Organic Waste Cart per Service Recipient included in the Bundled Service rate. The actual 1748 configuration of Organic Waste Collection Container sizes to be provided will be based on the total equivalent 1749 volume and configured in a manner determined by the Service Recipient in consultation with Contractor. 1750 Contractor may charge for MFD Organic Waste Collection as set forth in Exhibit 1 for MFD Organic Waste 1751 Service greater than the base 32-gallon Organic Waste Cart. 1752 11.09.2 Size and Frequency of Service. This service will be provided as deemed necessary 1753 and determined between Contractor and the Service Recipient, but such service must be received no less 1754 than one (1) time per week with no exception for holiday(s) as set forth herein, except that Collection Service 1755 scheduled to fall on a holiday may be rescheduled as determined between the Service Recipient and 1756 Contractor as long as the minimum frequency requirement is met. Service may be provided by Bin or Cart 1757 at the option of the Service Recipient. The size of the container and the frequency (above the minimum) of 1758 Collection will be determined between the customer and Contractor. However, size and frequency must be 1759 sufficient to provide that no Organic Waste needs be placed outside the Collection Container. Service 1760 Recipients may own and provide their own Compactor provided that the Service Recipient is completely 1761 responsible for its proper maintenance, and such Compactor is of a type that is compatible with Contractor's 1762 equipment. All other Collection Containers used by Service Recipients must be owned and supplied by 1763 Contractor. 1764 11.09.3 Organic Waste Processing Services. Contractor must ensure that all Organic Waste 1765 Collected pursuant to this Agreement is diverted from the landfill in accordance with Applicable Law. 1766 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 50 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Contractor must ensure that the Organic Waste Collected pursuant to this Agreement is not disposed of in 1767 a landfill, except for residue resulting from processing. If the organics processing facility accepts bagged 1768 Organic Waste (where bags are biodegradable or otherwise), then Contractor is obligated to accept bagged 1769 Organic Waste. 1770 11.09.4 Organic Waste Processing Facility. Contractor must deliver all Collected Organic 1771 Waste to a fully permitted Organic Waste Processing Facility or a fully permitted Transfer Station, that has 1772 been listed in Exhibit 9 and agreed upon by the City. All expenses related to Organic Waste processing and 1773 marketing will be the sole responsibility of Contractor. Failure to comply with this provision will result in the 1774 levy of a penalty as specified in Exhibit 6 and may result in Contractor being in default under this Agreement. 1775 City has the right to designate Organic Waste Processing Facility. 1776 11.09.5 Holiday Tree Collection. Contractor must Collect Holiday Trees set out at the curb 1777 for Collection during the three-week period beginning December 26th each year during the term of this 1778 Agreement. Contractor must deliver the Collected Holiday Trees to an appropriate Organic Waste 1779 Processing Facility for Diversion through uses other than Alternative Daily Cover or Beneficial Use. This 1780 annual service will be provided at no additional charge to the Service Recipient. Contractor is not required 1781 to divert Holiday Trees with tinsel, flocking or ornaments. 1782 11.09.6 Non-Collection. Contractor is not required to Collect Organic Waste if the Service 1783 Recipient does not segregate the Organic Waste from Solid Waste or Recyclable Materials. Furthermore, 1784 Contractor is not required to Collect Organic Wastes that are contaminated through commingling with Solid 1785 Waste or Recyclable Materials. Contractor will address contamination in accordance with Section 5.07. 1786 11.10 MFD Bulky Waste Collection Service. This service is governed by the following terms and 1787 conditions: 1788 11.10.1 Conditions of Service. Contractor must provide Large Item Collection Service to all 1789 MFD Service Units in the Service Area whose Bulky Waste have been placed within three (3) feet of the 1790 curb, swale, paved surface of the public roadway, closest accessible roadway, or other such location agreed 1791 to by Contractor and Service Recipient, that will provide safe and efficient accessibility to Contractor's 1792 Collection crew and vehicle. Upon property manager request, up to five (5) times per Calendar Year each 1793 Service Recipient is entitled to receive large item disposal amounting to a combined annual maximum of the 1794 equivalent of (a) six (6) large items or (b) ten (10) 32-gallon bags at no additional cost and expense. For 1795 subsequent collection in any Calendar Year, the Contractor shall receive compensation from the customer 1796 at the rate for such service as set in Exhibit 1. 1797 11.10.2 Frequency of Service. Large Item Collection Service will be provided on the next 1798 regular Collection day if the request is received at least two (2) Work Days in advance of the next regular 1799 Collection day. The Service Recipient may not intentionally commingle residential Bulky Waste with other 1800 Residential Waste. 1801 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 51 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 11.10.3 Bulky Waste Containing Freon. In the event Contractor Collects Bulky Waste that 1802 contain Freon, Contractor must handle such Bulky Waste in a manner such that the Bulky Waste are not 1803 subject to regulation as hazardous waste under applicable State and Federal laws or regulations. 1804 11.10.4 Maximum Reuse and Recycling. Contractor must dispose of Bulky Waste collected 1805 from Service Units pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with the following hierarchy: 1806 Reuse as is (where energy efficiency is not compromised) 1807 Disassemble for reuse or Recycling 1808 Recycle 1809 Disposal 1810 11.10.5 Disposal of Bulky Waste . Contractor may not landfill such Bulky Waste unless the 1811 Bulky Waste cannot be reused or recycled. 1812 11.10.6 City Direction of Bulky Waste . City reserves the right to direct Contractor to take 1813 specific types of Bulky Waste Collected pursuant to this Section to designated sites not more than twenty 1814 (20) miles from any City boundary for the purpose of reuse or recycling at no cost. Contractor has no 1815 obligation to dispose of the Large Item residue remaining at the directed site or sites after scavengers and 1816 recyclers have removed reusable or recyclable Bulky Waste . 1817 Article 12. Commercial Service 1818 12.01 Commercial Conditions of Service. Except as set forth below, Contractor must provide 1819 Commercial Collection Services to all Commercial Service Units in the Service Area, including MXD Service 1820 Units and those City Service Units listed in Exhibit 3. MFD Units serviced with Bins will abide by the guidelines 1821 listed in this Section but are serviced as part of the Residential Collection Service. This service is governed 1822 by the following terms and conditions: 1823 12.01.1 Provision of Service. Contractor must provide Commercial Garbage Collection 1824 Service, Commercial Recycling Service and Commercial Organic Waste Collection Service to all 1825 Commercial Service Units Service Units in the Service Area whose Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and 1826 Organics Waste are properly containerized in Collection Containers as appropriate where the Collection 1827 Containers are accessible as set forth in Section 12.01.4. Contractor must offer Garbage, Recyclable 1828 Materials, and Organic Waste Carts in 32, 64, and 96-gallon sizes. Contractor must offer Garbage and 1829 Recyclable Materials Bins in 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6-cubic yard sizes and 1, 2, and 3-cubic yard sizes for Organic 1830 Waste Bins. Contractor may offer Roll-off Containers in 10, 20, 30, and 40-cubic yard sizes, and Collection 1831 from Compactors. The size of the container and the frequency (above the minimum) of Collection will be 1832 determined between the Service Recipient and Contractor. However, the size and frequency must be 1833 sufficient to provide that no Garbage, Recyclable Materials, or Organic Waste need be placed outside the 1834 Collection Container. The base Commercial Collection Service will include Commercial Recycling Service 1835 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 52 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 as described in Section 12.04.2 below, and Commercial Organic Waste Collection Service as described in 1836 Section 12.05.5 below. 1837 12.01.2 Bundled Service. For the Commercial Solid Waste Collection Service system, 1838 Contractor shall provide Garbage Bins as requested by the Commercial Service Recipient, and including at 1839 no additional cost one (1) 96-Gallon Blue Recycling Cart and one (1) 32-Gallon Green Organic Waste Cart 1840 service as part of the base bundled Commercial Collection Service. Additional services may be requested 1841 by the Commercial Service Recipient. To be exempted from Commercial Recycling Service or Commercial 1842 Organic Waste Collection Service, Service Recipient must apply for exemption to the Contractor. All such 1843 exemption applications must be reported in the Waste Reporting System and approved by the City. 1844 12.01.3 Hours of Collection. Commercial Collection Service must be provided commencing 1845 no earlier than 6:00 a.m., and terminating no later than 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, except for 1846 Holidays. If the Commercial Collection Service is adjacent to Residential Premises, then collection service 1847 will be provided no earlier than 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. on Saturday. The hours, 1848 day, or both of Collection may be extended due to extraordinary circumstances or conditions with the prior 1849 verbal or written consent of the Agreement Administrator. 1850 12.01.4 Accessibility. Contractor must Collect all Collection Containers that are readily 1851 accessible to Contractor's crew and vehicles and not blocked. However, Contractor must provide “push 1852 services” and “stinger/scout truck services” as necessary upon request during the provision of Commercial 1853 Collection Services for the Service Rate set forth in Exhibit 1. Push services include, but are not limited to, 1854 dismounting from the Collection Vehicle, moving the Collection Containers from their storage location for 1855 Collection and returning the Collection Containers back to their storage location. Stinger/scout truck services 1856 provide for the retrieval of Collection Containers from locations with accessibility constraints that make 1857 Containers difficult or impossible to access using regular trash collection trucks. 1858 12.01.5 Manner of Collection. Contractor must provide Commercial Collection Service 1859 consistent with Section 8.36.030 of the City Municipal Code with as little disturbance as possible and must 1860 leave any Collection Container at the same point it originally located without obstructing alleys, roadways, 1861 driveways, sidewalks or mail boxes. 1862 12.02 New Containers. At the start of this Agreement, Contractor must supply new Carts and 1863 newly painted Bins and Roll-off Containers in good condition that comply with Collection Container 1864 specifications in Exhibit 4. If any changes to these specifications are adopted after the Effective Date that 1865 results in Contractor being required to replace Collection Containers before they have been fully depreciated, 1866 Contractor will be eligible for additional compensation in accordance with Section 30.01.1. 1867 12.02.1 Purchase and Distribution of Collection Containers for New Commercial Service 1868 Units. Contractor must also distribute newly painted Collection Containers as specified in Exhibit 4 to new 1869 Commercial and MFD/MXD Service Units that are added to Contractor’s Service Area during the term of this 1870 Agreement. The size and mix of the Collection Containers will be in accordance with the service agreement 1871 obtained by Contractor as set forth in this Agreement and the distribution must be completed within five (5) 1872 Work Days of receipt of the request for service. 1873 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 53 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 12.02.2 Replacement of Collection Containers. Contractor’s employees must avoid damage 1874 to Collection Containers by unnecessary rough treatment. Any Collection Container damaged by the 1875 Contractor must be replaced by Contractor, at Contractor's expense, within five (5) Work Days at no cost or 1876 inconvenience to the Service Recipient. 1877 Each Commercial Service Unit is entitled to the replacement of 1878 one (1) lost, destroyed, or stolen Garbage, Recycling, and Organic Collection Container during the initial 1879 term of this Agreement at no cost to the Service Unit. Accordingly, Contractor will be compensated for the 1880 cost of those replacements in excess of one (1) Garbage, Recycling, and Organic Collection Container per 1881 Commercial Service Unit during the initial term of the Agreement, in accordance with the “Collection 1882 Container Exchange” Service Rate, as appropriate, set forth in Exhibit 1. Contractor must deliver a 1883 replacement Collection Container to such Service Unit within five (5) Work Days. 1884 12.02.3 Repair of Collection Containers. Contractor is responsible for repair of Collection 1885 Containers. Within five (5) Work Days of notification by City or a Service Recipient of the need for such 1886 repairs, Contractor must repair the Collection Container or if necessary, remove the Collection Container for 1887 repairs and deliver a replacement Collection Container to the Service Recipient. Collection Container repair 1888 also includes the removal of graffiti from the Collection Container. 1889 12.02.4 Collection Container Exchange. Upon notification to Contractor by City or a Service 1890 Recipient that a change in their Collection Containers is required, Contractor must deliver such Collection 1891 Containers to such Service Recipient within five (5) Work Days. Each Commercial Service Unit is eligible to 1892 receive one (1) free Collection Container exchange per Calendar Year during the term of this Agreement. 1893 Contractor is allowed to charge the Service Unit for the cost of those exchanges in excess of one (1) 1894 Collection Container exchange per Calendar Year, in accordance with the appropriate “Collection Container 1895 Exchange” service rate set forth in Exhibit 1 as may be adjusted by City under this Agreement. Additional 1896 Collection Containers or different size Collection Containers are subject to the applicable Service Rate set 1897 forth in Exhibit 1. 1898 12.02.5 Ownership of Collection Containers. Ownership of Collection Containers distributed 1899 by Contractor is vested in Contractor. 1900 12.02.6 Cleaning of Collection Containers. Once each Calendar Year, if requested by the 1901 Commercial Service Unit, Contractor must clean all Collection Containers or must replace the dirty Collection 1902 Containers with clean Collection Containers. Any Collection Container cleanings done at Contractor facility 1903 must be done in such a manner that results in no water entering the City’s storm drain system. This service 1904 must be provided at no charge to the Service Unit, so long as the service is not requested more than once 1905 per Calendar Year. In addition, regardless of whether or not this cleaning is requested by the Service Unit, 1906 Contractor will ensure that all Collection Containers are cleaned on an as-needed basis so as to maintain a 1907 clean appearance and proper function. Additional cleanings beyond once each Calendar Year will be subject 1908 to the Service Rate set forth in Exhibit 1. 1909 12.03 Commercial Garbage Collection Service. 1910 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 54 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 12.03.1 Conditions of Service. Contractor must provide Commercial Garbage Collection 1911 Service to all Commercial Service Units in the Service Area whose Garbage is properly containerized in 1912 Garbage Collection Containers, where the Garbage Collection Containers are accessible. 1913 12.03.2 Size and Frequency of Service. This service must be provided as deemed 1914 necessary and determined between Contractor and the Commercial Service Unit, but such service must be 1915 received no less than one (1) time per week with no exception for holiday(s) as set forth herein, except that 1916 Collection service scheduled to fall on a holiday may be rescheduled as determined between the Service 1917 Unit and Contractor as long as the minimum frequency requirement is met. The size of the container and 1918 the frequency (above the minimum) of Collection will be determined between the Commercial Service Unit 1919 and Contractor. However, size and frequency must be sufficient to provide that no Solid Waste need be 1920 placed outside the Collection Container. Contractor must provide containers as part of the Commercial 1921 Collection Maximum Service Rates set forth in Exhibit 1. Service Recipients may own and provide their own 1922 Compactor provided that the Service Recipient is completely responsible for its proper maintenance, and 1923 such Compactor is of a type that is compatible with Contractor's equipment. All other Collection Containers 1924 used by Service Recipients must be owned and supplied by Contractor. 1925 12.03.3 Non-Collection. Contractor is not required to Collect any Commercial Solid Waste 1926 that is not placed in a Garbage Collection Container unless such Commercial Solid Waste is outside the 1927 Garbage Collection Container because of overflow. In the event of non-collection or overflow, Contractor 1928 must follow the steps as set forth in Section 5.13. 1929 12.03.4 Disposal Facility. All Solid Waste collected as a result of performing Commercial 1930 Solid Waste Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services must be transported to, and disposed of, at the 1931 Disposal Facility. In the event the Disposal Facility is closed on a Work Day, Contractor must transport and 1932 dispose of Solid Waste at another legally permitted disposal facility. Failure to comply with this provision will 1933 result in the levy of a penalty as specified in Exhibit 6 and may result in Contractor being in default under 1934 this Agreement. City has the right to designate Disposal Facility and agrees to adjust Maximum Service 1935 Rates to reflect City’s exercise of flow control rights. 1936 12.04 Commercial Recycling Service. This service is governed by the following terms and 1937 conditions: 1938 12.04.1 Conditions of Service. Contractor must provide Commercial Recycling Service to all 1939 Commercial Service Units in the Service Area whose Recyclable Materials are properly containerized in 1940 Recycling Collection Containers except as set forth below, where the Recycling Collection Containers are 1941 accessible. The Maximum Service Rates for Contractor’s Commercial Recycling Services are set forth in 1942 Exhibit 1. 1943 12.04.2 Base Commercial Recycling Service. All Commercial Service Recipients 1944 subscribing to Commercial Solid Waste Collection Service must receive weekly collection of Recycling 1945 Materials with a minimum of at least one 96-gallon Blue Recycling Cart per Service Recipient at no additional 1946 cost as part of the base service and included in the Bundled Rate set forth in Exhibit 1. The actual 1947 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 55 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 configuration of Recycling Collection Container sizes to be provided will be based on the total equivalent 1948 volume and configured in a manner determined by the Service Recipient in consultation with Contractor. 1949 12.04.3 Size and Frequency of Service. This service will be provided as deemed necessary 1950 and determined between Contractor and the Service Recipient, but such service must be received no less 1951 than one (1) time per week with no exception for holiday(s) as set forth herein, except that Collection service 1952 scheduled to fall on a holiday may be rescheduled as determined between the Service Recipient and 1953 Contractor as long as the minimum frequency requirement is met. Service may be provided by Collection 1954 Container at the option of the Service Recipient. The size of the Collection Container and the frequency 1955 (above the minimum) of Collection will be determined between the Service Recipient and Contractor. 1956 However, size and frequency must be sufficient to provide that no Recyclable Materials need be placed 1957 outside the Collection Container. Contractor may charge for Commercial Recycling Services above the 1958 weekly trash volume equivalent and must provide Recycling Collection Containers as a part of the Bundled 1959 Service with rates set forth in Exhibit 1. Service Recipients may own and provide their own Compactor 1960 provided that the Service Recipient is completely responsible for its proper maintenance, and such 1961 Compactor is of a type that is compatible with Contractor's equipment. All other Collection Containers used 1962 by Service Recipients must be owned and supplied by Contractor. 1963 12.04.4 Recycling - Improper Procedure. Contractor is not required to Collect Recyclable 1964 Materials if the Service Recipient does not segregate the Recyclable Materials from Commercial Solid Waste 1965 and Organic Waste. Furthermore, Contractor is not required to collect Recyclable Materials that are 1966 contaminated through commingling with Solid Waste or Organic Waste. To address contamination, 1967 Contractor must follow the steps as set forth in Section 5.07. 1968 12.04.5 Materials Recovery Facility. All Recyclable Materials Collected as a result of 1969 performing Recycling Services must be delivered to the Materials Recovery Facility listed in Exhibit 9. Failure 1970 to comply with this provision will result in the levy of a penalty as specified in Exhibit 6 and may result in 1971 Contractor being in default under this Agreement. All expenses related to materials processing and 1972 marketing will be the sole responsibility of Contractor. City has the right to designate Materials Recovery 1973 Facility and agrees to adjust Maximum Service Rates to reflect City’s exercise of flow control rights. 1974 12.04.6 Recycling - Changes to Work. Should changes in law arise that necessitate any 1975 additions or deletions to the work described herein including the type of items included as Recyclable 1976 Materials, the parties will negotiate any necessary cost changes and will enter into an Agreement 1977 amendment covering such modifications to the work to be performed and the compensation to be paid in 1978 accordance with Section 30.01.1 before undertaking any changes or revisions to such work. 1979 12.04.7 Compliance with AB 341 & SB 1383. Contractor will develop and maintain its 1980 Commercial Recycling Service in a manner designed to assist City and the Service Recipients to achieve 1981 and maintain compliance with the Applicable Law, inclusive of AB 341 and SB 1383. Contractor will notify 1982 Commercial Service Recipients of the requirements to comply with the laws by November 2023, and not 1983 less than annually thereafter. Contractor must provide the necessary volume of Collection Service to 1984 Commercial Service Units to be in full compliance with the Applicable Law. In conjunction with the City’s 1985 ordinance supporting full compliance with the Applicable Law, inclusive of AB 341 and SB 1383 by 1986 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 56 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Commercial Service Units (i.e., “generators”), Contractor will conduct in-person outreach to all non-1987 participating commercial covered generators a minimum of once per calendar year. Failure to conduct such 1988 outreach will result in a penalty as specified in Exhibit 6. 1989 12.04.8 Additional Recycling Collection containers. Contractor must provide additional 1990 Recycling Collection Containers to Commercial Service Recipients above the minimum requirements within 1991 five (5) days of request and may charge for such additional capacity set forth in Exhibit 1 provided that 1992 additional Collection Containers are used by Service Recipients for the purposes of setting out additional 1993 Recyclable Materials for regular weekly Commercial Recycling Service. 1994 12.05 Commercial Organic Waste Collection Service. This service is governed by the following 1995 terms and conditions: 1996 12.05.1 Conditions of Service. Contractor must provide Commercial Organic Waste 1997 Collection Service to all Commercial Service Units in the Service Area whose Organic Waste is properly 1998 containerized in Organic Collection Containers, where the Organic Waste Collection Containers are 1999 accessible. Contractor will conduct a site visit with each non-exempt Service Recipient to determine the 2000 specific materials to be included the Service Recipient’s Organic Waste Collection (i.e., Food Waste, Green 2001 Waste, combined Food and Green Waste). Contractor will charge for collection of Organic Waste within the 2002 Bundled Service rate specified in Exhibit 1. For Organic Waste collected in Collection Containers beyond 2003 the size specified in the Bundled Service rate, Contractor will charge at the rate set forth in Exhibit 1. 2004 Contractor agrees that not all Service Units will elect to receive Organic Waste Collection Service in Carts, 2005 and that Contractor will provide Organic Waste Collection Bins upon request and as necessary. Service 2006 Recipients may elect to add Green Waste only Collection Bins to their service at pricing included in Exhibit 2007 1. Contractor will provide a sufficient number of Collection Containers and at a collection frequency to allow 2008 for any such Service Unit to utilize the collection of Organic Waste. Commercial Organic Waste Collection 2009 will occur Monday through Saturday upon request and as necessary. City shall provide Contractor a list of 2010 the names and addresses of Commercial Service Units that are approved by City for exemption from Organic 2011 Waste Collection. 2012 12.05.2 Organic Waste Processing Services. Contractor must ensure that all Organic Waste 2013 Collected pursuant to this Agreement is diverted from the landfill in accordance with Applicable Law. 2014 Contractor must ensure that the Organic Waste Collected pursuant to this Agreement is not disposed of in 2015 a landfill, except for residue resulting from processing. If the organics processing facility accepts bagged 2016 organic waste, then Contractor is obligated to accept bagged Organic Waste. 2017 12.05.3 Organic Waste Processing Facility. Contractor must deliver all Collected Organic 2018 Waste to a fully permitted Organic Waste Processing Facility or a fully permitted Organic Waste transfer 2019 station listed in Exhibit 9. Failure to comply with this provision will result in the levy of a penalty as specified 2020 in Exhibit 6 and may result in Contractor being in default under this Agreement. All expenses related to 2021 Organic Waste processing and marketing will be the sole responsibility of Contractor. City has the right to 2022 designate Organic Waste Processing Facility and agrees to adjust Maximum Service Rates to reflect City’s 2023 exercise of flow control rights. 2024 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 57 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 12.05.4 Organic Waste Collection Frequency. Contractor must comply with CalRecycle 2025 collection frequency requirements as they may apply during the term of this Agreement. If any such changes 2026 to collection frequency are adopted after Effective Date that result in Contractor being allowed to reduce the 2027 frequency of Garbage or Organic Waste Collection, or otherwise cause Contractor to reduce its collection 2028 costs as a result in a change in Garbage or Organic Waste collection frequency, Contractor must provide 2029 City with its estimate of reduced its costs and shall make adjustments to the Maximum Service Rates. 2030 12.05.5 Base Commercial Organic Waste Service. All Commercial Service Recipients 2031 subscribing to Commercial Garbage Collection Service must receive weekly collection of the equivalent 2032 volume of at least one (1) 32-gallon Green Organic Waste Cart per Service Recipient at no additional cost 2033 as part of the base service included in the Bundled Service rate. The actual configuration of Organic Waste 2034 Collection Container sizes to be provided will be based on the total equivalent volume and configured in a 2035 manner determined by the Service Recipient in consultation with Contractor. Contractor may charge for 2036 Commercial Organic Waste Collection as set forth in Exhibit 1 for Commercial Organic Waste Service 2037 greater than the base 32-gallon Organic Waste Cart. 2038 12.05.6 Size and Frequency of Service. This service will be provided as deemed necessary 2039 and determined between Contractor and the Service Recipient, but such service must be received no less 2040 than one (1) time per week with no exception for holiday(s) as set forth herein, except that Collection service 2041 scheduled to fall on a holiday may be rescheduled as determined between the Service Recipient and 2042 Contractor as long as the minimum frequency requirement is met. Service may be provided by Bin or Cart 2043 at the option of the Service Recipient. The size of the container and the frequency (above the minimum) of 2044 Collection will be determined between the customer and Contractor. However, size and frequency must be 2045 sufficient to provide that no Organic Waste needs be placed outside the Collection Container. Service 2046 Recipients may own and provide their own Compactor provided that the Service Recipient is completely 2047 responsible for its proper maintenance, and such Compactor is of a type that is compatible with Contractor's 2048 equipment. All other Collection Containers used by Service Recipients must be owned and supplied by 2049 Contractor. 2050 12.05.7 Organic Waste - Improper Procedure. Contractor is not required to Collect Organic 2051 Waste if the Service Recipient does not separate the Organic Waste from Solid Waste and Recyclable 2052 Materials. Furthermore, Contractor is not required to collect Organic Waste that is contaminated through 2053 commingling with Solid Waste or Recyclable Materials. To address contamination, Contractor must follow 2054 the steps set forth in Section 5.07. 2055 12.05.8 Organic Waste - Changes to Services. Should changes in law arise that necessitate 2056 any additions or deletions to the services described in this Section including the type of items included as 2057 Organic Waste, the parties will negotiate any necessary cost changes and will enter into an Agreement 2058 amendment covering such modifications to the services to be performed and the compensation to be paid 2059 in accordance with Section 30.01.1 before undertaking any changes or revisions to such services. 2060 12.05.9 Compliance with AB 1826 & SB 1383. Contractor will develop and maintain its 2061 Commercial Organic Waste Collection Service in a manner designed to assist City and Service Recipients 2062 to achieve and maintain compliance with Applicable Law inclusive of AB 1826 and SB 1383. Contractor will 2063 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 58 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 notify non-exempt covered businesses of the requirements to comply with the Applicable Law in November 2064 2023, and no less than annually thereafter. Contractor will offer to provide the volume of collection service 2065 that covered businesses require to be in compliance with the law. In conjunction with the City’s ordinance 2066 supporting full compliance with the Applicable Law inclusive of AB 341, SB 1383 and AB 827 by Commercial 2067 Service Units (i.e., “generators”), Contractor will conduct in-person outreach to all non-participating non-2068 exempt commercial covered generators as specified in Section 20.02. Failure to conduct such outreach will 2069 result in a penalty as specified in Exhibit 6. 2070 12.05.10 Additional Organic Waste Collection Containers. Contractor must provide 2071 additional Organic Waste Collection Containers to Service Recipients at the rates listed in Exhibit 1 provided 2072 that additional Collection Containers are used by Service Recipients for the proposes of setting out additional 2073 Organic Waste materials for regular weekly Organic Waste Collection Service. 2074 Article 13. Mixed Use Dwelling Service (MXD) 2075 13.01 MXD Collection Service. As in Section 12.01. 2076 13.02 MXD Solid Waste Collection Service. As in Section 12.03. 2077 13.03 MXD Recycling Service. As in Section 12.04. 2078 13.04 MXD Move In/Out Collection Service. As in Section 10.08.4. 2079 13.05 MXD Organic Waste Collection Service. As in Section 12.05. 2080 13.06 MXD Bulky Waste Collection Services. As in Section 10.10; Contractor may charge Service 2081 Recipients for Bulky Waste Collections subject to the Maximum Service Rate in Exhibit 1. 2082 Article 14. City Services 2083 14.01 City Collection Services. 2084 14.01.1 Contractor shall provide Garbage, Recycling, and Organic Waste Collection 2085 Services to all City Service Units set forth in Exhibit 3, or as City may designate in the future (and where 2086 applicable, subject to the conditions in this Section), where the Containers are not blocked and are 2087 accessible by Contractor’s Collection Vehicles. 2088 14.01.2 Bulky Waste Collection Service. Contractor shall collect Bulky Waste , including E-2089 Waste and Universal Waste, from City Services Units as listed on Exhibit 3 on an on-call basis on the same 2090 terms and conditions as are provided to SFD Service Units per Section 10.10. 2091 14.01.3 City Transit Shelters. Contractor shall provide Garbage collection services to public 2092 trash cans and City-owned bus stops. Collection service at City Transit Shelters shall include power washing 2093 public trash cans and maintaining cleanliness in and around the trash cans. City Transit Shelter Garbage 2094 collection service areas are specified in Exhibit 3. 2095 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 59 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 14.01.4 Development Review. Contractor, upon City’s request, shall assist the City in the 2096 review of applicants’ plans for projects covered by Public Resources Code § 42911, including commercial 2097 and multi-family projects, to provide for effective and economical accumulation and collection of Solid Waste. 2098 14.01.5 Abandoned Waste Removal. Within one (1) Work Day of a request from the 2099 Agreement Administrator, Contractor shall provide abandoned waste removal services. Contractor shall be 2100 responsible for loading or arranging for loading of abandoned waste. Contractor shall collect, transport and 2101 deliver abandoned waste to a Disposal Facility, the Materials Recovery Facility, or Organics Processing 2102 Facility, as appropriate given the characteristics of the abandoned waste. Contractor shall collect, transport 2103 and process the abandoned waste from up to sixty (60) illegal dumping locations identified by the City each 2104 Agreement Year at no charge to the City. Contractor shall be entitled to charge the City for collected materials 2105 exceeding sixty (60) collections per Agreement Year in accordance with the Service Recipient Rates as set 2106 forth in Exhibit 1. 2107 14.02 City Collection Conditions of Service. City Collection Services shall be governed by the 2108 following terms and conditions: 2109 14.02.1 Contractor’s Good Will. In exchange for the good will of the City and the general 2110 public, Contractor voluntarily agrees to provide Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services under this Article 2111 at no cost to the City excepting excess service as provided in this Article, and warrants that such service 2112 shall neither impact the Maximum Service Rates nor be otherwise paid for or subsidized by any other Service 2113 Recipients. 2114 14.02.2 Contractor shall receive written permission from the City before placing any 2115 Collection Containers on City owned property for service, except that no such permission shall be needed 2116 to place Collection Containers at locations specified for such Containers in Exhibit 3. 2117 14.02.3 Contractor shall limit the number of trips and the path of travel for Collection 2118 Vehicles in City parking lots. 2119 14.02.4 Container Service. City Facilities shall be provided Integrated Solid Waste Handling 2120 Services generally subject to the same terms and conditions as similar Service Units regarding Container 2121 specifications, repair, replacement, cleanings, and exchange; provided the City shall not be charged for any 2122 requests for such services. 2123 14.02.5 Frequency of Service. The frequency of collection may be designated by the City, 2124 but not to exceed six (6) times per week per container. City may change the City Service Units receiving 2125 service, and the container volume and Collection frequency provided to any City Service Unit, by written 2126 notice to Contractor. 2127 Article 15. Additional Services 2128 15.01 Reserved. 2129 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 60 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Article 16. Collection Routes 2130 16.01 Service Routes. Contractor must provide City with maps and digital mapping data precisely 2131 defining Collection routes, together with the days and the times at which Collection will regularly commence. 2132 16.02 Initial Route Changes. Contractor agrees not to change any Residential Integrated Solid 2133 Waste Handling Services routes in effect as of the Effective Date of this Agreement prior to July 1, 2024, 2134 except for limited route changes that may be necessary for new development, and subject to review and 2135 approval by the City. After July 1, 2024, if any re-routing of Residential Integrated Solid Waste Handling 2136 Services is necessary for collection efficiency, Contractor may submit to City, in writing, proposed route 2137 changes (including maps thereof) not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the proposed date of 2138 implementation. Any such initial routing change may not affect more than ten percent (10%) of SFD Service 2139 Units in the City and is subject to City review and approval. 2140 16.03 Future Service Route Changes. Contractor must submit to City, in writing, any proposed 2141 route change (including maps thereof) not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the proposed date of 2142 implementation. Contractor may not implement any route changes without the prior review of the Agreement 2143 Administrator. If the change will change the Collection day for a Service Recipient, Contractor must notify 2144 those Service Recipients in writing of route changes not less than thirty (30) days before the proposed date 2145 of implementation. 2146 16.04 Collection Route Audits. City reserves the right to conduct audits of Contractor’s Collection 2147 routes. Contractor must cooperate with City in connection therewith, including permitting City employees or 2148 agents, designated by the Agreement Administrator, to ride in the Collection Vehicles to conduct the audits. 2149 Contractor has no responsibility or liability for the salary, wages, benefits or worker compensation claims of 2150 any person designated by the Agreement Administrator to conduct such audits. 2151 Article 17. Minimum Performance Standards 2152 17.01 Billing Audit and Performance Reviews. 2153 17.01.1 Contractor Shall Review its Billings to all Customers. The purpose of the review is 2154 to determine that the amount which the Contractor is billing each Customer is correct regarding the level of 2155 service (i.e., frequency of collection, size of container, location of container) at the rates approved by City 2156 Council resolution. The Contractor shall review Customer accounts not less than annually and provide a 2157 written certification to the City that all such billing is correct. The documentation of the review, as well as 2158 verification that any errors have been corrected should be provided to the City annually. 2159 17.01.2 Selection and Cost. City may conduct billing audit and performance reviews 2160 (together, “reviews”) of Contractor’s performance during the term of this Agreement, as provided herein. The 2161 reviews will be performed by the City or a qualified firm under contract to City. City will have the final 2162 responsibility for the selection of the firm. City may conduct reviews at any time during the term of the 2163 Agreement. City and Contractor agree to each pay one hundred-percent (100%) of the cost of the audits 2164 and performance reviews provided for under Section 17.01. 2165 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 61 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Full Reviews During Term. City may conduct two (2) full reviews 2166 with costs apportioned as stated in Section 17.01.2 during the l Term of this Agreement. The purpose of 2167 these full reviews will be as described in Section 17.01.3 below. 2168 17.01.3 Purpose. The reviews will be designed to verify that customer billing rates have 2169 been properly calculated and they correspond to the level of service received by the customer, verify that 2170 Contractor is correctly billing for all services provided, Franchise Fees and other fees required under this 2171 Agreement have been properly calculated and paid to City, verify Contractor’s compliance with the reporting 2172 requirements and performance standards of this Agreement, verify the diversion percentages reported by 2173 Contractor, and verify any other provisions of the Agreement. City (or its designated consultant) may utilize 2174 a variety of methods in the execution of this review, including, but not limited to, analysis of relevant 2175 documents, on-site and field observations, and interviews. City (or its designated consultant) will review and 2176 document the items in the Agreement that require Contractor to meet specific performance standards, submit 2177 information or reports, perform additional services, or document operating procedures, that can be 2178 objectively evaluated. This information will be documented and be formatted in a “compliance checklist” with 2179 supporting documentation and findings tracked for each of the identified items. The review will specifically 2180 include a determination of Contractor’s compliance with the diversion requirements of Article 8, and the 2181 public outreach and education requirements of Article 20. City (or its designated consultant) may review the 2182 customer service functions and structure utilized by Contractor. This may include Contractor’s protocol for 2183 addressing customer complaints and service interruption procedures. Complaint logs may be reviewed, 2184 along with procedures and systems for tracking and addressing complaints. On-site and field observations 2185 by City (or its designated consultant) may include, but are not necessarily limited to: 2186 Interviews and discussions with Contractor’s administration and 2187 management personnel; 2188 Review and observation of Contractor’s customer service functions 2189 and structure; 2190 Review of public education and outreach materials; 2191 Interviews and discussions with Contractor’s financial and accounting 2192 personnel; 2193 Interviews with route dispatchers, field supervisors and managers; 2194 Interviews with route drivers; 2195 Interviews with vehicle maintenance staff and observation of 2196 maintenance practices; and 2197 Review of on-route Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, 2198 including observation of driver performance and collection productivity 2199 and visual inspection of residential routes before and after collection 2200 to evaluate cart placement and cleanliness of streets. 2201 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 62 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 17.01.4 Contractor’s Cooperation. Contractor shall cooperate fully with the review and 2202 provide all requested data, including operational data, financial data, and other data reasonably requested 2203 by City within fifteen (15) Work Days of the request. 2204 17.01.5 Additional Billing Audit and Performance Review. In the event that the Billing Audit 2205 and Performance Review concludes that Contractor is not in compliance with all terms and conditions of this 2206 Agreement and such non-compliance is material, Contractor is subject to administrative fees and penalties 2207 as described in Exhibit 6 as well as reimbursement to the City for the full cost of the audit plus any 2208 underpayments discovered during the Audit. Additionally, City may conduct an Additional Billing Audit and 2209 Performance Review beyond the two (2) specified in Section 17.01.2, to ensure that Contractor has cured 2210 any such area of non-compliance. Contractor will be responsible for the cost of any such Additional Billing 2211 Audit and Performance Review for a maximum cost of One-hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000) 2212 (starting on July 1, 2024 and each January 1st thereafter, with the maximum cost for the review adjusted 2213 annually by the change in the CPI). For the purposes of a determination of non-compliance under this 2214 Agreement, Audit findings which result in underpayments of $100,000 or more shall be deemed material. 2215 17.01.6 City Requested Program Review. City reserves the right to require Contractor to 2216 periodically conduct reviews of the Garbage, Recycling, and Organic Waste Collection Service programs, 2217 provided that such reviews are reasonable and can be accomplished at no additional cost to Contractor and 2218 without interfering with Contractor’s operations. Such reviews could assess one or more of the following 2219 performance indicators: average volume of Recyclable Materials per setout per customer, average volume 2220 of Organic Waste per setout per customer, participation level, contamination levels, etc. Prior to the program 2221 evaluation review, City and Contractor will meet and discuss the purpose of the review and agree on the 2222 method, scope, and data to be provided by Contractor. 2223 17.02 Cooperation with Other Program Reviews. Contractor shall cooperate with City and/or its 2224 agent(s) as reasonably requested to collect program data, perform field work, conduct route audits to 2225 investigate customer participation levels and setout volumes and/or evaluate and monitor program results 2226 related to Garbage, Recyclable Materials and Organic Waste collected in City by Contractor, provided that 2227 such cooperation can be accomplished at no additional cost to Contractor and without interfering with 2228 Contractor’s operations. 2229 Article 18. Collection Equipment 2230 18.01 General Provisions. All equipment used by Contractor in the performance of services under 2231 this Agreement must be of a high quality and meet all Federal, State, and local regulations and air quality 2232 standards, including all applicable provisions of Air Quality Management District. Collection vehicles must be 2233 designed and operated so as to prevent collected materials from escaping from the vehicles. Hoppers must 2234 be closed on top and on all sides with screening material to prevent collected materials from leaking, blowing 2235 or falling from the vehicles. All trucks and containers must be watertight and must be operated so that liquids 2236 do not spill during Collection or in transit. 2237 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 63 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 18.02 Bulky Waste. Vehicles used for Collection of Bulky Waste may not use compactor 2238 mechanisms or mechanical handling equipment that may damage reusable goods or release Freon or other 2239 gases from pressurized appliances. 2240 18.03 Collection Vehicles. Contractor must use Collection Vehicles as listed in the schedule 2241 included in Exhibit 5 and may not use any Collection Vehicle that is more than ten (10) years old during the 2242 term of the Agreement. Contractor shall register all new Collection Vehicles under this Agreement to its 2243 address within the City, and shall report all purchases of Collection Vehicles under this Agreement as 2244 attributable to the City for sales tax purposes. Collection Vehicles must utilize low carbon (“alternative”) fuel, 2245 which must be renewable natural gas, LNG, CNG, or electric unless otherwise pre- authorized by the City in 2246 writing. Contractor shall transition all of its franchise residential and commercial collection vehicles to 2247 renewable natural gas (RNG) by December 31, 2025. If during the term of the Franchise Agreement, new 2248 technologies are available such as hybrid or electric powered collection vehicles, the City or the Contractor 2249 may request/negotiate implementation of such new collection vehicles, with a corresponding change to the 2250 Maximum Service Rates to reflect additional cost or savings. During the Term, to the extent required by law, 2251 Contractor shall provide its Collection Vehicles to be in full compliance with all Applicable Laws, including 2252 State and Federal clean air requirements that are adopted or proposed to be adopted, including, but not 2253 limited to, the California Air Resources Board Heavy Duty Engine Standards as currently proposed to be 2254 contained in California Code of Regulations, title 13, sections 2020 et seq., the Federal EPA’s Highway Diesel 2255 Fuel Sulfur regulations and all other applicable air pollution control laws. 2256 18.04 Collection Vehicle Technology. Contractor must use Collection Vehicles fitted with GPS 2257 tracking devices that can be used to record start and stop times, vehicle locations, and maximum speed. 2258 Contractor shall furnish to the City at no additional cost or expense any software and equipment necessary 2259 for City to track the location of Collection Vehicles in real time and to generate reports as needed. Collection 2260 Vehicles must also be fitted with cameras that are programmed to take photos, date and location stamped, 2261 to document violations, including contamination, overfilling, and lids not closed. GPS and camera data must 2262 be accessible by City. 2263 18.05 Collection Vehicle Size Limitations / Overweigh Vehicle Charge. Contractor may not use 2264 any Collection Vehicle in violation of weight limitations in Applicable Law including any weight limitation placed 2265 on any public roadway or alley as adopted and posted by City. The Contractor may exceed the Collection 2266 Vehicle size limitation for a limited time due to extraordinary circumstances or conditions with the prior written 2267 consent of the Agreement Administrator. The limited time may not exceed 120 days. Contractor must report 2268 all instances of overweight vehicles to City as part of its quarterly Franchise Fee submittal described in Section 2269 4.03, and as part of its Annual Reports to the City described in Section 22.03. Contractor may be assessed 2270 administrative charges as specified in Exhibit 6 as a result of exceeding an overweight vehicle rate of five 2271 percent (5.00%) in any Calendar Year during the term of the Agreement. The overweight vehicle rate will be 2272 calculated as the total number of overweight Collection Vehicle instances during the Calendar Year, divided 2273 by the total number of Collection Vehicle loads transported during the Calendar Year. Prior to collecting 2274 administrative charges for overweight vehicles, the City shall afford Contractor a reasonable opportunity to 2275 provide the Agreement Administrator documentation of the extraordinary circumstance that caused the 2276 overweight vehicles. Extraordinary circumstances in this particular case include, but may be limited to, heavy 2277 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 64 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 rains or high winds that caused excess Green Waste to be generated, rain to accumulate in open Collection 2278 Containers, or normal Collection routes to be delayed or shortened to extreme weather conditions. The 2279 Agreement Administrator shall have authority to consider Contractor’s documentation and uphold and collect 2280 the assessed charge, to reduce the charge, or waive and dismiss the charge. The Agreement Administrator 2281 shall also have the authority to waive charges in advance of an anticipated, or in response to and actual, 2282 emergency event. 2283 18.06 Registration; Inspection. All vehicles used by Contractor in providing Integrated Solid 2284 Waste Handling Services under this Agreement, except those vehicles used solely on Contractor’s premises, 2285 are to be registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles. In addition, each such vehicle must be 2286 inspected by the California Highway Patrol in accordance with Applicable Law. Within two (2) Work Days of 2287 a request from the Agreement Administrator, Contractor must provide City a copy of its vehicle maintenance 2288 log and any safety compliance report, including, but not limited to, any report issued under California Vehicle 2289 Code sections 34500 and following, as well as the biennial “BIT” inspections conducted by the California 2290 Highway Patrol. 2291 18.07 Safety Markings. All Collection equipment used by Contractor must have appropriate safety 2292 markings including, but not limited to, highway lighting, flashing and warning lights, clearance lights, and 2293 warning flags. All such safety markings must be in accordance with the requirements of the California Vehicle 2294 Code, as may be amended from time to time. 2295 18.08 Vehicle Signage and Painting. Collection Vehicles must be painted and numbered without 2296 repetition and must have Contractor's name, Contractor’s customer service telephone number, and the 2297 number of the vehicle painted in letters of contrasting color, at least four (4) inches high, on each side and 2298 the rear of each vehicle. All Collection Vehicles shall display the words “Servicing the City of Rosemead” 2299 in letters no less than two inches (2”) high and the City Seal. No advertising is permitted other than the name 2300 of Contractor, its logo and registered service marks, except promotional advertisement of the Recyclable 2301 Materials and Organic Waste programs, which is encouraged. City to approve any promotional material of 2302 the Recyclable Materials and Organic Waste Programs affixed to or painted on Contractor’s Collection 2303 Vehicles and may require such promotion to be utilized from time to time to encourage correct recycling, 2304 reduce contamination, and provide relevant education. Contractor must repaint all vehicles (including vehicles 2305 striping) during the term of this Agreement on a frequency as necessary to maintain a positive public image 2306 as reasonably determined by the Agreement Administrator, but not less often than once every five years. 2307 18.09 Bin and Roll-off Signage, Painting, and Cleaning. All metal bins and Roll-offs of any service 2308 type furnished by Contractor must be either painted or galvanized. All metal or plastic bins and Roll-offs must 2309 display Contractor’s name, Contractor’s customer service telephone number, and the number of the Bin or 2310 Roll-off and must be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Bins and Roll-offs should be free of dents and 2311 graffiti and newly painted at the start of this Agreement and painted as needed to maintain an orderly 2312 appearance throughout the term of the Agreement, but not less frequently than once every three years. Bins 2313 and Roll-offs may be subject to periodic, unscheduled inspections by City and determination as to sanitary 2314 condition will be made by City. 2315 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 65 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 18.10 Vehicle Certification. For each Collection Vehicle used in the performance of services 2316 under this Agreement, Contractor must obtain a certificate of compliance (smog check) issued pursuant to 2317 Part 5 of Division 26 of the California Health and Safety Code (Section 43000 and following) and regulations 2318 promulgated thereunder and/or a safety compliance report issued pursuant to Division 14.8 of the California 2319 Vehicle Code (Section 34500 and following) and the regulations promulgated thereunder, as applicable to 2320 the vehicle. Contractor must maintain copies of such certificates and reports and must make such certificates 2321 and reports available for inspection upon request by the Agreement Administrator. 2322 18.10.1 No later than annually, Contractor must submit to the Agreement Administrator 2323 verification that each of the Contractor’s Collection Vehicles has passed the California Heavy Duty Vehicle 2324 Inspection. Thereafter, Contractor must cause each vehicle in Contractor’s Collection fleet to be tested 2325 annually in the California Heavy Duty Inspection Program and must, upon request, submit written verification 2326 to City within ten (10) Work Days of the completion of such test. Contractor may not use any vehicle that 2327 does not pass such inspection. 2328 18.11 Equipment Maintenance. Contractor must maintain Collection equipment in a clean 2329 condition and in good repair at all times. All parts and systems of the Collection equipment must operate 2330 properly and be maintained in a condition satisfactory to City. Contractor must wash all Collection Vehicles 2331 at least once a week. 2332 18.12 Maintenance Log. Contractor must maintain a maintenance log for all Collection Vehicles. 2333 The log must at all times be accessible to City by physical inspection upon request of Agreement 2334 Administrator, and must show, at a minimum, each vehicle Contractor assigned identification number, date 2335 purchased or initial lease, dates of performance of routine maintenance, dates of performance of any 2336 additional maintenance, and description of additional maintenance performed. 2337 18.13 Equipment Inventory. On or before January 1, 2024, Contractor shall provide to City an 2338 inventory of Collection Vehicles and major equipment used by Contractor for Collection or transportation and 2339 performance of services under this Agreement. The inventory must indicate each Collection Vehicle by 2340 Contractor assigned identification number, DMV license number, the age of the chassis and body, type of 2341 fuel used, the type and capacity of each vehicle, the number of vehicles by type, the date of acquisition, the 2342 decibel rating and the maintenance and rebuild status. Contractor must submit to the Agreement 2343 Administrator, either by fax or e-mail, an updated inventory annually to the City or more often at the request 2344 of the Agreement Administrator. Each inventory must also include the tare weight of each vehicle as 2345 determined by weighing at a certified scale used by Contractor. Each vehicle inventory must be accompanied 2346 by a certification signed by Contractor that all Collection Vehicles meet the requirements of this Agreement. 2347 18.14 Reserve Equipment. Contractor shall have available to it, at all times, reserve Collection 2348 equipment which can be put into service and operation within one (1) hour of any breakdown. Such reserve 2349 equipment must correspond in size and capacity to the equipment used by the Contractor to perform the 2350 contractual duties. 2351 18.15 RNG Fuel Procurement Credits. Contractor agrees to coordinate and cooperate with the 2352 City to meet its Recovered Organic Waste Product procurement target, as defined in and required by 2353 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 66 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Applicable Law. In support of that objective the City will receive any applicable SB 1383 Recovered Organic 2354 Waste Product procurement credits for all RNG used by the Contractor to power Contractor’s Collection 2355 vehicles as allowed by the Applicable Law and within the time provided therein. 2356 Article 19. Contractor’s Office 2357 19.01 Contractor’s Office. Contractor shall maintain an office in the City of Rosemead, California 2358 that is accessible to persons with disabilities as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Such 2359 office must be equipped with enough telephones that all Collection Service-related calls received during 2360 normal business hours are answered by an employee within five (5) rings. The office must have responsible 2361 persons in charge during Collection hours and must be open during such normal business hours, 7:00 a.m. 2362 to 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and during Collection Service 2363 hours. Contractor must provide either a local or toll-free telephone number that connects to the call center 2364 described in Section 19.02, and a telephone answering service or mechanical device to receive Service 2365 Recipient inquiries during those times when the office is closed. Calls received after normal business hours 2366 must be addressed the next Work Day morning. 2367 19.02 Customer Service Call Center. Contractor must maintain a Customer Service call center 2368 within the United States. Such office must be equipped with enough telephones that all customer service-2369 related calls received during normal business hours, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday and 2370 Saturday during Collection Service hours from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., are answered by an employee within five 2371 (5) rings. 2372 19.03 Emergency Contact. Contractor must provide the Agreement Administrator with an 2373 emergency phone number where the Contractor can be reached outside of the required office hours. 2374 19.04 Multilingual/TDD Service. Contractor must always maintain the capability of responding to 2375 telephone calls in English, Spanish, Mandarin, Vietnamese, and such other languages as City may direct. 2376 Contractor must always maintain the capability of responding to telephone calls through Telecommunications 2377 Device for the Deaf (TDD) Services. 2378 19.05 Service Recipient Calls. During office hours, Contractor must maintain a telephone 2379 answering system capable of accepting at least five (5) incoming calls at one time. Contractor must record all 2380 calls including any inquiries, service requests and complaints into a customer service log. 2381 19.05.1 All incoming calls will be answered at the local office or call center within 5 rings. 2382 Any call “on-hold” in excess of 1.5 minutes must have the option to remain “on-hold” or request a “call-back” 2383 from a customer service representative. Contractor’s customer service representatives must return Service 2384 Recipient calls. For all messages left before 3:00 p.m., all “call backs” must be attempted a minimum of one 2385 time prior to 5:00 p.m. on the day of the call. For messages left after 3:00 p.m., all “call backs” must be 2386 attempted a minimum of one time prior to noon the next Work Day. Contractor must make minimum of three 2387 (3) attempts within one (1) Work Day of the receipt of the call. If Contractor is unable to reach the Service 2388 Recipient on the next Work Day, Contractor must send a postcard, email or text, as indicated by the Service 2389 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 67 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Recipient to the Service Recipient on the second Work Day after the call was received, indicating that the 2390 Contractor has attempted to return the call. 2391 Article 20. Contractor Support Services 2392 20.01 Sustainability/Compliance Representative. Contractor will hire staff, including at least two 2393 dedicated full-time Sustainability/Compliance Representatives as of the Commencement Date, to conduct 2394 site visits and provide outreach and education in support of meeting Franchise and CalRecycle Diversion 2395 requirements and to meet State mandates associated with Applicable Law and all amendments and related 2396 subsequent legislation. The Sustainability/Compliance Representatives shall be available as needed to meet 2397 with the City and conduct site visits to implement Recycling and Organics programs in the Service Area at 2398 least four days a week throughout the year. City may request monthly meetings with Contractor to discuss 2399 problems or issues such as Collection or Recycling programs, Billing or Service Recipient service issues, and 2400 day to day operations. City and Contractor agree to meet and confer to reevaluate the ongoing need for two 2401 dedicated full-time Sustainability/Compliance Representatives on or around August 1, 2025. 2402 20.02 Sustainability and Compliance Plan. Contractor, at its own expense, must prepare, submit 2403 and implement an annual (Calendar Year) Sustainability and Compliance Plan (“Plan”), which will guide 2404 Contractor’s staffs’ work efforts. This Plan will include measures to meet diversion targets, increase diversion, 2405 and increase participation of Service Recipients in recycling and organics diversion programs, and should 2406 target certain Recyclable Materials or “problem” areas, including recycling and organics sorting and 2407 contamination, within Contractor’s Service Area where improvements can be maximized. Planned outreach 2408 and education services, and outreach materials should be included as part of the Plan and updated annually. 2409 Targets of outreach should be based on local trends and recycling patterns from data obtained by both the 2410 City and Contractor. Contractor will maintain current and state-of-the-art public outreach and education 2411 services throughout the term of this Agreement by providing outreach materials to Service Recipients 2412 electronically (via email and social media). Contractor must submit first year draft Plan to the City prior to the 2413 Commencement Date and by July 1st each year thereafter for the term of the Agreement. City shall review 2414 and provide revisions to draft Plan within thirty (30) days of receipt. Contractor must revise and submit final 2415 Plan to City by September 1, 2023 for first year and then each year thereafter for the term of the Agreement. 2416 Contractor’s Plan is provided in Exhibit 10. The Sustainability and Compliance Plan must include the 2417 following: 2418 20.02.1 City-Specific Website. Contractor shall maintain a City-specific website that fully 2419 explains the Contractor’s current services and rates, the diversion options available, and allows Service 2420 Recipients to submit service changes, inquiries, complaints or queries. The website must describe and 2421 promote the use of the available Recyclable Materials and Organics services. Contractor’s local website 2422 must provide information specific to the City’s programs. Contractor will ensure that information provided on 2423 the website is maintained and up-to-date. Content will include proper container set out, educational 2424 materials, newsletters and program descriptions. Website shall be in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and 2425 Vietnamese. 2426 20.02.2 Recycling Resources. Contractor shall maintain accurate list of recyclable materials 2427 on its website, and promote proper recycling to all Service Recipients. Contractor shall consult, collaborate, 2428 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 68 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 and coordinate its recycling outreach and educational materials and activities with the City and incorporate 2429 the City’s input on the Contractor’s recycling resources and programs. 2430 20.02.3 School Education and Outreach. Contractor shall develop and utilize a program to 2431 educate on proper recycling that offers tools to assist with proper recycling for all ages. Educational 2432 information should include brochures, school resources such as recycling curriculums, kid’s activity flyers, 2433 posters, myth busters, and recycling art activities. Contractor shall develop and distribute educational 2434 material, and conduct onsite outreach annually to all school campuses in the franchise area. Materials must 2435 be approved by City before distribution. Examples include: Recyclable Materials list, Recycling tips, battery 2436 and bulb education, Food Waste collection and donation, and HHW education. Educational material shall 2437 be distributed to campuses by mail and/or in person on or before September 30th annually, and site visits 2438 must be completed by November 30th. 2439 20.02.4 MORe Compliance Notices. Contractor shall send Mandatory Organics Recycling 2440 (MORe) compliance notices quarterly to all eligible Commercial entities and MFDs/MXDs that do not 2441 subscribe to Organic Waste Collection Service with the Contractor, and/or do not provide an alternate 2442 method for Diverting Organic Waste, in conformance with Applicable Law, including SB 1383 and AB 1826. 2443 These notices shall also notify businesses of requirements under AB 827. Contractor shall mail notifications 2444 quarterly on or before the last day of the month following the end of the quarter. 2445 20.02.5 MCR Compliance Notices. Contractor shall send Mandatory Commercial Recycling 2446 (MCR) compliance notices quarterly to all eligible Commercial entities and MFD’s that do not subscribe to 2447 recycling collection service with the Contractor, and/or do not provide an alternate method for diverting 2448 recyclable materials, in conformance with AB 341. These notices shall also notify businesses of 2449 requirements under AB 827. Contractor shall mail notifications quarterly on or before the last day of the 2450 month following the end of the quarter. 2451 20.02.6 MORe Site Visits. Contractor shall conduct site visits to all eligible Commercial 2452 entities and MFDs/MXDs once per year for the first three years and thereafter every other year for 2453 businesses that subscribe to Organics Collection Service and every year for businesses that do not 2454 subscribe to organics collection service in conformance with SB 1383 and AB 1826. Contractor shall conduct 2455 visits on or before June 30th. 2456 20.02.7 MCR Site Visits. Contractor shall conduct site visits to all eligible Commercial 2457 entities and MFDs/MXDs once per year for the first three years and thereafter every other year for 2458 businesses that subscribe to Recycling Collection Service and every year for businesses do not subscribe 2459 to Recycling Collection Service with the Contractor. Contractor shall conduct visits on or before June 30th. 2460 20.02.8 Waste Audits. Contractor shall complete Recycling and Solid Waste audits for 2461 twenty (20) Commercial or MXD Service Recipients per month and provide recommendations to customers 2462 on how to improve overall resource efficiency. 2463 20.02.9 Compliance Reporting. Contractor shall report contaminations and overage issues 2464 via the City’s Waste Reporting System. 2465 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 69 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 20.02.10 Right-sizing Containers. Contractor must right-size Collection Containers to 2466 maximize diversion from SFD, MFD, MXD and Commercial Service Recipients. 2467 20.02.11 Education and Outreach Materials. Contractor must implement public education 2468 and outreach in conformance with Applicable Law and in coordination with the City. Contractor shall attend 2469 public events and host booths to promote recycling education and awareness. Contractor will work with City 2470 to identify which special events will be attended. Contractor, together with City, shall work with local media 2471 to ensure information on new programs, events, recycling, organics etc. is communicated to the community. 2472 Contractor shall use a variety of options such as local paper, news, websites, social media, Homeowners 2473 Associations, schools and civic groups to distribute information and education about City solid waste and 2474 recycling programs, and events. Contractor shall distribute educational material to Service Recipients a 2475 minimum of once a quarter by mail or electronically. All educational and outreach materials shall be provided 2476 in English, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Spanish Languages. These materials should include tips on recycling 2477 properly, use of organics containers, composting, battery and electronics education, prevention of 2478 contamination issues, proper Collection Container placement, resource information, and HHW education. 2479 20.02.12 Service Recipient Personnel Training. Contractor shall advise and educate 2480 appropriate personnel (management, employees, janitors, etc.) at MFD/MXD and Commercial Service Units 2481 on methods and recommendations to increase recycling and decrease landfilling including best practices for 2482 recycling, waste reduction and availability and use of in-house recycling containers. 2483 20.02.13 Available Services Notice and Information. At least annually Contractor must 2484 publish and distribute (by mail or electronically) a notice to all Service Units regarding the full range of 2485 services offered. The notice must contain at a minimum (i) definitions of the materials to be Collected, (ii) 2486 procedures for setting out materials, (iii) the days when Garbage Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, 2487 Recycling Services, and Organic Waste Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services will be provided, (iv) 2488 Contractor’s local customer service phone number, (v) instructions on the proper filling of Containers, (vi) 2489 instructions as to what materials may or may not be placed in Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste 2490 Containers, (vii) how to select Container sizes to maximize diversion, (viii) participation in Recycling and 2491 Organic Waste programs, (ix) the fees for overage and Contamination in the event of non-compliance, (x) 2492 the availability of on-premises Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, including the availability of no-2493 charge on-premises Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services for qualified persons, (xi) Bulky Waste 2494 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, (xii) the dates and locations of Neighborhood Cleanup days, and 2495 (xiii) the dates and locations of Free Large Item Drop-off days. The notice must be provided in English, and 2496 other languages as directed by the City, and must be distributed by Contractor no later than February 1st of 2497 each year. 2498 20.02.14 Approach to Meeting City’s Diversion Requirements. Contractor must document 2499 approach to meeting City’s diversion requirements by specific diversion program type (SFD, MFD, 2500 Commercial, Recyclable Material, Organic Waste, Bulky Waste, etc.) and must be tied to both specific and 2501 public education programs. This must include an implementation schedule showing the specific programs 2502 and tasks, milestones, and time frames for meeting the diversion requirements. 2503 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 70 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 20.02.15 Tonnage Table. Contractor must provide as part of the Plan, a tonnage table 2504 segregated by SFD, MFD, MXD, Commercial, and Additional Services that estimates tonnages for 2505 Recyclable Material and Organic Waste delivered and processed, and the estimated residual tonnages for 2506 each calendar year of the Franchise Agreement. 2507 20.02.16 Environmental Stewardship. Contractor must describe all environmental 2508 management policies and activities related to the solid waste collection service, including the use of 2509 alternative fuel vehicles, reduction of air emissions and wear and tear on the City’s streets, use of recycled 2510 products throughout operations, internal waste reduction and reuse protocol, water and resource 2511 conservation activities within facilities (design, construction and operation), compliance with laws governing 2512 e-waste, HHW, and u-waste, and use of non-toxic products when possible. 2513 20.03 News Media Relations. Contractor will work with local media to ensure information is 2514 communicated to community (new programs, events, recycling information, etc.). Contractor to use options, 2515 such as; local Newspaper, Radio/TV News outlets, Websites and Social Media. Contractor will notify the 2516 Agreement Administrator by e-mail or phone of all requests for news media interviews related to the services 2517 covered under this Franchise Agreement within one (1) Work Day of Contractor’s receipt of the request. When 2518 practicable, before responding to any inquiries involving controversial issues or any issues likely to affect 2519 participation or customer’s perception of services, Contractor will discuss Contractor’s proposed response 2520 with the City Agreement Administrator. 2521 20.04 Annual Recycling Awards. Contractor will recognize outstanding participation in Recycling 2522 and/or Organic Waste programs by identifying “recycling all-stars” for recognition at a City Council meeting 2523 during each November, beginning November 2024. 2524 20.05 News Media Requests. Contractor will notify the Agreement Administrator by e-mail or 2525 phone of all requests for news media interviews related to the services covered under this Agreement within 2526 one (1) Work Day of Contractor’s receipt of the request. When practicable, before responding to any inquiries 2527 involving controversial issues or any issues likely to affect participation or Service Recipient’s perception of 2528 services, Contractor will discuss Contractor’s proposed response with the Agreement Administrator. 2529 20.05.1 Copies of draft news releases or proposed trade journal articles that use the name 2530 of City or relate to the services provided hereunder must be submitted to the Agreement Administrator for 2531 prior review and approval at least five (5) working days in advance of release, except where Contractor is 2532 required by any Applicable Law to submit materials to any regulatory agency in a shorter period of time, in 2533 which case Contractor must submit such materials to City simultaneously with Contractor’s submittal to such 2534 regulatory agency. 2535 20.05.2 Copies of articles resulting from media interviews or news releases that use the 2536 name of City or relate to the services provided hereunder must be provided to the City within five (5) days 2537 after publication. 2538 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 71 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 20.06 Acceptable Materials Labeling. Contractor must affix to each Recycling and Organics 2539 Collection Container a sticker that clearly lists Acceptable materials to be placed in these containers. Stickers 2540 must be replaced annually and include any updates in the list of Acceptable materials (Exhibit 12). 2541 20.07 Edible Food Recovery Support. At no cost to the City, Contractor must provide support to 2542 the City’s Edible Food Recovery program as required under SB 1383. Contractor support may include 2543 educating commercial edible food generators, providing records of site visits, conducting education efforts, 2544 and providing lists of food recovery organizations. Contractor will assist the City in conducting Food Waste 2545 and Green Waste surveys and diversion programs by providing accurate and timely service data, conducting 2546 site visits, and distributing materials. 2547 20.08 Programs and Services. Contractor must provide additional educational and outreach 2548 services and programs as requested by City at a price to be mutually agreed upon between the Contractor 2549 and the Agreement Administrator. In the event Contractor and the Agreement Administrator cannot reach a 2550 mutually agreed upon price for the requested service or program, City has the right to procure the service of 2551 other vendors or contractors to provide the requested service. 2552 20.09 Operations Plans. Contractor must adhere to the Transition Plan included as Exhibit 5, 2553 Customer Service Plan included as Exhibit 7, and Collection Service Operations Plan included as Exhibit 8 2554 that present the specific collection and processing programs that will be implemented in the City. 2555 Article 21. Emergency Service 2556 21.01 Revised Services During an Emergency. In the event of a major storm, earthquake, fire, 2557 flood, tornado, other natural or man-made disaster, or other such emergency event (collectively “Emergency 2558 Event), the Agreement Administrator may grant the Contractor a variance from regular routes and schedules, 2559 which will not be withheld unreasonably. As soon as practicable after such Emergency Event, Contractor 2560 must advise the Agreement Administrator when it is anticipated that normal routes and schedules can be 2561 resumed. The Agreement Administrator will try through the local news media to inform the public when regular 2562 services may be resumed. The clean-up from some Emergency Events may require that Contractor hire 2563 additional equipment, employ additional personnel, or work existing personnel on overtime hours to clean 2564 debris resulting from the event. Contractor will receive additional compensation, above the normal 2565 compensation contained in this Agreement, to cover the costs of rental equipment, additional personnel, 2566 overtime hours and other documented expenses based on the rates set forth in Exhibit 1 provided Contractor 2567 has first secured written authorization and approval from City through the Agreement Administrator. City will 2568 be given equal priority and access to resources as with other franchise jurisdictions held by Contractor or its 2569 affiliates. 2570 21.02 Emergency Event Planning . Within sixty (60) days from a request by City, Contractor shall 2571 prepare a draft Emergency Event plan that sets forth procedures for maintaining regular Collection service 2572 and Collection of debris following an Emergency Event. The Emergency Event plan shall address 2573 arrangements to provide needed vehicles and personnel, priorities for cleanup at critical facilities, and 2574 procedures for reimbursement for costs, describe communication plans, list key contact persons, and provide 2575 maps showing proposed sites for stockpiling of disaster debris that cannot be transported to the landfill. 2576 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 72 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Contractor shall coordinate the plan with City’s emergency service teams. The draft plan shall be presented 2577 to the City Manager for consideration and approval. The final plan shall be distributed to those employees of 2578 Contractor and City who would have a role in implementing upon the occurrence of an Emergency Event. 2579 21.03 Emergency Event Recovery Support. In the event of an Emergency Event, Contractor 2580 agrees to provide recovery support upon request by Agreement Administrator. This may include additional 2581 hauling of debris, special handling such as wrapping waste in plastic (i.e., “burrito wrapping”), temporary 2582 storage of debris where feasible, additional disposal, use of different transfer and disposal facilities, and 2583 documentation of debris type, weight, and diversion. Contractor should follow protocol laid out in the County’s 2584 Operational Area Mass Debris Management Plan (Annex to the Operational Area Emergency Response Plan) 2585 and any subsequent County or City Disaster Debris Plans, as applied to solid waste hauling and handling. 2586 Article 22. Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements 2587 22.01 Record Keeping. Notwithstanding Article 47 herein: 2588 22.01.1 Accounting Records. Contractor must maintain full, complete and separate 2589 financial, statistical and accounting records, pertaining to cash, billing, and provisions of all Integrated Solid 2590 Waste Handling Services, prepared on an accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting 2591 principles. Such records will be subject to audit, copy, and inspection for the purposes set forth in Section 2592 17.02.3. Gross Revenues derived from provision of the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, whether 2593 such services are performed by Contractor or by a subcontractor or subcontractors, will be recorded as 2594 revenues in the accounts of Contractor. The Contractor shall keep and preserve, during the Term of this 2595 Agreement, and for a period of not less than four (4) years following expiration or other termination hereof, 2596 full, complete and accurate records, including all cash, billing and disposal records, as indicated in the 2597 Agreement. 2598 City reserves the right to request audited, reviewed, or compiled 2599 financial statements prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant, or as may be provided by 2600 Contractor or its parent company. In the event that Contractor does not maintain separate financial or 2601 accounting records prepared specifically for services provided under this Agreement, Contractor may use 2602 industry standard allocation methods to provide financial information as applicable to the service provided 2603 under this Agreement. 2604 22.01.2 Agreement Materials Records. Contractor must maintain records of the quantities 2605 of (i) Residential, MFD, MXD and Commercial Solid Waste Collected and disposed under the terms of this 2606 Agreement, (ii) Recyclable Materials, by type, Collected, purchased, processed, sold, donated or given for 2607 no compensation, and residue disposed under the terms of this Agreement, and (iii) Organic Waste by type, 2608 Collected, purchased, processed, sold, donated or given for no compensation, and residue disposed under 2609 the terms of this Agreement 2610 22.01.3 Other Records. Contractor must maintain all other records reasonably related to 2611 provision of Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, whether or not specified in this Agreement. 2612 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 73 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 22.01.4 Failure to Report. The refusal of Contractor to file any of the reports required, or 2613 the inclusion of any materially false or misleading statement or representation made knowingly by Contractor 2614 in such report, shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement and shall subject Contractor to all 2615 remedies, legal or equitable, which are available to City under this Agreement or otherwise. 2616 22.01.5 Report Format. All reports to be submitted in a format approved by the City, 2617 including electronic data submission in the City’s Waste Reporting System and in a format specified by the 2618 City. 2619 22.02 Quarterly Reporting. 2620 22.02.1 General. Quarterly reports must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. PT on the last 2621 day of the month following the end of Quarter in which the receipts are collected and must be provided 2622 electronically using software acceptable to the City. If the last day of the month falls on a day that City is 2623 closed or a holiday, then the report will be due on the next business day. Failure to submit complete quarterly 2624 reporting by the due date will result in penalties as specified in Exhibit 6. 2625 22.02.2 City Reports. Quarterly reports to City must include: 2626 Quarterly Payment Reporting. The payment report must include 2627 an accounting of Contractor’s Gross Revenues received during the preceding Quarter, and the calculated 2628 Franchise Fee and Marketing and Sales of Recyclable Materials Payment. 2629 Franchised Tonnage and Service Data. Contractor must report the 2630 number of unique SFD and MFD accounts serviced, the number of unique Commercial, MXD, and City 2631 accounts serviced, tonnage of Garbage, Recyclable Materials and Organic Waste collected and processed 2632 for diversion broken down by Container type, Residual amounts from Recycling and Organic Waste 2633 Diversion operations that are landfilled. Quantities should be broken down by SFD, MFD, MXD, 2634 Commercial, and City Service Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services. MXD properties must have 2635 tonnage assigned appropriately to Residential and Commercial generators. 2636 Overweight Vehicle Reporting. The quarterly report must include 2637 a summary total of all instances of overweight Collection Vehicles. This summary must include the number 2638 of overweight vehicle instances expressed as a percentage of the total number of Collection Vehicle loads 2639 transported during the reported quarter. 2640 Non-Collection. The quarterly report must include a summary of 2641 each Service Unit receiving a Non-Collection Notice in the previous quarter along with a description for the 2642 Non-Collection Notice. 2643 On-hold. The quarterly report must include each Service Unit that 2644 was not billed in the previous quarter due to vacation hold, vacancy etc. 2645 Collection Overage Charges. The quarterly report must include 2646 each Service Unit incurring a charge for a Solid Waste Overage in the previous quarter. 2647 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 74 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Contamination Reporting. To the extent required by Applicable 2648 Law, the quarterly report must include a summary of all instances of qualifying contamination under the 2649 procedures in Section 5.08. This summary must include the total number of accounts where contamination 2650 occurred, the total number of Contamination Violation Notices issued by Contractor to Service Recipients, 2651 a list of accounts where such notices occurred, and the total number of instances where Collection 2652 Container size or Collection frequency was increased specifically due to contamination. Within twenty (20) 2653 Work Days of request by City, Contractor will provide copies of the Contamination Violation Notices and 2654 the digital documentation of contamination. 2655 Service Recipient Complaint Log. The quarterly report must 2656 include the Service Recipient call log collected from the previous quarter. 2657 22.03 Annual Reporting. 2658 22.03.1 General. An annual report must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. PT on January 2659 31, 2024 and each January 31st thereafter for the previous Calendar Year. If January 31st falls on a day that 2660 City is closed, then the report will be due on the next business day. Annual reports must be submitted 2661 electronically in software acceptable to the City. Failure to submit complete annual reporting by the due date 2662 will result in penalties as specified in Exhibit 6. Annual reports to City must include: 2663 Financial Statements. Contractor must submit annual financial 2664 statements for the local operation. Statements need not be reviewed or audited statements. 2665 Annual Sustainability and Compliance Report. Contractor must 2666 complete and submit data sections within their Sustainability and Compliance Plan to document education 2667 and outreach conducted, public event participation, school visits, compliance notices mailed, site visits, 2668 waste audits completed, information distributed, and media used, and community events hosted. This must 2669 include public education activities undertaken during the year, including distribution of bill inserts, collection 2670 notification tags, community information and events, tours and other activities related to the provision of 2671 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services, and must discuss the impact of these activities on recycling 2672 program participation and include amounts collected from SFD, MFD, MXD, Commercial, and City Service 2673 Units. The report should include a complete list of all non-exempt commercial accounts, which includes 2674 each non-exempt account’s status as a “covered generator” under AB 341, AB 1826 and SB 1383, the date 2675 and status of Contractor’s outreach efforts at each non-exempt account, and the current level of Recycling 2676 and Organics program participation at each non-exempt account. 2677 Summary of Programs. An analysis of any Recycling and Organic 2678 Waste Collection, processing and marketing issues or conditions (such as participation, setouts, 2679 contamination, etc.) and possible solutions, discussed separately for Residential and Commercial 2680 programs. 2681 Solid Waste Data. The number of SFD, MFD, MXD, Commercial, 2682 and City Service Units and the number of Collection Containers distributed by size and Service Unit type. 2683 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 75 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Waste Characterization Data. A breakdown of Solid Waste 2684 (Garbage, Recycling, and Organics) by material type as per CalRecycle material classifications. 2685 Recycling Data. Gross tons Collected daily on average by material 2686 type by route for SFD, MFD, MXD, Commercial, and City Recycling service, with map of routes. The 2687 average participation rates by quarter relative to the total number of Service Units by Service Unit type. 2688 Indicate, by material type (and grade where appropriate), annual totals of Recyclable Materials processed 2689 including facility name and location, average cost or price received per ton and total recycling cost or 2690 revenue received for the year. Indicate any quantities, by material type, donated or otherwise disbursed 2691 without compensation. Indicate number of Recycling Collection Containers distributed by size and Service 2692 Unit type. Also provide annual totals and location for residue disposed. 2693 Organic Waste Data. Include average daily gross tons Collected 2694 by route, separated by Green Waste and Food Waste, with map of routes. Include the total number of 2695 generators that receive each type of Organic Waste Collection Service provided by the Contractor. Indicate 2696 average daily number of set-outs by route. Indicate average participation rates relative to the total number 2697 of Service Units in terms of weekly set-out counts. Indicate number of Organic Waste Collection Containers 2698 distributed by size and Service Unit type. Indicate, by material type, annual totals of Organic Materials 2699 processed including facility name and location, average cost or price received per ton and total organics 2700 cost or revenue received for the year. Provide totals and location for Residue Disposed. Include the number 2701 of route reviews conducted for prohibited contaminants and the number of Non-Collection Notices issued 2702 to Service Recipients. 2703 Customer Service Log. A copy of the customer service log, 2704 including a summary of the type and number of complaints and their resolution. Copies of a written record 2705 of all calls related to missed pickups and responses to such calls. 2706 Customer Service Information Sheet. A copy of Contractor’s most 2707 recent Customer Service Information Sheet (i.e., customer call center “cheat sheet”) for the City or the 2708 equivalent information used by customer service representatives. 2709 Overweight Vehicle Data. A summary of all instances of 2710 overweight Collection Vehicles. This summary must also include the number of overweight vehicle 2711 instances as a percentage of the total number of Collection Vehicle loads transported during the Calendar 2712 Year. 2713 Summary Narrative. A summary narrative of problems 2714 encountered with Collection and processing activities and actions taken. Indicate type and number of Non-2715 Collection Notices left at Service Recipient locations. Indicate instances of property damage or injury, 2716 significant changes in operation, market factors, publicity conducted, needs for publicity. Include description 2717 of processed material loads rejected for sale, reason for rejection and disposition of load after rejection. 2718 Collection Container and Vehicle Inventory. An updated complete 2719 inventory of Collection Containers by type and size, and an updated complete inventory of Collection 2720 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 76 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Vehicles including for each vehicle: truck number, route number, date purchased, vehicle type, tare weight, 2721 license plate number, fuel type and vehicle make and model. 2722 Diversion Rate. Contractor must provide documentation 2723 acceptable to City in its reasonable judgment stating and supporting the Calendar Year’s Franchise 2724 Diversion Rate, as calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 8. Any tonnages diverted and 2725 disposed from large venues and events during the reporting period will be counted towards the calculated 2726 diversion rate. 2727 AB 341, AB 1826, and SB 1383 Compliance Data. Contractor 2728 must report the total number of Commercial and MFD/MXD Service Units serviced and the number of 2729 containers, container sizes and frequency of collection for Garbage, Recyclable Materials and Organic 2730 Waste for each non-exempt Commercial and MFD/MXD Service Unit. Contractor must also provide the 2731 following information separately for both AB 341 and AB 1826: 2732 The total number of non-exempt Commercial, MFD, and MXD 2733 Service Units that fall under the AB 341 or AB 1826 thresholds, and the total number of those non-exempt 2734 Commercial, MFD, and MXD Service Units that are not subscribed to Commercial, MFD, or MXD Recycling 2735 Collection Service or Commercial, MFD, or MXD Organics Collection Service. 2736 A summary of the type of follow-up outreach that was provided to 2737 those non-exempt Commercial, MFD, and MXD Service Units that are not subscribed to Commercial, MFD, 2738 or MXD Recycling Collection Service or Commercial, MFD, or MXD Organics Collection Service. 2739 Contractor shall provide proof of training records for Service 2740 Recipient personnel, emergency procedures, Customer Service Courtesy, and how to recognize Illicit 2741 Discharges and stormwater pollution sources. 2742 22.04 Diversion Calculation and Data. By 5 p.m. PT on February 14 and annually thereafter 2743 during the term of this Agreement, Contractor must deliver to City, in the format specified by City, the Calendar 2744 Year’s Franchised Diversion Rate, as calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 8. Any tonnages 2745 Diverted and disposed from large venues and events during the reporting period will be counted towards the 2746 calculated Diversion rate. 2747 22.05 CalRecycle Reports. Contractor will provide reasonable assistance to City in preparing 2748 annual reports to CalRecycle (the “Electronic Annual Report” or EAR), including but not limited to supplying 2749 required data for preparation of the reports, and completing all required data input in the Waste Reporting 2750 System. 2751 22.05.1 In the event that CalRecycle requires City to report an Implementation Schedule to 2752 comply with AB 341, AB 1826, SB 1383, SB 1594 and other Applicable Laws, Contractor will provide 2753 assistance to City in preparing a report, including Contractor’s policies and procedures related to compliance 2754 with AB 341, AB 1826, SB 1383, and other Applicable Laws and how Recyclable Materials or Organic Waste 2755 are collected, a description of the geographic area, routes, list of addresses served and a method for tracking 2756 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 77 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 contamination, copies of route audits, copies of notice of contamination, copies of notices, violations, 2757 education and enforcement actions issued, and copies of educational materials, flyers, brochures, 2758 newsletters, website, and social media. 2759 22.06 Waste Characterization Audit. Contractor must conduct statistically-valid waste audits of 2760 Residential and Commercial Service Recipients’ waste once annually, including Recycling, Garbage, and 2761 Organic Waste, and provide characterization data to the City as part of its Annual Report (Section 22.03). 2762 Material types and guidance should follow CalRecycle requirements and/or recommendations. 2763 22.07 Additional Reporting. Contractor must furnish City with any additional reports as may 2764 reasonably be required, such reports to be prepared within a reasonable time following the reporting period. 2765 Article 23. Nondiscrimination 2766 23.01 Nondiscrimination. In the performance of all work and services under this Agreement, 2767 Contractor may not discriminate against any person based on such person’s race, sex, gender, gender 2768 identity, color, national origin, religion, marital status or sexual orientation. Contractor must comply with all 2769 applicable local, State and Federal laws and regulations regarding nondiscrimination, including those 2770 prohibiting discrimination in employment. 2771 Article 24. Service Inquiries and Complaints 2772 24.01 Contractor’s Customer Service. All service inquiries and complaints will be directed to 2773 Contractor. A representative of Contractor must be available to receive the complaints during normal business 2774 hours. Contractor is required to use the City’s Resident Service Center (RSC) or any customer Relationship 2775 Management System put in place by the City in the future for handling of customer complaints received by 2776 the City for hauling, illegal dumping, and any other services under this Agreement. Contractor must participate 2777 in mandatory RSC training before using system and at least annually thereafter. Customer Service training 2778 shall include Service Recipient courtesy, shall prohibit the use of loud or profane language, and shall instruct 2779 Collection crews to perform the work quietly. Contractor shall use its best efforts to assure that all employees 2780 present a neat appearance and conduct themselves in a courteous manner. All service complaints will be 2781 handled by Contractor in a prompt and efficient manner. RSC cases must be addressed and resolved within 2782 three (3) Work Days. In the case of a dispute between Contractor and a Service Recipient, the matter will be 2783 reviewed, and a decision made by the Agreement Administrator. 2784 24.01.1 Contractor will utilize the Customer Service Log to maintain a record of all inquiries 2785 and complaints in a manner prescribed by City. 2786 24.01.2 For those complaints related to missed Collections, where Containers are properly 2787 and timely set out, that are received by 12:00 noon on a Work Day, Contractor will return to the Service Unit 2788 address and Collect the missed materials before leaving the Service Area for the day. For those complaints 2789 related to missed Collections that are received after 12:00 noon on a Work Day, Contractor will have until 2790 the end of the following Work Day to resolve the complaint. For those complaints related to repair or 2791 replacement of Collection Containers, the appropriate Sections of this Agreement will apply. 2792 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 78 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 24.01.3 Contractor agrees that it is in the best interest of City that all Garbage, Recyclable 2793 Materials, and Organic Waste be collected on the scheduled Collection day. Accordingly, missed Collections 2794 will normally be Collected as set forth above regardless of the reason that the Collection was missed. 2795 However, in the event a Service Recipient requests missed Collection service more than two (2) times in 2796 any consecutive two (2) month period the Agreement Administrator will work with Contractor to determine 2797 an appropriate resolution to that situation. In the event Contractor believes any complaint to be without merit, 2798 Contractor will notify the Agreement Administrator, by e-mail. The Agreement Administrator will investigate 2799 all disputed complaints and render a decision. 2800 24.01.4 Contractor’s service and emergency telephone numbers must be accessible by a 2801 local (City) phone number or toll-free number. The service telephone number(s) must be listed in the area’s 2802 telephone directories under Contractor’s name in the White Pages and available through an online search 2803 and listed on the Contractor’s website. 2804 Article 25. Quality of Performance of Contractor 2805 25.01 Intent. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that one of City’s primary goals in entering 2806 into this Agreement is to ensure that the Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services are of the highest caliber, 2807 that Service Recipient satisfaction remains at the highest level, that maximum diversion levels are achieved, 2808 and that materials Collected are put to the highest and best use to the extent possible. 2809 25.02 Administrative Charges and Penalties. Quality performance by the Contractor is of primary 2810 importance. In respect of this, Contractor agrees to pay City administrative charges and penalties as detailed 2811 in Exhibit 6 should Contractor fail to meet its responsibilities under this Agreement. Should Contractor be in 2812 breach of the requirements set forth in this Agreement, it is mutually understood and agreed that the public 2813 will necessarily suffer damages and that such damages, from the nature of the default in performance will be 2814 extremely difficult and impractical to fix. City finds, and the Contractor agrees, that as of the time of the 2815 execution of this Agreement, it is impractical, if not impossible, to reasonably ascertain the extent of damages 2816 which will be incurred by City as a result of a breach by Contractor of its obligations under this Agreement. 2817 The factors relating to the impracticability of ascertaining damages include, but are not limited to, the fact that: 2818 (i) substantial damage results to members of the public who are denied services or denied quality or reliable 2819 service; (ii) such breaches cause inconvenience, anxiety, frustration and deprivation of the benefits of this 2820 Agreement to individual members of the general public for whose benefit this Agreement exists, in subjective 2821 ways and in varying degrees of intensity which are incapable of measurement in precise monetary terms; (iii) 2822 services might be available at substantially lower costs than alternative services, and the monetary loss 2823 resulting from denial of services or denial of quality or reliable services is impossible to calculate in precise 2824 monetary terms; and (iv) the termination of this Agreement for such breaches, and other remedies are, at 2825 best, a means of future correction and not remedies which make the public whole for past breaches. 2826 25.03 Procedure for Review of Administrative Charges. The Agreement Administrator may 2827 assess administrative charges and penalties as specified in Exhibit 6 pursuant to this Agreement quarterly. 2828 At the end of each quarter during the term of this Agreement, the Agreement Administrator will issue a written 2829 notice to Contractor (“Notice of Assessment”) of the administrative charges assessed and the basis for each 2830 assessment. 2831 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 79 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 25.03.1 The assessment will become final unless, within ten (10) calendar days of the date 2832 of the notice of assessment, Contractor provides a written request for a meeting with the City Manager to 2833 present evidence that the assessment should not be made. 2834 25.03.2 The Agreement Administrator will schedule a meeting between Contractor and the 2835 City Manager as soon as reasonably possible after timely receipt of Contractor’s request. 2836 25.03.3 The City Manager will review Contractor’s evidence and render a decision 2837 sustaining or reversing the administrative charges as soon as reasonably possible after the meeting. Written 2838 notice of the decision will be provided to Contractor. 2839 25.03.4 In the event Contractor does not submit a written request for a meeting within ten 2840 (10) calendar days of the date of the Notice of Assessment, the Agreement Administrator’s determination 2841 will be final. 2842 25.03.5 City’s assessment or collection of administrative charges will not prevent City from 2843 exercising any other right or remedy, including the right to terminate this Agreement, for Contractor’s failure 2844 to perform the work and services in the manner set forth in this Agreement. 2845 25.04 Uncontrollable Circumstances. 2846 25.04.1 If either party is prevented from or delayed in performing its duties under this 2847 Agreement by circumstances beyond its control, whether or not foreseeable, including, without limitation, 2848 acts of terrorism, landslides, lightning, forest fires, storms, floods, severe weather, freezing, earthquakes, 2849 other natural or man-made disasters, the threat of such natural or man-made disasters, pandemics (or threat 2850 of same), quarantines, civil disturbances, acts of the public enemy, wars, blockades, public riots, strikes, 2851 lockouts, or other labor disturbances, acts of government or governmental restraint or other causes, whether 2852 of the kind enumerated or otherwise, that are not reasonably within the control of the affected party, then the 2853 affected party will be excused from performance hereunder during the period of such disability. 2854 25.04.2 The party claiming excuse from performance must promptly notify the other party 2855 when it learns of the existence of such cause, including the facts constituting such cause, and when such 2856 cause has terminated. 2857 25.04.3 The interruption or discontinuance of services by a party caused by circumstances 2858 outside of its control will not constitute a default under this Agreement. 2859 Article 26. Performance Bond 2860 26.01 Performance Bond. Within ten (10) Business Days from the date the City Council approves 2861 this Agreement, Contractor must furnish to City, and keep current, a performance bond, or irrevocable letter 2862 of credit (hereinafter collectively “Performance Bond”), issued or drawn upon a surety, bank or financial 2863 institution reasonably acceptable to City and in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, for the faithful 2864 performance of this Agreement and all obligations arising hereunder in an amount as follows: 2865 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 80 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 26.01.1 From August 1, 2023, and so long as this Agreement or any extension thereof 2866 remains in force, Contractor must maintain a performance bond in the amount of one million dollars 2867 ($1,000,000). 2868 The performance bond must be executed by a surety company 2869 licensed to do business in the State of California; having an "A-" or better rating by A. M. Best or Standard 2870 and Poor’s; and included on the list of surety companies approved by the Treasurer of the United States. 2871 In the event City draws on the bond, all of City’s costs of collection 2872 and enforcement of the Bond, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, must be paid by Contractor. 2873 The Performance Bond must be renewed annually for the entire 2874 term of the Agreement and evidence must be provided to City annually. 2875 In the event Contractor shall for any reason (except as otherwise 2876 provided in this Agreement) become unable to, or fail in any way, to perform as required by this Agreement, 2877 City may declare a portion or all of the Performance Bond, as may be necessary to recompense and make 2878 whole the City, forfeited to the City. Upon partial or full forfeiture of the Performance Bond, Contractor shall 2879 restore the Performance Bond to its original amount within thirty (30) days of the City’s notice to do so. 2880 Failure to restore the Performance to its full amount within thirty (30) days shall be a material breach of this 2881 Agreement. 2882 Article 27. Insurance 2883 27.01 Insurance Policies. Contractor must secure and maintain throughout the term of this 2884 Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or 2885 in connection with Contractor’s performance of work or services under this Contract. Contractor’s 2886 performance of work or services includes performance by Contractor’s employees, agents, representatives 2887 and subcontractors. 2888 27.02 Minimum Insurance Requirements. 2889 27.02.1 General Liability Insurance. Contractor shall maintain commercial general liability 2890 insurance with coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Form CG 00 01, in an amount not 2891 less than $5,000,000 per occurrence, $10,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and 2892 property damage. The policy must include contractual liability that has not been amended. Any endorsement 2893 restricting standard ISO “insured contract” language will not be accepted. 2894 27.02.2 Automobile Liability Insurance. Contractor shall maintain automobile insurance at 2895 least as board as Insurance Services Office Form CA 00 01 covering bodily injury and property damages for 2896 all activities of the Contractor arising out of or in connection with Work to be performed under this Agreement 2897 including any owned, hired, non-owned, or rented vehicles, in an amount not less than $10,000,000 2898 combined single limit for each accident. 2899 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 81 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 27.02.3 Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance. Contractor shall obtain and maintain an 2900 umbrella liability insurance policy with limits that will provide bodily injury, personal injury, and property 2901 damage liability coverage, including commercial general liability, automobile liability, and employer’s liability. 2902 Such policy or policies shall include the following terms and conditions: 2903 • A drop-down feature requiring the policy to respond if any primary insurance that 2904 would otherwise have applied proves to be uncollectible in whole or in part for any 2905 reason, other than bankruptcy or insolvency of said primary insurer; 2906 • “Pay on behalf of” working as opposed to “reimbursement”; 2907 • Concurrency of effective dates with primary policies. 2908 Should Contractor obtain and maintain an excess liability policy, such policy shall be excess over 2909 commercial general liability, automobile liability, and employer’s liability policies. Such policy or policies 2910 shall include working that the excess liability policy follows the terms and conditions of the underlying 2911 policies. 2912 27.02.4 Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability: Workers’ Compensation limits as 2913 required by the California Labor Code and Employers Liability limits of $3,000,000 per accident. Contractor 2914 shall submit to City, along with the certificate of insurance, a Waiver of Subrogation endorsement in favor of 2915 Agency, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers. 2916 27.02.5 Environmental Pollution Liability: Pollution legal liability insurance coverage shall be 2917 in an amount no less than $10,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. Coverage shall be extended a 2918 minimum of three (3) years beyond the term of the contract and such insurance shall contain all standard 2919 extensions customary for such policy and shall cover prior acts. 2920 27.02.6 Cyber Liability Insurance. Contractor shall maintain either an endorsement to its 2921 general liability policy, or a separate policy of insurance covering cyber liability. Said coverage shall be in 2922 the amount of not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence, and Five Million Dollars 2923 ($5,000,000) in the aggregate. 2924 27.03 Insurance Provisions/Requirements. 2925 27.03.1 Additional Insured Status. General liability, automobile liability, and umbrella/excess 2926 liability insurance policies shall provide or be endorsed to provide that City and its officers, officials, 2927 employees, agents, and volunteers shall be additional insureds under such policies. 2928 27.03.2 Requirements not limiting. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits 2929 contained in this section are not intended as a limitation on coverage, limits or other requirements, or a 2930 waiver of any coverage normally provided by any insurance. Specific reference to a given coverage feature 2931 is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured 2932 to be all inclusive, or to the exclusion of other coverage, or a waiver of any type. If Contractor maintains 2933 higher limits than the minimum shown above, the City requires and shall be entitled to coverage for the 2934 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 82 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 higher limits maintained by the Service Provider. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified 2935 minimum limits of insurance and coverage shall be available to the City. 2936 27.03.3 Self-Insured Retentions. Any self-insured retentions must be declared to and 2937 approved by City. City reserves the right to require that self-insured retentions be eliminated, lowered, or 2938 replaced by a deductible, or require proof of ability to pay losses and related investigations, claim 2939 administration, and defense expenses within the retention through confirmation from the underwriter. 2940 27.03.4 Primary/Non-Contributing. Coverage provided by Contractor shall be primary and 2941 any insurance or self-insurance procured or maintained by City shall not be required to contribute with it. 2942 The limits of insurance required herein may be satisfied by a combination of primary and umbrella or excess 2943 insurance. Any umbrella or excess insurance shall contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such 2944 coverage shall also apply on a primary and non-contributory basis for the benefit of City before the City’s 2945 own insurance or self- insurance shall be called upon to protect it as a named insured. 2946 27.03.5 Proof of Insurance. Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance and required 2947 endorsements to City as evidence of the insurance coverage required herein. Insurance certificates and 2948 endorsements must be approved by City’s Risk Manager prior to commencement of performance. Current 2949 certification of insurance shall be kept on file with City for the contract period and any additional length of 2950 time required thereafter. City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance 2951 policies, at any time. 2952 27.03.6 Duration of Coverage. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the contract period, 2953 and any additional length of time required thereafter, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or 2954 damages to property, or financial loss which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the 2955 Work hereunder by Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors. 2956 27.03.7 City’s Rights of Enforcement. In the event any policy of insurance required under 2957 this Agreement does not comply with these specifications or is canceled and not replaced, City has the right 2958 but not the duty to obtain the insurance it deems necessary, and any premium paid by City will be promptly 2959 reimbursed by Contractor or City will withhold amounts sufficient to pay premium from Contractor payments. 2960 In the alternative, City may cancel this Agreement. 2961 27.03.8 Acceptable Insurers. All insurance policies shall be issued by an insurance 2962 company currently authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact business of insurance or is on the 2963 List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers in the State of California, with an assigned policyholders’ Rating of 2964 A- (or higher) and Financial Size Category Class VII (or larger) in accordance with the latest edition of Best’s 2965 Key Rating Guide, unless otherwise approved by the City’s Risk Manager. 2966 27.03.9 Waiver of Subrogation. All insurance coverage maintained or procured pursuant to 2967 this agreement shall be endorsed to waive subrogation against City, its elected or appointed officers, agents, 2968 officials, employees, and volunteers or shall specifically allow Contractor or others providing insurance 2969 evidence in compliance with these specifications to waive their right of recovery prior to a loss. Contractor 2970 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 83 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 hereby waives its own right of recovery against City and shall require similar written express waivers and 2971 insurance clauses from each of its subcontractors. 2972 27.03.10 Enforcement of Contract Provisions (Non Estoppel). Contractor acknowledges and 2973 agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of the City to inform Contractor of non- compliance with 2974 any requirement imposes no additional obligations on the City nor does it waive any rights hereunder. 2975 27.03.11 Notice of Cancellation. Contractor agrees to oblige its insurance agent or broker 2976 and insurers to provide the City with a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation (except for nonpayment for which 2977 a ten (10) day notice is required) or nonrenewal of coverage for each required coverage. If any of the 2978 Contractor’s insurers are unwilling to provide such notice, then Contractor shall have the responsibility of 2979 notifying the City immediately in the event of Contractor’s failure to renew any of the required insurance 2980 coverages or insurer’s cancellation or non-renewal. 2981 27.03.12 Prohibition of Undisclosed Coverage Limitations. None of the coverages required 2982 herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind 2983 that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 2984 27.03.13 Separation of Insureds. A severability of interests provision must apply for all 2985 additional insureds ensuring that Contractor’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom 2986 claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the insurer’s limits of liability. The policy(ies) shall not 2987 contain any cross-liability exclusions. 2988 27.03.14 Pass Through Clause. Contractor agrees to ensure that its subconsultants, 2989 subcontractors, and any other party who is brought onto or involved in the project/service by Contractor 2990 (hereinafter collectively “subcontractor”), provide the same minimum insurance coverage and endorsements 2991 required of Contractor. Contractor agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all 2992 responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. 2993 However, in the event Contractor’s subcontractor cannot comply with this requirement, which proof must be 2994 submitted to the City, Contractor shall be required to ensure that its subcontractor provide and maintain 2995 insurance coverage and endorsements sufficient to the specific risk of exposure involved with 2996 subcontractor’s scope of work and services, with limits less than required of the Contractor, but in all other 2997 terms consistent with the Contractor’s requirements under this agreement. This provision does not relieve 2998 the Contractor of its contractual obligations under the agreement and/or limit its liability to the amount of 2999 insurance coverage provided by its subcontractors. This provision is intended solely to provide Contractor 3000 with the ability to utilize a subcontractor who may be otherwise qualified to perform the work or services but 3001 may not carry the same insurance limits as required of the Contractor under this agreement given the limited 3002 scope of work or services provided by the subcontractor. Contractor agrees that upon request, all 3003 agreements with subcontractors, and others engaged in the project, will be submitted to City for review. 3004 27.03.15 City’s Rights to Revise Specifications. The City reserves the right at any time 3005 during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the 3006 Contractor ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial 3007 additional cost to the Contractor, the City and Contractor may renegotiate Contractor’s compensation. 3008 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 84 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 27.03.16 Timely Notice of Claims. Contractor shall give City prompt and timely notice of 3009 claims made or suits instituted that arise out of or result from Contractor’s performance under this 3010 Agreement, and that involve or may involve coverage under any of the required liability policies. 3011 27.03.17 Additional Insurance. Contractor shall also procure and maintain, at its own cost 3012 and expense, any additional kinds of insurance, which in its own judgment may be necessary for its proper 3013 protection and prosecution of the Work. 3014 Proof of insurance must be mailed to the following address, or any subsequent address as may be 3015 directed by the City. 3016 City of Rosemead 3017 8838 E. Valley Blvd. 3018 Rosemead. CA 91770 3019 27.04 Subcontractors. Contractor must include all subcontractors performing services in the City 3020 as insureds under its policies or subcontractors must obtain separate certificates and endorsements. 3021 27.05 Modification of Insurance Requirements. The insurance requirements provided in this 3022 Agreement may be modified or waived by City’s risk manager, in writing, upon the request of Contractor if 3023 City’s risk manager determines such modification or waiver is in the best interest of City considering all 3024 relevant factors, including exposure to City. 3025 27.06 Rights of Subrogation. All required insurance policies must preclude any underwriter's 3026 rights of recovery or subrogation against City with respect to matters related to Contractor’s performance of 3027 its obligations under this Agreement, with the express intention of the parties being that the required insurance 3028 coverage protects both parties as the primary coverage for any and all losses covered by the above-described 3029 insurance. Contractor must ensure that any companies issuing insurance to cover the requirements contained 3030 in this Agreement agree that they will have no recourse against City for payment or assessments in any form 3031 on any policy of insurance. The clauses ‘Other Insurance Provisions’ and ‘Insured Duties in the Event of an 3032 Occurrence, Claim or Suit’ as it appears in any policy of insurance in which City is named as an additional 3033 insured will not apply to City. 3034 27.07 Failure to maintain insurance. Should Contractor fail to obtain or maintain insurance as 3035 required by this Agreement, Contractor shall have seven (7) days to cure the defect, during which time 3036 City shall have the option, but not the obligation to, at Contractor's sole expense: (i) hire replacement waste 3037 hauler services to perform Contractor's tasks until insurance coverage is resumed; or (ii) obtain replacement 3038 insurance coverage during said cure period. Should Contractor fail to correct this defect, City shall have the 3039 option to terminate this Agreement immediately. 3040 Article 28. Hold Harmless and Indemnification 3041 28.01 Hold Harmless for Consultant's Damages. Contractor holds City, its elected and appointed 3042 officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers (collectively “City Indemnitees”) harmless from all of 3043 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 85 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Contractor’s claims, demands, lawsuits, judgments, damages, losses, injuries or liability to Contractor, to 3044 Contractor’s employees, to Contractor’s contractors or subcontractors, or to the owners of Contractor’s firm, 3045 which damages, losses, injuries or liability occur during the work or services required under this Agreement, 3046 or performance of any activity or work required under this Agreement. 3047 28.02 Defense and Indemnity of Third Party Claims/Liability. Contractor shall indemnify, defend 3048 with legal counsel approved by City, and hold harmless City Indemnitees from and against all liability 3049 including, but not limited to, loss, damage, expense, cost (including without limitation reasonable legal counsel 3050 fees, expert fees and all other costs and fees of litigation) of every nature arising out of or in connection with 3051 Contractor’s negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct in the performance of work hereunder or its 3052 failure to comply with any of its obligations contained in the Agreement, except such loss or damage which is 3053 caused by the active negligence or willful misconduct of City. Should conflict of interest principles preclude a 3054 single legal counsel from representing both City and Contractor, or should City otherwise find Contractor’s 3055 legal counsel unacceptable, then Contractor shall reimburse City its costs of defense, including without 3056 limitation reasonable legal counsel fees, expert fees and all other costs and fees of litigation. The Contractor 3057 shall promptly pay City any final judgment rendered against City (and its officers, officials, employees and 3058 volunteers) with respect to claims determined by a trier of fact to have been the result of Contractor’s 3059 negligent, reckless or wrongful performance. It is expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing 3060 provisions are intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of California and 3061 will survive termination of this Agreement. 3062 28.02.1 Contractor’s obligations under this Section apply regardless of whether or not such 3063 claim, charge, damage, demand, action, proceeding, loss, stop notice, cost, expense, judgment, civil fine or 3064 penalty, or liability was caused in part or contributed to by an Indemnitee. However, without affecting the 3065 rights of City under any provision of this Agreement, Contractor shall not be required to indemnify and hold 3066 harmless City for liability attributable to the active negligence of City, provided such active negligence is 3067 determined by agreement between the parties or by findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. In instances 3068 where City is shown to have been actively negligent and where City’s active negligence accounts for only a 3069 percentage of the liability involved, the obligation of the Contractor will be for that entire portion or percentage 3070 of liability not attributable to the active negligence of City. 3071 28.03 Nonwaiver. City does not waive, nor shall be deemed to have waived, any indemnity, 3072 defense or hold harmless rights under this Section because of the acceptance by City, or the deposit with 3073 City, of any insurance certificates or policies described in Article 27. 3074 28.04 Diversion Indemnification. Subject to the requirements of Public Resources Code section 3075 40059.1, which will control in the event of any conflict with the provisions of this Section, Contractor agrees 3076 to protect and defend City Indemnitees with counsel selected by Contractor and approved by City, to pay all 3077 attorneys’ fees, and to indemnify and hold City Indemnitees harmless from and against all fines or penalties 3078 imposed by the California Integrated Waste Management Board if the diversion goals specified in California 3079 Public Resources Code section 41780, as it may be amended, are not met by City with respect to the 3080 Materials Collected by Contractor and if the lack in meeting such goals are attributable to the failure of 3081 Contractor to implement and operate the recycling or diversion programs or undertake the related activities 3082 required by this Agreement. In the event CalRecycle provides an administrative process to challenge the 3083 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 86 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 imposition of a compliance order or a fine or fines, Contractor will be responsible for engaging any consultants 3084 or attorneys necessary to represent City in any challenge. Contractor will be responsible for the retention of 3085 and payment to any consultants engaged to perform waste generation studies (diversion and disposal). All 3086 consultants and attorneys engaged hereunder are subject to the agreement of City and Contractor. 3087 28.05 Hazardous Substances Indemnification. Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend (with 3088 counsel reasonably approved by City), protect and hold harmless the City Indemnitees from and against any 3089 and all Claims of any kind whatsoever paid, suffered or incurred by or against the City Indemnitees resulting 3090 from any repair, cleanup, removal action or response action undertaken pursuant to CERCLA, the Health & 3091 Safety Code or other similar Federal, State or local law or regulation, with respect to Solid Waste or Household 3092 Hazardous Waste Collected and Disposed of by Contractor. The foregoing indemnity is intended to operate 3093 as an agreement pursuant to Section 107(e) of CERCLA and Section 25364 of the Health & Safety Code to 3094 defend, protect, hold harmless and indemnify the City Indemnitees from all forms of liability under CERCLA, 3095 the Health & Safety Code or other similar Federal, State or local law or regulation. 3096 28.06 Proposition 218 Release. City intends to comply with all applicable laws concerning the 3097 Maximum Service Rates provided under this Agreement. Upon thorough analysis, the parties have made a 3098 good faith determination that the Maximum Service Rates for the Solid Waste Integrated Solid Waste 3099 Handling Services provided under this Agreement are not subject to California Constitution Articles XIIIC and 3100 XIIID because, among other reasons, such services are provided by a private corporation and not by City 3101 pursuant to Article 5, Contractor independently establishes the rates for services within the limits established 3102 in this Agreement, the receipt of services is voluntary and not required of any property within City, and any 3103 owner or Service Recipient of property within City has the opportunity to avoid the services available under 3104 this Agreement either through self-hauling or use of property in such a manner that Solid Waste is not 3105 generated. Accordingly, Contractor agrees to hold harmless and release the City Indemnitees from and 3106 against any and all claims Contractor may have against the City Indemnitees resulting in any form from the 3107 Maximum Service Rates provided for under this Agreement or in connection with the application of California 3108 Constitution Article XIIIC and Article XIIID to the imposition, payment or collection of the rates under this 3109 Agreement. This Section will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement for Claims arising prior 3110 to the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 3111 28.07 Employment & Labor Practices. Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless City 3112 Indemnitees, from any and all liability, damages, claims, costs, and expenses of any nature to the extent 3113 arising from Contractor's personnel and labor practices, including failure to pay and comply with state or 3114 federal prevailing wage laws should such be applicable to Contractor’s personnel or labor practices or to one 3115 or more of the services is provides pursuant to the Agreement. All duties of Contractor under this paragraph 3116 shall survive termination of this Agreement. 3117 28.08 Consideration. It is specifically understood and agreed that the consideration inuring to 3118 Contractor for the execution of this Agreement consists of the promises, payments, covenants, rights and 3119 responsibilities contained in this Agreement. 3120 28.09 Obligation. This Agreement obligates Contractor to comply with the foregoing 3121 indemnification and release provisions; however, the collateral obligation of providing insurance must also be 3122 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 87 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 complied with as set forth in this Agreement. The provision of insurance and the coverage limits therein shall 3123 not in any way be a limitation on Contractor’s indemnification and defense obligations. 3124 28.10 Subcontractors. Contractor must require all subcontractors performing work in the City to 3125 enter into a contract containing the provisions set forth in Section 27.01 in which contract the subcontractor 3126 fully indemnifies City in accordance with this Agreement. 3127 28.11 Exception. Notwithstanding other provisions of this Agreement, Contractor’s obligation to 3128 indemnify, hold harmless and defend City, its officers and employees will not extend to any loss, liability, 3129 penalty, damage, action or suit arising or resulting solely from acts or omissions constituting active 3130 negligence, willful misconduct, breach of this Agreement, or violation of law on the part of City, its officers or 3131 employees. 3132 28.12 Damage by Contractor. If Contractor’s employees or subcontractors cause any injury, 3133 damage or loss to City property, including but not limited to City streets or curbs, excluding normal wear and 3134 tear, Contractor must reimburse City for City’s cost of repairing or replacing such injury, damage or loss. Such 3135 reimbursement is not in derogation of any right of City to be indemnified by Contractor for any such injury, 3136 damage or loss. With the prior written approval of City, Contractor may repair the damage at Contractor’s 3137 sole cost and expense. Any injury, damage or loss to private property caused by the negligent or willful acts 3138 or omissions of Contractor to private property must be repaired or replaced by Contractor at Contractor’s sole 3139 expense. Disputes between Contractor and its Service Recipients or private property owners as to damage 3140 to private property are civil matters and complaints of damage will be referred to Contractor as a matter within 3141 its sole responsibility and as a matter within the scope of Section 27.01 [Indemnification]. 3142 Article 29. Default of Agreement 3143 29.01 Termination. City may cancel this Agreement, except as otherwise provided below in this 3144 Section, by giving Contractor thirty (30) calendar days advance written notice, to be served as provided in 3145 this Agreement, upon the happening of any one of the following events: 3146 29.01.1 Contractor takes the benefit of any present or future insolvency statute, or makes a 3147 general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy (court) or a petition 3148 or answer seeking an arrangement for its reorganization or the readjustment of its indebtedness under the 3149 Federal bankruptcy laws or under any other law or statute of the United States or any State thereof, or 3150 consent to the appointment of a receiver, trustee or liquidator of all or substantially all of its property; or 3151 29.01.2 By order or decree of a court, Contractor is adjudged bankrupt or an order is made 3152 approving a petition filed by any of its creditors or by any of the stockholders of Contractor, seeking its 3153 reorganization or the readjustment of its indebtedness under the Federal bankruptcy laws or under any law 3154 or statute of the United States or of any State thereof, provided that if any such judgment or order is stayed 3155 or vacated within sixty (60) calendar days after the entry thereof, any notice of default will be and become 3156 null, void and of no effect; unless such stayed judgment or order is reinstated in which case, such default 3157 will be deemed immediate; or 3158 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 88 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 29.01.3 By, or pursuant to, or under the authority of any legislative act, resolution or rule or 3159 any order or decree of any court or governmental board, agency or officer having jurisdiction, a receiver, 3160 trustee or liquidator takes possession or control of all or substantially all of the property of Contractor, and 3161 such possession or control continues in effect for a period of sixty (60) calendar days; or 3162 29.01.4 Contractor has defaulted, by failing or refusing to pay in a timely manner the 3163 administrative charges or other monies due City and such default is not cured within thirty (30) calendar days 3164 of receipt of written notice by City to do so; or 3165 29.01.5 Contractor has defaulted by allowing any final judgment for the payment of money 3166 owed to City to stand against it unsatisfied and such default is not cured within thirty (30) calendar days of 3167 receipt of written notice by City to do so; or 3168 29.01.6 In the event that the monies due City under Section 29.01.3 above or an unsatisfied 3169 final judgment under Section 29.01.4 above is the subject of a judicial proceeding, Contractor will not be in 3170 default if the sum of money is bonded. All bonds must be in the form acceptable to the City Attorney; or 3171 29.01.7 Contractor has defaulted, by failing or refusing to perform or observe any of the 3172 terms, conditions or covenants in this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the maintenance of a 3173 performance bond in accordance with Article 26, or any of the rules and regulations promulgated by City 3174 pursuant thereto or has wrongfully failed or refused to comply with the instructions of the Agreement 3175 Administrator relative thereto and such default is not cured within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of 3176 written notice by City to do so, or if by reason of the nature of such default, the same cannot be remedied 3177 within thirty (30) calendar days following receipt by Contractor of written demand from City to do so, 3178 Contractor fails to commence the remedy of such default within such thirty (30) calendar days following such 3179 written notice or having so commenced fails thereafter to continue with diligence the curing thereof (with 3180 Contractor having the burden of proof to demonstrate (a) that the default cannot be cured within thirty (30) 3181 calendar days, and (b) that it is proceeding with diligence to cure such default, and such default will be cured 3182 within a reasonable period of time). However, notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, for 3183 the failure of Contractor to provide Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services for a period of three (3) 3184 consecutive Work Days, City may secure Contractor's records on the fourth (4th) Work Day in order to 3185 provide interim Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services until such time as the matter is resolved and 3186 Contractor is again able to perform pursuant to this Agreement; provided, however, if Contractor is unable 3187 for any reason or cause to resume performance at the end of thirty (30) calendar days all liability of City 3188 under this Agreement to Contractor will cease and this Agreement may be terminated by City. 3189 29.02 Violations. Notwithstanding the foregoing and as supplemental and additional means of 3190 termination of this Agreement under this Article, in the event that Contractor's record of performance shows 3191 that Contractor has defaulted in the performance of any of the covenants and conditions required herein to 3192 be kept and performed by Contractor three (3) or more times in any twenty-four (24) month period, and 3193 regardless of whether the Contractor has corrected each individual condition of default, Contractor will be 3194 deemed a "habitual violator", will be deemed to have waived the right to any further notice or grace period to 3195 correct, and all such defaults will be considered cumulative and collectively will constitute a condition of 3196 irredeemable default. City will thereupon issue Contractor a final warning citing the circumstances therefore, 3197 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 89 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 and any single default by Contractor of whatever nature, subsequent to the occurrence of the last of such 3198 cumulative defaults, will be grounds for immediate termination of the Agreement. In the event of any such 3199 subsequent default, City may terminate this Agreement upon giving of written final notice to Contractor, such 3200 cancellation to be effective upon the date specified in City's written notice to Contractor, and all contractual 3201 fees due hereunder plus any and all charges and interest will be payable to such date, and Contractor will 3202 have no further rights hereunder. Immediately upon the specified date in such final notice Contractor must 3203 cease any further performance under this Agreement. 3204 29.03 Effective Date. In the event of any the events specified above, and except as otherwise 3205 provided in such subsections, termination will be effective upon the date specified in City's written notice to 3206 Contractor and upon such date this Agreement will be deemed immediately terminated and upon such 3207 termination, except for payment of services rendered up to and including the date of termination, all liability 3208 of City under this Agreement to Contractor will cease, and City will have the right to call the performance bond 3209 and will be free to negotiate with other contractors for the operation of interim and long-term Integrated Solid 3210 Waste Handling Services. Contractor must reimburse City for all direct and indirect costs of providing any 3211 interim Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services as a result of Contractor’s default in this Agreement. 3212 29.04 Termination Cumulative. City’s right to terminate this Agreement is cumulative to any other 3213 rights and remedies provided by law or by this Agreement. 3214 29.05 Alternative Service. Should Contractor, for any reason, except the occurrence or existence 3215 of any of the events or conditions set forth in Section 25.04 [Uncontrollable Circumstances], refuse or be 3216 unable for a period of more than forty-eight (48) hours, to Collect a material portion or all of the Solid Waste 3217 which it is obligated under this Agreement to Collect, and as a result, Solid Waste should accumulate in City 3218 to such an extent, in such a manner, or for such a time that the City Manager, in the reasonable exercise of 3219 the City Manager's discretion, should find that such accumulation endangers or menaces the public health, 3220 safety or welfare, then City will have the right to Agreement with another Solid Waste enterprise to Collect 3221 any or all Solid Waste which Contractor is obligated to Collect pursuant to this Contract. City must provide 3222 twenty-four (24) hours prior written notice to Contractor during the period of such event, before contracting 3223 with another Solid Waste enterprise to Collect any or all Solid Waste that Contractor would otherwise collect 3224 pursuant to this Agreement for the duration of period during which Contractor is unable to provide such 3225 services. In such event, Contractor must undertake commercially reasonable efforts to identify sources from 3226 which such substitute Solid Waste services are immediately available and must reimburse City for all of its 3227 expenses for such substitute services during period in which Contractor is unable to provide Integrated Solid 3228 Waste Handling Services required by this Agreement. 3229 29.06 Survival of Certain Contractor Obligations. Notwithstanding the termination of this 3230 Agreement by Contractor or City, Contractor’s obligation to indemnify, defend and hold City and City 3231 Indemnitees harmless as provided in this Agreement shall survive termination for five (5) years from the date 3232 of termination. Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement by Contractor or City, such act shall not 3233 automatically invalidate or cancel any insurance policy, letter of credit, performance bond or similar 3234 instruments provided by Contractor under this Agreement and such policies, letters of credit, performance 3235 bonds and other instruments shall remain in full force and effect for one full year after termination. 3236 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 90 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Article 30. Modifications to the Agreement 3237 30.01 City-Directed Change. City has the power to make changes in this Agreement to impose 3238 new rules and regulations on Contractor under this Agreement relative to the scope and methods of providing 3239 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services as may from time-to-time be necessary and desirable for the public 3240 welfare. The size of Collection Containers specified herein for Bundled Service are designed to meet the 3241 requirements of the Applicable Law, inclusive of the State’s recycling mandates including AB 341, AB 1826 3242 and SB 1383, and to be appropriate for the capabilities and capacities of available Materials Recovery 3243 Facilities and Organics Waste Processing Facilities at the start of this Agreement. The capabilities and 3244 capacities of such facilities may change during the term of this Agreement; as such City reserves the right to 3245 redirect materials to alternate facilities and change the designated sizes of Carts and/or Bins in Bundled 3246 Services in accordance with any such changes. City will give the Contractor notice of any proposed change 3247 and an opportunity to be heard concerning those matters, and agrees to adjust Service Rates to reflect 3248 additional costs borne by Contractor. The scope and method of providing Integrated Solid Waste Handling 3249 Services as referenced herein will be liberally construed to include procedures, operations and obligations, 3250 financial or otherwise, of Contractor. When such modifications are made to this Agreement, City and 3251 Contractor will negotiate in good faith, a reasonable and appropriate compensation adjustment for any 3252 increase or decrease in the services or other obligations required of Contractor due to any modification in the 3253 Agreement under this Article. City and Contractor will not unreasonably withhold agreement to such 3254 compensation adjustment. Should agreement between City and Contractor on compensation adjustment not 3255 be reached within six months of the change request, or other period as agreed upon by both parties, City and 3256 Contractor agree to submit the compensation adjustment to binding arbitration as described in Section 30.02. 3257 30.01.1 Change in Law. City and Contractor understand and agree that the California 3258 Legislature has the authority to make comprehensive changes in Integrated Solid Waste Handling 3259 legislation, and that these and other changes in Applicable Law in the future which mandate certain actions 3260 or programs for counties, municipalities or Contractor may require changes or modifications in some of the 3261 terms, conditions, or obligations under this Agreement. Contractor agrees that the terms and provisions of 3262 the City Municipal Code, as it now exists or as it may be amended in the future (in a manner not inconsistent 3263 with this Agreement), will apply to all of the provisions of this Agreement and the Service Recipients of 3264 Contractor located within the Service Area. In the event any future change in the Applicable Law, inclusive 3265 of any change in Federal law or regulations, State or local law of regulation, or the City Code that materially 3266 alters the obligations of Contractor, then Contractor shall be obligated to, and hereby agrees to, undertake 3267 such new or modified services or programs or take such other actions as may be necessary to comply with 3268 the Change in Law (“Modified Services”), provided that City and Contractor negotiate in good faith, and 3269 agree upon a reasonable and appropriate compensation adjustment for such Modified Services, prior to 3270 Contractor being obligated to undertake the Modified Services. City and Contractor will not unreasonably 3271 withhold agreement to such compensation adjustment. Should agreement between City and Contractor on 3272 compensation adjustment not be reached within six months of the change request, or other period as agreed 3273 upon by both parties, City and Contractor agree to submit the compensation adjustment to binding arbitration 3274 as described in Section 30.02. Nothing contained in this Agreement will require any party to perform any 3275 act or function contrary to law. 3276 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 91 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 30.02 Arbitration. Arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator. If, within twenty (20) days 3277 from the receipt of a request to arbitrate (or such longer period mutually agreed to by the parties), the parties 3278 are unable to agree on an arbitrator, then a single arbitrator shall be appointed pursuant to the Commercial 3279 Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, which shall govern any arbitration requested under 3280 this provision. Each party shall bear its own costs and expenses of any arbitration. Each party shall pay one-3281 half of the costs of the arbitrator. 3282 Article 31. Legal Representation 3283 31.01 Acknowledgement. It is acknowledged that each party was, or had the opportunity to be, 3284 represented by counsel in the preparation of and contributed equally to the terms and conditions of this 3285 Agreement and, accordingly, the rule that a contract will be interpreted strictly against the party preparing the 3286 same will not apply due to the joint contributions of both parties. 3287 Article 32. Conflict of Interest 3288 32.01 Financial Interest. Consultant is unaware of any City employee or official that has a 3289 financial interest in Consultant's business. During the term of this Agreement and/or as a result of being 3290 awarded this Agreement, Consultant shall not offer, encourage or accept any financial interest in Consultant's 3291 business by any City employee or official. 3292 Article 33. Contractor's Personnel 3293 33.01 Displaced Employees. Contractor shall offer employment to all qualified displaced 3294 employees of the City’s franchisees from the prior Exclusive Solid Waste Franchise Agreement. Contractors 3295 must retain these displaced employees for a period of not less than 90 days, as provided for in Chapter 4.6, 3296 Sections 1070 through 1076 of the California Labor Code. Contractor shall make information about wage 3297 rates, benefits and job classifications of employees available to the City prior to any subsequent procurement 3298 for solid waste collection. 3299 33.02 Personnel Requirements. Contractor shall assign only qualified personnel to perform all 3300 services required under this Agreement and shall be responsible for ensuring its employees comply with this 3301 Agreement and all Applicable Laws related to their employment and position. Contractor's employees, 3302 officers, agents, and subcontractors shall not identify themselves or in any way represent themselves as 3303 being employees or officials of City. City may request the transfer of any employee of Contractor who 3304 materially violates any provision of this Agreement, or who is wanton, negligent, or discourteous in the 3305 performance of their duties under this Agreement. 3306 33.03 Agreement Manager. Contractor shall designate a qualified employee to serve as its 3307 Agreement Manager and must provide the name of that person in writing to City within thirty (30) days prior 3308 to the Commencement Date of this Agreement and annually by January 1st of each subsequent Calendar 3309 Year of this Agreement and any other time the person in that position changes. The Agreement Manager 3310 must be available to the City through the use of telecommunications equipment at all times that Contractor is 3311 providing Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services in the Service Area. The Contract Manager must provide 3312 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 92 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 City with an emergency phone number where the Contract Manager can be reached outside of normal 3313 business hours. 3314 33.04 Service Supervisor. Contractor shall assign a qualified employee to serve as is Service 3315 Supervisor to be in charge of the Collection Service within the Service Area and must provide the name of 3316 that person in writing to the Agreement Administrator on or before the Commencement Date, and thereafter 3317 annually before January 1st of each subsequent Calendar Year of the Term, and any other time Contractor 3318 changes the employee serving in that position changes. The Service Supervisor must be physically located 3319 in the Service Area and available to the Agreement Administrator through the use of telecommunication 3320 equipment at all times that Contractor is providing Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services. In the event the 3321 Service Supervisor is unavailable due to illness or vacation, Contractor must designate an substitute 3322 acceptable to the City who shall be available and shall have the authority to act in the same capacity as the 3323 Service Supervisor. 3324 33.05 Key Operations Staff. Contractor shall identify a full-time Key Operations Staff consisting 3325 at a minimum of: one (1) Operations Manager; one (1) Route Supervisor; one (1) Lead Mechanical 3326 Supervisor; and one (1) Service Recipient Service Supervisor 100% dedicated to the City. Each Key 3327 Operations Staff will provide the following to City Staff: email address, phone number, cell phone number and 3328 office address. 3329 33.06 Sustainability/Compliance Staff. In accordance with Section 20.01, Contractor shall provide 3330 full time Sustainability/Compliance Staff, whose primary duties are dedicated to the City. 3331 33.07 Field Personnel. Contractor’s field operations personnel are required to wear a clean 3332 uniform shirt bearing Contractor’s name. Contractor’s employees, who normally come into direct contact with 3333 the public, including drivers, must bear some means of individual photographic identification such as a name 3334 tag or identification card. Each driver of a Collection vehicle must at all times carry a valid California driver's 3335 license and all other required licenses for the type of vehicle that is being operated. 3336 33.08 Labor Certifications. Contractor certifies: (i) it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of 3337 the California Labor Code that require every employer to be insured against liability for Workers' 3338 Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code; (ii) in the 3339 performance of the Services, Contractor shall not, in any manner, employ any person or contract with any 3340 person so that any part of this Agreement is so performed by such person would be subject to the workers' 3341 compensation laws of the State of California unless and until Contractor gives City a certificate of consent to 3342 self-insure or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage; and (iii) in the event Contractor 3343 hires any subcontractor who has employees to perform the any part thereof, then Contractor shall either 3344 require the subcontractor to obtain Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage, or must obtain Workers' 3345 Compensation Insurance Coverage for the subcontractor's employees. Before commencing performance 3346 under this Agreement, Contractor shall provide to the City evidence of any Workers' Compensation Insurance 3347 Coverage required by or for this Agreement, and all such coverage shall be endorsed with a waiver of 3348 subrogation in favor of City for all work performed by Contractor, its employees, its agents, and its 3349 subcontractors. 3350 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 93 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 33.09 Subcontractors. Contractor shall not subcontract any portion of this Agreement without the 3351 prior written approval of the City Manager. Contractor is fully responsible to City for the performance of any 3352 and all subcontractors, if any, and shall require any subcontractors to maintain all applicable federal, state, 3353 and local licenses required for the work they are assigned to perform. Contractor shall require any 3354 subcontractors performing work in the City to enter into a written contract that requires such subcontractors 3355 to agree they are independent contractors and have no other agency relationship with City. 3356 Article 34. Exempt Waste 3357 34.01 Contractor is not required to Collect or dispose of Exempt Waste but may offer such 3358 services. All such Collection and disposal of Exempt Waste is not regulated under this Agreement, but if 3359 provided by Contractor must be in strict compliance with all Applicable Laws. 3360 Article 35. Independent Contractor 3361 35.01 In the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement, Contractor is an independent 3362 contractor and not an officer, agent, servant or employee of City. Contractor will have exclusive control of the 3363 details of the services and work performed and over all persons performing such services and work. 3364 Contractor is solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, employees, contractors, and 3365 subcontractors, if any. Neither Contractor nor its officers, employees, agents, contractors, or subcontractors 3366 will obtain any right to retirement benefits, Workers Compensation benefits, or any other benefits which 3367 accrued to City employees and Contractor expressly waives any claim to such benefits. 3368 35.02 Subcontractors. Contractor will require all subcontractors performing work in the City to 3369 enter into a contract containing the provisions set forth in the preceding subsection in which contract the 3370 subcontractor agrees that Contractor and subcontractor are independent contractors and have no other 3371 agency relationship with City. 3372 Article 36. Laws to Govern 3373 36.01 The law of the State of California governs the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of 3374 City and Contractor under this Agreement and govern the interpretation of this Agreement. 3375 Article 37. Consent to Jurisdiction 3376 37.01 The parties agree that any litigation between City and Contractor concerning or arising out 3377 of this Contract must be filed and maintained exclusively in the Superior Courts of Los Angeles County, State 3378 of California, or in the United States District Court for the Central District of California to the fullest extent 3379 permissible by law. Each party consents to service of process in any manner authorized by California law. 3380 Article 38. Assignment 3381 38.01 No assignment of this Agreement or any right occurring under this Agreement may be 3382 made in whole or in part by Contractor without the express prior written consent of the City. City will have full 3383 discretion to approve or deny, with or without cause, any proposed or actual assignment by the Contractor. 3384 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 94 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Any assignment of this Agreement made by Contractor without the express written consent of the City will be 3385 null and void and will be grounds for City to declare a default of this Agreement and immediately terminate 3386 this Agreement by giving written notice to Contractor, and upon the date of such notice Contract will be 3387 deemed immediately terminated, and upon such termination all liability of City under this Contract to 3388 Contractor will cease, and City will have the right to call the performance bond and will be free to negotiate 3389 with other contractors, for the services that are the subject of this Agreement. In the event of any assignment 3390 approved by City, the assignee must fully assume all the liabilities of Contractor by way of an assignment and 3391 assumption agreement. A sale or other transfer of more than fifty percent (50%) of the shares, stocks, points, 3392 or other indicia of ownership interest in Contractor shall be considered to be an assignment under this Article 3393 requiring prior written consent of the City. Upon notification to the City, Contractor shall provide to the City 3394 a payment of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) for the city to perform its due diligence related to 3395 the requested Assignment. 3396 38.02 The use of a subcontractor to perform services under this Contract will not constitute 3397 delegation of Contractor’s duties if Contractor has received prior written authorization from the Agreement 3398 Administrator to subcontract such services and the Agreement Administrator has approved a subcontractor 3399 who will perform such services. Contractor will be responsible for directing the work of Contractor’s 3400 subcontractors and any compensation due or payable to Contractor’s subcontractor will be the sole 3401 responsibility of Contractor. The Agreement Administrator will have the right to require the removal of any 3402 approved subcontractor for reasonable cause. 3403 Article 39. Compliance with Laws 3404 39.01 In the performance of this Contractor, Contractor must comply with all Applicable Laws, 3405 including, without limitation, the Rosemead Municipal Code. 3406 39.02 City shall provide written notice to Contractor of any planned amendment of the Rosemead 3407 Municipal Code that would substantially affect the performance of Contractor’s services pursuant to this 3408 Agreement. Such notice must be provided at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the City Council’s approval 3409 of such an amendment. 3410 Article 40. Permits and Licenses 3411 40.01 Contractor shall obtain, at its own expense, all permits, and licenses required by law or 3412 ordinance and maintain same in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement. Contractor must 3413 provide proof of such permits, licenses or approvals and must demonstrate compliance with the terms and 3414 conditions of such permits, licenses, and approvals upon the request of the Agreement Administrator. 3415 40.02 The Contractor must have a valid City Business Tax Certificate throughout the term of the 3416 Franchise Agreement. 3417 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 95 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Article 41. Ownership of Written Materials 3418 41.01 Contractor hereby grants City a non-exclusive license as to all reports, documents, 3419 brochures, public education materials, and other similar written, printed, electronic or photographic materials 3420 developed by Contractor at the request of City or as required under this Agreement, and intended for public 3421 use, without limitation or restrictions on the use of such materials by City. Contractor may not use such 3422 materials that specifically reference City for other purposes without the prior written consent of the Agreement 3423 Administrator. This Article 41 does not apply to ideas or concepts described in such materials and does not 3424 apply to the format of such materials. 3425 Article 42. Waiver 3426 42.01 Waiver by City or Contractor of any breach for violation of any term covenant or condition 3427 of this Agreement will not be deemed to be a waiver of any other term, covenant or condition or any 3428 subsequent breach or violation of the same or of any other term, covenant, or condition. The subsequent 3429 acceptance by City of any fee, tax, or any other monies which may become due from Contractor to City will 3430 not be deemed to be a waiver by City of any breach for violation of any term, covenant, or condition of this 3431 Agreement. 3432 Article 43. Prohibition Against Gifts 3433 43.01 Contractor represents that Contractor is familiar with City’s prohibition against the 3434 acceptance of any gift by a City officer or designated employee. Contractor may not offer any City officer or 3435 designated employee any gifts prohibited by the City. 3436 Article 44. Point of Contact 3437 44.01 The day-to-day dealings between Contractor and City will be between Contractor and the 3438 Agreement Administrator. 3439 Article 45. Notices 3440 45.01 Except as provided in this Agreement, whenever either party desires to give notice to the 3441 other, it must be given by written notice addressed to the party for whom it is intended, at the place last 3442 specified and to the place for giving of notice in compliance with the provisions of this Section. For the present, 3443 the parties designate the following as the respective persons and places for giving of notice: 3444 As to the City: 3445 ________________ 3446 ________________ 3447 ________________ 3448 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 96 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 As to the Contractor: 3449 ________________ 3450 ________________ 3451 ________________ 3452 45.02 Notices will be effective when received at the address as specified above. Changes in the 3453 respective address to which such notice is to be directed may be made by written notice. 3454 45.03 Notice by City to Contractor of a Collection or other Service Recipient problem or complaint 3455 may be given to Contractor orally by telephone at Contractor’s local office with confirmation sent to Contractor 3456 through the Customer Service System by the end of the Workday. 3457 Article 46. Transition to Next Contractor 3458 46.01 In the event Contractor is not awarded an extension or new contract to continue to provide 3459 Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services following the expiration or early termination of this Agreement, 3460 Contractor will cooperate fully with City and any subsequent contractors to assure a smooth transition of 3461 services described in this Agreement. Such cooperation will include but not be limited to transfer of computer 3462 data, files and tapes; providing routing information, route maps, vehicle fleet information, and list of Service 3463 Recipients; providing a complete inventory of all Collection Containers; providing adequate labor and 3464 equipment to complete performance of all Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services required under this 3465 Agreement; taking reasonable actions necessary to transfer ownership of carts and bins, as appropriate, to 3466 City; including transporting such containers to a location designated by the Agreement Administrator; 3467 coordinating Collection of Materials set out in new containers if new containers are provided for a subsequent 3468 Agreements and providing other reports and data required by this Agreement. 3469 Article 47. Contractor’s Records 3470 47.01 Contractor shall keep and preserve, during the Term of this Agreement, full, complete, and 3471 accurate financial and accounting records, pertaining to cash, billing, and disposal transactions for the 3472 franchise area, prepared on an accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. 3473 These records and reports are necessary for the City to properly administer and monitor the Agreement and 3474 to assist the City in meeting the requirements of the Act. The Contractor shall keep and preserve, during the 3475 Term of this Agreement, and for a period of not less than four (4) years following expiration or other 3476 termination hereof or for any longer period required by law, full, complete, and accurate records as indicated 3477 in the Agreement. 3478 47.02 Any records or documents required to be maintained pursuant to this Agreement must be 3479 made available for inspection or audit for the purposes set forth in Section 17.02.3, at any time during regular 3480 business hours, upon written request by the Agreement Administrator, the City Attorney, City Auditor, City 3481 Manager, or a designated representative of any of these officers. Copies of such documents will be provided 3482 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 97 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 to City electronically, available to City for inspection at the local Contractor office, or an alternate site if 3483 mutually agreed upon. 3484 47.02.1 Contractor acknowledges that City is legally obligated to comply with the California 3485 Public Records Act (“CPRA”). City acknowledges that Contractor may consider certain records, reports, or 3486 information contained therein, (“Records”) which Contractor is required to provide to City under this 3487 Agreement, to be of a proprietary or confidential nature. In such instances, Contractor will inform City in 3488 writing of which records are considered propriety or confidential and shall identify the statutory exceptions 3489 to disclosure provided under the CPRA that legally permit non-disclosure of the Records. At such time as 3490 City receives a request for records under the CPRA or Federal Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) or a 3491 subpoena or other court order requesting disclosure of the Records, City will notify Contractor of the request, 3492 subpoena or order and of City’s obligation and intent to provide a response within ten (10) calendar days. 3493 Contractor shall within five (5) calendar days either: (i) consent in writing to the disclosure of the Records; 3494 or (ii) seek and obtain, at Contractor’s sole cost and expense, the order of a court of competent jurisdiction 3495 staying or enjoining the disclosure of the Records. If Contractor fails to timely respond, then City may proceed 3496 to disclosure the Records in which event Contractor agrees waives and releases City of any liability for the 3497 disclosure of the Records. In the event Contractor seeks a court order to stay or enjoining the disclosure of 3498 the Records, Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its Council, elected and appointed 3499 board or commission members, officers, employees, volunteers and agents (collectively, "Indemnitees") 3500 from and against any and all loss, liability, penalty, forfeiture, claim, demand, action, proceeding or suit in 3501 law or equity of any and every kind and description, whether judicial, quasi-judicial or administrative in nature, 3502 arising or resulting from or in any way connected with the subject CPRA or FOIA request for the Records. 3503 This Indemnity shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 3504 47.03 Where City has reason to believe that such records or documents may be lost or discarded 3505 in the event of the dissolution, disbandment or termination of Contractor’s business, City may, by written 3506 request or demand of any of the above-named officers, require that custody of the records be given to City 3507 and that the records and documents be maintained in City Hall. Access to such records and documents will 3508 be granted to any party authorized by Contractor, Contractor’s representatives, or Contractor’s successor-in-3509 interest. 3510 Article 48. Entire Agreement 3511 48.01 This Agreement and the attached Exhibits constitute the entire Agreement and 3512 understanding between the parties, and the Agreement will not be considered modified, altered, changed, or 3513 amended in any respect unless in writing and signed by the parties. 3514 Article 49. Severability 3515 49.01 If any provision of this Agreement or the application of it to any person or situation is to any 3516 extent held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement and the application of such provisions 3517 to persons or situations other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, will not be affected, 3518 will continue in full force and effect, and will be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. 3519 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 98 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Article 50. Right to Require Performance 3520 50.01 The failure of City at any time to require performance by Contractor of any provision of this 3521 Agreement will in no way affect the right of City thereafter to enforce same. Nor will waiver by City of any 3522 breach of any provision of this Agreement be taken or held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of such 3523 provision or as a waiver of any provision itself. 3524 Article 51. All Prior Agreements Superseded 3525 51.01 This Agreement incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, 3526 conversations, agreements, and understandings applicable to the matters contained in this Agreement and 3527 the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understandings concerning the subject 3528 matter of this Agreement that are not contained in this document. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation 3529 from the terms of this Agreement will be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether 3530 oral or written. 3531 Article 52. Headings 3532 52.01 Headings in this document are for convenience of reference only and are not to be 3533 considered in any interpretation of this Agreement. 3534 Article 53. Exhibits 3535 53.01 Each Exhibit referred to in this Agreement forms an essential part of this Agreement. Each 3536 such Exhibit is a part of this Agreement, and each is incorporated by this reference. In the event of any 3537 conflicts between this Agreement and the Exhibits, then this Agreement shall take priority. 3538 Article 54. Attorney’s Fees 3539 54.01 If litigation is brought by a party in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party will 3540 be entitled to recover from the opposing party all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, 3541 incurred by the prevailing party in the exercise of any of its rights or remedies under this Agreement or the 3542 enforcement of any of the terms, conditions, or provisions of this Agreement. 3543 Article 55. Effective Date 3544 55.01 This Agreement will become effective when it is properly executed by City and Contractor 3545 and Contractor will begin Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services under this Agreement as of August 1, 3546 2023. 3547 3548 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 99 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Contractor have executed this Agreement on the respective 3549 date(s) below each signature. 3550 CITY OF ______________ __________________ INC. 3551 A General Law City 3552 By: ________________________ By: ________________________ 3553 3554 3555 Title: _______________________ By: _____________________________ 3556 President 3557 3558 ATTEST: ____________________ By: __________________________ 3559 City Clerk 3560 APPROVED AS TO FORM 3561 City Attorney _____________________________ 3562 Secretary 3563 By: _________________________ 3564 3565 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 100 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 1 3566 City Approved Service Rates 3567 3568 3569 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 101 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 2 3570 Additional Services 3571 RESERVED 3572 3573 3574 3575 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 102 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 3 3576 List of City Properties and Current Service Levels 3577 City Facilities - Service Levels Facility Address Garbage Recycling Organic / Green Waste / Food Waste Qty Size Qty Size Qty Size 4343 ENCINITA AV E 4 3 CY 7933 EMERSON PL 3 3 CY 8301 GARVEY AVE 1 3 CY 8471 KLINGERMAN ST 3 3 CY 8838 VALLEY BLVD 2 3 CY 1 3 CY 1 64 Gal 9101 MISSION DR E 7 3 CY 9108 GARVEY AVE 3 3 CY 1 3 CY 1 64 Gal 2714 River Ave 2 3 CY 1 64 Gal 3578 3579 3580 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 103 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 City of Rosemead Bus Shelter Trashcans Street Address Existing Trashcan Street Address Existing Trashcan Valley Blvd Garvey Ave [Eastbound] [Eastbound] 8338 1 7556 1 8548 1 7808 1 8800 1 7822 1 9000 1 7968 1 9142 1 8170 n/a 9338 1 8210 1 9542 1 8350 1 9712 1 8526 1 [Westbound] 8738 1 9701 1 8968 1 Merwyn C Gill (NW Corner) 1 9094 1 9403 1 [Westbound] 9207 1 9105 1 9001 1 9011 1 8779 1 8735 1 8609 1 Walnut Grove Ave (NW Corner) 1 935 (NW Corner of Delta Ave) 1 8405 1 San Gabriel Blvd 8117 1 [Northbound] 8001 1 2106 1 7773 1 2404 1 7603 1 2518 1 Mission Dr 3000 1 [Eastbound] 3106 1 8410 1 3246 1 4545 (WG Ave - SW Corner) 1 3366 1 8762 1 [Southbound] 9016 Trashcan Stop Only 1 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 104 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 City of Rosemead Bus Shelter Trashcans Street Address Existing Trashcan Street Address Existing Trashcan 3367 1 [Westbound] 3205 1 9063 Explorer Stop Only n/a 3003 1 Rosemead Blvd (NW Corner) 1 2722 1 8807 1 2511 1 Walnut Grove Ave (NE Corner) 1 2403 1 Walnut Grove Ave 2139 1 [Southbound] South San Gabriel Blvd 3365 1 [Eastbound] 2751 1 1151 (Delta St - Don Bosco HS) 1 Fern Ave (NW Corner) (2605) 1 Rose Glen Ave (SW Corner) 1 Klingerman St (SW Corner) 1 [Westbound] 1683 Explorer Stop Only 1 1000 1 Montebello Town Center n/a Village Ln (NE Corner) 1 [Northbound] Rosemead Blvd 2112 [Southbound] Edison Way (NE Corner) 1 4461 1 2612 (south of) 1 4251 1 Garvey Ave (SE Corner) 1 3967 1 3827 1 3675 1 [Northbound] 3706 1 3848 1 4008 1 4242 1 4502 1 3581 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 105 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 4 3582 Collection Container Specifications 3583 E4.01 Cart Specifications. E4.01.1 All new or replacement Carts must be manufactured with a minimum twenty percent (20%) post-consumer recycled material content and come with a ten (10) year warranty against defects. E4.01.2 Carts must be constructed with material that resists deterioration from ultraviolet radiation and be incapable of penetration by household pets or small wildlife when lids are fully closed. E4.01.3 Contractor must provide Carts having an approximate volume of 32, 64 and 96 gallons. Actual cart volume may vary by +/- 10% depending on manufacturer. E4.01.4 Carts must include wheels and handles that accommodate ease of movement by able- bodied persons, have heavy duty wheels, attached hinged lids, and be designed to be resistant to inadvertent tipping due to high winds. E4.01.5 Carts must include lids that continuously overlap the Cart body so as to prevent the intrusion of rainwater and minimize odors. The lids would be of a design and weight so as to prevent the Cart body from tilting backward when flipping the lid open. E4.01.6 Carts must be capable of being lifted into the Collection Vehicle without damage or distortion under normal usage. E4.01.7 Carts be hot-stamped, embossed, or labeled/decaled with the company name, a unique identification number (i.e., serial number for carts), weight limit, and images of the type of materials to be Collected. All Carts shall also contain instructions for proper usage. If any of the above is accomplished via labels or decals, such labels or decals must be maintained and/or replaced as necessary throughout the term to maintain a near new appearance. Decals/labels showing types of materials collected in each Cart must be replaced annually. E4.01.8 Cart and lids must meet all applicable colors and labeling specifications as set forth by CalRecycle (i.e., blue = recycle, black/charcoal = trash, green/brown = yard waste/mixed organics, green w/yellow lid or yellow = food waste or other color standards as determined by CalRecycle prior to the start of this Agreement). E4.02 Bin Specifications. E4.02.1 Bins must be constructed of heavy metal or heavy plastic and must be watertight, well painted, in good condition and without rust or dents. E4.02.2 Wheels, forklift slots, and other appurtenances, which are designed for movement, loading, or unloading of the container, must be maintained in good repair. DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 106 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 E4.02.3 Contractor must provide Bins having an approximate volume of 1, 2, 3, and 4- cubic yards. E4.02.4 Bins must have the name and phone number of Contractor on the exterior so as to be visible when the Bin is placed for use. E4.02.5 Each Bin must be labeled with a listing of materials that may and may not be placed in a particular Bin type, and each Bin must include a conspicuous warning: “Not to be used for the disposal of hazardous, electronic, or universal waste.” Bins must be labelled in English and Spanish. E4.02.6 Bid lids must be constructed of metal or heavy plastic, so as to minimize the intrusion of rainwater and minimize odors. Locking bins will be provided upon request at the rate set forth in Exhibit 1. E4.02.7 Bins must be capable of being lifted into the Collection Vehicle without damage under normal usage. E4.02.8 Bins must meet all applicable colors and labeling specifications as set forth by CalRecycle (i.e., blue = recycle, black/charcoal = trash, green/brown = yard waste/mixed organics, green w/yellow lid or yellow = food waste or other color standards as determined by CalRecycle prior to the start of this Agreement). E4.03 Roll-off Container Specifications. Roll-off specifications shall be the same as Bin specifications E4.02.1 through E4.02.6, and E4.02.8. Roll-offs shall be provided in sizes 10, 20, 30, 40 cubic yards. Compactors shall be available in sizes 10, 20,35, 40 cubic yards. E4.04 Kitchen Food Waste Pails Contractor is responsible for the purchase and distribution of fully assembled and functional Kitchen Food Waste Pails to SFD and MFD Service Units in the Service Area, including to new Service Units that are added to Contractor’s Service Area during the term of this Agreement. The initial distribution of Kitchen Food Waste Pails must be completed no later than August 1, 2023 along with educational outreach materials as approved by City and will be provided at no additional charge (one (1) pail per Dwelling Unit). The distribution to new Service Units must be completed within three (3) Work Days of receipt of notification from City or the Service Unit. E4.05 Containers End of Life Collection Containers must be recycled at the end of their useful life. DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 107 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 E4.06 Containers Purchase Contractor shall report all new Carts and Bins purchased pursuant to this Agreement to its address within the City, and shall report all purchases of Carts and Bins under this Agreement as attributable to the City for sales tax purposes. 3584 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 108 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 5 3585 Transition Plan 3586 _____________ has extensive experience in new program roll-outs ensuring success for the City of 3587 Rosemead franchise implementation. Transition experience includes various conversions and 3588 implementations of residential and commercial program including regulatory compliance, information 3589 materials development, container delivery and removal, mailings, advertisements, routing, billings, 3590 audits, and ongoing education. 3591 3592 After Contract Execution and prior to the Contact Start Date, _____________ will provide the City an 3593 update to the Start-Up Transition Roll-Out Plan for approval. The plan will include an updated detailed 3594 timeline with descriptions and estimated dates for minimally, all of the following: 3595 3596 • Vehicles 3597 • Order specifications 3598 • Confirmation of delivery dates 3599 • Containers 3600 • Order specifications 3601 • Confirmation of delivery dates 3602 • Staging and assembly location 3603 • Customer container size selection 3604 • Distribution plan 3605 • Including collection of existing containers 3606 • Employees 3607 • Hiring progress 3608 • Training 3609 • Public Outreach and Education 3610 3611 A transition provides customers with an experience that is reliable, orderly, seamless, and without 3612 service interruptions conducted thoroughly and professionally by staff. The transition services may 3613 include the following as appropriate: 3614 3615 • Collect solid waste from outgoing contractor's containers 3616 • Allow the outgoing contractor to collect from _____________ containers 3617 • Allow the future contractor to collect from _____________ containers during the transition 3618 • Service, remove and store outgoing contractor's containers after the transition 3619 • Continue customer's services, container quantity and sizes, and applicable discounts from 3620 outgoing contractor's customer service list, including not providing containers to addresses not 3621 utilizing outgoing contractor's services 3622 3623 1. Prior to the Start of Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services 3624 3625 3626 3627 a. Transition Team Approach 3628 3629 b. Proposal/Negotiation Phase 3630 3631 c. Start-Up/Transition Phase 3632 3633 3634 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 109 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 d. Contract Phase 3635 3636 2. Customer Communications & Selection of Equipment 3637 3638 3. Employee Retention 3639 3640 A. Training Route Drivers 3641 3642 B. Training: CSRs 3643 3644 C. Training: Mechanics 3645 3646 4. Transition Services 3647 3648 a) Regular Meetings 3649 3650 b) Activated Phone Lines 3651 3652 c) Determining Routes 3653 3654 d) Vehicle and Container Delivery from Manufacturer 3655 3656 5. Public Outreach and Education Activities 3657 3658 6. Transition Coordination 3659 3660 7. Transition Schedule 3661 3662 Phase / Activity Start Date End Date (1) PRE-CONTRACTING PHASE (a) City identifies recommended proposer. (b) Order Collection Vehicles (2) CONTRACTING PHASE (a) Contract Award/Execute Agreement (b) Insurance (c) Performance Security (d) Execute Agreement (e) Contracting Fee (3) TRANSITION PHASE (a) Transition Activities: (i) Transition Planning (ii) Transition Team Meetings (Weekly) (iii) After Action Meeting (b) Employment Activities: (i) Invitation to Apply (ii) Recruitment / Family Fair (iii) Employment Start Date (c) Equipment Activities: (i) Collection Vehicles (ii) Residential Cart Production (iii) Commercial Bin Procurement (iv) Residential Cart Distribution / Removal (v) Commercial Bin Distribution / Removal (d) Customer Activities: DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 110 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Phase / Activity Start Date End Date (i) CSR at City Hall (ii) Customer Service Training (iii) Residential Account Information Customer Update & Audit Initial Billing & Reporting (iv) Commercial Account Information Verification & Sustainability Programs Customer Upload & Audit Initial Billing (v) Routing (vi) City Facilities Initial Billing & Reporting Initial Billing (e) Education, Outreach & Diversion Activities (i) Residential Service Brochure (ii) Print & Social Media (iii) Update _____________ Website (iv) Community Meeting (v) Local Organizations Presentation (vi) Neighborhood Associations (vii) Residential Services Selection (f) Food Recovery Assistance (4) SERVICE START (a) Route Adjustments (b) Compliance Review (c) Identify Tier One & Tier Two Customers (d) Assist Tier One & Recovery Inspections 3663 8. Commencement Date of Collection 3664 3665 9. Commercial Generator Transition Plan Supplement 3666 3667 Below is the supplemental transition schedule highlighting major milestones of the process. 3668 3669 Commercial - Phase I Activity Start Date End Date (a) Contract Award (b) Collection Vehicles (c) Compliance Review (d) Share Review Results with City Staff (e) Commercial Customer Outreach (Most Impacted) (f) Commercial Customer Outreach (All Others) (g) Community Meetings (h) Commercial Bins Added, Replaced or Painted (i) Recruitment (Additional Commercial Drivers) (j) Final Customer Container Selection (k) Bins Delivered (l) Service Start 3670 3671 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 111 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 6 3672 Administrative Charges and Penalties 3673 Item Amount if Not Cured in 30 Days If Cured in 30 Days a. Failure to respond to each complaint within three (3) Work Days of receipt of complaint. $100 per incident per Service Recipient. b. Failure to maintain call center hours as required by this Agreement. $100 per day. -0- c. Failure to submit to City all reports by the deadlines required under the provisions of this Agreement. $100 per day. -0- d. Failure to include all parts of quarterly and annual reports specified in Sections 22.02 and 22.03 in the submitted report $100 per day. -0- e. Failure to submit to City all payments by the deadlines required under the provisions of this Agreement. 1% of the total amount due if fees are 1 – 10 days late; and 10% of the total amount due if fees are more than 10 days late. f. Failure for Collection Container to be compliant with specifications of Exhibit 4. $50.00/each Collection Container not compliant. -0- g. Failure for Collection Container to be compliant with SB 1383 labeling requirements. $50.00/each Collection Container not compliant. -0- h. Failure to display Contractor’s name and customer service phone number on Collection Vehicles. $100 per incident per day. -0- i. Failure to Collect a missed collection Container by close of the next Work Day upon notice to Contractor, that exceeds twenty (20) in any Calendar Year. $1,000 per Calendar year, plus $10 per incident per day. -0- j. Failure to repair or replace damaged Containers within the time required by this Agreement, that exceeds twenty (20) in any Calendar year. $1,000 per Calendar year, plus $10 per incident per day. k. Failure to maintain collection hours as required by this Agreement. $100 per day. -0- l. Failure to have Contractor personnel in Contractor- provided uniforms. $25 per day per employee. -0- DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 112 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Item Amount if Not Cured in 30 Days If Cured in 30 Days m . Failure of Contractor to follow Recyclable Materials and Organic Waste Contamination and Overage procedures as set forth under Section 5.07 and 5.13. $100/day for failure to implement correction plan. Submit for approval to City and implement plan of correction to City within 30 days. n. Vehicle fluid leak incidents from Contractor Collection Vehicles in excess of three (3) during a calendar year. $5000 per incident in excess of three (3) o. Failure of Contractor to provide proof of performance bond as required by this Agreement Agreement Default $500 per day p. Failure of Contractor to provide proof of insurance as required by this Agreement Agreement Default $500 per day q. Failure to provide City with documentation verifying Diversion, as outlined in Section 8.01.1, was achieved. $10,000/Quarter Submit for approval to City and implement plan of correction within 30 days. r. Failure to Collect holiday trees on Collection Days. $25 per day. -0- s. Failure to commence service to a new Service Recipient within seven (7) days after order. $150 per day -0- t. Failure to initially respond to a Service Recipient complaint within one (1) business day. $50.00 per failure to resolve customer compliant or request -0- 3674 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 113 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 7 3675 Customer Service Plan 3676 Overview 3677 3678 1. Service Recipient Billing 3679 3680 2. Technology Network 3681 3682 3. Staffing Levels 3683 3684 4. Payment Programs 3685 3686 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 114 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 8 3687 Collection Service Operations Plan 3688 _____________’s continued growth and extensive experience in collection programs, processing and 3689 diversion have situated the company in a position to ensure that necessary resources will be available 3690 during the transition period and contract term. 3691 3692 1. Vehicles 3693 3694 New collection vehicles are on order to service the City in preparation for a contract award. 3695 _____________ will utilize uniquely numbered, new model year _____ vehicles with a useful life 3696 expectancy of fifteen (15) years. This will include: 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 a) Automated Collection Vehicles 3708 3709 b) Commercial Collection Vehicles 3710 3711 c) Other Vehicles 3712 3713 d) Specialized Equipment 3714 3715 3716 e) Vehicle Specifications 3717 3718 The requested vehicle specifications are identified below. 3719 3720 Fuel Type Size # of Axles GVWR Capacity # of Collection Compartments Side Loader Side Loader Front Loader Scout Truck Flat Bed 3721 3722 f) Reduction of Air Emissions and Wear & Tear on City Streets 3723 3724 g) Vehicle Technology 3725 3726 h) Vehicle Appearance 3727 3728 i) Vehicle Maintenance Program 3729 3730 3731 Quantity Type Model Year Useful Life DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 115 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 j) Vehicle Maintenance Schedule 3732 3733 2. Containers 3734 3735 a. Past Experience 3736 3737 b. Sufficiency of Capacity 3738 3739 Container Dimensions Container Height Width Depth 35 Gallon Cart 65 Gallon Cart 95 Gallon Cart 1 Cubic Yard Bin 1½ Cubic Yard Bin 2 Cubic Yard Bin 3 Cubic Yard Bin 4 Cubic Yard Bin 6 Cubic Yard Bin 3740 c. Bin Enclosures and Limited Space 3741 3742 d. Container Appearance 3743 3744 1) Container Durability 3745 3746 2) Automated Carts 3747 3748 3) Commercial Bins 3749 3750 e. Container Maintenance Program 3751 3752 3. Route Operations 3753 3754 a) Advantages to Collection Vehicles Chosen 3755 3756 b) Driver Responsibilities 3757 3758 c) Anticipated Driver Productivity 3759 3760 Route Operations # of Crew # of Trucks # of Routes Total Route Hours On Route Hours Total # of Containers Collected # of Containers Collected / Hour # of Vehicle Passes per Customer per week Residential Trash Residential Recycling Residential Organics Commercial Trash Commercial Recycling DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 116 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Route Operations # of Crew # of Trucks # of Routes Total Route Hours On Route Hours Total # of Containers Collected # of Containers Collected / Hour # of Vehicle Passes per Customer per week Commercial Organics Bulky Collection Barrel / Bin Delivery Scout Bin Route 3761 d) Operational Communications 3762 3763 e) Driver Contamination Monitoring 3764 3765 f) Annual Service Level and Billing Audit Approach 3766 3767 1) Audit Plan 3768 3769 2) Route Maps 3770 3771 3) Route Audit Team 3772 3773 4) Route Audit Team Training 3774 3775 5) Conducting the Audit 3776 3777 4. Facilities 3778 3779 a) Designated Facilities 3780 3781 _____________ corporate offices and hauling operations facilities used to service the City are 3782 listed below: 3783 3784 Facility Location Distance to City Center Hauling Operations Corporate Offices 3785 _____________ proposes delivering solid waste, commingled recyclables, and organics to the 3786 facilities listed below. 3787 3788 Commodity Disposal Facility Facility Owner Location Distance to City Center Solid Waste/ Residue Recyclables DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 117 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Commodity Disposal Facility Facility Owner Location Distance to City Center Organic Waste E-Waste 3789 b) Estimated Recovery Rates Net of Residue 3790 3791 Commodity Disposal Facility Recovery Rate Permitted Capacity Recyclables Organic Waste 3792 c) Operational Limitations of Recycling and Organic Waste Processing 3793 3794 1) Organic Waste Processing 3795 3796 2) Recyclable Material Processing 3797 3798 d) How Recyclable Materials Will Be Marketed and Sold, Contingencies 3799 3800 5. Safety 3801 3802 a. Staffing Safety Requirements 3803 3804 1) Training 3805 2) Personal Protective Equipment 3806 3807 6. Reporting 3808 3809 a. Detailed monitoring and reporting 3810 b. Method Used to Track Tonnage 3811 c. Process for Reporting Complaints 3812 3813 7. Scavenging 3814 3815 3816 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 118 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 9 3817 City-Approved Processing and Disposal Facilities 3818 The City has approved the following Disposal Facilities, Organic Waste Processing Facilities, Material 3819 Recycling Facilities, and Transfer Stations to manage the specified services and otherwise assist the 3820 Contractor in the performance of the requirements of the Agreement. The Maximum Services Rates in 3821 Exhibit 1 assume all material is delivered to the approved facility. Any City-directed changes to any other 3822 non-approved facility will be considered a City-directed change in accordance with Section 30.01. The 3823 capabilities and capacities of such facilities may change during the term of this Agreement; as such City 3824 reserves the right to redirect materials to alternate facilities in accordance with any such changes. 3825 Disposal Facility 3826 3827 Approved City Facilities SWIS Number Site Name County Enforcement Agency (LEA/EA) 3828 Transfer and Processing Facilities 3829 3830 Approved City Facilities SWIS Number Site Name County Enforcement Agency (LEA/EA) 3831 3832 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 119 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 10 3833 Sustainability and Compliance Plan 3834 1. The Approach to Programs and Facility Requirements 3835 3836 a) Proposed Operating Procedures 3837 3838 b) State Guidelines 3839 3840 c) Think Local 3841 3842 d) Partnership; Standards Development and Education 3843 3844 2. Meeting Diversion Requirements 3845 3846 3847 3. Diversion Programs 3848 3849 3850 Diversion Programs Single Family Multi-Family Commercial City Services Legislative Compliance SB 1383 Education, Outreach, and Training Variable Size Container Collection Source Separated Recyclables Special Event Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Source Separated Organics Service Level Selection Bulky Item Collection Container Contamination Minimization Holiday Tree Collection Debris Box Collection Construction & Demolition Processing Compost Delivery and Give Away Onsite Waste Consultation Source Separated Green Waste Source Separated Food Waste Manure Edible Food Recovery Assistance Sharps Program Clean-Up Days Paper Shred-Events Home Composting Units Electronic Waste, Textile, Carpet, & Mattress Events City Sponsored Events Litter Abatement Code Enforcement Clean-Up Illegal Dumping Clean-Up City Park Service Additional Programs as Required 3851 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 120 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 4. Diversion Facilities 3852 5. Program Schedule 3853 3854 Sector Milestone 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Residential & Multi-Family Education & Outreach Route Reviews Container Size Adjustments Record Keeping Enforcement Support Diversion Programs Commercial (includes mixed-use service recipients) Education & Outreach Route Reviews Container Size Adjustments Commercial Business Requirements Education Edible Food Recovery Assistance & Education Enforcement Support Record Keeping Diversion Programs City Services Reporting Procurement Community Meetings School Education & Outreach Programs Community Event Participation Complaint Investigations Additional Services Program Evaluation & Adjustment DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 121 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Sector Milestone 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Franchised Diversion Rate Goal 3855 6. Estimated Tonnages SAMPLE 3856 3857 3858 Sector Material 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 Residential Recyclables Organics Residue Multi Family Recyclables Organics Residue Commercial (includes mixed-use service recipients) Recyclables Organics Residue Additional Services Recyclables Organics Residue Diversion % 3859 7. Contamination Minimization 3860 3861 a. Compliance Review 3862 3863 b. Contamination Monitoring Plan 3864 3865 c. Route Reviews 3866 3867 d. Waste Evaluations 3868 3869 e. Contamination Noticing and Adequate Service Levels 3870 3871 f. Route Reviews & Waste Evaluations 3872 3873 g. Route Review Efficiency 3874 3875 8. Air Emission Reduction 3876 3877 9. Reducing Wear and Tear on City Streets 3878 3879 10. Environmental Stewardship 3880 3881 a. Water and Power Conservation 3882 b. Waste Reduction and Reuse 3883 c. Procurement 3884 d. Other 3885 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 122 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 3886 3887 11. Use of Local Vendors 3888 3889 12. Innovative “Green Approach” 3890 3891 a. Electric Collection Vehicle Technology 3892 b. Innovative Facilities 3893 c. Strategic Partnerships 3894 d. Supplier Partnerships 3895 3896 13. Procurement 3897 3898 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 123 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 11 3899 Outreach and Education Plan 3900 1. Prior to Service Start Activities 3901 3902 2. Implementation Programs 3903 a. Schedule of Materials 3904 b. Service Brochures 3905 c. Community Meetings 3906 d. Written Notices and Outreach Material 3907 e. City, School, Facilities, and Business Community Programs 3908 f. City Staff Training 3909 3910 3. Methods to Reduce Contamination 3911 3912 4. Benefits of Participation 3913 3914 3915 DRAFT AGREEMENT.V1 Page 124 of 124 RIV #4862-7000-7618 v1 DRAFT 12/6/22 Exhibit 12 3916 Acceptable Recyclable Materials 3917 Recyclable Materials include but are not limited to: 3918 3919 Aluminum cans Aerosol cans Aseptic containers Brochures Cardboard Cereal boxes Clothes hangers Computer paper Coupons Envelopes Frozen food boxes and trays Glass bottles/jars Glass cosmetic bottles June mail Laundry bottles Magazines/catalogs Newspaper Paper Paper tubes Phone books Pizza boxes Plastic containers #1-#7 Plastic film Plastic milk jugs Plastic bags Polystyrene (Styrofoam) Tin cans Tissue boxes Wrapping paper 3920 Attachment 2 STREET SWEEPING SERVICES CONTRACT (CONTRACTOR NAME) 1. PARTIES AND DATE This Contract is made and entered into this ____ day of ________, _____ (Effective Date) by and between the City of Rosemead, a municipal corporation of the State of California, located at 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770, (“City”) and [CONTRACTOR NAME] with its principal place of business at [CONTRACTOR ADDRESS] (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”). City and Contractor are sometimes individually referred to as “Party” and collectively as “Parties” in this Contract. 2. RECITALS 2.1 Contractor Contractor desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provisions of certain professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract. Contractor represents that it is experienced in providing such work services to public clients, that it and its employees or subcontractors have all necessary licenses and permits to perform the Services in the State of California, and that is familiar with the plans of City. 2.2 Project City desires to engage Contractor to render such ongoing professional street sweeping (“Services”) as set forth in this Contract. 3. TERMS 3.1 Scope of Services and Term 3.1.1 General Scope of Services. Contractor promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the professional street sweeping services necessary for the Project (“Services”). The Services are more particularly described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Contract, the exhibits attached hereto and [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 2 of 24 incorporated herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. 3.1.2 Term. The term of this Contract shall be from Effective Date shown above for a ten-year period terminating on June 30, 2033 unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Contractor shall complete the Services within the term of this Contract, and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines. 3.2 Responsibilities of Contractor. 3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates; Independent Contractor. The Services shall be performed by Contractor or under its supervision. Contractor will determine the means, methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this Contract. City retains Contractor on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee. Contractor retains the right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of this Contract. Any additional personnel performing the Services under this Contract on behalf of Contractor shall also not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Contractor’s exclusive direction and control. Contractor shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of Services under this Contract and as required by law. Contractor shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such additional personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance. 3.2.2 Schedule of Services: Contractor shall perform the Services expeditiously, within the term of this Contract, and within the schedules timeline. Contractor represents that it has the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such conditions. In order to facilitate Contractor’s conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to Contractor’s submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Contractor shall provide a more detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services. 3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by Contractor shall be subject to the approval of City. 3.2.4 City’s Representative. The City hereby designates the Director of Public Works, Chris Daste, or his designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Contract (“City’s Representative”). City’s Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all purposes under this Contract. Contractor shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the City’s Representative or his or her designee. 3.2.5 Contractor’s Representative. Contractor hereby designates Mr. Eduardo Perry Jr., or his designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Contract (“Contractor’s Representative”). Contractor’s Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of the Contractor for all purposes under this Contract. The Contractor’s Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his/her best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 3 of 24 Contract. 3.2.6 Coordination of Services. Contractor agrees to work closely with City staff in the performance of Services and shall be available to City’s staff, contractors and other staff at all reasonable times. 3.2.7 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees. Contractor shall perform all Services under this Contract in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Contractor represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the Services. Contractor warrants that all employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Contractor represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City Business License if applicable, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Contract. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Contract, Contractor shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City, any services necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Contractor’s failure to comply with the standard of care provided for herein. Any employee of the Contractor or its sub-contractors who is determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project, a threat to the safety of persons or property, or any employee who fails or refuses to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Contractor and shall not be re-employed to perform any of the Services or to work on the Project. 3.2.8 Laws and Regulations. Contractor shall keep itself fully informed of and in compliance with all local, state aind federal laws, rules and regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal/OSHA, AQMD requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Contractor shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Contractor performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and without giving written notice to the City, Contractor shall be solely responsible for all costs arising therefrom. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold City, its officials, directors, officers, employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Contract, from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations. 3.2.9 Insurance: Contractor shall maintain, prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Contract, insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit B attached to and part of this Contract. 3.2.10 Safety. Contractor shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services, the Contractor shall at all times be in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and shall exercise all necessary precautions for the safety of employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the conditions under which the work is to be [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 4 of 24 performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include, but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and life saving equipment and procedures; (B) instructions in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as safe walkways, scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures, trenching and shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are necessary or lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) adequate facilities for the proper inspection and maintenance of all safety measures. 3.2.11 Prevailing Wages. Contractor is aware of the requirements of California Labor Code Section 1720, et seq., and 1770, et seq., as well as California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1600, et seq., (“Prevailing Wage Laws”), which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on “public works” and “maintenance” projects. If the Services are being performed as part of an applicable “public works” or “maintenance” project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Contractor agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws. City shall provide Contractor with a copy of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Contract. Contractor shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon request, and shall post copies at the Contractor’s principal place of business and at the project site. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. 3.2.12 Bonds. Performance Bond: If specifically requested by City, Contractor shall execute and provide to City concurrently with this Contract a Performance Bond in the amount of the total, not-to-exceed compensation indicated in this Contract, and in a form provided or approved by the City. If such bond is required, no payment will be made to Contractor until it has been received and approved by the City. Payment Bond. If required by law or otherwise specifically requested by City, Contractor shall execute and provide to City concurrently with this Contract a Payment Bond in the amount of the total, not-to-exceed compensation indicated in this Contract, and in a form provided or approved by the City. If such bond is required, no payment will be made to Contractor until it has been received and approved by the City. Bond Provisions. Should, in City’s sole opinion, any bond become insufficient or any surety be found to be unsatisfactory, Contractor shall renew or replace the affected bond within 10 days of receiving notice from City. In the event the surety or Contractor intends to reduce or cancel any required bond, at least thirty (30) days prior written notice shall be given to the City, and Contractor shall post acceptable replacement bonds at least ten (10) days prior to expiration of the original bonds. No further payments shall be deemed due or will be made under this Contract until any replacement bonds required by this Section are accepted by the City. To the extent, if any, that the total compensation is increased in accordance with the Contract, the Contractor shall, upon request of the City, cause the amount of the bonds to be increased accordingly and shall [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 5 of 24 promptly deliver satisfactory evidence of such increase to the City. To the extent available, the bonds shall further provide that no change or alteration of the Contract (including, without limitation, an increase in the total compensation, as referred to above), extensions of time, or modifications of the time, terms, or conditions of payment to the Contractor, will release the surety. If the Contractor fails to furnish any required bond, the City may terminate this Contract for cause. Surety Qualifications. Only bonds executed by an admitted surety insurer, as defined in Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.120, shall be accepted. The surety must be a California-admitted surety with a current A.M. Best’s rating no less than A:VIII and satisfactory to the City. If a California-admitted surety insurer issuing bonds does not meet these requirements, the insurer will be considered qualified if it is in conformance with Section 995.660 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, and proof of such is provided to the City. 3.3 Fees and Payments. 3.3.1 Compensation. The total compensation shall not exceed [INSERT WRITTEN AMOUNT] Dollars (INSERT NUMERIC AMOUNT) without advance written approval from the City for year one and allowing for annual adjustments for each subsequent contract year based upon changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), All Urban Consumers, for Los Angeles-Anaheim-Riverside Area, as published by the United States Department of Labor. Requests for annual adjustments shall be submitted to the City on or before March 1 of each year. Extra Work may be authorized, as described below, and if authorized, will be compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Contract. 3.3.2 Payment of Compensation. Contractor shall submit to City a monthly itemized statement that indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by Contractor. The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provided since the initial commencement date, or since the start of the subsequent billing periods, as appropriate, through the date of the statement. City shall, within 30 days after receiving such statement, review the statement and pay all approved charges. 3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses. Contractor shall not be reimbursed for any expenses unless authorized in writing by City. 3.3.4 Extra Work. At any time during the term of this Contract, City may request that Contractor perform Extra Work. As used herein, “Extra Work” means any work that is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Contract. Contractor shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from City’s Representative. 3.4 Accounting Records. 3.4.1 Maintenance and Inspection. Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this Contract. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Contractor shall allow a representative of City [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 6 of 24 during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created pursuant to this Contract. Contractor shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Contract for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Contract. 3.5 General Provisions. 3.5.1 Termination of Contract. City reserves the right to terminate this Contract in the event of any material breach of this Contract, including, but not limited to any of the following: If Contractor practices, or attempts to practice, any fraud or deceit upon the City, or practiced any fraud or deceit or made any intentional misrepresentations in the negotiations which preceded the execution of this Contract provided that the City has provided Contractor with written notice of the alleged fraud or deceit and afforded Contractor a reasonable opportunity to refute and defend itself against such charge or claim. If Contractor is convicted of, or pleads guilty, no contest, or nolo contend ere to a felony related to this Contract. As used in this Section, the term “Contractor” shall mean only the following: (a) the owner(s) of Contractor (whether shareholders, partners, or otherwise), (b) the members of the Contractor’s Board of Directors, and (c) Contractor’s President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer, and/or Secretary. Cumulative Rights. City’s rights of termination are in addition to any other rights of the City upon a failure of Contractor to perform its obligations under this Contract. Additional Services. In the event this Contract is terminated in whole or in part as provided herein, City may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. 3.5.2 Delivery of Notices. All notices permitted or required under this Contract shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose: CONTRACTOR: CONTRACTOR NAME CONTRACTOR ADDRESS Attn: Tel: CITY: City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Director of Public Works [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 7 of 24 Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed, forty-eight (48) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed to the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice occurred, regardless of the method of service. 3.5.3 Cooperation; Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate with one another, and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Contract. 3.5.4 Attorney’s Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party, either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Contract, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reasonable attorney’s fees and all other costs of such action. 3.5.5 Indemnification. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of or incident to any alleged acts, omissions or willful misconduct of Contractor, its officials, officers, employees, agents, contractors and contractors arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Services, the Project or this Contract, including without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and attorneys fees and other related costs and expenses. Contractor shall defend, at Contractor’s own cost, expense and risk, any and all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instituted against City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers. Contractor shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, in any such suit, action or other legal proceeding. Contractor shall reimburse City and its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Contractor’s obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers. 3.5.6 Entire Contract. This Contract contains the entire Contract of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations and understandings. This Contract may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. 3.5.7 Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles County. 3.5.8 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Contract. 3.5.9 City’s Right to Employ Other Contractors. City reserves right to employ other contractors in connection with this Project. 3.5.10 Successors and Assigns. This Contract shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties. [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 8 of 24 3.5.11 Assignment or Transfer. Contractor shall not assign, hypothecate, or transfer, either directly or by operation of law, this Contract or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer. 3.5.12 Amendment; Modification. No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Contract shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties. 3.5.13 Waiver. No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, benefit, privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any contractual rights by custom, estoppels, or otherwise. 3.5.14 No Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. 3.5.15 Invalidity; Severability. If any portion of this Contract is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 3.5.16 Prohibited Interests. Contractor maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Contractor, to solicit or secure this Contract. Further, Contractor warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Contractor, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Contract. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Contract without liability. For the term of this Contract, no member, officer or employee of City, during the term of his or her service with City, shall have any direct interest in this Contract, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom. 3.5.17 Equal Opportunity Employment. Contractor represents that it is an equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, ancestry, sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. Contractor shall also comply with all relevant provisions of City’s Minority Business Enterprise program, Affirmative Action Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or hereinafter enacted. 3.5.18 Labor Certification. By its signature hereunder, Contractor certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code that require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker’s Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Services. [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 9 of 24 3.5.19 Authority to Enter Contract. Contractor has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Contract. Each Party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Contract have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Contract and bind each respective Party. 3.5.20 Counterparts. This Contract may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. 3.6 Subcontracting. 3.6.1 Prior Approval Required. Contractor shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Contract, except as expressly stated herein, without prior written approval of City. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Contract. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE] [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 10 of 24 CITY OF ROSEMEAD [CONTRACTOR NAME] ________________________ _______ By:____________________ ________ Ben Kim, City Manager Date Signature Date Name: Print Attest: Title: ________________________ _______ Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Date [If Corporation, TWO SIGNATURES, President OR Vice President AND Secretary, AND CORPORATE SEAL OF CONTRACTOR REQUIRED] Approved as to Form: By: _ ________________________ _______ Rachel Richman, City Attorney Date Name:___________________________ Title: [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 11 of 24 EXHIBIT A STREET SWEEPING SERVICES Contractor shall provide street sweeping services to City during the Term in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement and this Exhibit. 1. Manner of Service. Contractor shall provide a Complete Sweep of all Curb Miles on all publicly maintained City Streets once a week, at a minimum. Within any curb mile, Contractor shall be responsible for sweeping all curbs including median islands and the corners from any cross street intersecting the subject street. The entire area of each intersection shall be swept. The balance of each street shall be swept as needed. The entire roadbed of Rosemead Boulevard (within City limits) shall be swept each time the street is swept. No debris shall be left on the street pavement after sweeping is completed. Contractor shall obey all laws governing the operation of the sweepers on a public street and shall perform its operations so that sweepers are traversing their routes in the normal direction of traffic. 2. Labor and Materials. Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, supervision and equipment necessary to perform all work required for regularly scheduled sweeping of all public streets in the City. Exceptions resulting from equipment breakdowns shall be immediately reported to the City with a catch-up schedule. 3. Maps. Contractor shall provide the street sweeping service route maps to the City Representative upon request, within ninety (90) days from receipt of written notice. The maps shall be provided in a format that can be posted to the City website. 4. Sweeping Method. Unsweepable items that impede sweeping, such as palm fronds, rocks, trash and debris shall be removed from the sweeping path and properly disposed of by the operator rather than driving around them. Items that impede sweeping and are immovable such as construction debris and impaired vertical or horizontal clearance by tree limbs shall be reported to the City immediately for correction. Contractor is not responsible for areas missed due to parked cars or other personal property. Sweeper operators shall immediately report to Contractor and the City all Illicit discharges observed during routes. Contractor shall train all operators to recognize Illicit discharges and stormwater pollution sources prior to work as street operators and annually thereafter, using City-approved training materials. Such training shall be documented and made available for review by the City. 5. Standing Water/Drainage Problems. In areas where drainage is a problem, Contractor shall make as many passes as necessary to remove debris from standing water. In addition, all sand, dirt, rocks, gravel, vegetation, and other sweepable debris shall be removed from the street during the sweeping operation. If standing water is over the top of curb, then Contractor shall not be required to sweep that specific area. Sweeper operators shall report all areas with drainage problems to Contractor and City monthly. 6. Standards of Service. All areas swept under this Agreement shall be thoroughly cleaned. All debris shall be picked up by the sweeper unit and disposed of at Contractor's expense. Sweeping shall include the removal of all sand, gravel, dirt, litter, vegetation, and any and all other debris that accumulates between sweeps. Curb lines [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 12 of 24 shall be swept along both sides of the roadway, or to the edge of pavement where no curb exists, along all curbs on raised medians, over all portions of painted medians, painted left and right turn pockets, and all intersection cross gutters. Sweeping shall normally require one pass over an area. Contractor shall make additional passes or make such extra effort required to adequately clean the street to the satisfaction of the City. Extra effort shall be required when sweeping equipment leaves a dirt/silt smear in its swept path. Such services will be requested in writing at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, whenever practical, except for emergency call-outs. The service standards in this Article may be reviewed and modified as conditions warrant to maintain cleanliness by the City or as necessary to comply with any regulatory permits issued to City. 7. Water. Contractor shall obtain water services from the appropriate water utility the water necessary in the street sweeping operation and use sufficient water to prevent dust arising during sweeping operations. Contractor shall consult with the appropriate water utility for a map of preferred hydrant locations to be used whenever feasible. The cost of the water shall be borne by Contractor. 7.1. When possible, Contractor shall use reclaimed or tertiary recycled water. 7.2. Contractor shall not discharge liquid waste from the sweeper units onto City streets or into the storm drain system. 7.3. Washing of sweepers on City property is prohibited. Contractor shall implement best management practices when loading water into the street sweepers to prevent any overflow/potable water discharges into the storm drain system. 8. Sweeper Speed. Contractor shall operate the sweepers at a speed of not more than five (5) miles per hour in residential areas and eight (8) miles per hour in commercial areas when sweeping or when the sweeper brooms are down, unless Contractor can demonstrate that the sweeper can operate efficiently and safely at a higher speed. City will use industry standards, Environmental Protection Agency information, and the sweeper manufacturer’s recommendations on the speed of sweepers when considering greater speeds. 9. Width of Sweeper Path. Contractor shall sweep all curb miles and all bike lanes with all brooms down, unless parked vehicles, structures, or other objects prohibit the safe sweeping of this path width. The path shall begin at the face of the curb and include the flow line of the gutter. Unless blocked by parked cars, Garbage Carts, Recycling Carts, or Organics Carts the face of the curb and gutter shall always be included within the sweeper path. On those residential streets with no curb, the width of the sweeper path shall be not less than eight (8) feet measured from the edge of the pavement toward the center of the street. 10. Street Sweeping Frequency. 10.1. Residential Streets. Contractor shall provide street sweeping service for each curb mile of residential streets in the City once every other week on a scheduled route basis. However, in those instances where the scheduled street sweeping service day falls on a Holiday, Contractor may adjust the route schedule as necessary, consistent with other Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services. This specifically includes: [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 13 of 24 • All public residential streets within the City limits. 10.2. Commercial Streets. Contractor shall provide street sweeping service for each curb mile of commercial streets in the City once per week on a scheduled route basis. However, in those instances where the scheduled street sweeping service day falls on a Holiday, Contractor may adjust the route schedule as necessary, consistent with other Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services. 10.3. Parking Lots. Contractor shall provide street sweeping service for each curb mile of designated parking areas in the City once per week on a scheduled route basis. However, in those instances where the scheduled street sweeping service day falls on a Holiday, Contractor may adjust the route schedule as necessary, consistent with other Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services. 10.4. Change in Frequency. The City may direct Contractor to change the frequency of street sweeping for any City street. Contractor shall implement City-directed changes in frequency within fifteen (15) Work Days of receipt of written notice from the City Representative to adjust sweeping frequency. Any changes under this Article shall be treated as an Allowable Cost. 11. Street Sweeping Hours of Service. 11.1. Days. Routine street sweeping shall be conducted Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director. 11.2. Hours. Standard operating hours for street sweeping under this agreement shall be determined by the City and the Contractor. Arterial streets and commercial streets shall be swept from 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM. Residential streets shall be swept from 6:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Some areas may be posted with different hours than noted above. It is the Contractors responsibility to familiarize themselves with these areas and adjust the sweeping schedule accordingly with City approval. 11.3. Holidays. The contractor is not required to sweep streets on Sundays nor on any of the following holidays: New Years Day Labor Day President’s Day Veterans Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Independence Day Christmas Day During the week of a holiday, the Contractor shall adjust the weekly schedule so as to return to the normal weekly schedule the following week. Sweeping scheduled for a holiday shall be completed within seven (7) days following the holiday. No modification of this holiday schedule shall be effective unless authorized in writing by the Public Works Director. 12. Street Changes. City and Contractor acknowledge that it may be necessary or desirable to add or delete City streets for which Contractor will provide street sweeping services or to temporarily modify sweeping schedules. City will provide notice of any such changes to Contractor which may be caused by the following: • Construction or development on or along a street. [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 14 of 24 • Pavement maintenance activities, including the chip seal program or the slurry seal program. • Inclement weather when running water renders sweeping ineffective. • Special sweeping on alternative schedule. • Other legitimate reasons that make sweeping impractical as determined by the City Representative. 13. Street Additions. As new streets are constructed and accepted by City, City may, at City’s sole option, designate such streets as part of the Service Area for the purposes of street sweeping services. If the City Representative designates such streets as part of the Service Area, Contractor shall provide street sweeping service on such streets under the terms and conditions of this Agreement within fifteen (15) workdays of receipt of written notice from the City Representative to begin service. Any changes under this section shall be subject to Agreement section 3.3.4 “Extra Work”. 14. Street Deletions. City may require some City streets to be temporarily or permanently removed from the list of scheduled streets for which Contractor provides street sweeping service under this Agreement. Contractor shall immediately cease providing street sweeping service to any City Street upon receipt of written notice from the City Representative to stop such service. When a City Street has been temporarily removed from the list of scheduled streets, Contractor shall resume street sweeping service on such street in the next regularly scheduled cycle following the receipt of written notice from the City Representative to resume service. 15. Revised Maps. Contractor shall revise the street sweeping service route maps to show the addition or deletion of City Streets as provided above and shall provide such revised maps to the City Representative upon request, within ninety (90) days from receipt of written notice. The maps shall be provided in a format that can be posted to the City website. 16. Parking Citation Officer – Coordination. The City may use a Parking Control Officer to cite vehicles for parking during street sweeping hours. The contractor shall coordinate their sweeping activities with the Parking Control Officer. All costs for coordination are the responsibility of the contractor, and no additional compensation will be allowed. 17. Adverse Weather Conditions. Because of varying rain conditions throughout the City, Contractor may verbally request permission from the City Representative to cancel sweeping during heavy and persistent rainstorms within the Service Area. Contractor may cancel sweeping only with the prior consent of the City Representative. 18. Hazardous Waste. Contractor shall not be required to remove any Hazardous Waste from the street surface. If, while performing street sweeping services, any suspected Hazardous Waste is encountered, Contractor shall immediately report the location to the City Representative, and any other responsible agency. 19. Disposal of Sweep Waste. Contractor shall transport and deliver all sweep waste to designated bins. Contractor will collect all bins containing sweep waste and deliver to a facility in a manner that meets AB 939 requirements. In the event the facility is closed [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 15 of 24 on a workday or is otherwise unable to accept the sweep waste, Contractor shall transport and deliver the sweep waste to another legally permitted facility. Sweep waste Disposal shall not be calculated as part of the annual diversion rate. 20. Spillage. During hauling, all sweep waste shall be contained, covered and enclosed so that leaking, spilling and blowing of the sweep waste is prevented. Contractor shall be responsible for the immediate clean-up of any spillage caused by Contractor. 20.1. Equipment oil, hydraulic fluids, or any other liquid or debris resulting from Contractor’s operations or equipment must be covered immediately with an absorptive material and removed from the street surface. Contractor must notify City within two (2) hours of any spills resulting from Contractor’s operations or equipment. When necessary, Contractor must apply a suitable cleaning agent to the street surface to provide adequate cleaning. 20.2. The above paragraphs notwithstanding, Contractor must clean up any spillage caused by Contractor within two (2) hours upon notice from the City. If City deems necessary, Contractor must engage third-party environmental clean-up specialist to remove any equipment oil, hydraulic fluids, or any other liquid or debris that remains on street after Contractor’s own clean-up efforts. If clean-up is not conducted to satisfaction of City, City has right to engage environmental clean-up specialist to perform additional clean-up work at the expense of Contractor. 20.3. To facilitate such cleanup, Contractor’s vehicles must at all times carry sufficient quantities of petroleum absorbent materials along with a broom and shovel. 21. Street Sweeping Service Routes. Not less than forty-five (45) days prior to commencement of street sweeping services, Contractor shall submit to the City Representative, Service Area maps precisely defining the Sweeper Routes for review and approval by the City Representative. The route maps shall include the days of the month sweeping shall occur, the sweeping schedules in adjacent areas, the areas of the City to be swept, the start and finish of each route, the location of each dumpsite, and any special needs such as early starts, and late finishes. 21.1. The City Representative may provide written comments on the preliminary maps to Contractor no later than twenty (20) Work Days after receipt of the maps from Contractor. Contractor shall revise the maps to reflect such comments and return them to the City Representative within twenty (20) workdays after receipt of the City Representative’s comments. 21.2. Upon approval by the City Representative of the final Sweeper Route maps, Contractor shall develop and maintain the Sweeping Routes on a computerized mapping system that is compatible with City’s mapping system to the extent possible. Street Sweeping maps provided to the City shall be in a format that is suitable for posting to the City website. 21.3. Changes in maps shall be provided by the City, and Contractor shall update the maps in Contractor’s system every month. Such changes shall also be reflected in Contractor’s printed route maps. Contractor shall submit to the City [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 16 of 24 Representative, in writing, any proposed route change (including maps thereof) not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the proposed date of implementation. 21.4. The City Representative may provide written comments to Contractor on such proposed change no later than ten (10) workdays after receipt of the proposal from Contractor, and Contractor shall revise the routes to reflect such comments and return them to the City Representative within ten (10) workdays of receipt of such comments. 21.5. Contractor shall not implement any route changes without the prior written approval of the City Representative. If the approved route change will change the day on which street sweeping service will occur, Contractor shall notify the affected Service Recipients of route changes not less than thirty (30) workdays before the proposed date of implementation in a manner approved by the City Representative. 22. Other City Sweep Service. If during the Term, circumstances exist that require work associated with the street sweeping service program that is not specifically provided for in this Agreement, the City Representative may require Contractor to perform such other associated work (“OAW”). Any changes under this section shall be subject to Agreement section 3.3.4 “Extra Work”. 22.1. When Contractor performs OAW, the labor, materials, and equipment used in the performance of such work shall be subject to the prior written approval of the City Representative. 22.2. Examples of OAW that Contractor may be required to perform include: performance of special sweeps, flood clean-up, street sanitation for parades and celebrations, City requested clean-up services, and any contingency where sweeper and supporting sweeper equipment could assist in a particular instance. 23. Street Sweeping Quality of Work. The standards of performance which Contractor is obligated to meet are those good street sweeping practices which leave the service area in a debris and dirt-free condition and using sufficient water to avoid airborne dust arising from equipment operation. 24. Street Sweeping Equipment. 24.1. General Provisions. All street sweeping service equipment used by Contractor in the performance of services under this Agreement shall be of a high quality and of the vacuum type in conformance with the City’s MS4 Permit. The collection vehicles shall be designed and operated to prevent collected materials from escaping from the collection vehicles. Hoppers shall be closed on top and on all sides with screening material to prevent collected materials from leaking, blowing, or falling from the collection vehicles. All sweepers shall have an operational strobe and back-up alarm and shall conform to all Federal, State and local government safety requirements. 24.2. Clean Air Collection Vehicles. During the Term, to the extent required by law, Contractor shall provide its Street Sweeping vehicles to be in full compliance with all Applicable Laws, including State and federal clean air requirements that are adopted or proposed to be adopted, including, but not limited to, the [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 17 of 24 California Air Resources Board Heavy Duty Engine Standards as currently proposed to be contained in California Code of Regulations, title 13, sections 2020 et seq., the Federal EPA’s Highway Diesel Fuel Sulfur regulations and all other applicable air pollution control laws. 24.3. Vehicle Noise Level. All Street Sweeping operations shall be conducted as quietly as possible and must comply with Applicable Laws, including federal EPA noise emission regulations, currently codified at Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 205. 24.4. Reserve Equipment. Contractor shall have available to it, at all times, reserve collection and street sweeping service equipment that can be put into service and operation within one (1) hour of any breakdown. Such reserve equipment shall correspond in size and capacity to the equipment used by Contractor to perform Contractor’s duties under this Agreement. 24.5. Condition of Equipment. All equipment shall be maintained in good mechanical condition, including brushes and brooms that shall be replaced at regular intervals. Contractor shall immediately clean any vehicle fluids (hydraulic fluids, lubricating oils, etc.) that leak or spill from equipment into the street or public right of way. 24.6. Storage. Sweeping equipment shall not be stored in the public right of way unless mechanical failure prevents immediate removal. In the event of mechanical failure, all efforts must be made to remove the equipment from the public right of way as soon as possible. The City must approve any overnight storage in public right of way. Contractor may enter into optional Storage Agreement with City to store Sweeper equipment at City facility. In the absence of such Storage Agreement with City, sweeping equipment shall not be stored on City Property. 24.7. City inspection. All equipment is subject to inspection by the City at any time. 25. Staffing. All Street Sweeper operators shall abide by the requirements set forth in this Agreement. Contractor’s employees shall be required to wear a clean uniform bearing the Contractor's name. Employees who normally and regularly come into contact with the public shall also bear some means of individual identification, such as a nametag or identification card. Employees shall not remove any portion of their uniform while working in the City. Employees driving the Contractor’s vehicles shall at all times possess and carry A valid commercial drivers license issued by the state of California. Any person employed by the Contractor who fails or refuses to carry out the directions of the City, acts in a disorderly, improper, or unsafe manner or shows signs of intoxication or impairment shall be immediately removed from the job site by the Contractor. Prior to returning a removed employee to work within the City, the Contractor shall provide in writing the reason for the individuals behavior and the means used to prevent the behavior from occurring again. Failure of the Contractor to prevent, prohibit, or resolve problems with its employees working within the city will result in sweeping operations being suspended until further notice. The City may enter [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 18 of 24 a contract with another party for street sweeping services during such a suspension, and the Contractor will be liable for all costs. 26. Communication. Contractor shall have direct communication with all sweeping operators in the field utilizing radios or cellular telephones. Each sweeper operator shall have the ability to communicate verbal information immediately to City staff, Police and Fire Department personnel, residents, and to report illicit stormwater discharges and hazardous street or drainage conditions to the City. Contractor shall also report missed routes and citizen complaints and resolution to the City on a weekly basis, when applicable. 26.1. Contractor shall supply a 24-hour message telephone number to the City Traffic Engineer so that the City can notify Contractor of traffic counter installations. 26.2. Drivers shall be aware of their locations to raise their brooms and avoid destruction of traffic counter cables. Contractor shall use due diligence to avoid traffic counter cables. 26.3. All Sweepers shall have a GPS tracker located in the trucks, with all data accessible to City staff. 27. Deficiencies and Corrections. The City may also make regular unannounced inspections of Street Sweeping locations if a swept area is deemed to be below acceptable performance standards, the substandard section shall be re-swept within one (1) workday of notification. Contractor shall resweep at their own expense. The City shall be notified of the completed re-sweep. 28. City MS4 Permit. Contractor shall meet street sweeping requirements included in the City’s current Stormwater Discharge Permit as it may be amended, revised, or reissued from time to time (“MS4 Permit”). [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 19 of 24 EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Contractor will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Contractor will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, Contractor agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Contractor acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Contractor shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance. Contractor shall maintain commercial general liability insurance with coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CG 00 01, in an amount not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence, $4,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. The policy must include contractual liability that has not been amended. Any endorsement restricting standard ISO “insured contract” language will not be accepted. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less than $2,000,000 combined single limit for each accident. If Contractor owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Contractor or Contractor's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Contractor shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. Workers Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer’s liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance (Over Primary) if used to meet limit requirements, shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for the underlying coverages. Any such coverage provided under an umbrella liability policy shall include a drop down provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $25,000 self-insured retention for liability not covered by primary but covered by the umbrella. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf' basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Policy shall contain a provision obligating insurer at the time insured's liability is [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 20 of 24 determined, not requiring actual payment by the insured first. There shall be no cross- liability exclusion precluding coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of Contractor, subcontractors or others involved in the Work. The scope of coverage provided is subject to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance as required herein. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1 Million per occurrence. Pollution (environmental impairment) Liability: Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance shall be written on a Contractor's Pollution Liability form or other form acceptable to Agency providing coverage for liability arising out of sudden, accidental and gradual pollution and remediation. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 dollars per claim and in the aggregate. All activities undertaken in this agreement shall be specifically scheduled on the policy as "covered operations.” Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are admitted carriers in the state of California and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size VII. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Contractor. Contractor and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Contractor: 1. Contractor agrees to have its insurer endorse the third-party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 (or otherwise consistent with the insurer’s endorsement). Contractor also agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Contractor, or Contractor's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Contractor agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 21 of 24 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Contractor shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period} that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Contractor's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Contractor or deducted from sums due Contractor, at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. A ten (10) day notice to City shall apply to nonpayment of premiums. Contractor agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage (except Professional Liability and Workers’ Compensation) required to be provided by Contractor or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to City. [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 22 of 24 10. Contractor agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Contractor, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Contractor. Contractor agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Contractor agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11. Contractor agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self-insure its obligations to City. If Contractor's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Contractor, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Contractor ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Contractor, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Contractor of non-compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15. Contractor will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 23 of 24 obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 16. Contractor shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Contractor's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Contractor under this agreement. Contractor expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18. Requirements of specific coverage features, or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all inclusive. 19. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 20. The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Contractor agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Contractor for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. [CONTRACTOR NAME] Page 24 of 24 Contractor agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Contractor arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City.