TC - Item 3A - Traffic Review on 3248 Jackson Avenue for Red Driveway Tipping�i TRANSTECIi TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: February 2nd, 2023 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW FOR RED CURB REQUEST FOR 3248 JACKSON AVENUE The City of Rosemead received a "General Curb Marking Request" from the homeowner of 3248 Jackson Avenue. The resident is requesting red curb to be installed on both sides of their driveway. The resident reported that due to vehicles parking too close to their driveway and the volume of traffic on Jackson Avenue, they have difficulty exiting out of their driveway. In response to this request and on behalf of the city, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended the appropriate measures based on this request. The traffic review included an analysis of existing roadway conditions as well as an examination of guidelines within the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), CVC (California Vehicle Code) and as well as the City of Rosemead's curb marking policy and procedure. Figure 1: Vicinity Map for 3248 Jackson Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 8 Traffic Review for Red Curb Request for 3248 Jackson Avenue EXISTING CONDITIONS Jackson Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Jackson Avenue runs north and south and is considered a Major Collector Road per the California Road Systems Map with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH. Jackson Avenue is approximately 36 feet wide with one lane of travel in each direction and no marked center line. The driveway at the requesting residence of 3248 Jackson Avenue is approximately 18 feet wide with the approach and apron with the driveway itself being 10' wide. Parking is allowed on both sides of Jackson Avenue where the curbs are not marked red and is restricted during street sweeping. Jackson Avenue is stop controlled at Emerson Place and is traffic signal controlled at Hellman Avenue. This segment of Jackson Avenue runs through Multi Family Residential homes. Figure 2: Existing Conditions on Jackson Avenue All IF f -- _ s �3 A— KIN LEGEND 111 School Warning(SW24-1(CA)) PARKING No Parking (Variation WNWStop Sign Ahead (W3-1) Assembly A IOAM -i PA of R301 ; ortnvisaw SCHOOL Requested Address: 3248 Jackson Avenue Existing Red Curb CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 8 PICTURE SUMMARY 0 KOSCWEAD Traffic Review for Red Curb Request for 3248 Jackson Avenue 3248 Jackson Ave. i 6 10 ,..®..c- 18, Facing requested location 3248 Jackson Avenue Vehicle encroaching requested location 3248 Jackson Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Traffic Review for Red Curb Request for 3248 Jackson Avenue RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), City of Rosemead Curb Marking Policy and engineering judgement, it is recommended to install red curb on the east side of Jackson Avenue, on the north side of the driveway at 3248 Jackson Avenue. The installation of red curb north of this driveway will ensure vehicles do not encroach into the resident's driveway and will increase visibility for residents backing onto Jackson Avenue. The installation of Red Curb follows guidelines as found in the City of Rosemead's Curb Marking Policy as well as the California Vehicle Code (CVC) 22507. Per City of Rosemead's Curb Marking Policy, "A typical driveway red tipping installation could include between 2 to 5 feet of red curbing on either side of the driveway'. 1. RED CURB INSTALLATION: Install Red Curb: 2 feet of red curb in each direction in front of the residence of 3248 Jackson Avenue should be painted red indicating no stopping, standing, or parking, whether the vehicle is attended or unattended to deter vehicles from blocking the driveway access, as shown in Figure 3. 2. REMOVE AND REPLACE ADDRESS NUMBERING: The address curb numbering for 3248 Jackson Avenue should be removed and repainted outside of the red curb area, as shown in Figure 3. Please refer to Figure 3 for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared by: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 8 Traffic Review for Red Curb Request for 3248 Jackson Avenue S: i-roposeo K2CommenoaTlon tKnIDIT Tor szws JaCKson Avenue -rt— 10, 3248 - _ — 18, - - .y_ 2 2 OInstall Red Curb: 2 feet of red curb in each direction in front of the residence of 3248 Jackson Avenue should be painted red indicating no stopping, standing, or parking, whether the vehicle is attended or unattended to deter vehicles from blocking the driveway access. OThe address curb numbering for 3248 Jackson Avenue should be removed and repainted outside of the red curb area as shown. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared by: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 8 Traffic Review for Red Curb Request for 3248 Jackson Avenue Red Zones are necessary for the smooth and safe operations of public transit, fire responders. and in general. all motorists. Red Zones are also necessary for other areas where a parked car will limit visibility for traffic, pedestrians. or bike nders. In lieu of Red Zones, or in some cases to supplement those zones, no -parking signage may be installed and enforced so long as at least two signs are visible from any portion of the parking area - No -parking zones can be installed in any area of the City where the presence of parked vehicles at the curb creates an unsafe situation for vehicular or pedestrian traffic or reduces operational efficiency at a particular location to unacceptable levels. Critical Red Zones Critical Red Zones are installed for the benefit of the entire community. They can be installed on any intersection corner to maintain safe and efficient visibility or on certain segments of streets, where narrow street widths impede the flow of traffic or create unsafe driving conditions. Thus, when it is warranted by the Public Works Department, red curbing can be installed on the comer of any intersection to maintain safe and efficient vehicular maneuverability, or on certain segments of streets where narrow street widths cause vehicular operations to degrade to unaoceptable conditions. The red curb installations discussed above are considered cnbcal red zones, where parking restrictions are necessary to maintain safe roadway and traffic conditions. Certain locations may be painted red, without the need of Traffic Commission review or City Council approval, where parking is restricted at any time as is required by federal, state, or local law (Le. parlung in from of fire hydrants, approprialety signed and marked public transit bus slops, etc-). Driveway Red Tiooino Driveway red tipping is a special type of red zone that is installed at driveways. Short sections of red curbing, typically requested by property owners. can be installed on either side of a driveway to promote better maneuverability into and out of the driveway and to improve visibility from the driveway. The amount of red tipping will be installed in a way that minimizes the loss of existing on -street parking spaces. Driveway red tipping can be installed to eliminate non-standard parking spaces (less than 18 feet) between driveways; a condition that sometimes leads to one or both driveways being partially blocked by parked vehicles. A typical driveway red tipping installation could include between 2- to 5 -feet of red curbing an either side of the driveway. However, if there is a possibility to park motorcycles or micro -vehicles, those locations shall be preserved and striped appropriately. There are limited situations where the length of red curb installed at a location could be adjusted on a case-by-case basis depending on other factors such as adjacent parking and operations at adjacent driveways. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared 8y: l ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 or 8