PC - Item 3A - SPA 22-01 & ZC 22-02 - Exhibit F - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting ProgramMITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM STRATHMORE-GARVEY MIXED-USE PROJECT SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 22-01, ZONE CHANGE 22-02 Lead Agency: City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 (626)-569-2140 Project Proponent: Green Park Property 120 E. Valley Boulevard San Gabriel, CA 91776 (626) 307-0062 Environmental Consultant: Phil Martin & Associates 2987 NW Fairway Heights Drive Bend, Oregon 97703 (714) 454-1800 May 3, 2023 Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 1 1.0 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM 1.1 Introduction This is the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Strathmore- Garvey Mixed-Use project. It has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of Public Resources Code §21081.6 which, among other things, states that when a governmental agency adopts or certifies a CEQA document that contains the environmental review of a proposed project, “The public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment. The reporting or monitoring program shall be designed to ensure compliance during project implementation.” The City of Rosemead is the lead agency for the project, and is therefore, responsible for administering and implementing the MMRP. The decision-makers must define specific reporting and/or monitoring requirements that will be enforced during project implementation and prior to final approval of the project. 1.2 Project Overview The project site totals approximately 1.21 gross acres (52,926 square feet) and includes six parcels (APN Nos. 5287-038-030, -033, -018, -019, -020, -029) and developed with commercial uses and vacant land. The project proposes a seven-story, mixed-use development that totals 115,400 square feet. The project proposes 35,105 square feet of non-residential use (retail/office/residential-work) with 5,423 square feet on the first floor, 6,230 square feet on the second floor, 6,571 square feet on the third floor, and 16,881 square feet of work area within the live/work units. The project proposes 93 residential units on the first through seventh floors. Of the 93 residential units, 24 are live/work units, including three live/work units on the ground level, one live/work unit on both the second and third floors, and 19 live/work units on the fourth floor. The project proposes 69 apartments on the fifth through seventh floors with 21 apartments on the fifth floor, 25 apartments on the sixth floor, and 23 apartments on the seventh floor. The project includes 31 one- bedroom units, 52 two-bedroom units and 10 three-bedroom units, including the live/work units. The project proposes a floor area ratio (FAR) of 2.2 compared to a maximum allowed FAR of 3.0 with the allowed provisions of community benefits by the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan. Specific Plan. The building footprint covers approximately 45,456 square feet, or approximately 85.9 percent of the 52,926 square foot project site. Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 2 The project proposes 6,831 square feet of landscaping, or approximately 12.9 percent of the site. The project landscaping includes drought tolerant shrubs and ground cover with drip irrigation, accent street trees with in-ground up-lights, bike racks on Garvey Avenue and Strathmore Avenue, 3’ diameter accent flower pots for security barriers on both Garvey Avenue and Strathmore Avenue, a 24” high masonry wall with stucco finish to match the building adjacent to the proposed park bench adjacent to Garvey Avenue, rectangular porcelain pavers in running bond pattern in the sidewalk along Garvey Avenue and Strathmore Avenue, colored concrete in a 3’ x 3’ grid pattern with top cast finish in the sidewalk on Garvey Avenue, 12” wide colored concrete banding with medium broom finish in the sidewalk on Strathmore Avenue adjacent to the site. Landscaping is proposed on the second, fourth, and seventh floors of the building. The landscaping for the second floor includes a planter box along the west side of the open parking structure with drought tolerant cascading plants with drip irrigation. The landscaping proposed for the fourth floor courtyard includes medium scale evergreen shade trees in a raised planter with up-lighting, decorative plank stamped colored concrete, double sided in ground level gas fire pits, outdoor dining furniture, drought tolerant shrubs and ground cover with drip irrigation, vertical accent palm trees in raised planter boxes with up-lighting, raised tot-lot playground with approved play equipment and American Disabilities Act (ADA) approved wood fiber mulch, stainless steel outdoor gas bar-b-q units with granite counter top, raised planter, etc. The landscaping proposed for the seventh-floor courtyard includes vertical accent palm trees in raised planter boxes with up-lighting, outdoor sofas, tables, and chairs, 20” wide shelf-bench attached to the planter wall, granite bar/counter with stool seating at the edge of the courtyard, decorative stamped colored concrete in 3’ x 3’ grid pattern, raised gas fire pit, etc. The project proposes 208 parking spaces, including 181 standard spaces, 22 compact spaces, 5 handicap accessible spaces and three loading spaces. Of the 208 parking spaces, 70 parking spaces are proposed for the ground floor, 67 parking spaces are proposed for the second level and 71 parking spaces are proposed for the third level. The project proposes 9 more parking spaces for public parking than required by the Rosemead Municipal Code and consistent with the requirements of the community benefit program. The project also proposes 20 bicycles spaces. The height to the top of the roof is 75’. The total height of the building, including the top of the parapet, is 78’. The project proposes to construct a six-foot masonry wall along the project perimeter adjacent to the existing residential units. There are three entry points for vehicular access to the site. There is a driveway at the north end of the building at Virginia Street, a driveway on the east side of the building at Strathmore Avenue and a driveway on the west side of the building from the public alley. The driveways at the north and east sides of the building are 25-feet wide and the driveway at the west side of the building from the public alley is 22-feet wide. The height restriction for the north and east driveways is 12-feet and the height restriction for driveway on the west from the public alley is 10-feet. All delivery vehicles for the nonresidential space on the ground level would enter the site from Strathmore Avenue Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 3 and park in a designated loading area on the ground level for site deliveries. Delivery trucks would be restricted to two axle trucks. Delivery trucks would not be allowed to park along either Strathmore Avenue or Garvey Avenue. Project construction is scheduled to start in the second quarter of 2023 and be completed in the fourth quarter of 2024. 1.3 Monitoring and Reporting Procedures This MMRP includes the following information: (1) mitigation measures that will either eliminate or lessen the potential impact from the project; (2) the monitoring milestone or phase during which the measure should be complied with or carried out; (3) the enforcement agency responsible for monitoring mitigation measure compliance; and (4) the initials of the person verifying the mitigation measure was completed and the date of verification. The MMRP will be in place through all phases of a project including project design (preconstruction), project approval, project construction, and operation (both prior to and post-occupancy). The City will ensure that all monitoring is documented through periodic reports and that deficiencies are promptly corrected. The designated environmental monitor will track and document compliance with mitigation measures, note any problems that may result, and take appropriate action to rectify problems. Each mitigation measure is listed and categorized by impact area, with an accompanying discussion of: • The phase of the project during which the measure should be monitored; ❑ Project review and prior to project approval ❑ During grading or building plan check review and prior to issuance of a grading or building permit ❑ On-going during construction ❑ Throughout the life of the project • The enforcement agency; and • The initials of the person verifying completion of the mitigation measure and date. The MMRP is provided as Table 1 (Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program). Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 4 Table 1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Mitigation Measure No. Mitigation Measure Monitoring Milestone Enforcement Agency Verification of Compliance Aesthetics 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit the project applicant shall submit a lighting plan for approval by the Planning Division that incorporates any of the following light reducing measures as applicable: • Select lighting fixtures with more-precise optical control and/or different lighting distribution. • Relocate and/or change the height and/or orientation of proposed lighting fixtures. • Add external shielding and/or internal reflectors to fixtures. • Select lower-output lamp/lamp technologies • A combination of the above. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Air Quality 2. Prior to the start and throughout project construction, the contractor shall implement and maintain the following fugitive dust control measures: • Apply soil stabilizers or moisten inactive areas. • Water exposed surfaces as needed to avoid visible dust leaving the construction site (typically 2-3 times/day). • Cover all stockpiles with tarps at the end of each day or as needed. • Provide water spray during loading and unloading of earthen materials. • Minimize in-out traffic from construction zone. • Cover all trucks hauling dirt, sand, or loose material and Prior to the start and throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 5 require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. • Sweep streets daily if visible soil material is carried out from the construction site. 3. Throughout project construction the contractor shall: • Utilize well-tuned off-road construction equipment. • Establish a preference for contractors using Tier 3 or better heavy equipment. • Enforce 5-minute idling limits for both on-road trucks and off-road equipment. Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Cultural Resources 4. The project developer shall retain a qualified professional archaeologist who meets U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications and Standards, to conduct an Archaeological Sensitivity Training for construction personnel prior to commencement of excavation activities. The training session shall be carried out by a cultural resource professional with expertise in archaeology, who meets the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications and Standards. The training session shall include a handout and will focus on how to identify archaeological resources that may be encountered during earthmoving activities and the procedures to be followed in such an event, the duties of archaeological monitors, and the general steps a qualified professional archaeologist would follow in conducting a salvage investigation if one is necessary. Prior to the start of excavation activities. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 6 5. In the event that archaeological resources are unearthed during ground- disturbing activities, ground- disturbing activities shall be halted or diverted away from the vicinity of the find so that the find can be evaluated. A buffer area of at least 50 feet shall be established around the find where construction activities shall not be allowed to continue until a qualified archaeologist has examined the newly discovered artifact(s) and has evaluated the area of the find. Work shall be allowed to continue outside of the buffer area. All archaeological resources unearthed by project construction activities shall be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist, who meets the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications and Standards. Should the newly discovered artifacts be determined to be prehistoric, Native American Tribes/Individuals shall be contacted and consulted, and Native American construction monitoring shall be initiated. The project developer and the City shall coordinate with the archaeologist to develop an appropriate treatment plan for the resources. The plan may include implementation of archaeological data recovery excavations to address treatment of the resource along with subsequent laboratory processing and analysis. Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date 6. The project developer shall retain a qualified professional archaeologist, who meets the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Prior to the start of excavation activities City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 7 Professional Qualifications and Standards to conduct periodic Archaeological Spot Checks beginning at depths below 2’ feet to determine if construction excavations have exposed or have a high probability to expose archaeological resources. After the initial Archaeological Spot Check, further periodic checks shall be conducted at the discretion of the qualified archaeologist. If the qualified archaeologist determines that construction excavations have exposed or have a high probability to expose archaeological artifacts construction monitoring for Archaeological Resources shall be required. The project developer shall retain a qualified archaeological monitor, who will work under the guidance and direction of a professional archaeologist, who meets the qualifications set forth by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications and Standards. The archaeological monitor shall be present during all construction excavations (e.g., grading, trenching, or clearing/grubbing) into non-fill younger Pleistocene alluvial sediments. Multiple earth- moving construction activities may require multiple archaeological monitors. The frequency of monitoring shall be based on the rate of excavation and grading activities, proximity to known archaeological resources, the materials being excavated (native versus artificial fill soils), and the depth of excavation, and if found, the abundance and type of and throughout project construction. _______________ Date Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 8 archaeological resources encountered. Full-time monitoring can be reduced to part-time inspections if determined adequate by the project archaeologist. 7. The archaeological monitor, under the direction of a qualified professional archaeologist who meets the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications and Standards, shall prepare a final report at the conclusion of archaeological monitoring. The report shall be submitted to the project developer, the South Central Costal Information Center, the City, and representatives of other appropriate or concerned agencies to signify the satisfactory completion of the project and required mitigation measures. The report shall include a description of resources unearthed, if any, evaluation of the resources with respect to the California Register and CEQA, and treatment of the resources. Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Noise 8. Dozers and graders shall not operate within 35 feet of any residential unit adjacent to the site. Grading within 35-feet of adjacent residential units shall use quieter equipment such as a loader/backhoe or rubber tired equipment. Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date 9. All construction equipment shall be equipped with mufflers and other suitable noise attenuation devices (e.g., engine shields). Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date 10. Grading and construction contractors shall use rubber-tired equipment rather than track equipment, Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 9 to the maximum extent feasible. _______________ Date 11. If feasible, electric hook-ups shall be provided to avoid the use of generators. If electric service is determined to be infeasible for the site, only whisper- quiet generators shall be used (i.e., inverter generators capable of providing variable load. Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date 12. Electric air compressors and similar power tools rather than diesel equipment shall be used, where feasible. Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date 13. Generators and stationary construction equipment shall be staged and located as far from the adjacent residential structures as feasible. Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date 14. Construction-related equipment, including heavy- duty equipment, motor vehicles, and portable equipment, shall be turned off when not in use for more than 5 minutes. Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date 15. A sign shall be posted in a readily visible location at the project site that indicates the dates and duration of construction activities, as well as provide a telephone number where residents can enquire about the construction process and register complaints to an assigned construction noise disturbance coordinator. Prior to the start and throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Public Services – Police Protection 16. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the project developer shall contact the County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Temple Station and incorporate all applicable Prior to the issuance of a building permit. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 10 CPTED defensible space measures into the final project design to reduce criminal activity at the project. 17. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the project developer shall submit a Construction Traffic Management Plan to the County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Temple Station that identifies the construction management measures that would be implemented during construction to minimize construction- related traffic congestion and emergency project access. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Transportation 18. Approximately 12 months after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, or the City Engineers discretion, the project developer shall conduct a traffic signal warrant at the Strathmore Avenue/Garvey Avenue intersection. If warranted, the project developer’s fair-share of the cost of the construction of the traffic signal shall be paid from the Development Impact Fees collected from the developer. 12 months issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. City of Rosemead City Engineer _____________ Initial _______________ Date 19. Red curbs shall be painted as shown in Figure 21 of this MND prior to the issuance of a building permit. Prior to the issuance of a building permit. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Tribal Cultural Resources 20. Prior to the commencement of any ground disturbing activity at the project site, the project applicant shall retain a Native American Monitor approved by the Gabrieleno Prior to the start of any ground disturbing activity. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 11 Band of Mission Indians-Kizh Nation. A copy of the executed contract shall be submitted to the City of Rosemead Planning and Building Department prior to the issuance of any permit necessary to commence a ground-disturbing activity. The Tribal monitor shall only be present on-site during the construction phases that involve ground-disturbing activities. Ground disturbing activities are defined by the Tribe as activities that may include, but are not limited to, pavement removal, potholing or auguring, grubbing, tree removals, boring, grading, excavation, drilling, and trenching, within the project area. The Tribal Monitor shall complete daily monitoring logs that shall provide descriptions of the day’s activities, including construction activities, locations, soil, and any cultural materials identified. The on-site monitoring shall end when all ground- disturbing activities on the project site are completed, or when the Tribal Representatives and Tribal Monitor have indicated that all upcoming ground- disturbing activities at the project site have little to no potential to impact Tribal Cultural Resources. 21. Upon discovery of any Tribal Cultural Resources, construction activities shall cease in the immediate vicinity of the find (not less than the surrounding 100 feet) until the find can be assessed. All Tribal Cultural Resources unearthed by Throughout project construction. City of Rosemead Building Department _____________ Initial _______________ Date Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 12 project activities shall be evaluated by the qualified archaeologist and Tribal monitor approved by the Consulting Tribe. If the resources are Native American in origin, the Consulting Tribe shall retain it/them in the form and/or manner the Tribe deems appropriate, for educational, cultural and/or historic purposes. If human remains and/or grave goods are discovered or recognized at the project site, all ground disturbance shall immediately cease, and the county coroner shall be notified per Public Resources Code Section 5097.98, and Health & Safety Code Section 7050.5. Human remains and grave/burial goods shall be treated alike per California Public Resources Code section 5097.98(d)(1) and (2). Work may continue on other parts of the project site while evaluation and, if necessary, mitigation takes place (CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5[f]). If a non- Native American resource is determined by the qualified archaeologist to constitute a “historical resource” or “unique archaeological resource,” time allotment and funding sufficient to allow for implementation of avoidance measures, or appropriate mitigation, must be available. The treatment plan established for the resources shall be in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(f) for historical resources and PRC Sections Strathmore – Garvey Mixed-Use Project May 3, 2023 Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program Page 13 21083.2(b) for unique archaeological resources. Preservation in place (i.e., avoidance) is the preferred manner of treatment. If preservation in place is not feasible, treatment may include implementation of archaeological data recovery excavations to remove the resource along with subsequent laboratory processing and analysis. Any historic archaeological material that is not Native American in origin shall be curated at a public, non- profit institution with a research interest in the materials, such as the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County or the Fowler Museum, if such an institution agrees to accept the material. If no institution accepts the archaeological material, it shall be offered to a local school or historical society in the area for educational purposes.