CC - Item 2A - Presentation by South Coast Air Quality Management District Governing Vice-Chair, Michael Cacciotti – Air Quality Update1 AIR QUALITY UPDATE - CITY OF ROSEMEAD Michael Cacciotti Governing Board Vice Chair South Coast Air Quality Management District Council Member, South Pasadena Representing the Cities of Los Angeles County, Eastern Region 34 Cities - 2 million residents August 8, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 17 Million People 28,000 Permitted Sources One-third of all US containerized cargo 67% of EJ population in California lives in region 1976 - Formed to Meet Federal & State Health Standards for Air Pollution 22 SOURCES OF AIR POLLUTION SOUTH COAST AIR BASIN DOES NOT MEET FEDERAL STANDARDS FOR OZONE (aka SMOG) and PM2.5 (Particulate Matter) Cleaners & Solvents Paint Autobody Gas Stations Power Plant & Industry Refineries Oceangoing Vessels Airplanes Trains Trucks Off-road Equipment Cars MOBILE SOURCES = 80%STATIONARY SOURCES = 20% 3 AIR POLLUTION IN SOUTH COAST REGION Source: U.S. EPA Formed in atmosphere through chemical reaction of air pollutants - nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) - in presence of sunlight. o The largest source of NOx are ships, aircraft, off-road equipment, heavy-duty trucks and locomotives. OZONE (aka SMOG)Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) Fine inhalable particles emitted directly or formed in atmosphere through a chemical reaction of gases, including NOx and other pollutants. o Direct sources of air pollutants are road dust, diesel soot, combustion engines.4 ULTRAFINE .1μm (microns) combustion particles, metals, etc “Mom’s Exposure to Dirty Air in Pregnancy Could Harm a Toddler’s Development” – USNews.com, 1/26/2023 “Even Brief Exposure to Air Pollution has Rapid Impacts on the Brain” – Neurosciencenews.com, 1/24/23 “Clearing Air Pollution Helps Clear the Fog of Aging – And May Cut the Risk of Dementia” – Kaiser Health News, 9/20/22 “Scientists Find Clues to How Air Pollution May Trigger Lung Cancer” – CNN Health, 9/12/22 5 HEALTH IMPACTS RESPIRATORY, CARDIOVASCULAR, METABOLIC, INCREASED CANCER RISK, COGNITIVE, PHYSICAL & COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT FOR CHILDREN In comparison, ~1,350 traffic fatalities in 2019 in South Coast region Prevent Premature Deaths Prevent Hospitalizations Prevent Work and School Loss Days Potential Annual Monetized Public Health Benefits* 1,500 / year 8,700 / year 163,000 / year $19.4 Billion Impacts are highest in Environmental Justice (EJ) communities From higher cancer risk, respiratory & cardiovascular diseases, greater susceptibility to infections Affects on children: Low Birth Weight, Lung Growth, Asthma HEALTH IMPACTS MEETING AIR STANDARDS = MAJOR PUBLIC HEALTH BENEFITS * http://www.aqmd.gov/home/air-quality/clean-air-plans/air-quality-mgt-plan/socioeconomic-analysis http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/mch/AsthmaCoalition/docs/BenefitsofMeetingCleanAirStandards_11_06_08.pdf 6 7 Progress & Challenges: …MEETING HEALTH-BASED AIR QUALITY STANDARDS GOOD NEWS •Air Pollution & Air Toxics Greatly Reduced CANCER CAUSING AIR TOXICS From 2012 to 2018: Cancer risk decreased from 997 in-a-million to 454 in-a-million AIR POLLUTION 2012 2018 7 8 Progress & Challenges: …MEETING HEALTH-BASED AIR QUALITY STANDARDS BAD NEWS •Our Region has Some of the Worst Air Quality in Nation: Mobile Sources Contribute Over 80% of Air Pollution in Region TRUCKS TRAINS OFF-ROAD PLANES SHIPS 8 If South Coast Air Basin does not meet federal standards under Clean Air Act * … sanctions could be triggered. Preliminary estimated costs: *There are several deadlines for multiple standards. Some impending deadlines are in 2023, 2031, 2037. What If…? Source: U.S. EPA U.S. EPACARBSouth Coast AQMDStationary Sources: $40-50 million per year in additional fees or permitting costs Federal Highway Funding: $600 million per year before considering Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Federal Implementation Plan: unknown costs, but anticipated to be high SOUTH COAST AIR BASIN DOES NOT MEET FEDERAL STANDARDS FOR OZONE (aka SMOG) and PM2.5 (Particulate Matter) •National air quality standards •Regulates sources •Stationary •Mobile •Sanctions on states •Regulates mobile sources •Incentivizes Technologies •Infrastructure •Mobile Source •Plans to meet national air quality standards •Regulates •Stationary sources •Mobile (limited) •Incentivizes •Mobile sources 9 Road to Clean Air … Residential Incentives 10 Visit http://www.aqmd.gov/home/programs or use QR Code to learn more about AQMD Incentive Programs CLEAN FURNACE ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER EV CHARGER REPLACE YOUR RIDE * New program in development for zero-emission appliances for space and water heating. Up to $1,500 for CLEANair Furnace Rebate Program* Up to $250 per Electric Lawnmower $250 or more Rebate for Level 2 (240V) EV Charger Up to $9,500 for clean air vehicle, transit passes, car-sharing, or an e-bike Road to Clean Air … Commercial & City Incentives Visit http://www.aqmd.gov/home/programs or use QR Code to learn more about South Coast AQMD Incentive Programs Total investment program wide since 2008: $1.2B 11 Up to 85% Discount New program: Commercial Landscaping Equipment Charging & Fueling Infrastructure Vehicles: Light, Medium & Heavy-Duty Off-Road Equipment, Marine Vessels & Locomotives 11 CLEAN AIR INVESTMENTS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Clean Air Funds – 2008 to Present •$3,119,894 •358-count of equipment/vehicle/station •Program: Replace Your Ride, Carl Moyer Program, Clean Fuels Program, Prop 1B Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) www.CleanTransportationFunding.org AB 2766 Motor Vehicle Subvention Funds (Funding to Cities to reduce air pollution from motor vehicles) •2020-21 balance: $437,932 2021-22 disbursed: $69,782.83 •Recent projects: EV charging installation, electric utility cart purchase, vehicle lease, replacement of existing vehicles with fuel efficient fleet 12 13 Access Services & Protect Your Health: SOUTH COAST AQMD Small Business Assistance 1-800-388-2121 Complaint Hotline 1-800-CUT-SMOG or 1-800-288-7664 Free mobile phone App for real time air quality information, alerts, and to file complaints Provides air quality information at community level from 39 permanent multi-pollutant and 4 single-pollutant air monitoring sites Free “Sensor Educational Toolkit” to the public to learn about low-cost sensors CONTACT US Ways to Stay Connected @SouthCoastAQMD 14 Michael Cacciotti Vice Chair, South Coast AQMD Councilmember, South Pasadena Board Consultant: Wes Reutimann Email:wesleyreutimann@gmail.com THANK YOU Twitter Facebook YouTube Instagram