CC - 1965 - 66 - Joint County Santiation Districts• RESOLUTION NO. 65-66 to A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ENDORSING THE RESOLUTION OF THE JOINT COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS IN OPPOSI- TION OF THE PROPOSAL TO USE THE PALOS VERDES REFUSE DISPOSAL SITE FOR STATE COLLEGE USE INSTEAD OF THE ORIGINAL PROPOSAL FOR PARK AND RECREATION. WHEREAS, approximately ten years ago, the joint County Sanitation Districts did acquire the exhausted diatomaceous earth quarry in the Palos Verdes Hills, part of which is now the City of RO 1ing Ha1.1. the purpose of refuse disposal which EEstates for th woul ,give us a, disposal situ for app_4oximately_twenty years duration and upon the fiIIIhl of S~Ju site, it:w §~"further pro, posed „that the: lahd.reclairtr~}e b :tHa•filling world be used for pu,Cp.Ose5. p'f ,CouDty Pbrk and~gec eat l'r purposes) and WHEREAS, park and simil r seen areas"a'V'i'l~b'1e to the. prdple of Los Angeles County are iM nishing at an alarming rate) and WHEREAS; County ;'Sanitation 'District N6„ 5 proposet and urges a.change'in use of this site when filled for. the purpose of locating a State college in the South Bay area; and WHEREAS{ the prohibition of this loca ion for the South Bay area State, college would not.create a hardship on said college because there are other 'available sites in the area, which is admitted by the proponents of this change; and WHEREAS, its location will not be available in full for college campus purposes for at least another ten years because dumping is still in process; and WHEREAS, any change in the original agreement to ultimately convey this land for purposes of park and recreation use whether by written contract or mutual understanding is a breach of public faith. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Rosemead urge and instruct their member director of the Sanitation Districts to oppose this move; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Director be urged and instructed to reaffirm on behalf of the City of Rosemead the desire and intention topreserve this property when available for park and recreation purposes. PASSED; APPROVED and ADOPTED this 24th day of August, 1965: M R 09 THE CITY O R M AD ATTEST: CITY CLERK