CC - Item 4K - Memorandum of Agreement for the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program and Watershed Management Plan for the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management Area for Fiscal Years 2024-2026ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 27, 2023 SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE COORDINATED INTEGRATED MONITORING PROGRAM AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE UPPER LOS ANGELES RIVER WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AREA FOR FISCAL YEARS 2024-2026 SUMMARY On August 5, 2015, the Regional Board approved the Upper Los Angeles River (ULAR) Watershed Management Plan (WMP) and Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Plan (CIMP). During the Regional Board approval process the ULAR WMP group had developed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to administer and establish a cost share for the implementation of the CIMP. On October 20, 2015, the Council approved an MOA to administer and establish a cost share for implementation of the CIMP that would be effective through June 30, 2018. On May 8, 2018, the Council approved an MOA to continue the administration and establish a cost share for CIMP monitoring and reporting services for an additional five-year period beginning July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2023. Staff is requesting that the City Council authorize a new three-year agreement to continue the monitoring and reporting services for the CIMP and WMP group. Rosemead's cost to participate would be $17,135 for FY 23-24, $16,588 for FY 24- 25, and $19,799 for FY 25-26 totaling $53,522 for all three years of the agreement. BACKGROUND On July 27, 2013, the City of Rosemead opted to join the City of Los Angeles and 17 other agencies to form the Upper Los Angeles River (ULAR) group. The ULAR was required to develop and implement the CIMP and WMP to comply with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Permit. The group jointly prepared both plans, which were submitted to the Regional Board for approval. After review by many parties, and revisions required by the Regional Board, the CIMP was approved in 2015 and the WMP was approved one year later in 2016. A revised WMP was submitted to the Regional Board on June 28, 2021, as required by the MS4 Permit. Each jurisdiction's cost share is based on the percentage of land area that discharges into the ULAR Watershed Management Area. The scope of work for the CIMP includes installation, maintenance, and monitoring of sampling sites to determine levels of contamination of storm water discharges into the watershed area. The AGENDA ITEM 4.K City Council Meeting June 27, 2023 Page 2 of 3 scope of work for the WMP includes reporting and compliance planning to meet requirements of the MS4 Permit. The cost for the city to undertake the monitoring and reporting efforts alone would be much higher than the joint effort with other jurisdictions. CWE is contracted to assist the City with its MS4 permit compliance, including its current participation in the WMP and CIMP. CWE has assisted the city throughout the MOA process and will continue to represent Rosemead at ULAR group meetings and activities. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed work involves data collection and water quality monitoring; therefore, the project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Sections 15262, 15306, 15307, and 15308 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Agreement for the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management Area for Fiscal Years 2024-2026; and 2. Find the activities of the action are categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Sections 15262, 15306, 15307, and 15308 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. FINANCIAL IMPACT The City of Rosemead's cost share to participate in the proposed MOA is $17,135 for FY 23-24, $16,588 for FY 24-25, and $19,799 for FY 25-26 totaling $53,522 for all three years of the agreement. Funding for the cost of participation has been included in the proposed FY 23-24 budget. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the Strategic Plan's guiding principal for fiduciary responsibility of providing for transparency in financial management of City's finances and providing quality of life enhancement. City Council Meeting June 27, 2023 Page 3 of 3 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: DO Ile Garcia Public Works Fiscal and Project Manager Submitted by: Ben Kim City Manager Attachment A: ULAR MOA FY 2023-2026 Attachment A ULAR MOA FY 2023-2026 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES, THE CITY OF ALHAMBRA, THE CITY OF BURBANK, THE CITY OF CALABASAS, THE CITY OF GLENDALE, THE CITY OF HIDDEN HILLS, THE CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE, THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO, THE CITY OF MONTEREY PARK, THE CITY OF PASADENA, THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, THE CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, THE CITY OF SAN GABRIEL, THE CITY OF SAN MARINO, THE CITY OF SOUTH EL MONTE, THE CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA, THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION AND COST SHARING FOR IMPLEMENTING THE COORDINATED INTEGRATED MONITORING PROGRAM (CIMP) AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (WMP) FOR THE UPPER LOS ANGELES RIVER WATERSHED MANAGEMENT AREA This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), including its attachments, exhibits and schedules, is made and entered into as of July 1st, 2023 by and between The SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (SGVCOG), a California Joint Powers Authority, THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES (CITY), a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF ALHAMBRA, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF BURBANK, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF CALABASAS, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF GLENDALE, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF HIDDEN HILLS, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF MONTEREY PARK, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF PASADENA, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF SAN GABRIEL, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF SAN MARINO, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF SOUTH EL MONTE, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA, a municipal corporation, THE CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, a municipal corporation, LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT (LACFCD), a body corporate and politic, and the COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES (COUNTY), a political subdivision of the State of California. Collectively, these entities shall be known herein as PARTIES or individually as PARTY. RECITALS WHEREAS, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (Regional Board) have classified the Greater Los Angeles County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Page 1 of 47 (MS4) as a large MS4 pursuant to 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) section 122.26(b)(4) and a major facility pursuant to 40 CFR section 122.2; and WHEREAS, the Regional Board adopted the 2012 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System MS4 Permit No. R4-2012-0175 on November 8, 2012, which was re- adopted in the 2021 Regional Phase I MS4 Permit Order No. R4-2021-0105; and WHEREAS, the 2012 MS4 Permit became effective on December 28, 2012, and required that the LACFCD, the COUNTY, and 84 of the 88 cities within the County comply with its prescribed elements; and WHEREAS the 2021 MS4 Permit became effective on September 11, 2021, superseding the 2012 MS4 Permit, and requires the COUNTY, LACFCD, 85 cities within the coastal watersheds of Los Angeles County, the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, the County of Ventura, and 10 cities within Ventura County to comply with its prescribed elements; and WHEREAS, the MS4 Permit identifies the PARTIES as MS4 permittees responsible for compliance with the Permit's requirements pertaining to the PARTIES' collective jurisdictional area in the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management Area as identified in Exhibit D of this MOA; and WHEREAS, the CITY and the cities of Alhambra, Burbank, Calabasas, Glendale, Hidden Hills, La Canada Flintridge, Montebello, Monterey Park, Pasadena, Rosemead, San Fernando, San Gabriel, San Marino, South EI Monte, South Pasadena, and Temple City and LACFCD and the COUNTY formed the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management Group (ULAR WMG) to collaborate on the Watershed Management Program (WMP) and the Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) in accordance with the MS4 Permit, with the CITY serving as the ULAR WMG Lead Agency; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES desired to collaborate on the development of a WMP and a CIMP in accordance with the MS4 Permit for a portion of the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management Area as identified in Exhibit D of this MOA to comply with all applicable monitoring requirements of the MS4 Permit; and WHEREAS, the first WMP was submitted to the Regional Board by the PARTIES on June 25, 2015 and was approved by the Regional Board on April 20, 2016; and WHEREAS, a revised WMP was submitted to the Regional Board on June 28, 2021 and is pending approval; and Page 2 of 47 WHEREAS, the first CIMP was submitted to the Regional Board by the PARTIES on April 30, 2015 and was approved by the Regional Board on August 5, 2015; and WHEREAS, a revised CIMP was submitted to the Regional Board on March 13, 2023 and is pending approval; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES have agreed to cooperatively share and fully fund the estimated costs of the implementation of the CIMP and WMP; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES agree that each shall assume full and independent responsibility for ensuring its own compliance with the MS4 Permit notwithstanding this MOA; and WHEREAS, the PARTIES desire to have the SGVCOG: (a) invoice and collect funds from each of the PARTIES to cover the costs of MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS and pay the CITY; (b) perform tasks identified in CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION in Exhibit A of this MOA; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by the PARTIES, and of the promises contained in this MOA, the PARTIES agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and fully incorporated into this MOA. Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of this MOA is to cooperatively fund the MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS, as set forth in Exhibit A of this MOA. Section 3. Cooperation. The PARTIES shall fully cooperate with one another to attain the purposes of this MOA. Section 4. Voluntarv. The PARTIES have voluntarily entered into this MOA for the implementation of the MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS, and to authorize the SGVCOG to administer the cost-sharing. Section 5. Term. This MOA shall become effective on July 1, 2023 and shall remain in effect for three (3) years up to and including June 30, 2026. The MOA may be extended, through mutual agreement of the PARTIES. Section 6. Commitment. Once effective, the PARTIES agree to uphold the promises contained in this MOA for the duration of the agreed upon term. The Parties agree that costs, expenses, fees, liabilities, and obligations incurred by the CITY in performing MONITORING SERVICES in accordance with Tables 2-2C(i) of Exhibit B and WMP- Page 3 of 47 RELATED TASKS in accordance with Table 3-313 of Exhibit B prior to the execution date of this MOA but after July 1, 2023, shall be cost -shared under this Agreement according to the amounts specified in Exhibit B and shall be included in the first invoice. Section 7. THE PARTIES AGREE: a. Monitoring Services. The CITY will perform the MONITORING SERVICES as defined in Exhibit A. b. WMP-Related tasks. The CITY and the SGVCOG will perform the WMP-RELATED TASKS, as defined in Exhibit A. c. Reporting. Each PARTY hereto authorizes the CITY to prepare and submit reports to the Regional Board as required by the MS4 Permit. In addition, the CITY will submit to the PARTIES the data used to prepare the reports. This data will be transmitted electronically to all PARTIES and as requested by the Regional Board. The CITY will provide sufficient time to the PARTIES to review the prepared reports. The CITY shall consider incorporating such comments received and answering a PARTY's questions to the best of its abilities prior to its submittal to the Regional Board. d. Contract Administration. The SGVCOG will be responsible for CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION, as defined in Exhibit A. e. Communication. To the extent the PARTIES have communications related to CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION as defined in Exhibit A, such communications shall be directed to the SGVCOG. Communications concerning MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS under this Agreement shall be directed to the ULAR WMG lead agency. Written notice will be provided to the PARTIES should contact information from the SGVCOG and/or the ULAR WMG lead agency change. f. Contracting. The PARTIES contemplate that other individual NPDES permit holders may wish to participate in the MONITORING SERVICES without being a party to this MOA. In the event that another NPDES permittee wants to participate in the MONITORING SERVICES, the SGVCOG may enter into an individual separate agreement with such individual NPDES permittee. The individual NPDES permittee will not become a party to this MOA but will be responsible for its proportionate share of the costs for those MONITORING SERVICES. If other individual NPDES permit holders' participation modifies the PARTIES' proportionate cost share, each PARTIES' proportional payment obligation shall be modified administratively in Exhibit B. Page 4 of 47 Section 8. Invoicing and Payment. a. Invoicing. The SGVCOG will invoice all PARTIES, except the CITY, annually in amounts not exceeding the invoice amounts shown in Table 1 of Exhibit B. The annual invoices will be issued by the SGVCOG to the PARTIES in July of each calendar year for their proportional share of the estimated cost for MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS, including SGVCOG's Contact Management Fee, for the fiscal year, as shown in Exhibit B. The first invoice will be issued in July 2023 or upon the execution of this Agreement, whichever is later. The PARTIES hereby acknowledge and ratify services performed on or after the earlier of July 1st, 2023 or the date of the last signature of the PARTIES that are performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the MOA. Such services shall be included in the first invoice and reimbursable pursuant to this MOA. The CITY will invoice the SGVCOG for tasks performed, deducting the CITY's cost portion for such tasks and the CITY's cost portion for the SGVCOG's program management fee. The CITY shall provide SGVCOG an accounting of the MONITORING SERVICES, and any WMP-RELATED TASKS completed during each annual payment term consistent with the format as shown in Exhibit E. b. Annual Payment. Each PARTY, excluding the CITY, shall pay the SGVCOG for their invoice within sixty (60) days of receipt of the invoice from the SGVCOG. c. Late Payment Penalty. Any payment that is not received within sixty (60) days following receipt of the invoice from SGVCOG shall be subject to a late payment of 10%. Interest on any late payments shall accrue at the rate of 1 % per month for each month a payment is past due. d. Delinquent Payments. A payment not made within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days after receipt of the invoice from the SGVCOG shall result in the SGVCOG notifying the Regional Board and the PARTIES that the delinquent PARTY is no longer a participating member of the CIMP or WMP. The PARTY shall be deemed to have withdrawn from this MOA and the remaining PARTIES' cost share allocation shall be adjusted in accordance with the cost allocation formula in Table 1 of Exhibit B. Withdrawal shall not relieve a PARTY's obligation to pay its proportionate share of costs that were due at the time of the deemed withdrawal. e. Contingency. Each PARTY's annual invoice will include a contingency of fifteen percent (15%) for MONITORING SERVICES and fifteen percent (15%) for WMP- RELATED TASKS, as shown in Exhibit B. Contingency funds will be held by SGVCOG until such time as they are needed. Contingency funds that are used will be applied to each PARTY based on its proportional share. No PARTY will be Page 5 of 47 obligated to pay for additional expenditures which exceed its contingency amounts without an amendment to this MOA. Monitoring Services Contingencv. The CITY shall have access to the MONITORING SERVICES Contingency, for paying for or otherwise implementing the MONITORING SERVICES defined in Exhibit A of this MOA. The CITY shall notify the PARTIES before use of the MONITORING SERVICES Contingency is appropriate or required as soon as practicable but any failure to notify any PARTY or the PARTIES shall not alter, eliminate, or affect the CITY's right to payment. The CITY will indicate the amount of MONITORING SERVICES Contingency used in its applicable invoice(s) to the SGVCOG for implementation of the MONITORING SERVICES. Should the CITY determine in its reasonable discretion that the MONITORING SERVICES Contingency not be necessary for MONITORING SERVICES, the PARTIES may administratively shift these funds to be used for WMP-RELATED TASKS and do so using the process defined in Section 9(c). ii. WMP-Related Tasks Contingency. The PARTIES may utilize WMP- RELATED TASKS Contingency to complete projects consistent with the WMP-RELATED TASKS defined in Exhibit A. To utilize WMP-RELATED TASKS Contingency, the ULAR WMG shall discuss the proposed activity and the ULAR WMG will come to a majority consensus, using the process defined in Section 9(c), as to whether to move forward with the use of WMP- RELATED TASKS Contingency and the process for implementation. The SGVCOG shall utilize the WMP-RELATED TASKS Contingency to reimburse the entity responsible for administering the approved WMP- RELATED TASK funded by the WMP-RELATED TASKS Contingency. Should the WMP-RELATED TASKS Contingency not be necessary for WMP-RELATED TASKS, the PARTIES may administratively shift these funds to be used for MONITORING SERVICES, using the process defined in Section 9(c). f. Shifting of Funds. The PARTIES may shift funds collected under this MOA between MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS administratively, without an amendment to this MOA, provided that the overall amount does not exceed the total not -to -exceed amount of this MOA or a PARTY'S annual proportional cost, as set forth in Table 1 of Exhibit B, and if approved by a majority consensus, using the process defined in Section 9(c). Should the CITY require a shift in funds between MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS in order to implement the MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS, it shall notify the SGVCOG before shifting these funds. Page 6 of 47 g. Contract Manaqement Fee. The SGVCOG will receive a Contract Management Fee of $100,000 per year for administration of this MOA by the SGVCOG. Each PARTY will be assessed its proportionate share of the annual Contract Management Fee as shown in Table 4 of Exhibit B. h. Reconciliation of this MOA. At the end of the MOA, the SGVCOG will provide the PARTIES with an accounting of actual expenditures, consistent with the format as shown in Exhibit E, within ninety (90) days. Any unexpended funds held by SGVCOG at the termination of this MOA will be rolled -over to cover expenses in any subsequent MOA. PARTIES may request in writing a refund or credit of any unexpended funds by the SGVCOG, in accordance with the distributed cost formula set forth in Table 1 of Exhibit B. Section 9. THE PARTIES FURTHER AGREE: a. Documentation. The PARTIES agree to promptly provide at no cost to the CITY all requested information and documentation in their possession that the CITY, in its discretion, deems to be necessary or helpful for the performance of the MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS. b. Access. During the term of this MOA on an as -needed basis, each PARTY shall allow the CITY or its contractor reasonable access and entry to land, facilities and structures owned, operated, or controlled by the PARTY, which access and entry are necessary or helpful for the CITY or its contractor to perform MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS (FACILITIES). The FACILITIES shall include but not be limited to the PARTY's storm drains, channels, catch basins, and similar, provided, however, that prior to entering any of the PARTIES FACILITIES, the CITY or its contractor, as applicable, shall provide seventy-two (72) hours advance written notice of entry to the applicable PARTY, or in the cases where seventy-two (72) hours' advance written notice is not possible, such as in cases of unforeseen wet weather, the CITY or its contractor shall provide written notice to the applicable PARTY as early as reasonably possible. Any PARTY, including LACFCD, agrees to provide the CITY or its contractor a "no -fee" Access Permit to its FACILITIES. This Access Permit does not cover any fees that may be required for Construction Permits for the installation of permanent monitoring equipment. The CITY shall secure any required necessary permits prior to entry. c. Consensus. The PARTIES agree that consensus in the ULAR WMG will be determined by a two-thirds supermajority (66.66°/x) voting of the ULAR WMG members based on each PARTY's percentage land area of the Watershed as shown in Exhibit D. Consensus shall be reached using an email vote of ULAR WMG members. Any PARTY that does not respond to a vote within five business days, shall be considered to support the majority consensus. Page 7 of 47 d. Participation. Each PARTY shall designate an individual to provide representation at the ULAR WMG that is authorized to provide official input on behalf of the PARTY. Each PARTY shall ensure that a representative attends the ULAR WMG meetings and, if necessary, responds to email communication. e. Additional Activities. The PARTIES agree that additional activities may arise in the course of implementing this MOA, and there may be interest in utilizing funds collected through this MOA or pursuing additional funds, including but not limited to the Safe Clean Water Program, to complete those projects. The ULAR WMG, led by the ULAR WMG Lead Agency, shall discuss and determine additional activities to be completed and the implementation approach to completing those projects. The ULAR WMG will determine which activities to pursue in accordance with the consensus process defined in Section 9(c). Any other PARTY that does not desire to participate in an additional activity can submit a written request to the SGVCOG that they do not desire to be part of the activity. The non -participating PARTY will not be responsible for its proportionate share of funds to complete the additional project, and the cost will be recalculated amongst the remaining PARTIES. Section 10. Indemnification. Each PARTY shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless each other PARTY, on a pro rata basis, including its special districts, their member agencies, elected and appointed officers, employees, agents, attorneys, and designated volunteers from and against any and all liability, including, but not limited to, demands, claims, actions, fees, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys and expert witness fees), arising from or connected with this MOA; provided, however, that no PARTY shall indemnify another PARTY for that PARTY's own negligence or willful misconduct. Section 11. Termination a. Noticing. Any PARTY may withdraw from this MOA for any reason, in whole or part, by giving the SGVCOG and the Regional Board thirty (30) days written notice thereof. Withdrawing PARTIES shall remain wholly responsible for their proportional share of the costs of MONITORING SERVICES and WMP-RELATED TASKS for any fiscal year for which the PARTY has not withdrawn. Withdrawing PARTIES shall not be entitled to any refunds. Each PARTY shall also be responsible for the payment of its own fines, penalties or costs incurred as a result of the non-performance of the CIMP and/or WMP. Upon withdrawal by the SGVCOG, the PARTIES shall meet and confer to designate an alternate organization to accept the SGVCOG's responsibilities under this MOA. Page 8 of 47 b. Default. If a PARTY fails to comply with any of the terms or conditions of this MOA, that PARTY shall forfeit its rights to the work completed through this MOA, but no such forfeiture shall occur unless and until the defaulting PARTY has first been given notice of its default and a reasonable opportunity to cure the alleged default c. Equipment Ownership. Devices such as automatic sampling stations - inclusive of a cabinet, sampling equipment, ancillary devices, power supplies (EQUIPMENT) may be installed to implement the CIMP. Any PARTY voluntarily terminating membership will not be entitled to a refund for the portion of the share paid to acquire and to operate the EQUIPMENT nor for the remaining value of the EQUIPMENT, if any. The operational life of such EQUIPMENT is approximately seven years, and after which it may be obsolete or may require major remodel or replacement of electrical and mechanical components costing equivalent to a purchase of a new EQUIPMENT. The remaining PARTIES agree to own, operate and maintain and or replace the EQUIPMENT. Section 12. General Provisions a. Notices. Any notices, bills, invoices, or reports relating to this MOA, and any request, demand, statement, or other communication required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the representatives of the PARTIES at the addresses set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. PARTIES shall promptly notify each other of any change of contact information, including personnel changes, provided in Exhibit C. Written notice shall include notice delivered via e-mail or fax. A notice shall be deemed to have been received on (a) the date of delivery, if delivered by hand during regular business hours, or by confirmed facsimile or by e-mail; or (b) on the third (3rd) business day following mailing by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) to the addresses set forth in Exhibit C. b. Administration. For the purposes of this MOA, the PARTIES and SGVCOG hereby designate as their respective representatives the persons named in Exhibit C. The designated representatives, or their respective designees, shall administer the terms and conditions of this MOA on behalf of their respective entities. Each of the persons signing below on behalf of a PARTY or the SGVCOG represents and warrants that he or she is authorized to sign this MOA on behalf of such entity. c. Relationship of the Parties. The PARTIES to this MOA are, and shall at all times remain as to each other, wholly independent entities. No PARTY shall have power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of any other PARTY unless expressly provided to the contrary by this MOA. No employee, agent, or officer of a PARTY shall be deemed for any purpose whatsoever to be an agent, employee, or officer of another PARTY. Page 9 of 47 d. Amendment. The terms and provisions of this MOA may not be amended, modified, or waived, except by an instrument in writing signed by all non -delinquent PARTIES and the SGVCOG. Such amendments may be executed by those individuals listed in Exhibit C or by a person authorized to execute such amendment on behalf of each PARTY. e. Law to Govern. This MOA is governed by, interpreted under, and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California. In the event of litigation related to this MOA, venue in the State Superior Court or Federal District Court shall lie exclusively in the County of Los Angeles. f. No Presumption in Drafting. The PARTIES to this MOA agree that the general rule that an MOA is to be interpreted against the PARTY drafting it, or causing it to be prepared shall not apply. g. Severability. If any provision of this MOA shall be determined by any court to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable to any extent, then the remainder of this MOA shall not be affected, and this MOA shall be construed as if the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this MOA. h. Entire Agreement. This MOA constitutes the entire agreement of the PARTIES to this MOA with respect to the subject matter hereof. Waiver. Waiver by any PARTY to this MOA of any term, condition, or covenant of this MOA shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant. Waiver by any PARTY to this MOA of any breach of the provisions of this MOA shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision, nor a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this MOA. j. Counterparts. This MOA may be executed in any number of counterparts, which execution may be by electronic means as defined in Civil Code section 1633.2 and each of which shall be an original, but all of which taken together shall constitute but one and the same instrument, provided, however, that such counterparts shall have been delivered to all PARTIES to this MOA. k. All PARTIES to this MOA have been represented by counsel in the preparation and negotiation of this MOA. Accordingly, this MOA shall be construed according to its fair language. Page 10 of 47 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES have caused this MOA to be executed by their duly authorized representatives and affixed as of the date of signature of the PARTIES: Page 11 of 47 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES a Mark Pestrella, Director of Public Works Dated APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dawyn R. Harrison County Counsel m Deputy Page 12 of 47 Dated LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT Mark Pestrella, Chief Engineer APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dawyn R. Harrison County Counsel QI Deputy Page 13 of 47 Dated Dated CITY OF ALHAMBRA By Adele Andrade -Stadler, Mayor Dated ATTEST: By Lauren Myles City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Joseph M. Montes, Esq. City Attorney Page 14 of 47 CITY OF LOS ANGELES Dated: ATTEST: Holly Wolcott Interim City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: :, Hydee Feldstein Soto City Attorney Adena M. Hopenstand Deputy City Attorney 0 Aura Garcia, President Board of Public Works Page 15 of 47 CITY OF BURBANK Dated: Konstantine Anthony, Mayor ATTEST: Justin Hess, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Joseph H. McDougall, City Attorney Page 16 of 47 CITY OF CALABASAS Dated: 2 ATTEST: Maricela Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Matthew T. Summers, City Attorney David J. Shapiro, Mayor Page 17 of 47 THE CITY OF GLENDALE Dated: ATTEST: Roubik Golanian, P.E., City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Michael Garcia, City Attorney 0 Ardy Kassakhian, Mayor Page 18 of 47 CITY OF HIDDEN HILLS Dated: ATTEST: Deana L. Gonzalez, CMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Roxanne M. Diaz, City Attorney Page 19 of 47 m Steve Freedland, Mayor CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE Dated: ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Adrian R. Guerra, City Attorney m Page 20 of 47 CITY OF MONTEBELLO Dated: LIM ATTEST: Christopher Jimenez, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: David Torres, Mayor Arnold Alva rez-Glasman, City Attorney Page 21 of 47 CITY OF MONTEREY PARK Dated: By: ATTEST: Maychelle Yee, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: -31 Karl H. Berger, City Attorney Page 22 of 47 Ron Bow, City Manager CITY OF PASADENA Dated: m FAY 1r:61M Mark Jomsky, City Clerk r_1aa0i1T/4I7_Fg[i77i1V&I Debra Wordham, Assistant City Attorney Miguel Marquez, City Manager Page 23 of 47 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Dated: ATTEST: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rachel H. Richman, City Attorney M Ben Kim, City Manager Page 24 of 47 CITY OF SAN FERNANDO Dated: /_llg1�� Julia Fritz, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Richard Padilla, City Attorney m Celeste T. Rodriguez, Mayor Page 25 of 47 CITY OF SAN GABRIEL Dated: ATTEST: Sharon Clark, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Keith Lemieux, City Attorney M Page 26 of 47 Mark Lazzaretto, City Manager CITY OF SAN MARINO Dated: ATTEST: Mario Rueda, Acting City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: Joseph Montes, City Attorney Page 27 of 47 Steve Talt, Mayor CITY OF SOUTH EL MONTE Dated: ATTEST: Donna G. Shwartz, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Anthony R. Taylor, City Attorney m Rene Salas, City Manager Page 28 of 47 CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA Dated: ATTEST: Mark Perez, Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Andrew L. Jared, City Attorney Armine Chaparyan, City Manager Page 29 of 47 CITY OF THE TEMPLE CITY Dated: ATTEST: Peggy Kuo, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Murphy, City Attorney m Page 30 of 47 Cynthia Sternquist, Mayor SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Dated: ATTEST: 0 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0 David DeBerry Counsel for the SGVCOG Page 31 of 47 Marisa Creter, Executive Director EXHIBIT A MOA Scope of Work The purpose of this MOA is to facilitate compliance by the ULAR WMG with the MS4 Permit. The tasks below outline the broadly -expected work anticipated to comply with the Permit. MONITORING SERVICES This includes any and all tasks required to comply with the monitoring requirements established in the MS4 Permit and associated documents. This includes but is not limited to implementation of the ULAR CIMP (Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program), which includes but is not limited to the following activities: • Receiving Water Monitoring • Stormwater Outfall Monitoring • Non-Stormwater Outfall Monitoring • Urban Lakes Monitoring • Data Management • Capital, Operation, and Maintenance Activities • Purchasing, maintaining, and replacing equipment (capital costs) necessary for monitoring activities • Development of the monitoring sections to be included in the Annual Report (e.g. trends analysis, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) attainment, summary of monitoring activities) • Annual Reconciliation of the MONITORING SERVICES under the MOA. • This work may include additional activities and requirements based upon the March 2023 CIMP revisions, any other future CIMP revision, and subsequent requirements for the Regional Board. The City is responsible for completing the MONITORING SERVICES in this MOA, including by utilizing consultant support services. WMP-RELATED TASKS This includes any and all tasks required to comply with the MS4 Permit, as well as other work that is determined to advance the cities' efforts in complying with the MS4 Permit. The ULAR WMG is required to complete the following activities as part of the ULAR Watershed Management Program (WMP). This includes but is not limited to the sub -tasks defined below: • Annual Reporting (including the WMP Progress Report) • Report of Waste Discharge (ROWD) • Adaptive Management • Trash Monitoring and Reporting Plan (TMRP) • WMP Revisions • Website management (lastormh2o.org) • California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Membership Page 32 of 47 Contracts regarding WMP-RELATED TASKS will be administered by the SGVCOG utilizing a consultant(s) selected in coordination with the ULAR WMG, unless otherwise determined by the ULAR WMG. The lead agency of the ULAR WMG will provide subject -matter expertise and project management support to the SGVCOG and its consultants for the purposes of completing this task. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION This includes any and all tasks associated with administering this MOA, including but not limited to the following: • Facilitate the development of agreements and subsequent amendments for the ULAR WMG. • Manage procurements, contracting, and contract administration for consultants and contractors, with the lead agency of the ULAR WMG providing subject -matter expertise and project management support. This could include establishing and managing a bench of technical consultants that could be utilized by any PARTY. • Distribute invoices and collect payment from PARTIES. • Pay invoices from the City, upon receipt of invoice, as established in Section 8(a) of the MOA. • Manage the MOA budget in coordination with the lead agency of the ULAR WMG. • Facilitate the preparation of ULAR WMG administrative procedures by ULAR WMG and ensure compliance with these procedures. • Annual Reconciliation of WMP-RELATED TASKS under the MOA. The CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION tasks will be completed by the SGVCOG. Additional tasks may be identified in the process of complying with the Permit, at which point the ULAR WMG would determine the optimal approach to ensuring that the ULAR WMG remains in compliance with any and all aspects of the MS4 Permit and its associated documents. Page 33 of 47 EXHIBIT B MOA Cost Estimates Table 1. Distribution of Combined Annual Implementation Costs (CIMP/WMP/CASQA/SGVCOG fee)....................................................................... 35 Table 2. Distribution of Cost for Implementing Total ULAR CIMP Monitoring Services.................................................................................................................. 36 Table 2A. Costs for General CIMP Monitoring Services .......................... 37 Table 2A(i). Distribution of Costs for General CIMP Monitoring Services ..... 37 Table 2B. Costs for Arroyo Seco NSWO Monitoring ................................ 38 Table 213(i). Distribution of Costs for Arroyo Seco NSWO Monitoring ........... 38 Table 2C. Costs for Legg Lake Monitoring ............................................... 39 Table 2C(i). Distribution of Costs for Legg Lake Monitoring .......................... 39 Table 3. Distribution of Costs for Implementing WMP-Related Tasks (including CASQAfees)........................................................................................................... 39 Table 3A. Costs for Implementing General WMP-Related Tasks............ 40 Table 3B. Distribution of Costs for CASQA Membership Fees ............... 41 Table 4. SGVCOG Annual Contract Management Fees ...................................... 41 Page 34 of 47 Table 1. Distribution of Combined Annual Implementation Costs (CIMP/WMP/CASQA/SGVCOG fee) Agency Fiscal Year 23-24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25-26 Total (3 years) LACFCD $ 83,732 $ 79,353 $ 95,016 $ 258,101 City of Los Angeles $ 943,982 $ 908,306 $ 1,084,118 $ 2,936,406 County of Los Angeles $ 232,381 $ 217,554 $ 257,621 $ 707,556 City of Alhambra $ 25,278 $ 24,472 $ 29,209 $ 78,958 City of Burbank $ 57,421 $ 55,590 $ 66,350 $ 179,361 City of Calabasas $ 20,731 $ 20,070 $ 23,954 $ 64,755 City of Glendale $ 101,385 $ 98,139 $ 117,135 $ 316,659 City of Hidden Hills $ 4,974 $ 4,815 $ 5,747 $ 15,536 City of La Canada Flintridge $ 34,193 $ 27,729 $ 33,097 $ 95,018 City of Montebello $ 27,721 $ 26,837 $ 32,032 $ 86,590 City of Monterey Park $ 25,626 $ 24,809 $ 29,610 $ 80,045 City of Pasadena $ 81,872 $ 74,179 $ 88,537 $ 244,588 City of Rosemead $ 17,135 $ 16,588 $19,7991 $ 53,522 City of San Fernando $ 7,854 $ 7,604 $ 9,076 $ 24,534 City of San Gabriel $ 13,688 $ 13,252 $ 15,817 $ 42,756 City of San Marino $ 12,471 $ 12,073 $ 14,410 $ 38,953 City of South EI Monte $ 21,094 $ 17,250 $ 18,998 $ 57,341 City of South Pasadena $ 12,064 $ 10,954 $ 13,074 $ 36,091 City of Temple City $ 13,334 $ 12,909 $ 15,408 $ 41,651 Total $ 1,736,9331 $ 1,652,482 $ 1,969,007 $ 5,358,422 Page 35 of 47 Table 2. Distribution of Cost for Implementing Total ULAR CIMP Monitoring Services Agency Fiscal Year 23-24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25-26 Total (3 years) LACFCD $ 66,082 $ 61,483 $ 62,518 $ 190,083 City of Los Angeles $ 711,254 $ 671,309 $ 682,542 $ 2,065,105 County of Los Angeles $ 179,686 $ 163,892 $ 166,695 $ 510,272 City of Alhambra $ 19,008 $ 18,087 $ 18,389 $ 55,483 City of Burbank $ 43,178 $ 41,085 $ 41,773 $ 126,036 City of Calabasas $ 15,588 $ 14,833 $ 15,081 $ 45,503 City of Glendale $ 76,240 $ 72,532 $73,7461 $ 222,518 City of Hidden Hills $ 3,740 $ 3,559 $ 3,618 $ 10,917 City of La Canada Flintridge $ 27,088 $ 20,494 $ 20,837 $ 68,419 City of Montebello $ 20,845 $ 19,835 $ 20,167 $ 60,846 City of Monterey Park $ 19,269 $ 18,335 $ 18,642 $ 56,247 City of Pasadena $ 62,866 $ 54,824 $ 55,741 $ 173,431 City of Rosemead $ 12,884 $ 12,260 $ 12,465 $ 37,610 City of San Fernando $ 5,906 $ 5,620 $ 5,714 $ 17,240 City of San Gabriel $ 10,293 $ 9,794 $ 9,958 $ 30,044 City of San Marino $ 9,377 $ 8,923 $9,0721 $ 27,372 City of South EI Monte $ 19,047 $ 15,166 $ 15,466 $ 49,679 City of South Pasadena $ 9,258 $ 8,095 $ 8,231 $ 25,584 City of Temple City 1 $ 10,027 $ 9,541 $ 9,700 $ 29,268 Total Estimated Cost of CIMP $ 1,321,633 $ 1,229,667 $ 1,250,357 $ 3,801,657 Note: 1. Total Monitoring Services cost = General CIMP + NSWO + Legg Lake Page 36 of 47 Table 2A. Costs for General CIMP Monitoring Services ULAR CIMP General Monitoring Component Fiscal Year 23- 24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25- 26 Labor (Receiving Water and Storm Water Outfall) $ 253,000 $ 230,000 $ 230,000 Laboratory Analysis (Receiving Water and Storm Water Outfall) $ 263,051 $ 237,879 $ 240,157 Laboratory Data Handling Fee (15%) $ 39,458 $ 35,682 $ 36,024 Laboratory Analysis (TIE) $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Contract Services $ 319,000 $ 305,000 $ 305,000 Equipment $ 136,325 $ 130,081 $ 122,601 Administrative Fee (5%) $ 52,542 $ 48,932 $ 48,689 Sub -Total $ 1,103,375 $ 1,027,574 $ 1,022,471 Contingency (15%) $ 165,506 $ 154,136 $ 153,371 Annual Escalation (2.5%) $ - $ 25,689 $ 51,763 Total $ 1,268,881 $ 1,207,400 $ 1,227,604 Table 2A(i). Distribution of Costs for General CIMP Monitoring Services Agency Land Area (acres) % of Area Fiscal Year 23-24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25-26 Total (3 years) LACFCD (5%) -- $ 63,444 $ 60,370 $ 61,380 $ 185,194 City of Los Angeles 181,288.00 58.53% $ 705,492 $ 671,309 $ 682,542 $ 2,059,343 County of Los Angeles 41,048.07 13.25% $ 159,741 $ 152,001 $ 154,544 $ 466,286 City of Alhambra 4,884.31 1.58% $ 19,008 $18,0871 $ 18,389 $ 55,483 City of Burbank 11,095.20 3.58% $ 43,178 $41,0851 $ 41,773 $ 126,036 City of Calabasas 4,005.681 1.29% $ 15,588 $14,8331 $ 15,081 $ 45,503 City of Glendale 19,587.50 6.32% $ 76,226 $72,5321 $ 73,746 $ 222,504 City of Hidden Hills 961.03 0.31% $ 3,740 $3,5591 $ 3,618 $ 10,917 City of La Canada Flintridge 5,534.46 1.79% $ 21,538 $ 20,494 $ 20,837 $ 62,869 City of Montebello 5,356.38 1.73% $ 20,845 $19,8351 $ 20,167 $ 60,846 City of Monterey Park 4,951.51 1.60% $ 19,269 $ 18,335 $ 18,642 $ 56,247 City of Pasadena 14,805.30 4.78% $ 57,616 $ 54,824 $ 55,741 $ 168,181 City of Rosemead 3,310.87 1.07% $ 12,884 $ 12,260 $ 12,465 $ 37,610 City of San Fernando 1,517.64 0.49% $ 5,906 $ 5,620 $ 5,714 $ 17,240 City of San Gabriel 2,644.87 0.85% $ 10,293 $ 9,794 $ 9,958 $ 30,044 City of San Marino 2,409.64 0.78% $ 9,377 $ 8,923 $ 9,072 $ 27,372 City of South EI Monte 1 1,594.161 0.51% $6,2041 $5,9031 $ 6,002 $ 18,109 City of South Pasadena 1 2,186.201 0.71% $8,5081 $8,0951 $ 8,231 $ 24,834 Page 37 of 47 City of Temple City 1 2,576.50 0.83% 1 $10,0271 $9,5411 $9,7001 $ 29,268 Total 309,757.32 100.00% 1 $ 1,268,881 $ 1,207,400 $ 1,227,604 $ 3,703,886 Note: 1. LACFCD is responsible for 5% of the Total Cost, which is subtracted before distributing the cost among the other agencies. Table 2B. Costs for Arroyo Seco NSWO Monitoring CIMP Component Fiscal Year 23-24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25-26 Non-Stormwater Outfall Monitoring Fiscal Total (3 Arroyo Seco (3 Screening Events) $ 16,470 23-24 Year 24-25 Laboratory Data Handling Fee (15%) years) Agency (acres) Flat Rate: 15% of Total Monitoring costs $ 2,470 Administrative Fee (5%) LACFCD (5%) Flat Rate: 5% of Total NSWO Monitoring Cost $ 947 $ - $ 1,094 Monitoring Cost Sub -Total $ 19,887 27.73% $ 5,762 Additional Costs $ - $ 5,762 County of Los Contingency (15%) $ 1,989 Annual Escalation (2.5%) $ - Angeles 2361.13 Arroyo Seco (Total) $ 21,876 $ - $ Table 2B(i). Distribution of Costs for Arroyo Seco NSWO Monitoring Note: 1. LACFCD is responsible for 5% of the Total Cost, which is subtracted before distributing the cost among the other agencies. Page 38 of 47 Land Fiscal Year Fiscal Fiscal Total (3 Area % of Area 23-24 Year 24-25 Year 25-26 years) Agency (acres) LACFCD (5%) $ 1,094 $ - $ - $ 1,094 City of Los Angeles 3936.66 27.73% $ 5,762 $ - $ - $ 5,762 County of Los 16.63% Angeles 2361.13 $ 3,456 $ - $ $ 3,456 City of Glendale 9.39 0.07% $ 14 $ - $ - $ 14 City of La Canada 26.71 % Flintridge 3791.77 $ 5,550 $ - $ - $ 5,550 City of Pasadena 3586.72 25.26% $ 5,250 $ - $ - $ 5,250 City of South 3.61 Pasadena 512.25 $ 750 $ - $ $ 750 Arroyo Seco (Total) 14,197.93 100.00%1 $21,8761 $ 21,876 Note: 1. LACFCD is responsible for 5% of the Total Cost, which is subtracted before distributing the cost among the other agencies. Page 38 of 47 Table 2C. Costs for Legg Lake Monitoring CIMP Component Fiscal Year 23-24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25-26 Legg lake $ 22,235 $ 15,694 $ 15,694 Laboratory Data Handling Fee (15%) $ 3,335 $ 2,354 $ 2,354 Administrative Fee (5%) $ 1,279 $ 902 $ 902 Monitoring Cost Sub -Total $ 26,849 $ 18,950 $ 18,950 Additional Costs LACFCD (5%) $ 159,517 City of Alhambra Contingency (15%) $ 4,027 $ 2,843 $ 2,843 Annual Escalation (2.5%) $ - $ 474 $ 959 Legg Lake (Total) $ 30,876 $ 22,267 $ 22,752 Table 2Q). Distribution of Costs for Legg Lake Monitoring Note: 1. Legg Lake now has a fish tissue monitoring requirement at a frequency of once every three years. 2. LACFCD is responsible for 5% of the Total Cost, which is subtracted before distributing the cost among the other agencies. Table 3. Distribution of Costs for Implementing WMP-Related Tasks (including CASCIA fees) ULAR WMP Cost Distribution + CASQA Land Area % of Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Total (3 Total (3 years) (acres) Area Yea2r423 Year 24-25 Year 25-26 years) A enc 9 Y $ 181,398 $ 345,977 $ 704,503 County of Los Angeles $ 40,106 $ 41,073 LACFCD (5%) $ 159,517 City of Alhambra $ 1,544 $ 1,113 $ 1,138 $ 3,795 County of Los Angeles 2,044.68 56.21% $ 16,489 $ 11,891 $ 12,150 $ 40,530 South EI Monte 1,592.68 43.79% $ 12,844 $ 9,262 $ 9,464 $ 31,570 Legg Lake (Total) 3,637.35 100.00% $ 30,876 $22,2671 $ 22,752 $ 75,895 Note: 1. Legg Lake now has a fish tissue monitoring requirement at a frequency of once every three years. 2. LACFCD is responsible for 5% of the Total Cost, which is subtracted before distributing the cost among the other agencies. Table 3. Distribution of Costs for Implementing WMP-Related Tasks (including CASCIA fees) ULAR WMP Cost Distribution + CASQA Agency Fiscal Year 23-24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25-26 Total (3 years) LACFCD $ 12,650 $ 12,870 $ 27,498 $ 53,018 City of Los Angeles $ 177,128 $ 181,398 $ 345,977 $ 704,503 County of Los Angeles $ 40,106 $ 41,073 $ 78,338 $ 159,517 City of Alhambra $ 4,772 $ 4,887 $ 9,321 $ 18,981 City of Burbank $ 10,841 $ 11,102 $ 21,174 $ 43,117 City of Calabasas $ 3,914 $ 4,008 $ 7,645 $ 15,566 City of Glendale $ 19,138 $ 19,599 $ 37,382 $ 76,119 City of Hidden Hills $ 939 $ 962 $ 1,834 $ 3,735 City of La Canada Flintridge $ 5,407 $ 5,538 $ 10,562 $ 21,507 City of Montebello $ 5,233 $ 5,360 $ 10,222 $ 20,815 City of Monterey Park $4,8381 $4,9551 $ 9,450 $ 19,242 Page 39 of 47 City of Pasadena $ 14,466 $ 14,814 $ 28,255 $ 57,535 City of Rosemead $ 3,235 $ 3,313 $ 6,319 $ 12,866 City of San Fernando $ 1,483 $ 1,519 $ 2,896 $ 5,898 City of San Gabriel $ 2,584 $ 2,646 $ 5,048 $ 10,278 City of San Marino $ 2,354 $ 2,411 $ 4,599 $ 9,364 City of South EI Monte $ 1,558 $ 1,595 $ 3,042 $ 6,195 City of South Pasadena $2,1361 $ 2,188 $ 4,172 $ 8,496 City of Temple City $2,5171 $ 2,578 $ 4,917 $ 10,013 Total Estimated Cost of WMP 1 $315,3001 $322,8151 $ 618,651 $ 1,256,766 Note: 1. Total cost = General WMP + CASQA Fees. Table 3A. Costs for Implementing General WMP-Related Tasks WMP Component Fiscal Year 23-24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25-26 Total (3 years) Semi -Annual Progress Report (June) $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 150,000 Annual Reporting Package (December) $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 300,000 WMP Revisions/RAA/Adaptive Management $ - $ - $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Report of Waste Discharge (ROWD) $ - $ - $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Trash Monitoring and Reporting Plan (TMRP) $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 150,000 Program Management (10%) $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 42,000 $ 82,000 Sub -Total $ 220,000 $ 220,000 $ 462,000 $ 902,000 Contingency (15%) $ 33,000 $ 33,000 $ 69,300 $ 135,300 Annual Escalation (2% per year) $ - $ 4,400.00 $ 18,664.80 $ 23,065 WMP Program Management Cost (Total) $ 253,000 $ 257,400 $ 549,965 $ 1,060,365 Note: 1. Annual Report package includes semiannual progress report. Page 40 of 47 Table 3B. Distribution of Costs for CASQA Membership Fees Agency Land Area (acres) % of Area Fiscal Year 23-24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25-26 Total (3 years) City of Los Angeles 181,288.00 58.53% $ 36,462 $ 38,285 $ 40,199 $ 114,945 County of Los Angeles 41,048.07 13.25% $ 8,256 $ 8,669 $ 9,102 $ 26,026 City of Alhambra 4,884.31 1.58% $ 982 $ 1,031 $ 1,083 $ 3,097 City of Burbank 11,095.20 3.58% $ 2,232 $ 2,343 $ 2,460 $ 7,035 City of Calabasas 4,005.68 1.29% $ 806 $ 846 $ 888 $ 2,540 City of Glendale 19,587.50 6.32% $ 3,940 $ 4,137 $ 4,343 $ 12,419 City of Hidden Hills 961.03 0.31% $ 193 $ 203 $ 213 $ 609 City of La Canada Flintridge 5,534.46 1.79% $ 1,113 $ 1,169 $ 1,227 $ 3,509 City of Montebello 5,356.38 1.73% $ 1,077 $ 1,131 $ 1,188 $ 3,396 City of Monterey Park 4,951.51 1.60% $ 996 $ 1,046 $ 1,098 $ 3,139 City of Pasadena 14,805.30 4.78% $ 2,978 $ 3,127 $ 3,283 $ 9,387 City of Rosemead 3,310.87 1.07% $ 666 $ 699 $ 734 $ 2,099 City of San Fernando 1,517.64 0.49% $ 305 $ 320 $ 337 $ 962 City of San Gabriel 2,644.87 0.85% $ 532 $ 559 $ 586 $ 1,677 City of San Marino 2,409.64 0.78% $ 485 $ 509 $ 534 $ 1,528 City of South EI Monte 1,594.16 0.51% $ 321 $ 337 $ 353 $ 1,011 City of South Pasadena 2,186.201 0.71% $ 440 $ 462 $ 485 $ 1,386 City of Temple City 2,576.50 0.83% $ 518 $ 544 $ 571 $ 1,634 Total 1 309,757.321 100.00%1 $62,3001 $ 65,415 $ 68,686 $ 196,401 Note: 1. LACFCD will retain its own CASQA membership. 2. Assumes 5% escalation per year for CASQA fees. Table 4. SGVCOG Annual Contract Management Fees Page 41 of 47 Land Area (acres) % of Area Fiscal Year 23-24 Fiscal Year 24-25 Fiscal Year 25-26 Total (3 years) LACFCD (5%) -- -- $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 City of Los Angeles 181,288.00 58.53% $ 55,600 $ 55,600 $ 55,600 $ 166,799 County of Los Angeles 41,048.07 13.25% $ 12,589 $ 12,589 $ 12,589 $ 37,767 City of Alhambra 4,884.31 1.58% $ 1,498 $1,4981 $ 1,498 $ 4,494 City of Burbank 11,095.201 3.58% $ 3,403 $ 3,403 $ 3,403 $ 10,208 City of Calabasas 4,005.68 1.29% $ 1,229 $ 1,229 $ 1,229 $ 3,686 City of Glendale 19,587.50 6.32% $ 6,007 $ 6,007 $ 6,007 $ 18,022 City of Hidden Hills 961.03 0.31% $ 295 $ 295 $ 295 $ 884 City of La Canada Flintridge 5,534.46 1.79% $ 1,697 $ 1,697 $ 1,697 $ 5,092 Page 41 of 47 City of Montebello 5,356.381 1.73% $ 1,643 $1,6431 $ 1,643 $ 4,928 City of Monterey Park 4,951.51 1.60% $ 1,519 $ 1,519 $ 1,519 $ 4,556 City of Pasadena 14,805.30 4.78% $ 4,541 $ 4,541 $ 4,541 $ 13,622 City of Rosemead 3,310.87 1.07% $ 1,015 $ 1,015 $ 1,015 $ 3,046 City of San Fernando 1,517.64 0.49% $ 465 $ 465 $ 465 $ 1,396 City of San Gabriel 2,644.87 0.85% $ 811 $ 811 $ 811 $ 2,433 City of San Marino 2,409.64 0.78% $ 739 $ 739 $ 739 $ 2,217 City of South EI Monte 1,594.16 0.51% $ 489 $ 489 $ 489 $ 1,467 City of South Pasadena 2,186.20 0.71% $ 670 $ 670 $ 670 $ 2,011 City of Temple City 2,576.50 0.83% $ 790 $ 790 $ 790 $ 2,371 Total 309,757.32 100.00% $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 300,000 Note: 1. SGVCOG fee is $100,000 per year and covers both Monitoring Services and WMP-related tasks. 2. LACFCD is responsible for 5% of the Total Cost, which is subtracted before distributing the cost among the other agencies. Page 42 of 47 EXHIBIT C Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management Area CIMP Responsible Agencies Representatives Agency Address Agency Contact City of Los Angeles Alfredo Magallanes Department of Public Works E-mail: alfredo.magallanes@lacity.org Bureau of Sanitation, Watershed Protection Division Phone: (213) 485-3958 1149 S. Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90015 County of Los Angeles Mark Lombos Department of Public Works E-mail: mlombos@dpw.lacounty.gov Stormwater Quality Division, Building A-9 East, 151 Floor Phone: (626) 300-4665 1000 South Fremont Avenue Alhambra, CA 91803 Los Angeles County Flood Control District Jalaine Verdiner Department of Public Works E-mail: jquintr@dpw.lacounty.gov Stormwater Quality Division, Building A-9 East, 1$' Floor Phone: (626) 300-4666 1000 South Fremont Avenue Alhambra, CA 91803 City of Alhambra David Dolphin 111 South First Street E-mail: DDOLPHIN@cityofalhambra.org Alhambra, CA 91801-3796 Phone: (626) 300-1571 City of Burbank Stephen Walker P.O. Box 6459 E-mail: SWalker@burbankca.gov Burbank, CA 91510 Phone: (818) 238-3804 City of Calabasas Tatiana Holden 100 Civic Center Way E-mail: tholden@cityofcalabasas.com Calabasas, CA 91302-3172 Phone: (818) 224-1600 City of Glendale Maurice Oillataguerre Engineering Section, 633 East Broadway, Room 209 E-mail: moillataguerre@glendaleca.gov Glendale, CA 91206-4308 Phone: (818) 550-4511 City of Hidden Hills Joe Bellomo 165 Spring Valley Road E-mail: jbellomo@willdan.com Hidden Hills, CA 91302 Phone: (805) 279-6856 City of La Canada Flintridge 1327 Patrick DeChellis Foothill Blvd. E-mail: pdechellisi@lcf.ca.gov La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011-2137 Phone: (818) 790-8882 Page 43 of 47 EXHIBIT C Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management Group Responsible Agencies Representatives City of Montebello James A. Enriquez 1600 W Beverly Blvd E-mail: jenriquez@cityofmontebello.com Montebello, CA 90640 Phone: 323-887-1200 Rita Montalvo E-mail: rmontalvo@cityofmontebello.com Phone: 323-887-1200 Ext 469 City of Monterey Park Xochitl Tipan 320 West Newmark Avenue E-mail: xtipan@montereypark.ca.gov Monterey Park, CA 91754-2896 Phone: (626) 307-1383 City of Pasadena Dawn Petschauer 100 N Garfield Ave E-mail: dpetschauer@cityofpasadena.net 3rd Floor, N306 Phone: (626) 744-3929 Pasadena, CA 91101-1726 City of Rosemead Danielle Garcia 8838 East Valley Blvd. E-mail: daarcia(ftitvofrosemead.orc Rosemead, CA 91770-1787 Phone: (626) 569-2127 Ben Kim E-mail: bkimCdcitvofrosemead.orc Phone: (626) 569-2169 City of San Fernando Kenneth Jones 117 Macneil Street Email: kions@sfcity.org San Fernando, CA 91340 Phone: (818) 898-1240 City of San Gabriel Greg De Vinck 425 South Mission Avenue E-mail: gdevinck@sgch.org San Gabriel, CA 91775 Phone: (626) 308 - 2825 Capucine Hernandez E-mail: chernandez@sgch.org Phone: (626) 308-2825 City of San Marino Amber Shah 2200 Huntington Drive E-mail: ashah@cityofsanmadno.org San Marino, CA 91108-2691 Phone: (626) 300 - 0787 City of South EI Monte Rene Salas 1415 Santa Anita Ave. E-mail: rsalas@soelmonte.org South EI Monte, CA 91733 Phone: (626) 579-6540 Fax: (626)579-2409 City of South Pasadena Ted Gerber 1414 Mission Street E-mail: tgerber@southpasadenaca.gov South Pasadena, CA 91020-3298 Phone: (626) 403-7240 Page 44 of 47 City of Temple City Andrew Coyne 9701 Las Tunas Drive E-mail: acoyne@templecity.us Temple City, CA 9178 Phone: (626) 285-2171 Ext. 4344 San Gabriel Valley Council of Marisa Creter Governments Email: mcreter(g)sgvcog.org 1333 Mayflower Avenue, Suite 360 Phone: (626) 457-1800 Monrovia, CA 91016 Page 45 of 47 EXHIBIT D Upper Los Angeles River Watershed . `s 31M San rernanap 1,517.60 049% San Gabriel 2,64.87 des% LEGEND mammalian Los Angeles River r.._.. Upper Los Angeles 4—••-2 watershed Boundary Flood Control District Territory Upper LAWatershed Group Participatnginths EWMP Upper LA Watershed Agencies not ParacipBbng in this EWMP San Marina 2,409.60 0.26% S9uah 6l Monte 1,594.16 0.51% SouN Pasadena 2.18610 0.71% Temples 2,576.50 OAA% I FCD - Group Tolal —309,757331041% Upper Los Angeles River Watershed I... moEWMP Agencies BUREAU OF BRNITATION EHPoOVECULOIV.eP rnREcioa 4N40G¢A4 l aTE CREATED: Te n•o nwnwhamaev rmm•,w pv.nra.n MANN BY' CREC BY VWEI„Paan 6161] P.•w •namvrbam•d.m.o nWe.mW ns weq•t0�_ wi¢nensm : •rme. m^"e,m ore. p.uiwwm.wm, cTym,u.wxw PROTECTION Page 46 of 47 EXHIBIT E Reconciliation Template [the line items shown in this Exhibit are placeholders and are subject to change] CIMP COMPONENT RECONCILIATION CIMP Component - General Monitorin FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 Total General MMO onRmin FY 19-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 Total B j Actual s Total Remainin 9 LIMP Component - Non-Stormwater Monitoring Non-Stormwa Monnonn FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 Total Butl et IMO N S Actual s Total Remaining$ CIMP Component - Total Bu et WON8 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 Total Actual 8 Total Remainin $ WMP COMPONENT RECONCILATION WMP MOA Table ttem Budget (MOA) Actual (To Date) AES p2MdA o Balance Annual Report 8 Adaptive Management s os ge ea apo o ae a qac arge 8 U LR3 Fun I 8 UDR Trash onitonn—g Reporting Plan s Special Studies $ ULAK 2017 eporto sate iac e (ROWD) 8 Total 8 Page 47 of 47