CC - Item 7B - Discussion Regarding Letter of Support of Senate Bill 710 (Durazo) Sale of Excess State Highway Property: State Highway Route 710 Terminus - As AmendedROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2023 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION REGARDING LETTER OF SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 710 (DURAZO) SALE OF EXCESS STATE HIGHWAY PROPERTY: STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 710 TERMINUS — AS AMENDED SUMMARY At the September 12, 2023, City Council meeting, the City Council directed City staff to bring back the amended text of Senate Bill 710 for further review. The City Council will discuss the continued opposition or support of Senate Bill (SB) 710 (Durazo) Sale of excess state highway property: State Highway Route 710 Terminus as amended. SB 710 directs the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to establish and administer the Terminus Regional Planning Task Force (Task Force) with specified membership and requires the Task Force to submit a report on traffic issues and potential land uses related to State Route 710, including the Alhambra 710 Arterial Project. The Task Force is, by December 1, 2025, to complete and submit a report to the Legislature on projects and land use in the State Route (SR) 710 Terminus adjacent areas addressing traffic and potential land uses, including affordable housing, student housing, workforce development space, public university expansion, parks, open space, and alternative transportation. The amended Senate Bill 710 includes changes from being a committee to a task force and outlines the new composition of membership while also ensuring jurisdictional balance in the selection of its members. The new amendments also incorporate robust community engagement and include the status of the Alhambra 710 Arterial Project into the quarterly reports. It also states that nothing shall be construed to authorize the task force to impede a local jurisdiction's ability to implement projects at the State Route 710 Terminus or in State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas. Specifically, this Bill: 1) Defines "State Route 710 Terminus" as the Route 710 Terminus in the City of Alhambra, north of Route 10, built and currently operating as State Route 710. AGENDA ITEM 7.11 City Council Meeting September 26, 2023 Page 2 of 3 2) Defines "The State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas" means any department -owned areas or any areas impacted by past department planning for State Route 710, within the geographic area in any jurisdiction of the County of Los Angeles bounded by North Eastern Street to the west; Huntington Drive, west of the intersection of Huntington Drive and West Main Street, and West Main Street, east of that intersection, on the north; South Fremont Avenue on the east; and Route 10 on the south, excluding the State Route 710 Terminus. 3) Amended Membership, requires Caltrans to establish and administer a Terminus Regional Planning Task Force, (Attachment A, Section 2.b.1) to discuss traffic issues and potential land uses related to the State Route 710 Terminus in the City of Alhambra and now requires the Task Force be composed of the following representatives: a) Two representatives from the City of Alhambra; b) Two representatives from the City of Los Angeles, one ofwhom resides in the 90032 Zip Code; c) One representative from the County of Los Angeles; d) One representative from the California State University Los Angeles; e) One representative from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority; f) One representative from a business or workforce entity; g) One representative from a community-based organization; and, h) No more than two additional members to be appointed by the department. 4) As amended (Attachment A, Section 2.b.4), now requires Caltrans to ensure jurisdictional balance when selecting the Task Force. 5) The task force shall meet quarterly, incorporating robust community engagement, to discuss the issues of traffic and potential land uses, including affordable housing, student housing, workforce development space, public university expansion, parks, open space, alternative transportation (Attachment A, Section 2.c.1). 6) Requires the Task Force to meet quarterly and submit a report to the Legislature by December 1, 2025, which includes a summary and status of the Alhambra 710 Arterial Project (Attachment A, Section 2.c.2). 7) Provides that nothing can be construed to authorize the committee to impede a local jurisdiction from implementing additional projects at the State Route 710 or its adjacent areas (Attachment A, Section 2.e). City Council Meeting September 26, 2023 Page 3 of 3 8) Repeals these provisions on January 1, 2027 (Attachment A, Section 2.f). STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council discuss and provide further direction to City staff. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT None. FISCAL IMPACT None. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Tevtvufe+-f 4wdal Jennifer Pineda Management Analyst Attachment A: Senate Bill 710 as Amended in Assembly June 26, 2023 Attachment B: Senate Bill 710 as Amended in Assembly March 20, 2023 Attachment C: Letter of Support Attachment D: Senate Bill 710 as Enrolled on September 13, 2023 Attachment A Senate Bill 710 As Amended in Assembly June 26, 2023 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JUNE 26, 2023 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JUNE 21, 2023 AMENDED IN SENATE MAY 18, 2023 AMENDED IN SENATE MARCH 20, 2023 SENATE BILL No. 710 Introduced by Senator Durazo February 16, 2023 An act to add and repeal Section 118.8 of the Streets and Highways Code, relating to surplus property. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 710, as amended, Durazo. Sale of excess state highway property: State Highway Route 710 Terminus. Existing law provides that the Department of Transportation shall have full possession and control of the state highway system and associated real property. Existing law, if the department determines that real property, or an interest in the property, acquired for highway purposes is no longer necessary for those purposes, authorizes the department to sell or exchange the property or property interest in the manner and upon terms, standards, and conditions established by the California Transportation Commission, as provided. Existing law authorizes the California Transportation Commission to relinquish a portion of State Highway Route 710. This bill would require the department to establish and administer a Terminus Regional Planning ee, Task Force, as provided, to meet quarterly and complete and submit a report to the Legislature on the issues of traffic and potential land use related to the State Route 710 95 SB 710 —2— Terminus adjacent areas, as defined. The bill would repeal these provisions on January 1, 2027. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State -mandated local program: no. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: 1 SECTION 1. The Legislature finds and declares all of the 2 following: 3 (a) The State Route 710 Terminus was purchased by the 4 Department of Transportation for use in building a Route 710 5 connection to Route 210. This use of eminent domain displaced 6 many in the El Sereno neighborhood in the City of Los Angeles, 7 as hundreds of homes were purchased with the intent to eventually 8 remove the structures and construct an extension to Route 710 to 9 close a 4.5 -mile unconstructed gap between the City of Alhambra 10 and the City of Pasadena. The State Route 710 Terminus is also 11 bordered by the California State University, Los Angeles. 12 (b) The Legislature added Section 622.3, authorizing the 13 commission to relinquish this portion of Route 710, and Section 14 253.9 to exclude, as of January 1, 2024, the section of Route 710 15 between Route 10 and Route 210 from the California freeway and 16 expressway system. 17 (c) Therefore, much of this land is no longer needed by the 18 Department of Transportation and can be put to other uses. 19 (d) Additionally these changes raise the need to address traffic 20 flow in the area. Currently, Route 710 north ends abruptly just 21 north of Route 10, causing traffic and congestion and affecting the 22 City of Los Angeles as well as the Cities of Alhambra, South 23 Pasadena, and Pasadena. 24 (e) The City of Alhambra has identified funding for a project 25 to transform the State Route 710 Terminus into an arterial, 26 transitioning between Route 710 and Valley Boulevard, which is 27 being developed in conjunction with the Department of 28 Transportation as the Alhambra 710 Arterial Project. Other 29 stakeholders may have an interest in studying additional projects 30 in the State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas that address land 31 use, multijurisdictional planning, and transportation beyond the 32 scope of the Alhambra 710 Arterial Project. 95 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 -3— SB 710 SEC. 2. Section 118.8 is added to the Streets and Highways Code, to read: 118.8. (a) For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: (1) "State Route 710 Terminus" means the Route 710 Terminus in the City of Alhambra, north of Route 10, built and currently operating as State Route 710. (2) "The State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas" means any department -owned areas or any areas impacted by past department planning for State Route 710, within the geographic area in any jurisdiction of the County of Los Angeles bounded by North Eastern Street to the west; Huntington Drive, west of the intersection of Huntington Drive and West Main Street, and West Main Street, east of that intersection, on the north; South Fremont Avenue on the east; and Route 10 on the south, excluding the State Route 710 Terminus. (b) (1) The department shall establish and administer a Terminus Regional Planning-GentntiRee, Task Force, composed of Angeles; the Gowity of Los Angeles; the EA 32 Neighborhood Cetmeil; the ealifo.nitt State University, Los Angeles, the Lo • ----- PIN ' "I • • - �.Us I and alliernative transportation. the following members: (A) Two representatives from the City of Alhambra. (B) Two representatives from the City of Los Angeles, one of whom resides in the 90032 Zip Code. (C) One representative from the County of Los Angeles. 95 SB 710 —4- 1 (D) One representative from the California State University, 2 Los Angeles. 3 (E) One representative from the Los Angeles County 4 Metropolitan Transportation Authority. 5 (F) One representative from a business or workforce entity. 6 (G) One representative from a community-based organization. 7 (H) No more than two additional members to be appointed by 8 the department. 9 (2) The department shall issue a solicitation of interest 10 throughout the community and, from respondent entities, select 11 the business or workforce entity and the community-based 12 organization to be represented on the task force pursuant to 13 subparagraphs (F) and (G) ofparagraph (1), respectively. 14 (3) Each of the entities identified in subparagraphs (A) to (E), 15 inclusive, of paragraph (1) and each of the entities selected 16 pursuant to paragraph (2) shall nominate its representative to the 17 department. The Mayor of the City of Los Angeles and the Los 18 Angeles City Council shall jointly nominate the representatives of 19 the City ofLosAngeles. The Alhambra City Council shall nominate 20 the representatives of the City of Alhambra. 21 (4) The department, in considering the nominations, shall ensure 22 jurisdictional balance on the task force. 23 (c) (1) The task force shall meet quarterly, incorporating robust 24 community engagement, to discuss the issues of traffic and potential 25 land uses, including affordable housing, student housing, workforce 26 development space, public university expansion, parks, open space, 27 and alternative transportation. 28 (2) By December 1, 2025, the task force shall complete and 29 submit a report to the Legislature, in compliance with Section 30 9795 of the Government Code, on projects and land use in the 31 State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas addressing the issues 32 identified in paragraph (1), including a summary and status of the 33 Alhambra 710 Arterial Project. 34 (3) Notwithstanding any other law, the report required to be 35 submitted pursuant to paragraph{) (2) shall not be considered a 36 land use study. 37 (4) 38 (d) Upon completing its duties required under -paragraph -f+} 39 subdivision (c), the eommittee task force shall dissolve. 40 (3) 95 -5— SB 710 (e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the eernmittee task force to impede a local jurisdiction's ability to implement projects at the State Route 710 Terminus or in State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas. (-e) (0 This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2027, and as of that date is repealed. 95 Attachment B Senate Bill 710 As Amended in Assembly March 20, 2023 AMENDED IN SENATE MARCH 20, 2023 SENATE BILL No. 710 Introduced by Senator Durazo February 16, 2023 An act to __ __ ' ' ° of add Section 118.8 to the Streets and Highways Code, relating to surplus property. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 710, as amended, Durazo. Department of Transportatioriv sale Sale of excess state highwaypreperfq: property: State Highway Route 710 Terminus. Existing law provides that the Department of Transportation shall have full possession and control of the state highway system and associated real property. Existing law, if the department determines that real property, or an interest in the property, acquired for highway purposes is no longer necessary for those purposes, authorizes the department to sell or exchange the property or property interest in the manner and upon terms, standards, and conditions established by the California Transportation Commission, as provided. Existing law authorizes the California Transportation Commission to relinquish a portion of State Highway Route 710. This bill would require the department to establish and administer a Terminus Regional Planning Committee, as provided, to meet quarterly and complete and submit a report to the Legislature on the issues of traffic and potential land use related to this portion of Route 710. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: eyes. State -mandated local program: no. 98 SB 710 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 —2— The people of the State of California do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section 118.8 is added to the Streets and Highways Code, to read: 118.8. (a) For purposes of this section, "State Route 710 Terminus "means the Route 710 Terminus in the City ofAlhambra, north of Route 10. (b) The Legislature finds and declares the following: (1) The State Route 710 Terminus was purchased by the department for use in building a Route 710 connection to Route 210. This use of eminent domain displaced many in the El Sereno neighborhood in the City of Los Angeles, as hundreds of homes were purchased with the intent to eventually remove the structures and construct an extension to Route 710 to close a 4.5 -mile unconstructed gap between the City of Alhambra and the City of Pasadena. The State Route 710 Terminus is also bordered by the California State University, Los Angeles. (2) The Legislature added Section 622.3, authorizing the commission to relinquish this portion of Route 710, and Section 253.9 to exclude, as of January 1, 2024, the section of Route 710 between Route 10 and Route 210 from the California freeway and expressway system. (3) Therefore, much of this land is no longer needed by the department and can be put to other uses. (4) Additionally these changes raise the need to address traffic flow in the area. Currently, Route 710 north ends abruptly just north of Route 10, causing traffic and congestion and affecting the City of Los Angeles as well as the Cities of Alhambra, South Pasadena, and Pasadena. (c) (1) The department shall establish and administer a Terminus Regional Planning Committee, composed of representatives from the City ofAlhambra; the City ofLos Angeles; the County ofLos Angeles; the LA -32 Neighborhood Council; the California State University, Los Angeles; the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority; and one community-based organization, that shall meet quarterly and complete and submit a report to the Legislature in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code, by December 1, 2025, on the State Route 710 Terminus. The committee shall discuss, and the study shall address, but need not be limited to, the issues of traffic in connecting to 98 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 — 3 — SB 710 Route 10 and potential land uses, including affordable housing, student housing, workforce development space, public university expansion, parks, open space, and alternative transportation. (2) The requirement to submit a report imposed pursuant to paragraph (1) is inoperative on December 1, 2029, pursuant to Section 10231.5 of the Government Code. SECTIEW 1. Seetioti 118 of the Streets and Highways -iszancnded to - read. - 98 98 SB 710 MWIM 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7 98 Attachment C Letter of Support MAYOR: STEVENLY MAYOR PRO TEM: MARGARET CLARK COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARMENTA SEAN DANG POLLY Low September 26, 2023 The Honorable Gavin Newsom Governor, State of California 10210 Street, Suite 9000 Sacramento, CA 95814 City of q?9semead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 569-2303 RE: SB 710 (Durazo) Sale of excess state highway Property State Highway Route 710 Terminus. Notice of SUPPORT (As Amended 6/26/2023) Dear Governor Newsom, The City of Rosemead supports SB 710 (Durazo) as amended. This bill will require the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to establish and administer a Terminus Regional Planning Task Force TRP), as provided, to meet quarterly and complete a report to the State on the issues of traffic and potential land use related to the State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas. The establishment of the TPR Committee would provide a platform for the affected communities to influence the nature of projects, programs, and improvements for the land in question. The amended bill will empower the voices of residents and serve as a pivotal step in the right direction for resolving ongoing traffic and land use issues linked to the former "State Route 710 Terminus Project." For these reasons, the City of Rosemead requests that you sign SB 710. Sincerely, Steven Ly Mayor CC. Rosemead City Council Senator, Susan Rubio Assemblymember Mike Fong Senator Susan Rubio Jennifer Quan, Cal Cities Regional Public Affairs Manager (via email) League of California Cities, citvletters(Dlcacities.org Attachment D Senate Bill 710 as Enrolled on September 13, 2023 Senate Bill No. 710 Passed the Senate September 11, 2023 Secretary of the Senate Passed the Assembly September 7, 2023 Chief Clerk of the Assembly This bill was received by the Governor this day of , 2023, at o'clock _M. Private Secretary of the Governor SB 710 —2— CHAPTER 2— CHAPTER An act to add and repeal Section 118.8 of the Streets and Highways Code, relating to surplus property. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 710, Durazo. Sale of excess state highway property: State Highway Route 710 Terminus. Existing law provides that the Department of Transportation shall have full possession and control of the state highway system and associated real property. Existing law, if the department determines that real property, or an interest in the property, acquired for highway purposes is no longer necessary for those purposes, authorizes the department to sell or exchange the property or property interest in the manner and upon terms, standards, and conditions established by the California Transportation Commission, as provided. Existing law authorizes the California Transportation Commission to relinquish a portion of State Highway Route 710. This bill would require the department to establish and administer a Terminus Regional Planning Task Force, as provided, to meet quarterly and complete and submit a report to the Legislature on the issues of traffic and potential land use related to the State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas, as defined. The bill would repeal these provisions on January 1, 2027. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (a) The State Route 710 Terminus was purchased by the Department of Transportation for use in building a Route 710 connection to Route 210. This use of eminent domain displaced many in the El Sereno neighborhood in the City of Los Angeles, as hundreds of homes were purchased with the intent to eventually remove the structures and construct an extension to Route 710 to close a 4.5 -mile unconstructed gap between the City of Alhambra 94 -3— SB 710 and the City of Pasadena. The State Route 710 Terminus is also bordered by the California State University, Los Angeles. (b) The Legislature added Section 622.3, authorizing the commission to relinquish this portion of Route 710, and Section 253.9 to exclude, as of January 1, 2024, the section of Route 710 between Route 10 and Route 210 from the California freeway and expressway system. (c) Therefore, much of this land is no longer needed by the Department of Transportation and can be put to other uses. (d) Additionally these changes raise the need to address traffic flow in the area. Currently, Route 710 north ends abruptly just north of Route 10, causing traffic and congestion and affecting the City of Los Angeles as well as the Cities of Alhambra, South Pasadena, and Pasadena. (e) The City of Alhambra has identified funding for a project to transform the State Route 710 Terminus into an arterial, transitioning between Route 710 and Valley Boulevard, which is being developed in conjunction with the Department of Transportation as the Alhambra 710 Arterial Project. Other stakeholders may have an interest in studying additional projects in the State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas that address land use, multijurisdictional planning, and transportation beyond the scope of the Alhambra 710 Arterial Project. SEC. 2. Section 118.8 is added to the Streets and Highways Code, to read: 118.8. (a) For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: (1) "State Route 710 Terminus" means the Route 710 Terminus in the City of Alhambra, north of Route 10, built and currently operating as State Route 710. (2) "The State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas" means any department -owned areas or any areas impacted by past department planning for State Route 710, within the geographic area in any jurisdiction of the County of Los Angeles bounded by North Eastern Street to the west; Huntington Drive, west of the intersection of Huntington Drive and West Main Street, and West Main Street, east of that intersection, on the north; South Fremont Avenue on the east; and Route 10 on the south, excluding the State Route 710 Terminus. 94 SB 710 —4— (b) 4— (b) (1) The department shall establish and administer a Terminus Regional Planning Task Force, composed of the following members: (A) Two representatives from the City of Alhambra. (B) Two representatives from the City of Los Angeles, one of whom resides in the 90032 Zip Code. (C) One representative from the County of Los Angeles. (D) One representative from the California State University, Los Angeles. (E) One representative from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. (F) One representative from a business or workforce entity. (G) One representative from a community-based organization. (H) No more than two additional members to be appointed by the department. (2) The department shall issue a solicitation of interest throughout the community and, from respondent entities, select the business or workforce entity and the community-based organization to be represented on the task force pursuant to subparagraphs (F) and (G) of paragraph (1), respectively. (3) Each of the entities identified in subparagraphs (A) to (E), inclusive, of paragraph (1) and each of the entities selected pursuant to paragraph (2) shall nominate its representative to the department. The Mayor of the City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles City Council shall jointly nominate the representatives of the City of Los Angeles. The Alhambra City Council shall nominate the representatives of the City of Alhambra. (4) The department, in considering the nominations, shall ensure jurisdictional balance on the task force. (c) (1) The task force shall meet quarterly, incorporating robust community engagement, to discuss the issues of traffic and potential land uses, including affordable housing, student housing, workforce development space, public university expansion, parks, open space, and alternative transportation. (2) By December 1, 2025, the task force shall complete and submit a report to the Legislature, in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code, on projects and land use in the State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas addressing the issues identified in paragraph (1), including a summary and status of the Alhambra 710 Arterial Project. 94 -5— SB 710 (3) Notwithstanding any other law, the report required to be submitted pursuant to paragraph (2) shall not be considered a land use study. (d) Upon completing its duties required under subdivision (c), the task force shall dissolve. (e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the task force to impede a local jurisdiction's ability to implement projects at the State Route 710 Terminus or in State Route 710 Terminus adjacent areas. (f) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2027, and as of that date is repealed. 94