CC - Item 4H - Approval of S. New Avenue and E. Graves Avenue Intersection All-Way StopROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 27, 2023 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF S. NEW AVENUE AND E. GRAVES AVENUE INTERSECTION ALL -WAY STOP SUMMARY At the February 2, 2023, Traffic Commission Meeting, at the request of the City of Monterey Park, staff presented a full evaluation of the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue to see if existing conditions warrant the installation of All -Way Stop Control at this intersection. After discussion and presentation of the item, the Traffic Commission approved the staff recommendations as shown on the "Installation Exhibit' in Attachment C. The recommended improvements are partially within the following jurisdictions: Los Angeles County, Monterey Park, and Rosemead. Los Angeles County and Monterey Park have both received the necessary approvals to proceed with the implementation of the recommended improvements. On May 9, 2023, the Rosemead City Council approved a reimbursement agreement with City of Monterey Park for a proposed New Avenue Rehabilitation Project which included the costs associated with the Traffic Commission recommended improvements at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead received a request from the City of Monterey Park to review the traffic study they did for the location of New Avenue at Graves Avenue. The request was for the installation of All -Way -Stop signs and striping improvements for the intersection of S. New Avenue and E. Graves Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures. As a result of extensive field data collection and review, including reviewing all of the counts, line of sight, roadway conditions and observations at this location, and engineering judgement, staff has determined that the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue would benefit from the installation of all -way STOP control as determined by the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Section 2B.07 and the California Vehicle Code AGENDA ITEM 4.11 City Council Regular Meeting June 27, 2023 Page 2 of 5 (CVC). The installation of all -way -stop control is recommended based on street conditions, pedestrians crossing midblock as well as the street grade/slope on Graves Avenue west of New Avenue. In addition to all -way stop, there are several other improvements that should be implemented. It is important to note that some of the recommended improvements for this intersection are partially in LA County (EL) along Graves Avenue and City of Rosemead (NE) corner on New Avenue. To implement all the following recommendations, the City of Monterey Park will need to work in conjunction with LA County and City of Rosemead. A detailed traffic report is included in Attachment A. The Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes are included as Attachment B. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed work involves the maintenance and minor alteration of existing public infrastructure; therefore, the project is Class 1 Categorically Exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the following: 1. Installation of a Yellow Continental Striped Crosswalk in the North Leg of the Intersection. It is recommended to install a Yellow Continental Striped Painted Crosswalk in the north leg of the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue designating the preferred pedestrian route to and from school along Graves Avenue to assist school pedestrians in crossing. Section 7C.02. 2. Installation of an Advanced Stop Bar Line 4 -FEET Before the Proposed Crosswalk for SB New Avenue Traffic Before Entering the Intersection. In addition to the Yellow Ladder Striped Painted Crosswalk in the north leg, it is recommended to install an advanced stop bar line approaching the proposed crosswalk. It was observed that vehicles are pulling forward into the pedestrian path to wait for a gap on Graves Avenue traffic. The advance stop bar will provide motorists with a designated spot to stop before entering the crosswalk to not block pedestrians travel path. CA-MUTCD Section 313.16 contains provisions regarding the placement and design of stop lines. City Council Regular Meeting June 27, 2023 Page 3 of 5 3. Removal and Replacement of Existing Stop Sign (Rl-1) with new 36"X36" Stop Sign and Install All -Way Plaque (R1 -3P) and Red Reflective Strip on signpost at New Avenue and Graves Avenue for SB direction. Remove and Replace Existing Stop Sign with new 36"X36" Stop Sign (RI -1) at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. Install All -Way Plaque (RI -3P) and Red Reflective Strip on Stop Signpost located at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. It was observed that replacing the existing Stop Sign with a new larger Stop Sign at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue would increase visibility for southbound vehicles approaching the intersection. 4. Installation of All -Way Stop Control with Stop Signs, ALL -WAY plaque (R1 -3P) beneath each stop sign, Stop Bars, and STOP pavement legends on Graves Avenue for EB and WB Directions. It is recommended that All -Way Stop Control is installed at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue, with stop signs, stop bars, STOP pavement legends and ALL - Way Plaques for eastbound and westbound directions on Graves Avenue. The installation of all -way -stop control is recommended based on street conditions, pedestrians crossing midblock as well as the street grade/slope on Graves Avenue west of New Avenue. New Stop signs (RI -1 36"x36") will require the installation of new signposts, with the base of the sign at least 7' from the ground. 5. Installation of Red Reflective Strips on each Stop Sign pole in all directions (EB, WB and SB). In addition, for the first month add flags to the new STOP signs on EB and WB Graves Avenue. (CAMUTCD Section 2A.15 Enhanced Conspicuity for Standard Signs) It is recommended that Red Reflective Strips be added to stop signposts for all stop signs at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue for EB, WB, and SB traffic. It is also recommended that temporary red flags be installed on the new stop signs for EB and WB directions at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue. The flags will help bring driver awareness to the new signage. Based upon engineering judgment, where the improvement of the conspicuity of a standard regulatory, warning, or guide sign is desired, any of the following methods may be used, as appropriate, to enhance the sign's conspicuity. This includes: • Adding one or more red or orange flags (cloth or retroreflective sheeting) above a standard regulatory or warning sign, with the flags oriented so as to be at 45 degrees to the vertical. • Or where engineering judgment indicates a need to draw attention to the sign during nighttime conditions, a strip of retroreflective material may be used on regulatory and warning sign supports. City Council Regular Meeting June 27, 2023 Page 4 of 5 6. Removal of One "Left Turn Arrow" and 5' of the Center Yellow line for EB Traffic and Install New Stop Bar and STOP Pavement Legend in both EB Lanes. Removal the easternmost "Left Turn Arrow" located in the EB left turn pocket at Graves Avenue and New Avenue. Remove about 5' of the yellow center line and then install Stop Bar and STOP Pavement Legend in both the left turn pocket and the through traffic lane for eastbound traffic on Graves Avenue. The Stop Bar and STOP legends should be shifted around 5' to the west to be in line with the NW curb face. 7. Installation of 20' of red curb on the north side of Graves New Avenue (NE Corner). The red curb will improve sight distance of pedestrians waiting to step off the curb to cross in the NL crosswalk as well as provide room for a right tum vehicle to make the turn without being stuck behind a parked car. 8. Installation of "Stop Ahead" Signage (W3-1) ahead of the intersection at New Avenue and Graves Avenue for Both EB and WB Directions. Install "Stop Ahead" Signage (W3-1) ahead of the intersection at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. Install EB sign approximately 160 -ft west of the intersection and the WB sign approximately 200 -ft east of the intersection at Graves Avenue and New Avenue. Both new signs require the installation of new signposts, with the base of the sign at least 7' from the ground. 9. Installation of New STOP AHEAD Pavement Legends along Graves Avenue. Install new STOP AHEAD pavement legends adjacent to the STOP AHEAD signs on Graves Avenue for both directions. Pavement legends will serve to provide an added reminder that Graves Avenue at New will be STOP controlled. 10. Find that the Project is Class 1 Categorically Exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). FINANCIAL IMPACT On May 9, 2023, the City Council approved the authorization of a reimbursement agreement with the City of Monterey Park for the proposed improvements in the amount of $152,095.05, which will be funded through Measure M Funds. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan Goal C - Infrastructure and Facilities, which is to enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with City Council Regular Meeting June 27, 2023 Page 5 of 5 relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: to anielle Garcia Public Works Fiscal and Project Manager Submitted by: Ben Kim City Manager Attachment A: February 2, 2023 Traffic Commission Staff Report Attachment B: February 2, 2023 Traffic Commission Minutes Attachment C: Installation Exhibit Attachment A February 2, 2023 Traffic Commission Staff Report ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: MICHAEL CHUNG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 2023 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW S. NEW AVENUE AND E. GRAVES AVENUE INTERSECTION ALL -WAY STOP WARRANT STUDY SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate traffic improvements at the intersection location of New Avenue at Graves Avenue. The City of Rosemead received a request from the City of Monterey Park to review the traffic study they did for the location of New Avenue at Graves Avenue. The request was for the installation of All -Way -Stop signs and striping improvements for the intersection of S. New Avenue and E. Graves Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures. ANALYSIS At the request of the City of Monterey Park, Transtech Engineers, Inc has completed a full evaluation of the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue to see if existing conditions warrant the installation of All -Way Stop Control at this intersection per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD Section 2B.07). Existing Conditions: The initial request came from the School District. Monterey Vista Elementary School has students enrolled that live in Monterey Park, as well as Rosemead and Unincorporated LA County. The intersection is located within City of Monterey Park (EB and SB), City of Rosemead (NE Comer on New Avenue) and LA County (EB Graves Avenue). The City of Rosemead appears to be half of New Avenue (NB) and the NE corner. Improvements will need concurrence or approval from City of Rosemead, City of Monterey Park, as well as LA County. City Traffic Commission Meeting February 2, 2023 Page 2 of 7 Graves Avenue is classified as a Minor Arterial roadway per Caltrans Roadway Classification with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH, and a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH when children are present. Graves Avenue is approximately 47 -feet wide with one travel lane in each direction and a double yellow center line west of the intersection at New Avenue, and a two way left turn lane east of the intersection at New Avenue. There is a striped left turn pocket for EB traveling vehicles. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway except where the curb is marked red, and on street sweeping days; posted signage indicates limited parking on Wednesdays on the south side of the street and Thursdays on the north side of the street. This section along Graves Avenue is primarily single-family residential homes and parallels Monterey Vista Elementary School on the north side of the road. On Graves Avenue there is an upward slope on the west side with New Avenue at the bottom of the slope. There is an uncontrolled yellow crosswalk approximately 359' to the east of the intersection at Stevens Avenue. Approximately 613' to the west is an all -way stop with yellow crosswalks at S Pomelo Avenue. It is important to note that the area of Graves Avenue at New Avenue falls along the city boundaries of the City of Monterey Park, the City of Rosemead, and Unincorporated LA County. The Vicinity Map and Existing Conditions Map as shown in Attachment A denote the city boundaries. New Avenue is classified as a Minor Arterial roadway per Caltrans Roadway Classification with a speed limit of 35 MPH. New Avenue is approximately 56 -feet wide with one travel lane in each direction with a dashed yellow centerline. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway, except for the east side of the road on Thursdays, and the west side of the road on Fridays due to street sweeping, and where curb is marked red. This section along New Avenue is primarily single- family residential homes with Monterey Vista Elementary School on the west side. Monterey Vista Elementary School is located on the north side of Graves Avenue and the west side of New Avenue. The front of the elementary school is located at the intersection of Graves Avenue and S Pomelo Avenue, which is located approximately 613' -ft west of the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue. Monterey Vista Elementary School serves approximately 541 students ranging from grades K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Monterey Vista Elementary School are as follows: Monday — Friday, Start time: 8:20am, Monday — Friday (Not Wednesday) End time: 2:35pm; Wednesday End time: 1:35pm. Collision Investigation: A Collision History Analysis and investigation was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). The collision City Traffic Commission Meeting February 2, 2023 Page 3 of 7 analysis was conducted over approximately a 3 -year period between September 2019 through August 2022 (available data at the time of traffic review) at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue. Per the Collision History Analysis, there was a total of 2 collisions reported within the 3 -year period. Field Observation: An observation at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue was conducted in the morning on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022, during the drop-off of students at Monterey Vista Elementary School, starting at 7:45 AM. It was observed that, many cars parked to drop off students along the north side of Graves Avenue, and parents walked their students to the front entrance of the school, next to the intersection of Graves Avenue and S Pomelo Avenue. Some cars also parked on the west side of New Avenue, and parents walked their students along the sidewalk to reach the school front entrance. After student drop offs, these cars pulled away onto the main road. A second observation at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue was conducted in the afternoon on Tuesday October 18th, 2022, following the release of students from Monterey Vista Elementary School at 2:35PM. It was observed that many cars were parked on the north and south sides of Graves Avenue, as well as along both sides of New Avenue, waiting to pick up students from school at 2:35PM. Vehicles began parking and lining up for pick-up around 1:45PM. Figure 6 in attachment A indicates the observed traffic movement of vehicles during the pick-up of students in the afternoon from Monterey Vista Elementary School. Average Daily Traffic (ADT): Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken on September 20th, 2022, for New Avenue at Graves Avenue. All counts were taken when schools were open and back in session. Graves Avenue east of New Avenue carries 8,484 vehicles per day per the ADT count. New Avenue north of Graves Avenue carries 5,926 vehicles per day per the ADT count. Speed Survey: To assess the speed at which vehicles were traveling at the intersection of New Avenue at Graves Avenue, speed samples were taken over a 24-hour period on September 20'h, 2022. Based on the Speed Survey, the 85th percentile speed of vehicles traveling at the intersection of New Avenue at Graves Avenue was determined to be 40 mph. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled were traveling at 40 mph or below, which is above the posted speed limit of 35 mph. City Traffic Commission Meeting February 2, 2023 Page 4 of 7 All -Way Stop Control Analysis: As part of this review the resident requested the City to consider placing all -way stop control at the intersection of New Avenue at Graves Avenue. Traffic control devices work in concert with the basic "rules of the road" contained in traffic laws and ordinances. The California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD Section 213.07) describes applications, warrants, and placement of STOP signs (RI -1). Stop signs are not used as a speed control device and should be used only where warranted. The placement of these signs is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD and CVC. The criteria for determining if two-way or all -way stop control is warranted is based on a minimum volume on each of the street approaches, collision investigation, speed of traffic, number of pedestrians and potential sight obstructions. As a part of this study, a stop sign installation analysis review of the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue was conducted. Based on the analysis and field review conducted it was determined that the intersections did meet the warrants for the installation of All -Way STOP control. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As a result of extensive field data collection and review, including reviewing all of the counts, line of sight, roadway conditions and observations at this location, and engineering judgement, staff has determined that the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue would benefit from the installation of all -way STOP control as determined by the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Section 2B.07 and the California Vehicle Code (CVC). The installation of all -way -stop control is recommended based on street conditions, pedestrians crossing midblock as well as the street grade/slope on Graves Avenue west of New Avenue. In addition to all -way stop, there are several other improvements that should be implemented. These are listed below and shown in the Installation Exhibit. After careful consideration a crosswalk was not striped in the WL of the intersection. A marked crosswalk was not included in the WL due to physical conditions on either curb (electric vault, power cabinet, water meters on south side and power pole and catch basin along the north curb) these items make it so a marked crosswalk would not meet ADA requirements for an accessible ramp so is infeasible to install. However, although no crosswalk is striped pedestrians can legally cross in the west leg per the California Vehicle Code Section 21950, The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. There is existing a yellow midblock crosswalk at Stevens Avenue to the east and at Pomelo Avenue to the west of the intersection. City Traffic Commission Meeting February 2, 2023 Page 5 of 7 It is important to note that some of the recommended improvements for this intersection are partially in LA County (EL) along Graves Avenue and City of Rosemead (NE) corner on New Avenue. To implement all the following recommendations, the City of Monterey Park will need to work in conjunction with LA County and City of Rosemead. Please refer to the Installation Exhibit in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. 1. Install a Yellow Continental Striped Crosswalk in the North Leg of the Intersection. It is recommended to install a Yellow Continental Striped Painted Crosswalk in the north leg of the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue designating the preferred pedestrian route to and from school along Graves Avenue to assist school pedestrians in crossing. Section 7C.02. 2. Install an Advanced Stop Bar Line 4 -FEET Before the Proposed Crosswalk for SB New Avenue Traffic Before Entering the Intersection. In addition to the Yellow Ladder Striped Painted Crosswalk in the north leg, it is recommended to install an advanced stop bar line approaching the proposed crosswalk. It was observed that vehicles are pulling forward into the pedestrian path to wait for a gap on Graves Avenue traffic. The advance stop bar will provide motorists with a designated spot to stop before entering the crosswalk to not block pedestrians travel path. CA-MUTCD Section 313.16 contains provisions regarding the placement and design of stop lines. 3. Remove and Replace Existing Stop Sign (111-1) with new 361IX36" Stop Sign and Install All -Way Plaque (Rl-3P) and Red Reflective Strip on signpost at New Avenue and Graves Avenue for SB direction. Remove and Replace Existing Stop Sign with new 36"X36" Stop Sign (RI -1) at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. Install All -Way Plaque (R1 -3P) and Red Reflective Strip on Stop Signpost located at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. It was observed that replacing the existing Stop Sign with a new larger Stop Sign at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue would increase visibility for southbound vehicles approaching the intersection. 4. Install All -Way Stop Control with Stop Signs, ALL -WAY plaque (RI -3P) beneath each stop sign, Stop Bars, and STOP pavement legends on Graves Avenue for EB and WB Directions. It is recommended that All -Way Stop Control is installed at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue, with stop signs, stop bars, STOP pavement legends and ALL -Way Plaques for eastbound and westbound directions on Graves Avenue. The installation of all -way -stop control is recommended based on street conditions, pedestrians crossing midblock as well as the street City Traffic Commission Meeting February 2, 2023 Page 6 of 7 grade/slope on Graves Avenue west of New Avenue. New Stop signs (R1 -I 36"x36") will require the installation of new signposts, with the base of the sign at least 7' from the ground. 5. For Added Visibility Install Red Reflective Strips on each Stop Sign pole in all directions (EB, WB and SB). In addition, for the first month add flags to the new STOP signs on EB and WB Graves Avenue. (CAMUTCD Section 2A.15 Enhanced Conspicuity for Standard Signs) It is recommended that Red Reflective Strips be added to stop signposts for all stop signs at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue for EB, WB, and SB traffic. It is also recommended that temporary red flags be installed on the new stop signs for EB and WB directions at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue. The flags will help bring driver awareness to the new signage. Based upon engineering judgment, where the improvement of the conspicuity of a standard regulatory, warning, or guide sign is desired, any of the following methods may be used, as appropriate, to enhance the sign's conspicuity. This includes: • Adding one or more red or orange flags (cloth or retroreflective sheeting) above a standard regulatory or warning sign, with the flags oriented so as to be at 45 degrees to the vertical. • Or where engineering judgment indicates a need to draw attention to the sign during nighttime conditions, a strip of retroreflective material may be used on regulatory and warning sign supports. 6. Remove One "Left Turn Arrow" and 5' of the Center Yellow line for EB Traffic and Install New Stop Bar and STOP Pavement Legend in both EB Lanes. Removal the easternmost "Left Tum Arrow" located in the EB left tum pocket at Graves Avenue and New Avenue. Remove about 5' of the yellow center line and then install Stop Bar and STOP Pavement Legend in both the left turn pocket and the through traffic lane for eastbound traffic on Graves Avenue. The Stop Bar and STOP legends should be shifted around 5' to the west to be in line with the NW curb face. 7. Install 20' of red curb on the north side of Graves New Avenue (NE Corner). The red curb will improve sight distance of pedestrians waiting to step off the curb to cross in the NL crosswalk as well as provide room for a right turn vehicle to make the turn without being stuck behind a parked car. 8. Install "Stop Ahead" Signage (W3-1) ahead of the intersection at New Avenue and Graves Avenue for Both EB and WB Directions. Install "Stop Ahead" Signage (W3-1) ahead of the intersection at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. Install EB sign approximately 160 -ft west of the intersection and the WB sign approximately 200 -ft east of the intersection at Graves Avenue and New Avenue. Both new signs require the installation of new signposts, with the base of the sign at least 7' from the ground. City Traffic Commission Meeting February 2, 2023 Page 7 of 7 9. Install New STOP AHEAD Pavement Legends along Graves Avenue. Install new STOP AHEAD pavement legends adjacent to the STOP AHEAD signs on Graves Avenue for both directions. Pavement legends will serve to provide an added reminder that Graves Avenue at New will be STOP controlled. Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A — Technical Traffic Engineering Report TRANSTEch TO: City of Monterey Park FROM: Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: November 4, 2022 SUBJECT: STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE & GRAVES AVENUE IN THE CITY OF MONTEREY PARK PREPARER'S CERTIFICATION This Report was prepared by: Jana Robbins, PTP, RSP Bahman Janka, PE E-mail: jana.robbins@transtech.org E-mail: Bahman.Janka@Transtech.org This report was prepared under the supervision of: Bahman Janka, PE CERTIFICATION BY ENGINEER Bahman Janka, PE License Type: Traffic License Number: 1520 of �,o ry r£RFs m o } City of Monterey Park I Page 1 of 28 C9<IIOR��P STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE The City of Monterey Park requested an evaluation of the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue to see if existing conditions warrant the installation of All -Way Stop control at this intersection. To provide a complete evaluation, a traffic review included an evaluation of existing roadway conditions, 3 years of available collision data and completion of Stop Sign Warrants as found in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Section 213.07. The assessment included the collection of 24- hour vehicle counts, a 24-hour speed survey on Graves Avenue near New Avenue, an intersection turning movement count, and a review of line of sight for vehicles exiting New Avenue onto Graves Avenue. The traffic operations at this intersection were also observed during arrival and pick up times at Monterey Vista Elementary school. Figure 1: Vicinity Map City of Monterey Park I Page 2 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Figure 2 Existing Conditions • , 1 rti �' 'City of Monterey)- 1112's me. t' zrtv pp , 1 '``. Y• •i i~ y r.� i.�, ,xmr- Gr 7� • -..,. 47' 359' LEGEND N K CIS Stop Sign (R1-1) School Pedestrian Crossing Sign (SW24-1) PARKING PARKING No Parking due to SCHOOL _Kf�l BM -12 EDNESDA Street Sweeping SPEED WEDNESDAY$CRLY 2AB-$w Signage (R7-2 uMir School Speed limit Sign r IMRTywPy,,, variations) 25 ($R41(CA)) naal Si'VA6 SECIIA W PARKING No Commercial Vehicle ENTIRE BUCK MYRNE N DDNEHeuL Parking Signage( R7-2 r KING VEF,LES variation) SPEED 35 MPH Speed Limit OwRStas PARKING TUESDAY LIMIT MONDAY Sign (R2-1) BO-12NU 2w-SaI 35 ra-m xc,rrwrc Reserved ADA Accessible s<ovaw �c School XING Ahead Sign Parking Sign (R7-8) - Existing Red Curb 7\Il (SW24-1) ) 0 Existing Blue Curb The initial request came from the School District. Monterey Vista Elementary School has students enrolled that live in Monterey Park, as well as Rosemead and Unincorporated LA County. The intersection is located within City of Monterey Park (EB and SB), City of Rosemead (NE Corner on New Avenue ) and LA County (EB Graves Avenue). The City of Rosemead appears to be half of New Avenue (NB) and the NE corner. Improvements will need concurrence or approval from City of Rosemead as well as LA County. Graves Avenue: Within the City of Monterey Park, Graves Avenue is classified as a MinorArterial roadway per Caltrans Roadway Classification with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH, and a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH when children are present. Graves Avenue is approximately 47 -feet wide with one travel lane OE �,ON7pR� L City of Monterey Park I Page 3 of 28 v � x cq� U.H�P STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE in each direction and a double yellow center line west of the intersection at New Avenue, and a two way left turn lane east of the intersection at New Avenue. There is a striped left turn pocket for EB traveling vehicles. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway except where the curb is marked red, and on street sweeping days; posted signage indicates limited parking on Wednesdays on the south side of the street and Thursdays on the north side of the street. This section along Graves Avenue is primarily single- family residential homes and parallels Monterey Vista Elementary School on the north side of the road. On Graves Avenue there is an upward slope on the west side with New Avenue at the bottom of the slope. There is an uncontrolled yellow crosswalk approximately 359' to the east of the intersection at Stevens Avenue. Approximately 613' to the west is an all -way stop with yellow crosswalks at S Pomelo Avenue. It is important to note that the area of Graves Avenue at New Avenue falls along the city boundaries of the City of Monterey Park, the City of Rosemead, and Unincorporated LA County. The Vicinity Map and Existing Conditions Map above denote the city boundaries. New Avenue: Within the City of Monterey Park, New Avenue is classified as a Minor Arterial roadway per Caltrans Roadway Classification with a speed limit of 35 MPH. New Avenue is approximately 56 -feet wide with one travel lane in each direction with a dashed yellow centerline. Parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway, except for the east side of the road on Thursdays, and the west side of the road on Fridays due to street sweeping, and where curb is marked red. This section along New Avenue is primarily single- family residential homes with Monterey Vista Elementary School on the west side. Monterey Vista Elementary School: Within the City of Monterey Park, Monterey Vista Elementary School is located on the north side of Graves Avenue and the west side of New Avenue. The front of the elementary school is located at the intersection of Graves Avenue and S Pomelo Avenue, which is located approximately 613' -ft west of the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue. Monterey Vista Elementary School serves approximately 541 students ranging from grades K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Monterey Vista Elementary School are as follows: Monday — Friday, Start time: 8:20am, Monday— Friday (Not Wednesday) End time: 2:35pm; Wednesday End time: 1:35pm. City of Monterey F'arK Page 4 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE PICTURE SUMMARY Intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue — Looking Eastbound Intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue — Looking Northbound w� S Ri 1� Graves Avenue approaching intersection at Stevens Avenue — Looking Eastbound U Intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue — Looking Westbound Intersection of Graves Avenue and Stevens Avenue — Looking Eastbound �,orvrEp, F _ q<rroe , Intersection of Graves Avenue and Stevens Avenue — Looking Westbound City of Monterey Park I Page 5 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Stevens Avenue approaching intersection at Graves Avenue— Looking Southbound PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS To determine the type of turning movements that are encountered at the intersection where Graves Avenue intersects with New Avenue, peak hour intersection turning movement counts and pedestrian counts were taken at this intersection during the hours of 7-9 AM, 1-3 PM and 4-6 PM on Tuesday, September 201h, 2022. The counts were taken while school was in session. Figures 3, 4, and 5 represent the highest peak 1 hour of vehicles at the intersection during each count time. Please refer to Attachment 1.1 at the end of the report for the count sheets. Figure 3 shows the highest one-hour traffic volume during the AM peak hours of 7:00 to 9:00 AM. The peak hour volume for the AM Peak was 7:30 to 8:30 AM at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue. Graves Avenue and New Avenue N Highest 1 Hour in AM PEAK (7:30-8:30 AM) r ti 166 E— 190 92 225 No South Leg Figure 3: AM Peak Hour Count 7:30-8:30 AM City of Monterey Park I Page 6 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Figure 4 shows the highest one-hour traffic volume during the Afternoon peak hours of 13:00 to 15:00 PM. The peak one hour was between the Afternoon hour of 13:00 to 14:00 (1:00-2:00 PM) at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue. This corresponds to when school is letting out. Graves Avenue and New Avenue N Highest 1 Hour in AFT PEAK (1:00-2:00 PM) ry 117 e 152 , r 90 1q_ _ No South Leg Figure 4: AFTERNOON Peak Hour Count 1:00-2:00 PM Figure 5 shows the highest one-hour traffic volume during the PM peak hours of 16:00-18:00 PM. The peak one hour was between the PM Peak hours of 17:00 to 18:00 (5:00-6:00 PM) at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue. Graves Avenue and New Avenue N Highest 1 Hour in AM PEAK (5:00-6:00 PM) 0 H Ilk� 149 E 229 90 314 30 30 No South Leg Figure 5: PM Peak Hour Count 5:00-6:00 PM City of Monterey Park I Page 7 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE To determine how many pedestrians are crossing at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue, peak hour pedestrian counts were taken during the same count periods as the intersection turning movement counts on Tuesday, September 20", 2022. The pedestrian counts tally the number of adult and school age pedestrians crossing in each leg of the intersection during the count times of 7-9AM, 1- 3PM and 4-613M. Each hour is shown in Table 1. The west or east leg counts reflect pedestrians crossing Graves Avenue. Please refer to Attachment 1.2 at the end of the report for the count sheet. Table 1: Summary of Pedestrians Crossing at Graves Avenue and New Avenue, 9/20/22 LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING — MARKED OR UNMARKED CROSSWALKS TIME NORTH LEG LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING — MARKED OR UNMARKED EAST LEG TIME NORTH LEG WEST LEG ADULTS SCHOOLAGE EAST LEG 4 4 0 0 ADULTS SCHOOLAGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE 7-8AM 7 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 8-9AM 13 9 1 0 1 0 0 0 1-21PM 5 7 4 12 2 4 2-3PM 0 0 0 0 0 2 4-5PM 0 1 0 0 0 0 5-6PM 4 2 1 0 0 0 TOTALPEDS 29 34 6 12 2 6 A second pedestrian count was taken on Tuesday, October 18", 2022, during the school drop off and pick up time for Monterey Vista Elementary School. The pedestrian counts shown in Table 2 and Table 3 tally the number of adult and school age pedestrians in each leg of the intersection. The pedestrian counts took place at the beginning of the school day between 7:45 and 8:45AM, and at the end of the school bell between 2:OOPM and 3:OOPM. The counts were divided into 15 -minute increments in the tables below (Table 2 and Table 3). Table 2: Summary of Pedestrians Crossing at Graves Avenue and New Avenue, 10/18/2022 LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING — MARKED OR UNMARKED CROSSWALKS TIME NORTH LEG WEST LEG EAST LEG ADULTS SCHOOLAGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE 7:45-8:OOAM 4 4 0 0 0 0 8:00-8:15AM 7 2 0 0 0 0 8:15-8:30AM 3 2 1 0 0 0 8:30-8:45AM 1 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALPEDS 15 8 1 0 0 0 City of Monterey Park I Page 8 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Table 3: Summary of Pedestrians Crossing at Graves Avenue and New Avenue, 10/18/2022 LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING — MARKED OR UNMARKED CROSSWALKS TIME NORTH LEG WEST LEG EAST LEG ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE 2:00-2:15PM 3 0 1 0 0 0 2:15-2:30131M 8 0 3 0 1 0 2:30-2:45PM 22 20 8 7 0 0 2:45-3:OOPM 2 1 0 0 0 0 TOTALPEDS 35 21 12 7 1 0 STEVENS AVENUE AT GRAVES AVENUE - PEDESTRIAN COUNT AND OBSERVATIONS An additional pedestrian count was conducted at the intersection of Stevens Avenue and Graves Avenue, which is located approximately 359 -feet east of the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue. There is a marked crosswalk in the west leg of this intersection. Observations were made to determine the number of pedestrians crossing the intersection at the marked crosswalk. These counts were taken on Tuesday, October 181h, 2022, during the school drop off and pick up time for Monterey Vista Elementary School. The pedestrian counts shown in Table 4 and Table 5 tally the number of adult and school age pedestrians in each leg of the intersection. The pedestrian counts took place at the beginning of the school day between 7:45 and 8:45AM, and at the end of the school bell between 2:OOPM and 3:OOPM. The counts were divided into 15 -minute increments in the tables below (Table 4 and Table 5). As shown in the tables there were only a few pedestrians that are using this uncontrolled crossing. Table 4: Summary of Pedestrians Crossing at Stevens Avenue and Graves Avenue, 10/18/2022 LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING — MARKED OR UNMARKED CROSSWALKS TIME NORTH LEG WEST LEG EAST LEG ADULTS SCHOOLAGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE 7:45-8:OOAM 2 2 2 0 0 0 8:00-8:15AM 3 0 0 0 0 0 8:15-8:30AM 1 0 0 0 0 0 8:30-8:45AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALPEDS 6 2 2 0 0 0 Table 5: Summary of Pedestrians Crossing at Stevens Avenue and Graves Avenue, 30/18/2022 LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING — MARKED OR UNMARKED CROSSWALKS TIME NORTH LEG WEST LEG EAST LEG ADULTS SCHOOLAGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE 2:00-2:15PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:15-2:30PM 1 0 0 0 0 0 2:30-2:45PM 3 2 0 0 0 0 2:45-3:OOPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALPEDS 4 2 0 0 0 0 City of Monterey Park I Page 9 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE FIELD OBSERVATIONS AT GRAVES AVENUE AND NEW AVENUE An observation at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue was conducted in the morning on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022, during the drop-off of students at Monterey Vista Elementary School, starting at 7:45 AM. It was observed that, many cars parked to drop off students along the north side of Graves Avenue, and parents walked their students to the front entrance of the school, next to the intersection of Graves Avenue and S Pomelo Avenue. Some cars also parked on the west side of New Avenue, and parents walked their students along the sidewalk to reach the school front entrance. After student drop offs, these cars pulled away onto the main road. A second observation at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue was conducted in the afternoon on Tuesday October 181h, 2022, following the release of students from Monterey Vista Elementary School at 2:35PM. It was observed that many cars were parked on the north and south sides of Graves Avenue, as well as along both sides of New Avenue, waiting to pick up students from school at 2:35PM. Vehicles began parking and lining up for pick-up around 1:45PM. Figure 6 below indicates the observed traffic movement of vehicles during the pick-up of students in the afternoon from Monterey Vista Elementary School. uty OT moncerey rarK I rage w of c STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Figure 6: Vehicle Movement Observations during pick up from Monterey Vista Elementary School On Tuesday, October 181h, 2022, student pick-up from Monterey Vista Elementary School was observed between 2:OOPM-3:OOPM. Prior to the end of the school day at 2:35PM, it was observed that vehicles parked along both sides of the street on Graves Avenue, as well as on both sides of the street at New Avenue. Cars parked eastbound and westbound along Graves Avenue had difficulty re-entering traffic following student pickup in the afternoon, due to the number of vehicles traveling along Graves Avenue as well as the speed of the drivers traveling eastbound along Graves Avenue. Graves Avenue is on a downhill slope. It was observed that eastbound vehicles seemed to be traveling faster than westbound vehicles along Graves Avenue. Vehicles also parked northbound and southbound along New Avenue north of Graves Avenue for student pickup. Most of the vehicles parking along New Avenue for pickup parked on the west side of the street parallel to Monterey Vista Elementary, however some drivers parked on the east side of the street as well. It was observed during student pickup that several pedestrians, both adult and student age, crossed the street midblock along New Avenue north of the intersection at Graves Avenue. The midblock crossing of pedestrians affected the northbound and southbound vehicle traffic along New Avenue, as drivers traveling along New Avenue were having to break for pedestrians in the area. The midblock crossing was mostly occurring adjacent to the teacher's parking lot driveway entrance along New Avenue. Observations were also conducted in the morning and the afternoon on Tuesday, October 181h, 2022, at the intersection of Stevens Avenue and Graves Avenue. During the morning observations, very few pedestrians crossed at the intersection of Stevens Avenue and Graves Avenue. Of the pedestrians that crossed Graves Avenue at the intersection in the morning, most were not dropping off students at Monterey Vista Elementary School. Forthe afternoon observations at Stevens Avenue and Graves Avenue, even less pedestrians were counted than in the morning of the same day. Almost all adults picking up students crossed midblock to the west of the intersection of Graves Avenue and Stevens Avenue, so there were very few pedestrians that used the existing crosswalk. City of Monterey Park I Page 11 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE OBSERVATIONS FOR PICK UP AT MONTEREY VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LINE OF SIGHT AT INTERSECTIONS As part of the review a line -of -sight assessment was prepared for vehicles exiting New Avenue onto Graves Avenue. The driver of a vehicle approaching or departing from an intersection should have an unobstructed view of the intersection, including any traffic control devices, and enough clear view along the intersecting highway to permit the driver to anticipate and avoid potential collisions. These unobstructed views form triangular areas known as sight triangles. Any object within the sight triangle that would obstruct the driver's view of an approaching vehicle should be removed or modified or appropriate traffic control devices should be installed as per A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTO). Obstructions within sight triangles could be buildings, vehicles, hedges, trees, bushes, tall crops, walls, fences, or parked cars. A parked vehicle extends approximately 7 -feet from the curb, so its necessary to consider the width of a vehicle when determining if red curb is needed to obtain a clear sight triangle. Looking at existing sight triangles at the corner it is suggested that 20' of red curb be painted from the ECR to the driveway apron of the first house on the NE corner on Graves Avenue. The red curb would improve sight distance for exiting vehicles from New Avenue as well as provide for added sight distance of crossing pedestrians and provide drive space for a WB right turning vehicle. city or monterey Page 12 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Figure 7: Line of Sight Analysis Southbound at New Avenue and Graves Avenue AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken on, September 20th, 2022, on Graves Avenue east of New Avenue, as well as on September 27th, 2022, on New Avenue north of Graves Avenue, while school was in session during a typical weekday. A summary of ADT data for each count day is shown in Table 6 and Table 7. Please refer to Attachments 2.1 and 2.2 at the end of the report for the ADT sheets. Table 6: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) —Counts taken on 9/20/2022 Vehicles per Day (vpd) Location EB WB TOTAL Graves Avenue east of New Avenue 4,580 3,904 8,484 Table 7: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) — Counts taken on 9/27/2022 Vehicles per Day (vpd) Location NB SB TOTAL New Avenue north of Graves Avenue 2,815 3,111 5,926 SPEED SURVEY To assess the speed at which vehicles are traveling along Graves Avenue, speed samples were taken. A 24-hour speed sample was taken on Tuesday, September 201h, 2022, on Graves Avenue east of New Avenue. The 85th percentile speed of vehicles along Graves Avenue is shown to be at 40 MPH which is higher than the posted speed limit of 35 mph outside of school hours. During school let out and pick up it was noted in the speed survey that some vehicles were still traveling above the 25 MPH posted school speed limit. This suggests that some vehicles are not slowing during the times students are on the aty of monterey Page 13 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE sidewalks and crossing the street on Graves Avenue. Table 8 below shows the September 20`^, 2022, speed survey results. The speed summary output files are attached (Attachment 3) at the end of the report. Table 8: 24 Hour Speed Survey along Graves Avenue, 9/20/2022 Date/Time of I Posted Limit Posted School Location Dir. of Travel 85%Dile Speed F— j Graves Avenue east of i New Avenue COLLISION INVESTIGATION: Survey MPH Speed Limit MPH EB/WB 1 9/27/2022 i 40 1 35 25 A Collision History Analysis was conducted for the subject intersection. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). All collisions that were reported within 100 -feet of the subject intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue were recorded. The collision analysis was conducted over a 3 -year period between September 2019 to the most recent available collision data, August 2022. Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number of collisions near the studied intersection is listed below and shown in Table 9. 2022: 0 collisions 2021: 1 collision 2020: 1 collision 2019: 0 collisions Total: 2 collisions Table 9 provides a detailed description of collisions that took place within 100 -feet of the intersection at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. Table 9: Collision History List for the Intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue City of Monterey Page 14 of 28 t-Fw :-saw.hNWy M.Ftl. WUFSID.r. WYnTNAA 3-plw•YWA � r.�re.,w ENnry4lie IDS D.1. F�rNo.a S�WyNw OIN. lti wrN IM+.EN.1 uNw Fm •M y�b,m.y� DwID a- M. s-A..ADYnpiy ADo .B A.p NT 1 3A9 2 NMAW GRMAW 1TN ll]O MD MYLMW RF/A END 5 OWERMV VN3AFESVEED 0 W 3TDVFED DI VA A'R MM OR VII NR 2 V1W= GMVESAVE NEWAVE VW 17:41 TNu 6 -St AUO/FED 3 FED IEDNIX 1 NN AED City of Monterey Page 14 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Figure 9: Collision Diagram for the Intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue rmm�i nnOnmO null nmgiHl. . sled t — L'1GLLYL11a �a i " IrIs �. A � i LEGEND ALL COLLISIONS - Crash Type Irw,em& aim NOf Crashes Fatality (Death) 0 Severe Injury 0 Injury - Other Visible 0 0 Injury- Complaint of Pain 0 0 Property Damage Only 0 1 Total 1 Scale: SO -ft TOTALCRASHES 2 aty of Monterey rarK I rage iD oT &D # of PED&BIKE - Crash Type Crashes Fatality(Death) 0 Severe Injury 0 Injury -Other Visible 1 Injury- ComplaintoPPain 0 Property Damage Only 0 Total 1 Scale: SO -ft TOTALCRASHES 2 aty of Monterey rarK I rage iD oT &D STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING IF STOP CONTROL IS WARRANTED Traffic control devices work in concert with the basic "rules of the road" contained in traffic laws and ordinances. The California Manual of Uniform Traffic Devices (CAMUTCD 213.07) describes applications, warrants, and placement of STOP signs (RI -1). The STOP sign is a regulatory device that is used when traffic is required to stop. STOP signs are used to assign right-of-way at an intersection. Multi -way control is used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is approximately equal. Extenuating circumstances, frequency of right angle collisions, or lack of available sight distance also may warrant installation of multi -way stop signs after documenting engineering studies. Stop signs are not used as a speed control device. Since a STOP sign causes inconvenience to motorists, it should be used only where warranted. The placement of these signs is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD and CVC. The City's criteria for determining if all -way stop control is warranted is based on several factors as set by the CAMUTCD. These factors include minimum volumes on each of the street approaches, collision investigation, speed of traffic, number of pedestrians and potential sight obstructions. All -Way Stop Installation The following briefly outlines the Criteria for the installation of All -Way stop warrants. The placement of All -Way stop control is warranted when' any of the following conditions are met: A. Traffic control signals are justified B. A crash problem exists as indicated by 5 or more collisions in a 12 -month period C. Minimum Volumes are met if: 1. Volume entering intersection from the major approach (total of both approaches) averages 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day. And 2. The combined vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle volumes entering the intersection from the minor street approaches averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours. 3. If the 85`h percentile approach speed of the major street exceeds 40 mph the minimum volumes are 70 percent of the above values. Daily Volumes from existing ADT approach counts were used in determining if the intersection met volume warrants for all -way stop installation at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. As shown in Table 10 the intersection met minimum volume thresholds during 6 of the eight peak hours which included school let out. The following Table 10 summarizes traffic during the highest 8 peak hours of the day on both streets. ' California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Section 213.07 Multiway Stop Applications City of Monterey Park I Page 16 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION Of NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Table 10: Summary of Peak Hour Vehicular and Pedestrian Volume to Meet Minimum Thresholds for All -Way Stop Control Time (highest Eastbound and Met Minimum Southbound Pedestrians Met Minimum 8 hours Westbound Threshold of Traffic along and Bicycles Threshold of at including Traffic on Graves 300 Veh Per New crossing Least 200 Units school hours) Avenue Hour for any 8 Avenue Graves (Cars + Peds + (Non -Stopped Hours of an approaching Avenue Bikes) for The Street Average Day? Graves (EL/WL) Same 8 Hours as Considered the Avenue Graves Avenue? Major Street) 07:00-08:00 537 Y 155 0 N 08:00-09:00 605 Y 219 1 Y 14:00-15:00 594 Y 246 24 Y 15:00-16:00 577 Y 237 - Y 16:00-17:00 732 Y 245 1 Y 17:00-15:00 854 Y 285 0 Y 15:00-19:00 729 Y 255 - Y 19:00-20:00 452 Y 148 N CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As a result of extensive field data collection and review, including reviewing all of the counts, line of sight, roadway conditions and observations at this location, and engineering judgement, staff has determined that the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue would benefit from the installation of all -way STOP control as determined by the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Section 28.07 and the California Vehicle Code (CVC). The installation of all -way -stop control is recommended based on street conditions, pedestrians crossing midblock as well as the street grade/slope on Graves Avenue west of New Avenue. In addition to all -way stop, there are several other improvements that should be implemented. These are listed below and shown in the Installation Exhibit. After careful consideration a crosswalk was not striped in the WL of the intersection. A marked crosswalk was not included in the WL due to physical conditions on either curb (electric vault, power cabinet, water meters on south side and power pole and catch basin along the north curb) these items make it so a marked crosswalk would not meet ADA requirements for an accessible ramp so is infeasible to install. However, although no crosswalk is striped pedestrians can legally cross in the west leg per the California Vehicle Code Section 21950, The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. There is existing a yellow midbiock crosswalk at Stevens Avenue to the east and at Pomelo Avenue to the west of the intersection. City of Monterey Park I Page 17 of 28 STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE It is important to note that some of the recommended improvements forth is intersection are partially in LA County (EL) along Graves Avenue and City of Rosemead (NE) corner on New Avenue. To implement all the following recommendations, the City of Monterey Park will need to work in conjunction with LA County and City of Rosemead. 1. Install a Yellow Continental Striped Crosswalk in the North leg of the Intersection. It is recommended to install a Yellow Continental Striped Painted Crosswalk in the north leg of the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue designating the preferred pedestrian route to and from school along Graves Avenue to assist school pedestrians in crossing. Section 7C.02. 2. Install an Advanced Stop Bar Line 4 -FEET Before the Proposed Crosswalk for SB New Avenue Traffic Before Entering the Intersection. In addition to the Yellow Ladder Striped Painted Crosswalk in the north leg, it is recommended to install an advanced stop bar line approaching the proposed crosswalk. It was observed that vehicles are pulling forward into the pedestrian path to wait for a gap on Graves Avenue traffic. The advance stop bar will provide motorists with a designated spot to stop before entering the crosswalk to not block pedestrians travel path. CA-MUTCD Section 313.16 contains provisions regarding the placement and design of stop lines. 3. Remove and Replace Existing Stop Sign (R1-1) with new 36"X36" Stop Sign and Install All -Way Plaque (1113-3P) and Red Reflective Strip on signpost at New Avenue and Graves Avenue for SB direction. Remove and Replace Existing Stop Sign with new 36"X36" Stop Sign (R1-1) at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. Install All -Way Plaque (111-3P) and Red Reflective Strip on Stop Signpost located at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. It was observed that replacing the existing Stop Sign with a new larger Stop Sign at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue would increase visibility for southbound vehicles approaching the intersection. 4. Install All -Way Stop Control with Stop Signs, ALL -WAY plaque (113-3P) beneath each stop sign, Stop Bars, and STOP pavement legends on Graves Avenue for EB and WB Directions. It is recommended that All -Way Stop Control is installed at the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue, with stop signs, stop bars, STOP pavement legends and ALL -Way Plaques for eastbound and westbound directions on Graves Avenue. The installation of all -way -stop control is recommended based on street conditions, pedestrians crossing midblock as well as the street grade/slope on Graves Avenue west of New Avenue. New Stop signs (R1-1 36"x36") will require the installation of new signposts, with the base of the sign at least 7' from the ground. 5. For Added Visibility Install Red Reflective Strips on each Stop Sign pole in all directions (EB, WB and SB). In addition, for the first month add flags to the new STOP signs on EB and WB Graves Avenue. (CAMUTCD Section 2A.15 Enhanced Conspicuity for Standard Signs) It is recommended that Red Reflective Strips be added to stop signposts for all stop signs at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue for EB, WB, and SB traffic. It is also recommended that temporary red flags be installed on the new stop signs for EB and WB directions at the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue. The flags will help bring driver awareness to the new signage. City of Monterey Park I Page lB of za STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Based upon engineering judgment, where the improvement of the conspicuity of a standard regulatory, warning, or guide sign is desired, any of the following methods may be used, as appropriate, to enhance the sign's conspicuity. This includes: • Adding one or more red or orange flags (cloth or retroreflective sheeting) above a standard regulatory or warning sign, with the flags oriented so as to be at 45 degrees to the vertical. • Or where engineering judgment indicates a need to draw attention to the sign during nighttime conditions, a strip of retroreflective material may be used on regulatory and warning sign supports. 6. Remove One "Left Turn Arrow" and 5' of the Center Yellow line for EB Traffic and Install New Stop Bar and STOP Pavement Legend in both EB Lanes Removal the easternmost "Left Turn Arrow" located in the EB left turn pocket at Graves Avenue and New Avenue. Remove about 5' of the yellow center line and then install Stop Bar and STOP Pavement Legend in both the left turn pocket and the through traffic lane for eastbound traffic on Graves Avenue. The Stop Bar and STOP legends should be shifted around 5' to the west to be in line with the NW curb face. 7. Install 20' of red curb on the north side of Graves New Avenue (NE Corner) The red curb will improve sight distance of pedestrians waiting to step off the curb to cross in the NL crosswalk as well as provide room for a right turn vehicle to make the turn without being stuck behind a parked car. 8. Install "Stop Ahead" Signage (W3-1) ahead of the intersection at New Avenue and Graves Avenue for Both EB and WB Directions. Install "Stop Ahead" Signage (W3-1) ahead of the intersection at New Avenue and Graves Avenue. Install EB sign approximately 160 -ft west of the intersection and the WB sign approximately 200 -ft east of the intersection at Graves Avenue and New Avenue. Both new signs require the installation of new signposts, with the base of the sign at least 7' from the ground. 9. Install New STOP AHEAD Pavement Legends along Graves Avenue. Install new STOP AHEAD pavement legends adjacent to the STOP AHEAD signs on Graves Avenue for both directions. Pavement legends will serve to provide an added reminder that Graves Avenue at New will be STOP controlled. Recommendations for the intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue are shown in the following Exhibit. �, nreR o Fy a 7 F C,r' OMH�P City of Monterey Park I Page 19 of 28 a Z m y O OO O O O O 0 0 m 5 n � mz [0-0 00 2`z 2z 00 D �z W G)z [n LJ� z r� to W z A Z O W ��<W W mm <x W G W- m y mm W �� T A� Zvm� �y c<3 mm� z�� 0�3 m0� ��� �. p m pr 00cD z� 0� cA� rnm� �_mO mZ0 vm� �r mxmr mr -m m W r m fnr cnm mom z rnr Cl■�' xZ x� �N Div mDD OD OBD �D< j di o C� Omczin4 <o W -z zoo mm� ?mz -mz <m a m0 OrDm mm Am mZ.m yC-2 OCA -col OO fm Cr0 .I N 3 oy oom mo v'� <am Dov 005 �m� yn �m o�N>q A O� c�< mm �wm �mD Z? m D O��tn ao vz m_m mzoom m� mz '< m �mm mDm m 30 o�cmi� W O m-Oim zmD mr _�' _T. z G)x0�`2 z z j 0 or COm mom c-yi D mom' A OZ roZ m� MZ0 z� f m�� u..-.. M aZD- = m0 n)Z8D Ax Zz� oOz zm 0 G) ommn (n m� p0 �N O-NjW Zw� 1p A - M r Z oN<m p z0 0� ZO ODz ��z m p �m�y m O .'Oy W �r m r0 m Z= O9 nf/) <� m< A o; y N R" N o m Om O p m m W o 0 W r x z O A `< < O m D~_ 33 = Z Z y G D m m 3 O m W k Z p m m m m N r [A Z Oo Z m , Y c m ZT>yZ wz mA 800 Do cern zm o� D = --,, m 5< Rm <m mDX �o O-� A Omit; 2` m� mZ mD mm`s; yp f�nm�� Z O ammo m O� �m D� m�O Zw Dm x �cZZ m z �.Z1 Z1wo 0 ��N y ZS �d.. N' m M> m z �D Z T �o wO �DG7 A D Om z p m zw� m 0 Ln -j � Z 2 D Z ,T)L7 1 �ti. c O o Z O Z] G7 0 o Sl m O O I: m N Z D m 1 Z m < x y m Z 0o _ o Z wmzz D w: xm ,Z �2 nz O Z p C y ?t y O m z m m m cn Z -mi �1 c m O Z- -a O m "y ,1 A C m Z z D p Z 2 m < a O y m m x v m o W o z W m m m m z n D y*V7 m z 0a(n `m Z' Oc z< X0 (n Z zO`-On<0i �T �O 'o -D �m �z c mC)m O m0 00 Oz xz Z m `2Z(n Z r (nm m a m� sl �/ • ' an - 00c STOP SIGN WARRANT STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF NEW AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1. PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS & PEDESTRIAN COUNTS • 1.1: Peak Hour Turning Movement Counts at the Intersection of Graves Avenue and New Avenue • 1.2: Pedestrian Movement Counts at Graves Avenue and New Avenue • 1.3: Peak Hour Turning Movement Count Table: Graves Avenue at New Avenue ATTACHMENT 2. AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) • 2.1: On Graves Avenue east of New Avenue • 2.2: On New Avenue north of Graves Avenue ATTACHMENT 3. 24-HOUR SPEED SURVEY: Graves Avenue, east of New Avenue ATTACHMENT 4. CITY BOUNDARIES N7F City of Monterey Park I Page 21 of 28 ATTACHMENT 1.1 - PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT: GRAVES AVENUE AT NEW AVENUE LmzO : New Ave & Graves Ave OLT: Monterey Pak Project We 22420269-001 C9n4vE 1 -Wry St0o(SB) Date: 9/20/2022 Total i5/EW StnsM3: New Ave New Ave Graves Ave Graves Ave • i O NORIXBWND 0 I 50U1H00UN0 0 1 EASTBOUND 0 ND WESTBOUND 0 ML 0 a 0 0 I I 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 TOTAL 187 1:00 PM NL NT NR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET ER EU WL WT WR WU TOTAL 7:00 AM 0 0 0 0 13 0 10 0 7 19 0 0 0 14 17 0 80 ):15 AM 0 0 0 0 17 0 7 0 U 34 0 0 0 24 33 0 138 730 AM 0 0 0 0 26 0 18 0 23 49 0 0 0 46 43 0 205 )MS AM 0 0 0 0 27 0 38 0 N 56 a 0 0 R 45 0 N) 8:00 AM 0 D 0 0 33 0 49 0 N 65 0 0 0 57 41 0 2N 8:15 Pt4 0 0 0 0 61 0 22 0 16 55 0 0 0 35 37 0 226 8:30 AM 0 0 0 0 36 0 13 0 21 M 0 0 0 17 14 0 155 8:45 AM 0 0 1 0 18 0 13 0 22 49 0 0 i 0 31 26 0 160 1416 NL NT NR NU 5L 5T SR SU EL ET ER EU WL SVT WR WU TOTAL TOTAL VDI. U.£5: 0 0 1 0 231 0 1)0 0 165 381 0 0 0 276 256 0 1480 APPNO. X's: 0.00% 0.00%100.00% 0.00% 5).61% 0.00% 42.39% 0.00% 30.22% 69.)8% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 51.88% 48.12% 0.00% 0.000 PEAK Hi: 07';30 AM - W30 AM 0863 147 0 122 0 92 225 0 0 0 1 IN 166 0 TOTAL 947 PEAKm VOL: a 0 0 0 PEAK iii FACTM : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.602 0.000w 0.000 0.N3 0b 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.833 0.922 OA00 0.810 NORTHBOUND 0.825 1 0.1 EASTBOINID 0.908 WESTBOUND NOR111BW4D SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND • i O 0 0 0 I 1 D 0 1 3 10 0 1 0 0 ML 0 MT MR 0 0 III 0 SL 43 ST SR a N SU 1 a 17 ET 13t 47 0 EU 0 m 0 6VT WR 31 N 6V 0 TOTAL 187 1:00 PM 1:15PM 0 0 0 0 27 0 N 0 IB 45 0 0 0 M 27 0 IN 1:30 PM 0 0 0 0 49 0 33 0 31 47 0 0 0 42 37 0 239 1:45 PM 0 o 0 0 33 0 32 1 N 55 0 a 0_ 35 29 0 209 2:UO PM 0 0 0 0 35 0 IB 0 14 36 0 0 0 31 22 0 156 2:15 PM 0 0 0 0 33 0 Il 1 19 34 0 0 0 27 16 0 141 230P 0 a 0 0 32 0 12 0 11 48 0 0 0 73 22 0 148 2:45 PM 0 0 0 0 41 0 13 0 14 38 0 0 0 21 19 0 IN NL NT MR NU SL ST SR SU EL ET R EU WL VlT WK WU TOTAL TOTAL V6KIA4E5: 0 0 0 0 293 0 172 3 146 350 0 0 0 254 1% 0 1416 gPPROACM x^13: 62.61% 0.00% 36.)5% 0.64% 29.)2% 713.26% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% %.M% 43.56% GN% PEAK Hfl : 01:00 PM -02:00 PM IR 0 138 2 90 1940 0 0 152 1.17 0 TOTAL 825 PEAK HN VOL: 0 0 0 0 BEAK MFACTOfl: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.776 0.0013 0.899 0.500 0.)26 0.882 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.864 0.791 0.000 0863 O.B29 0.899 0.851 NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOINID WESTBOUND 0 0 0 Oil i 0 0 1 1 0 a' 0 1 0 0 NL NT NR MU A STSR SU EL 11 ET m EU WL WT WR m TOTAL 4:00 PM 0 0 0 0 38 0 20 0 63 1 0 0 31 30 0 217 4:15 PM 0 0 0 0' 36 0 27 0 12 62 0 0 0 32 21 0 IN 430 PM 0 0 0 0 35 0 13 0 11 72 0 0 0 Is M 0 193 PM 0 a 0 0 60 0 16 0 16 w a 0 0 36 28 0 239 __4:45 500PM 0 0 0 0 39 0 1B0 29 85 0 0 0 49 42 0 262 5:15 PM 0 a 0 0 M 0 31 0 16 71 0 0 0 63 30 0 255 5:30 PM 0 D 0 0 38 0 29 0 27 79 0 0 0 54 47 0 274 5:45 PM 0 B 0 0 42 0 28 a 18 79 0 0 0 63 30 0 260 NL NT NR NU SL ST SR 5U EL ET m w WL W WR V211 TOTAL TOTAL VOLIMES: 0 0 0 0 332 0 IN 0 155 594 1 0 0 364 254 0 1890 APPNOAm-x 63.60% 0.00% 36.40% 0.013% 20.6)% 79.20% 0.13%0.0^ 0.00% 58.90% 41.10% 0.00% PEAK NI : 0500 PM - 0600 PM 163 0 106 0 90 314 0 0 0 229 149 0 TOT^L 1051 PEAKHMVOL: 0 0 0 0 -EAK M FACTOM: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.9N 0.000 0.855 0.000 0.776 0.9N OA00 0.000 0.000 0.909 O.N3 OA00 0959 0.89J 0.886 0.936 ATTACHMENT 1.2 - PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENT COUNT: GRAVES AVENUE AT NEW AVENUE Location: New Ave & Graves Ave Project ID: 22-020269-001 City: Monterey Park Date: 9/20/2022 Pedestrians Crosswalks NS/EW Streets: New Ave New Ave Graves Ave Graves Ave WEST LEG NORTH LEG SOUTH LEG EAST LEG WEST LEG EB WB EB WB ! EB WB ! NB ! NB SB TOTAL 7:00 AM 0 0 D 01 0 0 0 0 0 7:15 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7:30 AM 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 7:45 AM 4 8 ! 0 0 0_ 0 ! 0 0 4:30 PM 8:00 AM 3 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 _12_ 13 8:15AM 6 4 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 8:30 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8:45 AM 0 0 1 0 0 1 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 EB WB EB WB NB SB NB 58 TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES: 15 29 0 0 0 0 1 0 45 APPROACH °%'s : 34.09% 65.91% 1 0 100.00% 0.00% 3 PEAK HR : 07:30 AM - 08:30 AM 0 0 0 0 1 0 TOTAL 45 PEAK HR VOL : 15 29 PEAK HR FACTOR : 0.625 0.806 5:45 PM 0.250 0.865 0 0.917 0 0.250 0 3 NORTH LEG SOUTH LEG EAST LEG WEST LEG WB • • SB NB SB TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES: EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL 1:00 PM 0 0( 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1:15 PM 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 9 1:30 PM 7 2 1 0 D 0 3 1 1 11 24 1:45 PM 0 0 1 0 0 00... 0 0 0 2:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:15 PM 0 0 0 0 D 0 I 0 D 0 2:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 2:45 PM 0 0 j 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 i 0 EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES: 7 5 0 0 3 5 4 12 36 APPROACH °%'s : 58.33% 41.67% 37.50% 62.50% 25.00% 75.00% PEAK HR: 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM 0 0 3 3 4 12 TOTAL 34 PEAK HR VOL: 7 5 PEAK HR FACTOR: 0.250 0.417 0.250 0.250 0.333 0J73 0.354 0.333 0.500 0.333 NORTH LEG j SOUTH LEG EAST LEG WEST LEG EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL 4:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4:15 PM 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ 0 0,__ 5:00 PM 0 1 0 0 0 0 T 0 0 1 5:15 PM 2 0 i 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 5:30 PM 0 0 0 D 0 0 1. 0 0 0 5:45 PM 3 D 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 3 EB WB EB WB NB SB NB SB TOTAL TOTAL VOLUMES: 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 APPROACH Ws: 85.71% 14.29% 0.00% 100.00% PEAK FUR: 05:00 PM - 06:00 Phi 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 TOTAL 7 PEAK HR VOL: PEAK HR FACTOR: 0.417 0.250 0.250 0.583 0.500 0.250 ATTACHMENT 1.3- PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT TABLE: GRAVES AVE AT NEW AVE New Ave & Graves Ave Peak Hour Turning Movement Count ID: 22-020269-001 New Ave Day: Tuesday City: Monterey Park _ Date: 09/20/2022 0 x QY 6 rn m 2; 01:00 M - 02:00 M INOON' 118 i 0 152 ; 2 -� 209 NOON) 01:00 M - 03:00 M 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM PM 106 0 j 163 i 0 239 aM xooN PM �i , ♦ y ' � 4 F— 0 1 1 0 901 149 3171270 335 a 0;0:0 0 92190190 11 225 1 194 314 ♦ 1 0 0 s 0 i 0 AM NOON PM Total Vehicles (AM) I^N O .naiL + + ~t 92J 166 225-A O.-190 0s s0 1 0 f r• F— Total Vehicles (Noon) I- .. O -L N ~t + 0 90J* 117 194-Of152 s1 07r0 t 1 h t 000 0 F Total Vehicles (PM) J .O-1 O N L + ~t 901 149 314.E ® x-229 0741 —100 f &r0 0 .-1 PM PM 1 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM PM NOON AM 0 L 149117j166 1 4). 229 1 152 190 0 S - 0 a..'--0 . 0 0 i 0! 0 =:> 477 13461372 NOON 0 ( 0 1 0 1 0 0 AM 0 II 0 1 0 1 0' 0 AM New Ave 0 0 0 0 152 014 f 00 s1 41 t f S 0 0 0! 0; 0 PM NOON 0 ( 0 1 0 1 0 0 AM 0 II 0 1 0 1 0' 0 AM New Ave 000 00c) z a a zz y\,� o PM NOON AM J4 u u x N D m Total Vehicles (AM) Hn n 92 ,f t 166 225-0 O .190 0 lh f rs o o 0 0 Total Vehicles (Noon) 'eedes88rrians (Crosswalks] % OO 152 014 f 00 rl0 0 m `O 0 0 m .`°+ S 2 6 Q Z S �y 0O I � ti N � to r, lA .-1 PM 1 y 0 PM NOON 12 j j 3 NOON AM 0 AM AM 1 1 0 AM nocn 4 f 3 NOON PM 0 . 0 PM 000 00c) z a a zz y\,� o PM NOON AM J4 u u x N D m Total Vehicles (AM) Hn n 92 ,f t 166 225-0 O .190 0 lh f rs o o 0 0 Total Vehicles (Noon) .- N L 90 J� + ~t 117 194 #k0 152 014 f 00 rl0 0 Total Vehicles (PM) `O 0 0 m .`°+ 90 j41 4 ~t 149 314. ® 4.229 01 VO I t o0OF ATTACHMENT 2.1 -ADT: GRAVES AVENUE EAST OF NEW AVENUE Prepared by National Data & Surveying Sennoes VOLUME Graves Ave E/O New Ave Day: Tuesday Date: 9/20/2022 Qty: Monterey Park Project P. CA22_020268_002 TOTALSDAILY BLB EB :F 12:00 0 VVB 1,904 0 66 52 Total F-8,494 118 AM P.,iod 0,00 NB SB EB VVIR 0 0 6 9 15 TOTAL 0:15 0 0 4 7 11 12:15 0 0 48 49 97 0:30 0 0 7 6 13 12:30 0 0 46 63 109 0:45 0 0 2 19 5 27 7 46 12AS 0 0 ' 71 231 54 218 125 449 1:00 0 0 2 6 8 13,00 0 0 67 50 117 1:15 0 0 2 3 5 13:15 0 0 64 59 123 1:30 0 0 2 3 5 1330 0 0 48 49 97 IAS 0 0 1 7 0 12 1 29 13:45 0 0 61 240 ' 47 205 108 445 2:00 0 0 3 1 4 14,00 0 0 62 71 133 2:15 0 0 5 6 11 14:15 0 0 62 80 142 2:30 0 0 4 1 5 1430 0 0 94 78 172 2:45 0 0 0 12 0 8 20 14:45 0 0 ' 81 299 66 295 147 594 3:00 0 0 3 5 8 35,00 0 0 73 50 123 3:15 0 0 4 3 7 15:15 0 0 86 46 132 330 0 0 4 3 7 15:30 0 0 102 61 163 3:45 0 0 6 17 0 11 6 28 15A5 0 ' 0 ' 90 351 69 226 159 577 4:00 0 0 3 3 6 16:00 0 0 105 57 162 6:15 0 0 4 5 9 16:15 0 0 115 59 174 430 0 0 8 3 11 16:30 0 0 120 62 182 4:45 0 0 S 20 3 14 8 34 16:45 0 0 '132 472 82 260 214 732 S:oo 0 0 8 4 12 17,00 0 0 125 71 196 5:15 0 0 a 5 13 1735 0 0 118 los 223 5:30 0 0 10 7 17 1730 0 0 116 a8 204 SAS 0 0 8 34 6 22 14 56 17:45 0 0 '130 489 '101 365 231 856 6-00 0 0 30 10 20 18:00 0 0 lib 85 208 6:15 0 0 28 23 51 18:15 0 0 118 77 195 6:30 0 0 21 11 32 1830 0 0 99 85 184 6:45 0 0 24 83 28 72 52 155 18A5 0 0 ' 91 426 ' 56 303 147 729 7:00 0 0 43 40 83 19,00 0 0 50 63 113 7:15 0 0 47 53 100 19:15 0 0 69 50 129 7:30 0 0 76 85 161 19:30 0 0 52 51 103 7:45 0 0 ' 97 263 96 274 193 537 19:45 0 ' 0 ' 64 235 ' 43 217 107 452 8:00 0 0 97 95 182 20,00 0 0 48 58 106 8:15 0 0 95 70 165 20:15 0 0 32 50 82 8:30 0 0 87 52 139 20:30 0 0 30 36 66 &65 0 0 51 330 ' 68 275 119 605 20AS 0 0 38 148 ' 31 175 69 323 9:00 0 0 61 56 117 21,00 0 0 30 39 69 9:15 0 0 57 53 110 21:15 0 0 30 45 75 930 0 0 53 66 119 21:30 0 0 26 41 67 BIAS 0 0 ' 59 230 ' 40 215 99 445 21:45 0 0 ' 20 106 ' 26 151 46 257 10:00 0 0 69 50 119 22:00 0 0 28 25 53 10:15 0 0 50 63 113 22AS 0 0 21 30 51 10:30 0 0 49 63 112 22:30 0 0 17 20 37 10:45 0 0 62 230 ' 42 218 104 448 22A5 0 0 19 85 24 99 43 194 11:00 0 0 56 45 101 23,00 0 0 14 7 21 11:15 0 0 38 54 92 23:15 0 0 7 7 14 11:30 0 0 64 48 112 23:30 0 0 11 13 24 11:45 0 0 S4 212 60 207 114 419 23A5 0 0 9 41 8 35 17 76 TOTALS 1457 1355 2812 TOTALS 3123 2549 5672 SPLIT% 51.8% 48.2% 3mgq SPLrr% 1 55.1% 44. 66.9% DAILY TOTALS W Peak Haw 745 7:30 7:30 PM Peak Hour 16:30 1715 17:15 "Pk Volume 376 336 701 PM Pk Volume 495 379 661 Pk Hr Factor 0.969 0875 0906 Pk Hr Factor 09M 0.902 0932 7-9 Volume 593 549 1142 4-6Vdume 961 625 1566 7-9Peak Hwr 7:45 7:30 730 4-6Pesk Haur 1630 17.110 17A0 7-9 Pk Volume 376 336 701 4-6Pk 495 369 851 Pk Hr factor 0.969 0875 0908 Pk Hr Factor 0.938 0.869 0924 ATTACHMENT 2.2 - ADT: NEW AVENUE NORTH OF GRAVES AVENUE Prepared by NMATD VOLUME New Ave N/O Graves Ave Day: Tuesday Date: 9/27/2022 City. Monterey Park Project 0: CA22_020268_001 AM Peak Flour DAILY TOTALS 07:30 NB SB 17:15 E B AM Pk Volume WB 254 493 I Total 247 AM Period 00:00 NB 2 Pk Hr Factor SB 8 EB WEI 10 TOTAL Pk Hr Factor 1290 • • NB 38 0.949 SB 64 ES WB 82 TOTAL 797 00:15 5 530 5 7-9 Peak Hour 30 07:45 12:15 37 1790 47 17M 84 242 00:30 6 4-6Pk 1 785 7 Pk Hr Factor 12;30 44 0.934 41 0.917 a5 0949 OOHS 4 17 4 18 8 35 12AS 47 166 42 174 89 340 0190 2 4 6 13:00 44 46 90 01:15 5 2 7 13:15 34 42 76 01:30 3 5 8 13:30 31 41 72 01:45 1 11 5 16 5 27 13.45 4a 153 43 172 87 325 0290 2 4 6 14:00 42 56 98 02:15 3 4 7 14:15 47 58 105 02:30 2 1 3 14:30 91 74 165 02AS 3 10 2 11 5 21 14A5 48 228 58 246 106 474 0390 1 1 2 1590 53 43 96 03:15 0 0 0 MIS 55 58 113 03:30 0 2 2 15:30 41 62 103 03AS 1 2 1 4 2 6 ISAS 52 201 74 237 126 438 0490 2 4 6 1690 44 71 115 04:15 3 2 5 16:15 51 51 102 04:30 3 5 8 1630 56 66 122 WAS 7 15 5 16 12 31 16.45 48 199 57 245 105 444 0590 5 3 8 1790 63 70 133 05:15 8 6 14 WAS 52 71 123 05:30 6 9 15 17:30 55 81 135 DSAS 10 29 7 25 17 54 17AS 61 231 63 285 124 516 0690 10 7 17 1890 46 71 117 06:15 19 30 29 18:15 58 62 120 06:30 18 19 37 18:30 42 71 113 WAS 22 69 18 54 40 123 18:45 1 32 178 51 255 83 433 0790 33 15 48 1990 34 45 79 07:15 55 29 84 19:15 35 34 69 07:30 62 43 105 19:30 22 39 61 07AS 58 208 68 155 126 363 19:45 30 121 30 148 60 269 08:00 57 75 132 2090 29 43 72 08:15 65 65 130 20:15 23 37 60 08:30 41 46 87 2030 19 28 47 ORAS 52 215 33 219 85 434 WAS 16 87 25 133 41 220 0990 38 30 68 2190 18 35 53 0935 42 29 71 21:15 28 35 63 09:30 42 45 87 21:30 18 29 47 09:45 40 162 33 137 73 299 21.45 1 10 74 21 120 31 194 10:00 39 31 70 2290 15 22 37 WAS 37 31 68 22:15 17 15 32 1030 40 41 81 2230 15 28 43 10:45 48 164 43 146 91 310 22AS 13 60 12 77 25 137 11:00 50 47 97 2390 8 17 25 11:15 34 37 71 23:15 10 16 26 11:30 55 39 94 23:30 10 7 17 11:45 40 179 50 173 90 352 23:45 8 36 5 45 13 81 TOTALS 1061 974 2055 TOTALS 1734 2137 3871 SPLIT% 52.5% 47.4% 34.794 SPDT% 44.8% 55.2% 65 DAILY TOTALS 2,915 3,U1 0 AM Peak Flour 07:30 W--45 07:30 Pm Peak Floe 1430 17:15 17M AM Pk Volume 242 254 493 PM Pk Volume 247 296 516 Pk Hr Factor 0.931 O.M7 0.934 Pk Hr Factor 0.679 0.883 0.949 7-9 Voume 423 374 797 4.6 Volume 430 530 960 7-9 Peak Hour 0730 07:45 07:30 4-6Peak Hour 1790 1790 17M 7-9 Pk Volume 242 254 493 4-6Pk 231 785 516 Pk Hr Factor 0.931 111A7 0.934 Pk Hr Factor 0.917 0880 0949 ATTACHMENT 3. 24-HOUR SPEED SURVEY: GRAVES AVENUE EAST OF NEW AVENUE epneE q Woonal Oara a Surr fin9 Servicer SPEED Graves Ave E/0 New Ave Day:Tue5day Date: 9/20/2022 Summary CHy: Monterey Park Project 8: CA22_020268 002 r DOD AM 0 1 3 14 8 13 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 190 0 0 5 4 5 3 1 1 c 0 0 0 0 19 200 0 0 3 2 7 5 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 390 0 0 2 2 8 5 7 3 1 0 a 0 4:00 0 0 3 5 6 11 4 3 1 1 0 0 0 5:00 0 3 3 11 18 7 11 3 0 0 0 0 0 6:00 1 3 7 32 38 46 17 9 2 0 0 0 0 135 7:00 2 7 49 140 139 134 57 8 1 0 0 0 0 537 8:00 1 10 53 118 197 163 55 7 0 1 0 0 0 605 900 0 5 33 95 131 126 41 13 1 0 0 0 0 44S 10:00 1 5 28 100 131 125 47 7 4 0 0 0 0 448 11:00 1 13 34 91 122 112 35 10 1 0 0 0 0 419 12:00 PM 5 4 31 109 147 105 40 7 0 1 0 0 0 449 13:00 3 14 36 99 124 105 48 11 5 0 a 0 0 445 14:00 2C 25 71 146 184 105 30 10 2 1 0 0 0 594 1500 1 5 28 118 169 156 83 15 2 a 0 0 0 577 1600 4 1 33 134 236 185 113 24 2 0 0 0 0 732 1700 1 18 53 172 247 240 99 21 3 0 0 0 0 854 1000 8 13 51 140 221 190 86 18 2 0 0 0 0 )29 19:00 5 1 41 99 154 99 39 4 0 0 0 0 453 20:00 1 6 37 81 109 63 32 4 0 0 0 0 0 323 21:00 0 9 21 66 68 57 2 9 1 0 0 0 0 237 22:00 1 16 44 63 3fi 16 2 2 0 0 0 0 184 1390 0 1 7 16 2 1 0 0 0 7 zMraels 1% 2 8% 22% AMVOL 5 47 229 611 8 7 2 11 3 0 2812 %AM p% 1 3. 7% 1 3% 1% 33% AM Peak Hou ] u. a. ] 8. e. > i. e Volume 2 13 53 1 197 163 57 13 4 l 605 PM Voiu 49 11 42 122 1747 3 607 127 3 2 c 0 5672 %PM 1 S 5 14% 21 16 ]% 1% 67 PM Peak HOu 14. U. 14 17 ll 17 16. 1690 13 32 17 Volume 20 25 71 172 241 NO 113 24 5 1 854 Directional Polak Podods AM 74 NWN 12-2 PM" CH( Peak Valumola A113Polold volume % Volume % Volume % Volume % 1142 113% 894 11% 1586 1 19% 4862 5A ATTACHMENT 4. CITY BOUNDARIES Attachment B February 2, 2023 Traffic Commission Minutes Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING February 2, 2023 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Drange at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Vice Chair Nguyen INVOCATION: Commissioner Lang PRESENT: Commissioner Hermosillo, Commissioner Lang, Commissioner Quintanilla, Vice Chair Nguyen and Chair Orange ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Chung, City Engineer Chan and Commission Liaison Nguyen 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Drange asked Traffic Commissioners if anyone would like to make revisions or additions to the minutes of November 3, 2022. Commissioner Hermosillo made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, to accept consent calendar with revisions. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Lang, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Drange No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 3. NEW BUSINESS A. 3248 JACKSON AVENUE RED CURB TIPPING Traffic Engineer Robbins introduced Associate Traffic Engineer Richter who provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter explained that the resident requested the City to conduct a traffic review at 3248 Jackson Avenue due to vehicles parking too close to their driveway and the volume of traffic on Jackson Avenue, they have difficulty exiting out of their driveway. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions as well as an examination of guidelines within the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), CVC (California Vehicle Code) and the City of Rosemead's curb marking policy and procedure. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Associate Traffic Engineer Richter recommended to install 2 feet of red curb on the east side of Jackson Avenue, on the north side of the driveway at 3248 Jackson Avenue. The installation of red curb north of this driveway will ensure vehicles do Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2023 Page 1 of 9 not encroach into the resident's driveway and will increase visibility for residents backing onto Jackson Avenue. The address curb numbering should also be removed and repainted outside of the red curb area. Commissioner Lang asked if the red curb installation is only for the north side or for both north and south side of the driveway. Traffic Engineer Robbins clarified that in the staff report it indicated both north and south side for red curb, however, it was removed from the recommendation since there is not enough space for a car to fit on the south side and would add additional maintenance for the city. Chair Drange asked about the possibly of a car parking at that space even though they would not fit. Director of Public Works Chung replied it is unlikely since the curb space is only about 2 feet. Commissioner Quintanilla commented that painting red curb on both sides makes it look more visible and should not add much to the maintenance cost. He requested for it to be added. Chair Drange agreed with Commissioner Quintanilla to amend the recommendation to have 2 feet of red curb on both sides of the driveway. Vice Chair Nguyen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hermosillo, to approve staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Lang, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Drange No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. 8449 GARVEY AVENUE TIME LIMITED PARKING REQUEST Associate Traffic Engineer Richter provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter explained that the resident requested the City to conduct a traffic review at 8449 Garvey Avenue due to parking concerns due to the number of cars going to the car garage & body shop located at the northwest corner of the intersection. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, an examination of guidelines within the CAMUTCD (Califomia Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), CVC (California Vehicle Code) and the City of Rosemead's curb marking policy and procedure, as well as conducted a parking study on the north side of Garvey Avenue between Eerie Avenue and Willard Avenue to determine the existing parking conditions and patterns. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Associate Traffic Engineer Richter recommended that the decision be left to the direction of the City, Traffic Commission, and City Council on what type of parking and curb markings should be installed and enforced for this location. Chair Drange asked to confirm if some of the businesses located on the first floor are still vacant. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter replied there are a few vacancies, however, the building owner is planning to fill those spaces within the next few months. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2023 Page 2 of 9 Chair Drange asked what kind of businesses they will be Traffic Engineer Robbins replied one of the businesses will be a restaurant and another will be an office space. Chair Drange asked what kind of off street parking this building will have. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied this building will have underground parking and although she has not seen the site plan, it is assumed it is parked to code with a specific number of parking spaces for commercial and residential. Director of Public Works Chung commented the development meets parking code requirements. He explained the intent for the green curb is to help those businesses such as the restaurant with take out and delivery orders. Commissioner Lang asked if it is standard two hour street parking on Earle Avenue. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied yes, however, mentioned the street has a lot of parked vehicles due to surrounding businesses. Commissioner Hermosillo supported the timed parking as it would be beneficial for these local businesses to have. Vice Chair Nguyen commented any approved changes should be consistent with what is currently existing across the street. Chair Drange asked how many parking spaces will be provided in the front of the building. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter replied one of the options was to determine how much green curb space should be installed and it is assumed that 18 feet to 20 feet equates to one parking space. Director of Public Works Chung added that it would be seven parking spaces if green curb was installed on the entire frontage. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if the businesses are all retail. Director of Public Works replied it will be retail and restaurants. Commissioner Quintanilla commented most other cities usually have paid parking or timed parking for these types of retail businesses. Commissioner Lang asked what the purpose of 43 feet of red curb is for on the west side. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied it is for line of sight for vehicles coming out from Earle Avenue onto Garvey Avenue. Commissioner Lang commented he likes the idea of a loading zone closer to the fire hydrant side and potentially green parking across the 141 feet of curb to provide quick access parking. Commissioner Quintanilla asked for clarification on option 3. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2023 Page 3 of 9 Traffic Engineer Robbins explained option 3 is at the discretion of the commission as to how many spaces for green curb or time limited parking should be installed. Traffic Engineer Robbins recalled the commission approved for 40 feet of green curb for two spaces across the street. Director of Public Works Chung commented it was option 3 with 10.12.070 for twenty -minute parking that was implemented. Traffic Engineer Robbins confirmed and added that the time restriction was for 7 AM to 6 PM except Sundays and holidays. Director of Public Works Chung asked if the developer or business owner discuss the time frame of the twenty -minute parking. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied the owner wanted the entire frontage to be green curb and did not provide that specific detail. Commissioner Hermosillo is in favor of installing green curb for only a portion similar to across the street and suggested two spaces. Vice Chair Nguyen agreed with the two spaces. Commissioner Lang asked if the remaining spaces would be two hour parking. Director of Public Works Chung confirmed that to be correct. Director of Public Works Chung asked if the restaurant is located on the east side or west side. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied the restaurant is located on the east side, the first space next to the motel. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if we know how many tentative tenants will be at this location. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied it appears to be about six small businesses, but it can depend on which businesses want to come in. Commissioner Quintanilla commented he does not think two spaces would be enough for a restaurant and the other businesses. Commissioner Lang agreed and commented having the frontage mostly green curb would help with delivery and takeout orders. Commissioner Quintanilla commented the amount of green curb available may economically impact the restaurants depending on whether it is a fast casual restaurant or dine in setting. Director of Public Works Chung mentioned the development will be a mix of restaurant and retail. Vice Chair Nguyen commented it the restaurant is a dine in setting, the twenty -minute parking would not be enough time. Rosemead Trak Commission Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2023 Page 4 of 9 Commissioner Lang mentioned there would still be underground parking. Director of Public Works Chung confirmed there would be adequate onsite parking. Commissioner Lang commented the green curb would just be for delivery and takeout orders Commissioner Lang commented the tenants would be able to park at those spaces after 7 PM for two hours. Chair Drange asked if the parking restriction would revert back to two hour parking during a specific time frame or all day. Director of Public Works Chung replied it would be two hour parking all day. Traffic Engineer Robbins commented the two hour parking on that street indicates from 7 AM to 6 PM. Chair Drange suggested a few spaces be green curb and once all the tenants have moved in, if additional green curb is needed, it can be added. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if we know the number of spaces onsite. Director of Public Works Chung replied we do not have that number, however, they the development will have sufficient spaces per code. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if the item should be tabled or do an incremental approach with the limited information provided. Commissioner Hermosillo commented he is in favor of doing two spaces now and if additional green curb is needed, it can be addressed later. Commissioner Lang commented he would like it all green because the initial request of the business owner was for the entire frontage and likely the owner is trying to attract a specific clientele downstairs. Having the twenty -minute parking spaces may deter businesses such as a coffee shop from opening at this location. Commissioner Quintanilla and Commissioner Hermosillo agreed. Vice Chair Nguyen asked if there are only two green curb spaces across the street, would vehicles try to park on the this side where there would now be more available spaces. Chair Drange replied it would be unlikely as it would be difficult to cross the street in this area. Commissioner Lang made a motion to install 141' of twenty -minute green curb with time limited parking signage, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, to approve staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Lang, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Drange No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead Trak Commission Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2023 Page 5 of 9 C. NEW AVENUE AT GRAVES AVENUE ALL -WAY STOP REQUEST Chair Drange opened the public comment period. The City received a Public Comment from Cristina Hargrow expressing gratitude to the City of Monterey Park and the City of Rosemead for their due diligence in considering and evaluating the need for an all -way stop at the intersection in order to maintain safety in the area for the students and residents. The City received a Public Comment from Hing Chow expressing gratitude to the City of Rosemead for their efforts in helping move forward with the request. He mentioned of a student who was hit by a car, and although the student did not have any major injuries, this resulted in looking for a resolution to ensure the safety of the children and residents. The City received a Public Comment via email from Xiaobing Wu imploring to approve the request for an all - way stop at the intersection for the safety of the students. Chair Drange closed the public comment period. Traffic Engineer Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained that the resident requested the City of Rosemead received a request from the City of Monterey Park to review the traffic study they did for the location of New Avenue at Graves Avenue. The request was for the installation of All -Way -Stop signs and striping improvements for the intersection of South New Avenue and East Graves Avenue. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff completed a full evaluation of the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue to see if existing conditions warrant the installation of All -Way Stop Control at this intersection per the Califomia Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. As a result of extensive field data collection and review, including reviewing all of the counts, line of sight, roadway conditions and observations at this location, and engineering judgement, staff has determined that the intersection of New Avenue and Graves Avenue would benefit from the installation of all -way STOP control as determined by the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Section 28.07 and the California Vehicle Code (CVC). In addition to all -way stop, Traffic Engineer Robbins provided several other improvements that should be implemented. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if we know what improvements and changes the City of Monterey Park approved for. Chair Drange mentioned he attended a meeting at Monterey Vista Elementary School which discussed this item and was informed the City of Monterey Park had approved for a stop sign or similar proposed recommendations. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied the City of Monterey Park approved the report and recommendations as proposed by their traffic engineers. Commissioner Lang asked to clarify if the same proposed recommendations were approved. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2023 Page 6 of 9 Traffic Engineer Robbins clarified it is the same report from the City of Monterey Park and it is being presented to the City of Rosemead to see if the city would be in support of the recommendations. Commissioner Hermosillo commented he would be concerned about modifying the proposed recommendations as it would delay the process since it would need to go through three jurisdictions. Commissioner Lang asked if there is data that supports the effective of "STOP AHEAD" signage. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied the recommendations are based on the standard guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD). Commissioner Lang asked where the incline is in the area. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied the incline is going west towards Pomelo Avenue. Commissioner Lang asked if traveling from west to east on Graves Avenue, would the vehicle be gaining speed. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied that is correct as you would be going downhill. Commissioner Quintanilla asked for detail 2 on the proposed recommendations, if there is an option to replace the red flags on the stop sign with solar powered flashing LED lights. He mentioned of a meeting a few years ago that voted for the flashing LED stop sign and there were concerns that the residents residing near the sign would complain, however, he did not recall any complaints come in after. Traffic Engineer Robbins commented that each solar powered stop sign is $10,000, so it would cost $30,000 for the intersection. Chair Drange commented the City of Rosemead is only responsible for one stop sign, so the other jurisdictions would have to agree to it. Vice Chair Nguyen asked of the nine proposed recommendations on the list, which are Rosemead impacted. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied we are only responsible for the northeast corner of the intersection, which is only half of the crosswalk. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if number 4 is within Rosemead jurisdiction. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied it would fall under Los Angeles County jurisdiction because it is within the back of the sidewalk. Number 1 would be the only item that would be Rosemead. Chair Drange asked what the back of the sidewalk means. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied it is right at the property line of the houses, which includes the sidewalk and street. Chair Drange asked if the stop sign belongs to Los Angeles County and if then we are just number 1 on the diagram. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2023 Page 7 of 9 Traffic Engineer Robbins replied that is correct. Vice Chair Nguyen advised the commission to not make any significant changes to the recommendations. Director of Public Works Chung asked if the red flags on the stop sign are temporary and only intended to make drivers aware of the new stop sign, which the flags will later be removed. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied that is correct. Commissioner Quintanilla commented although the three stop signs are outside of Rosemead, he would still like to see the addition of the solar powered flashing LED stop signs. Commissioner Quintanilla asked what the next step is. Director of Public Works Chung replied the item will be taken to the Los Angeles County board next month and the City of Monterey Park will be leading the implementation. Traffic Engineer Robbins confirmed that is correct if the item gets approved by all three jurisdictions. Vice Chair Nguyen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lang, to approve staff recommendation. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Lang, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Orange No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. MATTERS FROM STAFF None 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Lang on Temple City Boulevard heading southbound towards the 10 freeway, the paint is not visible, usually the white line and yellow line. Commissioner Quintanilla asked to revisit the traffic light signal timing at the intersection where Rio Hondo Avenue, Mission Drive, and Valley Boulevard connect. Chair Orange commented the traffic signal lights are difficult to see. Director of Public Works Chung replied the lights are focused at a certain angle to avoid confusing drivers. Chair Orange replied he gets confused while driving through and unsure whether it is green. Director of Public Works Chung replied staff can evaluate the lights and asked Commissioner Quintanilla to clarify what the issue is regarding the traffic timing. Commissioner Quintanilla commented when he is on Rio Hondo Avenue, there is much more traffic queued up heading northbound on Rio Hondo during the morning and night rush hours and it stays red even though there is no cross traffic on Valley Boulevard. He mentioned the traffic light stays green most of the time on Valley Boulevard. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2023 Page 8 of 9 Director of Public Works Chung replied staff can investigate. Chair Drange commented when going southbound on Walnut Grove Avenue approaching Hellman Avenue, there is a 40 MPH sign and a speed radar sign about 15 feet behind it. He believes the speed radar sign was meant for the school zone, which there is Willard Elementary School several blocks down the street and does not think the placement makes sense. Director of Public Works Chung replied staff can evaluate. Commissioner Lang reported there is a broken comer on Rosemead Boulevard heading northbound just after Valley Boulevard, right across the street from the Pasadena City College. He mentioned he submitted the issue through the request application and was notified that it belongs to Caltrans. Director of Public Works Chung replied this issue was reported by another resident and the message was conveyed to Caltrans. Commissioner Lang asked what the timeline is for the repair. Director of Public Works Chung replied he does not have a schedule at this time, but can have the request expeditated. Commissioner Quintanilla asked what was broken at the comer. Director of Public Works Chung replied the curb and gutter. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for December 2, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Mi a Dra e Chair `- ATTEST: 71'iaciia¢e Michael Chung, P.E. Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2023 Page 9 of 9 Attachment C Installation Exhibit C)00 _ Am Ift\ S I Y w.. - •,. 4' t -� 1 LL(D rw oz za rt wJ z wz; w zZ wr <� �� w> C >yZ z �.. 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