CC - Item 5D - Approval of Traffic Improvements on Ramona Blvd Between Burton Avenue to the I-10- EB Off Ramp/Rosemead BlvdROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 14, 2023 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE I-10 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD SUMMARY At the November 3, 2022, Traffic Commission Meeting, staff presented recommendations and options for traffic improvements on Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard. After discussion and presentation of the item, the Traffic Commission approved the staff recommendations for the area as shown on the "Installation Exhibit' in Attachment C. Public Works Field Services staff will complete all the recommended items. If necessary, additional materials and supplies may be purchased at a minimal expense to complete the recommended work and staff would utilize approved Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Traffic Signs and Markers available funds. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate the installation of speed humps along the segment of Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures on Ramona Boulevard. After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment along Ramona Boulevard between Burton Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard would benefit from a combination of Traffic Calming Measures. At this time, the City of Rosemead does not have a Speed Hump Policy in place. Speed humps are usually only installed on roadways that meet certain criteria such as being classified as a local street with minimum and maximum vehicles per day as well as posted AGENDA ITEM 5.D City Council Meeting February 14, 2023 Page 2 of 5 speed limits of 25 mph or less. Using this criteria Ramona Boulevard would not be eligible for installation of speed humps. At the November 3, 2022, Traffic Commission Meeting, staff provided a presentation regarding existing field and traffic conditions along the segment of Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 3 years of available collision data, an average daily traffic count (ADT), a 24-hour speed survey as well as an examination of existing field conditions. Ramona Boulevard is an East/West Road classified by Caltrans as a major collector roadway. Ramona Boulevard is approximately 28 -feet wide east of Ivar Avenue and approximately 32 -feet wide west of Ivar Avenue, with one lane in each direction, with a dashed yellow centerline separating opposing traffic. Ramona Boulevard has a posted speed limit of 30 MPH. Parking is restricted to no stopping anytime on the north side of Ramona Boulevard and is restricted from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM on Thursdays on the south side due to street sweeping. Land use through this segment of Ramona Boulevard is Single Family Residential on the south with the Interstate 10 Freeway on the north. A Collision History Analysis and investigation was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 3 -year period between August 2020 through August 2022 (available data at the time of traffic review). A review of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS along the segment of Ramona Boulevard was conducted. Based on the Collision History Analysis, investigation, and data, it was determined that there were 3 total collisions reported. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken on September 29th, 2021 for Ramona Boulevard between Burton Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard. All counts were taken when schools were open and back in session. It was determined that there were a total of approximately 3,460 vehicles per day (vpd). To assess the speed at which vehicles are traveling along Ramona Boulevard, speed samples were taken over a 24-hour period on September 29th, 2021. The 85th percentile speed of vehicles along Ramona Boulevard was determined to be at 38 mph. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled are traveling at 38 mph or below which is above the speed limit of 30 mph. Table 3 below shows the September 29th, 2021, speed survey results. City Council Meeting February 14, 2023 Pape 3 of 5 It is recommended to implement a combination of Traffic Calming Measures along the segment of Ramona Boulevard between Burton Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard. The recommendations will aid in reducing traffic speeds along the length of the corridor. A detailed traffic report is included in Attachment A, the Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes in Attachment B, and the Installation Exhibit in Attachment C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Commission voted 5-0 to approve staff recommendations: 1. INSTALL NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN AND PAVEMENT LEGEND: Install new Oversized Speed Limit (R2-1) Sign and Pavement legend, approximately 150 - feet west of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue intersection for eastbound traffic on existing light pole. (Per CAMUTCD Section 2B. 13 and CAMUTCD Table 2B-1.) 2. INSTALL "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" (W4 -4P) PLAQUES ON EXISTING STOP SIGNS: Add "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop" (W44P) Plaques to existing Stop Signposts at side streets that intersect with Ramona Boulevard. • Install "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop" Plaque to Existing Stop Signposts at the intersections of Ramona Boulevard and Bartlett Avenue, Ramona Boulevard and Muscatel Avenue, and Ramona Boulevard and Ivar Avenue. 3. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING SPEED LIMIT SIGN WITH NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN: Remove and Replace existing 30 -MPH Speed Limit Sign (R2-1) with oversized Speed Limit Sign and Pavement Legend for westbound traffic on Ramona Boulevard. (Per CAMUTCD Table 2B-1). Sign should be posted at least 8' high so that it does not hang over into the street and passing vehicles would not strike the sign since there is a tall sound wall on the north side of Rosemead Boulevard. Also add pavement legends opposite the speed limit sign. 4. INSTALL WHITE SIDE STRIPE 8 feet from curb with an angled diagonal stripe to denote this is a parking lane not another travel lane on the south side of Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to Ivar Avenue. This stripe will visually narrow the roadway to help slow speeding traffic. 5. REMOVE THE 35MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN under the curve sign at the 1-10 EB Ramp and replace with 20 MPH sign warning sign. City Council Meeting February 14, 2023 Page 4 of 5 6. ADD NEW W1-8 CHEVRONS (BI-DIRECTIONAL) along the metal barricades at the curve east of Ivar Avenue. Remove old OM1 -3 reflectors. Add a set of 3 W 1-8 signs posted back-to-back in highly reflective neon yellow (post at the beginning, end and in the middle of the metal barricade). 7. ADD YELLOW RPMS IN THE CENTER YELLOW STRIPE in the curve so that the curve is more visible to motorists at night. Approximately 150 feet. FINANCIAL IMPACT The City of Rosemead Public Works Field Services Division will complete the recommended items utilizing approved Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Traffic Signs and Markers available funds in account 201-3010-5660. All recommended items will be performed by in-house staff. If necessary, additional materials and supplies may be purchased at a minimal expense to complete the tasks. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed work involves the maintenance and minor alteration of existing public infrastructure; therefore, the project is Class 1 Categorically Exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan Goal C - Infrastructure and Facilities, which is to enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: D Ed to Chan, P.E., T.E. City Engineer City Council Meeting February 14, 2023 Page 5 of 5 Submitted by: Michael Chung, P.E. Director of Public Works Attachment A: November 3, 2022 Traffic Commission Staff Report Attachment B: November 3. 2022 Traffic Commission Minutes Attachment C: Installation Exhibit Attachment A Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated November 3, 2022 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: MICHAEL CHUNG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: NOVEMBER 3, 2022 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE I-10 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures on Ramona Boulevard. The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate the installation of speed humps along the segment of Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures on Ramona Boulevard. ANALYSIS The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 3 years of available collision data, an average daily traffic count (ADT), a 24-hour speed survey as well as an examination of existing field conditions. Existing Conditions: Ramona Boulevard: Ramona Boulevard is an East/West Road classified by Caltrans as a major collector roadway. Ramona Boulevard is approximately 28 -feet wide east of Ivar Avenue and approximately 32 -feet wide west of Ivar Avenue, with one lane in each direction, with a dashed yellow centerline separating opposing traffic. Ramona Boulevard has a posted speed limit of 30 MPH. Parking is restricted to no stopping anytime on the north side of Ramona Boulevard and is restricted from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM on Thursdays on the south side due to street sweeping. Land use through this segment of Ramona Boulevard is Single Family Residential on the south with the Interstate 10 Freeway on the north. City Traffic Commission Meeting November 3, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Collision Investigation: A Collision History Analysis and investigation was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 3 -year period between August 2020 through August 2022 (available data at the time of traffic review). A review of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS along the segment of Ramona Boulevard was conducted. Based on the Collision History Analysis, investigation, and data, it was determined that there were 3 total collisions reported. Average Daily Traffic (ADT): Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken on September 29th, 2021 for Ramona Boulevard between Burton Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard. All counts were taken when schools were open and back in session. It was determined that there were a total of approximately 3,460 vehicles per day (vpd). Speed Survey: To assess the speed at which vehicles are traveling along Ramona Boulevard, speed samples were taken over a 24-hour period on September 29th, 2021. The 85th percentile speed of vehicles along Ramona Boulevard was determined to be at 38 mph. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled are traveling at 38 mph or below which is above the speed limit of 30 mph. Table 3 below shows the September 29th, 2021, speed survey results. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment along Ramona Boulevard between Burton Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard would benefit from a combination of Traffic Calming Measures. At this time, the City of Rosemead does not have a Speed Hump Policy in place. Speed humps are usually only installed on roadways that meet certain criteria such as being classified as a local street with minimum and maximum vehicles per day as well as posted speed limits of 25 mph or less. Using this criteria Ramona Boulevard would not be eligible for installation of speed humps. A detailed traffic report and proposed figure diagram (Exhibit A) is attached as Attachment A to this staff report, please refer to the proposed diagram for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN AND PAVEMENT LEGEND: Install new Oversized Speed Limit (R2-1) Sign and Pavement legend, approximately 150- City Traffic Commission Meeting November 3, 2022 Page 3 of 3 feet west of Ramona Boulevard and Barton Avenue intersection for eastbound traffic on existing light pole. (Per CAMUTCD Section 2B.13 and CAMUTCD Table 2B-1.) 2. INSTALL "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" (W44P) PLAQUES ON EXISTING STOP SIGNS: Add "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop" (W44P) Plaques to existing Stop Signposts at side streets that intersect with Ramona Boulevard. • Install "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop" Plaque to Existing Stop Signposts at the intersections of Ramona Boulevard and Bartlett Avenue, Ramona Boulevard and Muscatel Avenue, and Ramona Boulevard and Ivar Avenue. 3. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING SPEED LIMIT SIGN WITH NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN: Remove and Replace existing 30 -MPH Speed Limit Sign (R2-1) with oversized Speed Limit Sign and Pavement Legend for westbound traffic on Ramona Boulevard. (Per CAMUTCD Table 2B-1). Sign should be posted at least 8' high so that it does not hang over into the street and passing vehicles would not strike the sign since there is a tall sound wall on the north side of Rosemead Boulevard. Also add pavement legends opposite the speed limit sign. 4. INSTALL WHITE SIDE STRIPE 8 feet from curb with an angled diagonal stripe to denote this is a parking lane not another travel lane on the south side of Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to Ivar Avenue. This stripe will visually narrow the roadway to help slow speeding traffic. 5. REMOVE THE 35MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN under the curve sign at the 1-10 EB Ramp and replace with 20 MPH sign warning sign. 6. ADD NEW W1-8 CHEVRONS (BI-DIRECTIONAL) along the metal barricades at the curve east of Ivar Avenue. Remove old OM1 -3 reflectors. Add a set of 3 WI -8 signs posted back-to-back in highly reflective neon yellow (post at the beginning, end and in the middle of the metal barricade). 7. ADD YELLOW RPMS IN THE CENTER YELLOW STRIPE in the curve so that the curve is more visible to motorists at night. Approximately 150 feet. Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A — Technical Traffic Engineering Report TO: City of Rosemead, Public Works Department FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: November 3, 2022 SUBJECT: Traffic Review on Ramona Boulevard between Burton Avenue to the 1-10 EB Off Ramps/Rosemead Boulevard The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate the installation of speed humps along the segment of Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures on Ramona Boulevard. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 3 years of available collision data, an average daily traffic count (ADT), a 24-hour speed survey as well as an examination of existing field conditions. Refer to Figure 1 below for a vicinity map of the subject location. Figure 1: Vicinity Map Interstate 10 Freewa Ramona Blvd V i1 �t w i! r� m q !r 13i n c LEGEND Study Segment: Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 13 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-30 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Figure 2: Existing Conditions Map Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to East of Bartlett N � LEGEND W3-7 Double Arrow RI -1 Sign Sign with OM1 -3 • W3-1 Stop Ahead �• O Object Marker `7 W1-1 Turn Ahead = Ladder Stripped R30A (CA) No Parking STOM R26(Sj (CA) No • Warning with W13- fiw-ifir with specified time My T* Stopping Anytime 1P Warning Speed Crosswalk in yellow Limit Change Sign Paint MPH Figure 3: Existing Conditions Map Ramona Boulevard from West of Muscatel Avenue to East of Ivar Avenue A _ i N w w7 m • w I a•Ills— LEGEND • 111-1 Stop Sign P/Jtl016 R30A (CA) No Parking ,O1ag. W3-7 Double Arrow with specked time k , o O WTurn Ahead Warning ing with W13 - 1P Warning Speed Limit Change Sign MPN SPEED LIMIT R2-1 Speed Limit Sign 30 CITY OF ROSEMEAD By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 13 IJ W3-7 Double Arrow with OM1 -3 OSign Object Marker R26(S) (CA) No Nrf1E 0 Stopping Anytime k , o O WTurn Ahead Warning ing with W13 - 1P Warning Speed Limit Change Sign MPN SPEED LIMIT R2-1 Speed Limit Sign 30 CITY OF ROSEMEAD By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 13 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-10 EB OFF RAMPS1ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Figure 4: Existing Conditions Map Ramona Boulevard from East of Ivar Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard 3' y x V 4 #4 T `¢y YO�eee�0�tat0 ft ry 1 � among 81 LEGEND W1-2 Curve Warning 111-1 Stop Sign 35 R5-1 DO NOT ENTER MPR Sign with R5 -1A Wrong Way nrm _ R1-2 Yield Sign EXISTING CONDITIONS osenead Bry, Z O NO R3-3 NO TURNS Sign TURNS OOM1 -3 Object f ONEWAY d R6-1 One Way Sign O W1-2 Curve Warning Sign with W13 -1P 35 Warning Speed Limit MPR Change Sign Ramona Boulevard: Ramona Boulevard is an East/West Road classified by Caltrans as a major collector roadway. Ramona Boulevard is approximately 28 -feet wide east of Ivar Avenue and approximately 32 - feet wide west of Ivar Avenue, with one lane in each direction, with a dashed yellow centerline separating opposing traffic. Ramona Boulevard has a posted speed limit of 30 MPH. Parking is restricted to no stopping anytime on the north side of Ramona Boulevard and is restricted from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM on Thursdays on the south side due to street sweeping. Land use through this segment of Ramona Boulevard is Single Family Residential on the south with the Interstate 10 Freeway on the north. Prepared By: CITY OF ROSEMEAD Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 13 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-10 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD PICTURE SUMMARY: EXISTING CONDITIONS Ramona Boulevard at Burton Avenue Intersection J Ramona Avenue at Bartlett Avenue Intersection 4 "t R14 amona Boulevard at Muscatel Avenue Intersection OSE, _. AD Ramona Boulevard East of Bartlett Avenue Intersection z ` ILLI �, Ramona Boulevard East of Muscatel Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 13 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-10 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Ramona Boulevard at 110 Freeway Off Ramp Ramona Boulevard at Rosemead Boulevard CITY OF ROSEMEAD OE __. „_, Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc I Page 5 of 133 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-10 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD COLLISION INVESTIGATION A Collision History Analysis and investigation was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 3 -year period between August 2020 through August 2022 (available data at the time of traffic review). A review of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS along the segment of Ramona Boulevard was conducted. Based on the Collision History Analysis, investigation, and data, it was determined that there were 3 total collisions reported. A summary breakdown of the number of collisions within the studied segment are listed below and shown in Table 1. 2022: 1 Collision 1 2021: 1 Collision 1 2020: 1 Collision I Total: 3 Collisions Table 1: Collision History Along Ramona Boulevard COLLISION HISTORY ALLCOIUSIONS-Crash Type IxonnM891V: [nlllsbnr/uerM1ol Nof Crashes PED&BIKE - Crash Type Rof Crashes Fatality(Death) • 0 Fatality(Death) a* 0 Severe Injury 0 0 Severe Injury =: 0 Injury. Other Visible • 1 Injury - Other Visible Y 0 Injury -Complaint of Pain • D Injury- Complaint of Pain It 0 Property Damage Only • 2 a�.n�.rur is 0 Total 3 Total 0 ran MREsuxs TRx - , 41. MMOIMaLw rvu RVE %1[ 1. MOII wn41r er. s um Cal VFx M1n n:rO n,ol o M MN ES TxRU RlJwXII�MYII ]w.M RYMNR I. earroas'a ITN PJa SVM1 OW R4REM10 5 01 oMV Ka nas sroaaEoxEx oppo SE a P4 )"Vass Rx 1711-1 :* no MON wnGn IIJAma 1 'aE'IaU.Y ' MMOPIURN l onla MgRw COLLISION HISTORY ALLCOIUSIONS-Crash Type IxonnM891V: [nlllsbnr/uerM1ol Nof Crashes PED&BIKE - Crash Type Rof Crashes Fatality(Death) • 0 Fatality(Death) a* 0 Severe Injury 0 0 Severe Injury =: 0 Injury. Other Visible • 1 Injury - Other Visible Y 0 Injury -Complaint of Pain • D Injury- Complaint of Pain It 0 Property Damage Only • 2 Property Damage Only is 0 Total 3 Total 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 13 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-10 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken on September 29`h, 2021 for Ramona Boulevard between Burton Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard. All counts were taken when schools were open and back in session. A summary of ADT data is shown below in Table 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT). The ADT summary is attached (Attachment 1) at the end of the report. Table 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Location Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Eastbound Westbound TOTAL 09/29/2021 09/29/2021 09/29/2021 Ramona Boulevard Between Bartlett 1,568 1,892 3,460 Avenue and Muscatel Avenue SPEED SURVEY To assess the speed at which vehicles are traveling along Ramona Boulevard, speed samples were taken over a 24-hour period on September 29`h, 2021. The 85th percentile speed of vehicles along Ramona Boulevard was determined to be 38 mph. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled are traveling at 38 mph or below which is above the speed limit of 30 mph. Table 3 below shows the September 29, 2021, speed survey results. The speed summary is attached (Attachment 2) at the end of the report. 3: Radar Speed Survey along Ramona Avenue Dir. ofDate/Time of on 85%ile Speed Posted Limit MPH Travel Survey Ta Boulevard Between tt Avenue and MuscatelEB/WB 24/29/21 38 30 TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES AND STRATEGIES Traffic calming is the process of reducing vehicle speeds using both passive devices, such as signs and striping, and physical devices such as changes in road elevation or path. As part of this study, traffic speeds, collisions and traffic volumes were used to assess existing conditions along this segment. The type, design and placement of traffic calming devices depend upon the road classification, desired traffic speed and types of traffic issues along Ramona Boulevard between Burton Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard. At this time the City of Rosemead does not have a Speed Hump Policy in place. Speed humps are usually only installed on roadways that meet certain criteria such as being classified as a local street CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page -7413 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-10 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD with minimum and maximum vehicles per day as well as posted speed limits of 25 mph or less. Using this criteria Ramona Boulevard would not be eligible for installation of speed humps. A single traffic calming device placed along a long stretch of road will be marginally effective at slowing down speed at that isolated location. Implementation of a series of traffic calming devices that work together have been shown to reduce traffic speeds along the length of the corridor. There are various traffic calming measures that can reduce the flow and speed of traffic on a street. The following is a list of common traffic calming measures that can be installed to aid in slowing traffic 1) Traffic Education Campaign: This consists of flyers, neighborhood meetings, banners and other notices to assist in making the public aware of the traffic conditions in a certain area. 2) Signage and Pavement Legends: Modifying the signage along the road or change the striping to narrow travel lanes to effectively slows speeds by changing the travel environment. Signs alert the Driver to their speed, such as larger speed limit signs or a speed feedback sign. Too many signs can have an opposite effect on traffic. Therefore, usage of signs should be subject to careful consideration and compliance with local and regional standards. 3) Larger Dimension Signs: Installation of larger dimensioned signage are recommended as treatments to increase the motorist's awareness and other Driver conditions by highlighting various areas of the roadway. All sign dimensions should comply with the dimensions specified in the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Table 2B-1 Regulatory Sign and Plaque Sizes. The larger sizes are shown in the multi -lane column as 36"06" for stop signs and 30"x36" for speed limits. Table 2B-1. Regulatory Sign and Plague Sizes (Sheet 1 of 4) 5) Radar Feedback Signs: Radar feedback signs are an effective way to alert Drivers of their speed. The speed of each passing vehicle is taken and displayed next to the posted speed limit. Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department deploys officers to perform enforcement on residential streets for at least an hour a day. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 8 of 13 Conven nal Read 1 Sign or Plaque Sign Section Single 1 Multi- Plrpressway Freeway Minimum Overelzad Designation Design Lane I Lane I Stop R1.1 28.05 30x30.1 38x38 I 38x38 30x30• 48x48 Speed Umit R2.1 20.13 24 x 30.1 30 x 38 1 38 x 48 48x60 18 x 24' 30 x 38 5) Radar Feedback Signs: Radar feedback signs are an effective way to alert Drivers of their speed. The speed of each passing vehicle is taken and displayed next to the posted speed limit. Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department deploys officers to perform enforcement on residential streets for at least an hour a day. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 8 of 13 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-10 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment along Ramona Boulevard between Burton Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard would benefit from a combination of Traffic Calming Measures. The improvements are listed below and shown on the installation exhibit. 1. INSTALL NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN AND PAVEMENT LEGEND: Install new Oversized Speed Limit (112-1) Sign and Pavement legend, approximately 150 -feet west of Ramona Boulevard and Barton Avenue intersection for eastbound traffic on existing light pole. (PerCAMUTCDSection 2B.13 and CAMUTCD Table 2B-1.) 2. INSTALL "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" (W4 -4P) PLAQUES ON EXISTING STOP SIGNS: Add "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop" (W4 -4P) Plaques to existing Stop Signposts at side streets that intersect with Ramona Boulevard. • Install "Cross Traffic Does Not Stop" Plaque to Existing Stop Signposts at the intersections of Ramona Boulevard and Bartlett Avenue, Ramona Boulevard and Muscatel Avenue, and Ramona Boulevard and Ivar Avenue. 3. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING SPEED LIMIT SIGN WITH NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN: Remove and Replace existing 30 -MPH Speed Limit Sign (R2-1) with oversized Speed Limit Sign and Pavement Legend for westbound traffic on Ramona Boulevard. (Per CAMUTCD Table 2B-1). Sign should be posted at least 8' high so that it does not hang over into the street and passing vehicles would not strike the sign since there is a tall sound wall on the north side of Rosemead Boulevard. Also add pavement legends opposite the speed limit sign. 4. INSTALL WHITE SIDE STRIPE 8 feet from curb with an angled diagonal stripe to denote this is a parking lane not another travel lane on the south side of Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to Ivar Avenue. This stripe will visually narrow the roadway to help slow speeding traffic. 5. REMOVE THE 35MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN under the curve sign at the 1-10 EB Ramp and replace with 20 MPH sign warning sign 6. ADD NEW W1-8 CHEVRONS (BI-DIRECTIONAL) along the metal barricades at the curve east of Ivar Avenue. Remove old OM1 -3 reflectors. A set of 3 W1-8 signs posted back-to-back in highly reflective neon yellow. (post at the beginning, end and in the middle of the metal barricade.) 7. ADD YELLOW RPMS IN THE CENTER YELLOW STRIPE in the curve so that the curve is more visible to motorists at night. Approximately 150 feet. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 9 of 13 J W Z 0 O I F>YZ m2 I � ... 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Ramona Boulevard Between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. 1 Page 11 of 13 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-10 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Attachment 1: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Counts Prepared by NDSIATD ww.6 6y H .W D646 Hur,ym9 s..4<. VOLUME Ramona Blvd Bet. Bartlett Ave & Muscatel Ave Day: Wednesday DMe: 9/29/2021 Mr. Rosemead Project •: CA11 020282_001 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 12 or 13 DAILY I NB 513 ED TOTALAM 00:00•• 0 0 1 4• 5 12:00 0 0 22 22 44 WAS 0 0 0 2 2 n:IS 0 0 20 25 as 00:30 0 0 4 2 6 12:30 0 0 26 28 54 WAS D 0 0 5 2 10 2 is 12:45 0 0 17 85 29 304 46 189 01:00 0 0 0 3 3 13:00 0 0 28 34 62 01:15 0 0 5 0 5 13:15 0 0 17 25 42 01:30 0 0 1 1 2 13:30 0 0 25 50 75 WAS 0 0 1 7 3 7 4 14 13:45 0 0 26 96 33 142 59 238 02:00 0 0 2 1 3 14:00 0 0 30 36 66 02:15 0 0 1 0 1 14:15 0 0 22 39 61 02:30 0 0 0 0 1MM 0 0 39 22 61 02:45 0 0 1 4 3 4 4 8 14:45 0 0 26 117 27 124 53 241 03:00 0 0 1 0 1 15:0 0 0 42 21 63 0115 0 0 0 0 15:15 0 0 26 34 60 03:30 0 0 3 2 5 35:30 0 0 37 41 78 03AS 0 0 2 6 2 4 4 10 1 15:45 1 0 0 34 139 19 115 53 254 04:00 0 0 1 4 5 16:01) 0 0 32 32 64 04:15 0 0 1 4 5 16:15 0 0 41 26 67 04:30 0 0 2 8 IO 16:30 0 0 29 is 47 WAS 1 0 0 3 7 7 23 10 30 16:45 0 0 27 129 25 101 52 230 05:00 0 0 1 4 5 17:00 0 0 39 26 65 05:0 0 0 3 30 13 17:15 0 0 31 37 68 05:30 0 0 5 7 12 17:30 0 0 36 56 92 05:45 0 0 3 12 7 28 10 40 17:45 0 0 27 133 30 149 57 282 06:00 0 0 4 8 12 18:00 0 0 36 31 67 06:15 0 0 6 8 14 1&15 0 0 35 25 60 06:30 0 0 0 17 17 18:30 0 0 33 29 62 NAS 0 0 6 16 15 48 21 64 18:45 0 0 40 144 27 112 67 256 07:00 0 0 8 20 28 1900 0 0 36 18 54 ":15 0 0 8 45 53 19:15 0 0 25 10 35 07:30 0 0 15 78 93 19:30 0 0 33 15 a8 07,015 0 0 30 61 0 212 99 273 19:45 0 0 17 111 22 65 39 176 01kd10 0 0 31 47 78 20:00 0 0 14 25 39 08:15 0 0 36 28 64 2.15 0 0 24 16 40 08:30 0 0 26 34 60 2.30 0 0 12 12 24 WAS 0 0 26 119 32 141 58 260 Ili 0 0 18 68 16 69 34 137 09:00 0 0 18 31 49 21.,00 0 0 15 13 28 09:15 0 0 20 37 57 21:15 0 0 12 10 22 09:30 0 0 13 3a 47 21:30 0 0 14 a 2S 1Y)AS 1 0 0 10 61 27 129 37 190 21:45 1 0 0 5 46 12 46 17 92 10A0 0 0 25 35 60 22:00 0 0 8 5 13 10:15 0 0 23 29 52 22:15 0 0 9 7 16 10:30 0 0 20 33 53 2230 0 0 9 5 14 10:45 0 0 15 83 27 124 42 207 22:45 0 0 4 30 5 22 9 52 11:00 0 0 13 24 37 23A0 0 0 4 4 8 11:15 0 0 19 33 52 23:15 0 0 5 2 7 11:30 0 0 25 17 42 23:30 0 0 0 4 4 11 :45 D 0 21 78 22 9643 174 23:45 0 0 2 11 7 17 9 28 TOTALS 459 626 1185 TOTALS 1109 1066 2175 SPILT% 35.7% 64.3% 37.1% SPILT% 51.0% 49.0% 62.9% DAILYTOTALS NB SB EB we Total 0 a 1,568 1,892 3,460 AM Peak Hwr 07:45 07AS 0730 MA Peak Hour 15:30 13:30 17:15 AM Pk volume 123 239 334 PM Pk volume I" 158 ZM Pk Hr F.r 0854 0.766 0263 MMFactor o2M 0.790 AM 7.9Vdume 10 353 03 4 -&Volume 262 250 512 7-9PMkHwr 0:45 0:15 WM a -&Peak Hour 16:15 1700 1700 7-9Pk Volume 121 239 334 6-6 Mvdume 136 149 212 M Hr F.Mar 0854 0.766 10.143 MM Fatter 0229 0.%5 DM CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 12 or 13 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-10 EB OFF RAMPS/ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Attachment 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Speed Survey e...e k. H.... a....e..m, e.,d SPEED Ramona Blvd Bet. Bartlett Ave & Musutel Ave Day: Wednesday OW Roumead Date: 9/29/2021 Proie[t N: CA21 020283 001 AM Volumes 9 B sm AV4rep sstl 25 ] 21 -yaw 26 1 32 32 38 43 ]]L' AAM P'b la 3 3x O% 3 AM Peak HwaU] D6' P. OB'x N' O4 D]. Volume 4 ]0 3< N IS 6 1 1PM VOIu 11 1 +011. Ald ll3 2 3:17 it%PM W. i% 5% 3% 1% 0% G% 6NA Peak Hw 1L 1]. 13. 16. 14 lE 14 1]Velume 2 6 26 GI i] 6 2 S a_ Directlonal Peak Periods AM ]A NODN 13-3 PM" Off Peak Volumes All Speeds Val., % Volume % Volume % volume % 533 —"' 15% 427 12% 512 15% 1988 57% CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 13 of 13 15th sm AV4rep sstl 9sds ADT [Ramona Blvd -yaw 26 1 32 32 38 43 1 3460 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 13 of 13 Attachment B Traffic Commission Minutes Dated November 3, 2022 Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING November 3, 2022 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Orange at 7:03 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Hermosillo INVOCATION: Vice Chair Nguyen PRESENT: Commissioner Hermosillo, Commissioner Lang, Commissioner Quintanilla, Vice Chair Nguyen and Chair Drange ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Engineer Chan and Commission Liaison Nguyen 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Drange asked Traffic Commissioners if anyone would like to make revisions or additions to the minutes of October 6, 2022. Chair Drange requested two revisions on two sentences as the name of the speaker was incorrect. Commissioner Hermosillo made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nguyen, to accept consent calendar with revisions. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Lang, Quintanilla, Drange No: None Abstain: Nguyen Absent: None 3. PRESENTATIONS A. SAN GABRIEL VALLEY TRANSIT FEASIBILITY STUDY Representatives from San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments provided a presentation on their progress in the San Gabriel Valley Transit Feasibility Study. Chair Drange asked if it is necessary for cities to take back Rosemead Boulevard in order to move forward with the plan as Rosemead Boulevard is currently maintained by Caltrans. Brent Ogden responded that the project would be able to move forward, however, it would be more Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes ofNovember 3, 2022 Page 1 of 7 difficult due to Caltran's design standards for lane width being more restrictive that most cities typically use. Commissioner Lang asked how long the public comment period is for and how long will phase two be. Roy Choi responded that the phase two effort will be from September 2022 until September 2023. Vice Chair Nguyen asked if metrics or benchmarks around the workshop pop-up events, such as attendance are being tracked. Roy Choi responded they are keeping track and that their outreach consultant records all the comments and questions received. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. TRAFFIC REVIEW ON RAMONA BOULEVARD BETWEEN BURTON AVENUE TO THE 1-10 EB OFF RAMPSIROSEMEAD BOULEVARD Traffic Engineer Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained that the resident requested the City to evaluate the installation of speed humps along the segment of Ramona Boulevard from Burton Avenue to Rosemead Boulevard. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 3 years of available collision data, an average daily traffic count (ADT), a 24-hour speed survey as well as an examination of existing field conditions. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Robbins provided recommendations for a combination of traffic calming measures that include the installation of oversized speed limit signs, installing striping and pavement markers, removing the 35 MPH speed limit sign under the curve sign at the 1-10 EB ramp and replace with 20 MPH sign, install chevron signs along the metal barricades at the curve east of Ivar Avenue, as well as warnings placed under the existing signposts alerting drivers that CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP at the intersection of Ramona Boulevard and Bartlett Avenue, Ramona Boulevard and Muscatel Avenue, and Ramona Boulevard and Ivar Avenue. Chair Drange opened the public comment period. The City received a Public Comment via email from Jeff Che expressing gratitude towards the Traffic Commission and City staff for implementing the traffic calming measures at the intersection of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue. The resident agreed with the proposed staff recommendations for Ramona Boulevard between Burton Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard. Chair Drange closed the public comment period. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 3, 2022 Page 2 of 7 Commissioner Lang asked if the proposed recommendation to install white side striping would remove parking. Traffic Engineer Robbins responded it would not remove parking space and the purpose of the white side stripes is to visually narrow the street. Chair Drange commented that he rides his bicycle on this street frequently and noticed the lane closer to the freeway is narrower than the other lane. He asked with the proposed recommendations, what would be the width of the lane on the north side and the width of the lane of the south side. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied that the south side lane is about 22 feet and the north side lane is about 13 feet. With 8 feet for parking, that would leave 12 feet for the eastbound lane. If the lanes were made equal, it would make it more convenient for bicyclist, however, it would not assist with the lane narrowing. Commissioner Lang commented he agrees with the recommendation to add chevrons signs along the metal barricades at the curve and asked if there is a process for the City to review and install those signs without having a resident bring it up. City Engineer Chan commented that the portion of Ramona Boulevard next to the freeway off ramp may be within Caltrans jurisdiction and may require the City to obtain a permit through Caltrans to make any changes to the configuration. Commissioner Lang asked if there was a general process to remove outdated signs or update signs that are not within Caltrans jurisdiction. City Engineer Chan replied yes and if it were not within Caltrans area, we would not need to go through them. Traffic Engineer Robbins commented that usually when the City is performing their pavement management, the field crew would note any outdated signs that need to be replaced as long as it is not a regulatory sign. City Engineer Chan commented that we can also submit a service request through the Caltrans portal. Chair Drange asked when it comes time to repave this portion of the road if there is a mechanism to make sure to include moving the centerline slightly over if requested. City Engineer Chan replied there is a process for shifting centerlines which involves land surveyors and submitting centerline ties to county to be approved and recorded. Chair Drange asked if this agenda item is approved as is if there is a way to record or remember to assess the centerline when the time comes. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 3, 2022 Page 3 of 7 Traffic Engineer Robbins replied the City has a pavement management program which usually list all the streets in the city and their time frame as to when they are slated for repavement. We would have to look at the pavement plan to see when Ramona Boulevard is to be repaved. If it is years from now, staff would likely have to remind the City when it comes due. We also have the meeting minutes to refer to. Chair Drange asked if we are generally apprised of repaving schedules. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied that it may just go to city council. Commissioner Hermosillo made a motion, seconded by Vice Chair Nguyen, to approve staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Lang, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Drange No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. RED CURB REVIEW AT 7430 GARVALIA AVENUE Traffic Engineer Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained that the resident requested the City to evaluate installation of red curb due to reported parked vehicles encroaching into the resident's driveway path, resulting in the parked vehicle hanging over and blocking their driveway access. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, as well as an examination of existing field conditions. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Robbins recommended that red curb should be installed on either side of the request curb location on the driveway aprons, often referred to as "red tipping." Vice Chair Nguyen commented that it likely would not deter a regular sized vehicle from parking there unless there was constant patrolling. Commissioner Hermosillo asked how the parking conditions on the street is. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied there is some multi -family across the street so parking can be heavy during the weekends and afterhours. During the weekday parking is scattered. The street is not as dense as other streets, but parking can be heavy. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if the City has guidelines or a policy on painting driveway aprons Traffic Engineer Robbins replied residents have to fill out a curb marking request application. The resident for this address submitted the application and it met the criteria for further review. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 3, 2022 Page 4 of 7 City Engineer Chan commented if the resident notices a car is encroaching into their driveway approach, they could submit a request for the City to review it. Traffic Engineer Robbins mentioned that there is a curb marking policy and procedures and explained the process for driveway red tipping. Chair Drange asked to clarify what it means when the policy states "striped appropriately." Traffic Engineer Robbins explained the striping is referring to the painting of the curb. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if we know how many other areas in the city are similar to this with non-standard parking space. City Engineer Chan replied there are a few throughout the city. Chair Drange asked if it the parking space between two driveways was more than the 18 feet indicated in the policy for non-standard parking space, would it be eligible for driveway red tipping, Traffic Engineer Robbins replied if the applicant is able to prove that cars are overhanging into their driveway, for example having two cars parking in a 25 foot space, they could still request for the driveway red tipping. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained the commission would need to decide whether to paint the curb as proposed in the recommendation or to paint the whole curb red. Commissioner Lang suggested we should revisit this item in 3 to 6 months to see if the resident is content with the recommendation. Chair Drange asked if it was one car or two cars parking in the space. He also commented he is inclined to paint the whole curb red as the red tipping would likely not deter a car from parking there unless there is enforcement. Traffic Engineer Robbins mentioned the applicant did not mention specifically if it was one or two cars. Commissioner Lang referred to the proposed diagram which indicates the curb to be approximately 10 feet with 4 feet 10 inches of driveway apron on one side and 4 feet of driveway apron the other side. He asked how long a sedan car is. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied about 12 or 13 feet. Commissioner Lang commented a parked car would be clearly encroaching the red curb. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if we have enforcement records of cars encroaching red curb. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied we do not have those records. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 3, 2022 Page 5 of 7 Vice Chair Nguyen commented their discussion on the red curb suggest the commission feels cars would still park normally even with red tipping and would be inclined to paint the whole curb red. Commissioner Hermosillo agreed with Vice Chair Nguyen to paint the whole curb red. Commissioner Quintanilla asked what the purpose is for painting the driveway aprons if 10 feet of curb is going to be painted red. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied it just makes it more obvious, however, it is not necessary if you are already going to paint the 10 feet curb space red. Commissioner Lang agreed with Commissioner Quintanilla's approach of not painting the driveway apron because it does not look visually appealing. Commissioner Hermosillo agreed to amend the recommendation to have only the 10 feet curb space painted red. Vice Chair Nguyen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hermosillo, to change staff recommendation to install red curb for the 10 feet curb portion. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Lang, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Drange No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 5. MATTERS FROM STAFF None 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Quintanilla reported an unsafe condition on the roadway at Glendon Way where it meets Rosemead Boulevard, going eastbound on Glendon Way, and adjacent to the UFC Gym. When going eastbound on Glendon Way, as you approach the interstate pavement marking, you have the option to either turn right onto the freeway on-ramp or go straight to make a left turn. When you are on the left turn lane, the centerline is faded. Cars coming southbound on Rosemead Boulevard wanting to make a left onto the freeway on-ramp are making wide turns thinking there are two lanes, but it is actually the lane for eastbound cars. The pavement markings in the area need to be refreshed. City Engineer Chan replied staff can look into it. He also mentioned that intersection, the on and off ramp at Rosemead Boulevard and interstate 10 freeway is planned to be reconfigured in a future project. Chair Drange commented a lot of people when driving eastbound on Glendon Way as they approach the interstate pavement marking, they go straight because they do not want to make a right onto the freeway. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 3, 2022 Page 6 of 7 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for December 1, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. ATTEST: W'e' iaa2C&AY Michael Chung, P.E. Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 3, 2022 Page 7 of 7 Attachment C Installation Exhibit EXHIBIT 1: ROSEMEAD, CA -RAMONA BOULEVARD FROM EAST OF BURTON AVENUE TO 1-10 EB OFF RAMP Date Prepared: 09-15-22 �p 6 f����� 30 1,. tJ tJ ���SJV LLLS M]I LIOP al 5 cc err +dos osmrF iJ OINSTALL NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT (R2-1) SIGN AND PAVEMENT LENGEND 30 6 ADD NEW CHEVRONS (BI-DIRECTIONAL) ALONG THE METAL MPH APPROXIMATELY 150 -FEET WEST OF RAMONA BOULEVARD AND BARTON BARRICADES AT THE CURVE EAST OF IVAR AVENUE. W1-8 (REMOVE AVENUE INTERSECTION FOR EASTBOUND TRAFFIC ON EXISTING LIGHT POLE. OLD OM1 -3 REFLECTORS) ASET OF 3 SIGNS POSTED BACK-TO-BACK IN PER CAMUTCD SECTION 26.13 AND CAMUTCD TABLE 2B-1. HIGHLY REFLECTIVE NEON YELLOW. (POST AT THE BEGINNING, END OINSTALL "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" PLAQUE TO EXISTING STOP AND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE METAL BARRICADE.) 2 SIGNPOSTS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF RAMONA BOULEVARD AND BARTLETTO ADD YELLOW RPMS IN THE CENTER YELLOW STRIPE IN THE CURVE SO AVENUE, RAMONA BOULEVARD AND MUSCATEL AVENUE, AND RAMONA THAT THE CURVE IS MORE VISIBLE TO MOTORISTS AT NIGHT. BOULEVARD AND VAR AVENUE. APPROXIMATELY 150 FEET. OREMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING SPEED LIMIT SIGN (R2-1) 30 MPH WITH OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN AND PAVEMENT LEGEND PER CAMUTCD TABLE 2B- 1 FOR WESTBOUND TRAFFIC ON RAMONA BOULEVARD. INSTALL WHITE SIDE STRIPE WITH AN ANGLED DIAGONAL STRIPE TO DENOTE OTHIS IS A PARKING LANE NOT ANOTHER TRAVEL LANE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF RAMONA BOULEVARD FROM BURTON AVENUE TO IVAR AVENUE. THIS STRIPE WILL VISUALLY NARROW THE ROADWAY TO HELP SLOW SPEEDING TRAFFIC. OREMOVE THE 35MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN UNDER THE CURVE SIGN AT THE 1-10 EB RAMP AND REPLACE WITH 20 MPH SIGN WARNING SIGN.