CC - Agenda - 07-25-2023CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall Council Chamber 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 7:00 P.M. - Regular Meeting City Council Steven Ly, Mayor Margaret Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Armenta, Council Member Sean Dang, Council Member Polly Low, Council Member Brown Act Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The City Council may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future City Council meeting. Public Comment from the Audience Public may offer comments in-person or via zoom by using Meeting ID and Passcode information provided in the Public Comment section of the agenda. Written comments may be submitted at publiccommentAcityofrosemead.org by 5:00 p.m. The City Council will hear public comments on matters not listed on the agenda during the Public Comments from the Audience period. Opportunity to address the City Council (on non -agenda items) is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the ADA, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (626) 569-2100 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to allow the city to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting or service. Any writings or documents provided to the majority of the Rosemead City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office during normal business hours. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Agenda July 25, 2023 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Ly INVOCATION — Mayor Pro Tem Clark 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Opportunity to address the City Council (on non -agenda items) is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. The public may address comments in person or via zoom using Meeting ID: 885 5142 2241 and Passcode: 538118 or by dialing: (669) 900-9128, enter Meeting ID and Passcode. Written comments may be submitted to publiccommentAcitvofrosemead.org by 5:00 p.m. All comments are public record and will be recorded in the official record of the city. 2. PRESENTATIONS A. Introduction of Newly Hired Human Resources Manager, Alicia Ramirez B. Proclamation Declaring August 4, 2023, as "National Night Out' in the City of Rosemead 3. PUBLIC HEARING A. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding New Solid Waste Collection Service Rates by Republic Services and Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-45 Confirming Waste Collection Service Rates In September 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 1383 also known as the Short -Lived Climate Pollutants Bill into law. Under SB 1383, local jurisdictions are required to implement an organic waste recycling program and provide organic waste collection and recycling services to all residential dwellings and commercial properties within their boundaries. On May 9, 2023, the City Council awarded an exclusive integrated solid waste handling services franchise agreement to Consolidated Disposal Services (dba Republic Services), directed staff to set a public hearing for the proposed collection Service Rates, and prepare and mail the prescribed notice as required under Section 6 of Article XIILD of the California Constitution. The public hearing notices for new proposed solid waste rates were mailed out to all parcels June 9, 2023. 2 Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Agenda July 25, 2023 Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Conduct a public protest hearing pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIILD of the California Constitution, and after receiving public testimony and if deemed acceptable, approve the rate increase and five-year adjustment formula outlined within the franchise agreement, unless there is a majority protest; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2023-45, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE RATES; and 3. Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR CEQA: The following items are not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act, unless noted on the item. A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2023-43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $2,094,326.51 CHECKS NUMBERED 114454 THROUGH NUMBER 114564, DRAFTS NUMBERED 6605 THROUGH NUMBER 6649 AND EFT NUMBERED 51770 THROUGH NUMBER 51791 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2023-43. B. Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the special meeting minutes of July 11, 2023. C. Adopt Resolution No. 2023-44, on Flying Flags on City Owned Flag Poles on City Property At the Council meeting of July 11, 2023, the City Council discussed the flying of the Pride commemorative flag on City Owned Flag Poles. At the recommendation of the City Attorney, prior to the City Council approving the flying of additional flags on City owned flag poles, the City Council should adopt a 3 Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Agenda July 25, 2023 resolution with a flag policy. The reason a flag policy is important is to better clarify that the City owned flag poles are used only as government speech as a limited public forum and only upon proper consideration and approval of the City Council. By having a policy, it makes clear that the flag poles are not open to other groups or individuals to use the City owned flag poles to have other flags flown and is not a forum for private speech. After discussion at the July 11 Council meeting, the City Council voted to have a resolution brought back at the Council meeting of July 25"' providing that the City shall only fly, on official City -owned flag poles, the flags of the United States of America, State of California, City of Rosemead, and Flags of the United States Armed Forces. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2023-44, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING THE OUTDOOR DISPLAY OF GOVERNMENTAL FLAGS ON CITY OWNED FLAG POLES ON CITY PROPERTY D. Memorandum of Agreement Between the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments and the City of Rosemead for Participation in the San Gabriel Valley Regional Food Recovery Program In 2016, Senate Bill (SB) 1383 was passed by the California State legislature and signed by Governor Brown. It implemented statewide targets to reduce the disposal of organic waste and increase the recovery of edible food for human consumption. SB 1383 requires local jurisdictions to establish food recovery programs and strengthen existing food recovery networks. The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) developed a Regional Food Recovery Program plan to assist participating cities with the implementation of an edible food recovery recycling and enforcement program. Participation in this program will assist the city in meeting the edible food recovery program requirements of SB 1383. Staff recommends that the City participate in the SGVCOG Regional Food Recovery Program. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Authorize the City Manager to sign and execute the Memorandum of Agreement with the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments for participation in the San Gabriel Valley Regional Food Recovery Program subject to recommended revisions by City Manager and City Attorney; and 2. Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. 4 Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Agenda July 25, 2023 E. Amendment to the Storm Water Catch Basin Upgrade Project Contract In May 2021, the City Council awarded a contract for a Storm Water Catch Basin Upgrade project to United Storm Water, Inc. Due to the project scope of work including work that would affect catch basins owned by Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) the City was required to obtain a permit from LACDPW. The permit process took over one year to complete and work began thereafter in late 2022. An amendment to extend the term of the contract is needed to proceed with processing payments to the Contractor. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Authorize the City Manager to sign and execute an amendment to the Storm Water Catch Basin Upgrade Project Contract; and 2. Find that the Project is Class 1 Categorically Exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). F. Approval of a Lease Agreement with San Gabriel County Water District For Sally Tanner Park The City Council will consider a lease agreement for the operation and maintenance of Sally Tanner Park. The most recent lease agreement between the City and the San Gabriel County Water District is set to expire on July 31, 2023. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the 10 -year lease with the San Gabriel County Water District and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the lease agreement with the San Gabriel County Water District and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Adopt Resolution No. 2023-42 Denouncing Antisemitism The City Council will consider adopting a Resolution denouncing antisemitism and sign the American Jewish Committee and US Conference of Mayors statement to combat the rise of antisemitic incidents as well as raise awareness in support of the Jewish community. Recommendation: that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2023-42, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, DENOUNCING ANTISEMITISM 5 Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Agenda July 25, 2023 B. Review and Discussion of Draft Website Redesign and New City Domain The City of Rosemead website (www.cityofrosemead.org) is the primary communication tool for residents, businesses, and visitors to access information regarding City services, community events, and much more. On January 10, 2023, the City Council awarded a contract to Revize, LLC to update the City's website. An internal working group comprised of staff from the City Manager's Office, City Clerk's Office, and the Parks & Recreation Department have spent the past several months working on a draft design. On April 25, 2023, the City Council reviewed the draft design and provided additional feedback for improvement. On June 27, 2023, the City Council requested some additional edits as well as examples of some of the interactive features that will be included in the site. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council review and approve the draft website design and select a new domain. Recommendation: That the City Council review and approve the draft website design and select a new website domain. C. Public Safety Commission Year -End Report In 2022, the City Council created a Public Safety Commission to facilitate a citizen -based, community effort to organize, promote, advocate, and participate in public safety efforts concerning matters relating to public safety, understanding police and fire operations, crime prevention, and emergency preparedness operations. The Commission has completed its first full year and has prepared a Year End Report and is transmitting it to the City Council as required by its charter. Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file the Public Safety Commission Year -End Report. 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Report and Discussion on Potentially Changing the City's General Municipal Election Date from State Primary Elections to the State General Elections in November of Even -Numbered Years On June 27, 2023, the City Council discussed the option of potentially moving the City's General Municipal Election date from the staggered State Primary Election cycle of March and June of even -numbered years to the Statewide General Election cycle beginning in November 2024 and continuing after that in even -numbered years. Furthermore, another option suggested was to place a measure before the voters to decide if the current staggered election cycle should be moved to a November election cycle for consistency. During the discussion, City staff was directed to bring back a draft ordinance for review, conduct community outreach to obtain feedback about changing the City's election cycle, and provide a timeline for a potential measure to be placed on the March 5, 2024 General Election. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide direction. 6 Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Agenda July 25, 2023 B. Discussion Regarding the Creation of State Lobbyist and Advocacy Services Request for Proposals Subcommittee Mayor Ly has requested that an item be placed on the agenda to discuss the creation of a subcommittee to review and select a preferred consultant for RFP No. 2023-11: State Lobbyist and Advocacy Services. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction to City staff. C. Council Comments ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting will be held on August 8, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. POSTING AFFIDAVIT I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk, or my designee, hereby certify that a true and correct, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted seventy-two hours prior to the meeting, per Government Code 54954.2, at the following locations: City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard; Rosemead Community Recreation Center, 3936 N. Muscatel Avenue; Garvey Community Center, 9108 Garvey Avenue; Public Safety Center, 8301 Garvey Avenue; United States Post Office, 8845 Valley Boulevard; Rosemead Library, 8800 Valley Boulevard and on the City's website (www.cityofrosemead.org) 2!54� July 20, 2023 Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Date Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Agenda July 25, 2023