CC - Item 5B - Minutes of August 9, 2022MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 9, 2022 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Dang at 6:06 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Dang, Mayor Pro Tem Tang, Council Members Armenta and Low ABSENT: Council Member Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Kim, City Attorney Richman and Deputy City Clerk Haworth 1. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4): (1 potential case) City Attorney Richman announced the Council will go in to Closed Session and report out at the 7:00 p.m. regular meeting. Mayor Dang recessed to Closed Session. Mayor Dang called the regular meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor Dang, Mayor Pro Tem Tang, Council Members Armenta and Low ABSENT: Council Member Clark PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Pro Tem Tang INVOCATION was led by Council Member Armenta STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Kim, City Attorney Richman, Director of Public Works Chung, Director of Finance Chua, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, and Deputy City Clerk Haworth City Attorney Richman stated there was no reportable action taken in Closed Session. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There being no speakers, Mayor Dang opened and closed the Public Comment period. 3. PRESENTATIONS - NONE 4. PUBLIC HEARING — NONE Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.11 Minutes of August 9, 2022 Page I of 8 5. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Tang and seconded by Council Member Armenta to approve Consent Calendar Items A - E. The motion was carried out by the following vote: AYES: Armenta, Dang, Low and Tang; NOES: None; ABSENT: Clark A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2022-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $2,253,934.94 CHECKS NUMBERED 111769 THROUGH NUMBER 111918, DRAFTS NUMBERED 5878 THROUGH NUMBER ;5921, AND EFT NUMBERED 51177 THROUGH NUMBER 51207 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2022-48. B. Approval of Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the meeting minutes of the special meeting of July 26, 2022. C. First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with David T=h & Associates On September 24, 2019, the City of Rosemead ("City") approved a Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") with David Turch & Associates ("DT&A") for federal legislative advocacy services for a three-year period, with two one-year optional renewals. The initial Agreement is set to expire in September 2022, and it is recommended that the City Council exercise the optional renewal for a period of one year in an amount not -to -exceed $54,000. This is the first amendment with DT&A, and all other terms and conditions set forth in the original Agreement will remain in effect. Recommendation: That the City Council approve, authorize, and direct the City Manager to execute the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with David Turch & Associates in an amount not -to -exceed $54,000 for a period of one year. D. First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Max Power Technology On December 10, 2019, the City of Rosemead ("City") approved a Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement') with Max Power Technology, LLC Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes of August 9, 2022 Page 2 of 8 ("Max Power") for information technology services for a three-year period, with two one-year optional renewals. The initial Agreement is set to expire in December 2022, and it is recommended that the City Council exercise the optional renewal for a period of one-year in an amount not -to -exceed $119,700, which is a $5,700 increase from the initial three-year period. This is the first amendment with Max Power, and all other terms and conditions set forth in the original Agreement will remain in effect. Recommendation: That the City Council approve, authorize, and direct the City Manager to execute the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Max Power Technology in amount not -to -exceed $119,700 for a period of one year. E. Approval of First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with West Coast Arborists, Inc. for Tree Trimming, Maintenance, and Inspection Services On July 23, 2019, the City Council approved a three-year agreement with West Coast Arborists, Inc. (WCA) to provide tree trimming, maintenance, and inspection services. The existing agreement with WCA is set to expire on September 10, 2022. Staff is requesting the City Council to approve a two-year extension to the Agreement to September 10 2024, with a one-time Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase of 5%, or an increase of $9,335, for an annual amount of $196,035. Reconurtendation: That the City Council approve and authorize the First Amendment to the Blest Coast Arborists, Inc. agreement for a two-year extension (September 9, 2022, to September 9, 2024) for the general scope of services per the original contract and increase the: agreement amount by $9,335 for a one-time CP1 increase for a new total annual amount of $196,035. 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER '& STAFF A. Discussion on Alternating Street Sweeping Routes At the January 25, 2022, City Council meeting, Council Member Armenta requested staff to explore options to improve the parking availability for residents during the City's street sweeping hours. In response, staff included a street sweeping discussion item on the February 22, 2022, City Council meeting. On the February 22, 2022, City Council meeting, the street sweeping discussion item was tabled and was not discussed. At the May 31, 2022, City Council meeting, Council Member Dang requested to agendize the item for discussion. Staff has performed a preliminary evaluation of the City's street sweeping schedule and has developed preliminary options and associated costs for alternating the City's street sweeping routes. Staff is requesting that the City Council discuss the preliminary options and provide direction to staff to proceed with further evaluation of the selected option. Once an option is selected by City Council, staff will work with Athens Services to develop revised street sweeping routes/schedules and further define cost impacts. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes ofAugust 9, 2022 Page 3 of 8 Recommendation: That the City Council discuss the options and provide direction to staff to further evaluate the following options and present the selected option for approval at a future City Council meeting: Option 1 — Street sweeping performed during different time periods on the same day; • Option 2 —Street sweeping performed during the same period on different days; or • Option 3 — Maintain current street sweeping schedule. Deputy City Clerk Haworth read resident Barbara Murphy's Public Comment received via email, expressing favor of Option 3. Ms. Murphy asked that the street sweeping schedule remain as is and suggested that the City look into requesting the number of citations given during the week. Director of Public Works Chung reported that staff has performed a preliminary evaluation of the City's street sweeping schedule and have developed preliminary options and costs for alternating the City's street sweeping routes. Mr. Chung provided the following three options: Option 1: Street sweeping performed during different time periods on the same day. For example, streets currently swept on both sides on Monday between 8 a.m.-12 p.m. will be revised to one side of the street swept on Monday between 8 a.m.-12 p.m., and the other side of the street swept on the same day Monday between 12 p.m. -4 p.m. This option has the potential increase in street sweeping drive time and associated costs. Athens provided a rough order magnitude cost to implement Option 1 at an additional annual cost of approximately $74,000. Option 2: Street sweeping performed during the same period on different days. For example, streets currently swept on both sides on Monday between 8 a.m.-12 p.m, will be revised to one side of the street on Monday between 8 a.m. -;12 p.m. and the other side, of the street swept on Tuesday 8 a.m.-12 p.m. This option has the potential increase in street sweeping drive time and associated costs. Athens provided a rough order magnitude cost to implement Option 2 at an additional annual cost of approximately $117,000. Director of Public Works Chung stated that both options required updating existing "No Parking" signs by applying stickers to revise the time periods resulting in a one-time cost of approximately $15,000. Option 3: Maintain current street sweeping schedule. Mr. Chung reiterated that if Option 3 is selected, the City Council may consider including a revised street sweeping schedule in the Request for Proposal (RFP) for next street sweeping services contract. Council Member Armenta asked what Athens charges for street sweeping services. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes ofAugust 9, 2022 Page 4 of 8 Director of Public Works Chung replied the annual rate is $229,000 Council Member Armenta questioned that Option 2 would include an additional $117,000. Council Member Low stated that although there are residents who may not have issues with parking during street sweeping, she has received many comments from residents who struggle with parking on street sweeping days. Secondly, since Athens street sweeping contract will end soon, the City could wait until then, as part of the RFP process, and incorporate any street sweeping changes. Mayor Pro Tem Tang asked for clarification on how many homes or streets are impacted by the issues being discussed. Director of Public Works Chung replied staff did not have the data on what specific streets were being impacted by lack of parking during street sweeping days. He added that staff could survey and see what streets are having issues with parking. Mayor Dang asked for clarification on Option 2, if the $117,000 cost was in addition to the $229,000 annual cost already being paid to Athens. Director of Public Works Chung replied, yes, it's an addition to the annual cost. Mayor Dang asked how would cul de sac streets get cleaned, if street sweeping days alternates sides. Director of Public Works Chung replied that a cul de sac street that is split for street sweeping would incur additional cost due to the driver having to return to the street to clean the other side. Council Member Armenia stated the complaints she receives are from the south end of the City. There are multiple homes on properties, limited spaces on driveways, and people are remote working. Also, the new ADU's being allowed will bring additional vehicles to the streets. She stated it was hard to believe the increase of cost to implement alternate street sweeping days. She recalled changes to street sweeping days near Bitely Elementary School and Emerson Elementary School were made at no additional cost, because of parking issues. Requested to view the calculations Athens was providing. Director of Public Works Chung explained the cost provided by Athens was preliminary cost at the higher end. The goal of the item was to provide parameters to the Council, receive feedback and direct city staff. Ed Chen. Director of Government Affairs with Athens Services, explained that the proposed cost was given based on some calculations on stem time, meaning from the time the truck is fueled and ready to go. A whole city reroute to alternate sides on different days, will increase stem time significantly. A preliminary proposal was provided for the City to discuss and to set some general parameters. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes of August 9, 2022 Page 5 of 8 Council Member Armenta stated the cost was significant and agreed with Council Member Low, the option to change the street sweeping routes could wait until the contract goes out for an RFP. Mr. Chen explained that currently if we comply with the schedule of routes, we can complete all the work as assigned. But if we are adding additional time to that equation, we need to add another truck, another driver, and all that cost is factored in. Added there are ways of shortening the window of no parking on certain streets that may help people with the parking issue. Council Member Armenta reiterated that alternating street sweeping occurred at Bitely Elementary School and Emerson Elementary School and impacted people's lives. She added the concerns that she receives are usually on the south end of the City and urged the City Council to address the issue. Council Member Low asked Mr. Chen to provide information of the reason for the increase in cost and explained why it cost more money to reroute the trucks. Mayor Dang stated that if any changes are made, it should be citywide. He noted that residents on the northside may question why the south end of the City gets the convenience of street sweeping on alternate days and not the northside of the City. Stated that the distance travelled should not be too much of a difference. Council Member Armenta added that she looked into cities that do one side street sweeping, when it's a very short cul de sac, it's the same loop. Mr. Chen explained that the stem time is from their yard to point A, and then to sweep the other side of the street on a different day, the significant time added that Js going to necessitate an additional truck. In addition, the City has enjoyed one of the lowest rates in street sweeping or curb mile rate. Mr. Chen continued to explain that by changing to alternate days, there would have to be additional coordination with the trash hauler to not impede their schedule and assess impacts on holiday schedules as well. Mayor Pro Tem Tang stated that by rerouting the street sweeping does have a cost because a truck leaves the area, and then has to come back to clean the other side of the street. Council Member Armenta suggested all cul de sac streets could be cleaned on the same days to avoid increasing the milage. Council Member Low asked if all City streets are swept on their respective same day. Mr. Chen replied yes, all streets are swept on their same days. Mayor Dang suggested a visual could be provided to the Council to better understand how rerouting street sweeping could look like. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes ofAugust 9, 2022 Page 6 of 8 Director of Public Works Chung stated depending on the option the Council decides, City staff and Athens could analyze and provide further information. Mayor Pro Tem Tang reminded the Council that the street sweeping contract would be going out for bid, and would make sense to not make any drastic changes before the contract ends. City Manager Kim noted when street sweeping is active, residents can park on their lawns the night before. Council Member Armenta stated that residents are experiencing different scenarios of street sweeping issues. She suggested city staff do outreach and receive feedback from the community. Council Member Low agreed and supported the suggestion to conduct outreach on what the community may need or, want regarding street sweeping services. Council Member Armenta suggested providing a questionnaire to the community to obtain more information. Mayor Dang reiterated the direction to staff to provide outreach to the community by offering a community survey to obtain data and have city staff report back by November. B. CONI) -19 Update This is a recurring item that will be on the agenda to update the City Council on items related to COVID-19. Recommendations That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. City Manager Kim reported that the LA County Department of Public Health continues to order masks on all public transportation within the county, medical facilities within state and under local direction, detention centers, shelters, cooling centers or anywhere where it is the business policy of the business. There is currently 90% of Rosemead residents, ages five and older, who have had at least one dose of the vaccine, while 83% Rosemead residents, ages five and older, are fully vaccinated. The City of Rosemead, in partnership with Wealth by Health will provide vaccines at RCRC August 14th from 9 am-12pm. In response to the surge of COVID-19 cases, to protect the health and safety of City employees, employees will be directed to wear masks indoors during office hours at all City Hall facilities. The public is not required to wear a mask but are highly recommended. City employees will be given masks during work hours. Employees who have been in close contact with individuals with Covid but have no symptoms and have tested negative will not need to quarantine and must wear a mask for ten days. Employees who test positive for Covid must isolate for ten days, make those they have come in contact with aware of the potential spread and wear a mask. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes ofAugust 9, 2022 Page 7 q(8 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. COUNCIL COMMENTS Council Member Armenia stated a stage was bought by the City, stating some of the parts to the stage were not available. Council Member Armenia voiced her concerns for stage parts being held for higher prices. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking stated that the City is in line for a new stage and that the price has not changed. He explained the floor of the new stage needs to be installed first. The stage will be in transported to California, he did not have a time frame of when the stage will arrive. Council Member Armenta expressed concerns that the current water restrictions are impacting the parks. She stated there are companies issuing water grants from Upper San Gabriel Valley Metropolitan Water District, Director of Public Works Chung expressed that the City could look into options for irrigation. The City is not required to reduce water, but must set a good example to the community when conserving water. Council Member Armenta stated it was her first time missing National Night Out. She thanked Council Members, City staff, Public Safety Coordinator Wong, and sponsors for running National Night Out event. Council Member Armenta gave condolences to City of Monterrey Park and the City of Monterrey Park Police Department who lost an officer in the line of duty. Mayor Pro Tem Tang and Council Member Low commended City staff for a successful NatimW Night Out event. 7. ADJOURNMENT Mayor,pang adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. in memory of the Monterey Park Deputy, GardieISolorio. The City Council meeting on August 23, 2022, went dark. The next regular City Councilmeeting will be held on September 13, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED: Sean Dang, Mayor Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes ofAugust 9, 2022 Page 8 of 8