CC - Item 5B - Report on Proposed Costs Savings and Enhancements to Non-Medical Employee BenefitsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2023 SUBJECT: REPORT ON PROPOSED COSTS SAVINGS AND ENHANCEMENTS TO NON-MEDICAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SUMMARY Earlier this year, the City contracted with Keenan & Associates ("Keenan") to review the City's comprehensive non-medical benefits to ensure that City employees are receiving the best value for their benefits, with the goal of lowering costs, expanding benefits, or both. Keenan has completed the marketing of the City's plans and based on the proposals received, this report provides a summary of the changes being implemented for the 2024 open enrollment period. This report includes plan and cost information for dental, vision, life and disability, employee assistance programs, as well as new offerings for additional voluntary benefits for pet insurance and long-term care insurance at no cost to the City. Below is a summary of plan changes for various non-medical benefits offered by the City. The information includes the current rate and the proposed new rate for 2024, along with any benefits changes and cost savings to the City or employee. Dental Plan: The City currently contracts with Ameritas for employee dental benefits. The current two-tiered rate structure was changed to a three -tiered rate structure to better align with other benefits offered by the City. The City received several proposals from other providers but elected to remain with Ameritas so that there would be no change in the network for current dental providers. Employee Only 37 S70=0 S 6 3 M. Employee+ Dependents 13 5171.7E $134.72 Employ"-Famdy 10 5:7:.76 5169.42 Monthly Premium 56,555.28 $5.789.88 Annual Premium S78,663.36 569,478.56 AGENDA ITEM 5.13 City Council Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 2 of 8 Based on the negotiated rates provided, the employee only plan is reduced from $70.40 to $63.36 per month; the employee + dependent plan is new the new tier being offered, and the rate is reduced from $171.76 to $134.72 per month; and the employee + family plan is reduced from $171.76 to $169.42 per month. Based on the current number of subscribers at each plan type, the average total savings per year is $9,184.80 or approximately -11.68% to employees on an annual basis. Vision Plan: The City currently contracts vision plan services through VSP directly; however, during the marketing process, Ameritas offered the same vision plan through VSP at a discounted rate which results in significant cost savings for employees. Additionally, the City was able to negotiate a higher frame allowance from the current rate of $150 to $180. Based on the new rates through Ameritas VSP, the employee only plan is reduced from $17.09 to $11.36 per month; the employee + dependent plan is reduced from $26.55 to $20.44 per month; and the employee + family plan is reduced from $42.11 to $29.24 per month. Based on the current number of subscribers at each plan type, the average total savings per year is $3,678.84 or approximately - 29.05% to employees on an annual basis. Employee Only 16 $17.09 $15.38 $11.36 Employee + 1 12 $26.55 $23.90 $20.44 Employee + 2 11 $42.11 $37.90 $29.24 Monthly Premium $1,054.25 $948.78 $748.68 Annual Premium $12,663.00 $11,397.36 $8.984.16 Group Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance: The City currently contracts with Principal Financial for its group life and AD&D insurance. The benefit is $100,000 per employee. Based on the City's marketing of its plan and the current census of employees, Lincoln Group Life offered a significant discount over Principal's revised rates. Since this is a city paid benefit at no cost to the employee, annual premium costs are reduced from $24,804.38 to $12,002.12 per year, a -51.61% cost savings to the City. Group Life Volume $5,129,110 $5.129.110 $5.129,110 Premium Rate (Basic Life) per $1,000 $0.357 $0.293 $0.170 Premium Rate (AD&D) per $1,000 $0.046 $0.046 $0.025 Monthly Premium $2.D67.03 $1.738.77 $1.000.18 Annual Premium $24.804.38 $20.865.22 $12.002.12 City Council Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 3 of 8 Short & Long -Term Disability The City currently contracts with Principal Life for short and long-term disability coverage. Based on the City's marketing of its plan, Lincoln Group Life offered a significant discount over Principal's revised rates. In addition to the cost savings, the maximum benefit allowance was increased to cover all salaries at 66.67%. For example, the current weekly rate for short-term disability is increasing from $1,848 to $2,400 per week and the currently month rate for long- term disability is increasing from $8,000 per month to $10,400. Even with these enhanced benefits, the City's annual premium is reduced from $55,168.17 to $32,047.95, a $23,120.22 or - 41.91% annual savings to the City. Total Monthly Premium Total Annual Premium Employee Assistance Program (EAP): The City currently contracts with Magellan, a subcontract for Principal Life, for its Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which provides mental health and other counseling to employees. The current number of visits allowed per incident is three (3) at no cost to the City. Lincoln Group Life is offering six (6) visits per incidents for an annual premium of $1,382.40. Based on the overall costs, this is a nominal cost to the City for 100% increase in the benefit. Monthly Premium 60 $0.00 $115.20 Annual Premium $0.00 $1.382.40 Overall Summary of Plan Changes: Based on the information provided, the total cost of all annual City or employee paid premiums for dental, vision, group life, short and long-term disability, and the employee assistance program will decrease from a current annual total of $171,298.91 to $128,924.72, resulting a total annual savings of $42,374.19 or -24.74% as shown in the chart below. These plan changes will take effect beginning January 1, 2024, and additional outreach and plan materials will be provided to all employees during the benefits fair sponsored by Keenan on September 14, 2023. Additionally, staff will be able to meet one on one with a benefits advisor during the open enrollment period to ask any questions about the plans, benefits, and other questions they may have about the open enrollment process in further of the City's continued commitment to attract and retain a highly skilled and qualified workforce. City Council Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 4 of 8 Effective: 1/1/2024 Dental PPO Vision Group Lite/AD&D Short -Term Disability Long -Term Disability EAP Monthly Premium Annual Premium %Change Over Current $ Change Over Current 9'o Change Over Renewal $ Change Over Renewal Ameritas (DPPO) Ameritas (DPPO) Ameritas (DPPO) VSP (Vision) VSP (Vision) Ameritas VSP (Vision) Principal (GL/Dis/EAP) Principal (GL/Dis/EAP) Lincoln (GL/Dis/EAP) $ 6 59528 $ --- 5 789 88 $ -------5-78-9.88 105525 $ 94978 $ 74866 $ 2067 03_ $ ...$._ .. 1.000.18 $ .... 1.83133 _ $ _.-,-,.f,73-8-77- 153436 $..... _ 1.34343.... $ _.. 2.761.602 $ _-_-___276602....-._$__..... _.-_ 1.74637 $ ._. . $ � $ 115.20 $ 14,274.91 $ 12,778.80 $ 10,743.73 $ 171,298.91 $ -153345.54---$... --128924.72- New Voluntary Benefit Offerings: The new voluntary benefit offerings are services that the City will be able to provide to employees at a discounted group rate that are paid for by the employee through a payroll deduction. The following offerings can help provide employees with additional financial safety and lifestyle benefits. Supplemental Life and Critical Illness Coverage: The City will implement new Madison National Life voluntary coverages — accident, critical illness and hospital indemnity plans that employees can select from. The accident coverage offers two different plans to choose from and each pay fixed indemnity benefits for accidental injuries and can provide financial help when the unexpected happens. Employee plans begin from $17.91 a month for the Accident Basic Plan or $23.49 a month for the Accident Enhanced Plan. There are also plan options available that include spouses, children, and family. Madison National Life's critical illness coverage offers three options to choose from, each paying a lump sum payment upon the diagnosis of a covered condition, most of which are covered 100%, directly to the insured. The pricing of the plan is determined by the plan option chosen and by the employee's age. The hospital indemnity plan offered may be of great assistance in helping employees handle hospital bills and additional expenses that may come up from spending time at the hospital. This plan provides benefits with hospital admission, confinement, Intensive Care Unit, air ambulance, and ground ambulance. This plan offers employees competitive monthly rates that begin from $4.30 for an employee, $8.60 for employee and spouse, $7.06 for employee and children, and $11.58 for employee and family. City Council Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 5 of 8 Carrier Name Madison National Life Madison National Life -..__ Plan Name Accident Bas r Arc nem ErDanced Accident Emergency Treatment $25Urriat I My., � $25 .t 1 pet roar Folmw up wsrt fsa:;em;wm4wm fSaMui.wroawab Accidental Death 55.000 units for spouses (515k max) Go,nmon carrier SSGk FFBC S25L (00d SIGGk FF/6p S401, Child r her hcc dent $23k FESP5125k C10d SSOk Chid FW �snte nDer.mer•� f2 --- of$2D0kk 525kwm$20---------- ---- Health Screening_ ---- - __ _, HoSpilal Admission 3500, 1 po 12 mmlhs SI.000, 1 per 12 nwltlu Hospital Confinement $150(day (upm365 bri) f23Grdry (w to 365 days) Inlensire Care Unit Admission 5300 (upro 30 hys) $SOWday (w--�?M) Medical Imaging _. _._...._. _ _._ MRI, CT, GAT, PET, (:S $250 $2W %Rey --Transportation 5230 $100 Benefits f 55.19 Ttansportation(Ambulance) $300 Grand$2Nair $300Gua d $Ik Ar __ ----- Family Member Lodging &.Meals $100 $100 Treatment ___......_.—.—_. fi064 - Outpatient or Surgical Center 3200 Surgwy, $IN ohm 1. year 5400 Surgery. $100 ogu la year Anesthesia $50 $IIx) Tawbyas $17.91 $23.49 Frllplgea 85pauea $2547 $3161 FaryHoys ACNtl(ren) $2835 53690 Fiwlyin-farm- $3591 54482 r. -u , s Carrier Name Madison National Life Madison National Life Madison National Life_ rrei-i ilimozs .n.ira Ilness 2 Critical Illness 3 Benefit Amoums S5.000 units to S10.000 ..Is for 35.000 units for Employess($15a mazy Employees Y30k maiq. Employers(S15k $5,000 unite fu Spouses 530 000 units M 55.000 units for spouses (515k max) Spouses (Mk max) (1151, max) Guariame Issue Maxkman bus aga h Maximum haus age h xh Manm uIssue age Is Cancer (lotemal o II NDII-nVaS;Ve CBIICBI 1629 $ 3.95 S 6.03 $ 7.40 938 _1127....1_]3034 —3639 __.. . .f ..._.f__ .17 4044.1 17 S 1928 S 26.58 5 15 18 1 27.99 $ 3937 5054 $ 2135 S 38.68 f 55.19 5559 $ 2675 $ 49.19 f 70.85 .. ___......_.—.—_. fi064 - 3068 $ _.._........ 5].03 "----__._. fi5a ....i_385fi t ]2.46 f 30564 City Council Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 6 of 8 Carrier Name Plan Name Hospital Admission _... _.. _.. _ _..................... Hospital Confinement Intensive Care Unit Air Ambulance ......................................................... _.... _...... _. Ground Ambulance Madison National Llle $100, 1 day/person $100/day, up to Iday/person $600/day, up to 30 days/pers, .... .............. .................................... . ........... $300 per day / 1 day per year $100 per day /1 day per Employee .. _ . ._.._........................ $4.30 ....... _.... .. . ... ........., ... .......................... .................. ......._........... ......... Employee & spouse ........ ..... _.._ $8.60 ... _..__..._..._.... _..... ..._.............................................. _.... ........... ...... ............,..... . .........._........................_.........._.........................__.._.._..._................. Employee & Child(ren) $7.06 Employee & Family $11.58 The City will offer Nationwide Pet insurance as a voluntary plan option. This pet coverage is offered through the City to employees at preferred pricing and with a choice of either a 50% or 70% reimbursement level to get cash back on eligible veterinarian bills. It can be used at any veterinarian and there are no pre -approvals needed. This pet insurance offers coverage for accidents, illnesses, and wellness. For accidents there is coverage for emergency care, broken bones, sprains, lacerations and poisoning. Coverage for illnesses includes medical care, including allergies, ear infections, arthritis and cancer. Regarding pet wellness, there is coverage for preventative care, including checkups, vaccinations, and flea/tick prevention. Our popular My Pet Protection' pet insurance plans now feature more choices and more flexibility OGet cash back m MWle M b•e: Choose Year r•imeursemwa k 1 of 5014W 7016' OAvaeade exclusyety fer wrp4owac p w prefen•d pnc1W oMy ofhrea tMplph your corriperry OUse arty vet, anywhere: W ratworks. no pn`.p k Choose your level of coverage with My Pet Protection` 50 �� reimbursement 520-535/month' City Council Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 7 of 8 Rates for California • Dog - $43.68 a month for 70% reimbursement and $32.76 a month for 50% reimbursement. • Cat - $26.21 a month for 70% reimbursement and $19.66 a month for 50% reimbursement. 2. The City will implement a benefit administration platform called Wise Benefits that will assist Human Resources with benefit administration and allow employees access to their benefit information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Horace Man Enrollment Counselors will meet with Employees to provide education on all benefit options and assist them with enrollment through the Wise Benefits platform. Education/Enrollment Options Making sure your employees truly understand and appreciate the benefits you providet �AD 1� J.�� ...�i 3. The city will change from the current P & A Section 125 plan vendor to a new vendor at no cost. This plan allows employees to pre-tax payroll deductions and healthcare/daycare expenses. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. City Council Meeting September 12, 2023 Page 8 of 8 FISCAL IMPACT The following are the annual premium savings per each benefit change: 1. Ameritas dental PPO- $9,184.00 2. Ameritas VSP- $3,678.00 3. Lincoln Insurance- $12,802.00 4. Disability coverage through Lincoln Insurance- $23,120.00 The total annual premium savings is $42,374.00 STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT None. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: licia C. Ramirez Human Resources Manager Attachment A: PowerPoint Presentation Attachment A PowerPoint Presentation N W Q Z Q V z rL LL � LLI Z W CO Z J a O N Z Z v O OW v N LLJ a U Y > V v Z N Q V O N W m C O V O U W CL uj V1 C C YC � 3 W z rL El o = 1� . , . I� . . , j 0CL - CL 7 u E g2£ k 2 J \ \ cL E } { / )`7 _\$ \ -E § bo J 0 { 7 2 w = ! /ik k MO 0 MO % {\j u/ 5 ai . \\\ _ //� �} El o = 1� . , . I� . . , w >- > oC H Q w X D w cn N yN O O Z C a V Q V W m y O Q C R C a a Y D O N ^ i N Q ; C� C > N 0 Q a) aJ ++ a-+ � O �i— N O �+ U NO -C a) :3 t E v o 4-1 `° aJ a) c v t N ? 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