CC - Item 4D - Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-49 Establishing Annual Salary & Benefits for the Unrepresented Middle Management, Professional, & Confidential Service from July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025; & Resolution No. 2023-50 for Part-Time EmployeesROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER 7' DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS NO. 2023-49 ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SALARY AND BENEFITS FOR CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE UNREPRESENTED MIDDLE MANAGEMENT, PROFESSIONAL, AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE FROM JULY 1, 2023 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2025, AND RESOLUTION NO. 2023-50 ESTABLISHING SALARY AND BENEFITS FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEES FROM JULY 1, 2023 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2025 SUMMARY Resolution No. 2023-49 describes the salary and benefits for Middle Management, Professional, and Confidential ("MMPC") employees effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025, while Resolution No. 2023-50 describes the salary and benefits for all Part -Time ("PT') employees of the City. The MMPC group of employees is unrepresented and therefore does not bargain for terms and conditions of their employment; however, traditionally, the group has received compensation consideration and benefit changes afforded to represented employees within the City. Further, in recognition of the increased responsibilities assigned to these positions and in lieu of paid overtime, additional benefits have been granted to this group of employees. The attached Resolution specifies salary and benefits for the classifications within this group. In addition to various language clean-up and updates, Resolution 2023-49 ("Attachment A") has been updated to reflect key terms as described below. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT. PROFESSIONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL GROUP Opening Section: Applicability — This updated section provides clarifying language regarding the Resolution, updates the list of classifications to remove obsolete positions, and designates remaining positions as either: A) Management or B) Supervisory, Professional, and Confidential. AGENDA ITEM 4.D City Council Meeting — MMPC & PT Salary and Benefits — Reso No. 2023-49 and Reso No. 2023-50 September 12, 2023 Page 2 of 4 Compensation: • Salary Increase — On July 1, 2023, all MMPC employees will receive a 4% Cost of Living Adjustment ("COLA") salary increase. On July 1, 2024, all MMPC employees will receive a 3% COLA salary increase. • Continuing Pay for Performance — Language was added for employees who are at Step 10 and receive a "Substantially Exceeds Expectations" annual evaluation rating are eligible to receive a one-time lump sum payment of 3% for continuing pay for performance. • Acting_Pay — Amended language to provide acting pay for employees assigned to positions in a temporary acting capacity with compensation after 8 continuous workdays paid retroactively to the first day of acting assignment. • Bilingual Pay — The City currently provides $75/month to qualified employees who consistently utilize other languages to translate during the normal course of work. This amount is being increased to $100 per month. Additionally, the three -site maximum was eliminated in favor of capping the total number of eligible employees at 15 citywide. The languages provided are Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, and Mandarin. • Boot Reimbursement — The City offers reimbursement to certain employees for the purchase of qualifying work boots. The amount has been increased from $250/year to $275/year. Benefits: • Cafeteria Style Health Welfare, and Savines Benefit — The Cafeteria Style Health benefit provides $1,700/month to employees towards the cost of health, dental, and vision premiums. For employees hired on or before November 30, 2021, any unused benefit is paid to employees in either taxable cash or deposits to the employee's deferred compensation account. Employees hired after November 30, 2021 are not eligible for cash back of any unused portion of the cafeteria -style benefit, but those who choose to opt -out of medical coverage offered by the City, will receive $500 per month. On November 1, 2021, the City provided an additional $100/month for `out-of-pocket' health costs with no additional cash -back allowance. Beginning July 1, 2023, the City will provide an additional $100/month for `out-of-pocket' health costs with no additional cash -back allowance for a total of $200/month for `out-of-pocket' health costs with no additional cash -back allowance. Schedules/Leaves: • Vacation Accrual and Accrual Cap — The years of service for vacation accruals were amended to lower the second-tier years of service from year 1 to year 13 to year 1 to year 9, and the third -tier accrual was lowered from year 13+ to year 9+. The rate of accrual remains unchanged. • Vacation Buy Back — The City currently allows employees to cash -in up to 60 hours available vacation hours once a year in December. The proposed MOU increases the City Council Meeting — MMPC & PT Salary and Benefits — Reso No. 2023-49 and Reso No. 2023-50 September 12, 2023 Page 3 of 4 buyback to 100 hours and allows for two buyback periods in June and December, with a maximum buyback in June of 50 hours and 100 hours in December for a total maximum of 100 hours per calendar year. PART-TIME EMPLOYEES — RESOLUTION No. 2023-50 The City also employs various classifications on a part-time or hourly basis. The employees in these positions work throughout the year, seasonally, or on a temporary basis and typically work no more than 1,000 hours per fiscal year unless exempted from Ca1PERS or assigned to one of the five 3/4 -time positions. Other than the 3/4 -time positions, these employees do not receive benefits except those benefits required by law. Employees authorized at 3/4 -time receive various limited benefits as described within the Resolution ("Attachment B"). All part-time employees are unrepresented and do not bargain for salary and benefits. The changes to the Part -Time Employee Salary and Benefits Resolution are as follows: • Wage Rate — On July 1, 2023, all Part -Time employees will receive a 4% COLA salary increase. The current minimum wage in California is $15.50 and the minimum wage is set to increase to $16.00 on January 1, 2024. The 4% increase will set the lowest wage at $16.12 per hour. July 1, 2024, all Part -Time employees will receive a 3% salary increase. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2023-49 approving annual salary and benefits for the classifications in the Middle Management, Professional, and Confidential (MMPC) group and Resolution No. 2023-50 approving salary and benefits for part-time employees. FISCAL IMPACT The estimated ongoing incremental annualized cost for terms outlined in the attached Resolution for the Management, Professional, Confidential unit is $136,900 for the first year and an additional $110,800 for the second year. Any appropriations needed for this action will be presented in the Mid -Year Budget Report. The annualized cost of increasing part-time salaries is $63,300 for FY 2023-24. This estimate is based on budgeted part-time salaries rather than actual filled positions so the actual first-year cost could be less depending on the City utilization of part-time staffing resources. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. City Council Meeting — MMPC & PT Salary and Benefits — Reso No. 2023-49 and Reso No. 2023-50 September 12, 2023 Page 4 of 4 Prepared by: Bryan Chua Finance Director Attachment A: Resolution No. 2023-49 with Exhibit A — Memorandum of Understanding Attachment B: Resolution No. 2023-50 Attachment A Resolution No. 2023-49 with Exhibit A Memorandum of Understanding RESOLUTION NO. 2023-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE MIDDLE MANAGEMENT, PROFESSIONAL, AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD FROM JULY 1, 2023 THROUGH NNE 30, 2025 WHEREAS, the classifications in the Middle Management, Professional and Confidential Service of the City of Rosemead ("City") are critical to the efficient and effective operations of the City, the City Council recognizes the management, supervisory, professional and/or confidential nature of their positions; and WHEREAS, the City Council has to authority to set compensation and benefit levels for unrepresented employees; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish the compensation levels for classifications in Middle Management, Professional, and Confidential Service of the City; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effective July 1, 2023, the salary ranges and benefits for Middle Management, Professional, and Confidential unrepresented employees, as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto, are adopted. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 12`x' day of September, 2023. Steven Ly, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF ROSEMEAD I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution No. 2023-49 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 12`h day of September, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk EXHIBIT A City of Rosemead Middle Management, Professional, and Confidential Salary & Fringe Benefits Resolution No. 2023-49 Approved September 12, 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION1 APPLICABILITY........................................................................................................................3 SECTION SEVERABILITY..........................................................................................................................3 SECTION 3 NON-DISCRIMINATION.............................................................................................................3 COMPENSATION CHANGESTO HEALTHCARE LAWS............................................................................................. SECTION4 SALARY..................................................................................................................................4 SECTION 5 PROBATIONARY PERIOD............................................................................................................5 SECTION 6 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION.....................................................................................................6 SECTION PROMOTION...........................................................................................................................6 SECTION 8 RECLASSIFICATION....................................................................................................................7 SECTION9 ACTING PAY............................................................................................................................8 SECTION10 BILINGUAL PAY........................................................................................................................8 SECTION11 AUTO ALLOWANCE..................................................................................................................8 SECTION 12 TECHNOLOGY ALLOWANCE........................................................................................................9 SECTION 13 UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE..............................................................................................9 SECTION14 BOOT REIMBURSEMENT............................................................................................................9 BENEFITS SECTION 15 HEALTH INSURANCE PROVIDER..................................................................................................9 SECTION 16 CAFETERIA -STYLE HEALTH, WELFARE, AND & SAVINGS BENEFIT......................................................9 SECTION 17 CHANGESTO HEALTHCARE LAWS............................................................................................. 10 SECTION 18 RETIREMENT HEALTH PLAN..................................................................................................... 10 SECTION 19 RETIREMENT PROGRAM (CALIPERS) ................................................................. I....................... 10 SECTION 20 ENHANCED RETIREMENT PROGRAM: PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT SERVICES (PARS) ....................... 11 SECTION21 SOCIAL SECURITY................................................................................................................... 11 SECTION 22 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM (401A).......................................................................... 12 SECTION 23 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM (457)............................................................................. 12 SECTION 24 FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT (SECTION 125)........................................................................... 12 SECTION 25 SHORT-TERM DISABILITY/LONG TERM DISABILITY....................................................................... 12 SECTION 26 LIFE INSURANCE..................................................................................................................... 13 SECTION 27 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT...................................................................................................... 13 SECTION 28 WELLNESS PROGRAM............................................................................................................. 14 SECTION 29 COMPUTER PURCHASE PROGRAM............................................................................................ 14 SECTION 30 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (EAP).................................................................................. 14 SCHEDULES/LEAVES SECTION 31 VACATION ACCRUAL AND ACCRUAL CAP.................................................................................... 14 SECTION32 VACATION BUYBACK............................................................................................................... 15 SECTION 33 ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE.......................................................................................................... 16 MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page I 1 SECTION34 SICK LEAVE........................................................................................................................... 17 SECTION 35' CIN -RECOGNIZED HOLIDAYS ................................. :........................................ :........................ 19 SECTION 36 TEMPORARY MODIFIED WORK SCHEDULE.................................................................................. 19 SECTION 37 FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING DUE TO SPECIAL EVENTS.......................................................................... 19 SECTION38 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE............................................................................................................. 20 SECTION39 JURY DUTY LEAVE................................................................................................................... 20 OTHER SECTION40 DIRECT DEPOSIT.................................................................................................................... 20 SECTION 41 EMERGENCY WAIVER PROVISION............................................................................................. 20 APPENDIX A SALARY SCHEDULE................................................................................................................. 22 MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 12 SEcrION Z: APPLICABILITY The employee classifications described in this Resolution are not represented by an employee organization. Therefore, this Resolution does not constitute a memorandum of understanding and is not the result of the meet and confer process; rather, this Resolution is designed to provide the Middle Management -Professional -Confidential Group employees with a reference tool regarding term and conditions of their employment as the same are periodically determined by the City Council. Full-time employees in the following classifications are covered by this Resolution: Group A— Middle Management Building Official Planning & Economic Development Manager City Engineer Public Safety Manager Deputy Dir. of Community Development Public Works Fiscal and Project Manager Finance Manager Public Works Manager Human Resources Manager Senior Code Enforcement Officer Group B — Professional & Confidential Accountant Human Resources Analyst Administrative Analyst Management Analyst Administrative Specialist Public Safety Supervisor Associate Engineer Recreation Supervisor Associate Planner Senior Code Enforcement Officer Deputy City Clerk Senior Management Analyst Executive Assistant to the City Manager SECTION 2: SEVERABILITY It is understood that this Resolution is subject to all applicable present and future Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations, and the provisions hereof shall be effective and implemented only to the extent permitted by such laws and regulations. If any part of this Resolution is in conflict with such applicable provisions of Federal, State, or Local laws or regulations or otherwise held to be invalid or unenforceable by any tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such part of provision shall be suspended and superseded by such applicable laws and regulations and the remainder of this Resolution shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: NON-DISCRIMINATION The City will not discriminate against any employee based upon race, religious creed, color, national origin, age (40 and over), ancestry, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, gender expression, military and veteran status, disability (physical or mental), sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, genetic information/characteristics, or any other legally protected characteristics. MGMT Resolution Attachment— No 2023-49 Page 13 COMPENSATION SECTION 4: COMPENSATION Year One • Effective July 1, 2023, all employees shall receive an across-the-board increase of four percent (4%). Year Two • Effective July 1, 2024, all employees shall receive an across-the-board increase of three percent (3%). A. Salary Ranges/steps: As reflected in Appendix A, each salary range consists of ten (10) salary steps. Steps are set as a monthly rate, at approximately three percent (3%) intervals, rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Hourly rates shall be determined by multiplying the monthly rate by 12 (months) and dividing by 2080 (hours). B. Salary Advancement: Each employee will be placed within the ten (10) step salary range of their respective position's classification. Pay increases shall not be automatic but shall depend upon the merit and performance of the employee, as determined by the Department Director. The first opportunity for a merit increase would be at the end of the probationary period. Subsequent merit step increase opportunities will occur annually, on the anniversary date of the employee's hire date or transfer to their current position. In rare instances, and for exceptional performance, based on the recommendation of the Department Director, a three percent (3%) additional step salary advancement may be authorized; however, under no circumstances may an employee's base salary exceed the top step of the salary range. Total merit -based increases may not exceed 6% within a 12 -month period. Employees whose anniversary dates occur on July 1, 2023 or later shall have their annual increase paid retroactively to their respective anniversary date for the 2023 annual step increase. D. Salary Placement for New Appointments: The first salary step level will be the minimum rate and normally the hiring rate. In special cases when, in the sole discretion of the Department Director, it is merited by experience, education, training, or other qualification, the City may approve the hiring of a candidate for employment at a higher step. However, no newly appointed person shall be hired above Step 4 without prior approval of the City Manager. E. Performance Evaluation Requirements: Recommendations for a one-step increase, two-step increase, or denied eligibility for a step increase must be accompanied by a performance evaluation to substantiate performance. Performance evaluations for consideration of a step increase shall be due annually based upon the employee's anniversary date of appointment to their current classification. An employee on a leave of absence (paid or unpaid) for more than thirty (30) consecutive workdays in a rating period shall have their annual review date adjusted accordingly. MGMT Resolution Attachment— No 2023-49 Page 14 F. Effective Date of Step Increase: Any recommended step increase will be effective the first day of the pay period immediately following the employee's anniversary or annual review date. No more than one step increase may be granted per performance evaluation period. G. Step Advancement: Advancement from Step 1 through Step 10 will be contingent upon receiving an overall performance rating of "meets expectations" or higher on the performance evaluation. H. Continuing Pay for Performance: Each general employee who has achieved and maintained step 10 of their classification salary range for one (1) full year, will be eligible to receive a one-time lump sum payment for continuing exceptional performance. For purposes of eligibility under this provision, "continuing exceptional performance," means that the employee has earned an overall performance rating of "Substantially Exceeds Expectations" on their annual performance review. The lump sum payment amount will be equal to 3% of the approved step 10 annual rate for the employee's classification in effect at the time of the employee's anniversary date. The City will issue the one-time payment in the next pay period following the employee's receipt of their annual performance evaluation. For each subsequent year in which the employee remains on step 10 of the same classification and demonstrates continuing exceptional performance as defined by this section, the employee will receive a payment under the terms of this section. Each year shall stand alone in determining the employee's eligibility and in determining the amount of the payment. I. Evaluation Appeals: Upon receipt of a performance evaluation, an employee may appeal the results of that evaluation within seven (7) calendar days following the delivery of the evaluation. The performance evaluation shall be appealed in writing to the City Manager who shall provide a written response within fourteen (14) days of the appeal being properly submitted. If the original performance evaluation rating is reaffirmed by the City Manager, then they shall state the reason for the denial of the appeal in the written response to the employee. There shall be no appeal of a performance evaluation beyond the City Manager. The City Manager shall have the discretion to consider all factors including — but not limited to — additional workload assigned during the evaluation period in determining whether the overall rating is appropriate. SECTION S: PROBATIONARY PERIOD The probationary period, of one year (2080 supervised hours), shall be an integral part of the employment examination process and shall be utilized as an opportunity to closely observe the employee's work, to provide special training, to assist the employee in adjusting to the new position, and to reject any employee whose work performance, adaption, or personal conduct fails to meet required standards. A probationary employee shall have no right of tenure and may be dismissed without cause, at anytime, during the probationary period without right of appeal, grievance, or hearing. Probationary employees do not have property or vested rights in their positions with the City. MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 1 5 All employees shall receive an interim performance report after completion of six (6) months of the probationary period. Satisfactory completion of probation is based on total performance during the entire probationary period. The City Manager may, in his/her sole discretion, extend the probationary period an additional 1040 hours (six (6) months). If an employee is out on an extended leave of absence, the probationary period will be extended out by the equal amount of time/duration the employee is out on the leave of absence. The probationary period for an employee promoted to a higher classification is defined in Section 7 (Promotions). SECTION 6: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION All employees will receive an annual performance evaluation. The City recognizes the importance of conducting timely evaluations. Supervisors, managers, and department directors must submit and conduct performance evaluations in a timely manner on the date the evaluations are due. Every effort must be made by the supervisors, managers, and department directors to submit timely evaluations. However, the City recognizes that when an emergency or an unforeseen circumstance arises, the expectation is to submit the evaluations as soon as practicable. Aside from an emergency or an unforeseen circumstance, in the event that a supervisor will not be able to complete an employee performance evaluation report in a timely manner, the supervisor shall notify the department director and request a time extension for completion of the performance evaluation report. An extension of two (2) weeks will be permitted for the supervisor to complete the evaluation. In addition, the supervisor must inform and notify the respective employee if the evaluation will not be completed on time. If an employee is out on an extended leave of absence, the performance evaluation will be extended by the equal amount of time/duration the employee is out on the leave of absence. An extended leave of absence is defined as thirty (30) days or longer. A probationary employee will receive an interim performance evaluation at six months from the date of hire. Interim performance evaluations are not linked to any merit adjustments or increases. SECTION 7: PROMOTIONS The City may promote any employee to a different job classification within the City service having more responsible duties, and/or higher job qualifications, and/or a higher salary scale level. Upon promotion any employee shall receive a minimum salary increase equivalent to one (1) salary step in the employee's current (pre -promotional) job classification, provided however that such increase shall be at least equivalent to the minimum of the salary scale established for the new job classification. A promotion shall establish a new Evaluation Date for purposes of performance evaluation. Employees promoted to a higher position shall also serve a six (6) month (1040 hours) MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 16 promotional probationary period beginning on the effective date of the promotion. Any regular employee rejected -during the probationary period following a promotional appointment, by reason of failure to satisfactorily complete the probationary period shall be reinstated to the position from which the employee was promoted unless there is a basis for dismissing the employee for just cause. Promotional probationary employees shall have no tenured rights to appeal such actions. Dismissal from City employment during the promotional probationary period may be made for just cause in accordance with City policy 30-21 (Corrective Action). If an employee had not attained regular status in the class to which the employee reinstates, the employee shall then be required to complete the normal probationary period, less any service previously accrued in such lower class. SECTION 8: RECLASSIFICATIONS The City may reclassify any position within City service as provided below and in accordance with the criteria in the City's Employer -Employee Relations Resolution and the Fair Labor Standards Act. A. Reclassification Defined. A reclassification is a change in job description and/or job title of a position within the City service to accommodate materially changed job duties not anticipated in the original classification and assigned or directed to be performed by the City. Such changed duties do not include duties voluntarily assumed by, and not assigned to, an employee or temporary duties assigned for purposes of training for the employee. B. Impact of Reclassification. Position reclassification is neither a promotion nor demotion. A reclassification may result in the salary range being increased, decreased, or staying the same. Typically, an employee will be placed on the step that includes the salary rate closest to his/her current salary rate, not to exceed the top of the salary range. The salary rate may be increased at the time of the reclassification at the discretion of the City. If the salary range is decreased as a result of the reclassification, the employee may be Y - rated at the discretion of the City. A reclassification shall not alter an employee's Evaluation Date. C. Employee Request for Classification Study. An employee may request a classification study by submitting a written statement to the Department Director through the employee's immediate supervisor and chain of command detailing the reasons for said request. The Department Director shall review, comment, and forward the request to Human Resources within 30 days of receiving the request. If the Department Director does not forward the request to Human Resources within 30 days, the employee may then submit the request directly to Human Resources. Human Resources shall make the determination alto classification study need and so inform the Department and employee of said determination. The employee may appeal the determination to the City Manager within ten (10) working days from receipt of notification. The City Manager's decision shall be the final determination. In the event a classification study is undertaken, final reclassification determination shall be made by the Human Resources Manager. MGMT Resolution Attachment— No 2023-49 Page 17 SECTION 9: ACTING PAY The City may, at its discretion, appoint an employee in an acting capacity to fill a position vacant due to separation, extended illness, or extended leave in a job classification higher than the one held by the employee. The selection of an employee for an acting assignment shall be at the sole discretion of the Department Director or designee, taking into consideration the requirements of the position to be filled and the qualifications, job performance, and seniority of those employees eligible for the acting assignment. The selected employee must, however, possess the minimum qualifications established for higher classification. An employee serving an acting assignment for a minimum of eight (8) continuous workdays shall receive acting pay in the amount of a salary increase that is the higher of five percent (5%) of the employee's base salary or the first step of the salary range applicable to the position being filled, paid retroactive to the first day of the acting assignment. An employee who is serving an acting assignment for less than eight(8) continuous workdays shall not receive acting pay. No employee may serve an acting assignment for more than 960 hours per fiscal year. SECTION 10: BILINGUAL PAY The City offers a bilingual pay program for eligible employees who consistently utilize other languages to translate during the normal course of work. To qualify, employees must pass the test developed or utilized by the City for the following recognized languages: Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin, American Sign Language, or any other language determined by the City Manager. A maximum of fifteen (15) employees may be certified to receive bilingual pay by the City. It will be applicable at all primary sites (City Hall, Rosemead Community Recreation Center (RCRC), Garvey Community Center, Public Safety and Public Works). In the event that more fifteen (15) employees wish to apply for it, management will determine the top fifteen (15) based upon positional need. Once certified, employees will receive a bilingual stipend of $100 per month. Any employee who is not certified by the City is not required to use a language otherthan English. However, when a member of the public, requests assistance in a language other than English, our employees must make a reasonable effort to accommodate and assist in a polite and professional manner. The City reserves the right to suspend bilingual pay if the employee is out on an extended leave of absence of more than 80 consecutive hours and/or is otherwise not physically present at work to provide bilingual services. SECTION 11: AUTO ALLOWANCE Group A employees may receive up to $250 per month for the use of their personal vehicles for City business and further based on the driving demands of the positions as recommended by the Department Director and approved by the City Manager. Employees who receive a car allowance may not receive mileage reimbursement. MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 18 SECTION 12: TECHNOLOGY ALLOWANCE Based on City heeds, department director recommendation, and City Manager approval, employees may be provided a city issued cell phone/smart phone or, in -lieu of the City device, a $100 monthly allowance for technology costs such as cellular service for personal devices. SECTION 13: UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE Employees required to wear uniforms, that are provided but not cleaned by the City, shall receive $6.25 per pay period (24 pay periods), $150 per year for cleaning/maintenance of said uniform. SECTION 14: BOOT REIMBURSEMENT Employees in the positions of Senior Code Enforcement Officer and Public Works Manager shall be reimbursed up to $275 per fiscal year for the purchase of safety shoes/boots. The footwear must meet ASTM or other industry -approved standards appropriate for the employee's work assignment and classification, as determined by the Department Director and Human Resources Manager. Any employee reimbursed for or issued protective footwear shall wear such shoes at all times during work hours. The City may authorize direct bill payment for shoes purchased at a vendor of the City's choice or the employee may request reimbursement up to the allowed amount. If the employee purchases shoes for an amount (including tax) greater than the annual limit provided herein, the employee shall pay the difference to the vendor at the time of purchase. BENEFITS SECTION 15: HEALTH INSURANCE PROVIDER The City contracts with California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) pursuant to the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA) to serve as the health insurance provider for the City. SECTION 16: CAFETERIA -STYLE HEALTH, WELFARE. & SAVINGS BENEFIT The City will provide each full-time employee with $1,700 per month for use towards enrolling in any of the City offered health plans, dental plans, and vision plans. Effective July 1, 2023, the City will provide an additional $200 per month for excess 'out-of-pocket' health care premium costs. The additional $200 per month has no cash out value. 2. Unused Contribution. For employees hired on or before November 30, 2021, any unused remainder of the $1,700 monthly cafeteria -style benefit may be put into a deferred compensation plan, taken as a taxable cash disbursement, or used for the purchase of any City sponsored insurance, long-term care, or long-term savings program. Employees hired after November 30, 2021 will not be eligible for cash back of any unused portion of the cafeteria -style benefit. 3. Excess Premiums. Employees shall be required to pay any cost of the health, dental, and MGMT Resolution Attachment— No 2023-49 Page 19 vision premiums for their selected plans that exceeds the amount of the City's monthly contribution. 4. Opt -Out. Employees hired on or before November 30, 2021, may choose to waive coverage and take the entire $1,700 monthly benefit as deferred compensation ortaxable cash, but must first show proof of group health insurance coverage through an individual, a spouse or family member's coverage through their employer and complete the Voluntary Decline of Health Care Offered Under City of Rosemead Group Plan form. Employees hired after November 30, 2021 choosing to opt -out of medical coverage offered by the City, under the same conditions, will receive $500 per month. SECTION 17: CHANGES TO HEALTHCARE LAWS Thep art ies recognize that certain changes to State or Federal laws, programs, taxes, or regulation including, but not limited to, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), may impact future medical plan offerings. SECTION 18: RETIREMENT HEALTH PLAN A. All full-time employees hired on or before July 1, 2007, who have 20 years or more of service with the City, and who retire from the City, receive an allocation of up to $1,000/month to pay for health care benefits for the duration of their retirement. If the health insurance program selected by the retiree costs more than $1,000/month, the City will only cover the first $1,000/month of the cost of the selected program. B. All full-time employees hired on or before July 1, 2007, who have 12-19 years of service with the City, and who retire from the City, receive an allocation of up to $500/month to pay for health care benefits for the duration of their retirement. If the health insurance program selected by the retiree costs more than $500/month, the City will only cover the first $500/month of the cost of the selected program. C. The above retirement health contributions will only be in effect for full-time employees employed with the City as of July 1, 2007. When a retired employee reaches 65 years of age, or becomes eligible for Medicare, said retiree will transition to Medicare coverage and the City will continue to contribute towards the cost of health care coverage during the duration of the former employees retirement in the amounts defined in subsections A and B of this Section. D. The City's contribution for retirement health may be used towards health coverage of the retiree, their spouse, and/or any eligible dependent(s). E. Employees hired after July 1, 2007 will receive retiree health benefits in accordance with public employees' retirement laws and CalPERS. SECTION 19: RETIREMENT PROGRAM (CALIPERS) Employees will be enrolled in the City's retirement program through CalPERS. On July 1, 2007, the City began providing the 2.7%@55 benefit formula with one-year final compensation option with no cap. MGMT Resolution Attachment— No 2023-49 Page 1 10 On July 1, 2010, the City implemented a 2 -tier system with changes for new hires only. All full- time new hires; hired on or after July 1, 2010, will be subject to the 2%@55 formula with one- year final compensation option. All existing full-time employees hired prior to July 1, 2010 will remain at the 2.7@55 formula. Under the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA), effective January 1, 2013, all .new members' will be subject to the 2.0% @ 62 benefit formula which also requires a three- year final compensation (the highest average annual pensionable compensation earned by a member during a period of at least 36 months) with an early retirement age of 52. A "New Member' is defined as: 1. A new hire that is brought into CalPERS membership for the first time on or after January 1, 2013, and who has no prior membership in any other California public retirement system. 2. A new hire who is brought into CaIPERS membership for the first time on or after January 1, 2013, and who is not eligible for reciprocity with another California public retirement system. 3. A member who established CaIPERS membership prior to January 1, 2013, and who is hired by a different CaIPERS employer after January 1, 2013, after a break in service of greater than six months. Effective January 1, 2013, PEPRA prohibited employers from paying any portion of a "new member's" member contribution rate. All new members must pay 50% of total normal cost as employee contribution rate. CalPERS refers to all members that do not fit within the definition of a new member as "classic members". All existing CalPERS members as of December 31, 2012, will retain the existing benefit levels for future service with the same employer. All "classic members" are required to contribute their full share, up to 8%, of the employee contribution of the CalPERS rate. SECTION 20: ENHANCED RETIREMENT PROGRAM: PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT SERVICES (PARS) The City offered an enhanced retirement package through Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) for all employees hired prior to July 1, 2010. Covered full-time employees who retire from Rosemead after working 20 years for the City will have their pension formula enhanced to 3%@55, with the provision that the maximum pension allowance that an employee can accrue through PARS is 90% of final pay. The PARS retirement pension is limited to 90% of final pay. Employees must be at least 55 years of age qualify for PARS. SECTION 21: SOCIAL SECURITY The City deducts from each full-time employees' paycheck, an amount as determined by law for the federal Insurance Contributions Act (Social Security). In addition, the City contributes an additional amount at least equal to the employee's contribution. MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 1 11 SECTION 22: EMPLOYER FUNDED DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM (401A) For all full-time employees hired prior to July 1, 2010, the City contributes into a deferred compensation account a percentage of the employee's salary based on years of service. That funding formula is as follows: Years of Service % of Salary Contributed into 401A Deferred Compensation Program 0-4 1% 5-9 2% 10-14 3% 15-19 4% 20+ 5% SECTION 23: DEFERRED COMPENSATION (457) All employees may voluntarily participate in the available 457 deferred compensation plan. Any voluntary contributions made to such plan must be made via automatic payroll deductions. The amounts contributed to the plan are subject to the statutory limits outlined in the codes of the IRS. SECTION 24: FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT (SECTION 125) The City offers employees a flexible benefit plan which will allow individuals to pay for certain expenses (childcare, unreimbursed medical expenses, insurance premiums) with pre-tax dollars. SECTION 25: SHORT TERM DISABILITY/LONG TERM DISABILITY State Disability Insurance (SDI) is a partial wage replacement insurance in which the City does not participate. However, for non -work-related employee disabilities, the City offers Short -Term Disability (STD)/Long-Term Disability (LTD) to full-time employees. Workers' compensation injuries are excluded from disability leave/insurance offered by the City. The City provides employees with a short-term disability plan to protect against cases where a non -work-related illness or injury is sustained which results in an inability to work for a short period of time. Employees will receive 66.67% or 2/3 of their pre -disability base salary (1 year average of W-2) with a waiting period of 15 calendar days before receiving their benefits and can last up to 11 weeks. Employees will receive continued payment until the employee is medically able to return to work, or has to begin utilizing long term disability, or until the employee reaches the age of 65, whichever comes first. The maximum short-term disability benefit amount will be $2,400 per week. Where applicable, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and/or California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave runs concurrently with disability. The City provides employees with a long-term disability plan to protect against cases where a non -work-related illness or injury is sustained which results in an inability to work for a long period of time. In these cases, LTD is received only after STD has expired and the employee continues to be medically disabled. Employees will receive 66.67% or 2/3 of their pre -disability base salary with a 90 -day waiting period. The employee will receive continued payment until the employee is medically able to return to work, or until the employee reaches the age of 65, MGMT Resolution Attachment— No 2023-49 Page 1 12 whichever comes first. The maximum long-term disability benefit amount will be $10,400 per month. Where applicable, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and/or California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave runs concurrently with disability. Employees have the option of receiving a full paycheck by utilizing his/her own leave time to subsidize the 1/3 while on disability. Disability will cover 2/3 or 66.67% of the pre -disability base salary based off the W-2 (1 year average). However, when on disability, employees may not utilize sick leave. Employees may use vacation, floating holiday, holiday, and/or compensatory time (if applicable). Leave Accrual rate will be based upon the hours utilized. All disability claim forms must be submitted to Human Resources on a timely basis. As a guideline, all claim forms should be submitted within 15 calendar days. All medical certifications or modifications to the medical certification must be submitted to Human Resources on a timely basis. Employees are required to submit a Fitness for Duty— Return from Leave Certification at least 2 working days prior to the date of return to the department director. Employees may not return to work without this certification. SECTION 26: LIFE INSURANCE Employees receive an accidental death and dismemberment and life insurance policy of $100,000. SECTION 27: TUITION REIMBURSEMENT The City will reinstate the tuition reimbursement program based upon availability of funding. Subject to City Manager approval, employees may attend and be reimbursed for part or all of the costs of educational and other training courses (up to $5,000 per fiscal year) which provide a benefit to the City provided there are budgeted funds for such approval by the City Council. The educational/training courses must be job-related leading towards a college or university degree or certificate and employees must remain with the City for three (3) years after the successful completion of class/course or must refund the amount received to the City on a pro -rated basis. If an employee leaves employment (voluntarily or involuntarily) with the City, prior to the three (3) years after the completion of class/course, the employee must repay the amount received based upon the following pro -rated basis: Pro -Rated Schedule of Refund Years of Service After Completion Repayment Amount Due to the City Less than one (1) year Full Amount Received Less than two (2) years 2/3 of Amount Received Less than three (3) years 1/3 of Amount Received Employees with prior approval by the City Manager, may be reimbursed for registration, cost of books, tuition, lab fees and parking for classes or instruction, provided such classes or instruction are related to the employee's assigned duties with the City. MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 1 13 Reimbursement will be made only after an employee has satisfactorily completed the class or workshop with the grade of "C" or better or a "B" or better for graduate level courses and that proof of completion has been submitted and approved by the City Manager. In general, mandatory, or required training time during working hours shall be considered part of the job. If the City directs an employee to attend a specific, job-related training course during non -working hours, employees may utilize flex time. All study time shall be considered completely voluntary. No overtime pay, additional pay or compensatory time shall be given unless advanced written approval is granted by the City Manager. There is no mileage reimbursement for travel to and from educational classes. Required forms must be completed and necessary documentation (receipts and grades) must be provided in order to receive reimbursement. Final and conclusive determinations of the reimbursement amount shall be made by the City Manager/Assistant City Manager after review of the request and recommendations by the Department Director. SECTION 28: WELLNESS PROGRAM The City shall reimburse employees up to three -hundred dollars ($300) per fiscal year for qualifying expenses of the City's Wellness Program. The form and information required to claim reimbursement for this benefit, and the final determination of whether an expense qualifies for this benefit, are left to the discretion of the City Manager. SECTION 29: COMPUTER PURCHASE PROGRAM The City provides a computer purchase program for all full-time employees as outlined in the Administrative Policy No. 30-09 approved by the City Manager. Full-time employees are eligible for this program after the completion of the probationary period. Loans are due and payable in full upon termination or separation of employment. SECTION 30: EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (EAP) The City provides employees with access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). LEAVES SECTION 31: VACATION ACCRUAL AND ACCRUAL CAP Full-time employees will receive vacation accruals as follows: Vacation Accumulation Years of Service Hours/Pay Period Hours/Year Maximum Accumulated Days/Year Hours Up to year 1 3.85 100 10 Year 1 —Year 9 5.38 140 14 280 9+ 6.15 160 16 320 MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 1 14 All full-time employees accrue 100 hours of vacation leave during their first year of service. One hundred forty (140) hours are accrued for employees with one year of service, up to (but not over) 9 years. For employees with over 9 years of service (9+) the accrual rate is 160 hours. Employees cease to accrue vacation hours when, in any pay period, their balance exceeds two times their annual accrual as determined by their anniversary date. All vacation requests are to be pre -approved by the Department Director. Negative vacation banks or borrowing from future accruals will not be allowed except under provisions of Section 34C. All full-time employees are entitled to a paid vacation following one year of employment. Employees may begin taking accrued vacation after six months of employment. Vacation accruals will be determined by the percentage formula of actual hours in a paid status by the City. Example 1: An employee (with 1-9 years of service) who works 80 hours on paid status per pay period will accrue 5.38 hours/pay period. An employee (with 1-9 years of service) who works 40 hours on paid Example 2: status per pay period will accrue 2.69 hours/pay period (50% of 5.38 hours/pay period). An employee (with 1-9 years of service) who has a zero -leave Example 3: balance and takes an extended leave of absence will not accrue any hours. On July 1, 2011, the City established two (2) vacation banks as follows: Bank A: Vacation earned/accrued prior to June 30, 2011. Bank B: Vacation earned/accrued after July 1, 2011 (Subject to a 2 -year cap). SECTION 32: VACATION BUYBACK In order to encourage employees to take regular vacations on an annual basis and to partially limit the growth of the City's long-term liability of employee accrued vacation hours upon separation of employment, the City has established the following criteria for vacation buyback. A. Twice per calendar year, full-time employees are eligible to have the City buyback up to 100 combined hours of accumulated unused vacation time in June and/or December of the following calendar year. Effective December 10, 2023, and continuing thereafter, employees seeking buyback must submit an irrevocable election form, by no later than December 1011 of the preceding calendar year. With this form, employees can seek buyback of accumulated unused vacation time in the following calendar year subject to the following terms: 1. The employee may seek buyback of up to 50 hours in June. Employees receiving such June buyback may seek an additional buyback in December. Total maximum buyback for any calendar year will be limited to 100 hours. 2. Employees seeking only a December buyback may receive up to 100 hours. MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 115 B. The payment shall be made via payroll with the last paycheck in the following June and/or December after receipt of the irrevocable election form. In the event an employee has less hours in their vacation bank at the time the cash -out is to be paid than they had previously elected to cash -out, the employee shall only be paid for up to the amount remaining in their vacation bank at the time of the actual cash -out. Employees who do not submit an irrevocable election form by December 10th will be deemed as foregoing participation in the optional annual leave buy-back program for that following calendar year. The buyback in June and/or December may not reduce the vacation leave balance below the equivalent of one year's accrual. C. For the purposes of vacation buyback, all employees must utilize Bank A prior to utilizing Bank B. However, if there are no hours accrued in Bank A, employees may utilize Bank B. D. An employee who experiences an unforeseeable emergency may be permitted to make a new irrevocable election and/orto increase the amount of the previous election, subject to the same value that was permitted at the time the annual irrevocable election forms were due. For these purposes, an "unforeseeable emergency" means a financial hardship to the employee resulting from any of the following: • Accident, illness, injury or death of the employee or an immediate family member. For this purpose, an "immediate family member" is restricted to a spouse, registered domestic partner, child/legal dependent, or parent; or ■ Loss or extensive damage to the employee's property due to casualty; or Other similar extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances arising from events beyond the control of the participant. Whether an occurrence is an unforeseeable emergency shall be solely determined by the City Manager or designee, but requests made under this provision shall not be unreasonably denied. The payment shall be made with the last paycheck in December of that same calendar year. E. If it is subsequently determined by the City, the IRS, a court of competent jurisdiction or another governing authority that the annual buyback provisions in place prior to December 10, 2021, or substantially similar, will not trigger constructive receipt of income from accrued leave, the City will remove the irrevocable election process. F. All buybacks shall be paid at the employee's base hourly rate of pay at the time of the payment. SECTION 33: ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE Each January 1, employees will be allocated 60 hours of administrative leave for the calendar year. Any administrative leave hours that are not utilized by December 31 will be forfeited. Furthermore, any administrative leave on the books for a separating employee will be paid at the employee's hourly rate at a prorated unit of administrative leave available by pay period. MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 1 16 SECTION 34: SICK LEAVE A full-time employee who is incapacitated from the performance of such employee's duties by reason of a non -service -related illness or injury, pregnancy, legal requirements of public health officials or for reasons specified in the Family and Medical Leave (FMLA), California Family Rights Act (CFRA), or other state or federal laws are eligible for sick leave. A. Amount Earned: All full-time, regular, or probationary employees will accrue ten (10) hours of sick leave per month. Sick leave will be earned, commencing on the first day of employment as a probationary employee, and accrued on a bi-weekly basis. Employees may accumulate up to a maximum of 120 hours of sick leave with pay per year. Sick leave accruals will be determined by the percentage formula of actual hours in a paid status by the City. Example 1: An employee who works 80 hours on paid status per pay period will accrue 4.62 hours/pay period. An employee who works 40 hours on paid status per pay Example 2: period will accrue 2.31 hour/pay period (50% of 4.62 hours/pay period). An employee who has a zero -leave balance and takes an Example 3: extended leave of absence will not accrue any hours. Except for retirement, all unused sick leave hours will be forfeited when an employee separates from employment, voluntarily or involuntary. Upon retirement, an employee's unused sick leave hours will be converted to service credit as contracted with CaIPERS. B. Sick Leave Cap: Accrued sick leave is capped at 500 hours for employees hired after November 30, 2021. C. Advanced Sick Leave: Sick leave time shall not be taken until such time has been accrued. D. Utilization of Sick Leave Benefits: The right to utilize benefits under the sick leave provisions herein continues only during the period that the employee is employed by the City. All benefits hereunder terminate upon the employee leaving City service. An employee on military leave is not granted sick leave during the military leave period. Employees are not eligible to utilize sick leave benefits within the first thirty (30) days of employment. Sick leave is not a leave which an employee may use at his/her discretion, but is allowed only in cases of actual sickness or disability which make it impossible or inadvisable for the employee to perform normal work assignments/functions. Sick leave may be utilized for dental or medical appointments, medical assessments and/or due to a serious illness in the immediate family. The City Manager/department director may deny or revoke sick leave if the incapacitation for which it is taken is caused or substantially aggravated by compensated outside employment. If an employee is absent from work for more than three (3) working days without notifying his/her direct supervisor or department director, the employee may be dismissed from City service for being absent without official leave. Any abuse of sick leave usage is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 1 17 E. Illness During Vacation Leave: Employees who become ill while on approved vacation leave may request to use available sick leave in lieu of the approved vacation time for the period of illness. Verification of illness may be required by the employee's supervisor or department director prior to approval. F. Notification to Supervisor: Any employee needing to be absent because of sickness or other physical disability must notify the appropriate department director or immediate supervisor at least one (1) day prior to such absence if circumstances permit, or within one (1) hour before the start of the regular shift when prior notice cannot be given. G. Sick Leave Authorized Due to Illness in Family: An employee is allowed sick leave due to a serious illness in the immediate family. The definition of "family" defined under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy will be utilized. In the event of a serious illness in the immediate family, a certificate of such illness and the need for the employee's absence by the acceptable medical authority may be required by the department director. In such case, the employee must be able to produce a verifying certification upon request by the immediate supervisor or management. H. Return to Work Following Illness: The department director may require an employee to submit to a medical and/or psychiatric examination by a physician designated by the City before permitting the employee to return to work after the employee has been on sick leave. If the results of any such examination indicate that the employee is unable to perform assigned duties, or if performance of those duties will expose others to infection, the employee will be placed on sick leave, or leave without pay after all sick leave has been used, until adequate medical evidence is submitted that the employee is competent to perform assigned duties or will not subject others to the infection. I. Medical Certificate Requirement: In order to be paid for sick leave, the employee must make every good faith effort to notify his immediate supervisor prior to the start of the employee's workday. The department director may request, for cause, a certificate issued by a licensed physician or other satisfactory proof of illness before sick leave is granted. The department director may also choose a licensed physician to conduct a physical examination at City expense. Any employee who makes application for sick leave may be required by either the department director or City Manager to file a certificate signed by a duly and regularly licensed physician authorized to practice medicine or may be required to submit a personal statement which states the employee was incapacitated from performing the duties of the position for each day that sick leave is requested. Authority will also be given to the physician signing the certificate, to disclose to the City Manager or the department director, information relating to sick leave. Sick leave will be granted when the application for sick leave is approved by the department director or the City Manager. Transfer of Sick Leave: New employees may be credited up to two hundred (200) hours of sick leave from their previous public agency employer provided the previous employer did not otherwise compensate the employee for said hours. The new employee must provide a letter or documentation from the previous employer verifying accrued but uncompensated hours. MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 1 18 K. Sick Leave for Separating Employees: An employee will not receive any payment for unused accumulated sick leave upon dismissal of employment or retirement (either disability or regular). An employee may not use sick leave to extend a retirement (either disability or regular) or dismissal date. This prohibition does not affect an employee's right to obtain sick leave credit with CaIPERS. Any other balances or if an employee resigns or is dismissed will be forfeited. SECTION 35: CITY -RECOGNIZED HOLIDAYS A. The following days are recognized and observed as paid holidays: 1. New Year's Day (January 11t) 2. Martin Luther King's Birthday (the third Monday in January) 3. Presidents' Birthday (the third Monday in February) 4. Cesar Chavez (March 311) 5. Memorial Day (the last Monday in May) 6. Juneteenth (June 19th) 7. Independence Day (July 4th) 8. Labor Day (the first Monday in September) 9. Veteran's Day (November 111h) 10. Thanksgiving Day (the fourth Thursday of November) 11. Christmas Eve (December 24th) 12. Christmas Day (December 25th) B. If one of the above listed City recognized holidays falls on a Friday or Saturday, the holiday will be observed on the preceding Thursday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday. C. Non-essential City services and facilities are closed from Christmas Eve through New Year's Day. Employees may use vacation time, banked hours, administrative leave, and/or time without pay for workdays within the holiday closure. SECTION 36: TEMPORARY MODIFIED WORK SCHEDULE Depending on an employee's area of assignment, an alternate work schedule may be arranged with Department Director approval. This could include the possibility of utilizing a flextime or telecommuting from an offsite location. Any prolonged telecommuting arrangement must be approved by the City Manager. Any alternate workweek must be approved, in writing, by the City Manager. SECTION 37: FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING DUE To SPECIAL EVENTS All full-time employees are required to work the 4th of July Parade/Carnival/Fireworks special event. In addition, some employees are required to work special events in the course of their regular duties. The City reserves the right to adjust the day's work hours to meet the staffing needs of the 4th of July Parade/Carnival/Fireworks special event. MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 1 19 For every workweek in which there is a designated special event, the City Manager may authorize the 'flexing' of all hours within the same workday or same workweek of the special event while ensuring that appropriate staff coverage is maintained for operational needs and continued City services. For purposes of this Section, a "special event" is a scheduled, pre -planned program, activity, or other event that is offered by the City for attendance by one or more members of the public. If an employee is required to work on a city recognized holiday, holiday hours equivalent to the number of hours worked, up to ten (10), will be banked. Banked hours not used by December 3111 will be forfeited. SECTION 38: BEREAVEMENT LEAVE In the event of the death of an employee's immediate family (defined as spouse, parent, stepparent, grandparent, sibling, children, grandchildren, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in- law, brother-in-law, registered domestic partner or child of a registered domestic partner), Employees are entitled to forty (40) hours for bereavement leave per incident. SECTION 39: JURY LEAVE An employee of the City who is required to participate as a juror or required to participate in the jury selection process, shall be paid up to and including 80 hours of salary and benefits during each fiscal year while engaged in such activities. Any employee called to serve as a juror shall receive his/her regular compensation while on such leave, provided that the employee remits to the City any payments or fees received as a juror, excluding mileage reimbursement. Employee shall provide from the courts, certification of the amount of time served on jury duty each day for which jury duty leave with pay is requested. Employees shall return to their regular job assignment after being released from jury duty each day provided at least one-half (1/2) of their shift remains. Compensation shall extend beyond 80 hours only upon provision to the City of a certified court document showing that trial counsel and/or the Court estimated the length of trial for which an employee has been selected as juror, to be more than 80 hours. The employee shall advise their Department Director and the Human Resources Manager upon receiving a court order to appear beyond the 80 hours as a juror. The granting of such leave with pay shall be subject to the approval of the City Manager or designee, consistent with the requirements set forth herein. OTHER SEcTiON 40: DIRECT DEPOSIT Employees are offered an option to authorize the automatic deposit of each paycheck into an individual's checking, savings, or credit union account. Payroll checks will not be issued in advance. SECTION 41: EMERGENCY WAIVER PROVISION In the event of circumstances beyond the control of the City, such as acts of God, fire, flood, MGMT Resolution Attachment — No 2023-49 Page 120 insurrection, civil disorder or national emergency, or similar circumstances, the provisions of this Resolution or City's Human Resources Rules and Regulations, which restrict the City's ability to respond to these emergencies, shall be suspended for the duration of such emergency. The City agrees that this provision will not be used to unilaterally eliminate any of its financial obligations or to reduce any of the economic benefits provided to employees covered by this Resolution. MGMT Resolution Attachment— No 2023-49 Page 121 Appendix A City of Rosemead Middle Management, Professional, and Confidential Group Monthly Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2023 Position Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Accountant 5,964 6,143 6,327 6,517 6,713 6,914 7,121 7,335 7,555 7,782 Administrative Analyst 5,049 5,200 5,356 5,517 5,682 5,852 6,028 6,209 6,395 6,587 Administrative Specialist 4,620 4,759 4,902 5,049 5,200 5,356 5,517 5,683 5,853 6,029 Associate Engineer 7,474 7,698 7,929 8,167 8,412 8,664 8,924 9,192 9,468 9,752 Associate Planner 5,953 6,132 6,316 6,505 6,700 6,901 7,108 7,321 7,541 7,767 Building Official 8,922 9,190 9,466 9,750 10,042 10,343 10,653 10,973 11,302 11,641 City Engineer 9,909 10,206 10,512 10,827 11,152 11,487 11,832 12,187 12,553 12,930 Deputy City Clerk 5,773 5,946 6,124 6,308 6,497 6,692 6,893 7,100 7,313 7,532 Deputy Dir. of Community Development 9,903 10,200 10,506 10,821 11,146 11,480 11,824 12,179 12,544 12,920 Executive Asst To The City Mgr 5,145 5,299 5,458 5,622 5,791 5,965 6,144 6,328 6,518 6,714 Finance Manager 8,317 8,566 8,823 9,088 9,361 9,642 9,931 10,229 10,536 10,852 Human Resources Analyst 5,479 5,643 5,812 5,986 6,166 6,351 6,542 6,738 6,940 7,148 Human Resources Manager 7,764 7,997 8,237 8,484 8,739 9,001 9,271 9,549 9,835 10,130 Management Analyst 5,525 5,691 5,862 6,038 6,219 6,406 6,598 6,796 7,000 7,210 Planning& Econ Development Mgr 8,297 8,546 8,802 9,066 9,338 9,618 9,907 10,204 10,510 10,825 Public Safety Manager 7,617 7,846 8,081 8,323 8,573 8,830 9,095 9,368 9,649 9,938 Public Safety Supervisor 6,923 7,131 7,345 7,565 7,792 8,026 8,267 8,515 8,770 9,033 Public Works Fiscal and Project Mgr 6,611 6,809 7,013 7,223 7,440 7,663 7,893 8,130 8,374 8,625 Public Works Manager 8,116 8,359 8,610 8,868 9,134 9,408 9,690 9,981 10,280 10,588 Recreational Supervisor 5,770 5,943 6,121 6,305 6,494 6,689 6,890 7,097 7,310 7,529 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 5,857 6,033 6,214 6,400 6,592 6,790 6,994 7,204 7,420 7,643 Senior Management Analyst 6,010 6,190 6,376 6,567 6,764 6,967 7,176 7,391 7,613 7,841 MGMT Resolution Attachment- No 2023-49 Page 122 City of Rosemead Middle Management, Professional, and Confidential Group Monthly Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2024 Position Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 Accountant 6,143 6,327 6,517 6,713 6,914 7,121 7,335 7,555 7,782 8,015 Administrative Analyst 5,200 5,356 5,517 5,682 5,852 6,028 6,209 6,395 6,587 6,785 Administrative Specialist 4,759 4,902 5,049 5,200 5,356 5,517 5,683 5,853 6,029 6,210 Associate Engineer 7,698 7,929 8,167 8,412 8,664 8,924 9,192 9,468 9,752 10,045 Associate Planner 6,132 6,316 6,505 6,700 6,901 7,108 7,321 7,541 7,767 8,000 Building Official 9,190 9,466 9,750 10,042 10,343 10,653 10,973 11,302 11,641 11,990 City Engineer 10,206 10,512 10,827 11,152 11,487 11,832 12,187 12,553 12,930 13,318 Deputy City Clerk 5,946 6,124 6,308 6,497 6,692 6,893 7,100 7,313 7,532 7,758 Deputy Dir. of Community Development 10,200 10,506 10,821 11,146 11,480 11,824 12,179 12,544 12,920 13,308 Executive Asst To The City Mgr 5,299 5,458 5,622 5,791 5,965 6,144 6,328 6,518 6,714 6,915 Finance Manager 8,566 8,823 9,088 9,361 9,642 9,931 10,229 10,536 10,852 11,178 Human Resources Analyst 5,643 5,812 5,986 6,166 6,351 6,542 6,738 6,940 7,148 7,362 Human Resources Manager 7,997 8,237 8,484 8,739 9,001 9,271 9,549 9,835 10,130 10,434 Management Analyst 5,691 5,862 6,038 6,219 6,406 6,598 6,796 7,000 7,210 7,426 Planning& Econ Development Mgr 8,546 8,802 9,066 9,338 9,618 9,907 10,204 10,510 10,825 11,150 Public Safety Manager 7,846 8,081 8,323 8,573 8,830 9,095 9,368 9,649 9,938 10,236 Public Safety Supervisor 7,131 7,345 7,565 7,792 8,026 8,267 8,515 8,770 9,033 9,304 Public Works Fiscal and Project Mgr 6,809 7,013 7,223 7,440 7,663 7,893 8,130 8,374 8,625 8,884 Public Works Manager 8,359 8,610 8,868 9,134 9,408 9,690 9,981 10,280 10,588 10,906 Recreational Supervisor 5,943 6,121 6,305 6,494 6,689 6,890 7,097 7,310 7,529 7,755 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 6,033 6,214 6,400 6,592 6,790 6,994 7,204 7,420 7,643 7,872 Senior Management Analyst 6,190 6,376 6,567 6,764 6,967 7,176 7,391 7,613 7,841 8,076 MGMT Resolution Attachment - No 2023-49 Page 1 23 Attachment B Resolution No. 2023-50 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-50 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR PART-TIME CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE SERVICE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD FROM JULY 1, 2023 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2025 WHEREAS, THE FOLLOWING classifications in the Part -Time Service of the City of Rosemead ("City") are critical to the efficient and effective operations of the City; WHEREAS, employees in these classifications are non-exempt under the provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act and serve in an "at -will" capacity; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish the compensation levels for classifications in Part -Time Service of the City as shown in Appendix A. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effective beginning July 1, 2023, the salary ranges and benefits for the classifications covered by this Resolution are as follows: SECTION 1: APPLICABILITY Part -Time employees in the following classifications are covered by this Resolution: 3/4 Part -Time Classifications Playschool Teacher I Senior Recreation Leader Standard, Seasonal, Other Part -Time Classifications Administrative Intern Office Specialist Aquatic Attendant Park Ranger Assistant Pool Manager Parking Control Officer Community Services Officer Recreation Leader Lifeguard Senior Recreation Leader Lifeguard/Swim Instructor Youth Worker SECTION 2: PART-TIME CLASSIFICATIONS All part-time employees serve in an "at -will" employment capacity, do not serve a probationary period, and are exempt from the City's classified service. "At -will" employment is defined as an employment relationship in which an employee does not hold regular status, serves at the pleasure of the City Manager or appointing authority, and can be dismissed at any time without cause and without right of appeal. The part-time classifications in the City's system are included in this Part -Time Resolution. In addition, employees may be employed on a part-time basis in full-time job classifications at the corresponding hourly wage rate of the full-time classification. Such employees who are employed on a part-time basis in a full-time classification are also part of the "exempt service" and serve in an "at -will" capacity. SECTION 3: DESIGNATION OF PART-TIME EMPLOYEES All employees in the Part -Time Service of the City in the categories listed below, are employed in a temporary "at -will" capacity and serve at the pleasure of their respective Department Director. a. 3/4 -Time Employees: Upon approval of the City Manager, 3/4 Time employees, compensated at an hourly rate, may work up to thirty-two (32) hours per week and are scheduled to work up to 1,664 hours or more per fiscal year. These employees may receive limited benefits, and the City will pay benefits in accordance with the public employees' retirement laws and California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS). b. Standard Part -Time employees: A budgeted position, compensated at an hourly rate, of less than 28 hours per week. Hours are not to exceed one thousand (1,000) hours per fiscal year. c. Seasonal employees: A budgeted position, compensated at an hourly rate and are employed only for a specified period of time throughout various seasons. A budgeted position, compensated at an hourly rate, and are employed to perform duties for a period of time not to exceed 6 months. Hours are not to exceed one thousand (1,000) hours per fiscal year. Administrative Intern, Recreation Leader, Lifeguard -Swim Instructor, and Lifeguard: A budgeted position, compensated at an hourly rate or unpaid, and may work up to twenty-eight (28) hours per week. Hours are not to exceed 1,456 hours per fiscal year. (Under the City's agreement with CalPERS, Administrative Interns are exempt from the 1,000 -hour limitation for mandatory enrollment.) This position is not eligible for any benefits or CalPERS retirement. SECTION 4: WAGE RATE A. Schedule for Part -Time Employees In order to ensure the City's ability to recruit and retain qualified employees, the City will conduct periodic reviews of the hourly wage rates, which shall be subject to City Council approval via Resolution. The Part -Time wage rate schedule is attached as an addendum to this Resolution. B. Wage Rate Adjustments Based on Performance Based on the availability of funding established in the City's budget, part-time employees may be eligible to receive a wage rate increase within the established wage ranges based on a performance evaluation conducted at the time of the employee's wage anniversary date. An employee's wage rate may not exceed the maximum wage range that has been established for the respective job classification. An employee whose wage rate exceeds the maximum of the wage rate range for the job classification may be Y -rated (frozen) and will not receive any merit increases until the wage range is adjusted based on the labor market survey comparisons. Wage rate adjustments are contingent upon the availability of funding within the City's budget. The allocation for the cost of the merit wage rate adjustments must be approved by the City Manager and incorporated into the budgetary process prior to .the beginning of the fiscal year. C. Performance Review System for Part -Time Employees Part-time employees shall receive performance reviews and merit adjustments on an annual basis. Recommended merit adjustments must be based upon written performance evaluations. Employees who meet or exceed expectations shall be eligible to be considered for a merit increase to the next step in the salary schedule for the classification to which assigned. D. Salary Increase during FY 2023-24 Effective July 1, 2023, all part-time employees will receive a 4% across-the-board pay increase. E. Salary Increase during FY 2024-25 Effective July 1, 2024, all part-time employees with receive a 3% across the board pay increase. SECTION 5: BENEFITS A. ALL PART TIME POSITIONS Sick Leave Effective July 1, 2015, California law ("AB 1522") requires that all employees who have worked for more than 30 days for an employer be provided paid sick leave at the accrual rate of one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, up to a minimum of 3 days or 24 hours of paid sick leave to be provided in a 12 -month period. An employee becomes eligible for paid sick leave after the 30`h day of employment. An employee will begin to accrue paid sick leave at the rate of one (1) hour of paid sick leave for every thirty (30) hours worked beginning July 1, 2015, or on the first day of employment whichever is later. An employee is not eligible to begin using any accrued paid sick leave until after ninety (90) days of employment with the City. An employee is only allowed to use up to a maximum of 3 days or 24 hours of paid sick leave in a 12 -month period. An employee can only accrue paid sick leave up to a cap of 6 days or 48 hours ongoing. Any unused accrued paid sick leave will carryover year to year while continuously employed. In accordance with California's Paid Sick Leave law, an employee may use accrued paid sick leave for one of the following reasons: For the employee's own diagnosis, care, or treatment of an existing health condition or preventative care. • For the diagnosis, care, or treatment of an existing health condition or preventative care for an employee's family member, including: Child (including a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, legal ward, or a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis). Spouse or Registered Domestic Partner. Parent (including biological, adoptive, or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of an employee or the employee's spouse or registered domestic partner, or a person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child). • Grandparent. • Grandchild. • Sibling. • To obtain any relief or services related to being a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, including the following with appropriate certification of the need for such services are: • A temporary restraining order or restraining order. • Other injunctive relief to help ensure the health, safety, or welfare of themselves or their children. • To seek medical attention for injuries caused by domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. • To obtain services from a domestic violence shelter, program, or rape crisis center as a result of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. • To obtain psychological counseling related to an experience of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. • To participate in safety planning and take other actions to increase safety from future domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, including temporary or permanent relocation. Sick leave is not a leave which an employee may use at his/her discretion, but shall be allowed only in cases of actual illness, diagnosis, care or treatment of an existing health condition of an employee or employee's family member or preventative care for an employee or employee's family member, relief or services related to being a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking and emergency or routine medical appointments. Sick leave may not be utilized for the purposes of trading shifts or rescheduling shifts. An employee shall provide reasonable advance notification (oral or written) of their need to use accrued paid sick leave to their direct supervisor if the need for paid sick leave use is foreseeable (e.g., doctor's appointment scheduled in advance). If the need for paid sick leave use is unforeseeable, the employee shall provide notice of the need for the leave to their supervisor as soon as is practicable. An employee who uses paid sick leave must do so with a minimum increment of two (2) hours of sick leave. Paid sick leave will not be considered hours worked for purposes of overtime calculation. An employee will not receive compensation for unused accrued paid sick leave upon termination, resignation, retirement or other separation from employment from the City. If an employee separates from City employment and is rehired by the City within one year of the date of separation, previously accrued and unused paid sick leave hours shall be reinstated to the extent required by law. However, if a rehired employee had not yet worked the requisite 90 days of employment to utilize paid sick leave at the time of separation, the employee must still satisfy the 90 days of employment requirement collectively over the periods of employment with the City before any paid sick leave can be used. The City will not lend sick leave in advance of accrual. The City will not retaliate against an employee who utilizes paid sick leave Any abuse of sick leave usage shall be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. B. ALL PART-TIME POSITIONS EXCLUDING 3/4 -TIME POSITIONS: Retirement Enrollment in the Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) 457 Alternate Retirement System 457 Plan. The City's contribution shall be 3.75%; and the employee's contribution shall be 3.75%. C. ALL 3/4 TIME PART TIME POSITIONS Positions designated as 3/4 time receive the following benefits in addition to sick leave. a) Medical: The City contracts with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) pursuant to the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA) to serve as the health insurance provider for the City and offers 3/4 - time part-time employees health insurance at the single parry rate of the Kaiser Health Care Plan. Employees are required to pay any cost of the health care premium that exceeds the cost of the provided plan. If a less expensive plan is selected, no cash is provided to the employee. b) Retirement: Employees will be enrolled in the City's retirement program through CalPERS. The employee pays 100% of the employee's portion of the retirement rate. c) Bilingual Pay: The City will offer a bilingual pay program for eligible 3/4 -time employees who consistently utilize other languages to translate during the normal course of work. To qualify, employees must pass the test developed or utilized by the City for the following recognized languages: Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin, American Sign Language, or any other language determined by the City Manager. A maximum of three (3) positions per language per site may be certified to receive bilingual pay by the City. It will be applicable at all primary sites (RCRC, Garvey Center, Public Safety and Maintenance Yard). In the event that more than three employees wish to apply for it, management will determine the top three (3) based upon positional needs. Once certified, 3/4 -time positions shall receive a bilingual stipend of $100 per month. Any employee who is not certified by the City shall not be required to use a language other than English. However, when a member of the public, requests assistance in a language other than English, our employees shall make a reasonable effort to accommodate and assist in a polite and professional manner. d) Wellness Program Reimbursement: The City may provide wellness reimbursement program participation at $150 per year based upon the availability of funding. e) Tuition Reimbursement: Subject to City Manager approval, employees may be reimbursed for part or all of the costs of educational and other training courses (up to $2,500 per fiscal year), which provide a benefit to the City and provided there are budgeted funds for such approval by the City Council. During the budget process, money will be included annually for educational reimbursement. The educational/training courses must be job-related, leading towards a college or university degree or certificate and employees must remain with the City for three (3) years after the successful completion of class/course or must reimburse the amount received to the City on a prorated basis. If an employee leaves employment (voluntarily or involuntarily) with the City, prior to the three (3) years after the completion of class/course, the employee must repay the amount received based upon the following prorated basis: Pro -Rated Schedule of Refund Years of Service After Completion Repayment Amount Due to the City Less than one (1) year Full Amount Received Less than two (2) years 2/3 of Amount Received Less than three (3) years 1/3 of Amount Received Employees with prior approval by the City Manager, may be reimbursed for registration, costs of books, tuition, lab fees and parking for classes or instruction, provided such classes or instruction are related to the employee's assigned duties with the City. Reimbursement will be made only after an employee has satisfactorily completed the class or workshop with the grade of C or better or equivalent completion and that evidence of same has been submitted and approved by the City Manager. In general, training time during working hours shall be considered part of the job. Unless the City directs an employee to attend a specific training course and the course is not available during work hours, training after hours shall be considered voluntary and no additional pay, overtime, or compensatory time shall be given by the City unless advance special written approval is granted. Study time shall be considered completely voluntary. There is no mileage reimbursement for travel to and from educational classes. Required forms must be completed and necessary documentation (receipts and grades) must be provided in order to receive reimbursement. Final and conclusive determinations of the reimbursement amount shall be made by the City Manager/Assistant City Manager after review of the request and recommendations by the Department Director and/or Human Resources. f) Vacation Accrual Rate: All 3/4 -time employees accrue 50 hours of vacation time per year which is credited at 1.92 hours per pay period. Employees cease to accrue vacation hours when, in any pay period, their vacation balance exceeds two times the annual accrual (100 hours). Employees may begin taking accrued vacation after six months of employment. g) Computer Purchase Program: The City provides a computer purchase program that is available to 3/4 -time employees as outlined in Administrative Policy No. 30-09. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 12`h day of September, 2023. Steven Ly, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF ROSEMEAD I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution No. 2023-50 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 12`h day of September, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Appendix A City of Rosemead Part -Time Employees Hourly Salary Ranges Effective July 1, 2023 Position Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Administrative Intern 16.12 16.93 17.77 18.66 19.59 Aquatic Attendant 16.12 16.38 17.20 18.06 18.96 Assistant Pool Manager 18.24 19.16 20.11 21.13 22.18 Community Service Officer 20.72 21.76 22.85 23.98 25.19 Lifeguard 16.55 17.37 18.24 19.16 20.11 Lifeguard/Instructor 17.38 18.25 19.16 20.12 21.12 Office Specialist 19.73 20.72 21.76 22.85 23.98 Park Ranger 20.72 21.76 22.85 23.98 25.19 Parking Control Officer 20.72 21.76 22.85 23.98 25.19 Playschool Teacher 18.79 19.74 20.72 21.76 22.85 Recreation Leader 16.12 16.87 17.72 18.60 19.53 Senior Recreation Leader 18.79 19.74 20.72 21.76 22.85 Youth Worker 16.12 City of Rosemead Part -Time Employees Hourly Salary Ranges Effective July 1, 2024 Position Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Administrative Intern 16.60 17.43 18.31 19.22 2018 Aquatic Attendant 16.60 16.87 17.71 18.60 19.53 Assistant Pool Manager 18.79 19.73 20.72 21.76 22.85 Community Service Officer 21.34 22.41 23.53 24.70 25.94 Lifeguard 17.04 17.90 18.79 19.73 20.72 Lifeguard/Instructor 17.90 18.79 19.73 20.72 21.76 Office Specialist 20.32 21.34 22.41 23.53 24.70 Park Ranger 21.34 22.41 23.53 24.70 25.94 Parking Control Officer 21.34 22.41 23.53 24.70 25.94 Playschool Teacher 19.36 20.33 21.34 22.41 23.53 Recreation Leader 16.60 17.37 18.25 19.16 20.12 Senior Recreation Leader 19.36 20.33 21.34 22.41 23.53 Youth Worker 16.60