CC - Item 6D - Presentation Update to Affordable Housing PowerPoint Updated - RevisedUpdate to Affordable Housing Presentation City Council Meeting April 25, 2023 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) - SB 1069 & AB 2299 (2017 and amended in 2020) ADUs 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Totals New ADUs: 7 17 96 85 93 22 320 ADU Conversions: 3 18 44 54 50 14 183 JADUs & JADU Conversions: 0 0 5 5 5 3 18 Year Totals: 10 35 145 144 148 39 521 SB 9 -California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency Act (2021) SB 9 Total New Urban 6 Dwellings: Total Lot Splits: 1 Mixed -Use Density Bonus —RMC Chapter 17.84 (2013) Mixed -Use (Density Bonus) Total Mixed -Use 43 Developments: Total Market Rate Residential 4-2-995 Units: Total Low -Income Units: 2-521 Total Units from Mixed -Use: X3116 V. Small Lot Subdivision —RMC Chapter 17.12.030 (2021) Small Lot Subdivision Total Small Lot Subdivisions: 2 Total Units: 15 Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (GASP) — RMC 17.21(2018) GASP Total Number of GASP Projects: 3 Total Units: 200 R Affordable Housing (CDBG and HOME) Fiscal Year Fund Balance 2018-19 $898,454 2019-20 $1,203,003 2019-20 $1,754,962 (Substantial Amendment) 2020-21 New 5 -year Consolidated Plan 4021-22 $2,000,518 2021-23 $2,150,500 (Slide Added) Residential Planned Development Project Residential Planned Development Project Total Market Rate Residential Units: 33 Total Low -Income Units: 4 Total Units: 37 P Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) On April 11, 2023, the City was awarded $1,463,835 for the production of affordable housing. p Staff Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council discuss and provide direction to Staff. 10