TC - Item 3B - Traffic Review along Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 3, 2023 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND DOROTHY STREET SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a school crossing guard warrant analysis and recommended appropriate improvements at the location Willard Elementary School. The City of Rosemead requested an evaluation regarding the addition of an adult crossing guard within the segment location of Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street. Additionally, the installation of a midblock crosswalk was asked to be reviewed. The request reported that due to the amount of school children crossing Willard Avenue along with added school congestion, pedestrians are vulnerable to approaching cars. In response to this request and on behalf of the city, engineering staff has completed a review of existing conditions along the segment, as well as the installation of a crossing guard, and crosswalk installation review. ANALYSIS As part of this traffic review, an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 3-years of available collision data, an average daily traffic count (ADT), 24-hour speed survey and Field Observations during school start and end times along Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street were observed. Existing Conditions: Within the City of Rosemead, Willard Street is a north/south street that is considered a local road, based upon the California Road System by Cal Trans. The segment of Willard Street has a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH, as well as a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH when children are present. Willard Street is approximately 40-feet wide with one lane in each direction, and each City Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2023 Page 2 of 4 lane is approximately 20-feet in width. Willard Avenue becomes Rockhold Avenue approximately 350-feet south of the intersection with Rockhold Avenue and Dorothy Street. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street, except the street sweeping days on Friday, 2PM – 5PM. Along Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street, there are single-family residential homes, as well as Willard Elementary School located on the eastside of Willard Avenue. Within the City of Rosemead, Dorothy Street is an east/west street that is considered a major collector road, based upon the California Road System by Caltrans. This segment of Dorothy Street has a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH. Dorothy Street is approximately 40-feet wide with one lane in each direction. Parking is allowed on both sides of Dorothy Street. Along Dorothy Street, there are single-family residential homes on both sides of the street. Within the City of Rosemead, Garvey Avenue is an east/west road that is considered minor arterial road, based upon the California Road System by Caltrans. This segment of Garvey Avenue has posted a speed limit of 35 MPH. Garvey Avenue is approximately 76-feet wide with two lanes in each direction, and a median marked by double yellow centerlines. Parking is allowed on both sides of Garvey Avenue. Along Garvey Avenue, there is a car rental, restaurants, and a motel to the west of the intersection at Willard Avenue, and a DMV, car repair shops are to the east of the intersection at Willard Avenue. Francis Willard Elementary school is located on the east side of Willard Avenue, south of Dorothy Street and north of Garvey Avenue. The front of the school is facing west towards Willard Avenue, and the back of the school is facing east towards Walnut Grove Avenue. The total student population is approximately 331 students, and the school serves students from grades K-6. Student age groups are ranging from 5 to 11 years old. The regular bell schedules for students at Francis Willard Elementary School are as follows: Monday through Friday – Start time: 8:20am; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – End Time: 2:35pm; Wednesday – End Time: 1:35pm STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment along Garvey Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Avenue would benefit from an installation of 25 MPH speed limit sign (R2-1) and other improvements. At this time, it is also recommended that a yellow school crosswalk and a crossing guard be installed/assigned along Willard Avenue either north of Lumen Street, or further north in front of the school frontage at Willard Elementary School. Given the number of pedestrians, specifically City Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2023 Page 3 of 4 student age, that cross midblock along Willard Avenue, it is recommended that the City consider this option to improve pedestrian visibility and safety in the area. It should be noted that due to the presence of several utility boxes, fire hydrants, and electric vaults in the immediate vicinity, an engineering evaluation will need to be conducted in the field to locate the location of the crosswalk and the feasibility and location of needed ADA ramps in the sidewalk areas. The final location of the crosswalk will be dependent of this engineering evaluation. The school officials will also be consulted in determining the most suitable location for this crosswalk. Please refer to RECOMMENDATION EXHIBIT A in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. NEW SPEED LIMIT 25MPH: Install 25 MPH speed limit sign (24”x30”) (R2-1) as shown in the recommendation Exhibit. Willard Avenue has a regular posted speed of 25 mph, the SCHOOL 25 mph When Children are Present signs do not apply. 2. REPAINT CROSSWALKS: Repaint east leg and south leg crosswalks at the intersection of Dorothy Street and Rockhold Avenue with yellow ladder striping. 3. REMOVE AND REALIGN SCHOOL SIGN (S1-1): Remove and Align Crooked School Sign on west side of Rockhold Avenue. 4. REMOVE AND REPLACE SIGNS: Remove “25 MPH when Children Are Present” Sign (SR4-1) and replace with 25 MPH Speed Limit Sign (24”x30”) (R2-1). Willard Avenue has a regular posted speed of 25 MPH, the SCHOOL 25 MPH When Children are Present signs do not apply. 5. INSTALL STOP AHEAD SIGN (W3-1): Install “STOP AHEAD” sign on existing light pole, located on west side of Willard Avenue, approximately 350-feet north of Garvey Avenue for SB direction of traffic. 6. INSTALL MIDBLOCK CROSSWALK ALONG WILLARD AVENUE: Install midblock crosswalk along Willard Avenue, north of the school frontage of Willard Elementary School. The Crosswalk should be painted yellow with either ladder or continental striping. The location is to be determined by an engineering review of existing power vaults and existing power poles along the sidewalks. 7. INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SIGNAGE WITH DOWNWARD FACING ARROW (SW24-2): Install School Pedestrian Crossing (SW24-2) Signage (36”x36”) at the new midblock crosswalk will be installed along of the school frontage at Willard Elementary School. 8. INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AHEAD SIGNAGE (SW24-3): Install School Pedestrian Crossing Ahead (SW24-3) Signage (36”x36”) along Willard Avenue, City Traffic Commission Meeting August 3, 2023 Page 4 of 4 approximately 200’ north and 200’ south of where the new midblock crosswalk will be installed along Willard Avenue. 9. ASSIGN A CROSSING GUARD AT THE NEW MIDBLOCK CROSSWALK DURING DROP OFF AND PICK UP HOURS TO BE DETERMINED BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT: Assign a crossing guard to be stationed at the new midblock crosswalk for Willard Elementary School, to help alert drivers of pedestrians crossing the street to reach Willard Elementary School, on the east side of the street on Willard Avenue Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A – Technical Traffic Engineering Report CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 1 of 25 TO: Traffic Committee FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: July 20, 2023 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVENUE FOR WILLARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead has received a resident request as well as a request by the school district to review Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street. The concern is about the amount of school children crossing Willard Avenue and vehicles and congestion making these pedestrians vulnerable to approaching cars. The request was multi fold asking to look into a crosswalk, school crossing guard as well as other traffic calming measures to be installed along Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff has completed a traffic review of this road segment. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 3-years of available collision data, an average daily traffic count (ADT), 24-hour speed survey and Field Observations during school start and end times along Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street. Figure 1. Vicinity Map LEGEND Garvey Ave Dorothy St Bartlett Ave Muscatel Ave Burton Ave Whitmore St Earle Ave Gladys Ave Charlotte Ave Park St Angelus Ave San Gabriel Blvd Ivar Ave Study Segment: Willard Avenue bet. Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street. Segment is approx. 1,886 feet long. Rockhold Ave 1,886’ Willard Ave Francis Willard Elementary School Walnut Grove Ave TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 2 of 25 EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 2: Existing Conditions along Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street Willard Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Willard Street is a north/south street that is considered a local road, based upon the California Road System by Cal Trans. The segment of Willard Street has a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH, as well as a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH when children are present. Willard Street is approximately 40-feet wide with one lane in each direction, and each lane is approximately 20-feet in width. Willard Avenue becomes Rockhold Avenue approximately 350-feet south of the intersection with Rockhold Avenue and Dorothy Street. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street, except the street sweeping days on Friday, 2PM – 5PM. Along Willard Avenue between LEGEND Stop Sign (R1-1) School Ahead Sign (S1-1) No Parking Loading Zone Sign (AR-205) Stop Ahead Sign (W3-1) Reverse Turn Sign (W1-3(R&L) Speed Limit 25 When Children Are Present Sign (S5-1) Willard Ave Walnut Grove Ave Earle Ave Garvey Ave Dorothy St Francis Willard Elementary School Rockhold Ave Rockhold Ave TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 3 of 25 Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street, there are single-family residential homes, as well as Willard Elementary School located on the eastside of Willard Avenue. Dorothy Street: Within the City of Rosemead, Dorothy Street is an east/west street that is considered a major collector road, based upon the California Road System by Caltrans. This segment of Dorothy Street has a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH. Dorothy Street is approximately 40-feet wide with one lane in each direction. Parking is allowed on both sides of Dorothy Street. Along Dorothy Street, there are single-family residential homes on both side of the street. Garvey Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Garvey Avenue is an east/west road that is considered minor arterial road, based upon the California Road System by Caltrans. This segment of the Garvey Avenue has posted the speed limit of 35 MPH. Garvey Avenue is approximately 76-feet wide with two lanes in each direction, and a median marked by double yellow centerlines. Parking is allowed on both sides of Garvey Avenue. Along Garvey Avenue, there is a car rental, restaurants, and a motel to the west of the intersection at Willard Avenue, and a DMV, car repair shops are to the east of the intersection at Willard Avenue. Francis Willard Elementary School: Francis Willard Elementary school is located on the east side of the Willard Avenue, south of Dorothy Street and north of Garvey Avenue. The front of the school is facing west towards Willard Avenue, and the back of the school is facing east towards Walnut Grove Avenue. The total student population is approximately 331 students, and the school serves students from grades K-6. Student age groups are ranging from 5 to 11 years old. The regular bell schedules for students at Francis Willard Elementary School are as follows: Monday through Friday – Start time: 8:20am; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – End Time: 2:35pm; Wednesday – End Time: 1:35pm. PICTURE SUMMARY Rockhold Ave Stop Sign Ahead Sign along Willard Avenue, facing North Intersection of Willard Avenue and Rockhold Avenue TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 4 of 25 COLLISION INVESTIGATION Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS along the segment of Willard Ave between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street was conducted over approximately a 3-year period between April 2020 through April 2023 (most recent available data at the time of traffic review). Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number of collisions within the studied segment are listed below and shown in Table 1. 2023 – 0 collisions 2022 – 0 collisions 2021 – 0 collisions 2020 – 1 collision Total Collisions : 1 Along Willard Avenue, facing South Afternoon Pickup Hour at Willard Elementary School, facing South School Sign on Eastside of Rockhold Avenue, facing South Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Willard Avenue, facing South Garvey Ave TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 5 of 25 Table 1: Collision Table along Willard Ave between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street Figure 3: Collision Diagram, Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken on March 23, 2023, for Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street. All counts were taken when schools were open. A summary of ADT data is shown below in Table 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT). The ADT summary is attached at the end of the report. LEGEND ALL COLLISIONS - Crash Type (Non-Ped & Bike Collisions/Crashes) # of Crashes Fatality (Death) 0 Severe Injury 0 Injury - Other Visible 0 Injury - Complaint of Pain 1 Property Damage Only 2 Total 3 PED & BIKE - Crash Type # of Crashes Fatality (Death) 0 Severe Injury 0 Injury - Other Visible 0 Injury - Complaint of Pain 0 Property Damage Only 0 Total 0 TOTAL CRASHES 3 1 Willard Ave Walnut Grove Ave Garvey Ave Dorothy St Earle Ave Rockhold Ave TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 6 of 25 Table 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT): 03/23/23 Location Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) TOTAL Willard Ave S/O Willard Elementary School Grounds NB 785 SB 564 1,349 Rockhold Ave S/O Dorothy Street NB 921 SB 714 1,635 SPEED SURVEY To assess the speed at which vehicles were traveling along Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street, a speed sample was taken over a 24-hour period on March 23, 2023. Based on the Speed Survey, the 85th percentile speed of vehicles along Willard Avenue south of Willard Elementary School Grounds was determined to be 34 MPH. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled were traveling at 34 MPH or below, which is slightly above the prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH. 24 hour speed samples were also taken on Rockhold Avenue south of Dorothy which is to the north of Willard Elementary School, the 85th% speed was 28mph which is slightly above the posted 25 mph speed limit. Table 3 below shows the March 23, 2023, speed survey results. The speed summary for both locations is attached at the end of the report. Table 3: Speed Survey along Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street (03/23/23) Location Dir. of Travel Date/Time of Survey 85%ile Speed Speed Limit Willard Ave S/O Willard Elementary School Grounds NB/SB 03/23/23 24-hour 34 25 Rockhold Ave S/O Dorothy Street NB/SB 03/23/23 24-hour 28 25 PEDESTRIAN COUNTS To determine how many pedestrians are crossing Willard Avenue midblock at the front of Willard Elementary School, pedestrian counts were taken on May 2, 2023, and on May 9, 2023, during school drop off and school dismissal time for Willard Elementary School, between 7:30-8:30AM, and 1:45- 2:25PM. The counts were conducted at two separate locations, for Willard Avenue, midblock at the frontage of Willard Elementary School and for the intersection at Dorothy Street and Rockhold Avenue. The pedestrian counts shown in Table 4 and Table 5 tally the number of adult and school age pedestrians in each leg of the intersection in the morning between 7:30-8:30AM during school drop off, and in the TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 7 of 25 afternoon between 1:30-2:45PM during school pickup. The count was divided into 15-minute increments in the tables below (Table 4 and Table 5). Table 4: Summary of Pedestrians Crossing at Willard Avenue, midblock at front of Willard Elementary School (5/2/2023 & 5/9/2023) TIME LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING – UNMARKED CROSSINGS NORTH OF SCHOOL FRONTAGE SOUTH OF SCHOOL FRONTAGE WEST LEG AT APARTMENT COMPLEX ENTRANCE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE 7:30-7:45AM 2 0 1 2 0 0 7:45-8:00AM 27 26 5 3 1 0 8:00-8:15AM 25 38 7 3 1 2 8:15-8:30AM 9 6 9 7 0 0 1:45-2:00PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:00-2:15PM 2 0 0 0 0 0 2:15-2:30PM 9 4 0 0 0 0 2:30-2:45PM 33 29 12 4 5 7 TOTAL PEDS 107 103 34 19 7 9 Table 5: Summary of Pedestrians Crossing at Rockhold Avenue and Dorothy Street (5/2/2023 & 5/9/2023) TIME LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING – MARKED CROSSWALKS NORTH LEG SOUTH LEG WEST LEG EAST LEG ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE ADULTS SCHOOL AGE 7:30-7:45AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7:45-8:00AM 2 0 2 1 2 0 1 0 8:00-8:15AM 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 0 8:15-8:30AM 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1:45-2:00PM 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2:00-2:15PM 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2:15-2:30PM 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 2:30-2:45PM 0 0 6 4 0 0 2 2 TOTAL PEDS 4 1 13 9 2 0 8 3 TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 8 of 25 FIELD OBSERVATIONS AT SAVANNAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL An observation was conducted on Tuesday, May 9th, 2023, at the frontage of Savannah Elementary School, as well as the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Dorothy Street, to observe car and pedestrian movements during student drop-off. Observations were conducted during student drop off times from Willard Elementary School from 7:30-8:30AM. It was observed that many cars parked along both sides of the street along Willard Avenue, south of the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Dorothy Street. Vehicles were parking on both sides of the street to drop off students and pedestrians crossed midblock along Willard Avenue near the frontage of the school. As there is no marked crosswalk at the front of the elementary school, parents and students crossed the street midblock close to where they parked their cars along Willard Avenue. Only a few parents and students utilized the crosswalks at Rockhold Avenue at Dorothy Street, because the closest crosswalk is located approximately 500’ north of Willard Elementary School. There is no marked crossing located midblock along Willard Avenue. During the school drop-off of students, it was also observed that the parking lot located south of the school frontage on Willard Avenue, was used as a drop off spot, and several parents parked in the lot to drop off their students. As the school start time got closer, a backup of cars quickly formed as vehicles waited on Willard Avenue to drop off students along the curb as well as to drop off in the parking lot. Vehicle backup affected northbound vehicles along Willard Avenue. Vehicle backup also occurred for southbound vehicles along Willard Avenue, as many parents and students crossing midblock would cause traffic to stop while waiting for pedestrians to cross the street. An additional observation was conducted on Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023, at the frontage of Savannah Elementary School, as well as the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Dorothy Street, to observe car and pedestrian movements during student drop-off. Observations were conducted during student drop off times from Willard Elementary School from 1:45-2:45PM. It was observed that many vehicles parked on both sides of the street to pick up students from the school and pedestrians crossed midblock along Willard Avenue at the front of the school. There is no marked crosswalk at the front of the elementary school, so parents and students crossed the street midblock close to where they parked their cars along Willard Avenue. During the school dismissal of kindergarten age students, it was also observed that the parking lot located south of the front of Willard Elementary School was used as a pick-up spot for vehicles, and a backup of cars quickly formed as vehicles waited to turn into the parking lot. Vehicle backup affected cars turning into the parking lot for pickup, as well as vehicle traffic along Willard Avenue for northbound vehicles. Very few pedestrians used the crosswalks at Rockhold Avenue and Dorothy Street in the afternoon. Most pedestrians crossed midblock south of this intersection closer to the school. During school pickup, the school principal was present and expressed his concern for students crossing the street midblock along Willard Avenue. He explained that a crosswalk and crossing guard were needed for the school, and that the school would like them both placed north of the school frontage, to encourage student and adult age pedestrians to safely cross the street going to school. Pedestrian counts were conducted to determine if a crosswalk and crossing guard were warranted in this area. Figure 4 below indicates the observed traffic movement of vehicles during the pick-up of students in the afternoon from Willard Elementary School. TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 9 of 25 Figure 4: Car Movements for Vehicles along Willard Avenue during Pick-Up at Willard Elementary School Willard Ave Walnut Grove Ave Dorothy St Willard Elementary School Rockhold Ave Southbound facing vehicles (BLUE) queue waiting for student pick-up park along Willard Avenue. Observed that parents picked up their kids and cross Willard Avenue to their cars. Students getting picked up walk west along north side of Willard Avenue, use this crosswalk to their home. Very few peds were observed using the crosswalk. The area circled in RED is where most pedestrians are crossing midblock along Willard Avenue during school drop off & pick-up. There is no marked crossing, so peds are crossing close to where they parked their cars. Northbound vehicles (ORANGE) park along east side of Willard Avenue, in a queue for pick-up. Observed that the curb is white and no parking loading zone. Signs are also placed at the front of the school for drop off & pick up zones. TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 10 of 25 Pedestrian Safety Pedestrian activity through the segment is taken into account when considering the installation of a midblock crosswalk. Collisions between vehicles and pedestrians represent an important safety issue for every country in the world. According to the National Safety Council, close to 20 percent of fatalities in road accidents in the United States are pedestrian fatalities. Pedestrian collisions occur more often in urban areas since pedestrian activity is much higher there. Gap Formula to determine the minimum amount of time needed for a pedestrian to cross Willard Avenue: 𝑮=𝑾 𝑹+(𝑵−𝟏)𝑮+𝑹 Table 7: Acceptable Gap for Pedestrians to Cross Willard Avenue Willard Avenue Street Width (East to West) Pedestrian walking speed (per foot) Total Time Spent on Crosswalk 40’ 3.5 seconds/foot 1 pedestrian = 14.43 seconds in street To cross the street, the pedestrian will be in the travel way for a total of 14.43 seconds on Willard Avenue. This is the amount of time a pedestrian will be unprotected within the street. Midblock Crosswalk Guidance The installation of all traffic control devices, including midblock crosswalks on public streets are guided by the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control (CAMUTCD) Section 3B.18, the California Vehicle Code (CVC), and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Per the CAMUTCD, an engineering study should be performed before a marked crosswalk is installed at any location. The engineering study should consider the following factors in determining if the installation of a new crosswalk is justified: • Number of lanes • Presence of a median • Distance from adjacent signalized intersections • Pedestrian volumes and delays • Average daily traffic (ADT) volume • Posted or statutory speed limit or 85th-percentile speed Where: G = Safe gap in traffic, seconds W = Width of roadway H = Time between rows of peds Assumed Values: S = 3.5 feet per second W =60’ feet South Citrus Avenue S =Walking Speed, feet per second N = Group size R = Pedestrian start up time H = 2 seconds R = 3 seconds TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 11 of 25 • Geometry of the location • Possible consolidation of multiple crossing points • Availability of street lighting, and other appropriate factors. The installation of a midblock crosswalk typically occurs where there is shown to be significant pedestrian desire and need. Uncontrolled crosswalks are marked crosswalks with no traffic control device and is not recommended unless there is significant need and accompanied with other measures to alert drivers to pedestrians crossing. Consideration of a pedestrian crosswalk depends heavily on intensity of pedestrian activity at the location such as a high volume of pedestrians crossing, no other crossing options within a walkable distance, and the vehicular speed along the route. The CAMUTCD Section 3B.18 states Mid-block pedestrian crossings are generally unexpected by the motorist and should be discouraged unless, in the opinion of the engineer, there is strong justification in favor of such installation. Particular attention should be given to roadways with two or more traffic lanes in one direction as a pedestrian may be hidden from view by a vehicle yielding the right-of-way to a pedestrian. The US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration “Executive Summary and Recommended Guidelines” for crosswalks has guidelines of where uncontrolled crosswalk could be considered? 1 • Two lane roadways • Roadway speeds less than 30 mph • No parking on street segment approaching crossing location • High pedestrian volume • Average daily traffic on roadway less than 9,000 vehicles • Clear sight distance for pedestrian and approaching vehicle • Well lighted area • Used to discourage pedestrian crossing at undesirable locations • Special consideration is given to those locations that are part of a safe route to school program Some studies suggest that an uncontrolled marked crosswalk gives a pedestrian a false sense of security, with the markings providing a barrier or some sort of protection. Contrary to pedestrians’ expectations a marked crosswalk does not necessarily result in motorists stopping or yielding to pedestrians. In some instances, pedestrians are more likely to step out in front of oncoming traffic in a marked crosswalk than at an unmarked crosswalk. According to the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration “Executive Summary and Recommended Guidelines” for crosswalks, “motorists failing to yield represented a large percentage of pedestrian crashes in marked crosswalks (41.5%) and unmarked crosswalks (31.7%)”. There were several other contributing factors such as speed of traffic, number of lanes and age of pedestrians that also contributed to the results. 1 US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration “Executive Summary and Recommended Guidelines” for crosswalks, Table 1. TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 12 of 25 CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING IF A CROSSING GUARD IS WARRANTED The City has received comments from the school district as well as parents of students who attend Willard Elementary School regarding the installation of a crosswalk and a crossing guard along Willard Avenue, midblock along the segment between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street. To access Willard Elementary School in the City of Rosemead, there are crosswalks located at the intersection of Dorothy Street and Rockhold Avenue, which is located 500’ north of the school. The frontage of Willard Elementary School faces west towards Willard Avenue, and a large portion of vehicle and pedestrian traffic occurs next to the front of the school. There are some concerns by parents as well as the school that a crossing guard may be needed at the subject area of Willard Avenue at the frontage of the school. As a result of concerns the City commissioned a Traffic Engineering study to assess existing conditions as well as determine if a crossing guard is warranted. Two locations were considered in this assessment for Willard Elementary School, which were midblock along Willard Avenue at the school frontage adjacent to Willard Elementary, and at the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Dorothy Street. All Engineering studies and recommendations follow the guidelines found in the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and the California Vehicle Code. By following engineering standards assures that all devices or measures placed in or on public streets have a universal meaning and all drivers understand and can anticipate where signs or striping may be placed. This is also true in regard to the criteria for Adult Crossing Guards. Our Traffic Studies are based on the guidelines found in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement from a detailed traffic study. Criteria for Adult Crossing Guards Adult Crossing Guards normally are assigned where official supervision of school pedestrians is desirable while they cross a public highway, and at least 40 school pedestrians for each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) daily use the crossing while going to or from school. Table 7 outline the criteria and findings. Since it was found that the intersection of Rockhold Avenue and Dorothy Avenue has very little school age pedestrians this location would not be a candidate for a crossing guard. As found in the CAMUTCD 7D.02 the following guidelines are provided. Adult crossing guards may be used under the following conditions: 1. At uncontrolled crossings where there is no alternate controlled crossing within 600 feet; and a. In urban areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 350 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 40 or more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school; or b. In rural areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 300 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 30 or more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school. Whenever the critical (85th percentile) approach speed exceeds 40 mph, the guidelines for rural areas should be applied. 2. At stop sign-controlled crossing: Where the vehicular traffic volumes on undivided highways of four or more lanes exceeds 500 per hour during any period when the school pedestrians are going to or from school. 3. At traffic signal-controlled crossings: TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 13 of 25 a. Where the number of vehicular turning movements through the school crosswalk exceeds 300 per hour while school pedestrians are going to or from school; or b. Where justified through analysis of the operations of the intersection. TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES AND STRATEGIES Traffic calming is the process of reducing vehicle speeds using both passive devices, such as signs and striping, and physical devices such as changes in road elevation or path. As part of this study, traffic speeds, collisions and traffic volumes were used to assess existing conditions along this segment. The type, design and placement of traffic calming devices depend upon the road classification, desired traffic speed and types of traffic issues along Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street. There are various traffic calming measures that can reduce the flow and speed of traffic on a street. The following is a list of common traffic calming measures that can be installed to aid in slowing traffic: 1) Traffic Education Campaign: This consists of flyers, neighborhood meetings, banners and other notices to assist is making the public aware of the traffic conditions in a certain area. 2) Signage and Pavement Legends: Modifying the signage along the road or change the striping to narrow travel lanes to effectively slows speeds by changing the travel environment. Signs alert the Driver to their speed, such as larger speed limit signs or a speed feedback sign. Too many signs can Table 7: Summary of Criteria for Adult Crossing Guard Conditions: Midblock along Willard Avenue, adjacent to the school frontage of Willard Elementary YES NO At least 40 school pedestrians for each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) daily use the crossing while going to or from school? X Uncontrolled crossings where there is no alternate controlled crossing within 600 feet? YES Urban areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 350 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 40 or more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school? X Rural areas where the vehicular traffic volume exceeds 300 during each of any two hours (not necessarily consecutive) in which 30 or more school pedestrians cross daily while going to or from school? N/A N/A At stop sign-controlled crossing: Where the vehicular traffic volumes on undivided highways of four or more lanes exceeds 500 per hour during any period when the school pedestrians are going to or from school N/A N/A At traffic signal-controlled crossings: a. Where the number of vehicular turning movements through the school crosswalk exceeds 300 per hour while school pedestrians are going to or from school, b. Where justified through analysis of the operations of the intersection N/A N/A TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 14 of 25 have an opposite effect on traffic. Therefore, usage of signs should be subject to careful consideration and compliance with local and regional standards. 3) Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department deploys officers to perform enforcement on residential streets for at least an hour a day. RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment along Garvey Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Avenue would benefit from an installation of 25 MPH speed limit sign (R2-1) and other improvements. The improvements are listed below and shown on the Recommendation Exhibit. At this time, it is also recommended that a yellow school crosswalk and a crossing guard be installed/assigned along Willard Avenue either north of Lumen Street, or further north in front of the school frontage at Willard Elementary School. Given the number of pedestrians, specifically student age, that cross midblock along Willard Avenue, it is recommended that the City consider this option to improve pedestrian visibility and safety in the area. It should be noted that due to the presence of several utility boxes, fire hydrants, and electric vaults in the immediate vicinity, an engineering evaluation will need to be conducted in the field to locate the location of the crosswalk and the feasibility and location of needed ADA ramps in the sidewalk areas. The final location of the crosswalk will be dependent of this engineering evaluation. The school officials will also be consulted in determining the most suitable location for this crosswalk. The City may also consider a Phase 2 installation for this location, for the crosswalk signage being recommended at the school frontage of Willard Elementary School. At this time, it is recommended that double sided pedestrian crossing signage, as well as advance pedestrian crossing signage, be installed along Willard Avenue at the new crosswalk. However Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon signage (RRFB) be added at these signs to further improve visibility along Willard Avenue. This may be considered as a future improvement when grant funding is available for the City. The following recommendations are shown in the Recommendation EXHIBITS A and B. 1. NEW SPEED LIMIT 25MPH: Install 25 MPH speed limit sign (24”x30”) (R2-1) as shown in the recommendation Exhibit. Willard Avenue has a regular posted speed of 25 mph so the SCHOOL 25 mph When Children are Present signs do not apply. a. Speed Limit 25MPH Sign to be installed on the westside of Willard Avenue, south 200-feet of Dorothy Street for southbound vehicles along Willard Avenue. Figure A: 25 MPH Speed Limit (R2-1) TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 15 of 25 2. REPAINT CROSSWALKS: Repaint east leg and south leg crosswalks at the intersection of Dorothy Street and Rockhold Avenue with yellow ladder striping. a. Repaint Eastbound Crosswalks at the intersection of Dorothy Street and Rockhold Avenue b. Repaint Southbound Crosswalks at the intersection of Dorothy Street and Rockhold Avenue 3. REMOVE AND REALIGN SCHOOL SIGN (S1-1): Remove and Align Crooked School Sign on west side of Rockhold Avenue. a. Remove and align crooked School Sign on west side of Rockhold Avenue, approximately 350-feet south of Dorothy Street (SB direction). 4. REMOVE AND REPLACE SIGNS: Remove “25 MPH when Children Are Present” Sign (SR4-1) and replace with 25 MPH Speed Limit Sign (24”x30”) (R2-1). Willard Avenue has a regular posted speed of 25 MPH so the SCHOOL 25 MPH When Children are Present signs do not apply. 5. INSTALL STOP AHEAD SIGN (W3-1): Install “STOP AHEAD” sign on existing light pole, located on west side of Willard Avenue, approximately 350-feet north of Garvey Avenue for SB direction of traffic. a. Stop Ahead signage will alert southbound drivers of the stop sign at the intersection of Willard Avenue and Garvey Avenue. 6. INSTALL MIDBLOCK CROSSWALK ALONG WILLARD AVENUE: Install midblock crosswalk along Willard Avenue, north of the school frontage of Willard Elementary School. The Crosswalk should be painted yellow with either ladder or continental striping. The location is to be determined by an engineering review of existing power vaults and existing power poles along the sidewalks. a. Installing a midblock crosswalk will improve pedestrian visibility along the segment for parents and students crossing the street to get to Willard Elementary School. 7. INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SIGNAGE WITH DOWNWARD FACING ARROW (SW24-2): Install School Pedestrian Crossing (SW24-2) Signage (36”x36”) at the new midblock crosswalk will be installed along of the school frontage at Willard Elementary School. a. Install the signage double-sided, so vehicles approaching from both northbound and southbound directions can see the signage indicating the presence of a pedestrian crossing. All school signs shall be fluorescent yellow-green background. Figure B: School Sign (S1-1) Figure C: Stop Ahead (W3-1) Figure D: Pedestrian Crossing (SW24-2) TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 16 of 25 8. INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AHEAD SIGNAGE (SW24-3): Install School Pedestrian Crossing Ahead (SW24-3) Signage (36”x36”) along Willard Avenue, approximately 200’ north and 200’ south of where the new midblock crosswalk will be installed along Willard Avenue. a. Installing the new Pedestrian Ahead Signage will improve pedestrian and vehicle visibility along Willard Avenue, and alert vehicles driving along Willard Avenue of the pedestrian crosswalk. All school signs shall be fluorescent yellow-green background. b. Install SLOW SCHOOL XING pavement legends in advance on the yellow crosswalk for NB and SB directions. 9. ASSIGN A CROSSING GUARD AT THE NEW MIDBLOCK CROSSWALK DURING DROP OFF AND PICK UP HOURS TO BE DETERMINED BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT: Assign a crossing guard to be stationed at the new midblock crosswalk for Willard Elementary School, to help alert drivers of pedestrians crossing the street to reach Willard Elementary School, on the east side of the street on Willard Avenue. Figure E: Pedestrian Crossing Ahead (SW24-3) RECOMMENDATION EXHIBIT A: ROSEMEAD, CA – ALONG WILLARD AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND DOROTHY STREET Date Prepared: 5-18-23 1 INSTALL 25 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN (R2-1) (24”x30”) ON WEST SIDE OF WILLARD AVENUE, 200-FEET SOUTH SIDE OF DOROTHY STREET FOR SOUTHBOUND TRAFFIC. SEE DETAIL 1 DETAIL 1 R2-1 1 Willard Ave Walnut Grove Ave Earle Ave Garvey Ave Dorothy St Rockhold Ave 2 REPAINT EAST LEG AND SOUTH LEG YELLOW LADDER CROSSWALKS AT THE INTERSECTION OF DOROTHY STREET AND ROCKHOLD AVENUE. 2 2 3 3 REMOVE AND REALIGN CROOKED SCHOOL SIGN ON WEST SIDE OF ROCKHOLD AVENUE, APPROXIATELY 350-FEET SOUTH OF DOROTHY STREET. SEE DETAIL 2 DETAIL 2 S1-1 4 5 REMOVE “25 MPH WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT” SIGN (SR4-1) AND REPLACE WITH “25 MPH” SPEED LIMIT SIGN (24”x30”) (R2-1). SEE DETAIL 1 INSTALL “STOP AHEAD” SIGN (W3-1) ON EXISITING LIGHT POLE, LOCATED ON WEST SIDE OF WILLARD AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 350-FEET NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE FOR NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC. SEE DETAIL 3 DETAIL 3 W3-1 5 4 TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 18 of 25 RECOMMENDATION EXHIBIT B: ROSEMEAD, CA – ALONG WILLARD AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND DOROTHY STREET, AT THE FRONTAGE OF WILLARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Date Prepared: 5-18-23 6 INSTALL YELLOW LADDER CROSSWALK ALONG WILLARD AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE FRONT ENTRANCE OF WILLARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. NEW ADA RAMPS WILL ALSO NEED TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON BOTH SIDES OF NEW CROSSWALKS. 7 INSTALL DOUBLE SIDED SCHOOL PEDESTRIAN CROSSING (SW24-2) SIGNAGE (36”X36”) ALONG WILLARD AVENUE, NEXT TO WHERE THE NEW MIDBLOCK CROSSWALK WILL BE INSTALLED. SEE DETAIL 4. ALL SCHOOL SIGNS SHALL BE FLUORESCENT YELLOW-GREEN BACKGROUND. 8 INSTALL SCHOOL PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AHEAD (SW24-3) SIGNAGE (36”X36”) ALONG WILLARD AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 200’ NORTH AND 200’ SOUTH OF WHERE THE NEW MIDBLOCK CROSSWALK WILL BE INSTALLED ALONG WILLARD AVENUE. SEE DETAIL 5. INSTALL “SLOW SCHOOL XING” PAVEMENT LEGENDS ADJACENT TO NEW SIGNS FOR NB AND SB DIRECTIONS. ALL SCHOOL SIGNS SHALL BE FLUORESCENT YELLOW-GREEN BACKGROUND. 9 ASSIGN A CROSSING GUARD TO BE STATIONED AT THE NEW CROSSWALK FOR WILLARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. DETAIL 4 SW24-2 DETAIL 5 S1-1 & W16-9P WILLARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 6 7 9 6 7 9 FIGURE A: Potential Crosswalk Location 1 FIGURE B: Potential Crosswalk Location 2 8 8 XING SCHOOL SLOW XING SCHOOL SLOW TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 19 of 25 ATTACHMENTS 1. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Counts: 12/06/2022 a. Willard Avenue Between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street 2. Speed Survey: 12/06/2022 a. Willard Avenue Between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street 3. Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Counts: 3/23/2023 a. Willard Avenue S/O Willard Elementary School Grounds b. Rockhold Avenue S/O Dorothy Street 4. Speed Survey 24-hr Counts: 3/23/2023 a. Willard Avenue S/O Willard Elementary School Grounds b. Rockhold Avenue S/O Dorothy Street TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 20 of 25 Attachment 1: ADT Counts, Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street Day:City:Rosemead Date:Project #:CA22_020383_001 NB SB EB WB 667 634 0 0 AM Period NB SB EB WB NB SB EB WB 00:00 0 3 0 0 3 6 8 0 0 14 00:15 0 0 0 0 8 9 0 0 17 00:30 1 1 0 0 2 11 5 0 0 16 00:45 0 1 2 6 0 0 2 7 7 32 6 28 0 0 13 60 01:00 1 1 0 0 2 14 11 0 0 25 01:15 0 0 0 0 15 17 0 0 32 01:30 0 0 0 0 31 37 0 0 68 01:45 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 3 11 71 11 76 0 0 22 147 02:00 0 0 0 0 15 11 0 0 26 02:15 0 1 0 0 1 8 17 0 0 25 02:30 0 0 0 0 12 14 0 0 26 02:45 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 19 54 6 48 0 0 25 102 03:00 0 1 0 0 1 8 7 0 0 15 03:15 0 0 0 0 9 7 0 0 16 03:30 0 2 0 0 2 13 8 0 0 21 03:45 0 0 3 0 0 3 7 37 10 32 0 0 17 69 04:00 1 1 0 0 2 13 12 0 0 25 04:15 2 1 0 0 3 9 7 0 0 16 04:30 2 0 0 0 2 9 9 0 0 18 04:45 2 7 0 2 0 0 2 9 15 46 6 34 0 0 21 80 05:00 1 1 0 0 2 13 7 0 0 20 05:15 3 1 0 0 4 15 10 0 0 25 05:30 4 0 0 0 4 18 13 0 0 31 05:45 0 8 2 4 0 0 2 12 26 72 20 50 0 0 46 122 06:00 1 2 0 0 3 21 10 0 0 31 06:15 1 1 0 0 2 8 11 0 0 19 06:30 3 0 0 0 3 8 9 0 0 17 06:45 3 8 5 8 0 0 8 16 0 37 9 39 0 0 9 76 07:00 8 6 0 0 14 9 7 0 0 16 07:15 5 8 0 0 13 4 9 0 0 13 07:30 17 19 0 0 36 3 6 0 0 9 07:45 23 53 33 66 0 0 56 119 8 24 5 27 0 0 13 51 08:00 41 44 0 0 85 16 7 0 0 23 08:15 15 32 0 0 47 4 7 0 0 11 08:30 6 6 0 0 12 9 7 0 0 16 08:45 4 66 7 89 0 0 11 155 5 34 5 26 0 0 10 60 09:00 6 6 0 0 12 4 5 0 0 9 09:15 6 2 0 0 8 4 2 0 0 6 09:30 9 3 0 0 12 3 6 0 0 9 09:45 5 26 6 17 0 0 11 43 2 13 2 15 0 0 4 28 10:00 4 5 0 0 9 3 3 0 0 6 10:15 14 5 0 0 19 7 2 0 0 9 10:30 8 4 0 0 12 2 0 0 0 2 10:45 8 34 6 20 0 0 14 54 1 13 3 8 0 0 4 21 11:00 4 7 0 0 11 4 2 0 0 6 11:15 7 7 0 0 14 1 2 0 0 3 11:30 4 7 0 0 11 1 1 0 0 2 11:45 7 22 7 28 0 0 14 50 0 6 1 6 0 0 1 12 TOTALS 228 245 473 439 389 828 SPLIT %48.2%51.8%36.4%53.0%47.0%63.6% NB SB EB WB 667 634 0 0 AM Peak Hour 07:30 07:30 07:30 17:15 13:00 13:15 AM Pk Volume 96 128 224 80 76 148 Pk Hr Factor 0.585 0.727 0.659 0.769 0.514 0.544 7 - 9 Volume 119 155 0 0 274 118 84 0 0 202 7 - 9 Peak Hour 07:30 07:30 07:30 17:00 17:00 17:00 7 - 9 Pk Volume 96 128 0 0 224 72 50 0 0 122 Pk Hr Factor 0.585 0.727 0.000 0.000 0.659 0.692 0.625 0.000 0.000 0.663 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Services VOLUME Williard Ave & Willard Elementary School Tuesday 12/6/2022 DAILY TOTALS Total 1,301 TOTAL PM Period TOTAL 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 20:15 20:30 20:45 21:00 21:15 SPLIT % 21:30 21:45 22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 DAILY TOTALS Total 1,301 PM Peak Hour PM Pk Volume 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 TOTALS Pk Hr Factor 4 - 6 Volume 4 - 6 Peak Hour 4 - 6 Pk Volume Pk Hr Factor DAILY TOTALS TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 21 of 25 Attachment 2: Speed Survey, Willard Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Dorothy Street Day:City:Rosemead Date:Project #:CA22_020383_001 Time < 15 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 +Total 00:00 AM 1 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 01:00 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 02:00 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 03:00 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 04:00 1 2 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 05:00 0 1 4 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 06:00 1 3 6 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 07:00 44 39 22 9 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119 08:00 74 54 19 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 09:00 8 3 15 9 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 10:00 8 12 10 15 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 11:00 7 7 19 10 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 12:00 PM 14 19 14 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 13:00 85 35 19 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 147 14:00 18 22 36 16 7 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 15:00 12 12 9 18 12 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 16:00 10 11 29 18 10 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 17:00 51 35 17 15 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 122 18:00 2 9 25 28 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 19:00 3 7 12 19 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 20:00 8 11 15 15 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 21:00 2 0 6 13 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 22:00 2 4 5 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 23:00 0 2 5 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 351 288 292 223 116 27 4 1301 27%22%22%17%9%2%0%100% 144 121 100 61 35 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 473 11%9%8%5%3%1%36% 08:00 08:00 07:00 10:00 10:00 09:00 08:00 74 54 22 15 7 3 155 207 167 192 162 81 15 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 828 16%13%15%12%6%1%0%64% 13:00 13:00 14:00 18:00 15:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 85 35 36 28 12 5 2 147 AM 7-9 NOON 12-2 PM 4-6 Off Peak Volumes Volume %Volume %Volume %Volume % 274 21%207 16%202 16%618 48% Summary All Speeds Tuesday Volume PM Volumes % PM PM Peak Hour Volume Directional Peak Periods Totals % of Totals AM Volumes % AM AM Peak Hour SPEED Williard Ave & Willard Elementary School 12/6/2022 Summary 20 Average 20 15th Direction 11 ADT 1301 PercentilesStreet Name Williard Ave 85th 29 95th 34 50th TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 22 of 25 Attachment 3a: ADT Counts, Willard Avenue S/O Willard Elementary School Grounds TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 23 of 25 Attachment 3b: ADT Counts, Rockhold Avenue S/O Dorothy Street TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 24 of 25 Attachment 4a: Speed Survey 24-hr Counts, Willard Avenue S/O Willard Elementary School Frontage TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG WILLARD AVE BETWEEN GARVEY AVE AND DOROTHY ST CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. | Page 25 of 25 Attachment 4b: Speed Survey 24-hr Counts, Rockhold Avenue S/O Dorothy Street