CC - Item 6A - Review and Discussion of Draft Website RedesignROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 25, 2023 SUBJECT: REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF DRAFT WEBSITE REDESIGN SUMMARY The City of Rosemead website (www.cityofrosemead.org) is the primary communication tool for residents, businesses, and visitors to access information regarding City services, community events, and much more. On January 10, 2023, the City Council awarded a contract to Revize, LLC ("Revize") to update the City's website. An internal working group comprised of staff from the City Manager's Office, City Clerk's Office, and the Parks & Recreation Department have spent the past several months working on a draft design. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council review the draft website design and provide feedback. DISCUSSION After several rounds of review and edits, the City's website development team has completed the draft design work on the new City website. Attachment A depicts four mock-ups that show the main page, navigation menu, department title pages, and internal pages. The website was developed with an eye on best practices, the latest in website design architecture, a pleasing design and color palette, and most importantly, ease of use and quick access to information. In developing the site, the City seal with its gold, green, and red hues were used. Because of the boldness of these colors, the team chose to soften the tones a bit and the website uses variations of gold, olive, cream, and rosd (like the sparkling wine) accents. The homepage features a main navigation with cutting-edge menu options designed to connect users to information without having to use a keyword search. For searches, however, a large search bar is present along with popular translation options. A quick links menu of popular services is available followed by three call -out boxes for featured services, programs, and events. This is followed by a news section and a City calendar that is filtered by general City events (meetings, public safety activities, etc.) and dedicated filter for parks and recreation classes, activities, and special events. A full calendar is also available at the click of a button. The following section integrates the City's social media accounts into an innovative, accordion style menu with the latest posts. A "Did you know..." section is also added that can feature facts and information about the community, programs, and services with rolling AGENDA ITEM 6.A City Council Meeting April 25, 2023 Pace 2 of 2 counters of data. Finally, the footer includes customizable menu options and stenciling of the City seal. The other pages of the mock-up follow the same themes. Most pages on the site will use the internal page design which includes the same top navigation as the homepage in addition a side navigation with sub -menu options for related pages in various sections. The title page for departments includes a series of stacked tile box options for ease of use and navigation. The website team has already completed the new website sitemap to reorganize content to ensure that information is provided in a simple, easy to use manner. The new sitemap focuses on how the end user, the customer, would better understand where to locate information on City services and programs instead of placing the organizational structure on the site. Those barriers and silos have been removed. Upon adoption of the design, Revize will begin building out a functional site and then will migrate content from the current City website to the new site using the new site map. The estimated completion time is mid to late summer. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review the draft website design and provide feedback. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT None. FISCAL IMPACT There is no impact to the General Fund. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: /dy Michael Bruckner Assistant City Manager Attachment A — Draft Website Designs M Attachment A Draft Website Design Main Page N,.I S ...... on IL F, --d Nowa Pmli.. p •.Irl— _ Up .., E.xnrs Gc, Social WA U, Mao kC 11, urs •a� Main Page With Menu 1'opWar Scrvicc 14 Fearurcd Neve Srod. w....Mo• mmpm.. Upcoming Em.rs Ga SociO VA Us R+t j J low. _4v( Related pages hulum Euixmml Trini'Vulp°n" Shcicimdin W.riPage header Tortor Venenatis V hi daPom Min, Nuua vitae alit li bere, a pna retra augue. Fusee oapi b us, teuus ac cursus commcdq tormr mauris condimentum nibq ut fermenlum massa juste TcI6 sit amet r1sus. 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