CC - Item 4H - Approval of Multi-School Loading & Unloading Curb MarkingsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING & UNLOADING CURB MARKINGS SUMMARY At the April 6, 2023, Traffic Commission Meeting, staff presented a loading and unloading zone curb markings review at the school locations of Shuey Elementary School, Janson Elementary School, Muscatel Middle School, Encinita Elementary School, and Savannah Elementary School. After discussion and presentation of the item, the Traffic Commission approved the staff recommendations for curb markings and signage in the areas as shown on the "Installation Exhibit' in Attachment C. Public Works Field Services staff will complete or coordinate the completion of all the recommended items. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead received a request from the Rosemead School District to evaluate 5 schools in the city and review the installation of curb markings along school frontages for potential loading and unloading areas with updated signage. In response to this request and on behalf of the city, engineering staff has completed a review of each of the school locations and recommended potential improvements to loading and unloading zones along the school frontages. LOCATION 1: SHUEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Wells Street is approximately 40 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH and runs alongside Shuey Elementary School and single- family residential homes. There is existing signage parking on street sweeping days, from 6AM- I OAM on Thursdays. AGENDA ITEM 4.H City Council Regular Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 2 of 6 After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Shuey Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. These improvements include: I. INSTALL 50' (FEET) WHITE CURB WEST OF ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY, AND 70' (FEET) WHITE CURB EAST OF ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY, AS SHOWN IN THE EXHIBIT. INSTALL TOTAL OF 120' (FEET) OF WHITE CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET. 2. INSTALL LOADING ZONE ONLY SIGNAGE ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET. 3. INSTALL "DO NOT ENTER" SIGN (R1-5) AT THE EXIT DRIVEWAY TO SHUEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARKING LOT ALONG WELLS STREET ON EXISTING SIGN -POST BELOW EXISTING SIGN. 4. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG WELLS STREET AT EARLE AVENUE AT CROSSWALK. INSTALL 20 -FEET ON NORTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET AT EARLE STREET AND INSTALL 20 -FEET OF RED CURB ON SOUTH SIDE WELLS STREET ON EAST SIDE OF CROSSWALK. LOCATION 2: JANSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Marshall Street, a major collector, is approximately 36 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH and runs alongside Janson Elementary School and single-family residential homes. Bartlett Avenue, a local street, is approximately 36 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH and runs alongside Janson Elementary School and single-family residential homes. After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Janson Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. These improvements include: City Council Regular Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 3 of 6 1. REFRESH APPROXIMATELY 289' (FEET) OF EXISTING WHITE CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF MARSHALL STREET. 2. PAINT APPROXIMATELY 120' (FEET) OF WHITE CURB ALONG WEST SIDE OF BARTLETT AVENUE. 3. INSTALL LOADING ZONE ONLY SIGNAGE ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF MARSHALL STREET AND WEST SIDE OF BARTLETT AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 100' APART. LOCATION 3: MUSCATEL MIDDLE SCHOOL Ivar Avenue, a local road, is approximately 40 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH and runs alongside Muscatel Middle School and single-family residential homes, as well as some commercial buildings south of the school. There is also existing street sweeping signage indicating no parking on Tuesdays between 8AM- 12PM along Ivar Avenue, as well as on Lawrence Avenue and Newby Avenue. After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Muscatel Middle School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL 70 -FEET WHITE CURB ON IVAR AVENUE ON THE WEST CURB NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF LAWRENCE AVENUE. 2. INSTALL 20 -FEET RED CURB NORTH OF THE CROSSWALK ON THE WEST CURB AT THE INTERSECTION OF IVAR AVENUE AND LAWRENCE AVENUE. 3. INSTALL 45 -FEET RED CURB SOUTH OF THE CROSSWALK ON THE WEST SIDE OF IVAR AVENUE AND LAWRENCE AVENUE. 4. INSTALL 25 -FEET WHITE CURB ON THE WEST CURB OF IVAR AVENUE NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF NEWBY AVENUE. 5. INSTALL 30 -FEET RED CURB ON THE WEST SIDE OF IVAR AVENUE NORTH OF THE CROSSWALK AT THE INTERSECTION WITH NEWBY AVENUE. 6. INSTALL 20 -FEET RED CURB ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE CROSSWALK NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF IVAR AVENUE AND NEWBY AVENUE. 7. INSTALL 115 -FEET WHITE CURB ON THE WEST SIDE OF IVAR AVENUE SOUTH OF NEWBY AVENUE. City Council Regular Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 4 of 6 8. REFRESH EXISTING CROSSWALKS IN THE NORTH AND EAST LEGS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF LAWRENCE AVENUE AND IVAR AVENUE AND NEWBY AVENUE AND IVAR AVENUE. 9. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING LOADING ZONE SIGNAGE WITH NEW "LOADING ZONE 7AM TO 9AM, 12PM TO 3PM SCHOOL DAYS ONLY" SIGN AND POLE. LOCATION 4: ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Within the City of Rosemead, Encinita Avenue is considered a major collector road. Encinita Avenue has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. Encinita Avenue is approximately 36 -feet wide south of the intersection with Lower Azusa Road and is approximately 45 -feet wide south of the intersection with Pitkin Street, with one lane in each direction and is marked with a dotted yellow centerline. This segment of Encinita Avenue is adjacent to single-family residential homes and parallels Encinita Elementary School. Within the City of Rosemead, Lower Azusa Road is considered to be a minor arterial road. Lower Azusa Road has a speed limit of 40 MPH and is approximately 58 -feet wide, with two lanes of travel in each direction and a double yellow center line. This segment of Lower Azusa Road is adjacent to single-family residential homes and runs parallel to Encinita Elementary School. The loading and unloading zones for buses is along Lower Azusa Road, as well as in the small parking lot west of the intersection with Encinita Avenue. After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Encinita Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL 75 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING WEST OF THE DRIVEWAY AND 105 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING EAST OF THE DRIVEWAY ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD. TOTAL WHITE CURB TO BE INSTALLED IS 180 -FEET ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD. 2. INSTALL NEW "LOADING ZONE 7AM TO 9AM, 12PM TO 3PM SCHOOL DAYS ONLY" SIGN AND POLE AS SHOWN ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD AND ENCINITA AVENUE. City Council Regular Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 5 of 6 LOCATION 5: SAVANNAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Within the City of Rosemead, Rio Hondo Avenue is considered a local road. Rio Hondo Avenue has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. Rio Hondo Avenue is approximately 40 -feet wide, with one lane in each direction and there is no marked centerline. This segment of Rio Hondo Avenue is adjacent to single-family residential homes and parallels Savannah Elementary School. Within the City of Rosemead, De Adalena Street is considered to be a local road. De Adalena Street has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. De Adalena Street is approximately 40 -feet wide, with one lane in each direction and there is no marked centerline. This segment of De Adalena Street is adjacent to single-family residential homes and parallels Savannah Elementary School. After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Savannah Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL 167 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING NORTH OF THE EXIT DRIVEWAY ALONG EAST SIDE OF RIO HONDO AVENUE. 2. INSTALL NEW "DO NOT ENTER" SIGN AND "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN NORTH OF THE EXISTING SCHOOL DRIVEWAY AS SHOWN ON RIO HONDO AVENUE. 3. INSTALL NEW "LOADING ZONE 7AM TO 9AM, 12PM TO 3PM SCHOOL DAYS ONLY" SIGN AND POLE AS SHOWN ALONG RIO HONDO AVENUE. 4. INSTALL 30 -FEET RED CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF DE ADALENA STREET IN FRONT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT. FIRE HYDRANT MUST HAVE 30 -FEET OF RED CURB, PER CVC 22514 STANDARDS. A detailed traffic report is included as Attachment A, the Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes as Attachment B, and the Installation Exhibit as Attachment C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the recommended improvements at each of the five school locations. City Council Regular Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 6 of 6 FINANCIAL IMPACT The curb markings and sign replacement improvements will be performed by in-house staff, if additional materials and supplies are necessary to complete the tasks the cost impact will be minimal (under $5,000). The crosswalk refreshing improvements will be included in an upcoming striping project to be performed by a contractor. The Public Works Department will utilize the approved Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Field Services Division budget to complete the work. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed work involves the maintenance and minor alteration of existing public infrastructure; therefore, the project is Class 1 Categorically Exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan Goal C - Infrastructure and Facilities, which is to enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Danlelle Garcia Public Works Fiscal and Project Manager Submitted by: oya Wang, P.E., S.E. Director of Public Works Attachment A: April 6, 2023 Traffic Commission Staff Report Attachment B: April 6, 2023 Traffic Commission Minutes Attachment C: Installation Exhibit Attachment A Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated April 6, 2023 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: MICHAEL CHUNG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: APRIL 6, 2023 SUBJECT: MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING & UNLOADING CURB MARKINGS REVIEW SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a loading and unloading zone curb markings review and recommended appropriate improvements at the school locations of Shuey Elementary School, Janson Elementary School, Muscatel Middle School, Encinita Elementary School, and Savannah Elementary School. The City of Rosemead received a request to evaluate of the curb markings of multiple schools throughout the city. The request was from the Rosemead School District to review 5 schools in the city and review the installation of curb markings along school frontages for potential areas of loading and unloading with updated signage. In response to this request and on behalf of the city, engineering staff has completed a review of each of the school locations and recommended potential upgrades to loading and unloading zones along the school frontages. LOCATION 1: SHUEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ANALYSIS Within the City of Rosemead, Shuey Elementary School is an elementary school located south of Wells Street. The front of the school faces north along Wells Street. Shuey Elementary School serves approximately 491 students in grades K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Shuey Elementary School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 7:30 am, End time 2:20 pm. City Traffic Commission Meeting April 6, 2023 Paee 2 of 7 Existing Conditions: Wells Street is approximately 40 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH and runs alongside Shuey Elementary School and single- family residential homes. There is existing signage parking on street sweeping days, from 6AM- 1 OAM on Thursdays. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the Califomia Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Shuey Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. Please refer to FIGURE 2 in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL 50' (FEET) WEST OF ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY, AND 70' (FEET) EAST OF ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY, AS SHOWN. INSTALL TOTAL OF 120' (FEET) OF WHITE CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET. 2. INSTALL LOADING ZONE ONLY SIGNAGE ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET. 3. INSTALL "DO NOT ENTER" SIGN (R1-5) AT THE EXIT DRIVEWAY TO SHUEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARKING LOT ALONG WELLS STREET ON EXISTING SIGN -POST BELOW EXISTING SIGN. 4. INSTALL RED CURB ALONG WELLS STREET AT EARLE AVENUE AT CROSSWALK. INSTALL 20 -FEET ON NORTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET AT EARLE STREET AND INSTALL 20 -FEET OF RED CURB ON SOUTH SIDE WELLS STREET ON EAST SIDE OF CROSSWALK. LOCATION 2: JANSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ANALYSIS Within the City of Rosemead, Janson Elementary School is an elementary school located south of Marshall Street. The front of the school faces north along Marshall Street. Janson Elementary City Traffic Commission Meeting April 6, 2023 Paee 3 of 7 School serves 593 students in grades K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Janson Elementary School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 8:00 am, End time 2:20 pm. Existing Conditions: Marshall Street, a major collector, is approximately 36 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH and runs alongside Janson Elementary School and single-family residential homes. Bartlett Avenue, a local street, is approximately 36 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH and runs alongside Janson Elementary School and single-family residential homes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Janson Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. Please refer to FIGURE 4 in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. REFRESH APPROXIMATELY 289' (FEET) OF EXISTING WHITE CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF MARSHALL STREET. 2. PAINT APPROXIMATELY 120' (FEET) OF WHITE CURB ALONG WEST SIDE OF BARTLETT AVENUE. 3. INSTALL LOADING ZONE ONLY SIGNAGE ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF MARSHALL STREET AND WEST SIDE OF BARTLETT AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 100' APART. City Traffic Commission Meeting April 6, 2023 Pace 4 of 7 LOCATION 3: MUSCATEL MIDDLE SCHOOL ANALYSIS Within the City of Rosemead, Muscatel Middle School is a middle school located west of Ivar Avenue. The front of the school faces west along Ivar Avenue. Muscatel Middle School serves 569 students in grades 7-8. The regular bell schedules for students at Muscatel Middle School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 8:00 am, End time 2:25 pm. Existing Conditions: Ivar Avenue, a local road, is approximately 40 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH and runs alongside Muscatel Middle School and single-family residential homes, as well as some commercial buildings south of the school. There is also existing street sweeping signage indicating no parking on Tuesdays between 8AM- 12PM along Ivar Avenue, as well as on Lawrence Avenue and Newby Avenue. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Muscatel Middle School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. Please refer to FIGURE 6 in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL 70 -FEET WHITE CURB NORTH OF INTERSECTION, AND 25 -FEET WHITE CURB ALONG IVAR AVENUE NORTH OF AND AT THE INTERSECTION WITH LAWRENCE AVENUE. PAINT TOTAL OF 95 -FEET OF WHITE. 2. INSTALL 20 -FEET RED CURB ON NORTH SIDE OF CROSSWALK ON WEST CURB AT IVAR AVENUE AND LAWRENCE AVENUE INTERSECTION. 3. INSTALL TOTAL OF 45 -FEET RED CURB SOUTH OF THE CROSSWALK ON WEST CURB AT IVAR AVENUE AND LAWRENCE AVENUE INTERSECTION SOUTH OF THE CROSSWALK AND IN FRONT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT. FIRE HYDRANT MUST HAVE 30 -FEET OF RED CURB, PER CVC 22514 STANDARDS. City Traffic Commission Meeting April 6, 2023 Page 5 of 7 4. INSTALL 115 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING SOUTH OF IVAR AVENUE. 5. INSTALL 20 -FEET RED CURB ON SOUTH SIDE OF CROSSWALK AND 30 -FEET RED CURB ON NORTH SIDE OF CROSSWALK (50 -FEET TOTAL) ON WEST CURB AT IVAR AVENUE AND NEWBY AVENUE INTERSECTION. FIRE HYDRANT NORTH OF CROSSWALK MUST HAVE 30 -FEET OF RED CURB, PER CVC 22514 STANDARDS. 6. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING LOADING ZONE SIGNAGE WITH NEW "LOADING ZONE 7AM TO 9AM, 12PM TO 3PM SCHOOL DAYS ONLY" SIGN AND POLE. 7. ADDITIONAL OPTION FOR THE CITY TO CONSIDER: For the existing bus zone along Ivar Avenue, if any issues with buses exists, we could revisit the proposed recommendations to the area and address them. LOCATION 4: ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ANALYSIS Within the City of Rosemead, Encinita Elementary School is an elementary school located at the south west comer of Lower Azusa Avenue and Encinita Avenue. The front of the school faces East on Encinita Avenue. Encinita Elementary School serves 338 students from Kindergarten to K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Encinita Elementary School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 8:00 am, and End time 2:20 pm. Existing Conditions: Within the City of Rosemead, Encinita Avenue is considered a major collector road. Encinita Avenue has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. Encinita Avenue is approximately 36 -feet wide south of the intersection with Lower Azusa Road and is approximately 45 -feet wide south of the intersection with Pitkin Street, with one lane in each direction and is marked with a dotted yellow centerline. This segment of Encinita Avenue is adjacent to single-family residential homes and parallels Encinita Elementary School. Within the City of Rosemead, Lower Azusa Road is considered to be a minor arterial road. Lower Azusa Road has a speed limit of 40 MPH and is approximately 58 -feet wide, with two lanes of travel in each direction and a double yellow center line. This segment of Lower Azusa Road is adjacent to single-family residential homes and runs parallel to Encinita Elementary School. The loading and unloading zones for buses is along Lower Azusa Road, as well as in the small parking lot west of the intersection with Encinita Avenue. City Traffic Commission Meeting April 6, 2023 Nee 6 of 7 STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Encinita Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. Please refer to FIGURE 8 in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL 75 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING WEST OF THE DRIVEWAY AND 105 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING EAST OF THE DRIVEWAY ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD. TOTAL WHITE CURB TO BE INSTALLED IS 180 -FEET ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD. 2. INSTALL NEW "LOADING ZONE 7AM TO 9AM, 12PM TO 3PM SCHOOL DAYS ONLY" SIGN AND POLE AS SHOWN ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD AND ENCINITA AVENUE. LOCATION 5: SAVANNAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ANALYSIS Within the City of Rosemead, Savannah Elementary School is an elementary school located at the south east comer of Rio Hondo Avenue and De Adalena Street. The front of the school faces West on Rio Hondo Avenue. Savannah Elementary School serves 381 students from Kindergarten to K- 6. The regular bell schedules for students at Savannah Elementary School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 8:00 am, and End time 2:20 pm. Existing Conditions: Within the City of Rosemead, Rio Hondo Avenue is considered a local road. Rio Hondo Avenue has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. Rio Hondo Avenue is approximately 40 -feet wide, with one lane in each direction and there is no marked centerline. This segment of Rio Hondo Avenue is adjacent to single-family residential homes and parallels Savannah Elementary School. City Traffic Commission Meeting April 6, 2023 Paee 7 of 7 Within the City of Rosemead, De Adalena Street is considered to be a Local road. De Adalena Street has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. De Adalena Street is approximately 40 -feet wide, with one lane in each direction and there is no marked centerline. This segment of De Adalena Street is adjacent to single-family residential homes and parallels Savannah Elementary School. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Savannah Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. Please refer to FIGURE 10 in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL 167 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING NORTH OF THE EXIT DRIVEWAY ALONG EAST SIDE OF RIO HONDO AVENUE. 2. INSTALL NEW "DO NOT ENTER" SIGN AND "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN NORTH OF THE EXISTING SCHOOL DRIVEWAY AS SHOWN ON RIO HONDO AVENUE. 3. INSTALL NEW "LOADING ZONE 7AM TO 9AM, 12PM TO 3PM SCHOOL DAYS ONLY" SIGN AND POLE AS SHOWN ALONG RIO HONDO AVENUE. 4. INSTALL 30 -FEET RED CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF DEL ADALENA STREET IN FRONT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT. FIRE HYDRANT MUST HAVE 30 -FEET OF RED CURB, PER CVC 22514 STANDARDS. Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A — Technical Traffic Engineering Report TRANSTECh TO: Rosemead Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: April 6, 2023 SUBJECT: MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING & UNLOADING CURB MARKINGS REVIEW INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a request to review multiple schools throughout the city. The request was from the Rosemead School District to review 5 schools in the city and review the installation of curb markings along school frontages for potential areas of loading and unloading with updated signage. The 5 schools addressed are as follows: Shuey Elementary School, Janson Elementary School, Muscatel Middle School, Encinita Elementary School, and Savannah Elementary School. In response to this request and on behalf of the city, engineering staff has completed a review of each of the school locations and recommended potential upgrades to loading and unloading zones along the school frontages. Figure 1: Vicinity Map — City of Rosemead W G3 ts. iJ LEGENDS Schools of Interest: 1. Shuey Elementary School 2. Janson Elementary School 3. Muscatel Middle School 4. Encinitas Elementary School 5. Savannah Elementary School ,F r CITY OF ROSEMF.iD .� A VW CITY OF ROSEMEAD 0 E E Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 11 x W G3 ts. iJ LEGENDS Schools of Interest: 1. Shuey Elementary School 2. Janson Elementary School 3. Muscatel Middle School 4. Encinitas Elementary School 5. Savannah Elementary School ,F r CITY OF ROSEMF.iD .� A VW CITY OF ROSEMEAD 0 E E Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 11 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD LOCATION 1: SHUEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EXISTING CONDITIONS 1: Existing Conditions Map— WRIEV 1_ School w _ 7 39,7„ a�. i R � 1�1 LEGEND Stop Sign (R1-1) Stop Sign Ahead (R1-1) School Ahead (SW24-1) 1 19 50' X70) 6. 11 AftsmoLill Jim ow x fU r Shuey Elementary School �:,_ [[[ r� IStop Sign Ahead No Parking during Street Sweeping Q fiAll•1fiW (R30a variation) me sew 11 Stop Sign Ahead (SR4-1(CAD Existing Red Curb Existing rain 4 Not a Through Street Unmarked Curb s e (non -conforming) Wells Street: Wells Street is approximately 40 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH, and runs alongside Shuey Elementary School and single-family residential homes. There is existing signage parking on street sweeping days, from 6AM-10AM on Thursdays. Shuey Elementary School: Within the City of Rosemead, Shuey Elementary School is an elementary school located south of Wells Street. The front of the school faces north along Wells Street. Shuey Elementary School serves approximately 491 students in grades K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Shuey Elementary School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 7:30 am, End time 2:20 pm. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 11 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD Figure 2: Proposed Changes at Shuey Elementary School sA6I. aw 1� t _ I r,. 3 ARM 4 Shuey Elementary 2 School LEGEND O INSTALL 50' (FEET) WEST OF ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY, ® 1 AND 70' (FEET) EAST OF ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY, AS , SHOWN. INSTALL TOTAL OF 120' (FEET) OF WHITE LOADING CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET. ZONE PARKING PAssDais O INSTALL LOADING ZONE ONLY SIGNAGE ALONG SOUTH 12 oyt, 3µPM �eoxx ro uiamRc SIDE OF WELLS STREET. SEE DETAIL 1 FOR SIGNAGE 7mTO9m OPTIONS. SCHooLaYS 1RIro3P1 ONLY »mnn 3 INSTALL'DO NOT ENTER" SIGN (Rt -5) AT THE EXIT DRIVEWAY TO SHUEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARKING LOT ALONG WELLS STREET ON EXISTING SIGN -POST BELOW EXISTING SIGN. SEE DETAIL 2. OINSTALL RED CURB ALONG WELLS STREET AT EARLE ' AVENUE AT CROSSWALK. INSTALL 20 -FEET ON NORTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET AT EARLE STREET AND INSTALL 20 -FEET OF RED CURB ON SOUTH SIDE WELLS STREET ON EAST SIDE OF CROSSWALK. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 11 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD LOCATION 2: JANSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EXISTING CONDITIONS -Igure s: txlsting t.onattlons rvlap -Janson uemencary xr1oU1 377 - r'>• 102' 26'6 •p yy `SMI, •? 'Janson Elementa- {� School Rr `a <ii �f- LEGEND SCHOOL SPE® ED (R2-1) Sign 2115 Stop Sign (R1-1) LIMIT School Speed Limit . Stop Ahead (W3-1) Sign 2 Signal ControlledLOADING Intersection No Parking Sign from oy"Y Loading Zone Only Sign 1�AY_ItN IDAM to 12 PM ltwo'N' 8AM to 1 PM ® PF1lM IMMGK No U Turn woe, (113-4) Sign NO uw OOiLET No Outlet (W 14-2) Sign Curve Ahead Sign (W1-3) School Crossing Ahead & 20 MPH Speed Limit Signage (Sl -1) Existing White Curb 20 Curve Sign (W13 -1P) MIH Existing Unmarked ® Existing Red Curb Curb CITY OF ROSEMEAD By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 11 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD Marshall Street: Marshall Street, a major collector, is approximately 36 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. it has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH, and runs alongside Janson Elementary School and single-family residential homes. Bartlett Ave: Bartlett Avenue, a local street, is approximately 36 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH, and runs alongside Janson Elementary School and single-family residential homes. Janson Elementary School: Within the City of Rosemead, Janson Elementary School is an elementary school located south of Marshall Street. The front of the school faces north along Marshall Street. Janson Elementary School serves 593 students in grades K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Janson Elementary School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 8:00 am, End time 2:20 pm. 4: Pr000se0 CnanHes at Janson tlementarV Dcnool • 0- 3i . t m p o mw t r 4V v Janson Elementary School i w-17� w IJ N LEGEND O REFRESH APPROXIMATELY 289' (FEET) OF EXISTING WHITE CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF MARSHALL STREET AS SHOWN. OPAINT APPROXIMATELY 120' (FEET) OF WHITE CURB ALONG WEST SIDE OF BARTLETT AVENUE AS SHOWN. OINSTALL LOADING ZONE ONLY SIGNAGE ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF MARSHALL STREET AND WEST SIDE OF BARTLETT AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 100' APART. SIGNAGE OPTIONS SHOWN, SEE DETAIL 1. O E EAD LOADING ff ZONE PARKING PJS131105 7WON Inmsen 12 PyTO3Pm Kom Tw SOMDArS 12wt3w acr :>�xs CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 11 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD LOCATION 3: MUSCATEL MIDDLE SCHOOL EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 5: Existing Conditions Map — Muscatel Middle School 'g- ' � 38'9" cz �t _ 19'6' 38'9'tai� ,A . ,- yy 4 Muscatel Middle School I Lt zIT • „ �� ��•-mom' ��'f�_>��=J _�—n yx T4— 38'9" 1 �. LIMIT LEGEND O NO ® . Stop Sign (R1-1) ® ST NG No Stopping Any Time Pedestrian Sign .. (1128) (Flashing S1-1 w/ 4— (Flashing W16-7P) Existing White Curb SPEED � LIMIT School Speed Limit 2 Sign (SR4-1) Existing Red Curb 5 8 —Existing Green Curb Ivar Avenue: Ivar Avenue, a local road, is approximately 40 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH, and runs alongside Muscatel Middle School and single-family residential homes, as well as some commercial buildings south of the school. There is also existing street sweeping signage indicating no parking on Tuesdays between 8AM-12PM along Ivar Avenue, as well as on Lawrence Avenue and Newby Avenue. Muscatel Middle School: Within the City of Rosemead, Muscatel Middle School is a middle school located west of Ivar Avenue. The front of the school faces west along Ivar Avenue. Muscatel Middle School serves 569 students in grades 7-8. The regular bell schedules for students at Muscatel Middle School is as follows: Monday through Friday —Start time 8:00 am, End time 2:25 pm. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 11 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD O: rrrupmeu c-nango ac ... uxaw, n Z -._` V �l Muscatel Middle - School I# r —,W4 I I 'I 6 rot , J �► LEGEND OINSTALL 70 -FEET WHITE CURB NORTH OFO INSTALL 20 -FEET RED CURB ON SOUTH SIDE OF INTERSECTION, AND 25 -FEET WHITE CURB CROSSWALK AND 30 -FEET RED CURB ON NORTH ALONG IVAR AVENUE NORTH OF AND AT THE SIDE OF CROSSWALK (50 -FEET TOTAL) ON WEST INTERSECTION WITH LAWRENCE AVENUE. PAINT CURB AT IVAR AVENUE AND NEWBY AVENUE TOTAL OF 95 -FEET OF WHITE AS SHOWN. INTERSECTION. FIRE HYDRANT NORTH OF CROSSWALK MUST HAVE 30 -FEET OF RED CURB, OINSTALL 20 -FEET RED CURB ON NORTH SIDE OF PER CVC 22514 STANDARDS. CROSSWALK ON WEST CURB AT IVAR AVENUE AND LAWRENCE AVENUE INTERSECTION. 6 REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING LOADING ZONE SIGNAGE WITH NEW `LOADING ZONE 7AM OINSTALL TOTAL OF 45 -FEET RED CURB SOUTH OF TO 9AM,12PM TO 3PM SCHOOL DAYS ONLY" SIGN THE CROSSWALK ON WEST CURB AT IVAR AND POLE AS SHOWN IN THE FIGURE. SEE SIGN OPTIONS SHOWN IN DETAIL 1. AVENUE AND LAWRENCE AVENUE INTERSECTION SOUTH OF THE CROSSWALK AND IN FRONT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT. FIRE HYDRANT MUST HAVE , 30 -FEET OF RED CURB, PER CVC 22514 LOADING STANDARDS. ZONE PARKING INSTALL 115 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING SOUTH 7w109w LawkgD O OF IVAR AVENUE, 11 03pm RNK 2w s UDAYS 12P 03w 'ADDITIONAL OPTION FOR THE CITY TO CONSIDER: For the existing bus zone along Ivar Avenue, if any issues with buses exists, we could „, r revisit the proposed recommendations to the area and address them. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepares ay: I ranstecn engineers, mc, t rage i oT as MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD LOCATION 4: ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 7: Existing Conditions Map — Encinita Elementary School �~ �# 66'� — Sz aac 36' - —Encinita Elementary j. Schoor h7 h 18, �1 INV - 45' LEGEND FlashingSchool sceooc SPEED 25 -MPH Speed Limit 'nIE School Loading Zone School ® Advance Crossing 25 when Children are v;i: Day Only Sign Sign & present Sign (SR4-1) �a Downward Plaque QCard W16 -7P O p'tNpIG No Parking during Street No Stop Sign (R1-1) H Sweeping (117-2a 70ppig No Stopping Any TIME Time Sign (R1-1) _Existing Red Curb ® Existing White Curb Encinita Avenue — Within the City of Rosemead, Encinita Avenue is considered a major collector road. Encinita Avenue has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. Encinita Avenue is approximately 36 -feet wide south of the intersection with Lower Azusa Road and is approximately 45 - feet wide south of the intersection with Pitkin Street, with one lane in each direction and is marked with a dotted yellow centerline. This segment of Encinita Avenue is adjacent to single-family residential homes and parallels Encinita Elementary School. CITY OF ROSEMEAD vreparea uy: iranscecn Engineers, mc. i rage. W .. MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD Lower Azusa Road[— Within the City of Rosemead, Lower Azusa Road is considered to be a minor arterial road. Lower Azusa Road has a speed limit of 40 MPH and is approximately 58 -feet wide, with two lanes of travel in each direction and a double yellow center line. This segment of Lower Azusa Road is adjacent to single-family residential homes and runs parallel to Encinita Elementary School. The loading and unloading zones for buses is along Lower Azusa Road, as well as in the small parking lot west of the intersection with Encinita Avenue. Encinita Elementary School: Within the City of Rosemead, Encinita Elementary School is an elementary school located at the south west corner of Lower Azusa Avenue and Encinita Avenue. The front of the school faces East on Encinita Avenue. Encinita Elementary School serves 338 students from Kindergarten to K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Encinita Elementary School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 8:00 am, and End time 2:20 pm. Figure 8: Proposed Changes at Encinita Elementary School 1 Y t , 1 2 y • • I f 1 LEGEND OINSTALL 15 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING WEST OF THE DRIVEWAY AND 105 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING EAST OF THE DRIVEWAY LOADING r ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD. TOTAL WHITE CURB TO BE INSTALLED ZONE ppRKING IS 180 -FEET ALONG LOWER AZUSA ROAD. 1r�9w OINSTALL NEW "LOADING ZONE 7AM TO 9AM, 12PM TO 3PM SCHOOL 2 DAYS ONLY" SIGN AND POLE AS SHOWN ALONG LOWER AZUSA s ars " ROAD AND ENCINITA AVENUE. SEE SIGNAGE OPTIONS IN DETAIL 1. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 9 of 11 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD LOCATION 5: SAVANNAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 9: Existing Conditions Map — Savannah Elementary School 1. .T ao talc ..too' y worx. _ 01 yin-_ a H q '? J _ • Savannah S. y Elementary School i LEGEND SPEED r No Parking due to Street Solar Powered LIMIT 30 MPH Speed PARKING ® Stop Sign (Rl-1) 30 Sign (R2 -I) v Sweeping (R7 -2a Variations) School Advance NO No Stopping School Loading Stop Ahead 52."DE I Crossing Sign un Any Time Sign I ���� �- I Zone School Day (W3-1) Sign (SW24-1) CA ME (R1-1) �,°" Only Sign ® Existing Red Curb ® Existing White Curb — Existing Unmarked Curb Rio Hondo Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Rio Hondo Avenue is considered a local road. Rio Hondo Avenue has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. Rio Hondo Avenue is approximately 40 -feet wide, with one lane in each direction and there is no marked centerline. This segment of Rio Hondo Avenue is adjacent to single-family residential homes and parallels Savannah Elementary School. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 10 of 1i MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD De Adalena Street: Within the City of Rosemead, De Adalena Street is considered to be a Local road. De Adalena Street has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. De Adalena Street is approximately 40 -feet wide, with one lane in each direction and there is no marked centerline. This segment of De Adalena Street is adjacent to single-family residential homes and parallels Savannah Elementary School. Savannah Elementary School: Within the City of Rosemead, Savannah Elementary School is an elementary school located at the south east corner of Rio Hondo Avenue and De Adalena Street. The front of the school faces West on Rio Hondo Avenue. Savannah Elementary School serves 381 students from Kindergarten to K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Savannah Elementary School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 8:00 am, and End time 2:20 pm. Figure 10: Proposed Changes at Savannah Elementary School CITY OF ROSEMEAD Attachment B Traffic Commission Minutes Dated April 6, 2023 Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING April 6, 2023 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Drange at 7:01 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Chair Orange INVOCATION: Commissioner Quintanilla PRESENT: Commissioner Hermosillo, Commissioner Quintanilla, Vice Chair Nguyen and Chair Drange ABSENT: Commissioner Lang STAFF PRESENT: City Engineer Chan and Commission Liaison Nguyen 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Drange asked Traffic Commissioners if anyone would like to make revisions or additions to the minutes of March 2, 2023. Chair Nguyen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hermosillo, to accept consent calendar. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Orange No: None Abstain: None Absent: Lang 3. NEW BUSINESS A. MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING & UNLOADING CURB MARKINGS REVIEW Chair Orange opened the public comment period The City received a Public Comment via email from Huey Trieu expressing concerns about traffic at Savannah Elementary and asking for parents to not double park and to not block resident driveways. The City received a Public Comment via email from Fay Yeh asking the City to take action and explained how parents would park in the middle of the street and block their driveway when dropping off their children at school. Chair Drange closed the public comment period. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. She explained that the City received a request from the Rosemead Trak Commission Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2023 Page 1 of 7 Rosemead School District to review 5 schools in the city and review the installation of curb markings along school frontages for potential areas of loading and unloading with updated signage. LOCATION 1: SHUEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Associate Traffic Engineer Richter explained as part of the traffic review for location 1, engineering staff looked at the existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Shuey Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. Traffic Engineer Robbins commented that the City had received suggestions from each school regarding the signage and locations for white curb. Chair Drange asked if the City sent a person out to Shuey Elementary School during school drop off and pickup hours to see how the field conditions are. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter replied they did a field review and measured the curb along Shuey to determine how much white curb could be added and to confirm the existing red curb. During her field observation, there was a lot of vehicle traffic along Wells Street and Earle Avenue. There were parked cars on both sides of the street waiting as far west past Delta Avenue and east of the school, with some vehicles blocking driveways. Chair Drange asked if there was consideration of adding signage on the north side of the street indicating no student drop offs or no jaywalking. He commented that it is common practice for parents to drop off students across the street and asked if it was witnessed at this location. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied it was witnessed, however, the task on this project was to look at the curbing along the school side. In regard to jaywalking, she responded it would be more of an enforcement issue and unfortunately, it is difficult to get enforcement at every school. Chair Drange asked about the loading zone and mentioned that it is common practice for parents to park for thirty minutes and wait. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied some schools elect to do a keep moving forward policy and referenced the no parking passenger loading and unloading signage. Chair Drange asked if the proposed recommendations align with what the school deemed appropriate. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied yes and mentioned the school did request to remove some red zones, however, they were placed there to assist with line of sight issues. Vice Chair Nguyen asked if there were any recommendations from the residents who live across the street from the school. She expressed concerns that residential driveways will still continue to be blocked even after the proposed recommendations are implemented. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied it would be an enforcement issue and for the sheriffs to come out to issue citations in order to deter people from parking as such. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2023 Page 2 of 7 Associate Traffic Engineer Richer mentioned some cities have signs installed indicating no parking during school pickup times in front of the resident homes, however, the residents would have to agree since it would affect the street parking on their side. Chair Drange agrees enforcement is the key factor and commented that people typically change their practices once the sheriff shows up. Commissioner Quintanilla commented that enforcement is the issue and explained it is because there are too many cars for the street, especially by Muscatel Middle School and Savannah Middle School. He does not feel the curb markings and signage will resolve the issue and suggested there should be enforcement first to see how it goes. City Engineer Chan replied the City can reach out to the sheriffs to have more enforcement in that area. Commissioner Quintanilla commented there used to be a deputy parked by Savannah and Muscatel Middle School and they stopped showing up after COVID. He asked staff if they could look into it. Commissioner Hermosillo asked how much it would approximately cost for the City to implement these recommendations. City Engineer Chan replied it would be within $1,000 for this specific location. Commissioner Hermosillo recalled the comment made by Commissioner Quintanilla regarding enforcement and he felt for the small cost, it may be worth implementing those changes. Commissioner Quintanilla agreed and had no issue with the recommendations if that is what the schools requested, however, he strongly expressed his safety concerns with there being no enforcement in the area. Vice Chair Nguyen asked what the area to the right of the school is as depicted in the staff report. City Engineer Chan replied that area belongs to SCE. Commissioner Hermosillo asked the commissioners if there is a preference for the loading zone sign. Vice Chair Nguyen suggested the sign that indicates no parking. Commissioner Quintanilla commented he would like to reassess these items in 3 to 6 months once implemented to determine if additional changes are needed. Vice Chair Nguyen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hermosillo, to approve staff recommendations and to include the no parking loading zone sign as shown in detail 1 of the staff report. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Drange No: None Abstain: None Absent: Lang Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2023 Page 3 of 7 LOCATION 2: JANSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Associate Traffic Engineer Richter introduced location 2 and explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Janson Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. Chair Drange asked if the driveway located on the south side of the school is still being used as a drop off and pick up area. He also asked if the field visit was during a drop off or pick up time. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter replied she noticed parents parking along Olney Street during school pick up hours, however, did not see any vehicles go into the parking lot and exiting onto Olney Street. Vice Chair Nguyen asked if we are able to encourage parents to use the driveway for pick up and drop off. Chair Drange asked if we could add a sign directing people to use the driveway. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied staff could look into it, however, would need to contact the school regarding their rules for public access on their site. City Engineer Chan commented he would not recommend installing a sign on the street public right of way, however, would suggest a portable sign that could be placed out during pick up and drop off hours, as well as to have the school educate the parents to pick up and drop off at the south end of the school. Traffic Engineer Robbins mentioned some schools have a circulation plan posted on their school website which details where to drop off and pick up students. This could also be where the school could educate parents to not block residential driveways. Vice Chair Nguyen agreed with staff recommendation regarding an education campaign. Chair Drange asked about which side of the school the students are coming out from in order to determine where to install the loading zone. He commented that if there is an existing driveway at the south end of the school, it would seem better to not have people waiting along Marshall Street. Commissioner Quintanilla made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hermosillo, to approve staff recommendations with the no parking loading zone sign as shown in detail 1 of the staff report, and to request the schools to do an education outreach to inform residents of the curb markings and safety precautions to follow. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Drange No: None Abstain: None Absent: Lang LOCATION 3: MUSCATEL MIDDLE SCHOOL Associate Traffic Engineer Richter introduced location 3 and explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2023 Page 4 of 7 engineering judgement, it was determined that Muscatel Middle School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. Commissioner Quintanilla asked if the existing white curb in front of the school will remain a white curb Associate Traffic Engineer Richter replied yes. Chair Drange asked if refreshing of the crosswalk markings should be added to the proposed recommendations and how many crosswalks there are. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter replied there is a total of four crosswalks at two intersections, however, mentioned the crosswalks at the north side of both intersections would benefit from refreshing because those are the flashing pedestrian crossing. Commissioner Hermosillo asked to clarify the recommendation regarding the existing bus zone along Ivar Avenue. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter replied that is an additional option for the city to consider, if any issues with buses exists, the city can revisit the proposed recommendations to the area and address them. Traffic Engineer Robbins added that the school had initially requested for additional red curb in that bus zone area. Buses are allowed to park in red zone, however, residents will not be able to park there. The school did not indicate whether there were issues with bus parking, and we would need to confirm with the school district if Muscatel Middle School has buses that require a portion of red curb to allow for student drop off and pick up. Commissioner Hermosillo made a motion, seconded by Vice Chair Nguyen, to approve staff recommendations with the no parking loading zone sign as shown in detail 1 of the staff report, and to include the refreshing of the four crosswalks. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Drange No: None Abstain: None Absent: Lang LOCATION 4: ENCINITA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Associate Traffic Engineer Richter introduced location 4 and explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Encinita Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. Chair Drange asked if there is space for cars to park along Lower Azusa Road and for cars to pass by on the right lane. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied yes. Chair Drange asked if the proposed 75' of white curb will go up to the border of Rosemead High School. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2023 Page 5 of 7 Associate Traffic Engineer Richter replied it would be the 75' of white curb for now. We would have to confirm with the school district to see if the white curb can be extended. Chair Drange asked if it was observed if people were dropping off and picking up their children at the parking lot on the north side of the school on Lower Azusa Road. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter replied she did not notice vehicles entering the staff parking during pick up hours. Vice Chair Nguyen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hermosillo, to approve staff recommendations with the no parking loading zone sign as shown in detail 1 of the staff report. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Quintanilla, Nguyen, Drange No: None Abstain: None Absent: Lang LOCATION 5: SAVANNAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Associate Traffic Engineer Richter introduced location 5 and explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that Savannah Elementary School would benefit from the installation of white curb markings as well as designated loading and unloading signage. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter made a correction to #4 on the proposed recommendations indicating they will be installing 15 -feet of red curb along the south side of De Adalena Street in front of the fire hydrant. Chair Drange asked why there is no white curb being installed on De Adalena Street since it was observed that street had a lot of vehicle traffic. Associate Traffic Engineer Richter replied that area is currently a drop off and pick up area, and there is no existing white curb. The school requested to leave it as is. Traffic Engineer Robbins added that the City requested to not paint white curb along De Adalena Street as some residents and staff park there. Commissioner Quintanilla asked to confirm the staff recommendation was to install 167 -feet white curb north of the exit driveway along east side of Rio Hondo Avenue. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied the school initially requested the entire area to be painted white curb. Commissioner Quintanilla commented he is surprised they would want to install all that white curb and remove the street parking for staff. Chair Drange commented they may still park there as he knows many places in the city that are two hour parking and there is no enforcement. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2023 Page 6 of 7 Commissioner Hermosillo made a motion, seconded by Vice Chair Nguyen, to approve staff recommendations with the no parking loading zone sign as shown in detail 1 of the staff report. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hermosillo, Nguyen, Drange No: Quintanilla Abstain: None Absent: Lang 4. MATTERS FROM STAFF None 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Chair Drange explained that when driving eastbound on Garvey Avenue and making a left tum onto Walnut Grove Ave by the comer with the Circle K gas station, during certain times of the day there will be two cars in the left tum lane due to the backed up traffic on the second lane. He commented that if the left tum lane was longer, cars would not feel like they needed to cut into the opposing traffic to get into that lane. City Engineer Chan replied often times during peak hours there are more drivers that would make that maneuver to get into the parking lot. Chair Drange clarified that he was referring to the cars getting onto the left tum lane at the traffic light. He mentioned the second lane is often backed up, and vehicles trying to get onto the left tum lane end up having to wait until they reach the lane or go around traffic crossing the double yellow lines. City Engineer Chan replied staff can look into the timing of the traffic signals. Chair Drange commented that the left tum lane on Garvey Avenue going northbound towards Walnut Grove Avenue should be extended to allow more traffic to que, while the left tum lane on Garvey Avenue going southbound towards Willard Avenue should be shortened. City Engineer Chan replied staff can look into the intersection. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for May 4, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. 'lAchae D n Chair ATTEST• Ben Kim City Manager Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of April 6, 2023 Page 7 of 7 21 Attachment C Installation Exhibit MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD at bnuey eleelemmeentary acnool 9 � , , ,1 1- 1 4 r Shuey Elementary rrF; 2)-j School -' �.S ice . ZONE PARKING FASSMU S LEGEND O INSTALL 50' (FEET) WEST OF ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY, 12FwTO3w ® AND 70' (FEET) EAST OF ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY, AS UYS 12wm3A QLY SHOWN. INSTALL TOTAL OF 120' (FEET) OF WHITE CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET. OINSTALL LOADING ZONE ONLY SIGNAGE ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET. SEE DETAIL 1 FOR SIGNAGE OPTIONS. OINSTALL "DO NOT ENTER" SIGN (Rt -5) AT THE EXIT DRIVEWAY TO SHUEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARKING LOT ALONG WELLS STREET ON EXISTING SIGN -POST BELOW EXISTING SIGN. SEE DETAIL 2. OINSTALL RED CURB ALONG WELLS STREET AT EARLE AVENUE AT CROSSWALK. INSTALL 20 -FEET ON NORTH SIDE OF WELLS STREET AT EARLE STREET AND INSTALL 20 -FEET OF RED CURB ON SOUTH SIDE WELLS STREET ON EAST SIDE OF CROSSWALK. I �j LOADING ZONE PARKING FASSMU S 7 wTa 9 w Lokm Am 12FwTO3w um 7 UYS 12wm3A QLY vmra DETAIL 2 DD NOT ENTER CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 11 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD Marshall Street: Marshall Street, a major collector, is approximately 36 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH, and runs alongside Janson Elementary School and single-family residential homes. Bartlett Ave: Bartlett Avenue, a local street, is approximately 36 -feet wide and has one lane of travel in each direction. It has a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH, and runs alongside Janson Elementary School and single-family residential homes. Janson Elementary School: Within the City of Rosemead, Janson Elementary School is an elementary school located south of Marshall Street. The front of the school faces north along Marshall Street. Janson Elementary School serves 593 students in grades K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Janson Elementary School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 9:00 am, End time 2:20 pm. v: rroposet r auarl L It xnooJ b r b 3 �. Janson Elementary School c;, LEGEND O REFRESH APPROXIMATELY 289' (FEET) OF EXISTING WHITE CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF MARSHALL STREET AS SHOWN. 2 PAINT APPROXIMATELY 120' (FEET) OF WHITE CURB ALONG WEST SIDE OF BARTLETT AVENUE AS SHOWN. OINSTALL LOADING ZONE ONLY SIGNAGE ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF MARSHALL STREET AND WEST SIDE OF BARTLETT AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 100' APART. SIGNAGE OPTIONS SHOWN, SEE DETAIL 1. LOADING ZONE PARKING PASSM %Ohm Lam Am 12PII'O3Pm 1'm w SDM DAYS 12INTO3PH Ky mmsn CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 11 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING & UNLOADING CURB MARKINGS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Exhibit 1: Rosemead Traffic Commission Approved Recommendations by Muscatel Middle School Exhibit Updated 91612023 s _ a .. , gee s 2W1 INN 4 ; y �MwWeIM.ddle r x 8 _ PARKING 7 PASO= NO 8 v 709w s - -e, i 8 LEGEND INSTALL 30 -FEET OF RED CURB ON THE WEST OINSTALL 70 -FEET OF WHITE CURB ON IVAR AVENUE ON O SIDE OF IVAR AVENUE NORTH OF THE THE WEST CURB NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF CROSSWALK AT THE INTERSECTION WITH LAWRENCE AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 1. NEWBY AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 7. 2 REMOVE AND REPLACE THE EXISTING LOADING ZONEINSTALL 20 -FEET OF RED CURB ON THE WEST SIGNAGE WITH NEW "LOADING ZONE 7AM TO 9AM, O SIDE OF THE CROSSWALK NORTH OF THE 12PM TO 3PM SCHOOL DAYS ONLY" SIGN AND POLE ON INTERSECTION OF IVAR AVENUE AND NEWBY IVAR AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 2. SEE SIGN AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 8. OPTION SHOWN IN DETAIL A. OINSTALL 20 -FEET OF RED CURB NORTH OF THE O REMOVE AND REPLACE THE EXISTING LOADING 3 CROSSWALK ON THE WEST CURB AT THE ZONE SIGNAGES WITH NEW"LOADING ZONE 7AM INTERSECTION OF LAWRENCE AVENUE AND IVAR TO 9AM, 12PM TO 3PM SCHOOL DAYS ONLY" AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 3. SIGNS AND POLE ON IVAR AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 9. SEE SIGN OPTION SHOWN IN DETAIL A. OINSTALL 45 -FEET OF RED CURB SOUTH OF THE CROSSWALK ON THE WEST SIDE OF IVAR AVENUE AND REFRESH THE EXISTING CROSSWALKS IN THE LAWRENCE AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 4. tD NORTH AND EAST LEGS AT THE INTERSECTION OREFRESH THE EXISTING CROSSWALKS IN THE NORTH OF IVAR AVENUE AND NEWBY AVENUE, AS AND EAST LEGS AT THE INTERSECTION OF LAWRENCE SHOWN IN DETAIL 10. AVENUE AND IVAR AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 5. INSTALL 115 -FEET OF WHITE CURB ON THE WEST OINSTALL 25 -FEET OF WHITE CURB ON THE WEST CURB t t SIDE OF IVAR AVENUE SOUTH OF NEWBY OF IVAR AVENUE NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 11. NEWBY AVENUE, AS SHOWN IN DETAIL 6. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 1 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD Lower Azusa Road — Within the City of Rosemead, Lower Azusa Road is considered to be a minor arterial road. Lower Azusa Road has a speed limit of 40 MPH and is approximately 58 -feet wide, with two lanes of travel in each direction and a double yellow center line. This segment of Lower Azusa Road is adjacent to single-family residential homes and runs parallel to Encinita Elementary School. The loading and unloading zones for buses is along Lower Azusa Road, as well as in the small parking lot west of the intersection with Encinita Avenue. Encinita Elementary School: Within the City of Rosemead, Encinita Elementary School is an elementary school located at the south west corner of Lower Azusa Avenue and Encinita Avenue. The front of the school faces East on Encinita Avenue. Encinita Elementary School serves 338 students from Kindergarten to K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Encinita Elementary School is as follows: Mondaythrough Friday — Start time 8:00 am, and End time 2:20 pm. Figure 8: Proposed Changes at Encinita Elementary School CITY OF ROSEMEAD By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 9 of 11 MULTI -SCHOOL LOADING AND UNLOADING IN ROSEMEAD De Adalena Street: Within the City of Rosemead, De Adalena Street is considered to be a Local road. De Adalena Street has a speed limit of 30 MPH, and a marked school speed limit of 25 MPH. De Adalena Street is approximately 40 -feet wide, with one lane in each direction and there is no marked centerline. This segment of De Adalena Street is adjacent to single-family residential homes and parallels Savannah Elementary School. Savannah Elementary School: Within the City of Rosemead, Savannah Elementary School is an elementary school located at the south east corner of Rio Hondo Avenue and De Adalena Street. The front of the school faces West on Rio Hondo Avenue. Savannah Elementary School serves 381 students from Kindergarten to K-6. The regular bell schedules for students at Savannah Elementary School is as follows: Monday through Friday — Start time 8:00 am, and End time 2:20 pm. Figure 30: Proposed Changes at Savannah Elementary School 1 '0Ego ► !� 3 —► 2 b�-- 2 Savannah — � Ar _' � Elementary School — 0 ' tz}� LEGEND 1 INSTALL 167 -FEET WHITE CURB MARKING NORTH OF THE EXIT ' ®DRIVEWAY ALONG EAST SIDE OF RIO HONDO AVENUE. OOADING s ZNE PARKING O INSTALL NEW "DO NOT ENTER" SIGN AND "NO LEFT TURN" SIGN UNV'3 NORTH OF THE EXISTING SCHOOL DRIVEWAY AS SHOWN ON RIO HONDO AVENUE. SEE DETAIL 2 8 3. 11wwiM OINSTALL NEW "LOADING ZONE 7AM TO 9AM, 12PM TO 3PM 3 SCHOOL DAYS ONLY" SIGN AND POLE AS SHOWN ALONG RIO HONDO AVENUE. SEE DETAIL 1 FOR SIGNAGE OPTIONS. ' OINSTALL 30 -FEET RED CURB ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF DEL 4 ADALENA STREET IN FRONT OF THE FIRE HYDRANT. FIRE HYDRANT MUST HAVE 30 -FEET OF RED CURB, PER CVC 22514 STANDARDS. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 11 of 11