CC - Item 5B - Presentation on Affordable Housing - Tools, Programs, and OptionsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 14, 2023 SUBJECT: PRESENTATION ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING -TOOLS, PROGRAMS, AND OPTIONS SUMMARY At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Ly, this presentation item is to discuss affordable housing, the current tools, programs, and possible options. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council discuss and provide direction to Staff. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The proposed action does not constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), and it can be seen with certainty that it will have no impact on the environment. As such, this matter is exempt under CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT None. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Prom PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachment A: Power Point Presentation AGENDA ITEM 5B Presentation on Affordable Housing TOOLS - OPTIONS - PROGRAMS A. What is affordable housing? HUD: Affordable housing is generally defined as housing on which the occupant is paying no more than 30 percent of gross income for housing costs, including utilities. hf f ps:/ /arch ives. h ud.aov/loca I/nv/aoodstories/2006-04-06alos.cf m U.S. OEEARTMENT OF HOD STATE:CALIFRHIA -- - -- - - - - - -- 2022 NJUSTM EOl2 INCOME LIMITS PROGN.3N 1 PEN60N 2 P6N8pN 3 PERSON 4 EERSON 5 PERSON 6 PEP 7 PERSOR 5 68RBON 30% LTMIT9 25050 26600 32200 35750 30650 41500 44350 49200 R2 LOW 41700 47650 53600 $9550 6435D 69100 7385D 76650 603 L1M7TS 50040 57190 64320 7146D 77220 U92D 98620 94380 i iNCOM 66730 76230 83600 95300 102950 110530 11830D 123800 Section 6932. 2022 Income Limits Number of Persons in Household: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Last page instructs how to use income limits to determine applicant eligibility and calculate affordable housing cost and rent B. Who Qualifies for Affordable Housing? Example: Rental / Ownership 0 Assumptions: ► HUD -No more than 30% of gross income for hous, costs. An Calculator ► 4 persons household. ► $95,300 max income. ► 30%= $28,590 annual orMW2 monthly. Monthly payrna d Purchase budget 4111111 Include taxes & fees so - Loan lend Interest r 30 -yr fixed 7� 4 F)r r Market Summary 22 Market Rent The median rent for all bedrooms and all pmFerty types in Rosemead, CA is $3,100. rent per unit Median Rent Month -Over -MaMM1 Change Year Oser-Year Change $39100 +$200 +$500 Shrine'. Allow Rentals Data AVallable Rentals 22 Market Rent Affordable Rent rent per unit $ 3,100 $ 2,182 $ - Revenue 70 -unit property $ 217,000 $ 152,740 $ AVallable Rentals 22 Difference (918 Month (64,260 Month (771.1201 Annual Q O MIi El ome Anemias Rosemead Key Takeaways Typical Home Values: $786,372 1 -year Value Change:+5.3% (DdW[hrougM1 January 31, 20231 Market Sales Price I Affordable Household Loan City Affordable Subsidy (HOME) $ 786,372 $ 230,000 $ 283,0C Total (Loan +SubsIdl $ 518,OC Dlfforonco Waroot—Affordablel A (96837' ® e •->El Monte as Mottoes Par sroama 1� 311a,S"I Monte His 'u" Wnirlini -RNar s® gxeoetlo Heights A ea -V EnvxLe.. - Montebello Rose Hills Rosemead Key Takeaways Typical Home Values: $786,372 1 -year Value Change:+5.3% (DdW[hrougM1 January 31, 20231 Market Sales Price I Affordable Household Loan City Affordable Subsidy (HOME) $ 786,372 $ 230,000 $ 283,0C Total (Loan +SubsIdl $ 518,OC Dlfforonco Waroot—Affordablel A (96837' D. Tools = Programs = Options ► City Tools -Funds: ► HUD HOME Funds ► HUD CDBG Funds Annual -Approximately $700,000 Current availability for housing related - $500,000 ► State Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Funds Current allocation of $1.4M Allocation plan (Years 2019, 2020, 2021) submitted to State HCD for approval Two additional years (2022 & 2023) of approximately $500K annual anticipated 7 Annual -Approximately $300,000 Current availability for housing related - $1.6M entitlement funds ► HUD CDBG Funds Annual -Approximately $700,000 Current availability for housing related - $500,000 ► State Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Funds Current allocation of $1.4M Allocation plan (Years 2019, 2020, 2021) submitted to State HCD for approval Two additional years (2022 & 2023) of approximately $500K annual anticipated 7 D. Tools = Programs = Options ► City Tools - Programs: ► Homeownership Assistance Program - Silent second loan with zero percent interest and no monthly payment for 30 -years. With 30 -year term occupancy compliance by the qualifying owner, the loan becomes forgivable. If the term is not met (sale, death, refinance for cash -out, or no longer lives on the property), share of the appreciation and loan becomes due. ► City purchase property with HUD and State funds for affordable housing production. Would require joint venture with an affordable housing developer. ► City purchase existing residential unit(s) with HUD and State funds and either rent at affordable price (e.g., housing voucher) or sale to an affordable buyer. ► Density Bonus (Chapter 17.84) - Pursuant to State Law. ► Very Low -Income - Density bonus of 20% to 35% ► Low -Income - Density bonus of 20% to 35% ► Moderate -Income - Density bonus of 5% to 35% ► Small Lot Ordinance - Lower sales price from lot size efficiency. D. Tools = Programs = Options ► City Tools -Programs (cont.).: ► Freeway Corridor Mixed -Use Overlay Community Benefits Program - 25 points for each veteran unit, which would be used to increase dwelling units per acre. ► 6th Cycle Housing Element - Approved by State HCD, updates to the zoning code will be implement to facilitate affordable housing. Reduce R-3 parking standards to mitigate development costs and maximize densities. MUDO and R-3 zones to minimize time and costs in the permitting process. Allow manufactured housing in the R-1 zone by -right in compliance with State law. Adopt SB 35 (Streamlining Provisions) to allow streamlined ministerial approval for development Wth at least 10% affordability. D. Tools = Programs = Options No. City Tools -Programs (cont.).: ► AB 2011 - CEQA exemption and ministerial approval process for multifamily housing developments on sites within a zone where office, retail or parking are the principally permitted use with the requirement of paying prevailing wages. The law provides different qualifying criteria: (1) for 100% affordable projects, and (2) for mixed -income projects (15% below market rate) located in "commercial corridors." ► SB 6 - Residential development on sites currently zoned and designated for commercial or retail uses with all projects required to either be, (1) 100% residential projects, or (2) mixed-use projects where at least 50% of the square footage is dedicated to residential uses. SB 6 projects are not exempt from CEQA and have no affordability requirement but are required to pay prevailing wages and utilize a "skilled and trained workforce." ► AB 1551 - Grant concessions to mixed-use developments within a half mile of public transit if the commercial development provides a minimum of 30% low income or 15% very low-income units. 10 D. Tools = Programs = Options No. Possible New Options: ► Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - Require new residential projects to set aside a percentage of units for affordable housing. ► General Plan Amendment and Rezoning to increase residential densities. Currently: Low Density Residential - 0-6 du/ac Medium Density Residential - 0-12 du/ac High Density Residential -0-30 du/ac Mixed Use Residential/Commercial - 30 du/ac; 3 stories Mixed Use Residential/Commercial - 60 du/ac; 4 stories 11 D. Tools = Programs = Options ► Possible New Options (cont.): ► Join Regional Housing Trust / SGVRHT - Join Powers authority to fund and finance the planning construction of homeless housing, and extremely low, very low, and low-income housing projects. ► Affordable Multifamily Housing Bonds (CaIPFA) - Provides for-profit developers access to tax-exempt bonds to finance low-income multifamily and senior housing projects. A qualified developer can finance a project at a lower interest rate than available through conventional financing because the interest paid to bondholders is exempt from federal income tax. In addition, the use of tax-exempt bonds also facilitates eligibility for the federal government's 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. 20% to 40% affordable units required. ► Section 108 HUD Loan - Provides CDBG recipients with the ability to leverage their annual grant allocation to access low-cost, flexible financing for economic development, housing, public facility, and infrastructure projects. Pledge current and future CDBG allocations and additional security to repay the loan. Rosemead's Loan Authority is $3,544,905 (2022). 12 Questions? 13