CC - Item 5C - Discussion and Direction on Partial Street Closure of Olney StreetROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AN ITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 24, 2023 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION ON PARTIAL STREET CLOSURE OF OLNEY STREET SUMMARY In 2017, the City received reports of speeding and excessive pass-through traffic on Olney St. between Rio Hondo Ave. and Temple City Blvd. to access the westbound I-10 Freeway on-ramp at Temple City Blvd. In response, staff evaluated the traffic conditions and developed traffic calming measures for Traffic Commission review and consideration. The Traffic Commission has reviewed and discussed residents' traffic concerns in this area during three Traffic Commission meetings. Staff previously recommended various incremental mitigation measures to address concerns. However, in 2018 many residents voiced a greater preference for closing the east end of Olney St at Temple City Blvd. to eliminate the westbound I-10 on-ramp access and access to Olney St. from southbound Temple City Blvd. Based on November 7, 2019, Traffic Commission Meeting recommendations, at December 10, 2019, City Council Meeting, the City Council directed staff to proceed with preparing preliminary design and cost estimates to implement the Traffic Commission's recommendations of a partial street closure of Olney St. The recommendations included closing eastbound Olney St. to the westbound I-10 Freeway on-ramp and installing radar speed feedback signs, warning signs, and larger speed limit signs on Olney St. BACKGROUND The City received requests to evaluate the traffic conditions and traffic calming options on Olney St. between Rio Hondo Ave. and Temple City Blvd. due to reports of speeding and pass-through traffic using the street segment to access the westbound I-10 Freeway on-ramp at Temple City Blvd. In response to community input and feedback received from three prior Traffic Commission meetings (October 5, 2017, September 6, 2018, and October 4, 2018), at the December 11, 2018 City Council meeting, the City Council directed staff to prepare a comprehensive traffic analysis report (Report) to review the traffic movements impacting Olney St. and explore the feasibility of closing the cast end of Olney St. AGENDA ITEM 5.0 City Council Meeting January 24, 2023 Page 2 of 4 The Report was completed and presented to the Traffic Commission at the November 7, 2019, Traffic Commission Meeting. The traffic analysis determined the following: 1. The residents living on Olney St. between Rio Hondo Ave. and Temple City Blvd. experience pass-through traffic and speeding drivers. 2. The study found majority of the concerns raised by the residents to be true and offered various solutions that could mitigate the traffic issues. 3. Installation of speed humps was also explored and studied. While speed humps have been proven to reduce speeds, they do create additional noise and aesthetic problems at installed locations. Furthermore, the City does not currently have a speed hump policy. However, staff and the Traffic Commission are currently evaluating the implementation of a citywide speed hump policy that will be presented to the City Council for consideration at a future City Council meeting. 4. The Olney St. closure was carefully studied to determine the impacts it would have on the surrounding areas. The study determined that partial closure of Olney St. is a viable option and would eliminate the pass-through traffic and mitigate speeding motorists. 5. The partial closure of Olney St. may potentially create more traffic congestion on Temple City Blvd. and on adjacent roadways, and may also impact travel patterns for residents who regularly travel eastbound on Olney St. to access the westbound I-10 Freeway on-ramp. Based on the Report findings, the Traffic Commission recommended a partial street closure of Olney St., eliminating the eastbound Olney St. access to the westbound I-10 Freeway on-ramp, and installing radar speed feedback signs, warning signs, and larger speed limit signs on Olney St. to assist with traffic calming. At the December 10, 2019, City Council meeting, the City Council authorized staff to proceed with preparation of preliminary design plans and a cost estimate to construct the partial closure (Project) for consideration at a future City Council meeting. Furthermore, City Council directed staff to present the item after the COVID-19 pandemic has improved for increased resident attendance at the City Council meeting. December 10, 2019, City Council meeting staff report is included in Attachment B. DISCUSSION Based on City Council direction, preliminary design plans and cost estimates were prepared for the Project and completed in April 2020. Current Public Works staff has reviewed and validated the preliminary scope, plans, and estimate. Furthermore, staff has applied a 20% increase to the April 2020 cost estimate to account for inflation and reflect current market costs for a total project cost of approximately $160,000. The total project cost includes design, construction management, inspection services, and construction. The preliminary design plans and cost estimate for the Project is included in Attachment C and D, respectively. Based on the traffic analysis, the partial closure at Olney St. is a viable option and would eliminate the pass-through traffic and mitigate speeding motorists. Listed below is a summary of advantages and disadvantages of the partial closure: City Council Meeting January 24, 2023 Page 3 of 4 Advantages of Partial Closure The partial closure at the east end of Olney St. would provide traffic calming on Olney St. between Rio Hondo Ave. and Temple City Blvd. A partial closure would: 1. Eliminate eastbound traffic and speeding on Olney St. for drivers accessing the westbound I-10 on-ramp. 2. Improve driveway access for residents on the south side of Olney St. that have difficulty entering and exiting their driveway due to pass-through traffic. 3. Eliminate 3 -point u -turns into Olney St. resident driveways performed by drivers traveling southbound on Temple City Blvd. and eastbound on Olney St. to access the westbound I- 10 on-ramp. Disadvantages of Partial Closure The partial closure at the east end of Olney St. may increase the traffic volumes on the following adjacent streets: 1. Ellis Lane from Olney St. to Marshall St. 2. Vane Ave. and Marybeth Ave. 3. Marshall St. from Temple City Blvd. to Ellis Lane, and 4. Southbound lanes of Temple City Blvd. In addition, the partial closure will affect how residents in the neighborhood access the westbound I-10 Freeway on-ramp. Project Schedule The potential implementation of the Project will require preparation of final design plans, bidding, City Council award of construction contract, and construction. In addition, potential construction within Caltrans right-of-way may require an encroachment permit which may increase the project schedule by 6 to 8 months. The total project duration is estimated to be between 10 to 12 months including Caltrans encroachment permit process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council further discuss this item and provide direction regarding the implementation of the Traffic Commission recommendations of a partial closure on Olney St. between Temple City Blvd. and Rio Hondo Ave. City Council Meeting January 24, 2023 Page 4 of 4 FINANCIAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of the recommendations is estimated to cost approximately $160,000 and is proposed to be funded by available Measure R funds. If approved, the addition of the Project to the City's Capital Improvement Program will be presented for City Council approval in the FY 22-23 Mid -year Budget Review, tentatively scheduled in February 2023. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed action involves the minor alteration of existing public infrastructure; therefore, the project is Class 1 Categorically Exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT This item is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan Goal C - Infrastructure and Facilities, which is to enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: C�cc�sSY Michael Chung, P.E. Director of Public Works Attachment A: City Council Staff Report from the December 11, 2018, Olney St. Traffic Study Attachment B: City Council Staff Report from the December 10, 2019, Olney Street Partial Closure Traffic Commission Recommendation Attachment C: Preliminary Plans for Olney St. Partial Closure Attachment D: Preliminary Cost Estimate for Olney St. Partial Closure Attachment A City Council Staff Report from the December 11, 2018, Olney St. Traffic Study ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Y Ci�11:i �: G]�(fa]7f:311 e1 �� /_�Y�7:7_\ �IZN Y 11•LK�IiJ�[�f1�J FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER '� .M . DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2018 SUBJECT: OLNEY STREET TRAFFIC STUDY SUMMARY Since October of last year, the Traffic Commission has met three times (October 7, 2017; September 6,2018; and October 4, 2018) to discuss the traffic conditions on Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard. In response to various traffic concerns raised by residents, staff has proposed incremental measures that include enhanced traffic signage and pavement markings to address many of those concerns. However, many residents have expressed a greater preference, if possible, to close the east end of Olney Street at Temple City Boulevard and eliminate the on-ramp to the westbound I-10 Freeway as well as access to Olney Street from southbound Temple City Boulevard. Therefore, it has become clear, that a comprehensive traffic study is necessary to review all of the traffic movements impacting Olney Street, and explore the feasibility of closing the east end of Olney Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize staff to solicit proposals from qualified traffic consultants to perform a traffic study in the vicinity of Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard; and 2. Take any additional related actions that may be necessary. DISCUSSION On October 7, 2017, the Traffic Commission discussed staff's recommendation to install raised pavement markers (8" yellow domes) and painted pavement markings and signs identifying the I- 10 Freeway entrance at the east end of Olney Street. These measures were proposed in response to resident complaints that motorists heading eastbound on Olney Street often make U-tums on Olney Street to avoid entering the freeway, as many do not realize that the east end of Olney Street at Temple City Boulevard leads directly to the on-ramp to the westbound I-10 Freeway. The Commission concurred with staffs recommendation, and the City Council approved the installation of the pavement domes, markings and signs on November 14, 2017. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7.0 City Council Meeting December 11, 2018 Page 2 of 3 However, since then, residents have expressed additional concerns at the September 6, 2018 and October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission meetings that included the following: • There has been an increase in robberies in the area due to the proximity of the I-10 Freeway on-ramp; many robberies occur in the daytime. • There has been a significant increase in traffic volumes on Olney Street. • Many cars are traveling at excessive speeds on Olney Street, and there have been many accidents; speed humps or additional stop signs are needed to slow down the vehicles. • Eastbound cars are continuing to make U-turns on Olney Street between Ellis Lane and Temple City Boulevard. • Vehicles headed southbound on Temple City sometimes get trapped in the far right lane, forcing them to make a right turn onto Olney Street, then making a U-turn on Olney to get onto the freeway. • Those making U-turns on Olney Street often drive up onto the resident's driveways, and it can be difficult to back out of the driveways during rush hour. • Vehicles are bypassing the southbound traffic on Temple City Boulevard by cutting through on Ellis Lane and Olney Street to get to the freeway. • Since there is no sidewalk on Olney Street, kids walk in the streets on the way to Savannah School; kids can't play in the street due to all the cars; it's not safe. In order to mitigate some of these concerns, staff has proposed various incremental measures such as installing "No U-turn" signs, "25 mph Speed Limit" signs, and additional "Stop" signs on Olney Street at the intersections of Marybeth Avenue and Ellis Lane. However, the overwhelming preference expressed by residents at the October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission meeting is to close the cast end of Olney Street. Therefore, it is recommended that a comprehensive traffic study be performed to review all of the traffic movements impacting Olney Street, and explore the feasibility of closing Olney Street. The study would include, but not be limited to performing traffic counts, turning movement counts, speed survey, and warrant analysis for stop signs; and reviewing accident history, police records regarding speeding citations and burglary reports. The study would also include community outreach, contacting Caltrans to determine if ramp closure is a viable option, and coordinating with the County Sheriff and Fire Departments to determine any impacts to emergency response. If ramp closure is a possibility, the study would outline the process for obtaining Caltrans' approval. If ramp closure is not an option, the study would provide recommendations on the proper placement of traffic signage and pavement markings in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to mitigate the ongoing traffic issues. Upon completion of the traffic study, staff will present the results of the study and recommendations to the City Council. City Council Meeting December 11, 2018 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT Funding for a traffic study on Olney Street at an approximate cost of $20,000 is available in the current Public Works Budget for Professional Consulting Services. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT — None ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: Rafael M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engineer Rey Alfonso. P.E., Director of Public Works Attachment A — Vicinity Map Attachment A Vicinity Map City Council Meeting December 11, 2018 Page 4 of 4 ATTACIENT A VICINITY MAP Attachment B City Council Staff Report from the December 10, 2019, Olney Street Partial Closure Traffic Commission Recommendation ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL. STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGERA.M DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2019 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL TO PARTIALLY CLOSE OLNEY STREET BETWEEN RIO HONDO AVENUE AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Jule_._' 1 Traffic issues on Olney Street came before the Traffic Commission previously on October 7, 2017, September 6, 2018 and October 4, 2018. The City Council heard the topic on December 11, 2018. The City Council directed staff to solicit proposals to perform a traffic study in the vicinity of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard and Rio Hondo Avenue. That traffic study, conducted by the selected Traffic Engineer Elie Farah of EFI, was presented to the Traffic Commission on November 7, 2019. During the presentation to the Traffic Commission on November 7, 2019, Elie Farah gave a thorough presentation of the traffic study report (Attachment A) and walked the Commission through the data and explained how the raw data and statistics translates into information which the Commission can make informed decisions upon. After the presentation, numerous questions from the Traffic Commission were asked of Mr. Farah. There were several options presented to the Traffic Commission including short term fixes which included additional signage and striping as a mean to slow down traffic.and long- term options which included up to a complete closure of Olney Street from Temple City Avenue. After the discussion, the Traffic Commission voted 4-0 to recommend to the City Council a partial permanent shut down of Olney Street, and short-term mitigating measures to help ease speeding on Olney Street. For this to occur, the City Council will need to approve a budget to prepare preliminary design plans and estimate for the partial street closure of Olney Street at Temple City Blvd. The plans will include preliminary street improvements and striping plans as well as preliminary cost estimate for partial closure. AGENDA ITEM 4.K City Council Meeting December 10, 2019 Page 2 of 3 During the presentation to the Traffic Commission, several issues were discussed about the unique traffic situation on Olney Street. Because the freeway onramp on Temple City Ave. often backs up during peak morning and evening hours, many drivers simply turn right on Olney Street and head West on Olney Street to tum left on Rio Hondo to get on the freeway - hoping to beat the backed -up traffic on Temple City Avenue. Additionally, many drivers utilize Olney Street to turn right onto Temple City Avenue and then make a U-turn to turn right back on to the freeway. And because of the easy access to the freeway, there's concern from the Olney Street residents about their area being ripe for crime as criminals can burglar a home on Olney and quickly slip away on the IA 0 freeway. As with any complex issue such as this issue on Olney Street, each solution also creates additional issues. An example would be that a full closure or even partial closure of Olney Street will create more traffic backup on Temple City Boulevard and some arterials. Depending upon the time of day, the potential impacts of each possible remedy were discussed. Additionally, it is understood that once Caltrans allows the partial closure that the decision is considered permanent. After careful consideration, the Traffic Commission decided that a partial closure of Olney Street was the best solution. Significantly contributing to the decision of a partial closure are several houses on the west side of Temple City Boulevard where, if a full closure were imposed on Olney Street, their only option to leave their house would be a forced entrance onto Interstate 10. A partial closure of Olney Street (if a future study determines it is possible depending on the width of Temple City Avenue) would enable the residents to continue to tum right onto Onley and or enter the I-10 Freeway as they presently do. Additionally, the Traffic Commission recommended that the City Council allow "quick fixes" such as additional speed limit signs, painting of side lines designed to slow traffic coupled with specific enforcement of Olney Street. STAFF RECOKBAENDATION The Traffic. Commission has recommended to the City Council to allow a partial permanent closure of Olney Street in addition to the above "quick fixes" described above. In order to determine if, Olney Street partial closure is a viable solution, preliminary design plans and estimates will need to be prepared to determine the feasibility and costs of partial closure. Based on the preliminary design and estimates, the City Council can make an informed decision on the issue. City Council Meeting December 10, 2019 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT The cost of preliminary design plans, estimates, and recommendations will be approximately $10,000.00. Funds are available in account number 101-3035-5299. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Strategy three of the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan is Beautification and Infrastructure. By hiring an Engineering Firm to perform all engineering functions, the City Council's vision of the City of Rosemead, which includes an aggressive Capital Improvement Program, will be closer to being implemented and fulfilled. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prep C ac ' Director of Public Works Attachment A: Traffic Study Attachment B: November 7, 2019 — Traffic Commission Draft Minutes Attachment A Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated November 7, 2019 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS DASTE, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: NOVEMBER 7, 2019 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF TRAFFIC STUDY FOR OLNEY STREET BETWEEN RIO HONDO AVENUE AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Traffic issues on Olney Street has come before the Traffic Commission previously on October 7, 2017, September 6, 2018 and October 4, 2018. The City Council heard the topic on December 11, 2018. The City Council directed staff to solicit proposals to perform a traffic study in the vicinity of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard and Rio Hondo Avenue. Elie Farah of EF] was hired by the City of Rosemead and conducted an extensive traffic study of the impacted areas. The traffic study includes a summary of findings and advantages and disadvantages of all potential actions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission: 1. Discuss Item 2. Provide recommendations to the City Council ANALYSIS As directed by City Council, staff performed a detailed, comprehensive traffic study of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard and Rio Hondo Avenue. Staff will be providing a presentation for the Traffic Commission. This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, and 214 notices were sent out to surrounding residences within an estimated 800 foot radius Traffic Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 2 of 5 Prepared By: Chris Daste Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Traffic Analysis Prepared by Eli Farah of Elie Farah Inc. 2. Courtesy Notice Tmffic Commission Meeting November7,2019 Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT 1 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS TO: Ms. Gloria Molleda. City Manager FROM: Elie Farah, EFI DATE: 7-10-2019 SUBJECT: Traffic analysis for Olney St between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard in the City of Rosemead, CA. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, EFI has completed a traffic analysis to evaluate a request for traffic calming measures on Olney St between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard. This segment of roadway is comprised of residential use. A vicinity Map is included below. The segment is stop controlled at Rio Hondo Ave, Vane St, and Temple City Blvd. Residents have complained that pass thru vehicles are traveling at high speeds and use this segment to access the West Bound on Ramp to the 1-10 Freeway on Temple City Blvd. FIGI RE i Backzround Since October of last year, the Traffic Commission has met three times (October 7, 2017; September 6, 2018; and October 4, 2018) to discuss the traffic conditions on Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard. In response to various traffic concerns raised by residents, staffhas proposed incremental measures that include enhanced traffic signage and pavement markings to address many of those concerns. However, many residents have expressed a greater preference, if possible, to close the east end of Olney Street at Temple City Boulevard atut eliminate the on-ramp to the westbound I--10 Freeway as well as access to Olney Street from southbound Temple City Boulevard. Therefore, it has become clear, that a comprehensive traffic study is necessary to review all of the traffic movements Impacting Olney Street, and explore the feasibility of closing the east end of Olney Street. However, since then, residents have expressed additional concerns at the September 6, 2018 and October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission meetings that includedlhe following.• • There liar been an increase in robberies in the area due to the proximity of the I--10 Freeway on- ramp; many robberies occur in the daytime. • There has been a significant increase in traffic volumes on Olney Street. • Many cars are traveling at excessive speeds on Olney Street, and there have been many accidents; speed humps or additional stop signs are needed to slow down the vehicles. • Eastbound cars are continuing to make U-turns on Olney Street between Ellis Lane and Temple CityBoulevard • Vehicles headed southbound on Temple City sometimes get trapped in the far right lane, forcing them to make a right turn onto Olney Street, then making a U-turn on Olney to get onto the freeway. • Those making U-turns on Olney Street often drive up onto the resident's driveways, and it can be difficult to back out of the driveways during rush hour. • Vehicles are bypassing the southbound traffic on Temple City Boulevard by cutting through on Ellis Lane and Olney Street to get to the freeway • Since there is no sidewalk on Olney Street, kids walk in the streets on the way to Savannah School; kids can't play in the street due to all the cars; it's not safe. In order to mitigate some of these concerns, staff has proposed various incremental measures such as installing "No U-turn"signs, "25 mph Speed Limit"signs,andadditional "Stop" signs on Olney Street at the intersections ofMarybeth Avenue and Ellis Lane. However, the overwhelming preference expressed by residents at the October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission meeting is to close the east end of Olney Street. None of these measures appear to have been implemented. ACCIDENT DATA Accident Data Collection and Tabulation was done for the area bounded by Marshall St to the north and Temple City Blvd to the east and Rio Hondo to the west and Olney to the South. See the Study Limit exhibit Below. 2Page SLUM I.I>IIIS The accident investigation was conducted within the last 3.5 ) ears (2016, 017, 2018, and part of 2019) from SWITRS (Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System) records for the City of Rosemead and the Sheriff s Department for the study Area. The accidents were tabulated in Table I below. TABLE I 3 1 P a g e ACCIDENT SUMMARY_ Year 2019 Intersecting Street Name Date Type Collision on Distance ELLIS LANE MARSHALL 5T 3/25/2019 SIDESWIPE EL 15 LANE 200'5 RIO HONDO AVE DE ADELANA ST 2/6/2019 SIDESWIPE DE ADELANA ST 311 TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 4/23/2019 BROADSIDE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 0' 3 1 P a g e ACCIDENT RATE ANALYSIS The accident data for each street segment was compared to accident rates that can be reasonably expected to occur on streets and highways of the same characteristics. These anticipated accident rates have been developed by Caltrans and are applicable for use in the City of Rosemead. The number of midblock accidents in a street segment are considered as a whole regardless of which direction the accident occurred Since only in extreme cases would a separate speed limit be posted for each direction of travel. The accident rates used for this study are as follows: — —.....4 1Pa.ge ACCIDENT SUMMARY Year 2019 TEMPLECITYBLVD I OLNEYST 3/22/2019 1 HITOBJECT TEMPLE CITY BLVD 11'N Year 2018 Intersecting Street Name Date Type Collision an Distance TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 11/6/2018 SIDESWIPE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 0' TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 11/6/2018 SIDESWIPE MARSHALL ST 48'W TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 2/4/2018 SIDESWIPE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 63'5 TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 2/7/2018 BROADSIDE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 0' TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 2/8/2018 BROADSIDE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 0' TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 2/13/2018 BROADSIDE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 0' TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 5/24/2018 BROADSIDE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 262'N TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 11/21/2018 BROADSIDE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 0' OLNEYST ELLLIS LANE 7/10/2018 REAR END OLNEYST 83 W OLNEYST MARYBETH AVE 8/19/2018 HEAD-ON OLNEYST 0' RIO HONDO AVE OLNEYST 4/17/2018 BROADSIDE RIO HONDO AVE 4'S Year 2017 Intersecting Street Name Date Type collision on Distance ELLIS LANE DE ADELANA ST 8/8/2017 BACKING UP DE ADELANA ST 296'W TEMPLE CITY BLVD OLNEYST 10/7/2017 HITOBJECT OLNEYST 5'W OLNEYST VANEAVE 6/4/2017 REAR END OLNEYST 123'E RIO HONDO AVE MARSHALL ST 12/31/2017 BROADSIDE RIO HONDO AVE 23'N TEMPLE CITY BLVD GUESS ST 6/15/2017 BROADSIDE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 35'S TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALLST 5/21/2017 SIDESWIPE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 22S'N TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 7/6/2017 REAR ENDTEMPLE CITY BLVD 210'S TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 10/11/2017 SIDESWIPE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 447'N TEMPLE CITY BLVD 0 NEYST 5/2/2017 SIDESWIPE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 51'N Year 2016 Intersecting StreetName Date Accident Type Collision on Distance ELLIS LANE DE ADELANA ST 12/8/2016 BACKING UP ON ELLIS 15915 RIO HONDO AVE GLENDON WAY 1/31/2016 SIDESWIPE RIO HONDO AVE 132'N RIO HONDO AVE GLENDON WAY 5/18/2016 SIDESWIPE RIO HONDO AVE 267'N RIO HONDO AVE MARSHALL ST 2/25/2016 REAR END RIO HONDO AVE 165'N TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 4/28/2016 STARTING /BACKING UP TEMPLE CITY BLVD 40'N TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST 8/28/2016 SIDESWIPE TEMPLE CITY BLVD 84'N TEMPLE CITY BLVD OLNEYST 10/30/2016 IMPROPER TURN TEMPLE CITY BLVD I 113'N ACCIDENT RATE ANALYSIS The accident data for each street segment was compared to accident rates that can be reasonably expected to occur on streets and highways of the same characteristics. These anticipated accident rates have been developed by Caltrans and are applicable for use in the City of Rosemead. The number of midblock accidents in a street segment are considered as a whole regardless of which direction the accident occurred Since only in extreme cases would a separate speed limit be posted for each direction of travel. The accident rates used for this study are as follows: — —.....4 1Pa.ge CALIFORNIA STATE HIGHWAYS STATEWIDE TRAVEL AND ACCIDENT RATES* URBAN (Inside City) EXPECTED ACCIDENT RATES 2 and 3 lane 1.37 4 or more undivided 1.85 *Source: 2012 Travel and Accident summary Statewide- Urban(inside City). Compiled from the 2o12 Collision Data on Cal�bmla State Highways. Current accident rates are shown in terms of"accidents per 1,000,000 vehicle miles of travel' for each road segment. The rate was calculated for each road segment using the following formula: Accident Rate = (N x 5,280 x 1,000,000)/(ADT x L x y x 365) N: numberof midblock accidents within the study segment ADT: average daily traffic volume L: length of segment in feet y: number of years of accident history TABLE 2 ACCTDFNT RATF Street Name Accident Rate Expected Accident Rate De Adalena St 3.84 1.37 Ellis Lane 4.73 1.37 Marshall St 4.19 1.37 Olney St 4.91 1.37 Rio Hondo Ave 5.79 1.37 Temple City Blvd 1.84 1.85 The accident rates overall are higher than expected when compared to the statewide rates. Olney Street has a higher than expected accident rate. SPEEDING CITATIONS EFI Collected, Reviewed , and Tabulated police records regarding speeding citations. The following is a summary based on information provided by the Sherriff's Department on June 6, 2019. See Appendix for Sheriff's report details. The Sherriff's Department issued two citations on Olney Street. Neither one was for speeding. SPEED SURVEY 2012 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY In 2012 as part of the City-wide traffic engineering and traffic survey, four of the six segments were surveyed as shown in table 5 below. TABLE 5 2012 Radar Speed Survey Location Dir, of Date 85 %ile Posted Limit Limit per Travel Speed MPH 85 %ile Temple City Blvd - 1 Between Olney Sand NB/SB 10/1/2012 43 40 40 Guess St 2 Rio Hondo- Between NB/SB 09/282012 28 30 30 Olney Stand Marshall St 3 Ellis Lane- Between NB/SB 10/1/2012 26 25 25 Olney St and Marshall St 5. Olney St -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd is considered a residential street with a Prima Facie speed of 25 MPH 6.Marshall St- Between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd -not posted but speed limit should be 25MPH due to segment length. Segment 5 and 6 were not a part of the 2012 speed survey conducted by the City. It is likely because the segments are considered local/residential The fundamentals used to establish speed limits recognize that the majority of drivers behave in a safe and reasonable manner, but need to be advised of conditions which may not be readily apparent For this reason, collision history, roadway conditions, traffic characteristics, and land use must be analyzed along with speed measurements to determine speed limits. Speed limit _....- .... -61 Page 4 DeAdalena-Between EB/WB Rio Hondo Ave and Ellis 09282012 29 25 30* Lane *Speed reduced per CAMUTCD Option 2 to 25 mph changes are usually, coordinated with visible changes in roadway conditions or roadside developments. A Speed survey was conducted from June 7, 2019 through June 11,2019 at the following segments to compare to historical speed survey: 1. Temple City Blvd- Between Olney St and Guess St 2. Rio Hondo- Between Olney St and Marshall St 3. Ellis Lane- Between Olney St and Marshall St 4. De Adalena -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Ellis Lane 5. Olney St -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd 6. Marshall St- Between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd The Speed Survey Worksheets are included in the appendix. To confirm actual speeds along the six segments, EFI conducted a radar speed survey off peak hours on a typical weekday. Radar speed measurements were conducted June 8, 2019 through June 11,2019. Field data was also collected. This included visibility restrictions, roadway conditions, pedestrian activities, on -street parking and land use adjacent to the roadways. The radar measurements followed guidelines and procedures outlined in the CVC 627 and CAMUTCD 2B.13. Speed samples were taken from an unmarked vehicle so as not to alter or impede the free flow of traffic. A total of about 100 samples were obtained for each direction at each segment. 50 samples were collected on lower volume street such as Ellis Lane and Olney St. The following table 6 shows the speed survey results. TABLE 6 2019 Radar Speed Survey Dir. of 85 %ile Posted Limit Limit per Location Travel . Date Speed MPH 85 %ile Temple City Blvd - I Between Olney St and NB/SB 06/10/2019 46 40 40' Guess St 2 Rio Hondo- Between NB/SB 06/07/2019 28 30 30 Olney St and Marshall St 3 Ellis Lane- Between NB/SB 06/07/2019 32 25 25# Olney St and Marshall St 71 Page The City can elect to reduce the posted• speed limit by 5 mph following CAMUTCD and CVC guidelines. As seen in the Tables, the 2019 speeds are similar to what was found in 2012. If the speed limit was -based strictly on 85'1'% the speed limit along Olney St would be set at 30 mph. However, the CAMUTCD and CVC allow the limit to be reduced by 5 mph based on engineering judgment, accident history and existing roadway land use and conditions. After careful review of existing roadway conditions and operations, EFI has determined that the segment of Olney St -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd would benefit by the placement/implementation of the following traffic calming measures: Phase 1: 1) Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department should provide periodic spot enforcement during off peak hours when traffic is able to move more freely through the segment. 2) Solid White Striping on Both Sides of the.RoadwaK Two solid white lines on each side of Olney St will narrow travel lanes, effectively slowing speeds by changing the travel environment. Narrower lanes cause Drivers to travel at a slower pace. This has shown to be an effective device for reducing travel speeds. 3) Larger Speed Limit Signs and Radar Enforced Plague: Installation of additional and larger speed limit signs are recommended as treatments to increase the motorist's awareness of 81 Page TABLE 6 2019 Radar Speed Survey Dir. of 85 %ile Posted Limit Limit per Location Travel Date Speed MPH 85 %ile 4 DeAdalena-Between EB/WB 06/11 t2019 29 2S 30* Rio Hondo Ave and Ellis Lane S Olney St -Between Rio EB/WB 06/lOCL019 31 25 25* Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd 6 Marshall St -Between EB/VVB 06/112019 27 2S 25 Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd *Speed reduced per CAMUTCD Option 2 The City can elect to reduce the posted• speed limit by 5 mph following CAMUTCD and CVC guidelines. As seen in the Tables, the 2019 speeds are similar to what was found in 2012. If the speed limit was -based strictly on 85'1'% the speed limit along Olney St would be set at 30 mph. However, the CAMUTCD and CVC allow the limit to be reduced by 5 mph based on engineering judgment, accident history and existing roadway land use and conditions. After careful review of existing roadway conditions and operations, EFI has determined that the segment of Olney St -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd would benefit by the placement/implementation of the following traffic calming measures: Phase 1: 1) Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department should provide periodic spot enforcement during off peak hours when traffic is able to move more freely through the segment. 2) Solid White Striping on Both Sides of the.RoadwaK Two solid white lines on each side of Olney St will narrow travel lanes, effectively slowing speeds by changing the travel environment. Narrower lanes cause Drivers to travel at a slower pace. This has shown to be an effective device for reducing travel speeds. 3) Larger Speed Limit Signs and Radar Enforced Plague: Installation of additional and larger speed limit signs are recommended as treatments to increase the motorist's awareness of 81 Page TABLE 6 2019 Radar Speed Survey Dir. of 85 %ile Posted Limit Limit per Location Travel Date Speed MPH 85 %ile 4 DeAdalena-Between EB/WB 06/11 t2019 29 2S 30* Rio Hondo Ave and Ellis Lane S Olney St -Between Rio EB/WB 06/lOCL019 31 25 25* Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd the posted speed limit. Speed limit signs are one of the most cost effective measures in increasing awareness of motorists traveling through a neighborhood street. Phase 2: Install Radar Feedback Signs Phase 3: Install Speed Cushion (speed humps). This would require the City to implement a speed cushion policy. BURGLARY REPORTS EFI contacted the Sheriffs Department and requested police records regarding crime reports for the area shown below bounded by Marshall St to the north and Temple City Blvd to the east and Rio Hondo to the west and Olney to the South for the past 3 years. The full report with location of the incident is included in the Appendix. The following Table 7 is a summary based on information provided by the Sheriffs Department on June 26, 2019: w emM, si z II • 4 1 444 i O FRNY - _ ... ;ANARD MO FMAY -�- FIGURE 3 AREA LIMITS 9i Page City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/femple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) une 1, 2017 to May 31, 2018 j C: a a a FIGURE 4 City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Btvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) June 1, 2018 thru May 31, 2019 (DIRE s 101Page ©' f Q � I r ' a a (DIRE s 101Page City of Rosemead j Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo) June 1, 2016 thru May 31, 2017 FIGURE 6 TABLE 7 Crime Summary Table 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 Homicide 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 Assault 0 0 0 Burglary 2 3 4 Larceny 2 7 3 GTA 1 5 2 Arson 0 0 0 The repon appear to indicate that burglaries continue to rise from 2016 to 3019 while Larceny and Grand theft Auto peaked 20172018 111 Page CUT -THROUGH TRAFFIC As shown in the observation station location exhibit below, EFI Performed a License Plate Survey on 6/4/2019 and 6/6/2019 to determine the amount of cut -through traffic at the following Five (5) locations: 1. De Adalena Street East of Rio Hondo Avenue 2. Ellis Lane North of Marshall Street 3. Marshall Street West of Temple City Boulevard 4. Olney Street East of Rio Hondo Avenue 5. Olney Street West of Temple City Boulevard In today's connected world, many mobile apps route traffic thru neighborhoods to get cars from point A to point B to avoid congestion on the freeway. OBSERVATION STATIONS LOCATION FIGURE 7 121 Page The license plate survey captures all vehicles entering at one observation station. If the last 3 digits of the plate was captured at an exit observation station, it is assumed that the vehicle did not stop in the neighborhood and was considered as part of the cut -through traffic whether traveling parallel to the freeway or getting on the freeway. EFI targeted these segments to assess cut -through traffic. Due to the size and complexity of the travel patterns in the study area a license plate survey was conducted at five locations to determine the exact percentage of traffic cutting through the residential community to avoid taking the Southbound Temple City Blvd to the I-10 westbound ramp to the Freeway or perhaps avoid using the Freeway altogether. Technicians were deployed to record the last three digits of vehicles license plates in 15 minute increments entering and exiting at strategic locations (as shown in the exhibit above) where commuters might leave the main streets and continue their journey through the Olney Street neighborhood. This information complements the traffic volume data collected at (5) Five segments and (2) intersections. To capture peak commute conditions the survey was conducted from 7 A.M. — 9 A.M. during the morning and from 4.00 P.M. -6.00 P.M. during the evening. The last three digits of the license plate number and time of day a vehicle passed the recording points were collected. The results of each data collection point were traced from entry to exit point to determine the travel patterns of the vehicles. A detailed summary of the results is presented in the Aooendix for each entry and exit point over the AM and PM two-hour period. The following is a brief summary of the results for a typical 15 minute period observed from 8:00 AM to 8:15AM: 13Page r r v f IN Ali f A�t_R . For the Olney St West of Temple City Blvd Station, 83% of the Cars traveling westbound exited on Olney St westbound onto Rio Hondo Ave During the AM Peak. This could be an indication that vehicles are avoiding the I-10 Freeway to travel on parallel routes along the I- 10 Freeway. This is where the Waze and similar apps come in to find routes avoiding the congested Freeway • DENOTES CARS THAT TURN SOUTHBOUND RIGHT FROM TEMPLE CITY BLVD AND MADE A U TURN TO 00 BACK ONTO TEMPLE CITY BLVD Flo WESTBOUND RAMP 0% vehicles exiting just means that all of the cars .stayed within the neighborhood and was not considered as cut through with no matching license plate numbers at other observation station Olney St West of Temple City Blvd Station FIGURE 12 181 Page TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOUR AVERAGE DAILY COUNTS Twenty -Four hour counts were conducted at (7) seven segments within the study area. The detailed worksheets are included in the appendix. The following Table 8 shows a summary of the Counts: TABLES Segment Name (24) hour average daily traffic -vehicles r da 1. Rio Hondo Ave north of Olney St 1,751 2. Olney St east of Rio Hondo Ave 1,981 3. Olney St west of Temple City Blvd 1,199 4. Temple City Blvd north of Olney St 30,245 S. Marshall St west of Temple City Blvd 2,553 6. Ellis Lane south of Marshall St 1,049 7, De Adalena St -west of Ellis Lane 1,969 No previous (24) hour counts are available for Olney St and therefore it is not possible to determine if the traffic on Olney St has increased over the years. Peak hour Turnine Movement Counts EFI Performed Peak hour Turning Movement Counts (7-9 am and 4-6 pm) on 6/4/2019 at: L Temple City Blvd and Olney St 2. Rio Hondo Ave and Olney St The Complete Worksheets are enclosed in the appendix. The following is a summary of the peak 1 hour period during the AM & PM commute periods. 191Page FIGURE 13 TEMPLE CITY BLVD AND OLNEY ST PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS IV n ul4uu AVC MIVu%J-ylc 1 a PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS I 1 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -AM 73 764 0 28 SR ST SL ST 0 EL 0 EL WR 0 ET WR 7:30-8:30 0 WT 58 ER WT 0 WL ER. NL NT NR 32 0 1178 0 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM 0 70 981 0 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM SR ST SL 0 0 EL WR 0 ET SL 17:00-18:00 WT 23 ER WR WL 0 ET NL NT NR WT 0 0 0 1141 0 IV n ul4uu AVC MIVu%J-ylc 1 a PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS I 1 — 201 Page CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -AM 0 18 28 SR ST SL 0 EL WR 97 0 ET 7:30-8:30 WT 0 0 ER. WL 32 NL NT NR 0 22 11 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM 0 13 46 SR ST SL 0 EL WR 38 0 ET 16:45-17:45 WT 0 0 ER WL 42 NL NT NR 0 22 24 — 201 Page Level of service analysis EFI Performed a level of service analysis for Temple City Blvd and Olney St and Rio Hondo and Olney St for existing condition (before Closure) The following six levels of service definitions relate traffic conditions to traffic volumes and the design capacity of roadways and/or intersections. LOS A. There are no cycles that are fully loaded,.and few are even close to loaded. No approach phase is fully utilized by traffic and no vehicle waits longer than one red indication. Typically, the approach appears quite open, turning movements are easily made, and nearly al drivers find freedom of operation. LOS B. Represents stable operation. An occasional approach phase is fully utilized and a substantial number are approaching full use. Many drivers begin to feel somewhat restricted within platoons of vehicles. LOS C. Stable operation continues. Full signal cycle loading is still intermittent, but more frequent. Occasionally drivers may have to wait through more than one red signal indication, and backups may develop behind turning vehicles. LOS D. Encompasses a zone of increasing restriction approaching instability. Delays to approaching vehicles may be substantial during short peaks with the peak period, but enough cycles with lower demand occur to permit periodic clearance of developing queues, thus preventing excessive backups. LOS E. Represents the most vehicles that any particular intersection approach can accommodate. At capacity (V/C = 1.00), there may be long queues of vehicles waiting upstream of the intersection and delays may be great (up to several signal cycles). LOS F. Represents jammed conditions. Backups from locations downstream or on the cross street may restrict or prevent movement of vehicles out of the approach under consideration; hence, volumes carried are not predictable. V/C values are highly variable, because full utilization of the approach may be prevented by outside conditions. The thresholds of level of service for unsignalized intersections are shown in the following table 9. TABLE 9 LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA --------- .. --- 211Page Two -Way or All -Way Stop Controlled Signalized Intersection Level of Service Intersection Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) A 0-10 _S 10 0 >10- 15 >10-20 --------- .. --- 211Page The following table 10 shows the summary of results: TABLE 10 EXISTING CONDITIONS INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY Two -Way or All -Way Stop Controlled Signalized Intersection Level of Service Intersection CONDITIONS INTERSECTION Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) C >15-25 >20- 35 D >25-35 >35-55 E >35-50 >55-80 > 80 or a V/C ratio equal or F >50 greaterthan 1.0 The following table 10 shows the summary of results: TABLE 10 EXISTING CONDITIONS INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY Both of the two unsignalized intersections are operating at an acceptable level of service ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL At the request of residents for additional stop signs, a brief analysis for all way stop warrants were conducted for following (2) intersections along Olney St: 1. Olney Street and Ellis Lane intersection 2. Olney Street and Marybeth Ave intersection The criteria for determining if an all -way stop control is warranted is based on a number of factors All -Way Stop Control between Segments: Stop signs are designed to control the flow of traffic, not as speed controls or pedestrian safety devices. Unwarranted stop signs can exacerbate already 221 Page PEAK EXISTING HOUR CONDITIONS INTERSECTION LOS Delay AM A 9.1 RIO HONDO AT OLNEY ST PM A 9.3 TEMPLE CITY BLVD AT AM C 15.3 OLNEYST PM C 17.7 Both of the two unsignalized intersections are operating at an acceptable level of service ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL At the request of residents for additional stop signs, a brief analysis for all way stop warrants were conducted for following (2) intersections along Olney St: 1. Olney Street and Ellis Lane intersection 2. Olney Street and Marybeth Ave intersection The criteria for determining if an all -way stop control is warranted is based on a number of factors All -Way Stop Control between Segments: Stop signs are designed to control the flow of traffic, not as speed controls or pedestrian safety devices. Unwarranted stop signs can exacerbate already 221 Page existing speeding problems. Drivers will speed up between segments and will often ignore a stop sign in a new location. Must have continual police enforcement to be effective. The criteria for placement of all-way stop control as set by die California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) needs to be followed. The placement of All-Way stop control is warranted when[: • Traffic control signals are justified • A crash problem exists as indicated by 5 or more accidents in a 12-month period • Minimum Volumes are met: • Volume entering intersection from the major approach (total of both approaches) averages 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day. And • The combined vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle volumes entering the intersection from the minor street approaches averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 [tours. • 1f the 85a' percentile approach speed of the major-street exceeds 40 mph the minimum volumes are 70 percent of the above values. Other criteria that may be considered in an engineering study include: A. The need to control left turn conflict B. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations generating high pedestrian volumes C. Locations where a road user, after stopping cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to safety negotiate the intersection unless conflicting traffic is also required to stop. D. An intersection of two residential neighborhood collector (through) streets of similar design and operating characteristics where multiway stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection. The California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control (CAMUTCD) covers all aspects of the placement, construction and maintenance of every form of approved traffic control. The guidelines prescribe five basic requirements for all devices. They must: • Fulfill a need • Command attention • Convey a clear and simple meaning • Commend respect of road users _ • Give adequate time for proper response Other factors include potential sight obstructions and engineering judgment. The study concluded that the following intersections did not meet traditional minimum volume or accident thresholds as determined by the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA-MUTCD Section 213.07) for the installation of All-Way stop control: California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Section 29.07 Multlway Stop Applications page 213-7 23 Page 1. Olney Street and Ellis Lane intersection does not meet the criteria for an All-Way stop control listed above. 2. Olney Street and Marybeth Ave intersection does not meet the criteria for an All-Way stop control listed above. Coordination with the County Sheriff and Fire Departments The Fire Department Feedback EFI contacted the Fire Department on 6-6-2019 and asked what impact would the closure of Olney Street have on the Fire Department operation. The Fire department personnel indicated that the closure of Olney Street would have no effect on dispatching Fire department personnel and equipment. They also indicated that the fire department will use Rio Hondo Ave to Olney Ave and that there would be no Impact to the response time. As for the closure of the street without a culdesac with a 40' radius, the fire department also indicated that they would be able to backup the fire truck if the City closed the street. The Sheriff's Department Feedback EFI contacted the Sheriffs Department on 6/18/2019 and asked: What impact would the closure of Olney St have on the Sheriff's Department operation. The closure would not impact the Sheriff's response time because deputies use the major Arterials when responding to a call. Caltrans Jurisdiction EFI Contacted Caltrans to determine if the west leg of Olney St closure at Temple City Blvd is a viable option. On 6/5/2019, we contacted Caltrans encroachment section and discussed the potential closure with Dara Loeung with the encroachment permit division and we were told that as far as the encroachment permit division is concerned, there is no issues with the closure of the east end of Olney St as long as the work is done outside of Caltrans R/W. I also contacted Mahmoud Habar in operations and traffic investigations. Mr. Habar indicated that Caltrans does not have any objections to the closure of the west leg of Olney St at Temple City Blvd or Temple City Blvd southbound right turn lane into Olney St as long as the work is done outside of Caltrans R/W. Field review A field review was taken for Temple City Blvd and Olney St. This included collecting the existing signing and striping. _._ .... 24 Page e. y� OLNEY ST NEAR TENIPLE CITY BLVD LOOKING EASY f� 1� a Ira►']�`/ i iy • �� tc A i 1r, L@e i r 25Page Presently, as shown in Exhibit 1, the Southbound traffic on Temple City Blvd can turn right onto Olney St or continue to merge onto the I-10 Westbound ramp. Eastbound Olney St turns into the I-10 westbound on-ramp. No left turns out of Olney St at Temple City Blvd are allowed. Partial or full closure The City may consider two options: Full closure or partial Closure of Olney St. ]rill Closure As shown in the Exhibit 2, a full closure will close eastbound Olney Street onto the I-] 0 westbound ramp and the Southbound right turn from Temple City Blvd onto Olney St. Full closure can be accomplished by removing the existing Island and reconstructing the pavement, constructing new curb and gutter and sidewalk and installing guardrails to prevent cars from driving over the curb and gutter. The signing and striping has to be modified for southbound Temple City Blvd to allow traffic to merge into a single lane. The signing and striping on Olney Street would have to be modified to reflect the closure of the Street. Advantages of full closure The full closure of Olney Street at the east end would provide relief for a portion of Olney St between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd. Advantages would include: • Eliminate traffic backup eastbound on Olney Street Near the 1-10 On-ramp. • Provide relief for residents living on Olney St near Temple City Blvd to allow residents on the south side to exit their driveways. • Eliminate the U-tums into resident's driveways by traffic wanting to beat the queues along Temple City Blvd. Disadvantages of full closure As stated earlier, Mobile apps route traffic thm neighborhood streets to get cars from point A to point B to avoid congestion on the freeway or other segments without regards to the consequences of such routing. Potential for Increase traffic volumes on the following adjacent streets: • Ellis Lane from Olney to Marshall St • Marshall St from Temple City Blvd to Ellis Lane and, • Increase in the Queue length on Temple City Blvd southbound • Potentially increase the volume on the remaining segment of Olney St from Ellis Lane to Rio Hondo Ave. as people are routed to avoid the longer queues on Temple City Blvd. 261Page • Closure will affect how residents in the neighborhood travel to and from to their homes Partial Closure As shown in exhibit 3, a partial closure will close eastbound Olney Street onto the I-10 westbound, while maintaining the Southbound right turn from Temple City Blvd onto Olney St. The partial closure can be accomplished by extending the existing Island and installing guardrails to prevent cars from driving over the island. The signing and striping on Olney Street would have to be modified to reflect the partial closure of the Street. Signing modifications with advance signage on Olney St stating that there is no access to Temple City Blvd and WB I-10 Ramps would also be needed. Advantages of Partial Closure The partial closure of Olney street at the east end would provide relief for a the portion of Olney St between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd. A partial closure would: • Eliminate traffic backup eastbound on Olney Street Near the I-10 On-ramp. • After and adjustment period, provide relief for residents on the south side of Olney St that are presently having a hard time exiting the driveways. • After and adjustment period, will eliminate the U-turns into resident's driveways Disadvantages of Partial Closure As stated earlier, Mobile apps route traffic thru neighborhood streets to get cars from point A to point B to avoid congestion on the freeway or other segments without any regard to the consequences of such routing. There may be an increase in traffic volumes on the following adjacent streets: • Ellis Lane from Olney to Marshall St • Marshall St from Temple City Blvd to Ellis Lane and, • Increase in Queue lengths on Temple City Blvd southbound • Closure will affect how residents in the neighborhood travel to and from their homes 281 Page mod 'Ljr ST 1 !a"• c ADMIYONe RAS .MYDLUI OLi.4' —ND The Imnact of Olnev St closure on Olnev St Traffic Flow As shown in Figure 17 below, 58 cars travel eastbound on Olney Street and tum right onto the westbound 1-10 onramp during the Am peak hour and 23 vehicles during the PM Peak hour. After the closure of Olney Street, these motorists are likely to travel easterly on Olney St, then northerly on Ellis Ln, Marybeth Ave, or Vane Ave to reach Marshall St., then east to Temple City Blvd. Approximately 73 cars per hour travel southbound On Temple City Blvd and tum right into Olney street during the AM peak and 70 cars during PM peak hours. After full closure, these motorists are more likely to use Marshall St to travel west, then southerly along Ellis Ln, Marybeth Ave, or Vane Ave to reach Olney St, then Westerly on Olney St to Rio Hondo. TURNING MOVEMENT ON OLNEY ST TO /D FROM TEMPLE CITY BLVD FIGURE 17 321Page The Impact of Olney St closure on the southbound Temple City Blvd North of Olney St after full closure If the City chooses to Close Olney St at Temple City Blvd, the traffic pattern will change. Analysis of the impacts on southbound Temple City Blvd would be challenging. Caltrans controls the on- ramp by metering the entrance to the Westbound I-10 freeway. This metering controls the number of vehicles entering the westbound freeway during various times of the day. As the I-10 freeway gets more congested, fewer cars are allowed to enter the traffic stream at a time. This effectively guides the queue on Temple City Blvd. In order to try and determine the impact, a queue study was conducted on 6/19/2019 to show the existing car backup on Temple City Blvd. The worksheets are enclosed in the Appendix. In general, during the peak hours (7-9 am and 4-6 pm), the southbound queue reached Loftus Dr. several times. The queue extended beyond Loftus Dr eight times during the 4 hour period but did not reach Marshall St at any time during the observation period. See queue Figure 18 below. As stated earlier, 58 cars travel eastbound on Olney Street and turn right onto the westbound I-10 onramp during the AM peak hour. With closure, this traffic will travel northerly on Ellis Lane and Easterly On Marshall St. This translate into approximately 5 more cars in the southbound queue per 5 minute cycle interval. The traffic has the potential to backup even further after the full closure. Figure 18 shows the present queue and the expected additional queue due to the closure and the re-routing of traffic to the back of the queue. ____..._ .. 33Page p{ ;' `` . I ,� ? ►amt �; i LEGEND ® QUEUE BEFORE CLOSURE I PROJECTED ADDITIONAL AFTER CLOSURE �+ _ I 1 9,► 1 " ( -r ■ RAM l t r � i. -. rte• '�t� T SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The closure of Olney Street is a Viable option. The following is a summary of the Advantages and Disadvantages of full closure. Advantages of full closure The full closure of Olney Street at the east end would provide relief for a the portion of Olney St between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd. As follows: • Eliminates traffic backup eastbound on Olney Street Near the I-10 On-ramp. • Provide relief for residents on the south side within that portion experiencing difficulty exiting the driveways. • Eliminates the U-turns into resident's driveways Disadvantages of full closure As stated earlier, Mobile apps route traffic thin neighborhood streets to get cars from point A to point B to avoid congestion on the freeway or other segment without any regards to the consequences of such routing. Potential increase of traffic volume on the following adjacent streets: • Ellis Lane fiom Olney to Marshall St • Marshall St from Temple City Blvd to Ellis Lane and, • Increase the Queue length on Temple City Blvd southbound • Potentially increase the volume on the remaining segment of Olney St from Ellis Lane to Rio Hondo Ave. as people are routed to avoid the longer queues. • Closure will affect how residents in the neighborhood travel from to their homes The following Summary of findings Table 11 addresses most of the issues raised by residents living near the Olney St segment at community meetings: TABLE 11 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS TABLE 35Page on Speed Survey reflects many instances of speeds higher than 25 MPH Unfortunately, speeding is an issue in many communities. Bigger speed signs and speed pavement legends can be installed. Speed feedback sign can be placed along with police enforcement. ...there have been many The accident rate is higher than the The two intersections on Olney St accidents; speed humps or statewide rate do no meet all way stop Warrants. additional slop signs are needed Speed Humps can be installed on to slow down the vehicles Olney St if/when the City adopts a policy for the installation of speed There has been an increase in robberies in the area due to the proximity ofthe 1-10 Freeway on- ramp There has been a significant increase in nnfe volumes on Olney Street Wesibound cars are continuing to make U-turns on Olney Street between Ellis Lane and Temple CityBoulevard Vehicles headed southbound on Temple City sometimes get hopped in the far right lave, forcing them to make a right turn onto Olney Street, then making a U-turn on Olney to get onto the freeway. Since there is no sidewalk on Olney Street, kids walk in the streets on the way to Savannah School; kids cant play in the street due to all the cars; it's not J nose matting U-turns on U Street often drive up onto resident's driveways, Police report seem to indicate that the overall crime peaked in 2017/2018 and declined It is difficult to correlate the crime rate to the proximity of the freeway on -Ramp access. The volume on Olney St is 1981 No previous data is available for cars in 24 hr. This volume is typical Olney St to determine if traffic is This was observed to be true. Many cars enter Olney St from Temple City Blvd Southbound and make a U tum to get on the I-10 westbound This action may be intentional or unintentional. This was observed to be true. Many cars enter Olney St and make a U tum to get on the I- 10 westbound On -Ramp The City can construct sidewalk in the City Right of way. This may be a contentious issue with residents that do not want to disturb their front yard. This was observed to be true for residences on Olney St near Temple City Blvd. Full Closure would eliminate that issue Full Closure would eliminate that issue by removing the right turn lane. However; this is likely to increase the queue on Temple City Blvd during the morning AM peak. All southbound traffic will share a single lane to enter the City may be able to apply for funds thru the Highway Safety Improvement Program to install sidewalk due to the proximity to a school. Full Closure would eliminate issue 361 Page ISSUE Findings Comments It can be difflcult to back out of This was observed to be true for Full Closure would eliminate that the driveways during rush hour. residences on the south side of issue Olney St near Temple City Blvd due to queue of cars waiting to get on the I-10 Westbound on-ramp. Vehicles are bypassing the This was found to be true by the Full Closure would eliminate that southbound traffic on Temple license plate survey. issue City Boulevard by cutting Approximately 20% of the traffic in through on Ellis Lane and Olney the AM traveled on Marshall St Street to get to the freeway. then south on Ellis and east on Onley St to get on the I-10 westbound freeway Can Olney Street be closed at Yes The street can be closed similar to the easterly end Olney St portion to the east of Temple City Blvd Caltrans feedback on closing Caltrans does not object to Olney Any work within Caltrans right of Olney Street leading to the on- Street closure way would require an ramp onto the Westbound I-10 encroachment permit Freeway The Fire Department feedback The Fire Department does not on closing Olney Street object to Olney Street closure leading to the on-ramp onto the westbound I-10 Freeway The Sheriff's Department The Sheriff's Department does not feedback on closing Olney object to Olney Street closure Street leading to the on-ramp onto the westbound I-10 Freeway Advantage of closing Olney St Segment of Olney Street between Temple City Blvd and Ellis Lane would see a substantial traffic reduction. Disadvantage of Closing Traffic will likely to increase on The remaining segment between Olney Street Ellis Lane between Marshall St and Ellis Lane and Rio Hondo will Olney St and Marshall St between continue to have the sante traffic Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd volume and pattern Other issues raised by closing The Queue on Temple City Blvd Olney St SB will increase duririg peak hours 371 Page Conclusion The residents living on Olney St between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard experience cut -through traffic and speeding motorists. The study found the majority of the issues raised by the residents to be true and offered some solutions that could mitigate some of the problems. Unfortunately, most of the solutions have advantages and disadvantages. As stated earlier closing Olney St on the east end at Temple City Blvd would ease some of the problems, but would increase problems at other locations. Installing speed cushions reduces the speed but creates additional noise and aesthetic problems at the installed locations. Some of the traffic will migrate to adjacent streets to avoid the speed cushions. This would simply transfer the problem to another corridor/neighborhood. The City should solicit resident input from all residents in the entire neighborhood because closure or partial closure will affect the travel patterns for all residents who may be taking a child to/from school, practice, shopping, going to work, etc... Technically, the data indicates that the closure at Olney St is a viable option. However, since this will affect the traffic routes of the residents living in the area, residents should be given a public forum to voice their input to the traffic commission during the review and possible approval process. If the City decides that Olney St is to be closed before the 1-10 westbound ramp, the City would need to prepare preliminary construction plans for the closure of Olney Street. Funding sources have to be identified and approved by the City Council. Construction plans, specifications, and cost estimate may then be prepared to close Olney St. The design plans should be prepared to minimize any construction on Caltrans right of way as such construction would require an encroachment permit which typically takes 12 to 18 months to acquire. 381 Page APPENDIX CITATIONS -i LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT TEMPLE STATION Citation Report_ 054m 19 Twal Camlms: 2 mt s. Gate Tt�iis' Qey Vblation Name ' Cas Ssteet CUM aadn Yah Lic VVah 8 AAa0067q 3/73RDt8 10.+94 7uesAay 231(s) OLNEY ST:CA AATa1a9a immia 1822 Wstlnssm i2mn(a) OLNEY ST 9520 1000 CA . nmsla)0) . i j i • 1 CRIME REPORT City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 Homicide 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 Assault 0 0 0 Burglary 2 3 4 Larceny 2 7 3 GTA 1 5 2 Arson 0 0 0 City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) June 1, 2018 thru May 31, 2019 (Ay s 7 (,t F 4 s a � o� City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) Q 3 Q6 City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo) June 1, 2016 thru May 31, 2017 Q a - a 4 CUT THRU TRAFFIC WORKSHEET DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE location: Of ADA]ETLS STREET f8 EAST OF RW HONDO AVEXUE 2-hlsm EADAEENA STREET 4llF06 Ed1PPM4 ENTIIP 1.OnO"E5W/OlC91VO 2. On OR" WO E/O ARE HR 3. On EiDI US W/O M4r11U0 4.OnM .IIESW/OTCBEVD 419 80> BXH 9W 013 3 F 132 429 221 605 E94 u 39S 395 > 9U 03 126 2 101 316 >51 226 m 996 366 634 u6 $731 9ml I I n6l 660 920 329 ME 37 291 399 ..inn: DE ADAIENA Si RE ET E6 EAST OF PC HONOO AVENUE ]:15-2:30. Int, POUR: E B DE ADAIENA ST REET Ed1PPM4 a ENTRY 1. On 01"E0 W/O TCUVD 2.On01M W8EMNOHOnEO 3. On ERE NO N/O Mannan 4. On Al a gEO W/O TCSIVD 0 UX 631]24 027 zo 304 163 638 R0 0]] Osil 156 1 116 224 024 08 041 136 052 21> 001 89 03 02S 10 202 916 751 817 361 390 329 ME 37 291 399 9M 419 451 531 648 MA 68O 473 S24 506 550 511 m]23 541 >13 fly 742 743 691 ]0] 339 954 76011 821 75d ;46 961 811 09 925 929 946 949 WHT RMW UP 50% .b.nOE ADAEENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO NONDO AVENUE EnM Point E8 DE ADAIENA STREET EM RWMR W tains EB ENTRY S. On Olney EX W/O Tm',V 100 UneY W9 VO Ria NO+Oo 30n ERN N9 MM Fnall a. On NNN"EB W/o tam 10` 162 in 032 160 2S7 on 150 155 072 IAM 149 on 122 110 241 2651 224 393 B66 933 m 210 236 272 2851 25l 30 280 113 331 STS R+ S 952 w 472 915 986 660 4U1 306 4% 319 329 516 471 5 516 95.1 404 WC 650 658 3)5 4Y1 503 S18 Sa6 Sa) 57S 619 639 448 869 959 Y -t9 591 w m 632 N) 612 ISM 604 6S7 608 626 MY IS) X25 )6S 88) 891 993 S6)' 525' 563 SS3 Su 652 901 )66 923 m 923 Mx10 868 m 912 901 9a9 55] 969 6a6' M. 922 955 528 %2 961 999 AM9 M.C. I 581 612 626 612 663 894 942 Tos EA) 619 619 694 72S )9S tiY 667 )19 t b.n: OE ADAIENA STREET EB EMT OF RIO HONDO AVENUE TISI:m— Entry Roll EB DE ADM ENA S1 REET W tains I.On EBW/OTCBEVD 2. On 01rcy WB E/O RN N9nm 3. On Ellis NB N/O Wq ll 6. On W10Mlf B W/O ICE EVD 249 010 104' 11) 212 162 22) D13 132 036 134 OelO50 18) 1 093 186 099 22) 026 050 118 152 293 231 283 293 189 MI 245 284 33S 205 211 262 om 345 415 419 23) 285 2n 3)5 401 514 281 455 448 4)3 493 311 w 3)4 SQ 694 331 348SIS S6)' 525' 563 SS3 Su 438 3% 492 422 511 )20 935 865 933 868 939 3N1 4U1 Y) 546 55] 969 6a6' M. )% 834 "1 866 528 %2 m 551 9X1 M.C. 581 612 626 612 663 894 942 A29' EA) 619 619 694 72S )9S tiY 667 )19 86) 915 923 ry1 735 )49 935 961 975 255 7"1 785 MN2 ns Bas Bu 832 a2 MS % m 899 982 %) "21-1m998 n %CM TAru 35% ROW Thv 48% lxa:un: OE AMLENA STREET EB EAST Of RO MONDO AVENUE k00d lS. Entry PGM: EB DF ADAIENA STREET Eatt l Glm [aN babrn EB FNfdy 1. On Dbey EB W/O TCSLVD EB ENTRY 064 1 On Obey EB W/O TEBLVO 222 233 3% 370• 372 411 2. On Olney Wd F/O Rb Fnnft MIT 019 109 155 221 295 3. On EIIis NB NIC, Wnwl 067 102 111 119 129 4 O Wnhal EB W/O TM%pII pas '<," 119 129 318 d5D 453 Al SNI 432• 665 S16 14E• 617• ]96 394 4E2 661 516 622 1 293 23B 376 3% 321 127 250 350 620 6x3 841 %6• 413 672 797 )0 8D1 ]59 810 m 6d1 419 714 422 T55 439 511 ' 352 462 608 ]J3262d0640] 876 886 936 ]93 %] 603 609 6E2 6G1 d33 510 S]0 936 939 979 653 d me 7% )% d% 999 976 SVIETTRUCR 890 9N5 T9; %7 KE ESB — IOFaUorl: CE ADALENA STREET E9 EAST OE RIO M MD04VEMUE EMry a9int E9 DE AOALENA STREET Eatt l Glm EB FNfdy 1. On Dbey EB W/O TCSLVD Z. On Olney WB E/O Re Ha 3.On0Y1NBN/OWr"l 4.On WrsRall EB W/O TCBLVD 335 372 005 2 FO 309 0% 139 WI 240 279 036 091 109 )SS 623 692 >u 2 305 30) 307 312 413 139 192 IE2 866 SIR TOW MM 31 339 352 ]J3262d0640] 162D ;% 417 603 B]8 92] %2 d33 510 S]0 627 677 646 6% 653 d —6111100 "4 d% 999 976 SVIETTRUCR KE ESB — %Cw IDru 67% 30% :oonon: OE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RO HONDO AVENUE Entry PRInO EB OF ADAIENA STREET EAR Pohl Exit PolrH4 1.On01nev EBW/OTCBIVD 2.On OInty WBE/ORlo H0n00 3.On Ellis NBN/OWm"Il EB ENTRY 1. 0n011 EB WtO TCBEVD 2. On OInt, WS CO Rb Hon0o 3.0n OF, N8 N/0 M4nNn t On Marsba6 EB A''70 TCBIVO 097 171 252 124 622' 452 717 6S4 739 03. OP2 143 213 031 lA 118 2N2 135 326 .ZIN 372 ;101 11 282 492 iB6 838 722 327 10 UC' 2112 299 W 422 159 411 165 _ 329 351 336 414 395 411 _ 4N2 615 511 L54j 555 693 834 805 9021 U67 4N2 628 637 5% 636 6VO 545 S97 560 615 $62 658 6M1 91D ]lS 982 738 749 776 766 751 933 785 834 873 SMILE _ 918 [27 Bl[6MW CRf\'FR LtKa„n: DE ADALENA STREET EO EAST OF W HONDO AVENUE Entry Ppm: EB OF ADRIFNA STREET EAR Pohl Edt Pa6iN 1.On01nev EBW/OTCBIVD 2.On OInty WBE/ORlo H0n00 3.On Ellis NBN/OWm"Il AENIIM I.On O4ev FB W/O TCBlV0 2.On W6E/ORb IW I.On Eon NBIUOM all 4.0n Ala]4n4HEBW/OTCBLVO 034 482 u5 6 015 116 194 3 199 Oss 1 OWE 357 139 497 ODS 152 131 513 20S 52I 052 I 201 1n 291 801 941 S63 BLUE STAR L39 603 704 SEA 755 617 802 WE 684 605 N 629 9231 294 320 314 3"1 365 A42 834 805 9021 U67 917 495 9EA1 668 AcTI N96 lnotbn: DEACALFXA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE " u Inn, Envy Poinl EB DE ADAL E NA STREET EAR Pohl 1.On01nev EBW/OTCBIVD 2.On OInty WBE/ORlo H0n00 3.On Ellis NBN/OWm"Il 4.0n144W MEOW/07CBLVO EB FINIRY 064 W3 284 340 121171 l04 1 3" 122 316• 390 533• 611• 621 236 164 413 467 000 SDI SQ 122 639 654 019 039 209 SP1 662 822 960 034 310 ME 6S6 448 670 3W 36t 481 6R HI9 VA 851 SL 062 L.t. DEADALENASTREETE9EASTOFRONONOOAWNUE 56% %Cut Tnru 33% 29% 4:154� M Entry Pn,K: EB OE ADAIENASTREET Exit Points E,ek Polnts VIER T i. On OI ED W/O TMVD 2. On ME/O Bp Han" 3. On Ellis NS N/0 MangaR 4. On Ma11 EB W/O TCBLVD WS E/O Poe Hon 121 IIO• ]98 O65 On 210 008 ll 116 147 311 341 176 313 4" 03 34 633 273 2H2 575 618 652 662 2B3 OWl 34 1E2 147 1 Ei l21 419 476 523 4111 576 *4� 558 633 3B0 540 3 5 691 512 3]4 481 551 SR 401 )83 580 863 Big r18 BPI 770 ]4 7411 TB4 8)] 9 BLOEBL32ER 6N3 )49 763 ]J101 821 830 951 N53 936 960 LRr48on: DE AOALENA STREET EB ME Of RIO HONDO AVENOF 4:30a45 P n EntIV POInd: EB OE ADAIENA STRE ET E,ek Polnts UEMEB9 1.On Olney EB W/O TCBIVD 2.On0 WS E/O Poe Hon 3. On OW NB N/O Marshall 4.0n Wa aHESW/OTCBLVD 217 595 083 364 4% 4A3 533 9B1 010 1311 342 132 305 455 176 313 4" 03 34 633 273 2H2 575 618 652 662 OV IlR 2M1 OWl 34 116 2D9 393 1?74 4111 576 513 621 558 633 702 715 n6 991 6" 43 6 BPI 770 730 914 EILOESIMER 6N3 )49 763 935 9n 94 951 N53 24% % Ms. 22% towt..N OEADA NASTREET EB EAST OE Rio HORDE] 4VENUE 4,455,08 Rm E." Runt EB OF ADAIENA ST NEST Ei61 RUM4 1.On 0108, EB W/O TCBIVO 2 O ONn WS C/O Rb HonCo 3.On EIIis NBN/OM.ghail 4.On%blthWEBW/OTCBIVO EE 11MY 001 Ossil 12311 050 155 5 $76 713• 845 0241 098 053 075 136 in 025 203 1291 239 172 258 004 2WI 397 162 4V3 200 283 240 2" 31S 359 282 206 303 654 438 582 42 669 757 561 5591 574 611 316 509 741 541 636 M 567 750 755 288 HONDAIASVHt YJ 983 q04 741 au SP2 940 943 VEW Eoptinn: DE ADAEENA STREET ER EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE %uA MIR 39% %Cut T%N 53% .o:auon Of ADALfFIASTREFT EO EAST OF RIC HONDO AVENUE JErorF Pont; Ea DE ADAllUSMEET CIA P Wt; wPWnp Ell mm 1. On Olney EB W/0 TC9LVO 2.On Olney WB OO Rb Nonto 3.0101H16N70Mannali I ]. On CIA ES W/O TMVD 1 2. On OIW WS E/O Rb Hontlo 3.0n EOn NBN/OMv*.It 4. On 4Rar MES W/O TCBLVD EB0Bi11y Mail 070 096 203 106, 449 ml 2691 M. qS9.1 026 066 03A Du 054 166 OYl 216 217 190 270 W31 D61 OM1 236 2]3 975 769 435 462 616 440 171 424 2% A64 )61 467 272 347 279 399 21,111 421 251 306 3011 329 4 SO4 966 511 59l 6 1 419 S46 Sit 67A 541 6P1 429 $34 439 566 427 650 491 915 604 663 9A x 709 612 949 7a 765 524 919 926 925 951 969 936 956 9 C64 ADO ;aca4oA. DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AMEN UE 5:3PS:4S hn Entry Point ER DE ADALENA SIRE ET CIA P Wt; Ell mm 1. On Olney EB W/0 TC9LVO 2.On Olney WB OO Rb Nonto 3.0101H16N70Mannali I 4.On MarUall EBW/OTCa1VD 016 0591 13A CA i 047• 706 OF3 m W 237 Mail 070 032 105 OSS 192 034 263 313 3R1 191 TBA 293 411 395 43 An 4114 473 4C2 37 6 3% 6S6 S3S 662 411 435 462 616 440 SAI 503 SS6 652 696 667 769 633 6a9 799 511 59l 6 so 658 BOB 935 9fA S73 663 x W%t 915 927 I 47% 47% '.xatc� OE Ad NASTREEY ER EAST OF RIONOND04VENUE SASiW Rn Ent,9 ,: EB GE AO ENA5 EET Eat991nU I.On Olney ES W/O YCBlVO 2. Dn gney W B VO R30 Nato 3.0n FMK NB RIO W,r 11 4 O MMMR11 EB W10 7CB1VD ED EMERY 007 0721 13,I Ill 0 136 412 171 306 481 Ill OM 032 277 122 507 013 IM 063 171 IM 195 132 2% 291 237 273 IN 737 8% so 6M 610 700 647 M 209 321 260 329 299 329 397 3X3 424 M2 496 4 c66 514 M6 761 9S6 605 948 ws 334 437 335 479 36l 506 866 751 922 785 7% MA Al 5% sm 734 612 751 949 STT OFF, 36B F18 51R DEE ME 916 9M 827 94B Mt _ BEK BENTIY %W Fnm 63% ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET .I., EWS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHAl15TREET 7.7:150. Entq Point: $8 ELLIS UNE Wt PWnu EBENM 1.On Otn E6 W/O TCBLVO 2. On Mw WB C/O RU HRn6R 3. On De Malena V28 E10 RHI HRn44 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVO 101 2221 235 BO) 6101 9M Ol3 137 22I 191 U6 274 035 075 163 614 aril nil val 605 7FZI i81 552 395 395 58] 593 366 208 316 644 291 561 3731 9791 1 730 J88 911 756 664 761 989 954 9751 CREVIER REO BMW 925 929 9M 949 I 11.n: EWS UNE 58 NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET 7:w7t". En Point: SB ELLIS UNE Ftlt P14Ma OEN/RY 2. On Olney le W, O I CBLVO 2. On Olney WB 1/0 Rb HOMO 3. On 0e MR. WB E/0 Ri4 H.A. 4. On Manhau EBW/O T[6LVD 03S 271 027 150 306 363 363 618 720 071 ISIS 160 116 274 024 135 041 213 OW 317 001 - 089 025 207 855 752 m 817 988 361 l% 451 533 6M 4% 458 680 329 365 506 329 473 608 3W 482 658 291 561 349 399 674 713 773 780 135 742 760'- 87l 689 849 754 %l 761 989 954 an 909 925 929 9M 949 WMBMW MP 46% 73% l Ftian: ElOS W f SB NORTH OF MAR5NR1l5TREET 7:30.748 am En PoUR:5B ELLIS UNE mm 3.O t De A881en4 WB E/O Rio U ENTRY 1.On OInev E8W/OTCBSVO 2.On Oinev l':9 UO Rig Non09 Npn60 1 4. On M"" EB W/O TMVD 032 140 257 0991 160 155 0141 Oe9 ORI _am 122 240 326 3% 393 668 932 2W 210 236 1161 332 149 313 5 952 3481 415 460 lui 189 24511 471 524 547 4721 484 4113 2471 247 272 5 658 4" 503 518 274 282 302 619 639 752 539 612 306 319 350 765 818 869 632 617 654 354 336 387 867 652 766 898 4S5 467 486 .' 949 923 923 SIG 568 600 927 955 626 660 770 777 73: 808 363 942 953 958 AM9 I %Cut Tmu 69% lootion'. EE115 UNE 59 NORTH OF A3ARSHAl1 STREET 7,45-990 as Ent Fant. SB EMS LANE EW F6lot4 3. On 4 ABaima WB E/0 Rio E9EN)9T I. Cn 0Ice7 EB W/O TCBLV 2.On piney wa E/O Rw HanEo Hon0o 4.OnMv9u0EBW/OTCBEVO OIC 11 162 013 036 OF3 014 024 119 026 051 209 212 227 133 130 1" S4B 33] 13B 152 308341 :89 293 ]n 209 235 2)4 3M I6S 262 i;;6 121 345 415 419 237 I85 2AI 318 33B 335 284 306 in 311 449 4)3 993 117 3N 374 361 401 q1 34 535' 552 3% 122 48.i 6B3 6B5 3N1 M1 561 fid 56)• 583 fill 192 513 )O0 755 79) 401 546 663 613 662 W. 766 771 S46 836 863 993 M. 824 8% 562 5R1 933 939 626 994 a2V 60 619 619 9R2 RNG MN 725 W667 719 66) 923 73a 735 749 935 755 794 785 1 MN2 90S 812 932 845 854 862 967 977 999 947 952 998 CID %Cut T6m 87% Laouon: EWS UNE SB NORTH OF MA%SHAM5TREET sass 418 ERR �y EB FNTRY I.On 01 Ell iCBLVD 2.On Ohler WBE/O Rb NOMo 3. On De AbkA4 W xordoarFAaIIFB W/O iEB1VD Errtry PoM:SB ELLS IANF 2F0 309 693 i0W iRWt 069 2% 319 3% 627 0% 305 339 417 6Y 139 IW 352 6D3 022 OUT 189 229 315 OSB 1399 M32 282910 3221 �yOY1TB w 091 4% )2) 109 2 E 2 n0) SAS BIO 6)7 691 1110 LOn Din"EMOTCUM LOn 01 WBF/O Rq HontlB 3 O 4Adakna WB E/O Hondo Rio 4.On ManhallEB W/OT®LVD 066 221 7W773 364 019 109 067 125 1% Ons 927 . 370• 372 411 155 221 2% 269 275 Ipe 119131• 516 61P : "-.4 E 2 516 3% 455 1 250 115 665 )nB• 7% 612 N3 562 868 321 NS672 707 759 BBB BBB MHI 439797 JK4n; W BIO NNA 56058)6 8869366E2 SM 936 939 979 701 MISIB6 ON 8% 917 i93 7349N5 W9R1 l=Fti9n: 1116 LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL SIREET 8:15.11.30 Wt1 EIRry Polm: SB fU15 UNE ERR �y EB FNTRY I.On 01 Ell iCBLVD 2.On Ohler WBE/O Rb NOMo 3. On De AbkA4 W xordoarFAaIIFB W/O iEB1VD 091 29: }G2 303 623 970 SiR 722 7% 976 2F0 309 693 i0W iRWt 069 2% 319 3% 627 0% 305 339 417 6Y 139 IW 352 6D3 022 OUT 189 229 315 OSB 1399 M32 282910 3221 w 091 4% )2) 109 2 E 2 n0) SAS BIO 6)7 691 1110 422 566 4S3914 510i TRUCKACEEIB -.....894899 111 679 7W773 927 A032 %Cut TAN 54% %Cw TAN 71% lomoro. ELL6 IANE SS NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET 8 Asa. Entry PoinT SB EEl35IANE Etlt RRIMt � yypy EB ENTRY 1.On WW/D TCBEVD IOn OI WB E/O Rb Malo 3.On OeAGNM WB E70 H D Rb 4. 0- MwIh.11 EB W/0 TERM D ElI70.Y OSS *•'x Sb 1Ti 124 677• 771 62)427 4521 717 70 656 739 7W 0331 ORI 299 3N2 OS31 143 L2 459 WA 6% 0531 412 465 636 6V0 Oml 17] 279 534 597 603 097 156 293 Sas 656 838 111 3755 5 7 8718 730 . T497 -1 693 808637 )04 755 W2 569 577 ]49 776 933 982 D 833 B05 902 U65 91] 185 834 B)3 95d 666 ACE ]NI N% 913 %27 BLK BMW CRFVIFR EDtaHOn' ELLIS LAME 58 NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET Entry Point' SS E WS UNE Etlt RRIMt EB ENTRY 1.On Ol.cy Ell W/O TCBEVD I.On 01 WBE/O Rb nDMo 3. Dn 4A WaWB E/O Rio Hq 4. OM Me)"EBW/O TCKvt, M497� O58 222 025 648 563 191 499 5a6 l39 OSB 603 OWI 357 614 139 497 617 CR)5 16] 511 078 1l7 SIB ]31 d15 565 732 294 2N 314 1T1 291 366 7N3 BWE STA0. )04 755 W2 569 577 629 376 396 a42 833 B05 902 U65 91] 6)6 755 973 95d 666 ACE ]NI N% 75% 69% totatlon: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET 44:25 Pm Entry PpAI: U ELI15 ME E: It PprHs M PaRlb EBENTRY I.On OInv EBW/OTCBLVD 1 3.01 De ACaNna W8 E/0 Rio 2.On01nh WEAb NOMo .—d. <. On AlarshiREB W/0 TC&VD 122 203 24 177 316• 390 164 413 40 038 176 209 034 281 308 325 4% 077 2% 366 533• 611' 6]1 )% 503 581 3)4 9TO 40I 369 4N -481 en 9R 6311 340 540 556 MCI A2 756 491 429 637 an 817 e4] SeU so BU B63 977 F18 78Q830 BRI 977 1721 l9Mbbo: ELLIS UNE 58 NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET 4:13a:U Fm Entry PpAt SB ELLIS ME M PaRlb ES ENERY 1.0n0 EBW/OTCBLVD 2.On0 WBE/ORio HonCP 3. Dn Do AJaHna We E/O Rio Hoodo I A. On Marshall ES W/O TCBLVD 2`q r3E1 :R: 361 702' T9! 111 065111 282 077 2% M 103 IA2 UI SERI Ill 681 147 341 A 6 523 i76 5UJ SMI 6311 340 540 3% 5% 691 SII 491 429 637 an 817 e4] SeU so BU B63 977 F18 78Q830 BRI 977 1721 659 718 6V0 741 .' 1211 258 9W owl lU 291 465 GRIMILVFRADO)b 533 9%1 IA2 342 813 ..=� 313 612 609 536 625 662 Ib IM1 174 3" 209 397 976 960 4R0 576 770 935 54] 611 740 9N 556 633 916 951 156 413 6N2 657 749 N52 599 6D1 9H 1 1 Laatiore ELLE UNE SB NORT H OF MARSHALL STREET 430.4,45 Pm Emry Po t UELuS IANE EaN Fpnb EBFMRY l.C.01niIrJEBWj0TC1WLVD 2.Oo WB E/O Rio H.& 3.Oo Un A6abrm WB UO Rb H.M. 4.0n MarshaBEBW/07CISM 128 B7 171 083 3" 655 0101 1721 176 110 1211 258 OLI owl lU 291 465 451 All 533 9%1 IA2 342 305 455 313 612 609 536 625 662 Ib IM1 174 3" 209 397 601 4R0 576 770 935 54] 611 740 9N 556 633 916 951 156 413 6N2 657 749 N52 599 6D1 9H 1 1 57% %CA TIT. 56% bulb.: EL UNE SB NORTH Of MARSHALL STREET 44SS=Rm EMM NNne SS flUS UNE EWH RWnIE 3. On OR Maury WB E/jRIb D EN189 LOn Ob EBW/O TML%2 2.On 01 vre Ep Rb HOiM9 HRiyp 4. pn MaMaR EB W/O TCBLVO001 063 518 Sib ]13' 024 Ma Oi5 OTS 1T2 004 162123 IP 2 145 096 336 233 239 249 3W 4V1284 321 423 159269 352 436 559 Si4483 656 212 30l 651 56) 669 58] 590 611 ]54 ]50 i55 iBB 26 138 m US H6 HONMUwHT lau ViW i56 BLACK AKSM 904 Lorn : FLUS UNE SR NORTH Of MARSHALL STREET 12% %C. Th 72% L.o.,: ELM VNE SR NORTH OF MARSHAUSMEET S:1 S:WP EM Point: SB ELlS LANE EMry Pant: 56 E WS IANf ENL PWMa ENt POMh E9 ENIPV 1. On 01 Es W/o TCUM E86MR7 3. on Oe Adakna we E/O RW Hondo I. Do OMeV E6 W/O TCSLVO 2.On0 W3 E/O Wb HOMo 1.On De AGkna WB E/0 Pio N4nd4 4. On Manha6 E9 W/OTC&VO 060 09 163 106• 206 269 406 669• 959• 069 034 066 166 0% 100 099 131 OV3 152 103 OSi 226 OMI 236 ON1 131 165 203 150 3u 121 424 291 061 361 46] 198212 34] 399 229 421 251 369 535 466 - 442 619 499 516 $11 674 541 6P1 439 626 534 761 546 ]65 491 S23 $15 6x 5if 770 774 ]70 973 9A 8]9 -: 708 952 912 909 265 916 624 933 87S 818 979 925 AOO AOD 967 C60 tomi : E1115 LANE 58 NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET S:3"AS Hn EM Point: SB ELlS LANE ENL PWMa E9 ENIPV 1. On 01 Es W/o TCUM 2.0n OM WS F/O Rk Hondo 3. on Oe Adakna we E/O RW Hondo 4.Oo Man61W E6 W/O TCNVO OOBom -� 1C304]• ]06 -' OF2 1% 131 23] 3W ODS 105 OSS 133 219 263 313 3R1 511a03 422 494 423 4C2 275 376 322 395721$56 3u 435 462 652 698 535 575 650 619 799]69BD3808 M395 s M13 935 66] 826 BBI 670 9% 758 866 929 ML 8]9 -: 956 960 966 967 52% %CN Thr. 63% Lo.o*n: ELLS LANE SB NORTH OF MAe3HAL1 STREET SA54:w Rn Entry PdM: SB EWSI NE Edt FWtRF 3. On De AM na W8 E/0 Rio F!E%IRY LOn E8W/0 TMVD 2.On WeE/O Rio Hondo Hondo 4. On Msr"EBW/O TE&YD 072 150 138 306 out O82 112 0131 O83 OF2 122 165 412 717 277 507 Its 14 187.. 250 291 737 896 54D 620 6a7 195 209 M2 397 3A2 M2 348 W 6M 7D0 753 308 309 329 ala 496 W 466 )fit 805 w 329 33 4 335 M 751 961 703 956 975 BOS 340 379 3" M 966 912 7B0 t79 925 NI 137 4H 455 m DEF FII STI S06 571 612 STT 626 674 827 915 927 947 985 M% MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD IVOUon. MAR5nAU STREET WEST OF TEMPU CIWSODIEVARD b)aSAm EMN ft.: WB MARSNAEI STREET EW POIAb E9BEMF S. On Vl EBW/D 7MM 2 WB M Rq HonC9 3, On FBB MB N/O MYaNl1 A. On OR AdA. WB E/O 0.b HPMU BW WI 1 691 750 JTI W7 M 908 013 3M 3372I1 iib 395 129 fi05 395 9A3 l)e ]FI IN 22 2TA IBE 5521 S87S93 3.On fan NB N/0 M."11 B]3 9ml I Tail SEE 150 306 975 CRENER RED 8MW fib m 061 loolion: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE QTY BOOEEVARO ):15 )7m. jEntrVPc0nt.WbWRSH STREET EW P91nb Y fBW(O!CRLVD 2.On OlmRWSE/ORin Homo 3.On fan NB N/0 M."11 40nC AG $cna WR F/0 Hnnd.B1M Ri0 VIBBN3B1' 150 306 D)1 OSI fib m 061 OS2 31 619 RO 136 21i 135 313 all 1110 917 ME 106 . 3)6 aid 4j9 4S1 ASB 511 30 482 62 (027 53355M ,711 65 658 735 713 oil 70l 73 791 760 780 TSA BN STE 909 9 929 w 969 WRT BMW HP scut Pvu 90% L.Moo 6URSRALLSTREET WfST Of TFMRLL COYBOULEVARD ):3F]:4S. EnM RWM: WR MARSRALL STREEE EW RURm 1. On OMey FB W/0 T[BiVD 2.On Olney WB E/O Rb OonOo 3. On Etln HB N/O ManRatl 4.On B[ AOiIMa WB f/0 No,MO BIW Rio 13N fI11BY 050 099 032.' 15] ISO 155 W2 149 014 Cx: 'Y-': 393' REB 932 200 210 236 PI 288 291 1:6 132 149 953 415 460 329 162 1R9 3461 02 4R4 4U1 " 24) Ni 4v1 S03 SIR S46 5/] 575 274 202 302 565 539 S4D 612 60B 66] 632 64) 651 65) 689 3B6 3R) 757 652 898 808 455 46] R63 m 901 923 923 RBB 56B 600 961 927 955 989 TOS )R4 R25 RB3 958 958 ARM IM]lbn: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CRT BOULEVARD ):45aM. Envy Point: WE MARSHAIL MEET m Paha Flit Pa61h O.On DR Aaa%au M E/D Rla INS EMM l.On f8 NO TCBIVD 2.On OVIRY W8 F/O Rb HmBa 3.ODM%NRNIOMaftall Merv. 86T1 4. On Dn ARakn4 WE E/0 Rio WBENTBY 008 l.On 08tPY EB W/O TCBLVO 2.On Cdn WBE/OMHM6a 061 3.0n®N N8 DM d 3411 HalBaBMI 255 221 2% 13 Olo 1s) 162 on 036 OP2 050 188 238 245 034 024 119 SNl 601 ]Y• 21T 543570 131 l34 187 622 707 lY 382 i12 SSB M 876 RDI 886 M3 IW 209 214 245 135 274 i9i 306 419 231 28S 2z2 375 401 514 31l 32B 111111111 365 4tS 473 493 317 314 3Ja 5A7 694 361 dOl an Y7 4)3 515 52S' 552 3)6 3% 4l2 JJO 865 483 683 WS 567 613 438 $11 On RID 755 )W 755 616' TY m 528 546 551 9a1 836 863 915 BOE 810 794' 824 686 562 5" 939 975 824 862 868 ON 9a7 428• 607 619 619 SU RNG MY 915 6M 667 710 939 939 749 734 785 RS BQ 812 US YS 854 K2 Ei a 942 %7 952 %1 9% no ul lc Otion: MARSHALL STAEET WEST OF TEMPLE CRY BOULEVARD M ILSam Entry PCHM: W 6 MARSHAL] STREET m Paha O.On DR Aaa%au M E/D Rla INS EMM l.On f8 NO TCBIVD 2.On OVIRY W8 F/O Rb HmBa 3.ODM%NRNIOMaftall Merv. 86T1 233 3H 008 019 l 061 111 364 3411 255 221 2% 13 432• 63)• 344 4E2 188 238 245 3%7% 11, SNl 601 622 293.. 543570 618 )87 9A6' 622 707 M 382 8% 866 936 982 M 876 RDI 886 AID 936 at 714 >ss NNA 936 939 %[w fru 83% %Cut ln. 71% location: MARSEML1.SMEET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD A.Ml:30am Entry Pdnl WB MARSHALL SIRE ET Otlt PWMP 1. On01nl EB%,QTEBLVD 2.On W41[/O RIB Nmdo 3. On Eft N9 WO Ma74Ba11 4. On De A4akIN WB E/0 X.44 BAN Rb "E14MP 001 I[2 264 0051 2E0 309 623 7Y OW 2 30S 139 303 DUE 307 239 313 ..tee'+ 022 0541 W1 139 059 156 W1 63S 933 SIR TON TRUCK 319 353 417 6" 352 603 653 STE, 676 927 139 "It 279 282 315 333 312 13S 053 053 677 694 810 112 653 5]0 6 71 a" ACE FIB 976 141 2N2 326 566 510 679 W] W7 m n1 ]C2 7N2 299 232 T)3 AD13 928 395 I]9 293 3S BD ESC 427 uov4n: MARSHALL STREET WEST OE TEMPLE OFT BOULEVARD e:3a3ws6m Entry Pdni'. \V41 MARSNA1l SMEEi EW PPlnb 4.0n D4 Tdakna WB E/O Ru LOn OIn, EB W/O TCB1.VD 3. On 01 WS E/O Pio Hm" 3.On fBNNB N/O 6W SMB "Rd. inw 452 656 053 053 Dat 138 034 093 112 6 71 OP2 143 213 2N2 326 2541 234 n1 ]C2 7N2 299 232 4 329 395 I]9 293 3S BD ESC 427 459 465 351 41.1 53t 545 so 4t- 412 626 545 562 633 696 6V0 61S34 718 %S 336 933 933 933 US 785 834 873 981918 K27 %Cut T6ru 60% % Cut MIP Imran: MARSHALL MM WEST OE TEMPLE C ROUEVARO WSi 00nn Ent; EAC Pok '.. 3S I.OIOI E8WiOTCBlV0 2. On Oh" WI E/O NO N9 3. on ED¢ NB H/D Mr6RN 4, On De Al 1l "E/0 Ro O36 3M n Olnee E9 W/O TCILVD 2. On Oban, WI F/O Rb N 2. On Uhs Ne N/O Marslu9 HDn09 am 303 IAT 1A2 3 13] 611 3n Af 139T48 3% Gro !al 191 ]2/ ]Ri 376 611 551 on R:UE NAtD1 699 160 1 511 16) 1 635 l�D 613 83a ) 511 WFSTAR ]Oe- 100 63a 902 91 EOS ll6'2 L. -tion: M HAU STREET'NEST Of 71MM Cm' 6ODUWfRD Lm1Un: MARSHALL STREEI WESI OF T FMPU CITT BOULEVARD 6.•i5 MPm EMP/Mint WB MARSIUfI STREET ERN MNIc '.. 3S I.OIOI E8WiOTCBlV0 2. On Oh" WI E/O NO N9 3. on ED¢ NB H/D Mr6RN 4. On De AOilen6 WB E/0 Ro 3EortlP lnN O36 3M 121 102' T98 26T OT2 296 21 2n 16) IE3 333 303 IAT 1A2 3 13] 611 3n Af 3F0 SAOMa 659 729 3% Gro !al 191 ]2/ ]Ri 376 611 551 on R:UE NAtD1 82 9 on 980 /17 BI] l�D 613 83a 960 %Cut Thru 88% %Cm Th'. 63% %Cul Thru 59% lOOlbn: LMRSHALL STREET WEST Of TEMPLE Cl" BOULEVARD E PWM: WB MARSHALL STREET EaM IOIMt WIEMERY 1. on Olay EB W/o TLBIVD 2, On 011 WB E/O Rb HOMO430�ts NB N/O Marsnan <. On DI, baltna INS f/0 Rio HnMo 111W216 A.OnD A Wa WR UO RID Hon6O BM O)S 172 129 206 083 360 ASS 083533 9x1 010 305 1]6 313 ]ll S75 12D Ill OM 536 56)IS2 n2l aL4 Nal 5 312 4 0 055 51) 622 1P2 558S]6 E3d) 652 662 609662612 ,918 901 ]l0 > 911IAZER rim EIB 935 9A1 951 913 11 lxnion: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY SOUICVARD %CW TMu 60% )3% lint PWM, 1. On O1%y EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On OV-WBE/o 1'O HRntln 3. On FAR, Ne N/O Maphall A.OnD A Wa WR UO RID Hon6O BM O)S 172 129 206 518 S ]13' NS ON 053 D% 133 in 203 258 17 219 a-.. 210 n2l aL4 Nal 399 57 825 159' 269 303 651 m 8A6 HONDA IA wHT M12 183 582 83D 887 352 567 726 B18 TCN S13 6)) w rim %CW TMu 60% )3% LPatbn. MARSHALLSTREET'NUT OE TEMPLE M BOULEVARD 59:13 P EnM PoMC WB MAR516LLL MET FRN Points 1.0n OM E9W/O TMVD Z. On 0RRy WB E/O WO Hondo 3.0n Ells NB N/0 Msrs ll 4. On De Aelsien4 WB E/O Mon6p BM Rb 3MENIB9 2541 448 161 334 253 ORS 698 237 709 746 153 555 562 249 53 705 093J3:8 258 338 39539 GTR T097 Rla "am, O L2211 14 3n 396 46)l 513 106• 448 ml 269 669• 959• 024 ODD 171 424 489 546 O68 294 .6C 511 674 76I OVS 347 4:9 T79 829 095 CM 1 131 19 399 626 761 WE 152 So 8W 7i1 7M 952 812 825 869 894 937 NIC 785 5:51 933 8IS [f0 t tnn: EMRSHALL STREET WT3T OE TEMPLE CrtV BOULEVARD 5:15 5:30 M4 E PONk Y/B MARSHAIt STREET Etlt I91Mt l.OnO ESW/OTCBLVD 2,On Oinev W6 E/O Rb Rondo 30n T31n NB N/O MRNWI LOn De A4tlrx Vl8 p0 HpWo 86tl Rla "am, O L2211 14 3n 396 46)l 513 106• 448 ml 269 669• 959• 024 ODD 171 424 489 546 O68 294 .6C 511 674 054 166 361 541 CPI OVS 347 4:9 131 2M1 399 422 S66 095 CM 1 131 19 399 626 761 WE 152 So 569 662 m 7M 952 812 949 869 824 785 5:51 933 8IS R4 869 ]0% 75% l t.. MARSHALL STREET WTST OF TEMPLE COV SOUINAAD 5:3 SAS Pnl lEnvv PDM: WB MARSHALL STREET Emit POIm LOndnp ERW/OTCBLVD 2.On OIe WBE/OR10Nond 4.On Oe RdFl WB E/0 Bio WBENM 1. 0. Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. OA Olney WB E/O Rie NPnd4 3.0n E6i4NBM/OW"ll NOndo BMd 022 Otl 089 047• )06 OF21 082 157 OW 008 087 013 063 W2612 237 348 O 133 229 2)) 323 lY 122 423 373 275 344 329 443 464 40 502 506 SS6 698 575 650 753 808 935 309 670 758 835 929 761 805 91, &5 668 918 462 STO 6M 905 929 805 4 310 378 958 960 9 ml 4A9 455 647'>y logs : MARSNALLSTBEUT TOETEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 3A 4* P. Entry POMC: W6 MABSNA MEV EmitP m LOndnp ERW/OTCBLVD 2.On OIe WBE/OR10Nond 3.On EILs NBN/DMarslvll 4. On De Adaleru WS E/O Na1do8M RIB 9AEtOBy 022 Otl 089 136 171 306 ON 082 1221 013 0"1 129 013 063 W2612 481 717 198 277 507 lY 121 124 lA 737 R96 610 647 2 262 684 700 753 322 309 328 387 427 431 761 805 7 338 462 STO 956 m 805 4 310 378 3B4 ml 4A9 455 647'>y SO6 STI.. 761 816 61e 932 915 927 9B5 Lala OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE L.=n. O:NEY STREET E: T Of WO -ON CK) :a ENIIE ).) 111 a Entry Point E80114EY STREET Eail Peine faM PWnb Els ENTBY 1.On Olney IBW/O TCBIVD 2. On EOs NB N/O Maafiall I On 4 Mskm WB E/0 Rio Hondo 40n Mart&udi ES W/O TCBLVO 252 320 807 BEH 728 832 191 2261 395 3% ]30 943 1241 IBI 216 1]4 395 3% 035 1211 208 163 316 947 9% 552 )30 58) 593 ]88 933 i;'I 614 860 648 97c)925 O52 117 001 089 013 102 CREVIER RED BMW )52 329 346 316 329 319 344 191 368 Lo.W.: OINEYSTREET E/ T OF RIOHONDOAVENUE ):351:30 am Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET faM PWnb Nam 1, On Diner EB W/O TCBLVD 3 2. On ElYS NB N/0 M8Null O De Melena WB VO Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 4N2 e)3 02] 363 014 ON 041 136 052 212 024 135 O41 213 O52 117 001 089 013 102 02S 207 )52 329 346 316 329 319 344 191 368 399 U�� 9118473 $24 506 SSD 531 658 365 506 473 608 482 6511 541 730 T)3 )80 691 )0] R9 6119 754 )64 954 754 764 %1 11x9 %1 989 %CN t6ru 36% %Cut LBm 60% 2 O E W m< N N N � Q ti N T m C N �D tm0 m P m m f h m p ry M m e m �O n O� P p m ti C N n W O� L a0 x h n r yyy c vni P O e C N pp o m V s X n O JOI m� 0 U' m ✓mf O m m 3 P ry P n P �u m W n N W g a Q ti N T e tG r m P y C � u a N T T e N 1O n m P V � v s G r Q c ^+ e M O n P n N v v m c +^ P N Q N ti T N P 10 U' W m P a L L ti m O v m •P. -T. a '� m o m m u Q W N^ n O N c N<< m r Q Q .. T P OX+ Z u rvP min �'. nm W Q ti N ry O< N m r m O m m n N ry H p N m m V f a e N r P oI C 3 W .<. m C O N m Q .y m 6 C O ^� N C ql O P N m P > > .y O 2 r S O m Ou�i N v m LL om N P W K - N 4 C Z K f O LL m W n i C 2 O E W m< N N N � Q ti N T m C N �D tm0 m P m f m p ry M m e ON �O n O� P p O < O m g a Q ti N T e tG r m P y C � u a a � r Q c ^+ e n P n N v v m P P N Q N ti T N P 10 U' W m P L m Z u Q W N^ n O N c N<< Jf r Q Q .. T P OX+ u rvP min �'. nm W Q ti N ry O< N m r m m H m a e N r P C C O N Q .y m 6 N > > .y 2 r S O m Ou�i v m W - N 4 C L Uoi: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE eass,IN EMM PoML: E9 OLNEYSTREET LIE P421Ib Entry Point E6 OUIEY $TRI ET EB ENTRY 1.On Olney E9.V,107CBLV0 2. On EI6 N9 RIO MFohaR 3.On D4 A6akna W9 E/0 RW Non6o 4, On M,M,II E9 W/O TCBEVO :24 134 237 212 233 364 Oul 067 102 067 125 1% 036 OWIS 099 499 528 605 370' 372 411 till 119 125 269 27S 376 104 139 129 612 785 AB b10 876 43T 665 $16 741' 617' 7% in 293 238 376 245 w 399 543 40 562 455 866 178 321 217 348 250 350 322 335 MI 946' 397 429 422 888 W too 439 460 462 BAI _.._— ';: 691 714 255 NMA 596 592 511 5N1 608 793 847 679 707 703 5O9 6E2 601 T73 927 921 708 690 899 I86 941 A012 ENS FEE Lautian', EARLY STREET EAST OF RIO NOMK) AVENUE L1S6:30 am Entry Point E6 OUIEY $TRI ET L4I PWM EO E/EEIIE I.On EB W/0 TOSLV0 2. On Elks N9 N/0 NEI 3.Oo Oe A6alen, W B E/0 Rio IIOn4a 4. On MarsMR E6 W/0 TC91VO 2"1 374 S61 6n 005 623 2 E 01 309 692 lY OUl 307 240 312 279 412 022 OU1 056 139 059 1% 036 139 091 309 "1 SIR TOW TRUCK $70 8]6 607 927 773 962 189 279 203 292 240 312 262 422 406 540 407 $70 315 322 335 611 727 77374U 412 453 SA BAI _.._— ';: 596 592 607 WNi Ta;;CK 679 707 703 T73 927 921 A012 %Cul TInV 1]% Tm� Ixatwn. OCNEY STREET EAST Of RIO NONDO AVENUE aaumc... EnvyR nt: EB OAEY STREET ERt FRIIIN ERM Points I.On01 IN Mm TCILVD I.On OIn!4521 3.On FATS N6 N/O M" hall 3. On De AE .W6 EJO Ra NOMe I.On Marshall E6 W/O TCPIVp 165 603M. 121651 739 034 17T 116 IN2 U5 326 034 177 091 256 lu 274 1466W 372 417 497 ACE U9T72 563 7N2 329 336 3% 279 293 351 4112 314 555 BWE GtEND FORD BS) 35S 414 W 531 515 560 615 6M4 42 )NI esl e67 us S60 562 597 658 7K 6M1 755 606 N96 SIFT 615 656 103 636 42 610 982 )K >51 933 933 98] Dp 912 EotaVon: OINEYSTREU EAST OF RIO NON00 AVENUE Ent PoMI: EBOMUSTRER ERt FRIIIN 4 mm I.On01 to ENFBF 1.On0inm EBW/OlULM I 2.0n EWt NBWOMarsha:l 3. On De kRAens W8 E'O Rio HVNo 1. On Marshall EB W/O TCBEVO NNW121 459 199 b: 692 15 eee 194 350 499 $46 005 SSS 131 511 205 521 005 167 0)8 17T 131 ITi 052 Su 1K T61 1T1 391 979 990 563 U9 S6S 605 629 511 G Sas 294 314 368 BWE GtEND FORD RWESTAR W WR 616 IFN 1 5691 676 577 755 6291 923 379 495 42 )NI esl e67 954l ACEI N96 Iwyahon: Ot EY STREET MT OF RIO NONDO AVENVE 4 .aa Nn Ent Po :E6 OINEY STRfff ERt FRIIIN I.On01 ElW/O iCBEVO 2.On ERDN9N/OMa," 3. On De Malang WB EIO IW N Mo 4.OnM .IIMW/OTCBIVD EB FNTRY 140 iE2 122 316• 390 008 019 039 038 u6 2D3 034 281 ape 518 5811 533 533• 611• 1 M MPMMM 209 SR1 U71 1 1 9TO 1 1 310 401 315 4aR eel 753 8l Me W 6W0 610 662 )eD esl e67 38% 22% 1 % Col Thio 43% Ewation: OLNEY STREET EAT OF RIO RONDO AVENUE 4:151:30 Pm Entry Pant: EB OLNEY STREET ERIN Pant Ealt Pant, EO ENTILY 2. On Oil EB W/O TCBIVO 1.On Olney ER W/0 TCBIVD 2 O EIIA N8 N/0 MaMaY 3.O, DRA Tem W11 E/O HAMA Rio 4. On Manhall EB W/O FERVID E6 ENTRY luil ME 121ID2T96 2V0 465 006 147 I EZ 1181 323 1031 :A2 347 318 vil 481 147 419 312 Dai su WE 863 324 ARE,481 2M1 483 637 B17 END SK1 818 929 553 sni 7831 829 877 887 863 97) f18 239 8TI 9%1 630 iso I 6D3BLUE 260 1 252 361 BLUE RRER 602 442 763 352 438 543 SDB 574 611 N52 582 669 757 567 L Rtun: OLNEY STREET EAST Of RIO HONDO AVENUE 4:301:15 Pm Entry Pant: 0OLNEY STREET EMi Poim Ealt Pant, EO ENTILY 2. On Oil EB W/O TCBIVO 2. On ENs NS N/O Mar0all 3. on OR Adalen t we f/0 Rio Hondo 1 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCHLVD OVl 122 182 063 1 364 4113 533 ME 036 27311 w 575 3.On De Adal.w W6 E/O Rio 120 M 121 2X 536 56) OL3 l28 1)4 116 5>6 657 FEE /0 BBLVD 20n EIIiSN11 N/O Manbll 633go� NoMO 609 618 662 2M1 344 39)877 S76 ]13' 0]5 129 202 075 756 210 423 443 596)56 076 171 NS_ _ 203 239 258 630 667 6D3BLUE 260 1 252 361 602 442 763 352 438 543 SDB 574 611 N52 582 669 757 567 669 611 S81 590 613 Location : OLNEY STREET EAST Of RIO HOND- AL ENUE 4:45 SM Pm EntryPoint EB OLNEY STREET I Ealt Pant, 3.On De Adal.w W6 E/O Rio E6 ENTITY 1.OnO FEE /0 BBLVD 20n EIIiSN11 N/O Manbll NoMO 4, 0. Marslull EB W/O TCSLVO Ola 071 518 S76 ]13' 0]5 129 171 075 172 210 032 076 171 NS_ _ 203 239 258 239 249 3W 260 252 361 438 442 463 352 438 543 SDB 574 3R1 500 582 669 757 567 669 611 S81 590 613 536 830 687 983 726 aX 662 >41 ]X 945 Top VFW IRN VfW ]56 840 675 904 %Cut TAN 4p% %C. Th. 50% %Cut TBfu 41% LFM.: OLNEY STREET EAST Of RIO HONDO AVENUE s xss rm Eat Ponta En POND EB OLNfv STREET E6 ENTRY 1.0na fW P91nb 1. Or Llan NB N/O Mannan 3 OnE A Iena W1 E/O Rb Homo 4. On Ma.0a11 E9 W/O TCBLVO O34 Ol6 ORS 106• "® 1.On an ES WIO TCYVO 2.On EOb NS N/O M.h4 a. On D A6alana W8 E/0 Nlo I I On Marshall E6 W/O TCXVO 271 283 SEI 234 252 909 Ola 316 152 313 249 332 074 158 091 %9 125 318 013 217 071 185 239 731 797 428 555 493 562 537 205 318 67R 395 705 520 755 3E 1 524 M3 575 466 960 745 625 761 869 776 694 779 927 829 NIC WO 757 306 m 310 SH 439 566 427 650 439 626 B45 BAD NO $16 770 765 765 824 715 824 U=i9 : OLNEY STREET EASE OF RIO RONDO AVENUE S:SS5:30 Pm EnDy P9lve EB OLNEY STREET Eat Ponta E6 ENTRY 1.0na EB WIO 1C3LCD 1. Or Llan NB N/O Mannan 3 OnE A Iena W1 E/O Rb Homo 4. On Ma.0a11 E9 W/O TCBLVO O34 Ol6 ORS 106• 208 269 OVI 131 ISO 095 099 OV] 019 053 OMI 140 170 219 443 669• 959• 216 217 270 IOD 22 352 103 226 236 Sao 706 272 347 279 399 21,11 421 196 347 217 399 279 421 342 306 m 329 4% SH 439 566 427 650 439 626 534 761 541 765 491 523 $16 770 765 765 824 715 824 07S 618 826 925 369 926 955 916 933 93 979 ADO CN %CN Th. 54% 33% taction: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO NONDO AVENUE 5:345A5 Pm Entry Ro'm[ EB OLNEY STREET Ent Pointy Eidt ROIME EB ENTRY 1. On Oln, ED W(0 TCBLVD 2. On EMS NO 3 WO Marshall O O4 Adalena WE E70 PmWo Rio 1 4. On Marshall E6 W/O TCBLVD 189041' 288 71)6 3M1 {397 ODD 07D 32 105 55 192 008 105 055 133 087 229 034 129 313 246 3111 455 e]9 493 378 395 535 i' : 322 344 411 435 462 529 6b 616 662 769 662 833 378 535 395 575 502 650 516 724 616 199 322 334 329 335 929 960 309 334 667 670 259 Al 83D 830 654 432 479 506 816 845 868 869 879 S73 5 8% 925 594 626 884 959 905 960 929 966 449 5TI 455 612 949 SIT DEF <366 %8 987 816 827 908 626 674 822 944 948 -..U., DLNEV STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 5:45.69D Dm %Cut Thru 43% %at Thru 29% Y STREET Eidt ROIME IOn Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 3. 2. On Ellis NO N/O Marshall On De AEalena W B E/O NOMo Rio A. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLV0 2 109 138 121 306 013 083 129 013 083 OE2 122 134 165 9 - 9 491 73] 9% 140 209 121 260 1% 299 195 T65 209 387 242 215 ' 392 291 *027 0 415 322 334 329 335 329 363 308 329 309 334 328 335 442 561 424 6W1 496 251 2 654 432 479 506 340 3]B 364 784 9% 922 5 8% 925 594 626 610 724 612 254 432 506 449 5TI 455 612 949 SIT DEF <366 %8 816 827 908 626 674 822 944 948 915 927 947 BLK BENTIY 995 %Cut Thru 43% %at Thru 29% OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD EDonon: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE UTY BOULEVARD 7JII5 Nn E PONT WB OlN[Y STREET Eat PRkW 1YB ENTRY 1. on Olney WB E/O Rq HDndO 2.0nMNBN/Cwt wall 3.On DRAoal WBE/ORio Hondo 4. On Mart6all ES W/O T(BLVD 09 320 137 221 429 605 190 226 395 395 9a3 1% 216 274 261 395 395 035 128 171 208 103 316 813 ff 118 - 9)9 9% 551 581 593 ) )96 91197 366 Afi 614 648 970 I I 97si CREWER NO BMW OR 024 Oat 052 001 013 02S 680 7 927 156 361 Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 7:15.1:30am Furry Pollrt: WB OLNFY STREET Eno Pohl, I. on OlneY WB I/O R,o HonAO I 2. On too, NB WO Wle l 3. On 0R Aoakn4 3VB E/O Hondo R. o. On UlaraMO EB W/O TCSLVD %f EMlll'c ow 4w 511 071 051f4M473 Oal OR 024 Oat 052 001 013 02S 680 7 927 156 361 150136 390 34 217 37 135 329 213 329 317 34a 089 291 102 348 201 399 9M l05 451 5 36S 473 482 Sal 674 713533 618 5 606 658 730 773 101 7W 73 %1 84 1St %1 760 989673 954 9D9929 9N WMT BMW NP %Cul Ttru %[m TMu 91% E L O e -. .n ry n u s mm a S? p n rv� $ -. m o O m 3 min mo m m�^o en n vim -P. 0 m c v t O m c a m amr"i-u.1ruim0 L 0 C m� ti QQ N m Z w = N n 7 5 n O uI a< O N n n mW u] O O O N m e s u u n m P u ti N v m Q 9 J1 '1 m N 'I VI m N tL P m C u s 00 ^ e 3 Si m IT 3 �O na'e �n3�mm 0 N m G C I P r i pi eYn o W 3 3 Z C la>viiw: OWEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY WULEVMO 7m54100.m Eut Points 1. ono E Point W9 OLNEY STREET 3. 2.On Etli3 NB M/0 Man4uY Dn De bakna W B FJO HOMO Rb 4.On Mar R E9 W701CBLW Evil Pants 370• 432* 41 008 1S5 221 064j 111 067 119 102 125 067 269 125 27S 1% 3)6 036 104 d5 119 099 129 61T 743- 3. On De A6a1M. WB EIO on. 4E2 516 289 6D4 293 no 376 245 3M WBENFM a19 S62 1. on D6my WE E/O ko HPMfi 2. On Ellis No WO~sll 227 me H.nft 1 4. On Marshall E9 WIO TCBLVD 012 1N• 013 HBe OP2 050 093 099 014 024 119 026 owl 051 �3D5 2A2 132 134 187 268 1% 227 Ina 14 212 152 w 189 20 245 284 335 235 274 286261 708 756 525• 237 285 2A1 373 401 S24 318 328 335 899 947 309 55 561 567• -- `376 374 547 662 694 361 401 4" Entry -om EonowBwah•m ea U tum w on to TCBLVDto W 376 5141 619 412 770 665 483 683 US 484 639 W. 436 492 915 933 939 7 255 797 553 528 546 S51 9y2 MC. 93 863 91S 612 798' 561 SKI f0a 933 939 975 662 607 619 615 9R2 KNG MN 69447 9N2 A22• w 718 923 734 735 975 755 85 !OS 812 832 8% e61 999 962 967 999 no M2 EnW -Kw6 E.mL66 wIM•ma6a au tum tP W9w TCDLVOtP et on Freeway tocetlon: OLRD STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD L9D4:18.m (batt WBOLNEY STREFr Eut Points 1. ono WB E/O Rfo HOMO 3. 2.On Etli3 NB M/0 Man4uY Dn De bakna W B FJO HOMO Rb 4.On Mar R E9 W701CBLW ftlip 370• 432* 41 008 1S5 221 064j 111 067 119 102 125 067 269 125 27S 1% 3)6 036 104 d5 119 099 129 61T 743- 3% SN2 4E2 516 289 6D4 293 no 376 245 3M 391 543 a19 S62 455 868 DB 321 227 me 250 350 864 on 387 419 422 HBe 88! MKr 439 "0 462 916' 797 ef0 687 714 755 NM 511 Set 876793 - 847 609 6E2 601 936 939 99 708 756 290 899 947 9N5 T93 Entry -om EonowBwah•m ea U tum w on to TCBLVDto W on Freeway motion: OLNU STREET WEST OF TEMPLE COY MUIEVMD %Cut T1nu 84% 83% Entry PWM: WB OLNEY STREET EaR Points E•i[ PCAt. "Emm 1.0n OM N9 E/O RM Hon6o 2.On EPHNBN/OManI 1 3.Oo D9A6.kn. WB E/O Rb NPn60 4.Oo M.rsIVPEBW/OTCBLVD 00 W21 139 7 on m Lig OUl 240 279 022 058 OS9 036 091 SOA 143 417 316 E13 296 319 305 339 417 302 6® 307 570 828 312 607 927 412 773 962 OU1 189 279 139 203 282 1 2Q 312 139 263 422 192 406 w 1E2 MIT 5 992 62) "a 653 u 8)3 982 315 322 335 611 )2] 810 672 6% 810 412 453 5] 041 914 BIX BMW CRFVIEP 854 899 976 MIS SB2 6W 'WHTTROCK ACE m H] 629 T02 209 773 922 928 A022 LPWnon- OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 2: 41:454. Entry Pent: WB OINLY STPEET EaR Points 1.on CHn"N2E/Oft Hondo 3.0n 2.On EPNN9H/OWmW1l O Adaivna W0 E/O Hondo W 4. On MT,hall EB W/0 TEAM SVBENT113' 386 " " 033 053 053 546 611 OF 2 143 213 034 IT IIB 2N2 135 126 034 1]] 097 158 112 224 168 372 210 41) 232 6]]• 299 J2 .11 J6S EK•-+ 465 X12 4N2 636 6V0 319 3S1 515 597 316 414 560 615 395 411 562 659 279 S34 597 903 293 565 658 838 351 560 7 842 4N2 62S 6M3 810 511 654 795 982 555 693 808 ]18 ]49 776 760 751 933 933 992 014 u 8)3 982 918 X2) BIX BMW CRFVIEP EMry.o7i E0notOP wK6•ma09a U turn to, P4KNOTC9LVDto mF7t w %C" Thru 69% Lontion. OLNEY STEET WEST OF TEMPLE CRY BOULEVARD SAS+9:OBam furry Poim: W3 OLNEY STREET E8R POMis FAR PORR3 Exit Pins 3.0n 4 Adaltlta WB E/0 R o BURY 1. ono WB E/O Rlo Hondo 2. On Ellis NB N/O MaRlull I HOMO 4.0n Marsba0 EB W/O TCBLVD 1.on WB EJO Rio HOMO I. 2.On ENSNBN/O1bR De.balena WB E/0 Hondo Rio <. On Marshall EBWb T[NVD WB E%TRY 2"1 2571, Osal mil 1391 oosl 1311 2051 0051 0791 1111 OS21 16M ETI 612 OI IEA 35) 49) 252 565 531 605 5]8I6] 629 511 17l 529 475 SLS 222 291 31d 291 369 U67 701 755 W21 917 680 k Rj 846 923 569 06 SP 7551 629 923 378 4% 396 66B M2 1N1 067 951 A1: N% Lx:r*,n: OUEEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CRY BOULEVARD "As Pm EnW Pdm: WB OLVEY STREET E8R POMis FAR PORR3 3.0n 4 Adaltlta WB E/0 R o BURY 1. ono WB E/O Rlo Hondo 2. On Ellis NB N/O MaRlull I HOMO 4.0n Marsba0 EB W/O TCBLVD WB E/0 Ost 03 D 1761 W91 Oml 281 308 316• SR 132 2 SP1 374 9T0 330 315 368 533' 6391 60 BVI 312 476 341 R3 481 611' 851 481 783 670 662 9K21 I I I6WD 5801 863 977 1X 7 7R7 B 3 630 %1 %1 EnW ors donolM wR6 • made a U tum to go bark to TCBIVO m 6ct on Netway LwAdom: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 415+10 PIII E RtiIR: WBOUFEY STREET FAR PORR3 S.on OMry WBE/ORbilondO 3.0n 2. On E16t HB N/O MarshM De AdaNma Monde WB E/0 Pio 4. On 0EBW/O1CBEVD WB EIIIIIY ' 314 369 ml,: 210 2F21 OO8118 1471 1 f 21 126 3231 103 wl 147 3ml 117 4811 147 4191 312 476 341 R3 455 6X ]02• ] 3 540 S12 659 728 hI 374 481 551 572 B71 %6 BLVE Bu2ER 481 783 4B1 829 968 63>1 S1] 8171 89) 5801 863 977 BSB FIB 7R7 B 3 630 9361 960 Frry- ors denoted with made a 0 tem to goBrz4lo TOOLVD to pton Freeway %Cul Thr. 80% %Cut Tru 46% 64% Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CNY BOULEVARD 4:38.4AS Pm En Point WO 01N" STREETE.1 PwnN ERk POM% 1.On Oln" W6 E/0 W Rend. 1.PnO WBE/O Be Nontlo 3.Onth, IOn Bin NS N/O MatSzll Rb b WB E/OW NOM0 WB ENTRY 4.On MaNNY1 EBW/0 KELM WBENTRY I TIN 319 010 172 1 036 I]3 782 liol ml 171 258 OL3 OW] 118 awn 342 IRO 576 - 455 - 364 )02 756 BIDE BIA2ER 575 652 715 991 618 662 )26 483 6O9 )56 536 611 S6) 661I 128 423 630 6N7 174 w MI 657 749 709 SINS ml )63 991 9fl 951 983 726 636 ml wl 741 IT x52 BK 5)5 )50 VEW TIN "1 7561 904 810 V!L En" -ra4tlerotetivrib `matlea Uturnb V Bah to TC6lVD to Sei on Ermrdv LOcaOon: OINEYSTNEFT WEST OFTEMPLE COY BDUINARD 4M5 -L9 Pm Entry Point. WB OLNEY STREET Fxk PNnu ERk POM% 1.On Oln" W6 E/0 W Rend. 2.On ENk N9 N/O Marston 3. On De Atlakna WR E/0 NRrtle Rb 4.O. hft ao E6 W/OTom WB ENTRY O24O)5 024 136 138 203 SM 239 172 258 075 239 1721 2491 liol ml 6&T 201 -0 -UT 397 -162 4V1 2M1 212 206 654 438 592 M2 669 483 757 352 567 436 669 543 671 506 581 559 590 574 611 Bl6 9La ?Wl 755 8301 9971 983 726 636 ml wl 741 256 755 9p) BK 5)5 )50 VEW TIN "1 7561 904 810 V!L En" -ra4tlerotetivrib `matlea Uturnb V Bah to TC6lVD to Sei on Ermrdv 757 ]BD BIB L won: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD SS:IS Pm E PtinU WBOU2EYSlBFET ERk POM% v2s ENTRY I. on Oln, WB VO Rio Nontlo 3. 2. On Ecu NB WO Manh.0 I On Em, tl NWB VOW I. On Ma 11 FIR W/oTCBLVO 690 952 085 23) 528 z66 632 249 332 074 091 269 IIs 3111 Ola 31) OP 33) IBS 239 6911 J09 AL 53 33% 520 3E l Y2 466 H )OS ))6 6TR 705 829 755 9p) 524 )03 5)5 )50 592 )S6 894 INP NK 757 ]BD BIB 1146 NNA turat9Rn: OLNEYSTREET WfST OF TEMPIf CITYBOUIEVARp %Cut TBru 90% %Cut Thr. 73% %cm TM. 60% S OLNEY STREET w Rolm 1. on 01 W B E/D Rnofi r 3. L On Ob N8 WO M4n6all On 04 3.0n DB tabu WB E/O Rio 4, On Marshall EB W/O TCSLVO 1NR BEERY O4)• BURY1. on Ol WB E/0 Rb Nond0 2. Do E6B NB N/D MarsRaB O55 192 Nondo OSS 133 a. On Marl ll ES W/O TCBLW OGN 106' 024 031 054 OVl 131 190 095 1% 656 )69 go OVl 019 053 OMI IBB 435 581 224 462 616 299 236 212 2A 100 131 152 103 22 236 369 122 291 361 222 P9 2Ml 193 212 229 251 9115 329 $61 669' 0E."W. 464 467 34) 399 421 34) 399 421 lag 369 456 656 601 541 429 439 42) 439 534 549 491 516 51959• 624 6 534 666 W 626 261 )65 523 604 AO S12 919 )65 )85 124 295 924 335 $a 82 925 952 969 92 95B 91E 933 936 929 400enoled vnb•made4 Utummge hx4lo iCBlW Io ooE iry Le aibn: OMY STREET WEST Of TEMPLE CITY BDOIEYARD 5:30.5:45 Mrl Entry Point: WB OINEY STREET Ead PoMti 1. on 01 W B E/D Rnofi r 3. L On Ob N8 WO M4n6all On 04 M4kna WB E/0 NR.ndo Rio 4, On Marshall EB W/O TCSLVO 1NR BEERY O4)• 396 157 237 so oRml Onol DR 105 O55 192 00 105 OSS 133 082 2" ON 201 129 313 246 3R1 I. 40 633 132 846 395 422 652 696 935 3)3 616 66) 929 1% 656 )69 go 535 662 833 M 328 535 667 322 395 575 6T0 W 502 650 )59 411 526 649 Al 435 581 224 462 616 299 El 84s BW 369 979 W3 Bea 9115 929 ML 95B w 966 99) Entryaro6aa4biCBlYDto Non ir6euVy %CW TMu EON Ior4;9n. OINFY STREET WEST Of iEM%E CRY BDULLYABD Entry Point WB OINEY STREET E.k R91MF qB EMT6Y 1. ono WB E/O Ob Non6o 2. On EO% NB 3.0n OFAO44en4 WB E/O Ab N/O Mn31W1 NOMo 4. On WI.W EB W/O TCMn 126 164 M 191 Sao 1221 m 647 753 023 2N 209 322 0931 271L ml 329 129 195 299 329 013 124 195 Ml on 165 209 309 OF2 IB7 242 328 122 215 397 447 134 290 342 474 165 291 442 BO3 761 105 m 334 335 363 in 334 335 562 6W1 7S1 BOB 437 4791 506 376 3m 784 SEA 922 141 594 626 7 617 754 437 506 449 STI 45S 612 WE STT DEF i368 FIB 6% R7 90B 626 674 827 w 915 927 947 SI6IMY 'S %CM M. 85% TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOUR AVERAGE DAILY COUNTS § | !•!,!! .EnERw;\ a\� \»/2\— \ � =2-9 \ • -- e} e.Z=:2 e` \.2 aR,:1 R�� y���r ■J!\ . .�. � 4 _ • ! | ;,I.;!! : G|#ggq22-.33 ss 2j2 ®§R .,. 00 Ez 0O7z oo T z 00:0Z 00:61 00:91 oo LT 00:9T Z 3 � 00 9I c ( > OO bT • v� I 0O£T A • ¢ oo ZT O I 00 TI o z i 0001 a ' � `m 00:60 a u 0080 d 00:10 0090 0o so OO b0 • • oo Eo 00:10 oo TO i 0000 ! sapiyaq >. , _ , , ■§ ph&; , , ; } , . _ ,■| g R p! }/§9&n&99RtgJgEr|gzage/2�,1§§/) . . , , ■ | l•;=;•§ \ . I a o i 4afaa®®®gSIEH Of J1, n\ a a1 2 2 2 Prepared by Nationad 0u & Surveying Smvi� Project#: CA19 5399 006 City: Rosemead LoiAtjqn:; Ellis Ln S/0 Marshall St Date: 6/11/2019 45 40 35 30 25 20 IS 10 5 0 8 8 8 8 S8. 8 88. 8 8 0 ij 0 nj 0 vi 0 'a 0 � 0 g g 6 " ri m 4 �i 0 - — - - - - - - ci - &; - im B. } I 2 . fill !•■,!!! .� " ., ._ s24 ..� u . . � 594@ .- g)§I - -- fit . . \ \ .: ! |.l,;•! .................. ... l,..l•: . ! ©©®®®5e§®®®�#@# #aassgn rossma ___ prepared by National Oats L Surveying Services 005 Location: Marshall St •6/11/2019 160 140 120 100 Y g0 E Y 60 ao 20 0 JR RRR %A ASRd' 9 I 1. „c rvis+;,S � 1^ i - Fe•�e •$�A) 7A" Will 888R e'S 3e288^e^EEd^e^6a riF =r 0o ez 0o zz 0o rz 00:0Z 00:6T 00 81 OO Lr 0095 Z a d in OO ST c I T ' OO bT Z I � OO ET 3 � OO ZS O 0 OO SI Z z OO OS r a I a 0060 R d 0080 a` OO LO 0090 0050 OO b0 00 £0 OO ZO OO TO • 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q N r1 U rl c0 •O Q N sapiyaA - SA3 337 �3m I ' o m7m R I � _ sss sss aaavaee�iaaaa�sa d#a ssssa�saascsl:a����_a'� � ��,,cx� Pr.par.d by Natbnal Dana wrvayln` SerAms Project* CA19 5399 003 City: Rosemead Location: Olney St • Temple City Blvd Date: Ian 90 ao IF 70 - 60 3 50 � 40 30 20 -- 30 -- 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 g 0 a 0 0$ c -- o f� a B$ YY 9'= RR $RRYYYYo $8 �`M '4,? ��A"6M�ik�a 883 g$$ k � M$xSx k kkG 1diE i'tGBkGR isM� s�8 �' X PGCN�+ wY• �Pu �u�+00000nu+00 IIS K3 - - d C5C GG GGG c OWnw r u wu�d.wu '.- +----+u a +„ ++'n+YWY I '= u ■ �kG�GSGy�sG8.sG$MKr8Goa&:C. :6G PMSG I �e� GSG Gg„ GW Gs + f� oofz 0o zz OO:TZ 00:0Z 00 6T 00 :91 OO LS 00:9T t 3 u in • OO SS c OO OT 2 I MET m m � x OO ZS a 0 I OO ST m 2 z 0000 N rl ti sa�a�ya� OO OT a v 00:60 A 6 0080 1 OO LO 0090 • 00.50 • OO:PO OO f0 0070 00 :10 0000 N rl ti sa�a�ya� P.epare4 •Y NWmY DYp l5urreylna MM[ef VOLUME Temple Cly Blvd 5/0 Olney Sl Day: T._. Date: 6/11/2014 OW: eosernead Project F. G19 5395t 004 Pcnod NB S8 In WB TOTALAM e 0 52 58 110 1200 193 223 '416 32 37 69 12:15 197 223 4X1 0 42 32 74 12:30 212 237 M9 $ 1 157 ;4 161 65 318 12AS 228 2 6 919 464 1749 0 25 28 53 1300 251 199 450 5 24 24 48 13:15 212 263 475 0 2S 23 48 13:30 199 210 409 5 21 95 17 92 38 187 1305 23S 205 897 2S2 233 924 487 1821 0 I 14 17 31 1400 438 5 33 18 51 14:15 200 225 425 0 19 23 42 14:30 228 249 477 25 24 91 13 16 71 38 162 14AS 227 850 210 917 437 1777 0 40 1500 209 212 421 5 21 16 37 15:15 213 210 423 0 20 31 51 15:30 248 234 482 S 18 83 32 95 50 178 ISAS 237 212 907 243 215 899 - 487 1806 0 24 28 52 1600 427 WAS 25 45 70 16:15 232 238 473 04:30 49 68 117 16:30 261 241 502 0405 68 54 166 61 114 202 -- - 129 368 16AS 289 174 994 251 224 945 540 1939 0500 168 1700 498 05:15 93 128 211 17:15 281 252 533 05:30 126 127 253 1730 251 184 435 DSAS 162 43S 142 511 304 946 17AS 248 1054 199 859 447 1913 0600 141 1" 285 1800 266 235 501 06:35 216 146 362 1815 300 203 503 06:30 286 123 409 18:30 250 193 443 06AS 311 954 154 567 465 1521 I•AS 244 1060 206 837 450 1897 0700 267 174 441 1900 211 198 _ - _---- 409 WAS 295 186 481 1915 189 177 366 07:30 290 167 457 1930 162 180 342 07A5 314 1166 189 716 503 1882 19A5 154 716 177 732 331 274 1448 0800 275 146 421 2000 _ 126 148 WAS 313 170 483 2015 I50 169 319 08:30 304 198 502 20:30 120 157 277 WAS 293 1185 168 682 461 1867 20:45 155 551 550 624 305 1175 09:00 261 188 469 2100 144 128 272 0915 225 149 424 21:15 116 139 2S5 0930 231 212 463 21:30 114 187 301 09AS 204 941 229 828433 433 1769 21:45 117 491 i26 580 24 1071 1000 193 210 403 21:D0 110 140 250 WAS 203 228 431 12:15 80 119 199 10-30 206 235 439 22:30 107 103 210 WAS 204 204 804 209 212 881__ 413 1686 22:45 63 360 84 446 147 906 1100 41623-00 82 70 152 11:15 199 128 327 23:15 63 68 131 11:30 165 160 326 23:30 67 51 118 11:41 776 745 1 750 ass 1454 23A5 57 269 47 236 1 505 TOTALS 6822 5516 123M TOTALS 8989 8918 17907 SPLIT% 553% 44.7% 40.8% SPUT% 501% 49.8% 59.2% DAILY TOTALS NB SB— LB wa Total AM Peak Hour 0745 09.45 01:15 PM Peek Hour 1630 1630 16:30 AM Pk Volume 1206 902 1915 PM Pk Volume 1105 966 2073 Pk WFMor 0960 09W 0.954 Pk HrFetor 0956 0960 0.960 7.9 Wame 2351 1396 3749 4.6Volume 2048 1604 3852 7.9 Peak Hour 07:45 070] 0745 4.6Peak Hour 1690 1630 16:30 7-9 Pk Wlume :206 7:6 1909 4-6Pk Volum• 3105 968 2073 Pk Hr Httor 0960 0.947 0949 Pk Hr Facto, 0956 09W 0.953 Pmpamd by National Data & SumeYlna Servir rr• City: Rosemead Location: Temple City Blvd S/0 Olney St ..6/11/2019 1400 1200 — 1000 �wo Y i 600 400 700 0 SPEED SURVEY City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: DE ADALENA ST EB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE ELLIS LANE Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6111/2019 Factors Direction: East A. Prevailing Saeed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 65th Percentile 35.4 10 mph Pace 27-36 Percent in Pace 76.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 411/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 3.764 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average DaityTraffic 1969 Length of Segment 1300 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification LocaUNeighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometries None Apparent Comments E. Adlacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead -Traffic Engineering Department: Date Lx,# City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street* DE ADALENA ST WB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE ELLIS LANE Field Observer M Checked By: EGF Date: 611112019 Factors Direction: West A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 65th Percentlle 35.8 10 mph Pace 27-36 Percent in Pace 75:0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History , Date Range Covered 4/112016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 i Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (Acc1MVM) 3.623 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1969 Length of Segment 1280 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometries None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date �a, p City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: ELLIS LANE NB Limits: MARSHALL ST OLNEY ST Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date': 6!712019 Factors Direction: North A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 32.3 10 mph Pace 21-30 Percent in Pace 72.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date' Range Covered 411/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.735 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 , C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1049 Length of Segment 970 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Cdnditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometries None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change?, Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead -Traffic Engineering Department: Date - Loa p City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: ELLIS LANE SB Limits: MARSHALL ST N NFV ST Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/7/2019 Factors Direction: South A Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 65th Percentile 32.3 10 mph Pace 21 -30 Percent In Pace 72.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 411/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (ACC/MVM) 4.736 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1049 Length of Segment 970 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 26 Speed Limit change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loa# City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MARSHALL ST EB Limits: ELLIS LANE TEMPLE CITY BLVD Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/1112019 Factors Direction: East A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 26.9 10 mph Pace 20-29 Percent in Pace 100.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 411/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (Acc1MVM) 4.193 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Dally Traffic 2553 Length of Segment 450 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Aooarent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Dale Loc.# City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MARSHALL ST WB Limits: ELLIS LANE TEMPLE CITY BLVD Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 0111 2019 Factors Direction: West A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 28.9 10 mph Pace 20-29 Percentin Pace 100.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 411/2018 To 4/112079 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.193 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 2553 Length of Segment 450 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometries None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date t oa a City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: OLNEY ST EB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 611 012 01 9 Factors Direction: East A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK ELLIS AND MARYBETH 85th Percentile 30.8 10 mph Pace 24-33 Percent in Pace 78.0% Posted Speed Limit 26 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 6/4/2016 To 6/4/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 4 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.91 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1981 Length of Segment 1760 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification LocallNeighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometries None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead . Traffic Engineering Department: Date Lac.Y City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: OLNEY ST WB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/10/2019 Factors Direction: West A. Prevaillno Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK ELLIS AND MARYBETH 85th Percentile 32.4 10 mph Pace 24-33 Percent in Pace 78.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2018 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 4 Collision Rate (Ace/MVM) 4.91 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1981 Length of Segment 1760 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc.0 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: RIO HONDO AVE NB Limits: MARSHALLST OLNEY ST Field Observer EM Checked By: EGF Date: 617/2019 Factors Direction: North A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GLENDON WAY 95th Percentile 33.3 10 mph Pace 25-34 Percent in Pace 92.0% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (Acc[MVM) 5.79 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1751 Length of Segment 960 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification LocailNeighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Aooarent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department Dale Loaf City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: RIO HONDO AVE SB Limits: MARSHALLS OLNEY ST Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/7/2019 Factors Direction: South A. Prevailing Sneed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GLENDON WAY 85th Percentile 33.4 10 mph Pace 25.34 Pereentin Pace 92.0% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 411/2019 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 5.79 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1751 Length of Segment 950 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc.# City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: TEMPLE CITY BLVD NB Limits: GUESS ST MARSHALL ST Field Observer EPI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/1012019 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Sneed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GUESS ST 85th Percentile 45.8 10 mph Pace 37-46 Percent in Pace 67.3% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 41112019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 11 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.844 Expected Collision Rate 1.85 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 30245 Length of Segment 950 Lane Configuration 2 Lns Ea Dir w/ LT Pockets and DYCL Street Classification Class 2 (Secondary) Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential " Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date L=x City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: TEMPLE CITY BLVD SS Limits: GUESS S MARSHALL ST Field Observer EF Checked By: EGF Data: 6119/2019 Factors Direction: South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GUESS'ST _ 85th Percentile 43.6 10mph Pace 32-41 Percent in Pace 86.0% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4M12019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 11 Collision Rate (Acc1MVM) 1.844 Expected Collision Rate 1.85 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 30246 Length of Segment 950 l Lane Configuration 2 Lns Ea Dir w/ LT Pockets and DYCL Street Classification Class 2 (Secondary) Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions - Roadway Geometries None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc.0 Perform Peak hour Turning Movement Counts Tumm Mavamwn unt TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT Pr*Mrod Yo Tranaow.v. rxa Naxe al. ofll..emmGOlnvV 9161P0Y P0. jJ NR DAM ".19 gb.SeM1oda9. P.Ju4�an NAduNootlaaYl.. 9�n ssv.hd %Weve..uwm mom mlrl?j�mll� m ssv.hd %Weve..uwm Tu ,MewiPemfxmn PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS Pr.w^•efr R.E.TNi.SOrvry fALNfATEO PFARIbUR WJLUMEBrLN MJNSTEC PEAK NONR VOLLILFSitl o s n SN 6T SL 8R 6T SL 0 EL rm Pr EL wR o Er r:weao wr o Er Prr 0 ER WL as ER WL w w NR NL NT NR CpwuuTED PF.AM XO11R wLUNPSNOON PfLU$I£o PFNfNouRwwME9NOIXi 6R ET SL SR ST SL 0 u WR 0 EL WN _ o f:r fs:oo-u:oo wr o Er wr o ER WL 0 EA WL NL NT NR NL NT NR 0 0 0 _ vTrs MJUSrEOPEARHWRV ME"M 0 SR ST 4 SR Sr SL 0 6 WR 08 EL WR 0 ET tSASfT#5 Wr 0 Ei WI 0 NTO WL v0 Ea WL _ NL w NR M. NT NR 0 n u TPm�q me.Pmmece9m TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT P.yw9ey: a.E.n.mc 8rry PRDJECTNMIE: CNWBwwneW-0Imv8l81uJv PWJEC M WTE: 6Jum19 Nltltr BcMtle9e petlaMun MR9u8 eeeu TumWgMwe tC nt PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS PrpRrm ar R.E.Trallle swww CLLn e 0 MKMWRW WPr M MNRIEO PFAI(IXINRWWMESAN a Tao 0 SR ST Sl SR 6T 8L 0 EL WR 0 EL WR o ET 7.30 m WT 0 ET wr _ x ER wL 0 ER vn NL NT NR NL NT NR 0 in 0 _ _ MLWI PMXHOlMVOWMEOJIJdI 0 0 0 PO.WS}EO PEAR XOUR VOWMES.N00N SR 8i SL SR ST SL 0 EL WR 0 EL WR 0 ET 13.0.10:00 w 0 ET w 0 ER WL 0 ER WL NL MT NR HL HT MR 0 0 0 neTmP er HOI VO mrSN1 gpIN6(®PEAR XONRWWME&PM TO 9R1 0 SR ST SL SR ST SL 0 PL WR 0 EL WR 0 er 1r.0o-1&m w a u WT 23 ER WL 0 ER m _ w HT MR ML HT NR 0 1141 0 Level of service analysis existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 Scenario: Command: Volume: Geometry: Impact Fee: Trip Generation: Trip Distribution: Paths: Routes: Configuration: City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak Scenario Report existing conditions AM Existing Conditions Existing AM Existing Default Impact Fee with project with project with project Default Route Existing Conditions Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. Page 1-1 existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 Page 2-1 _______________________________________________________________________________, City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak _______________________________________________________________________________. Impact Analysis Report Level Of Service Intersection Base Future Change Del/ V/ Del/ V/ in LOS Veh C LOS Veh C # 1 Rio Hondo at Olney A 9.1 0.092 A 9.1 0.092 + 0.000 D/V # 2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St C 15.3 0.143 C 15.3 0.143 + 0.000 D/V Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 Page 3-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) +++tt+t+++t+•a+a++++ata++t++++t++++++++t++t++aaa++++++t++t++++++++++tt++tt++a+++ Intersection @1 Rio Hondo at Olney tt++++t+a+t++t*+tatt++++aaa+t+++t+++++a+++++ta+++++++++a+ta++++++++ttaa+ataaa+++ Average Delay (sec/veh): 6.6 Worst Case Level Of Service: A[ 9.13 +attat++ta++a+++++++++t++t++++++t+++++++++++++++tt++++++++t++xa+a++t+++++++tt+t+ Street Name: Rio Hondo/Ramona Blvd Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R ---=--------I---------------II---------------11---------------11---------------I Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop Sign Rights: Include Include Include include Lanes: 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1! 0 0 ------------ I --------------- II Volume Module:Existing AM Peak Base Vol: 0 22 '11 28 18 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bee: 0 22 11 28 16 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 User Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 22 11 28 18 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 . 22 11 28 18 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 ------------ I --------------- II --------------- II --------------- II ---------------I Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 4.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx' xxxx xxxxx - 6.4 6.5 6.2 FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 2.2 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 3.5 4.0 3.3 ------------ I --------------- II---------------II---------------II---------------I Capacity Module: Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 33 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 102 102 28 Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1592 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 902 792 1054 Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1592'xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 890 778 1054 Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.02 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.04 0.00 0.09 ------------ I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Level Of Service Module: 2Way95thQ: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 7.3 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * A * * * * * * + + Movement: LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT IT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx -xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx 1008 xxxxx SharedQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0.4 xxxxx Shrd ConDel:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 7.3 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 9.1 xxxxx Shared LOS: * * * A * * * * * * A ApproachDel: xxXxXX xxxxxx xxxxxx 9.1 ApproachLOS: * * * A Note: Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. Traffix 6.0.-0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 Page 4-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) Intersection #2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St Average Delay (sec/veh): 0.4 Worst Case Level Of Service: C[ 15.3] Street Name: Temple City Blvd/I-10 WB Ramp Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R ------------I--------------- II---------------II---------------II---------------I Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop Sign Rights: Include Include Include Include Lanes: 0 0 1 0 0 0. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------II---------------II---------------II-------`-------I Volume Module:Existing AM Peak Base Vol: 0 1178 0. 0 764 73 0 0 58 0 0 0 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bse: 0 1178 0 0 764 73 0 0 58 0 0 0 User Adj; 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00- 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj: 1.00 1,.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 1178 0 0 764 73 0 0 58 0 0 0 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 1178 0 0 764 73 0 0 58 0 0 0 ------------ I --------------- II---------------II---------------Ii---------------i Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 6.2 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 3.3 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx ----------- -I ------------ ---II ------------ *--II --------------- II ---------------I Capacity Module: Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 764 .xxxx xxxx xxxxx Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 407 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 407 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.14 xxxx xxxx xxxx ------------I---------------11---------------II---------------II---------------I Level Of Service Module: 2Way95thQ: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 0.5 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del: xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 15.3 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * * * * + t C + * + Movement: LT - LTR - RT LT LTR - RT IT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx SharedQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shrd ConDel:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shared LOS: * * + * + * + t + t + # ApproachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx 15.3 xxxxxx ApproachLOS: * * C t Note:. Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:39 ---------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Command: Volume: Geometry: Impact Fee: Trip Generation: Trip Distribution: Paths: Routes: Configuration: City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak Scenario Reoort existing conditions PM Existing Conditions Existing PM Existing Default Impact Fee with project with project with project Default Route Existing Conditions Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. Page 1-1 existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:34. Page 2-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impact Analysis Report Level Of Service Intersection Base Future Change Del/ V/ Del/ V/ in LOS Veh C LOS Veh C # 1 Rio Hondo at Olney A 9.3 0.050 A 9.3 0.050 + 0.000 D/V # 2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St C 17.7 0.075 C 17.7 0.075 + 0.000 D/V Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:34 Page 3-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) ++++++++ratrtta++a+ttt+++ttttrtttrr+++aa+ttttt++++++ar++++++++++a+a+++++++++++aa Intersection B1 Rio Hondo at Olney Average Delay (sec/veh): 5.8 Worst Case Level Of Service: A[ 9.31 r+att+that++t+++r+rt++t++++++r+r+a+++tr+tt+ttaa+a+tt+++++t+ra++t++a++++++++++t+ Street Name: Rio Hondo/Ramona Blvd Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L - T - R L- T - R L - T- R L - T - R ------------ --------------- II--------------- II --------------- II -------_----_--1 Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop sign Rights: Include Include Include Include Lanes: 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1! 0 0 ------------I---------------II--------------- il---------------II---------------I Volume Module:Existing PM Peak Base Vol: 0 -22 24 46 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bse: 0 22 24 46 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 - User Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj:. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 '22 24 46 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 22 24 46 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 --------- I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 4.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 6.4 6.5 6.2 FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 2.2 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 3.5 4.0 3.3 ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------1 Capacity Module: - Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 46 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 139 139 34 Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1575 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 859 756 1045 Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1575 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 839 733 1045 Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.03 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.05 0.00 0.04 ------------ I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Level Of Service Module: 2Way95thQ:, xxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 7.4 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: +- * + A Movement: LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTA - RT LT - LTA - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx 926 xxxxx SharedQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0.3 xxxxx' Shrd ConDel:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 7.4 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 9.3 xxxxx Shared LOS: * * * A • * * * * * A *- ApproachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx - 9.3 ApproachLOS: * * * A at++++++tt+a++++++a+a+t+++++++++r++t+++++++++t++tt+aaa++ra++a++++t++t+aa+++ta+tr Note: Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:39 Page 9-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) Intersection N2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St ++++#+t*+t+at+t*+ttt+t+#ita#+ttt+ttt+inti+t*it+a+aitttt+i+++t++a+ra+++#itt*+t++i Average Delay (sec/veh): 0.2 Worst Case Level Of Service: C[ 17.7] Street Name: Temple City Blvd/I-10 WB Ramp Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L T - R L - T - R L - T R L - T - R _---------- I --------------- il--------------- II--------------- II ---------------I Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop Sign Rights: Include Include Include Include Lanes: 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ------------I---------------II--'------------II---------------11---------------1 Volume Module:Existing PM Peak Base Vol: 0 1191 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0 0 0 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bse: 0 1191 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0 0 0 User Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.o0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0o PHF Volume: 0 1191 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0 0 0 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 1191 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0. 0 0 ------------I---------------11---------------II---------------II---------------I Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 6.2 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx' 3.3 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------11---------------I Capacity Module: Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 981 xxxx xxxx 'xxxxx Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 305 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 305 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.08 xxxx xxxx xxxx ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------1 Level Of Service Module: 2Way95thQ: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 0.2 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 17.7 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * * * * * * C Movement: IT - LTA - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx Xkxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx SharedQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shrd ConDel:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shared LOS: ApproachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx 17.7 xxxxxx ApproachLOS: * * C Note: Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. BACK OF QUEUE WORKSHEETS BACK OF QUEUE Page 1 of 4 LOCATION: Temple City Blvd DATE: 6/19/19 Time: (07:00- 08:00 am) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir Increments # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh Mimes #times Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus 5B Loftus SB Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB SB Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 00-05 2 05-10 3 5, 6, 4 10-15 4 11, 6,19 15-20 5 9 20-25 6 4,5,11,9,16 25-30 7 30-35 8 35-40 9 40-45 10 45-50 11 50-55 12 7,12, 8 55-60 BACK OF QUEUE LOCATION: Temple City Blvd I DATE: 6/19/19 Page 2 of 4 Time: -(00 00am) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir increments. # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh #times #times Stopped making right Queueto Queueto Veh's Veh's wafting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus SB Queueto Queueto get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at tum to Lane SB SB Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 13,19,12, 8 00-05 2 12, 13, 9 05-10 3 22 1x15 4 11,15, 9 15-20 5 fi, 13, 26 3 1 20-25 6 15, 8,10,16 5,5 1,1 25-30 7 16,17, 20, 6 2 1 30-35 8 , 35-40 9 40-45 10 45-50 11 50-55 12 55-60 BACK OF QUEUE LOCATION: Temple City Blvd DATE: 6/19/19 Page 3 of 4 Time: (16:00.17:00) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir increments #Veh's #Veh's #Veh's #Veh #times Mimes Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus 58 Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB SB Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 00-05 2 05-10 3 10-15 4 15-20 5 20-25 6 25-30 7 30-35 8 35-40 9 40-45 10 45-50 11 50-55 12 55-60 BACK OF QUEUE LOCATION: Temple City Blvd DATE: 6/19/19 Page 4 of 4 Time: (17:00-18:00 5 min DIRECTION 5B Dir increments # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh #times Mimes Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus 5B Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB SB Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ram 1 15 00-05 2 6, 11, 9 05-10 3 17 30-15 47 21,11 15-20 5 29,11 7,8 1,1 20-25 6 25-30 7 13,7 2 1 30-35 g 12,10, 8 9 1 35-40 9 40-45 10 12, 23,19 1,9 1, 1 45-50 11 S0, 8 50-55 12 27,7 2 1 55-60 TratSc Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 COURTESY NOTICE Traffic Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 5 of 5 OSE Traffic Commission Courtesy Notification OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, November 7, 2019, at the hour of 7:00 p.m, or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, e Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; alifomia 91770, to discuss safety improvements along a portion of Olney Street. on are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments garding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by nding a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 7, 2019. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Mr. Cluis Dash!, Director of Public Works 'ritten comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to cdaste(a)citvofrosemead.ore or faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again, only tiers received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 7, 2019, will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of osemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Director of Public Works, Chris Dast6, at 626.569-2158. For information please call: Para obtener mAs informaci6n, favor de hamar al: P". .49119: De- biet thdm chi tiet, An g9i: 626-569-2150 Proposed Traffic Safety Improvements on Olney Street Attachment B Draft Traffic Commission Minutes of November 7, 2019 Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING November7,2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p.m, in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Ly INVOCATION: Chair Masuda PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice -Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Lim and Co�lmissioner Ly ABSENT: Commissioner Ouintanilla STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Chris Daste, EngiAg.Rant Elie Farah, and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas A, Engineer Elie Farah presented a PowerPoint that had the 83% cut thru traffic on Olney Street. for east bound traffic. thru east bound traffic. Commissioner Ly also asked for clarification on the recommendation given for phase 1, that suggests the Sheriff Station to provide periodic enforcement during off peak hours when traffic can move more freely. Mr. Ly also asked what would be considered off peak hours. Staff responded 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. are considered off peak hours. Commissioner Ly asked 'f having police enforcement during peak hours would help reduce drivers from coming onto Olney Street and making a U -Tum to get onto the freeway. Staff responded that it would help. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2019 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Ly asked if the vehicles speeding on Olney Street are residents or cut thru vehicles. Staff responded that it would be difficult to determine if they are residents or it's the out thru vehicles. Commissioner Lim asked if there's a four-way stop on Ellis Lane and Marshall Street. Staff confirmed that Ellis Lane and Marshall Street is a four-way stop. Commissioner Lim asked regarding the level of service, if staff could explain what the grades mean in terms of A vs. C. Mr. Farah explained that an A grade is good and C needs work. 1.0- V Qh1 Commissioner Lim asked regarding phase 2, where would staff recommendinstalling feedback signs. Staff suggested installing feedback signs on long segments. Commissioner Omelas mentioned that If they did a full clodreion Olney Street } ple living on Temple City Blvd will have problems backing out of their driveways AA` Staff informed the Commissioners that further studies eed to be done to determ fey can block out a certain amount of space to allow the residents who live aidnggemple Q.#y0vd. to back- u %afely onto Olney Street, if they were to do a partial closureP Chair Masuda mentioned if there was a full elos_rhe:'on'. Iney Street pe�pie who live west of Temple City Blvd. above Loftus Drive would only have the optic oto get'bK '�to.;t�ha left lane and make a left onto Loftus Drive to avoid getting onto the freeway. > Mr. Masuda asked w tatTe Ievel"Af service for vehicles woSd be travehhg southbound Temple City Blvd. N they do a full closure on 01 e�''Streat ' Staff informed the Comms . ftirs that Caltrans may need to do a time signal adjustment and there may can be vehicles back d up I the wafctolMarshalLStreel +�`+ . ♦moi' � V "S p `^.: Cn Mr �Ajla�s a also askedi 'in 'e how the LottusDrive west bound traffic would be affected when trying tor�ae' , left tum onto Tem Ie City Bivdn'', e § :. Staff suggest' putting a "Keep Eleni to allow;o.. r Temple City Blvd. to allow traffic to clear prior to the Loftus Drive traffic making a Chair Masuda askearification ovthe location where the transition marking will begin. Y4 7 Staff informed the Commissioners that the transition marking will begin on Marshall Street and they will need to do further research because vel cLe also park on the street. Commissioner Lim motioned, seconded by Commissioner Ly to recommend to the City Council a partial closure on Olney Street and closing the east bound on ramp lane, along with placing the phase 2 speed radar feedback sign on Olney Street. Votes resulted in: Yes: Lim, Ly, Masuda and Omelas No: None Abstain: None Absent: Quintanilla Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2019 Page 2 of 3 4. STAFF REPORT NONE 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ly requested putting Mr. Dobashi's item on the next meeting agenda to discuss speeding and safety concerns on the south bound lane of Walnut Grove Avenue. Chair Masuda asked for an update on the outcome of the bicycle policy. 5. ADJOURNMENT �. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The next Traffic Commission 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 883. AT Ch Dir :heduled for December 5, 2019 at Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair r_ Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2019 Page 3 of 3 Attachment C Preliminary Plans for Olney St. Partial Closure GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION ("SPECIFICATIONS") 2012 EDITION, AND AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION STD. PLANS, 2012 EDITION AND CURRENT AMENDMENTS. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY ENGINEER FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK; TELEPHONE NUMBER (626) 569-2151. 3. THESE PLANS ARE HEREBY MADE A PART OF THE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT. 4. NO REVISION SHALL BE MADE TO THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR ALL NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS FOR ALL WORK AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS FROM THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD. 6. ANY CONTRACTOR PERFORMING WORK AS INDICATED HEREON FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE SITE AND SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACILITIES RESULTING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM HIS OPERATIONS, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH FACILITIES ARE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. 7. THE CONTRACTORS ATTENTION IS EXPRESSLY DIRECTED TO ALL THE REQUIREMENTS AND PROVISIONS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAFETY REGULATIONS. CONFORMANCE THERETO SHALL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED DURING THE ENTIRE LIFE OF THE CONTRACT. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF ALL SURPLUS EARTH EXCAVATION OUTSIDE OF THE PROJECT AREA UNLESS APPROVED OTHERWISE BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ALL AC AND CONCRETE REMOVALS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AN DIMENSIONS AT THE JOB SITE BEFORE COMMENCING ANY PORTION OF THE WORK; COMPARE ACTUAL CONDITIONS WITH DRAWINGS TO ASCERTAIN CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED; CHECK AND CONFIRM LOCATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT, AND UTILITIES WHICH MAY AFFECT WORK. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK SHALL CONSTITUTE FULL ACCEPTANCE OF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT ALL DISCREPANCIES TO THE CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENACT ALL MEASURES TO PROTECT AND SAFEGUARD WORKERS AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC FROM INJURY DURING THE ENTIRE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION; MAINTAIN THE JOB SITE IN AN ORDERLY, CLEAN MANNER THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF WORK AND NOT BLOCK LEGAL EXITS OR ENTRANCES; LEAVE WORK AREA CLEAN, FREE OF DEBRIS AT THE END OF EACH DAY; AND COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. 11. ALL CONCRETE AND ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE REMOVED UTILIZING A SAW CUT (MINIMUM CUT DEPTH 1 1/2" AND/OR OTHER METHODS AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ALL UTILITY VALVE BOXES, MANHOLES, ETC. TO GRADE UPON COMPLETION OF PAVING. CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE USED TO PATCH AROUND RAISED UTILITIES IN CONCRETE STREETS; ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT IN ASPHALT CONCRETE STREETS. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE IN KIND, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER, ANY PAVING, CURB AND GUTTER OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS CUT, REMOVED, OR DAMAGED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS PROJECT. 14. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE CITY, THE CITY ENGINEER AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVE, HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY OR THE CITY ENGINEER. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DUST CONTROL AND TRAFFIC CONTROL AT ALL TIMES TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER, AND SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (A.Q.M.D.) RULE 403 FOR MITIGATING DUST CONTROL. 16. BARRICADES WITH FLASHING LIGHTS ARE TO BE MAINTAINED ON ALL OBSTRUCTIONS WITHIN EXISTING STREET RIGHT-OF-WAYS AT ALL TIMES. CONSTRUCTION WARNING SIGNS AND FLAGMEN ARE TO BE PRESENT AT THE JOB SITE. 17. UPON COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING ANY DAMAGE INCURRED DUE TO HIS OPERATION. 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT AT (800) 422-4133 TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK. 19. ABBREVIATIONS INDICATED ON THE PLANS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1-3 OF THE "SPECIFICATIONS". 20. CIRCLED NUMBERS (FOR EXAMPLEO1) REFER TO CONSTRUCTION LEGEND NUMBERS. LIST OF STANDARD DRAWINGS • STANDARD PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS, JULY 2018 (STATE OF CALIFORNIA). • STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION - 2012 EDITION AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION -SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAPTER S E M F Ik q- 11 O T r� •� T' ,H /NC0 P0RATED% CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARTIAL CLOSURE OF OLNEY ST AT TEMPLE CITY BLVD NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR(S) 1. ALL AVAILABLE RECORDS FROM THE CITY AND UTILITY COMPANIES INVOLVED HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED AND ALL KNOWN UTILITY CONDUITS AND SUBSTRUCTURES ARE SHOWN HEREON. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UTILITY CONDUITS AND SUBSTRUCTURES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR THE TOTAL EXPENSE OF REPAIR AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF SAID UTILITY CONDUITS AND SUBSTRUCTURES DAMAGED BY HIS OPERATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE LIMITS OF THIS PROJECT. 2. EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN-PLACE BY THE CONTRACTOR, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. RELOCATION OR REMOVAL OF ANY EXISTING UTILITIES NOT COVERED BY THESE PLANS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY OR UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY OWNERS AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PRESERVATION OF ALL, IF ANY, EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POSSESS A VALID STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE AND SHALL BE REQUIRED TO POSSESS A VALID CITY BUSINESS LICENSE WHILE PERFORMING WORK ON THIS PROJECT. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK COVERED BY THESE PLANS. 6. THE CITY SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO OR USES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY PIPES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF AVAILABLE RECORDS. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER LINES OR STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS PERFORMING WORK SHOWN ON OR RELATED TO THESE PLANS SHALL CONDUCT THEIR OPERATIONS SO THAT ALL EMPLOYEES ARE PROVIDED A SAFE PLACE TO WORK AND THE PUBLIC IS PROTECTED. ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE "OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATION" OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS"'CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS." THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY WAY FOR THE CONTRACTORS' AND SUBCONTRACTORS' COMPLIANCE WITH THE "OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS" OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OR WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS' "CONSTRUCTION SAFETY ORDERS." CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. PROJECT N O XXXXX CONTRACTOR NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY MEANS TO AVOID TRACKING ASPHALT OIL ON EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT OR CONCRETE PAVEMENT DURING OPERATIONS. SEE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONDITIONS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT IN PLACE ANY MAIL BOXES, IRRIGATION SYSTEM, ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, CABLE CONDUIT OR UTILITY LINE. IF DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE IN KIND. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST TO GRADE ANY PULLBOXES AFFECTED BY THIS IMPROVEMENT. IF PULLBOXES (WATER, GAS, ETC) ARE DAMAGED, CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE THEM IN KIND. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL POTHOLE TO VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF UTILITIES. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT RELOCATE OR REPLACE IN KIND EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM (PIPES, HEADS, ETC) AS NECESSARY. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL BACKFILL AND RESEED LANDSCAPE.AS NECESSARY FOR LANDSCAPE AREAS AFFECTED BY THIS IMPROVEMENT. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LAYOUT OF AC REMOVALS WITH PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR. 8. THE CITY WILL LAYOUT THE PRECISE LOCATION OF ALL CONCRETE PAVING AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THESE IMPROVEMENTS AS SHOWN MAY VARY SLIGHTLY AS TO LOCATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND QUANTITIES AS MARKED OUT BY THE CITY. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TEMPORARY ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT AS INDICATED BY THE ENGINEER OR INSPECTOR. THE ENGINEER OR INSPECTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION WHERE TEMPORARY RESURFACING WILL BE NEEDED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT MIX TEMPORARY ASPHALTIC CONCRETE WITH PERMANENT ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE, EARTH OR OTHER MATERIALS THAT ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. ALL COSTS INVOLVED IN COMPLYING WITH THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE UNIT PRICE BID FOR CLEARING AND GRUBBING. R E V I S 1 0 N S R E F E R E N C E S WATER CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVED BY: NUMBER DATE INITIALS APPV'D. 110 E. LIVE OAK AVENUE ARCADIA, CA 91006 (1 MO CONTACT: GABRIEL GOMEZ (626) 446-5176 SHEET , of 4 ADAMS RANCH MUTUAL WATER CO. CITY ENGINEER DATE: P.O. BOX 6841 ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 0 DOMENIC CIMARUSTIC (626) 444-6050 ® CALIFORNIA AMERICAN WATER CO. © CONSTRUCTION NOTES o- SA W CUT AND REMO VE EXIS77NG CURB & GUTTER REMOVE EX/STING AC, AC BERM, BASE, SUBBASE, DIRT, SOD AS NEEDED TO CONSTRUCT NEW CURB CONSTRUCT 6" CURB TYPE A 1-6 PER APWA STD 120-2, MODIFIED TO MATCH EXIS77NG CONS7RUCT 8" CURB TYPE A 1-8 PER APWA S7D 120-2, MODIFIED TO MA TCH EXIS77NG 5� CONS 7RUCT A MINIMUM OF 5" A. C. FULL DEPTH SEC77ON IN TWO LIFTS. CONS 7RUCT RIVER ROCK EMBEDDED IN PCC TO MA TCH EXIS77NG 7� CONS 7RUCT GUARDRAIL SY.S7FM PER CAL 77?ANS S7D. A 77L 1. SHEET INDEX SHEET #/RANGE SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 OF 4 (T1)..................TITLE SHEET 2 OF 4 (Cl) ................. CONSTRUCTION PLAN LAYOUT 3 OF 4 (C2)..................SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN LAYOUT 3 OF 4 (C2)..................SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN LAYOUT NOTE TO CONTRACTOR FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS THE CITY WILL LAYOUT THE PRECISE LOCATION OF ALL CONCRETE AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THESE IMPROVEMENTS AS SHOWN MAY VARY SLIGHTLY AS TO LOCATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND QUANTITIES AS MARKED OUT BY THE CITY. ELLE FARAD INC cim& LAND sERVEYM AND COMRM 1010GENEWT 1593 UBERTY DRIVE PHONE (951) 898-0772 CORONA, CA 92881 FAX (951) 278-4110 DESIGN BY: EF APRIL 2020 DRAWN BY: JF APRIL 2020 CHECKED BY: EF APRIL 2020 OF. 03-31-2022 K c�aoeo civ Or ChO LOCATION MAP N.T.S UTILITY TITLE WATER GOLDEN STATE WATER CO. ® 110 E. LIVE OAK AVENUE ARCADIA, CA 91006 (1 MO CONTACT: GABRIEL GOMEZ (626) 446-5176 SHEET , of 4 ADAMS RANCH MUTUAL WATER CO. P.O. BOX 6841 ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 0 DOMENIC CIMARUSTIC (626) 444-6050 ® CALIFORNIA AMERICAN WATER CO. © 8657 GRAND AVE. ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 ® LOUIE ROMERO (626) 712-8340 G SAN GABRIEL COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 77rds 8366 E. GRAND AVENUE ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 STEVEN TERRA (626) 287-0341 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER CO. 11142 GARVEY AVENUE EL MONTE, CA 91733 - - LUIS MONTENEGRO (626) 448-6183 X252 SCE 1000 POTRERO GRANDE DRIVE MONTEREY PARK, CA 91755 CONTACT: ELIAS BERMUDEZ (323) 720-5263 SCG THE GAS COMPANY 9400 OAKDALE, CHATSWORTH CA 91311-6511 CONTACTWICHAEL DUENAS (714) 634-7265 CHARTER 4781 IRWINDALE AVENUE IRWINDALE, CA 91706 COMMUNICATIONS CONTACT JESSE GONZALES (626) 430-3570 ATT 8633 GRAND AVENUE ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 CONTACT: STEVE GILLESPIE (626) 570-7193 OLNEY STREET PARTIAL CLOSURE PROJECT LEGENDS W ........................WATER LINE ® ........................WATER VALVE (1 MO ........................WATER HYDRANT SHEET , of 4 ........................SEWER MANHOLE ........................STREET SIGN 0 ........................PROPOSED TREE ® ........................WATER METER BOX © ........................GAS VALVE ® ........................GAS METER G ........................GAS LINE 77rds ........................PROPOSED PCC ........................PROPOSED COLD MILL AND OVERLAY - - ........................RNV LINE ® ........................STORMDRAIN MANHOLE OLNEY STREET PARTIAL CLOSURE PROJECT DWG. NO. OLNEY ST CONSTRUCTION PLANS Tl AT TEMPLE CIN BLVD CITY OF ROSEMEAD SHEET , of 4 R E V I S I O N S R E F E R E N C E S 129x:00 ,\ I if NUMBER DATE INRIALS APPV'D. BOTTOM OF POOL I CHAINL/NK FENCE GR CURB AND GUT7FR III I I III I I III I I I III III � II I I 11 I I o,• III I I "ll I I III I III I II III W III WM EDGE GUT7ER I °_III III J II BFP FTN/SH SURFACE VL T TOP OF CURB SCE F7 OW LINE I I III I II Rw I III I I III III III k ,kra� XG FINISH FZOOR j III I II I III I ;; III III j III W III COL TOP DRAIN III I !an j "\ I II I w III III III F 1 11 BW ELEC7R/C PULL BOX Il° III n I II II I v a7 A� I II III III III egk � � GUT TOP OF WALL ' III MB OVERHEAD ELECTRIC I n ,;� ; ii «u I II q 1 I n iii w• III uI rwa ay IU \ I OLNEY ST LOW POINT III I II ju ;; III I 71 III ;� av w OLNEY ST R p; ,;; I 0,.*;;; ,�, W47ER FOUNTAIN IIIFI'w I II DRAINAGE — - ----------- ----------------------- ----------------------- --------- -------------------------- ' — W 7 , �� III , aq,,. III v ..'. li ii u iI I \`.ii r� . ni�--- 1 u ,r Wa` r.• ; 11 It - - - - f% Ir 1 ` 2 if 4 2 11 01 I/ ., iii I II �kk w ------------------- —-------- ----------- - 5 II - ---- n III iii `-------- - ---------- - r— . 'n --s}�y#-- `J ✓` . Du b � � , II 7 uiIiI III I l 0 60 `,f iIiI w 72 R w• 5 J Ili1 III IuinIi ° III II 1111 (10,4 III II • p 1 al ran � II ll 1 III p 11 •�+ 111 ,1 �w 11 It I I wI It p ❑ II Ia I n I X11 11 II I R If IIt I 1\ \\ I 11 p I� x I 1\ 1\\ 0— 11 I et \\ 1 1 I I \u I 1 \o I 1 1`0 11 \\ \\ \% `\ 1 u am �r f \\% 11 \\p \ II \ II SII `\O \\ % \°% rr "%`>�. R E V I S I O N S R E F E R E N C E S 129x:00 CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVED BY: NUMBER DATE INRIALS APPV'D. BOTTOM OF POOL CHAINL/NK FENCE GR CURB AND GUT7FR CITY ENGINEER DATE: CLEAN OUT SCE M BACK OF WALK WM IM FARAD INC cm & IAPID &MVIMM AM 1593 LIBERTY DRIVE PHONE (951) 898-0772 CORONA, CA 928B1 FAX (951) 278-4110 DESIGN BY.' JM APRIL 2020 DRAWNBY.• JF APRIL 2020 CHECKED BY.., EF �¢ssrq� OF. 13-3-w * IQ UM crvt%. a+~! f Of CA`1F0 SCALD 1'=20' 20 10 0 20 40 1'=20' GRAPHIC SCALE CONS TRUC TION NO TES O1 SAW CUT AND REMOVE EAIS77NO CURB & GUT7FR O2 REMOVE ENS77NG AC AC BERM,BAS& SUSBAS& D/RT,SOD AS NEEDED 70 CaVS7RUCT NEW CURB O3 COWSTRUCT 6' CURB TYPE Al -6 PER APWA S7D 120-2, MODIRED 70 MA7CH EX/ST7N& 0CANS7RUC7* 8' CURB 7YPE Al -8 PER APWA STD 120-2 MADIRED 70 NA7CH EX/S77N& 0CaWS7RUCT A MIN/MUM OF 5' A.0 FULL DEPTH SECAAN /N 7W L/F7S O6 CaVSMUCT RIVER ROCK EWBEDDED /N PCC 70 MA7CH EX/SANG O7 CANS7RUCT GUARDRAIL SYSTEM PER CAL TRANS STD. A77L L AR AC BP CLF C&G CO BW EG FG FS TC F7 EP FF 7DD B PB SL TW 7F OHE HP LP CF TG TG WF DI TG BOLLARD pp PL GM SW LEGEND ACCESS RAMP 129x:00 ASPHALT CONCRETE (470.00) BOTTOM OF POOL CHAINL/NK FENCE GR CURB AND GUT7FR MH CLEAN OUT SCE M BACK OF WALK WM EDGE GUT7ER OWY RN/SH GRADE BFP FTN/SH SURFACE VL T TOP OF CURB SCE F7 OW LINE XG EDGE OF PA V£MENT XG FINISH FZOOR CRNR TOP DECK DRAIN COL TOP DRAIN GRADE BREAK BW ELEC7R/C PULL BOX GV STREET LIGHT GUT TOP OF WALL TX TOP OF F0077NG MB OVERHEAD ELECTRIC 7B l7ROX HIGH POINT LOW POINT CURB FACE TOP OF GRA 7F } TOP OF GRA 7F W47ER FOUNTAIN FTN/SHED SURFACE AT SIR/PE DRAINAGE p INLET TOP OF GRA 7F STEEL PIPE BOLLARD PLAN7FR POWER POLE CONCRE7F GAS ME7FR SIDEWALK PROPOSED ELEVA77GNS EXIS77NG ELEVA 770NS GUARDRAIL XGUT7ER MANHOLE SCE MARK/NG WA7FR ME7FR DR/VEWA Y BACKFLOW PREVEN7ER VAUL T EDISON CROSS GUT7FR CROSS GU77ER CORNER OF CURB/C&G 7FLEPHONE COLUMN BACK OF WALK GAS VAL VE GUTTER TOP OF CURB AT DRIVEW.4 Y MAILBOX INVERT TOP OF DRAINAGE BOX EXIS77NG WALL F,X&' 1A ff;Y0101 F:r 1i>Fffa.Ffya EX/ST. REGULA770VV SIGN V IMY4 OLNEY STREET PARTIAL CLOSURE PROJECT DWG. NO. OLNEY ST STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS C2 AT TEMPLE CITY BLVD � CI 1 1�/ OF ROSEMEAD SHEET 2 OF 4 SEE SHEET 4 FOR OLNEY ST SIGNING AND STRIPING .. III � nI I it I iii I III � I III V � II W I II I �f III I I III III I III I I III L 1 11 IL 1 III I 111 I II I 11 I I II 111 1 W III 1 11 I III III I III I 11 III III 11,10-11,11, ` �� II III . II I 11 L—J I a III I IIS I iiiiii J� 1 n1 ` 1 II ul 1u � III II III �Lil I I, I , 11 III 1.11 1 It OLNEY ST l lI I II 01 I II OLNEY ST ' ' " "' ' I' / ;, / , II III � If r—�/ N — �� :' 1 a III P. 0 -------------------------- z__—� III I v II I if ii 1 l /� r i it ili CV — 3 IfD Lb O II III ICY/ `\ ♦ Il � 1 II III � // `� �1> -------------------------- ---- 11 III I// ``_______________------------------ 1 1 1 1 ri 111 ------------------------ s—_—_--- n iii I a �� 1 ` , , nl III --�=" �.:.. 1 / 2 2 R3-7 2 G92 CA ,G27-2 % M6-1, M3-4 \\\\I ii iii Ir II all II iii p 11 nl • Illi a nl a a ul n II I I 11 \11 II I 11\ 11 w II ILII 1\ N It If II r I I% \\ 11 I 1\ 1 I I 1 \\ \\\ % `\ / \ If % \%% `. ALL STRIPING AND LEGENDS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC EXTRUSION MATERIAL. SEE CITY SPECIFICATION •4s CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING STRIPING IN PLACE. DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE EXISTING STRIPING SHALL BE REPLACED AT CONTRACTOR'S COST TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY'S INSPECTOR R E V I S I O N S R E F E R E N C E S OLNEY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVED BY: NUMBER DATE INITIALS APPV'D. 129QO0 PROPOSED ELEVA77ANS AC ASPHALT CONCRETE (470.00) CITY ENGINEER DATE: BP BOTTOM OF POOL INN CLF CHAINUNK FENCE ELM FARAD M CM&1 L4M SERVEYMAM COI07REunm AmmiaswmT 1593 LIBERTY DRIVE PHONE (951) 898-0772 CORONA, CA 92881 FAX (951) 278-4110 DESIGNBY..' JM APRIL 2020 DRAWNBY.' JF APRIL 2020 CHECKED BY.' EF EU Er. W3 -W * in CUBO civil- tf 6F CAL1E�a SCALE, 1'=20' 20 10 0 20 40 1'=20' GRAPHIC SCALE CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1❑ REMOVE CONFLICTING STRIPING BY SANDBLAS77NG OR GR/ND/NG. 2❑ REMOVE SIGN(S) AND POST AS SHOWN. 3❑ INSTALL NEW SIGN(S) AND POST AS SHOWN. 4❑ REMOVE EXIS77NG SIGN AND REPLACE WITH LARGER SIGN AS INDICA 7E -D. H5 INSTALL PAVEMENT LEGEND PER CAL TRANS STD A24C AS SHOWN. OLNEY STREET PARTIAL CLOSURE PROJECT LEGEND OLNEY ST AR ACCESS RAMP 129QO0 PROPOSED ELEVA77ANS AC ASPHALT CONCRETE (470.00) EXIS77NG ELEVA770NS BP BOTTOM OF POOL CLF CHAINUNK FENCE GR GUARDRAIL C&G CURB AND GUTTER XG XGUT7ER CO CLEAN OUT MH MANHOLE SCE M SCE MARK/NG BW BACK OF WALK 9m WATER METER EG EDGE GUTTER OWY DRIVEWAY FG FINISH GRADE BACKFLOW PREVENIFR FS FIN/SH SURFACE K T AT T TC TOP OF CURB SCE EDD/SIS ON FL FLOW LINE XG CROSS GUTTER EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT XG CROSS GUTTER FF FIN/SH FLOOR CRNR CORNER OF CURB/C&G TDD TOP DECK DRAIN TFL 7FLEPHONE 7D TOP DRAIN COL COLUMN GB GRADE BREAK BW BACK OF WALK PB ELECTRIC PULL BOX GV GAS VALVE SL STREET LIGHT GUT GUTTER TW TOP OF WALL TX TOP OF CURB AT DRI VEW,4Y 7F TOP OF F0077NG MB MAILBOX OHE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC l7B OX INVERT TOP OF DRAINAGE BOX HP HIGH POINT LP LOW POINT EXIS77NG WALL CF CURB FACE TG TOP OF GRA TF f EXIS77NG POWER POLE TG TOP OF GRA 7E EX/ST. WOOD RAIL FENCE OF WATER FOUNTA/N OTDRAOFACE AT S7R/PEp NENL EX/STREGULA77ON SIGN TG TOP OF GRA 7E BOLLARD S7FEL PIPE BOLLARD PL PLANTER EX/ST. STREET LIGHT PP POWER POLE � CONC CONCRETE GM GM GAS METER TREE SW SIDEWALK OLNEY STREET PARTIAL CLOSURE PROJECT DWG. NO. OLNEY ST SIGNING AND STRIPING IMPROVEMENT PLANS S3 AT TEMPLE CITY BLVD CITY OF ROSEMEAD SHEET 3 OF 4 I Lu _r a r `-� z F, .. C - = C 'i k .I r r f =r r 4rre 11r 4 iii r` , a l FINN - ,� ;, 1,-.T_.. �: ``,_ A �'y-;—ter �• ri� T� 1a�-. �` ' f y .'\ r 1, 1., yC:' t``'' Ir' /• ar,_III o }�dLLuY 4 r4 Lu dw 01!t� nUb Ub 17 r OLNEY OLNEY ST �-� i rrr r r r r'`'r rG 1Li(T7 I .r A { W d T y t OLNEY ST IP I r 1 1 r � ��„!! /. � • _"�_ � r I DRi ,: -` I r •, V y l r_ DIUMERT BEFORE uronlla F. DIG oLL EE ea RSIC EFME er eeeFe•IOeee EFEVIGB NEI 1 •4: r1' t .4 ! V I 1 t R E V I S I O N S R E F E R E N C E S OLNEY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVEDBY: SIGNING AND STRIPING PLANS QapFESS10y� LAND SEIRVBYRYU AND `4 V� FARyy C0167RUC71CN AdANAGEROW 1593 LIBERTY DRIVE PHONE (951) 898-0772 'We D(P, 03-31-2022 JO CORONA, CA 92881 FAX (951) 278-4110 * NES C42080 CITY ENGINEER DESIGNBY. JM APRIL 2020 C1 V1\. f OF CA\%E� DmmBY.' JF APRIL 2020 CHECKED BY. EF DATE: t FF7 0 Scale 1" = 40' �* I SEE SHEET 3 FOR N7ERSEC7OON DETAILS I SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN ELM FAPAK INC DWG. NO. OLNEY ST C7M k SIGNING AND STRIPING PLANS QapFESS10y� LAND SEIRVBYRYU AND `4 V� FARyy C0167RUC71CN AdANAGEROW 1593 LIBERTY DRIVE PHONE (951) 898-0772 'We D(P, 03-31-2022 JO CORONA, CA 92881 FAX (951) 278-4110 * NES C42080 DESIGNBY. JM APRIL 2020 C1 V1\. f OF CA\%E� DmmBY.' JF APRIL 2020 CHECKED BY. EF 0 Scale 1" = 40' CONSTRUCTION NOTES: ❑1 REMOVE CONFLIC77NG S7RIPING BY SANDBLAS77NG OR GRINDING. 2❑ REMOVE SIGN(S) AND POST AS SHOWN. 3❑ INSTALL NEW SIGN(S) AND POST AS SHOWN. �4 REMOVE EXIS77NG SIGN AND REPLACE W H LARGER SIGN AS INDICA 7ED. �5 INSTALL PA DEMENT LEGEND PER CAL 7RANS S7D A24C AS SHOWN. �6 INSTALL MESSAGE BOARD FOR 30 DAYS �7 INSTALL SPEED FEEDBACK SIGNS OLNEY STREET PARTIAL CLOSURE PROJECT DWG. NO. OLNEY ST SIGNING AND STRIPING PLANS S4 AT TEMPLE CITY BLVD � CITY 1�/ OF ROSEMEAD SHEET 4 OF 4 Attachment D Preliminary Cost Estimate for Olney St. Partial Closure Preliminary Cost Estimate for Olney St Partial Closure Item # Description —QtA Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization & Demolition 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 2 Traffic Control and TC Plans 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 3 Saw cut and remove curb 40 LF $20.00 $800.00 Construct 6" curb & gutter to match 4 existing 30 LF $50.00 $1,500.00 Construct 8" curb & gutter to match 5 existin 50 LF $70.00 $3,500.00 Install colored river rock in PCC over 6 aggregate base to match existing g 700 SF $40.00 $28,000.00 7 Install Midwest Guard rail 150 LF $70.00 $10,500.00 8 Remove conflicting striping 1 LS $2,500.00 $2,500.00 9 Install sign and post 12 EA $350.00 $4,200.00 10 Remove sign and post 4 EA $350.00 $1,400.00 11 Install Solar speed feedback sign 2 EA $10,000.00 $20,000.00 12 Striping - Thermoplastic Extrusion 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 11 Install Two Message boards 30 days $150.00 $4,500.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $96,900.00 Engineering & CM 20% $19,380.00 Contingency 15% $14,535.00 TOTAL $130,815.00 20% increase due to inflation between 2020 through 2023 $ 26,163.00 TOTAL $ 156,978.00 1of1 Prepared: 4/15/2020 Updated: 1/18/2023