NOVEMBER 1, 2022
The regular meeting of the Rosemead Parks Commission was called to order by Chair Chavez at
7:01 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard,
Rosemead, California.
PRESENT: Commissioners Chavez, Mendez, and Nguyen
ABSENT: Commissioners Luu, and Dang
INVOCATION was led by Chair Chavez
A. Approval of minutes — October 4, 2022
Vice -Chair Nguyen motioned the approval of the meeting notes at 7:03 p.m.
ACTION: Moved by Chair Chavez, seconded by Commissioner Mendez to
approve the October 4, 2022, minutes: Motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Chavez, Mendez, and Nguyen; ABSENT: Dang, Luu
A. Park Maintenance Schedule
Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking provided an update on the Park
Maintenance Schedule. Currently, the City contracts with a general maintenance
company, Evergreen Landscaping, for each park. They provide moving, trash
services, and cleaning of the parks on a daily basis including weekends. That is
supplemented with our Public Services staff as well. So, on a daily basis, our Public
Services staff get into the facilities at 6am. They open the restrooms and make sure
that they are tidy. The restrooms are deep cleaned every night between lOpm and
6am by a contracted cleaning company. At around 11 am, Public Services staff go
into the restrooms again and do another tidy to make sure the facilities are still
good. Then at around 4pm, before they leave for the day, they go in again and make
sure the facilities are tidy and ready for the evening. That said, have been some
shortages in our Public Works staff. The City is currently investigating how we can
temporarily full those positions and start the hiring process. Picnic tables and
shelters are cleaned and sprayed once a week; on the weekends, they are spot
cleaned by parks facilities staff. We also have our Parks Supervision staff who
come in on the weekends and evenings to look for any other big outstanding issues.
Once we are fully staffed, we would like to move to a more ridged schedule. The
restrooms at Rosemead Park will be remodeled after the new year, sometime
between January and May. The restrooms at Garvey Park were re -done two years
ago. Zapopan Park and Sally Tanner Park, especially Zapopan, with the Edison
Company, are a little bit trickier, but we are looking into making some
improvements there as well.
Vice -Chair Nguyen asked if there is a point of contact for people who have a
complaint about maintenance, or if they want to let us know if something is broken.
Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking said that people can contact City Hall
directly, where they will get a general receptionist who can direct them. He said
that people can always contact him directly as well. He said that since Public
Services maintains the facilities, such calls would generally be directed there. Vice -
Chair Nguyen asked if there is a system in place for the citizen to track their
complaint. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking said that there is such a
system in place on the city website. Vice -Chair Nguyen said that people who use
the park may not be tech -savvy, such as the elderly, and is there a person that they
could talk to who could be held accountable for ensuring the complaint receives
follow through. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking said that those people
could call him at 626-569-2161 and that he would make sure their complaint gets
heard and gets routed to the appropriate person.
Vice -Chair Nguyen asked how often the picnic tables get cleaned. Director of Parks
and Recreation Boecking said that they are cleaned once a week, but that they are
hosed down and blown out daily. Then on the weekends, they are spot cleaned
depending on what the rental is. Vice -Chair Nguyen asked for clarification on what
"cleaned" means. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking said they are high-
pressure washed once a week, they are blown (no water) everyday, and they are
spot cleaned on the weekends.
Chair Chavez said that recently he has noticed more graffiti in the restrooms and
asked how we can better address that. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking
said that graffiti is something we try to take care of on a daily basis. If it's reported
by staff, Public Services has specific staff that just deal with graffiti, so that
typically gets taken care of in a very quick turnaround.
Chair Chavez inquired about a lock on a restroom that was mentioned the week
prior. He asked why the restroom still has the same lock mechanism. Director of
Parks and Recreation Boecking said that they had a locksmith go out to check it,
but that they were not able to take care of it right away. The issue is on the schedule
to be done, but it not something that our internal staff can do, we have to have a
locksmith take care of. The City has a locksmith that they contract with, and the
locksmith has looked at it, but they were unable to solve the problem.
Commissioner Mendez asked if the restrooms that were renovated two years ago,
were just those at Garvey Park or those at Rosemead Park as well. Director of Parks
and Recreation Boecking said that it was only those at Garvey Park. Rosemead Park
restrooms will be remodeled this winter.
B. Park Safety Update
Director of Parks and Recreation provided an update on Park Safety at the park
facilities in Rosemead. The City contracts with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs
Department, and that is our first call when it comes to safety in the parks.
Additionally, we abide by the saying "See Something, Say Something," so we want
to make sure that we encourage our residents to contact the Sheriff s Department if
they see something that is questionable. The City also has our Public Safety Team,
Code Enforcement, as well as our Community Service Officers that are around the
city. They are also there to help make sure that things are going appropriately and
that no one is at risk of anything that is unsafe. We also have our Parks Supervision
Team which drive in and out of our parks on a daily basis in the evenings. Once our
Public Safety team has gone home for the day, we do have Parks Supervision staff
who are present. So, they are driving in and out of the parks; they have a rotation
and a route which they go. They are also responsible for making sure restrooms and
gates are locked. We encourage our residents, we encourage you, to spread the word
that if there is something going on to please contact the Sheriffs Department. In
recent weeks, we've had a couple of incidents that have come up. We have,
therefore, asked the Sheriff s Department and Public Safety to increase their patrols
throughout all the parks, but especially the Skate Park and like areas. We want to
make sure that we have a presence. The Sheriffs have agreed as well as our Public
Safety team. We want to make sure that we are working with our residents and that
they know they can always call. They can always call City Hall, but if it's urgent
and something that requires immediate action, please call the Sheriff s Department.
If it is a concern that potentially might have been, for example, at the Skate Park
where we had someone bullying someone else, we want them to call us as well so
we can get a different presence out there, so that we can eliminate those risk factors.
So, that's where we're at. We do the best we can as far as making sure that we have
patrols going through. Ideally, we would love to have someone stationed at each
park, but that's just not possible.
Commissioner Mendez asked in regard to Public Safety, there has been a high
number of coyotes coming into our neighborhoods, especially late at night. Is there
an after-hours number for Animal Services that residents can call? Director of Parks
and Recreation Boecking stated he did not know and did not want to give out
incorrect information. He did not believe Animal Services was 24 hours, but since
he was unsure, he said would include it in the next month's update to the
C. Monthly Parks & Recreation Department Review
Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking provided the monthly update. October
was a very busy month for the Department. He provided the Commission with a
detailed review in their report. In Aquatics, we had a fantastic turnout as far as the
programs offered, such as Lap Swim, Water Aerobics, and Swim Team. We
recently had one of our Recreation Supervisors, who oversees our Aquatics
Division, go to a California Aquatic Management School. It's a great opportunity
where aquatic professionals throughout the state go, learn, and network. They learn
the trends to be on the lookout for. Jacqueline Guerrero was able to go and represent
Rosemead, and she brought back some great information and ideas. We look
forward to putting those ideas in play in the future. Garvey Community Center has
been very busy. They had an amazing A Spell and a Bit of Hocus Pocus Luncheon.
They sold out at 150 tickets, decorations were beautiful — they were all made by
staff. Seniors loved the music and the food. They were out there dancing, and it was
a great event for them. Garvey Center also participated in the Great Shakeout Event
on October 20th, where staff evacuated the facility and practiced an earthquake drill.
Garvey Center did it with all of their program participants, lunch participants, and
the playschool. This past month the Department has been extremely busy. We had
the Fall Fiesta and Dia De Los Muertos Event that was on Saturday October 8th at
Rosemead Park. We had a great turnout, lots of entertainment. We got rained on
for about 10 minutes, which scattered the crowd, but eventually they came back
out. It was great and we had a lot of fun. Pumpkin Patch was on October 22nd at the
newly named Del Mar Community Garden. That was an event where we partnered
with CultivaLA, who manages a part of that garden for us. We gave away
approximately 200+ pumpkins. It was a free event. Kids came in and got to walk
through the garden and get a pumpkin, get a piece of pie or a candy apple. It was a
lot of fun. We have our Pedal to the Turkey Medal, which is a virtual 5k event, it
starts November 201h through the 261h. Instead of doing an on -the -course race,
we're doing a virtual race where people track their own, send in their times, and we
provide them with a number and medals. We started doing this during the
pandemic. It's been slow but people do participate. Also, on a highlight, we did
have our annual Trunk -or -Treat and Haunted House event last night. Thank you to
those of you that were there. We had thousands of people. It's hard to estimate
exactly what the number was. I can tell you we had the Haunted House on Sunday
from 5:30pm to 8:30pm and last night from 5:30pm to 8:30pm and the count was
roughly 2400 people who went through just the haunted house. So, I would estimate
that the Trunk -or -Treat pulled somewhere around 5000 people. So definitely a lot
of people, and everybody had a good time. Kids walked away with plenty of candy,
so it was a lot of fun. Our Youth Programs are up and running, Leagues are going,
Playschool programs are going. The first session of Playschool for the Fall ended
October 20th, and a new session began October 31St. We had our Student Anti -Hate
Art Contest which took place in October - the winners will be recognized next week
at the November 81h Council Meeting.
Chair Chavez asked what Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking saw at the
Trunk -or -Treat event last night that he would like to do differently or add to.
Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking questioned whether the event had
outgrown the space. Every year he has been a part of the event, since 2019, the
event has seemed to grow. During the pandemic the Department was not able to
offer a walkup Trunk -or -Treat, so we did a drive dim, very successfully. Last year
when the event came back in person, we had not anticipated the number of people
who came out for the event. This year the number was equal to or greater than what
we had last year. As far as the event goes, there's a lot of moving pieces, there's a
lot of staff. As for adding something, I don't know exactly. Typically, what happens
is staff will sit down, debrief, and go over things — what was good, what was bad —
we look to see if there is any component that we think should be added.
Commissioner Mendez asked if the Department had ever considered holding the
event on a date other than October 31st, for example the weekend before Halloween,
since this year the 31 st fell on a Monday it was more difficult for students to attend.
Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking said that that has been considered in the
past. Traditionally, the event has been on the 31st. It gives residents a safe place to
go on Halloween. There are plus and minuses to everything, so it's looking at it and
seeing what's best.
Chair Chavez asked to discuss the Fall Camp a little more. Director of Parks and
Recreation Boecking said this camp is for our youth. Typically, Garvey School
District and Rosemead School District take the week of Thanksgiving off, so we
offer a camp so that parents who must work can enroll their kids with the camp and
their kids can be taken care of for those four days. The activities are planned
between November 2151 and the 25th with no class held on the 24" since that's
Thanksgiving. It is located at Garvey Park Youth Center. They do a lot of fun
activities: arts and crafts, outdoor activities, sports, this year they are going to the
beach. It's a small camp — about 20 kids. Chair Chavez asked where students can
register for the camp. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking said that they can
register online through our website, or they can register in person at the community
Commissioner Mendez asked if the Department had anything planned for Veteran's
Day. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking said that we do not have anything
planned for Veteran's Day.
Chair Chavez asked to discuss the Playschool. Director of Parks and Recreation
Boecking said the Playschool program is comparable to a preschool program. It is
for very early ages and gives them an introduction into school life. Participants do
a lot of arts and crafts; they learn their numbers and letters. We currently have
programs at Rosemead Park, Garvey Park, and Garvey Center, either in the morning
from 8:30am to 11:30am or in the afternoon from 12:30pm to 3:00pm. Garvey Park
and Rosemead Park only offer the morning programs from 8:30am to 11:30am
Monday through Thursday.
Chair Chavez asked about the Student Anti Hate Art Contest, if a winner had been
chosen and where the winner would be presented. Director of Parks and Recreation
Boecking said the winners have been notified and would be recognized by City
Council next Tuesday night, November 81h. They will be presented with an award
and certificate, and their art will be displayed.
A. Commissioner Comments
Commissioner Mendez asked if Parks and Recreation is joined with the library
activities. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking said we are good partners.
We support one another. They list some of their information in our quarterly
brochure. We have a good working relationship. Commissioner Mendez said that
the library used to offer fun activities like puppet shows and paper mache crafts,
and asked if they are still offering these programs for the kids since the COVID
shutdown. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking said that the library is still
offering programs, but he was unsure which programs specifically. He also said
that the library will be closing in mid-November and will be closed through May
for renovations. During that time, they will be doing some type of drive-thru
program similar to what they did during the pandemic. Commissioner Mendez
asked if that would be announced ahead of time. Director of Parks and Recreation
Boecking said that that information would be posted on the library's social media.
Chair Chavez asked to discuss the specific numbers for each event and program
during the next Commission meeting. He would like to see what programs were
successful, which need improvement, and how to broadcast it so that they have a
larger turnout. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking asked him to clarify
which numbers he would like to see. Chair Chavez said he would like to see
information on the classes that the department offers for the entire year. Director of
Parks and Recreation Boecking said he would provide the data at the next
Commission meeting.
Chair Chavez asked if since many of the Department's programs are catered
towards children, does the Department have a direct pipeline into the schools to
deliver information on our programs to students directly. Director of Parks and
Recreation Boecking said he would discuss this further at the next meeting.
Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking reminded the Commissioners that the
next meeting in December will be cancelled because it is the same night as the Tree
Lighting event on December 6`h. The Holiday Tree Lighting takes place in the plaza,
they light the Christmas tree, there are pictures with Santa Clause, a train ride, and
so on. Additionally, the following meeting which would take place in January, will
likely be cancelled as well since City Hall will still be closed for the holidays. The
next meeting that will actually take place is likely to be on the first Tuesday in
February unless something urgent comes up before then.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. The next Parks Commission meeting will be held on
Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamlprs.
JenniferFine4a, l�*eoent Analyst