CC - Item 3A - Public Hearing Regarding New Solid Waste Collection Service Rates by Republic Services and Adop Resolution Confirming Service RatesROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER .9049` DATE: JULY 25, 2023 SUBJECT: CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING NEW SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE RATES BY REPUBLIC SERVICES AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2023-45 CONFIRMING WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE RATES SUMMARY In September 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 1383 also known as the Short -Lived Climate Pollutants Bill into law. Under SB 1383, local jurisdictions are required to implement an organic waste recycling program and provide organic waste collection and recycling services to all residential dwellings and commercial properties within their boundaries. On May 9, 2023, the City Council awarded an exclusive integrated solid waste handling services franchise agreement to Consolidated Disposal Services (dba Republic Services), directed staff to set a public hearing for the proposed collection Service Rates, and prepare and mail the prescribed notice as required under Section 6 of Article XIII.D of the California Constitution. The public hearing notices for new proposed solid waste rates were mailed out to all parcels June 9, 2023. BACKGROUND Pursuant to Proposition 218, to approve the new proposed rates, the City is required to hold a noticed "majority protest" public hearing for the consideration of adjustments of fees related to property. Solid waste collection service rates are considered by the City Attorney to be property - related and subject to the provisions of Proposition 218. Therefore, any change to the solid waste collection service rates charged to City residents needs to be compliant with the requirements of Proposition 218. Notices complying with the requirements of Proposition 218 were mailed to all parcels on June 9, 2023. The notice included an explanation of why rates are increasing, the proposed monthly rates, the methodology for future rate adjustments (not to exceed five years) and provided details on the opportunity to protest. Written protests were to be sent to the City Clerk's Office and property owners were required to provide their tax parcel identification numbers or addresses, so that an accurate tally could be made. The City Clerk is responsible for tabulating and reporting the number of written protests received up to the time of the hearing. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Clerk shall count AGENDA ITEM 3.A City Council Meeting July 25, 2023 Page 2 of 4 any additional protests received at the hearing. The City Clerk shall then report on the total number of protests received. If the number of protests submitted against the solid waste collection service rate increases exceeds more than 50% of the parcels, a "majority protest" exists and the City Council cannot impose the increase in solid waste collection service rates. If the final tabulation is less than 50%, the City Council may proceed to adopt the attached resolution (Attachment A) implementing the new solid waste collection service rates, effective August 1, 2023, as well as the rate adjustment formula. If approved, the negotiated rates will be in effect until June 30, 2028. DISCUSSION A total of 10,453 notices were sent to all parcels in the City. Protests exceeding 5,226 would constitute a majority protest. As of July 20, 2023, the City Clerk's Office has received 4 written protest letters (Attachment Q. In addition to the new rates, the City Council is being asked to consider adopting a five-year rate adjustment formula. Proposition 218 and Government Code Section 53756 allows a refuse collection service to adopt a formula authorizing automatic rate adjustments for a period not to exceed five years. Once the formula is approved, rates may be increased on an annual basis in accordance with the formula without going through the Proposition 218 hearing process each year for the next five years. Therefore, the city would save on costs related to staff time, printing, and postage for the public hearing process each year. The rate adjustment formula is outlined within the franchise agreement and is based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index Series (CUSROOOOSEHG), water and sewer and trash collection services in U.S. city average, all urban consumers, seasonally adjusted. In any rate year that the calculation exceeds four percent (4%), the total adjustment for that year will equal four percent (4%) and the rollover amount will be added to the rate adjustment percentage in the following year, or any subsequent year. Table 1 shows the impact of proposed rates on single- family residential and commercial customers. The tables show the current rate for the most common size of refuse cart, the proposed rate, the adjustment amount, and the percent change in the first year of the new agreement. Table 1. Snmmary of Common Rates Residential Commercial Commercial Commercial 96 gallon 3 CY Trash 4 CY Trash 6 CY Trash Proposer (includes trash, (includes trash, (includes trash, (includes trash, recyclables, & recyclables, & recyclables, & recyclables, & organics) organics) organics) organics) Current Rates $23.74 $342.45 $415.01 $589.55 Proposed Rates $24.93 $284.94 $379.90 $608.34 Adjustment $1.19 ($57.51) ($35.11) $18.79 Percent Change 5% -17% -8% 3% City Council Meeting July 25, 2023 Page 3 of 4 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed work involves rate setting; therefore, City staff has determined, in accordance with Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, that this project is not subject to CEQA review because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activities will have a significant effect on the environment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: Conduction a public protest hearing pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIILD of the California Constitution, and after receiving public testimony and if deemed acceptable, approve the rate increase and five-year adjustment formula outlined within the franchise agreement, unless there is a majority protest; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2023-45 to Approve New Solid Waste Services Rates and Rate Adjustment Formula; and 3. Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines FINANCIAL IMPACT The city will receive additional revenue from franchise fees and annual payments to the city. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the Strategic Plan's guiding principal for fiduciary responsibility of providing for transparency in financial management of City's finances and providing quality of life enhancement. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Tanoielle G cia Public Works Fiscal and Project Manager City Council Meeting July 25, 2023 Page 4 of 4 Submycdby*. Ben City Manager Attachment A: Draft Resolution No. 2023-45 Attachment B: Notice of Proposed Solid Waste Rates Attachment C: Written Protest Letters Attachment A Resolution No. 2023-45 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICE RATES WHEREAS, The City of Rosemead ("City") awarded an exclusive agreement franchise agreement to Consolidated Disposal Services dba Republic Services ("Republic Services") for the collection and handling of Integrated Solid Waste on May 9, 2023; and WHEREAS, Exhibit 1 of the Agreement establishes initial maximum service rates for August 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024 ("Maximum Rates"); and WHEREAS, The State of California recently adopted a number of bills mandating a comprehensive update to waste management and recycling systems, particularly with respect to the diversion of organic materials and food waste away from landfills. AB 341 mandates that commercial waste generators arrange for recycling services. AB 1826 mandates that commercial waste generators recycle their organic waste. AB 1594 will end the practice of excluding organic material used as Alternative Daily Cover ("ADC") from the calculation of a jurisdiction's total per capita amount of waste disposed; and WHEREAS, most significantly, SB 1383 directs public agencies to reduce organic waste disposal by 75% and increase edible food recovery by 20% by 2025. SB 1383 is the most significant waste reduction mandate adopted in California in the last 30 years. SB 1383's regulations apply to all persons and entities that generate organic materials, such as food scraps and plant trimmings. All waste generators are required to divert their organic materials from the garbage. SB 1383 allows the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery ("CalRecycle") to implement new regulations on local jurisdictions if significant progress has not been made in the law's waste reduction goals; and WHEREAS, SB 1383 requires Republic Services and other waste haulers to comply with mandatory processing of food waste to be collected in residential green waste carts and implement new measures to reduce contamination, educate waste generators, procure recycled products with organic content, track and report recycling participation, and assist local jurisdictions with enforcement of new recycling requirements. Republic Services will need to implement modifications to their service routes, purchase additional disposal containers and container labels, and otherwise provide customers with additional refuse and recycling services; and WHEREAS, the above -referenced changes in law and State mandates present substantial additional operational and programmatic changes in local waste hauling services to meet new waste reduction goals, which requires Republic Services to implement several comprehensive changes to their refuse and recycling services in order to comply with State regulations; and WHEREAS, Article XIII D of the California Constitution ("Proposition 218") establishes required procedures for increasing property related fees, including (i) mailing a written notice of the proposed fee increase ("Notice") to each parcel on which the fee will be imposed ("Identified 4882-8070-5121 v] Parcels"), and (ii) conducting a public hearing on the proposed fee increase not less than forty-five (45) days after mailing the notice (the "Protest Hearing"); and WHEREAS, Proposition 218 requires the City Council to consider all protests against the proposed rate increase, and establishes that if written protests against the proposed rate increase are presented by a majority of owners of the Identified Parcels, the City Council shall not approve the rate increase; and WHEREAS, protests exceeding 5,226 would constitute a majority of owners of Identified Parcels (a "Majority Protest").- and WHEREAS, Proposition 218 and Government Code section 53756 allow the City Council to adopt a schedule of rate adjustments, including a formula for adjusting the rates, for a period not to exceed five years ("Five -Year Adjustment Formula"); and WHEREAS, the adoption of the Five -Year Adjustment Formula by the City Council is subject to the same procedures as a rate increase; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemead held a fair and noticed public protest hearing as described in the Notice of Public Protest Hearing on July 25, 2023, to consider the proposed residential waste collection services rate structure with Five -Year Adjustment Formula to be applied pursuant to the requirements of Proposition 218, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, all Identified Parcels were afforded the opportunity to protest the proposed new rate schedule. Protests against the rate structure were received and counted by the City Council and City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemead does hereby resolve, declare, determine, and order as follows: SECTION 1. The above recitals are correct and are material to this Resolution and are incorporated into this Resolution as findings of the City Council. SECTION 2. The Council has fully considered this matter and has: a) Reviewed the information submitted herewith regarding the proposed solid waste service rate adjustment for accounts serviced by Republic Services, the parcels to which the proposed rate adjustment would apply, and the reasons and basis for the adjustment and the rates; b) Provided notice of the proposed rate adjustment to the Identified Parcels to which the proposed adjustment would apply in accordance with Article XIIID of the California Constitution; c) Heard and received all written protests from any Identified Parcels subject to the 4882-8070-5121 v rates; d) Taken and received oral and documentary evidence pertaining to the proposed rate adjustment; and e) Been fully informed of this matter. SECTION 3. The Council finds that insufficient written protests were presented to prevent the rates proposed by Republic Services from being imposed. SECTION 4. The Council finds that based on these facts and the circumstances and information received during the public hearing, the changes in rates proposed by Republic Services are necessary and are hereby adopted, contingent upon there being no Majority Protest from a majority of all Identified Parcels under an omnibus protest by all those permitted to protest the proposed new rate system. SECTION 5. The City Council hereby ratifies the Proposition 218 process and adopts the rates proposed by Republic Services as set forth in the Notice of Public Protest Hearing mailed to all Identified Parcels Republic Services serves on June 9, 2023. SECTION 6. Said refuse rates, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein, shall take effect on August 1, 2023. SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. DULY AND REGULARLY ADOPTED this 25th day of July, 2023. ATTEST: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Exhibit A: Service Rates 4882-8070-5121 v] Steven Ly, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rachel Richman, City Attorney CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) § CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution No. 2023-45 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 25" day of July, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk 4882-8070-5121 v Proposer's Name: Republic Services Form K, Tab A: Single -Family Dwelling Maximum Service Rates Rate Schedule Effective 8/112023 (10 -Year Term) Service Descriptions Billing Frequency Proposed Bundled Rate Standard Single -Family Automated Cart Service (96 -Gallon Trash, 96 -Gallon Recycling, 96 -Gallon Organic Waste per month $24.93 64 -Gallon Single -Family Automated Cart Service (64 -Gallon Trash, 96 -Gallon Recycling, 96 -Gallon Organic Waste per month $24.93 32 -Gallon Single -Family Automated Cart Service (32 -Gallon Trash, 96 -Gallon Recycling, 96 -Gallon Organic Waste per month $24.42 Additional Trash Cart each cart $7.27 Additional Recycling Cart each cart $7.27 Additional Organic Waste Cart each cart $7.27 Restart of Service (Auto -Resume Feel per occurrence $22.18 Cart Delivery per occurrence $0.00 Cart Removal per occurrence $0.00 Cart Exchange per occurrence $25.00 Residential Cart Replacement Fee per occurrence $60.00 Recycle and Organics Contamination per occurrence $25.00 Extra pickup per occurrence $37.56 Extra Bulky pickup per item S35.00 Walk out Rate per month $35.00 Revised Form K TAB A SFD Rates Proposers Name: Republic services Form K, Tab E: Multi-Family Dwelling Maximum Service Rates Rate Schedule Effective 811/2023 (10-Year Term) Multi-Family Trash (Note: Proposed bundled rates include 96-Gallon Recycling and 32-Gallon Organic Waste) Service Descriptions lhweek 2/week Collection Frequency 3/week 4/week 5/week 6/week 32-Gallon Cad $181.57 $326.83 WA NIA NIA WA 64-Gallon Cart $181.57 $326.83 WA NIA NIA NIA 96-Gallon Cad $181.57 $326.83 NIA WA NIA NIA 111.5 CY en $201.92 $34519 1466.14 $687.% $722.42 1830.79 2 CY Bin $220.00 $398.20 $637.57 $677.34 $833.13 $968.09 1 CY Bin $284.94 $468.48 $617.39 $780.87 $984.79 $1,105.11 4 CY Bin $379.90 $651.68 $770.08 $946.65 $1,169.69 $1,345.00 6 CY Bin $608.34 $903.40 $1,211.62 $1,508.35 $1,868.04 $2,140.19 Multi-Family Dwelling Recycling 32-Gallon Cad $58.73 $106.31 NIA WA NIA NIA 64-Gallon Cad $58.73 $106.31 WA NIA WA WA 96-Gallon Cad $68.73 $106.31 NIA NIA NIA NIA 1 11.5 CY Bin $126.37 $216.09 $291.73 $387.57 $462.12 $619.91 2 CY Bin $180.01 $290.34 $391.96 $493.87 $807.46 $698.58 3 CY Mn $220.40 $364.86 $479.04 $603.69 $742.42 $853.78 4 CY Bin $264.48 $425.82 $674.86 $724.31 $890.90 $1,024.54 6 CY Bin 8317.]8 $610.98 $689.82 $869.17 $1,069.08 $1,229.45 Multi-Family Organic Waste (Green Waste and Food Waste) 32-Gallon Cart $35.00 $70.00 NIA WA NIA NIA 64-Gallon Cart $70.00 $140.00 NIA NIA WA NIA 96-Gallon Cad WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 111.6 CY Bin $202.00 $342.73 $484.69 WA NIA NIA 2 CY Bin $202.00 $342.73 $484.69 NIA NIA NIA Multi-Family Dwelling Yard Waste Only (if applicable) 32-Gallon Cad $36.00 $70.00 NIA NIA NIA NIA 64Gallon Cart $70.00 $140.00 WA NIA NIA NIA 96Gallon Cad WA NIA WA NIA WA WA 111.6 CY Bin $202.00 $342.73 $486.69 NIA NIA NIA 2 CY Bin $202.00 $342.73 5484.69 WA NIA NIA 3 CY Bin $7.12.00 $389.62 $663.26 NIA NIA WA 4 CY Bin $282.00 $482.22 $684.75 NIA NIA NIA 6 CY Bin $322.00 $550.62 $781.88 WA NIA NIA Multi-Family Dwelling Food Waste Only (If applicable) 32-Gallon Cad $36.00 $70.00 NIA NIA NIA NIA 64Gallon Cart $70.00 $140.00 NIA WA NIA NIA 96-Gallon Cad NIA NIA WA NIA NIA WA 111.6 CY Bin $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 WA NIA NIA 2 CY Bin $202.00 $342.73 $484.69 WA NIA WA MuMi-Family Dwelling Other Additional Services (Insert additional service or containers warequency)Per Occurrence (Insert additional service or containers wlfrequency)Per Occunence $0.00 $0.00 Revised Fonn K TAB B MFD Rates Proposers Name: Republic Services Form K, Tab C: Commercial Maximum Service Rates Rate Schedule Effective 81112023 (10 -Year Term) Commercial Trash (Note: Proposed bundled rates include 96 -Gallon Recycling and 32 -Gallon Organic Waste) Service Descriptions 11week 2lweek Collection Frequency 3lweek 41week 51week 6/week 32 -Gallon Cart $181.57 $326.83 WA WA WA WA 64 -Gallon Cart $181.57 $326.83 WA WA WA WA 96 -Gallon Cart $181.57 $326.83 WA WA NIA WA 111.5 CY Bin $201.92 $345.29 $466.14 $587.34 $722.42 $830.79 2 CY Bin $220.00 $398.20 $537.57 $677.34 $633.13 $958.09 3 CY Bin $284.94 $458.48 $617.39 $780.87 $964.79 $1,105.11 4 CY Bin $379.90 $551.68 $770.08 $946.65 $1,169.59 $1,345.00 6 CY Bin $608.34 $903.40 $1,211.62 $1,508.35 $1,868.04 $2,148.19 Commercial Trash for Organic Waste Exempt Customers (Note: Proposed bundled rates include 96 -Gallon Recycling and no Organic W 32 -Gallon Cart $146.57 $265.29 WA WA WA WA 64 -Gallon Cart $146.57 $265.29 WA WA WA WA 96 -Gallon Cart $146.57 $265.29 WA WA WA WA 111.5 CY Bin $166.92 $285.44 $385.34 $485.63 $597.20 $686.78 2 CY Bin $185.00 $334.85 $152.05 $569.58 $700.58 $805.67 3 CY Bin $249.94 $402.40 $543.24 $684.48 $841.91 $968.20 4 CY Bin $344.90 $551.68 $749.70 $944.64 $1,161.91 $1,336.19 6 CY Bin $573.34 $903.40 $1,211.62 $1,508.35 $1,868.04 $2,148.19 Commercial Recycling 32Gallon Cart $58.73 $106.31 NIA NIA NIA NIA 64 -Gallon Cart $58.73 $106.31 WA WA WA WA 964allon Cart $58.73 $106.31 WA WA WA WA 111.5 CY Bin $126.37 $216.09 $291.73 $367.57 $452.12 $519.93 2 CY Bin $160.41 $290.34 $391.96 $493.87 $607.46 $698.58 3 CY Bin $220.40 $354.85 $479.04 $603.59 $742.42 $853.78 4 CY Bin $264.48 $425.82 $574.85 $724.31 $890.90 $1,024.54 6 CY Bin $317.38 $510.98 $689.82 $869.17 $1,069.08 $1,229.45 Commercial Organic Waste (Green Waste and Food Waste) 32 -Gallon Cart $35.00 $70.00 WA N/A WA WA 64 -Gallon Cart $70.00 $140.00 WA WA WA WA 96 -Gallon Cart WA WA WA WA WA WA 111.5 CY Bin $202.00 $342.73 $494.59 WA WA WA 2 CY Bin $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 WA WA NIA Commercial Yard Waste Only (if applicable) 32 -Gallon Cart $35.00 $70.00 NIA WA WA N1A 64 -Gallon Cart $70.00 $140.00 WA WA WA WA 96 -Gallon Can WA WA WA WA WA WA 111.5 CY Bin $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 WA WA WA Revised Form K TAB C Commercial Rates 2C Bin $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 WA WA j WA 3 CY Bin $242.00 $388.62 $553.26 WA NIA WA 4C Bin $282.00 $482.22 $684.75 WA WA WA 6 CY Bin $322.00 $550.62 $781.88 WA NIA NIA Commercial Food Waste Only (if applicable) 32-Gallon Cart $35.00 $70.00 WA WA WA WA 64-Gallon Can $70.00 $140.00 WA WA WA WA 96-Gallon Cart WA NIA NIA WA WA NIA 1 11.5 CY Bin $202.00 $34213 $484.59 WA WA WA 2 CY Bin $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 WA WA WA Commercial Other I Additional Services (insert additional service or containersw/frequency) Per Occurrence $0.00 (insert additional service or containers w/frequency) Per Occurrence $0.00 (i nsert additional service or wmai ners w/frequeney) Per Occurrence $0.00 Revised Form K TAB C Commercial Rates Proposer's Name: Republic Services Form K, Tab D: Additional Services Maximum Service Rates Rate Schedule Effective 8/1/2023 (10 -Year Term) Other Services Service Descriptions Frequency Proposed Rate Locking Bin, Lock on Gate monthly $9.75 Trip Charge/Dry Run Per Occurrence $115.00 Restart of Service (auto resume fee) Per Occurrence $25.00 Setup Fee Per Occurrence $0.00 Delivery Charge Per Occurrence $75.00 Delivery Charge Commercial Carts Per Occurrence $25.00 Removal Per Occurrence $75.00 Exchange Fee Per Occurrence $75.00 Stinger / Scout Service fee Per Occurrence $15.00 Recycling Contamination Fee Per Occurrence $63.00 Overage Fee Per Occurrence $45.00 Commercial Manure Collection (64 gallon Cart) weekly N/A Commercial Manure Collection (2 CY Bin) weekly N/A Emergency Services (Section 20.01) Per Occurrence $207.00 Extra Yards Per Occurrence $47.73 Organics Contamination Per Occurrence $80.00 Commercial Bulky Per Item - Max 2 $42.00 Push Rate (Monthly) Push Rate - 25 feet 1 pickup / week $12.00 Push Rate - 25 feet 2 pickups/ week $24.00 Push Rate - 25 feet 3 pickups / week $36.00 Push Rate - 25 feet 4 pickups / week $48.00 Push Rate - 25 feet 5 pickups / week $60.00 Revised Form K TAB D Additional Rates Push Rate - 25 feet 6 pickups / week $72.00 Push Rate - 50 feet 1 pickup / week $18.00 Push Rate - 50 feet 2 pickups/ week $36.00 Push Rate - 50 feet 3 pickups / week $54.00 Push Rate - 50 feet 4 pickups / week $72.00 Push Rate - 50 feet 5 pickups / week $90.00 Push Rate - 50 feet 6 pickups / week $108.00 Push Rate - 75 feet 1 pickup/ week $24.00 Push Rate - 75 feet 2 pickups / week $48.00 Push Rate - 75 feet 3 pickups / week $72.00 Push Rate - 75 feet 4 pickups / week $96.00 Push Rate - 75 feet 5 pickups / week $120.00 Push Rate - 75 feet 6 pickups / week $144.00 Push Rate -100 feet 1 pickup/ week $30.00 Push Rate - 100 feet 2 pickups / week $60.00 Push Rate - 100 feet 3 pickups I week $90.00 Push Rate - 100 feet 4 pickups / week $120.00 Push Rate - 100 feet 5 pickups / week $150.00 Push Rate -100 feet 6 pickups/ week $180.00 Roll -off Pull Rates (Roll -off Containers billed on a per pull plus process or disposal rate) 10 Cubic Yard Container per pull Per Pull $969.31 20 Cubic Yard Container per pull Per Pull $1,045.07 30 Cubic Yard Container per pull Per Pull $1,045.07 40 Cubic Yard Container per pull Per Pull $1,045.07 Street Sweeping Services Option 3: No Changes to Current Schedule Proposed Hours Per Year $0.00 Revised Form K TAB D Additional Rates Proposed Miles Per Year $0.00 Annual Cost Proposal Per Year $329,070.00 Curb Mile Rate Per Mile $0.00 Street Sweeping Other / Additional Services Roll off extra tonnage - over 7 tons Per Occurrence $104.17 Compactor - max 9 tons Per Occurrence $1,296.49 3 Yd Temp Per Occurrence $248.00 Revised Form K TAB D Additional Rates Attachment B Notice of Proposed Solid Waste Rates T 4s CALIFORNIA S13 1383 Short-lived Climate Pollutants Act La Ley de Contaminantes Climaticos de Vida Corta WHAT ARE ORGANIC MATERIALS? Today's Small Triv n .America » Food Scraps — Bread, Rice, & Pasta, Cheese & Dairy, Coffee Grounds & Filters, Fruits & Vegetables, Flowers & Herbs, Meat, Bones, & Poultry, Seafood & Soft Shells, Pet Food (Non -Medicated) » Food -Soiled Paper Products — Food -Stained Paper, Paper Egg Cartons, Paper Napkins & Kitchen Towels, Pizza Boxes, Plates, Togo Boxes (No Coating, Wooden or Fiber -Based Utensils) » Green Waste — Flower & Hedge Trimmings, Grass Clippings, Leaves & Branches, Lumber, Scrap Wood, & Plywood (Not Painted or Treated), Weeds ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS! Reduce Methane Emissions Landfills undergo anaerobic decomposition which generates methane, whereas compost piles undergo aerobic decomposition which sequesters carbon dioxide — preventing more greenhouse gases from releasing into our atmosphere and contributing further to climate change. Composting Given the rich nutrient and vitamin content of compost, this addition helps plants grow healthier and more nutritious! Drought Resiliency Placing organic material back into the soil increases its water holding capabilities, making it more drought resilient. gQUt SON LOS MATERIALES ORGANICOS? » Restos de Alimentos — Pan, arroz y pastas, quesos y productos Mcteos, cafe molido y filtros de cafB, frutas y verduras, floras y hierbas, comes (res, polio, etc.), huesos, mariscos y crustaceos de concha blonds, alimento para mascotas (no medicinal) » Papel Manchado de Comida — Papel manchado con comida, cartones de huevos, servilletas y toallas de cocina de pope/, cajas de pizza, platos de cart6n, cajas de comida para Ilevar (sin revestimiento), utensilios de madera o fibra » Desechos Verdes — Recortes de floras y setos, recortes de hierba, hojas y ramas, madera y restos de madera, contrachapado (6iplay, plywood) sin pintar ni tratar, malezas IVENTAJAS MEDIOAMBIENTALESI r ^� Reducci6n de Emisiones de Metano En los rellenos sanitarios o vertederos se do una descomposici6n anaer6bica qua genera metano; an cambio, las piles de compost sufren una descomposici6n aer6bica qua atrapa el di6xido de carbon. Esto evils qua m8s gases de efecto invemadero lleguen a la atm6sfera y afecten aun mSs e/ cambio clim3tico. ® omp o Dc Dodo ell rico ontenido de nutrientes y vitaminas del compost, as un abono qua ayuda a qua las plantas crezcan m3s series y seen mSs nutritivas. Resistencia a la Sequia Cuando el material org6nico se coloca de nuevo an la tierra, esta aumenta su capacidad de retenci6n de agua y se hace m3s resistente a la sequia. » •�c'1%J7jLi� CALIFORNIA Dao luat ve cac chat gay 6 nhiem khi hau ton tai trong tho'i gian ngan Today's Small Town America » T/X�T%J7t f33i P`JnL4X�t GG ` ftffi(�11im` tMRl Aq. &oo) iFR% Ti L7iFUX `� fll315}i�t�f��171��.'r3�' ' ��� 1•n' (��II�� I'-sftks11�1i�bh�� q�'-�bn>�J�.1�1t. e WE VAT LIEU HCPU Cd LA Gl? » Thu'c an thiva — Binh mi, Gao, & Mi 6ng, Ph6 mai & Sira, Ba ca ph6 & B$ Ipc, Trai cay & Rau qua, Hoa & Thao m6c, Thit, Xuang, & Gia cam, Hai san & Vo m6m, Th&� an cho vat nu6i (Kh6ng dung thu6c) » San phaco giay b$n thu'c ph$m — Giay nhu6m mau thuc phem, hpp giay dung tnMg, khan giay & khan bhp, hpp pizza, dia, hOp mang di (kh6ng c6 Op phi), 66 muc gap bang g6 hoac spl » Chat thai xanh — Vun tu' Hoa & tia d6n hang rao, cat c6, la va canh, g6, g6 phe lieu, &van 6p (kh6ng son hoac xir ly), c6 dai L91 (CH M61 TRUdNGI G irn phat thai khi metan V� Cac bai ch6n lap trai qua qua trinh phan huy ky kht tao ra khi m6 -tan, trong khi d6ng phan u trai qua qua trinh phan huy hiau khi giup c6 lap carbon dioxide - ngan than nhi6u khi nM kinh thai vao bau khi quy6n cua chiung to va g6p phan th6m vao bilin d6i khi hau. ® U phan V6i ham /nang dinh dubng va vitamin phong phu cua phan hrvu ca, su b6 sung nay giup cay trong phat trian kh6e manh va b6 du&ng hon! #n�7 Of d a 7n 11��h �7 t nang khang Chiu van han Dot vat lieu hvu ca trb lai vao Bat lam tang kha nang giir • nu6c cua n6, lam cho n6 c6 kha nang chiu hen t6t han. 2 NEW LAWS EFFECTIVE IN 2022 Senate Bill (SB) 1383, also known as the Short -Lived Climate Pollutants Act, requires statewide participation in organics diversion and recycling programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from organic material disposal. As a result of SB 1383, the City must offer a 3 -container solid waste collection service to all residents and businesses, each of whom must also comply with the new law by separately disposing of organic materials (yard and food waste). Diversion of organic materials to compost facilities will cut methane emissions and preserve our landfill capacity for the benefit of future generations. These new requirements will also result in increases to solid waste collection rates (Garbage, Recycling and Organics). PROPOSED RATE INCREASES AND BASIS FOR THE RATES Beginning August 1, 2023, Republic Services will provide solid waste collection services to Rosemead residential, multi -family, and commercial owners/customers pursuant to a new City Council -approved Integrated Solid Waste Handling Services Agreement (Agreement). The rate structure for monthly solid waste collection services is for three customer classes: (i) residential; (ii) multi -family; and (iii) commercial. The rates for each customer class are determined based on: (i) the size of the container serving the property; (ii) the materials accepted in the container (e.g., Garbage, Recycling and Organics) serving the property; (iii) the frequency of pickups per week; and (iv) additional services that may be required by the customer. The proposed rate increases are necessary for Republic Services to provide mandatory organic waste collection services (as well as garbage and recycling/diversion services) pursuant to regulations implementing Senate Bill (SB) 1383 and other applicable laws. SB 1383 increases our City's solid waste system costs in a few ways, including the expansion of collection services to new customers, diversion of all organic materials to new processing facilities, and related reporting and monitoring requirements. Other portions of the proposed rates include City costs to administer the Agreement, support City infrastructure and services; and comply with state recycling/diversion mandates (including, but not limited to, AB 939 and SB 1383). The proposed rates have been calculated to cover the reasonable and actual costs needed to provide services to the City. Republic Services would implement the rates as specified in Exhibit 1 of the Agreement, effective August 1, 2023. ANNUAL RATE ADJUSTMENTS The proposed rate schedule also includes annual rate adjustments. Beginning on July 1, 2024, and annually thereafter until June 30, 2028, the rates specified in Exhibit 1 of the Agreement will be adjusted using the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index Water and Sewer and Trash Collection (CUSROOOOSEHG) U.S. City Average (seasonally adjusted), as may be amended or renamed and replaced from time to time by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics or an equivalent index approved by mutual agreement in the event said index is no longer published. However, the annual rate adjustment shall not be increased by more than 4% in any year. HOW TO LEARN MORE Information will be posted on the City's website and will also be included in the published agenda for the July 25, 2023, City Council public hearing. In addition, if you have questions about how your rates will be affected, please refer to the City's website. For further support, contact the City Clerk at 626.569.2100 or Cityderk@cityofrosemead.org. PUBLIC HEARING When: July 25, 2023, 7:00 p.m. Location: City Hall, City Council Chambers 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 HOW TO PROTEST THE RATE INCREASE The City will only accept written protests (no faxes or emails) against the proposed rate increase from property owners and/ or customers of record. The written protest must clearly identify all items A, B, and C: A. The location of the identified parcel (by street address or Assessor's Parcel Number). B. A clear written statement protesting the fee increase. C. The name and signature of the property owner/protester. — If the person submitting the written protest is the owner of record, but was not shown on Los Angeles County's previous equalized assessment roll as the property owner, please provide written evidence that the person is the property owner. To ensure transparency and accountability in the tabulation of written protests, protests shall constitute a disclosable public record from and after the time they are received. Written protests to the rate increase can be submitted at the public hearing until the end of the public input portion. They can also be mailed but must be received before the Public Hearing or hand -delivered to the City Clerk mailbox, located outside of City Hall (address above), at or before the Public Hearing. Oral comments at the Public Hearing will not qualify as formal protests unless accompanied by a written protest. Only one written protest per parcel will be counted. If written protests are not presented by a majority of the identified parcels upon which the rates are proposed to be imposed for solid waste collection services, the City Council will be authorized to impose the rates and annual rate adjustments as outlined above. If adopted, the proposed rate increases in Exhibit 1 of the Agreement will take effect beginning August 1, 2023. Questions about filing a written protest should be directed to the City Clerk (contact information above). 3 NUEVAS LEYES VIGENTES EN 2022 EI Proyecto de Ley del Senado SB 1383, tambian conocido como Is Ley de Contaminantes Clim3ticos de Vida Corta, requiere la participaci6n estatal en programas de desvio y reciclaje de materias org6nicas destinados a reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invemadero provenientes de la eliminaci6n de dichas materias. Debido a Is SB 1383, Is Municipalidad debe ofrecer un servicio de recwleccon de desechos s6lidos de 3 contenedores a todos los residentes y negocios de la ciudad, quienes tambian deben cumplir con la nueva ley desechando por separado las materias org6nicas (provenientes de alimentos y jardines). EI desvio de materias org6nicas a los lugares de procesamiento de compost reducir6 las emisiones de metano y preservara la capacidad de nuestros rellenos sanitarios o vertederos para el beneficio de las generaciones futuras. Estos nuevos requisitos tambi6n conducirk a un aumento de las tarifas de recolecci6n de residuos s6lidos (basura, reciclaje y materias org6nicas). AUMENTOS DE TARIFAS PROPUESTOS Y SU FUNDAMENTO A partir del 1 de agosto de 2023, Republic Services brindara los servicios de recoleccidn de desechos s6lidos a los propietarios/ clientes residenciales, multifamiliares y comerciales de Rosemead de conformidad con un nuevo Acuerdo de Servicios Integrados de Gest16n de Residuos S61idos aprobado por el Concejo Municipal (en adelante, "el Acuerdo"). La estructura de tarifas para los servicios mensuales de recolecci6n de residuos s6lidos as para tres clases de clientes: (i) residenciales; (ii) muitifamiliares; y (iii) comerciales. Las tarifas de sada clase de cliente se determinan en funci6n de: (i) el tamaho del contenedor utilizado an la propiedad, (ii) los materiales aceptados an dicho contenedor (por ejemplo, basura, reciclaje o materias organicas), (iii) la frecuencia de las recogidas por semana y (iv) los servicios adicionales que puedan ser requeridos por el Ciente. Los aumentos de tarifas propuestos son necesarios para que Republic Services pueda brindar los servicios obligatoros de recolecci6n de desechos org6nicos (asi como de recolecci6n/ desvio de basura y recidaje) de acuerdo con las regulaciones que implementan el Proyecto de Ley del Senado SB 1383 y otras leyes vigentes. EI SB 1383 aumenta los costos del sistema municipal de gesti6n de desechos s6lidos de varias maneras; entre ellas, la expansi6n de los servicios de recolecci6n a nuevos clientes, el desvio de todas las materias org6nicas a nuevos lugares de procesamiento y los requerimientos relacionados con informes y seguimiento. Otros componentes de las tarifas propuestas induyen los oostos municipales relacionados con la administrad6n del Acuerdo, el apoyo a la infraestructura y los servicios de la Ciudad y el cumplimiento de los mandatos estatales de reciclaje/desvio (entre los cuales se induyen AB 939 y SB 1383). Las tarifas propuestas fueron calculadas para cubrir los costos razonables y reales necesarios para proporcionar los servicios a Is Municipalidad. Republic Services implementaria las tarifas detalladas en el Anexo 1 del Acuerdo a partir del 1 de agosto de 2023. AJUSTES ANUALES DE TARIFAS La lista de tarifas propuestas tambian incluye ajustes tarifarios anuales. A partir del 1 de julio de 2024 y una vez al ano haste el 30 de junio de 2028, las tarifas detalladas an el Anexo 1 del Acuerdo se modificaran con base an Is variaci6n porcentual del Indice de Precios al Consumidor (ajustado estacionalmente) de los precios promedio de ague y alcantarillado y recolecci6n de basura en ciudades de EE. UU. (CUSROOOOSEHG), que 4 puede ser enmendado, renombrado o reemplazado de vez en cuando por Is Oficina de Estadlsticas Laborales de los Estados Unidos, o de otro indice equivalente aprobado de mutuo acuerdo, en el caso de que el antes mencionado indice deje de publicarse. Sin embargo, el ajuste tarifario anual no excedera el 4% en ningOn aflo. C6MO OBTENER M%►S INFORMAC16N La informaci6n se publicar3 an el sitio web de Is Ciudad y tambian se incluirS en la agenda publicada para la audiencia publica del Concejo Municipal del 25 de julio de 2023. Si tiene preguntas sobre c6mo se ver -An afectadas sus tarifas, consulte el sitio web de Is Ciudad. Para obtener mas ayuda, comuniquese con Is Secretaria Municipal al (626) 569 2100 o al correo electr6nico Cityderk@cityofrosemead.org. AUDIENCIA POBLICA Fecha: 25 de julio de 2023, 7:00 p. m. Lugar: Ayuntamiento, Sal6n de Reuniones 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 C611110 QUEJARSE POR EL AUMENTO DE LAS TARIFAS La Municipalidad aceptarA quejas por escrito (no por fax ni oorreo eleclr6nico) contra el aumento de tarifas propuesto de parte de los propietarios o clientes registrados. La queja escrita debe identificar claramente todos los puntos A, B y C: A. La ubicaci6n de la propiedad identificada (direcci6n postal o numero de registro de la propiedad). B. Una declaraci6n escrita claramente con la queja por el aumento de la tarifa. C. EI nombre y la firma del propietario o persona quejosa. — Si la persona que presenta la queja por escrito es el propietario registrado, pero no aparece como tal en el mas reciente registro igualado de la propiedad del condado de Los Angeles, debera proporcionar pruebas escritas de que es el dueho de la propiedad. Para garantizar la transparencia y la responsabilidad an la tabulaci6n de las quejas escritas, estas se convertiran an registro publico divulgable a partir de su recepci6n. Las quejas escritas contra el aumento de tarifas pueden presentarse an Is audiencia p6blica durante el segmento de comentar os del publico. Tambian pueden enviarse por correo, pero deben ser recibidas antes de Is audiencia pOblica, o pueden entregarse personalmente an Is Secretarla Municipal ubicada dentro del Ayuntamiento antes o al momenta de Is audiencia publica. Los comentarios orales durante Is audiencia publica no calificaran como quejas fornales a menos que vengan acompahados de una declaraci6n escrita. Solo se contara una queja escrita por sada propiedad. Si no se reciben quejas por escrito de Is mayorla de las propiedades identificadas a las que se propone imponer las tarifas por los servicios de recolecd6n de desechos s6lidos, el Concejo Municipal estara autorizado a imponer las tarifas y sus correspondientes ajustes anuales como se describe m6s arriba Si los aumentos propuestos an el Anexo 1 del Acuerdo son adoptados, entraran an vigor a partir del 1 de agosto de 2023. Si tiene preguntas sobre c6mo presentar una queja por escrito, comuniquese con la Secretaria Municipal (informaci6n de contacto mas arriba). 2022 *15(MJWPM a (c�1383sG,E)� '�fAA0v, �.4 ;�51, n `)) f'%WR PAM1383A*MMWI*�i�s�lA7�h�l� C7IOMM fiJ) n,tHQ° 1t 2023*8A 15 r�Fj<n''�:'IUR MOM(Republic Services) X494-r� #tt;f6<]��h(( A IMMO M ilflpmnl )OATMfg"tA ")AIVTSI5nfltIs r= W�Rif n -A IM Xllg�49f#Naa"W*Nm° RJ:(i)1t�; (ii)�PMLIX; (iii) MNIDWi M 1383 IJ�Z�C (L�7�Ztit[1C°7/��) °-Mfg 939MAYMO 1EM1383 *jk It *1A #o9J1�5� Flse�°ff 2024 IF 7A 1 E]%iSln'lYt1��'��� 2028 6 � 30 a't�i�rf� (CUSROOOOSEHG)BnJ-ffi53tt 4tA17IM(fR 'ltO )' W�lM19; 25 F3 626.569.2100 4MXM-T'$'f 4Y Cityclerk@cityofrosemead.org. H4 M: 2023 * 7 A 25 8 O�± 7 B*4 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 '+71�fiSMTSZ1+r,MM OI #n'�,APJ] MA'aP, 34JAH A,B f C: A. 114"). B. —f3 8A 1 F]MM` M ��,7QJCa�TJLPJCJ �tH��TR9YM f3c�o,G.�3 (AYI'Xi�o 5 LUAT M61 Cb H16U LVC TRONG NAM 2022 Du lust Thvgng vien (SB) 1383, c6n dvgc goi la Dao lust Chat 6 nhi6m Khi heu Ngan han, you cau sv tham gia tron Wan tiau banq vao cac chuang trinh chuy6n hurting va tai chef huu ca do giam phot thai khl nha kinh do xv ly vet lieu hiru ca. Theo kat qua cua SB 1383, Thanh ph6 phai cung cap dich vu thu gom chat thai ran 3 thong cho tat ca cur dan va doanh nghiep, moi thanh phan trong so nay cung phai tuan thu luot mai bang tach x& ly rii§ng cac vot lieu hiru ca (chat thai son b5i va that pham). Chuy6n Wang cac vat liou hiru ca sang cac ca sd u phan se cat giam lurang khi thai motan va boo t6n ndng sunt bii chon lap cua chong to A Igi ich cua cac th6 ho turang lai. Nhirng you cau mdi nay cung so d&n d6n tang muc gia thu gom chat thai ran (Roc, Tai che: va H(ru ca). at XUAT TANG Mft GIA PH)C Vl j vA CO's& CHO CAC M0C GIA Bat dau tir ngay 1 thong 8 nam 2023, Republic Services so cung cap dich vu thu gom chat thai ran cho cac cho sd hiru / khach hang dan cur, nhieu gia dinh vo thurang mai cua Rose- mead theo Th6a thuon Dich vu Xu ly Chat thai Ran Tich hap (Th6a thuan) mbi durgc Hoi d6ng Thanh pho ph6 duyot. Ca cau gia dich vu thu gom chat thii ran hang thong danh cho be loci khach hang: (i) khu don cur; (ii) nhi6u gia dinh; va (iii) thvang mai. Gia phi cho moi hang khach hang durgc xac dinh dura trbn: (i) Mch thvbc cua container phut vu nha d6; (ii) cac vet lieu durgc chap nhon trong thong chua (vi du: Rac, Tai che: va Chat huu ca) phut vu rho 66; (iii) tan suet thu gam moi tuhn; va (iv) cac dich vV b6 sung ma khach hang c6 the you cau. voc tang gia durgc d6 xuat la can thiat de Republic Services cung cap cac dich vu thu gom chat thii huu ca bat buoc (cung nhv cac dich vu thu gom roc va tai ch6 / chuy6n hvdng) theo cac quy dinh thvc hien Dv luot Thurgng vien (SB) 1383 va cac luet hien hank khat. SB 1383 lam tdng chi phi ho th6ng chat thai ran cua Thanh ph6 chong t6i theo mot so tach, bao g6m and rang dich vu thu gom cho khach hang mbi, chuy6n hvdng tat ca cac vot lieu huu ca sang cac ca sd xir ly mbi va cac you cau bao coo va giam sat lion quan. Cac phan khat cua muc gia d6 xuat bao g6m chi phi Thanh ph6 d6 von hanh Th6a thuan; ho tra ca sd ha tang va dich vu cua Thanh ph1; va tuan thii cdc nhiom vu tai cho / chuy6n hvdng cua ti6u bang (bao g6m, nhvng kh6ng gidi han b AB 939 va SB 1383). Coo muc gia da xuat di dvgc tinh toan d6 trang trai cac chi phi hap ly va thvc to clan thiat da cung cap dich vu cho Thanh ph6. Republic Services so thvc hien cac muc gia theo quy dinh tai Phu luc 1 cua Thoa thuan, c6 hieu Ivc tv ngay 1 thing 8 nam 2023. DIPEU CHINH GIA HANG NAM Bieu gia d6 xuat cung bao g1m dieu chinh gia hang ndm. Bat dau to ngay 1 thong 7 nim 2024 va hang ndm sau d6 cho d6n ngay 30 thong 6 ndm 2028, cac muc gia dvgc quy Binh trong Phu luc 1 cua Th6a thuen si dvgc di6u chinh bang each su dung ty to phan tram they d6i trong Chi so gia tiou dung Thu gom Nudc va Thoat nude va Rac (CUSROOOOSEHG) Truing binh Thanh ph6 Hoa Ky (dilau chinh theo moa), c6 th6 durgc sira d6i hooc d6i ton vo thay th6 theo thdi gian bdi C4c Thong ko Lao doing Hoa Ky hooc mot chi so twang duang dvgc phi duydt theo thoa thuon chung trong trtrdng hap chi so 66 kh6ng con durgc cong bo. Tuy nhion, viec di6u chinh gia phi hang ndm kh6ng durgc tdng qua 4% trong bat ky ndm nao. 6 LAM TH9 NAO Dt TIM HI9U THEM Thong tin se durgc ddng tron trang web cua Thanh ph6 va cOng se du'gc dura vao chvang trinh nghj sur dvgc cling bo cho phion dieu trlan cling khai cua Hoi d6ng Thanh pho vao ngay 25 thong 7 nam 2023. Ngoai ra, n6u ban c6 that mac vel muc gia cua ban so bl anh hurdng nhur the nao, vui Idng tham khio trang web cua Thanh pho. De dupe h6 trg thorn, hay lion ho vdi Chanh sur Thanh ph6 theo so 626.569.2100 hooc City- clerk@cityofrosemead.org. PHIEN Oft TRAN CONG KHAI Thbi gian: 7:00 t6i ngay 25 thong 7 n6m 2023. Dja di6m: T6a thi chinh, Prong Hoi d6ng Thanh pho 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 LAM THil NAO Dg PHAN DOI VISC TANG GIA Thanh ph6 se chi chap nhon cac phan d6i bang v6n ban (kh6ng fax hoot email) chong lai vi0c Ong gia dvgc d6 xuat to cho sd huu bat doing son va / hooc khach hang trong h6 sa. Van ban kien nghi phai xac dinh no tat ca cac muc A, B va C: A. Vi tri cua this dot dvgc xac dinh (theo dja chi dvdng pho hooc So this dot cua Gann dinh vi6n). B. Mot tuyon bo bang van ban ro rang phan d6i viec tang phi. C. Ten va chD ky cua cho sd hDu tai son/ngtreri phan doi. — N6u ngubi nOp dan phan d6i bhng van ban 0 chi) so hiru d6ng tan trona h6 sa, nhung kh6ng dugc Wn IN trong bang danh gib can bang tnrdc 66 cua Quan hat Los Angeles v6l to cath 13 chi) sh hau tai sin, vui Idng cung clip tiling ch&ng bang van ban r6ng ngudi d6 A ch6 s6' h6u tai son. 06 dam baa tinh minh bath va trach nhiom giai trinh trong viec lap bang phan d6i bang vdn ban, coo cuoc phan d6i se too thanh mot h6 so cling khai c6 the tint to to va sau thdi diem chong durgc nhon. Cac phan d6i bang van ban d6i v&i viec tdng IN sunt c6 the durac nop tai phion di6u trlan cong khai cho den khi kat thdc phan d6ng g6p y kien cua cong chong. Chung cung c6 th6 dvgc gui qua durdng buru digin nhvng phai durac nhon trvdc Phion Di6u Tran Cling Khai hooc giao ten tay cho V6n Ph6ng Chanh sv Thanh Ph1 nam trong T6a Thi Chinh tai hooc tnrdc Phion Dieu Trlan Cong Khai. Binh luon bang mieng tai PhAn di6u trlan cong khai s6 kh6ng du di6u kien la phan d6i chinh thuc trir khi kern theo mot phan d6i bang vin ban. Moi this dot se chi tinh mot vdn ban phan d6i. Nau cac vdn ban phan doi kh6ng durgc dura ra bdi da so coo this dot dvgc xac dinh ma theo d6 muc gia duac 16 xuat dp dung cho cac dich vu thu gom chat thai ran, Hoi d6ng thanh pho se durgc uy quy6n sp dung muc gia va dieu chinh muc gia hang ndm nhv di nou d tron. Neu durac thong qua, d6 xuat ting Iii sunt tai Phu luc 1 cua Thoa thuon se c6 hieu Ivc bat Blau to ngay 1 thong 8 ndm 2023. Cac cau h6i vel viec nop Ban phan 66i bang van ban non duac chuy6n d6n Chanh sv Thanh ph6 (thong tin lion he d tr@n). Single -Family Dwelling Maximum Service Rates / Tarifas Maximas de Servicio para Viviendas Unifamiliares Rate Schedule Effective 8/1/2023 (10 -Year Term) /Lista de Tantas Vigente a Pattir del 1 de Agosto de 2023 (Plazo de 10 Ahos) Proposed Bundled Rate Descriptions Standard Single -Family Automated Cart Service (96 -Gal Trash, 96 -Gal Recycling, 9& -Gal Organic: Waste) per month Servicio mecanizado de contenedores unifamiliares est3ndar (Basura, 96 galones; reciclaje, 96 galones; mensual $24.93 desechos organicos, 96 galones) 64 -Gallon Single -Family Automated Cart Service (64 -Gal Trash, 96 -Gal Recycling, 96 -Gal Organic Waste) per month Serviclo mecanizado de contenedores unifamillares de 64 galones (Basura, 64 galones; reciclaje, 96 galones; mensual $24.93 desechos org6nicos, 96 galones) 32 -Gallon Single -Family Automated Cart Service (32 -Gal Trash, 96 -Gal Recycling, 96 -Gal Organic Waste) per month Serviclo mecanizado de contenedores unifamiliares de 32 galones (Rasura, 32 galones; reciclaje, 96 galones; mensual $24.42 desechos org9nicos, 96 galones) Additional Trash Cart each cart $7.27 Contenedor de basura adicbnal coda uno Additional Recycling Cart each cart $727 Contenedor de reciclaje adiclonal coda uno Additional Organic Waste Cart each cart $7.27 Contenedor de desechos orgdnicos adicional coda uno Restart of Service (Auto -Resume Fee) per occurrence $22.18 Reinicio del servicio (tarts de reanudaci6n autom6tloa) per ocurrencia Cart Delivery per occurrence $0.00 Entrega de contenedor per ocurrencia Cart Removal per occurrence $0.00 Refire de contenador per ocurrencia Cart Exchange per occurrence $25.00 Intercambio de contenedor per ocurrencia Residential Cart Replacement Fee per occurrence $60.00 Tarifa de reemplazo de contenedor residencial per ocurrencia Recycle and Organics Contamination per occurrence $25.00 Tarifa de reemplazo de contenedor residencial por ocurrencia Extra Pickup per occurrence $37.56 Recogida adicional per ocurrencia Extra Bulky Pickup per tem $35.00 Recogda de aniculos a granel adicionaks per articuli Walk Out Rate per month $35.00 Servicio de extraccion para clientes mensual 7 fit-t$iara9ROJk* / M(rc gia phuc vu tai da cho m6t dan vi gia cw m6t gia dinh *fri 2023 4E 6 A 1 E3-�3�k (10IFMAY) / Bi4u gia c6 hieu 14rc 1//8/2023 (Han ky 10 nam) :r d(* � 1t*wR css m�mr�, ss m�ouzmz�. 96 m*;RlAt*) Dich vu tieu chuan thong tv dgng hod cho dan vi 1 gia dmh (96 -Gallon rac, 96 -Gallon tai 06, 96-Galon ch5t thai m6i�6ng $24.93 h(u ca) 64ho*Yfi91bii*RRS (64N*i9 . 96Ao*0ltift*, 96hQ*;R th4k) Dich vu thong 64 -Gallon to dgng hod Cho dan vi 1 gia dnh (64 -Gallon rac, 96-Galon tai ch6, 96 -Gallon chat thai mbi thing $24.93 hfiu ca) 32 MAIAFfi 9N1k*§R (32 tWAi&. 96 M*9JlriA*, 96M**WiA*) Dich vu thong 32 -Gallon to d$ng hod cho dan vi 1 gia dnh (32 -Gallon rbc, 96 -Galion tai ch6, 96 -Gallon chat thai mdi tthh%ng $24.42 h0u ca) W$ntj@* t§*49* $7.27 Th6m thong rac c6 bdnh xe moi thong bdnh xe m91•Im&lk* %of-** $7.27 ThAnn thong tai che c6 bdnh xe moi thong bdnh xe 119 9R41miVA* tfE-T** $7.27 Them thong chAt thai h0u ca c6 banh xe mai thong banh xe mrra luras (9£70,911ftf) 45--"$i $22.18 Tai tuc dlch vu (Phl tai tyc) moi On *4*3zlt t5mal $0.00 Gia thong banh xe moi IAn *4*4pl re"kai $0.00 LAy thong d mol 16n *' $25.00 Doi thong moi On 4ukl$zp $60.00 Phi doi thong cho to gia moi IAn ❑kkffl;Nm")5* WZRAI $25.00 Nhiem tdi ch6 va h0u ca moi IAn "O'mzj� v5IWP $37.56 Thu gom them moi IAn $35.00 Thu gom them do Ion moi myc jLLB** WAR $35.00 M6'c phI buvc ra moi thang 8 Multi -Family Dwelling Maximum Service Rates / Tarifas MAximas de Servicio para Viviendas Unifamiliares Rate Schedule Effective 871/2023 (10 -Year Term) /Lista de Tarifas Vigente a Partir del 1 de Agosto de 2023 (Plazo de 10 Anos) Multi -Family Trash (Note: Proposed bundled rates include 96Ga0on Recycling and 32 -Gallon Organo Waste) Basura multifamiliar (Note: Las tartfas combinadas pmpuestas incluyen contenedores de 96 gabnes para reciclaje y de 32 gabnes para desechos organicos) Service Descriptions Collection Frequency I Frecuencia de recoleccion Descripcion de Servicios1/week ]/week/weak ,!week Slweek 1lsemarw Lsemana Slsemare 4lsemara 5lsemara 8/creek &semare 32 -Gallon Cart/ Contenedor de 32 galones $181.57 $326.83 N/A N/A N/A N/A 64 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 64 galones $181.57 $326.83 N/A N/A N/A N/A 96 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 96 galones $181.57 $326.83 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 / 1.5 CY Bin / Contenedor de 1-1.5 yardas c6bicas (yd') $201.92 $345.29 $466.14 $587.34 $722.42 $830.79 2 CY Bin / Contenedor de 2 yd' $220.00 $398.20 $537.57 $677.34 $833.13 $958.09 3 CY Bin / Contenedor de 3 yd3 $284.94 $458.48 $617.39 $780.87 $964.79 $1,105.11 4 CV Bin / Contenedor de 4 yd3 $379.90 $551.68 $770.08 �$946655$1,169.59 $1,345.00 6 CY Bin / Contenedor de 6 yd3 32 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 32 gabnes $608.34 Dwelling $58.73 $903.40 $106.31 N/A N/A $1,868.04 N/A $2,148.19 N/A 64 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 64 galones $58.73 $106.31 N/A N/A N/A N/A 96 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 96 galones $58.73 $106.31 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 / 1.5 CY Bin / Contenedor de 1-1.5 yd' $126.37 $216.09 $291.73 $367.57 $452.12 $519.93 2 CY Bin / Contenedor de 2 yd3 $160.41 $290.34 $391.96 $493.87 $607.46 $698.58 3 CY Bin / Contenedor de 3 yd3 $220.40 $354.85 $479.04 $603.59 $742.42 $853.78 4 CV Bin / Contenedor de 4 yd3 $264.48 E$425.82 $574.85 $724.31 $890.90 $1,024.54 6 CY Bin/Contenedor de6yd3LL] • . 32 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 32 galones $317.38 and Food Waste) $35.00 $510.98 I k- $70.00 $689.82 N/A $869.17 N/A 51,069.08 •- MWOM N/A $1,229.45 N/A 64 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 64 galones $70.00 $140.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 96 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 96 galones N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 / 1.5 CY Bin / Contenedor de 1-1.5 yd' $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A N/A N/A 2 CY Bin / Contenedor de 2 yd3 Multi -Fa mily Dwelling 32 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 32 galones $202.00 $35.00 $342.73 $70.00 $484.59 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 64 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 64 galones $70.00 $140.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 96 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 96 galones N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 / 1.5 CY Bin / Contenedor de 1-1.5 yd' $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A N/A N/A 2 CV Bin / Contenedor de 2 yd3 $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A N/A N/A 3 CY Bin / Contenedor de 3 yd3 $242.00 $389.62 $553.26 N/A N/A N/A 4 CV Bin / Contenedor de 4 yd3$282.00 $482.22 $684.75 N/A N/A N/A 6 CY Bin / Contenedor de 6 yd3 Dwelling 32 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 32 galones $322.00 Only • $35.00 $550.62 $70.00 $781.88 N/A N/A N/A NIA •• N/A N/A N/A 64 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 64 galones $70.00 $140.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 96 -Gallon Cart / Contenedor de 96 galones N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 / 1.5 CY Bin / Contenedor de 1-1.5 yd' $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A N/A N/A 2 CY Bin / Contenedor de 2 yd3 $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A N/A N/A 9 �;F 1.t%ffiMRMO* / M8u K, Phieu B: Mirc phi dich vu t6i da danh cho down vi da h6 A*TU ' 2023 4 8 A 1 6 3Z� (10 *ffA11N) / Bi6u gii c6 hi¢u /Vv 1/8/2023 (Han ky 10 n5m) $F ��Jf'['bk C:i%:,��'Pi,��JP�$id 967m�Oa.4kfff#830321A���htt'}) Ric da hq (Ghi chu: Mac gia d6 xugt baa g6m 96-Ga/bn tai chg va 32Gallon rac huu ca) NA BA Mo ta dich vu 1>iJ1$i5 2l.lid t/moi loan 2/m5i loan J&Wffi*jS6ja'ngomdinhk� 3u^./i8 3/m8i tu3n 4A/dig 4/mbi [uIn S;k/iR 5/m8i tu3n 6l./i$ 6/mbi loan 32-AA#}gf / 32 -Gallon thong banh xe $181.57 $326.83 N/A N/A7--7 64-MA*t / 64 -Gallon thong banh xe $181.57 $326.83 N/A N/A96-hUAMM / 96 -Gallon thong banh xe $181.57 $326.83 N/A NIA1/1.5 ;' i NJM / 1 / 1.5 CY thong d0y $201.92 $345.29 $466.14 $587.34299oi Ali I2 CY thong dOY $220.00 $398.20 $537.57 $677.343�A$1i / 3 CY thong day $284.94 $458.48 $617.39 $780.87 $964. $1,105.11 4,'- i%g/4 CY thOng day $379.90 $551.68 $770.08 $946.65 $1,169.59 $1,345.00 631)i%1i/6 CY thong dOy 32-h 4*11! / 32 -Gallon thong banh xe $608.34 $58.73 $903.40 $106.31 $1,211.62 N/A $1,508.35 NIA $1,868.04 N/A $2,148.19 N/A 64-W**I9 / 64 -Gallon thong banh xe $58.73 $106.31 N/A NIA N/A N/A 96-MAi9* / 96 -Gallon thong banh xe $58.73 $106.31 N/A NIA NIA N/A 1 / 1.5 37) H% i / 111.5 CY thOng dOy $126.37 $216.09 $291.73 $367.57 $452.12 $519.93 2-A) ?%* / 2 CY thOng d4y $160.41 $290.34 $391.96 $493.87 $607.46 $698.58 3A)M4 / 3 CY thong dOy $220.40 $354.85 $479.04 $603.59 $742.42 $853.78 431j H%4 / 4 CY thong 60y $264.48 $425.82 $574.85 $724.31 $890.90 $1,024.54 6A)MM/6 CY thong dOy 32-MgIAM / 32 -Gallon thong banh xe $317.38 t= $35.00 $510.98 $70.00 $689.82 N/A $869.17 NIA $1,069.08 NIA $1,229.45 N/A 64-M#440 / 64 -Gabon thong banh xe $70.00 $140.00 N/A N/A NIA NIA 96-PAMM 196 -Gallon thong binh xe N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 / 1.5 Aj aig*i / 1 / 1.5 CY thOng dOY $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A N/A N/A 2t h?g i / 2 CY thOng dOy 32-h ARM / 32 -Gallon thong banh xe $202.00 $35.00 $342.73 $70.00 $484.59 N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A N/A 64-bDAMM / 64 -Gabon thong banh xe $70.00 $140.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 96-1P%?XW / 96 -Gallon thong banh xe N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A 111.5 �. 141i / 1 / 1.5 CY thong d0y $202.00 $342.73 $464.59 N/A N/A N/A 2A) tW,A / 2 CY thOng dOy $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A NIA N/A 3Ahig*/3 CY thong dOY $242.00 $389.62 $553.26 NIA N/A N/A 41fiA1i / 4 CY thong dOy $282.00 $482.22 $684.75 N/A N/A N/A 6PO3M l / 6 CY thong dOY 32-tflA?R41/32-Galbnthongbanhxe $322.00 $35.00 $550.62 $70.00 $781.88 N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 64-MFkM* / 64 -Gallon thong binh xe $70.00 $140.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 96-AVA MM / 96 -Gallon thong binh xe N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA 1 / 1.5 A)ANjq / 1 / 1.5 CY thong d0y $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 NIA N/A NIA 2,!hQ;i/2 CY thong dOy $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A N/A N/A 10 Commercial Maximum Service Rates / Tarifas Maximas de Servicio para locales comerciales Rate Schedule Effective 8/1/2023 (10 -Year Term) / Lista de Tarifas Vigente a Partir dell de Agosto de 2023 (P/azo de 10 AF?Oi Commercial Trash (Note: Proposed bundled rates include 96 -Gallon Recycling and 32 -Gallon Organic Waste) Basura comerdal (Nate: Las tad/as combinadas propuestes mcluyen contenedoras de 96 galones para reciclaje y de 32 galones pard descends org4mcos) tlweak 2lweek ]Iwe•k 4lweek Shveek lhemana 3bema ]laemana 4lcemana $laemena Blweek filsemena 32-Gakd Cart I Contenetlor tle 32 galones $181.57 $326.83 NIA N/A N/A NIA 64-Gakn Cart I Contenedor de 64 galones $161.57 $326.83 NIA N/A N/A N/A 96 -Gallon Can/ Contenedor tle 96 galones $181.57 $326.83 N/A NIA NIA N/A 1 / 1.5 CY Bin I Conterai de 1-1.5 yardas ctibicas (yd3) $201.92 $345.29 $466.14 $587.34 $722.42 $830.79 2 CY Bin / Contenetlor de 2 ytl3 $220.0 $398.20 $537.57 $677.34 $833.13 $958.09 3 CY Bin I Contenedor de 3 yd3 $284.94 $458.48 $617.39 $780.87 $964.79 $1,105.11 4 CY Bin / Conti de 4 yd3 $379.90 $551.68 $F 0.08 $946.65 $1,169.59 $1,345.1 6 CY Bin / Contenetlor its 6 yd3 Commercial Trash 32-Galbn Carl l Contenedor de 32 galones $608.34 for Organic Waste $146.57 $903.40 Exeri Custimi $265.29 $1.211.62 �96�ailod Rii N/A $1,508.35 and no Oigark Voi N/A $1.868 MMMM JA $2,148.19 NIA 64-Ga&on Cart) Contenedor de 64 galones $14657 $265.29 NIA NIA NIA NIA 96-GaOon Cart/ Contenedor de 96 galones $146.57 $265.29 N/A NIA NIA NIA 111.5 CY Bin / Contenedor de 1-1.5 yd3 $166.92 $285.44 $385.34 $485.53 $597.20 $686.78 2 CY Bin / Contenedor tle 2 yd' $185.1 $334.85 $452.05 $569.58 $700.58 $805.67 3 CY Bin / Contenedor tle 3 yd3 $249.94 $402.40 5543.24 $684.48 $841.91 $968.20 4 CY Bin I Contenedor de 4 yd3 $344.90 $551.68 $749.70 $944.64 $1,161.91 $1,336.19 6 CY Bin I Contenedor de 6 yd3 32 -Gallon Cart/ Contenedor de 32 balance $573.34 $58.73 $903.40 $106.31 $1,211.62 N/A $1,508.35 NIA $1,868.04 N/A $2,148.19 NIA 64-Gakn Cart/ Contenedor tle 64 galones $58.73 $106.31 N/A NIA N/A NIA 96 -Galen Cart/ Contenedor den 96 galones $58]3 $106.31 N/A NIA NIA NIA 111.5 CY Bin / Contenedor de 1-1,5 Yd' $126.37 $216.09 $291.73 $367.57 $452.12 $519.93 2 CY Bin I Contenetlorde 2 yd3 $160.41 $290.34 $391.96 $493.87 $607.46 $698.58 3 CY Bin / Contenedor tle 3 ytl3 $220.40 5354.85 5479.04 $603.59 $742.42 $853.78 4 CY Bin I Contenedor tle 4 ytl3 $264.48 $425.82 $574.85 $724.31 $890.90 $1,024.54 6 CY Bb I Contenedor de 6 yd3 C nor in a rcia I Orga me Wo ate (Green 32 -Gallon Carl/ Contenedor de 32 galones $317.38 We ste a n I Food $35.1 $510.98 Wa ste) J Desee hos 1 $70.1 $689.82 orga moos comencia tNIA 98fi9.17 [a a (a I i me n toi, y IN/A $1,069.08 recd u os ve rd es) N/A $1,229.45 NIA 64 -Galen Cart/ Contenedor de 64 galones $70.1 $140.1 N/A NIA NIA NIA 96-Gako Cart l Contenedor tle 96 gabnes NIA NIA N/A NIA N/A NIA 111.5 CY Bin I Contenedor tle 1-1.5 yd3 $202.00 $342.73$484.59 N/A NIA N/A 2 CY Bon I Contenedor de 2 yd3 32-Galon Cart I Codledetlor de 32 gabnes $202.1 $35.00 $342.73 $70.00 5484.59 NIA N/A NIA N/A NIA NIA N/A 64-Ga9on Cart / Contenetlor de 64 gabnes $70.1 $140.1 NIA N/A N/A NIA 96 -Gallon Cart/ Contenedor de 96 galones NIA NIA N/A NIA NIA NIA 111.5 CY Bin / Condened.r de 1-1.5 ytl3 $202.1 $342.73 $484.59 WA NIA N/A 2 CY Bin / Contenedor de 2 ytl3 $202.1 $342.73 $484.59 NIA NIA N/A 3 CY Bin / Contenedor de 3 yd3 $242.00 $389.62 $55328 N/A NIA N/A 4 CY Bin / Contenedor de 4 yd3 $282.1 $482.22$684.75 N/A NIA NIA 6 CY Bin Contended., de 6 yd3 32 -Gallon Can I Contenedor de 32 galones $322.1 $35.00 $550.62 $70.00 $781.88 N/A NIA NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A 64-Gakn Cart / Contenetlor de 64 gabnes $70.1 $140.1 WA N/A N/A NIA 9GGaflon Cart/ Contenedor de 96 galones NIA NIANIA NIA N/A NIA 1 / 1.5 CY Bin / Contenetlorde 1-1.5 ytl3 $202.1 $342.73 5484.59 WA NIA N/A 2 CY Bin I Contenedor de 2 yd3 $202.1 $34273 $484.59 NIA NIA N/A I Mft giA phut vu toi da dAnh cho thurang mai 2023 -1qE 8 A 1 9-"Et3Zk (1019MAR)lBigu gib c6 hi$u qrc 1/8/2023 (Han ky 10 nam) 3Kffi1& (.?R : 13 A4i®W3t*S9 96 h91ROWC AtM 32 ip�if�tAZ) Rae thvong % (Ghi chu: Muc gig Vvn g01 dA xu4t bao g6me 96 -Gallon tai chg v9 32 -Gallon rac hGu ca) Motadichvu 1:fi/�i$ 2.:�/i8i$ 3I4$$ tlmbi Wdn 2lmbi Wan 3hnbi tu$n d Ilmbi Wan S.R/>g0 5/m8i te$n 6xlOi$ 6lmbi Wan 32-D0***/32-Gaonthbngb6nhxe $181.57 $326.83 NIA N/A NIA NIA 6 NANO 164Gabn thuig banh xe $181.57 $326.83 N/A N/A N/A N/A 96-h0AHI0 196-Gabn thong banh xe $181.57 $326.83 NIA N/A NIA NIA 1 / 1 S tiYi4%/ 111.5 CY thong dOY $201.92 $345.29 5466.14 $587.34 $722.42 $830.79 2iYfiES15 12 CY thong dOy $220.0 $398.20 $537.57 $677.34 $833.13 $958.09 3StAifitd 13 CY MOng dOY 8284.94 $458.48 $617.39 $780.87 $W.79 $1,105.11 44YiHPF 14 CY thug dOy $379.90 $551.68 $770.08 $946.65 1, . 6 $1,385.009 16 CY thong dy 32-h0A%i 132-Gabn thuig banh xe 08.3 $146.9 0340 . $265.29 $1211.62 NIA 31508.35 NIA NIA 1$1169.6Z)A%4 NIA & M*ftO/64-Gabn thong banh xe $146.57 $26.5.29 N/A N/A N/A N/A 9fi-0IDAt80196-Gabn thung banh xe $146.57 $265.29 NIA N/A NIA NIA 111.5 37),m a / 111.5 CY thulg dOY $166.92 $285.44 $39.5.34 $48.5.53 $597.20 $686.78 231Y7igg 12 CYthung day $185.00 $334.85 $452.05 $559.58 $700.58 $805.67 3v.ji" 13 CY thong day $249.94 $402.40 $543.24 $664.48 $841.91 $968.20 431Xa$tp l 4 CY thOg d$y $344.90 $551.68 $749.70 $944.64 $1,161.91 $1,336.19 631171%016 CY thong day 32-MAi$O/32-Gabn thong banh xe $573.34 $58.73 $903.40 $106.31 $1,211.62 NIA $1,508.35 NIA $1,868.04 NIA $2,148.19 N/A 64 -MAI$*/ 64Galm thong banh xe $58.73 $106.31 NIA N/A NIA N/A 96-0Mft180/96-Galon thong banh xe $58.73 $106.31 NIA N/A NIA NIA 1 11.5.Vj!WA 11 / 1.5 CY thong day $126.37 $216.09 $291.73 $367.57 $452.12 $519.93 2"i4jA 12 CY thug day $160.41 $290.M $391.96 5493.87 $607.46 $698.58 3nly4t313 CY thurg day $220.40 $354.85 $479.04 $603.59 $74242 $853.78 431X$tR 14 CY MOng day $264.48 $425.82 $574.85 $72431 $890.90 $1,024.54 631714016 CYthung day j� T 32-MANS/32-Gabn thurg banh xe $317.38 I Chat that $35.00 $510.98 hu u co, thuang $70.00 5689.62 mat jChat that xanh NIA $869,17 va chat thai thu,c phim) NIA $1,069.08 NIA $1,229.45 6-MA40/64-Gabn thong banh xe $70.00 $140.00 NIA N/A NIA 96-IDAMM/ 96-Gabn thong banh xe NIA N/A N/A N/A NIA 1 I L5 "%4liI1 /1.5 CY MOng day $202.00 $342.73 5484.59 N/A N/A 4NIA 2lfieft312 CY thong BOY 3240042132-Gabn thong banh xe $202.00 $35.00 $342.73 $70.00 $486.59 N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA 64-1 *M* /64-Gabn Mung banh xe $70.00 $140.00 NIA N/A N/A NIA 96MQNO/96-Galon Mung banh xe N/A NIA N/A NIA N/A N/A 111.5 471$th / 1 / 1.5 CY MOng day $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A NIA NIA 237n01F /2 CY Mung day $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A NIA N/A 3VYTXfA 13 CY thOr:g day $242.00 $389.62 $553.28 NIA N/A N/A 4ZI519314 CY thong dOy $282.00 $482.22 $6M.75 NIA NIA N/A 6L31i5>f/6 CY Mung day 32-MAN0/32-Gabn MOng banh xe $322.00 $35.00 $550.62 $70.00 $781.88 NIA N/A N/A NIA N/A N/A NIA 64-0Ri$0184-Gabn MOng banh xe $70.00 $140.00 NIA NIA N/A N/A 96-.0.380196-Gabn Mung banh xe NIA N/A N/A NIA NIA N/A 111.5 Sxi]i$13 11 11.5 CY Mung dOy $202.00 $342.73 $484.59 N/A NIA NIA 2AAAt5 12 CY thong day $202.0 $342.73 $484.59 N/A NIA NIA 12 Additional Services Maximum Service Rates I Tarifas maximas de servicio por servicios adicionales Rate Schedule Effective 8/1/2023 (10 -Year Term) / Lista de tarifas vigente a parfir dell de agosto de 2023 (plazo de 1000s) Service Descriptions Fregurney Proposed Rate f- locking Bin, lock on Gate monthly $9.75 Contenedor con candadc, porton con candado nrensual Trip Charge/Dry Run per occurrence $11500 Cargo por viajwVmja sin recoleccidn For ocumenca Restart of Service (auto resume fee) per occurrence $25.00 Reinicio del serviclo (tarda de reanudaci6n autormitil par ocurrence Setup Fee per occurrence $0,00 Tarifa de arranque por ocuriencia Dell Charge per occurrence E75.00 Cargo per damage por ocumencia DeMery Charge Commercial Carts per occurrence $25.00 Cargo por entrega- Ccntenedores comerciales por ocurrenca Removal per occurrence $7500 Round Per ocurrencia Exchange Fee par occurrence $7500 Tarda de intercamba por ocurrencia Stinger / Scout Service fee per occurrence $15.00 Tanta de serviclo de Burger / Scout por ocurrencia Recycling Contamination Fee per occurrence $63.00 Tarda por contaminackn de materiales radicables Dor ocurrencia Overage Fee par occurrence $45.00 Cargo por excedentes por ocurrancia Commercial Manure Collection (64 gallon Cart) weeky N/A Recollection de estercol comercial (contenedor de 64 gaidnes) semanal Commercial Manure Collection (2 CY Bin) weekly, NIA Recoleccbn de estiercol comercial (contenedor de 2 yardas cubicas semanal Emergency Services (Section 20.01) per occurrence $207'00 Servicios de emergencia (Seccidn 20.01) por ocurrencia Extra Yards per occurrence S47.73 Yardas adicionales por ocurrenca Organics Contamination per occurrence $80.00 Contsminacidn its desechos orgilnicos por ocureanca Commercial Bulky per Item - max 2 $4200 Articulus v.Iuminosos comerc ales per arsoulo- ail Service Descriptions Deacnipcion cle Sampleslhxeak Collection 2Aveek Frequency I Frecuencia cle recoloccion 3lweek 4lweek 5hveek fihwak l/aemana 2laemana 3laemana 4lsemana 6hamane Blsemana Push Rate -25 feat $1200 $24.00 $36.00 $48.00 $60.00 $72.00 Cargo per rodeos -25 pies (-8 m) Push Rate -50 feet $18.00 $36.00 $54.00 $72.00 $90.00 $108.00 Cargo por roll -50 pias (-15 m) Push Rate -75 feet $24.00 $48.00 $72.00 $96.00 $120.00 $144.00 Cargo por recaps -75 pies (-23 m) Push Rate -100 feat $30.00 $60.00 $90.00 $120.00 SIIr 00 $180.00 Cargo por rodal -100 pies (-30 m) Rolll Pull Rates (Rolrour Coolairen, Insist on a por puel plus procsss or doposdI des) 10 Cubic Yard Container per pull per pull $969.31 Contenedor roll -off de 10 yardas cubicas (yd) por recogida Por recogida 20 Cubic Yard Container per pul per pull $1,045.07 Conteneclor raLoff de 20 yd' por recogide por recogida 30 Cubic Yard Container per pul Par pul $1,045.07 Contenedor roll -off de 30 yds par recogida Por recogda 40 Cubic Yard Container per pul per W 1 $1,045.07 Contenedor roi de 40 yd' por recogida por recogida Roll off extra tonnage - war 7 tons par Occurrence $104.17 Toned adk:Ional tle contender roll- mayor de 7 toneladas por murrencia Compactor - max 9 tons per occurrence $1,296.49 Contenedor compectador- mdxuno 9 roneadae por courrenca 3 Yd Temp per occurrence S248.00 Contenedor temporal tle 3 yd' por ocurrenca 13 14 Pf9bA�� l®d@� I M(ec phi dich vu t6i da cho c6c dich vu them RT--Ttr^ 2023 * 8 ,9 1 H3� (10 !�Egffl) l Bigu gib c6 hiOu lvc 1/8/2023 (HQn ky 10 nam) a1R,*r7 *1HR $9.75 Thung c6 khoa, khoa vao cling hang Mang Ai-TNINtl arT $4t914 $115.00 Ph( mai chuy6nN8n hank moi 16n 14fi1MEMIN (9IItdN1iJfl) */fiatt $25.00 TSM khbi dung djch vV (phi tV khbi dorg) moi Ian &ffiR •pa -t $0.00 Phi khdi eblg mbi Ian 3FMw *.7:911 $75.00 Phi gao thong mbi Oh *� 14:E3[MR *tfi$ $25.00 Phi giao Chung Muong mal moi Ian #a *M#74 $75.00 Dem d moi On 3Mv 49AR1 $75.00 Phi d6i thong mdi Ian 41111/gIVE RR MU&PI $15.00 Ph[ dish vV khb mOM/ocn each mbi Ilio 040130* 4A91 $83.00 Phl6 nhi6m MM ch6 mbi 16n aat **,,�a4 $45.00 Phl qua IN mbi Ian jMj*6!k$li (64bg*f-**) as NIA Thu gom Chen Muong mei (thong 64 gallop) hang tu6n INARMat, (2Il7i*4i) $i6 N/A Thu gain ph6n thop,W mai ([hung 2 khbi) hang Nan MANS (M 20.010) WMAE $207.00 Dich vV kh6n c6p (MVc 20.01) moth 16n KlyrMs 457:at $47.73 San them moi On *gt4$isA %Alut $80.00 6 nhi6m h0u ca moi 16n MkZ4 64k -"2 4 $42.00 D6 Ibn thuong mai mdi th0 - Vii da 2 1.7,/x$ 2;:.IMva 3X1$ 4:k^,/tpiq Styli® 61x$0 1/mal W6n 21mbi Wan 3/mbi talo d/mbl W6n 5/mbi colo Blmbl W6n 4i9j*-25 AR $12,00 $24.00 $36.00 $48.00 860.0 $72.00 Cargo par rodeos- 25 pies (-8 m) 1([M@* -50 AR $18.00 $36.00 $54.W $72.00 $90.00 $108.00 Cargo Por radada- W pies (-15 m) JjMR*-75*R $24.00 $48.00 $72.00 $96.00 $120.00 $144.00 Cargo par rodada -75 pies (-23 m) MUNIV - 100 AR $30.00 $60.00 590.00 5120.00 5150 CC $180.00 Cargo par rodada-1 W pies (-30 m) 10 23t499%4zblbi per pull $969.31 Thong 10 kh61 yard Moi On keo di moi Ian keo di 20A)NI 44$4$1 ME Per WI $1.045.07 Thung 20 khbi yard M6i Ian k6o d moi Ian keo di 302A4415"IIllh per pul $1.045.07 Thong 30 khbi yard M6i On keo di mbi Ian keo di 402?i 9"Sa ZME Par pul $1,045.07 Thung 40 khbi yard MOM Ian keo d mdi An k6o di *ift9kMOM - HA 7 0*X9F4 $104.17 Them tin khi An banh keo dM Ven 7 t6n meth Ilio @1R-447:9 4A 7moi *fi9C4 $1.296.49 Thung he- t6i da 9 tin mbi len 38601E eM,a1 $248.00 Thong 3 Yd tam Ian NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING SOLID WASTE RATES Pursuant to State law, the Rosemead City Council will hold a public hearing at the time, date, and location specified below, to consider new rates for solid waste collection services and estimated future rate adjustments for a five-year (5 -year) period commencing August 1, 2023, through June 30, 2028, for the City's residential, multifamily and commercial solid waste collection services. Date: July 25, 2023, 7:00 p.m. Location: City Hall, City Council Chambers 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 The public hearing will be conducted per California Constitution Article XIII D, Section 6 (also known as "Proposition 218"). This notice is being sent to all owners and customers of record whose parcels receive solid waste services in the City of Rosemead who would be subject to the proposed rate increase. cl[1C�J/J��n9J�r+[]U1 2023 �€ 8 f� 11ElRlFt8siJ 2028' A 6 30 Q (5'*) + 04rA: 2023If7A 25 El R.- 7&t *-WA: 713T-kR-$ tt v 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 �o,L]CJ<9S�P`J2���'�L; II JII7A5iJ TiE�1i�PJ AVISO DE AUDIENCIA POBLICA SOBRE LAS TARIFAS DE RESIDUOS S6LIDOS De conformidad con la fey estatal, el Concejo Municipal de Rosemead Ilevara a Cabo una audiencia pOblica a la hora, fa fecha y el lugar que se especifican a continuaci6n para considerar las nuevas tarifas de los servicios de recolecei6n de desechos s6lidos y los ajustes de tarifas futuros estimados para un periodo de cinco anos (5 ahos) a partir dei 1 de agosto de 2023 al 30 de junio de 2028, para los servicios de recolecci6n de desechos s6lidos residenciales, multifamiliares y comerciales de la Ciudad. Fecha: 25 de julio de 2023, 7:00 p. m. Lugar: Ayuntamiento, Sal6n de Reuniones 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 La audiencia p6blica se Ilevara a Cabo de conformidad con el Artfculo XIII D, Secci6n 6 de la Constituci6n de California (tambien conocida como "Proposici6n 218"). Este aviso se envfa a todos los propietarios y clientes registrados cuyas parcelas reciben servicios de desechos s6lidos en la ciudad de Rosemead que estarfan sujetos al aumento de tarifa propuesto. THONG BAA DIEU TRAN LONG KHAI Vt MU'C GIA CHAT THAI RAN VA Ca HQI PHAN DOI Theo lust Tieu bang, Hpi do -ng Thanh pho Rosemead se t6 chft m6t phi6n dieu tran cling khai vao thai gian, ngay v6 dia diem dugc chi dinh dtrai day, da xem x6t mOc gia mai cho cac dich vu thu gom chat thai ran v6 dieu chinh mlyc gia Lvac tfnh trong twang lai cho giai dopn 5 nam (5 nam) bat dau tir ngay 1 thing 8 nam 2023, den ngay 30 thing 6 nam 2028, d6i vii cac dich vu thu gom chat thai ran din cLP, nhie-u gia dfnh vA thirang mai c6a Thanh ph 06. Th&i gian: 7:00 t6i ngay 25 thing 7 nam 2023. Dia di6m: T6a thi chinh, Ph6ng H$i thing Thanh pho 8838 East Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 Th6ng bio nay dang dtrgc g0i d6n tat ca cac chO sa hDu va khach hang trong ho sa c6 thira dat nhan dlrac dich vu xtr ly chat thai ran tai Thanh ph6 Rosemead, nhDng ngtrai se phai Chiu mt�c tang gia de xuat. 15 t01 CE EAD Today's Small Town America City of Rosemead Department of Public Works 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead CA 91770 Recipient Name Street Address City, State, Zip APN #: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING SOLID WASTE RATES AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA SOME LAS TARIFAS DE RESIDUOS SOLIDOS THONG BAO DitU TR AN CONG KHAI VE MU'C GIA CHAT THAI RAN VA COY HOI PHAN D61 16 Attachment C Written Protest Letters 17, 2Z)2 -S RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITYCLE JQ FFICE 8Y: i'l Rte: PcZ�—r�ST Ta (ZP�TF_ 1►S c.s��,�.s� -m-- C1 -r-`( Dv= fps k -s , -�L� CA z�- R- &W,,C� 1t lr as i� c� i v�cc'c o.s eJ/- P . % 5/ 4-6 ""Ar� cv1\e.cs%a.ti. P-av�es \Nj�.%Je, s4mo ,o7 %Zc--� � .c Sucrlcea cw&w-, yew,( D.�r 1 / \ bW%lZ"v,cs-s \%k w. 4 a%.\1..,. l:se.au��S Zor �1rs4-c. ccwwv.•\ sc %Watt s 0--r A- V.-"- \v1r R -t%)\A:c, _SAY\Ks cl,.w,c'U � r.e." vAe, ,!— kcf s �wa-r olv �/ r`. UU l iw �ja:r• a.'��e,� �1(�e.. ` Ctan%t,Cs �cce..i.� �seits}�cc„ �. Es?.l /mss- G 15 July 2023 Rosemead City 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Opposed Senate Bill 1383 Dear Mr. Sean Dang, Sinh Tran Rosemead, CA 91770 RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD JUL 17 2023 CITYCIE K FF! E BY: I am writing to protest the California SB 1383 fee increase because it charges the residents some of these fees are excessive for a person from a low-income family. These notable fee increases, such as the Residential Cart Replacement fee of $60 for a single family, are not directly contributing to reducing methane emissions. Setting these fees makes it more difficult for homeowners to contribute towards the decrease of emissions as they have to overcome the financial gap. Think of it this way, why should homeowners be responsible for replacing a damaged trash cart when the damage in question is mainly caused by the equipment used to displace and transport the refuse in the first place? One of the SB 1383 goals is to reduce the amount of organic waste that enters landfills to lower methane gases emitted; if that is the case, why aren't these fee increases more targeted towards businesses that handle, process, or cook food in the first place as they are the ones more likely to contribute to the increase of methane emissions due to upkeeping food safety towards the masses. Sincerely Sinh Tran Parcel number: -040 I am writing today to protest the rate increase imposed on all property owners so that Republic Services can offer services that serve no extra benefit for the community. Just because SB 1383 passes into law doesn't mean that it is good business for the City of Rosemead to willingly accept this law as the gospel truth. 1 suggest the City of Rosemead reject all rate increases for all citizens. Can every person listening to this protest agree that inflation is a good thing each and every year even at 4 percent? Do even residents and businesses get an automatic 4 percent boost in their income each year? There has been no graces to relieve residents and business of this burden unless trash hauling is deregulated by laws that the City can pass for haulers to compete for business and be more economical. This is basically Republic Services slapping the City, its residents and its business to subsidize an unfair and disproportionate burden of their cost of doing business when in fact if the trash haulers are required to do it, Republic Services should pay and invest their earnings for the longer term. There is no such thing as a reasonable rate increase even if it is going to be annual. How about NO? How about Republic Services doing more with less? Everyone from the City to its residents and business have done more with less. Republic Services should do the same and tighten their belts and their corporate profits. A trash company is a utility not a for profit entity spewing out arbitrary rate increases based on CPI. They should be forced like every business to hunker down and do more with less. C, /Zi/Z02:; Gerald Lee Elite Square LLC manager RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD JUN 2 8 2023 CITY CLERICS OFFICE BY: Parcel number: -034 I am writing today to protest the rate increase imposed on all property owners so that Republic Services can offer services that serve no extra benefit for the community. Just because SB 1383 passes into law doesn't mean that it is good business for the City of Rosemead to willingly accept this law as the gospel truth. I suggest the City of Rosemead reject all rate increases for all citizens. Can every person listening to this protest agree that Inflation is a good thing each and every year even at 4 percent? Do even residents and businesses get an automatic 4 percent boost in their income each year? There has been no graces to relieve residents and business of this burden unless trash hauling is deregulated by laws that the City can pass for haulers to compete for business and be more economical. This Is basically Republic Services slapping the City, its residents and its business to subsidize an unfair and disproportionate burden of their cost of doing business when in fact if the trash haulers are required to do it, Republic Services should pay and invest their earnings for the longer term. There is no such thing as a reasonable rate increase even if it is going to be annual. How about NO? How about Republic Services doing more with less? Everyone from the City to its residents and business have done more with less. Republic Services should do the same and tighten their belts and their corporate profits. A trash company is a utility not a for profit entity spewing out arbitrary rate increases based on CPI. They should be forced like every business to hunker down and do more with less. G41/2L2�i Gerald Lee Elite Square LLC manager RECEIVED CITY OF ROSEMEAD JUN 2 8 2023 CITY CL A o _OFFICE BY: ryr