CC - Item 3A - Strathmore Garvey PowerPointPUBLIC HEARING ITEM 3A ZONE CHANGE 22 -02 AND SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 22 -01 7849-7857 GARVEY AVENUE AND 7900-7916 VIRGINIA STREET 1 Existing Site Zone: Garvey Avenue Specific Plan (GSP) & Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, Residential/Commercial (GSP-R/C) Proposed Zoning: Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, Incentivized Mixed Use (GSP-MU) General Plan Land Use Designation: Garvey Avenue Specific Plan 2 6th Cycle Housing Element The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) has determined that the regional housing need for jurisdictions in the SCAG region is 1,341,827 units and 4,612 units were allocated to the City of Rosemead. The proposed development of 93 residential units will contribute to the City’s RHNA allocation for Planning Cycle 2021 to 2029. 3 Proposed Project •The project consists of a seven-story, mixed-use development that totals 115,400 square feet, which includes 35,105 square feet of nonresidential square footage and 93 residential units (24 of which are live/work units). •Community Benefits Program : •Lot Consolidation •Family Friendly Development •Nonresidential Component of Mixed-Use Development Sites •Public Parking •Sustainable Design •Alternative Energy •A total of 208 off-street parking spaces located on surface and parking structure. 4 Compliance with Development Standards 5 Renderings 6 View from Garvey Ave View from Corner of Strathmore and Virginia Planning Commission Meeting and Public Hearing Testimony May 15, 2023 During Planning Commission Meeting, the Planning Commission received three written and five oral testimonies from residents within the surrounding neighborhood. Some of their concerns are: •Driveway access on Virginia Street •Traffic After hearing all public testimonies, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the project per staff’s recommendation. 7 Staff Recommendation That the City Council: 1.Conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony; and 2.Introduce the first reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 1016, approving Zone Change 22-02 and Specific Plan Amendment 22-01; and 3.Adopt City Council Resolution No. 2023-26 for the adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program as the environmental document and file the Notice of Determination for the project. 8 Questions? 9