CC - Item 5H - Receive and File the 1st Quarter Budget Report; Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-69 Amending the FY 2023-24 Operating and Capital Improvement Program BudgetsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGERV, DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 2023 SUBJECT: RECEIVE AND FILE THE 1sT QUARTER BUDGET REPORT; ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2023-69, AMENDING THE FY 2023-24 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS SUMMARY This report summarizes the City's financial position for FY 2022-23 (unaudited) and FY 2023-24 through September 30, 2023 (1St Quarter) for the General Fund. Also included are carryover appropriations for the Capital Improvement Program, recommended budget amendments, and the 2024-25 Budget Preparation Calendar. The actions recommended within this report include the adoption of Resolution No. 2023-69, to amend the FY 2023-24 Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets. In summary, the data presented indicates that the actual revenue for the General Fund in FY 2023 exceeded the estimated budget by $5.2 million, while expenditures were $2.5 million lower than the budgeted appropriations. For Fiscal Year 2023, the General Fund's fund balance experienced a net increase of $3.9 million, rising from an initial amount of $28.5 million to a final amount of $32.4 million. Additionally, there is a total of $46.0 million in prior year appropriations across 16 funds that will be carried forward to FY 2023-24 for 34 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects. Furthermore, the first quarter receipts for FY 2023-24 account for 6.3% of the total revenue, representing 25% of the year, while expenditures for the same period amount to 20%. Lastly, it is noted that the budget cycle for FY 2024-25 will commence in mid-January. DISCUSSION A) — 2022-23 YEAR END DATA The FY 2022-23 ended on June 30, 2023 with final revenue accruals and expenses paid by the end of the 1St quarter of the new fiscal year. While the following information has not been audited, staff is confident that the audit will result in few, if any adjustments to the information. The independent audit firm began its audit of Rosemead on October 16 with anticipation of a completed report to City staff for review in mid-December and thereafter submitted to the City Council in January. AGENDA ITEM 5.11 City Council Meeting — 151 Quarter Budget Report and Related Actions November 14, 2023 Page 2 of 9 The FY 2022-23 budget was adopted on June 14, 2022, with an expected surplus in the amount of $4,800. Budget amendments were adopted by City Council throughout the fiscal year. One of the larger budget amendments included the transfer of $7 million dollars towards the creation of a Public Facilities Internal Service Fund to more effectively fund for the City's deferred maintenance, capital replacements, and new capital project needs. In addition, SURF dollars were transferred into the general fund for ongoing operational needs. Based on year-end (unaudited) figures shown in Table 1, the surplus grew to nearly $3.9 million, which has been added to fund balance. Table 1 Total Revenue $ 27,717,000 $ 33,715,300 $ 38,924,810 $ 5,209,510 115% Total Expense 27,712,200 37,600,000 35,050,644 (2,549,356) 93% Net $ 4,800 $ (3,884,700) $ 3,874,166 $ 7,758,866 2022-23 General Fund Revenue Revenue actuals less transfers (unaudited) for the FY are $31.53 million which is $5.21 million greater than the budgeted estimate. The primary contributors of the increased revenue amount were in the Permits, Licenses, and Fees category where the City realized increases over the budget estimate in building permits ($2,154,000). In addition, increases were also realized within the property and property in- lieu taxes ($305,000), sales tax ($864,000), use of money and property ($761,000), and franchise fees ($219,000), transient occupancy taxes ($112,000), and charges for services ($374,000). Table 2 provides summary data by category with comparisons to actuals from two prior fiscal years. Table 2 Taxes $18,935,758 $21,348,831 $21,525,500 $23,039,366 $1,513,866 73% Intergovernmental 443,580 682,567 380,500 580,020 199,520 2% Permits, Licenses, Fees 2,492,893 3,332,016 2,348,000 4,514,892 2,166,892 14% Fines & Forfeitures 598,032 577,616 585,300 572,478 (12,822) 20/. Use of Property 267,980 360,557 671,400 1,432,234 760,834 5% Charges for Services 491,257 743,971 751,800 1,125,335 373,535 4% Miscellaneous 59,434 77,838 54,500 262,186 207,686 1% Total $23288934 $27,123,396 $26,317,000 $31,526,510 $5,209,510 100% City Council Meeting — 111 Quarter Budget Report and Related Actions November 14, 2023 Page 3 of 9 2022-23 General Fund Expenditures The final approved 2022-23 General Fund expenditure budget was $37.6 million. Final actual expenditures (unaudited) for the General Fund were $35.1 million, $2.5 million below the budgeted amount. As shown in Table 3, all departments completed the fiscal year below budget. The most significant savings were in the Public Safety (nearly $0.6 million) due to savings in anticipated Sherrif contract and special event cost. As shown in Table 4, departments underspent budgeted appropriations by 7%, with salary and benefit costs 12%, or $1.1 million below budget, and operating costs 7% or $1.5 million below budget. Table 3 Legislative 777,416 792,500 669,885 (122,615) -15% City Clerk 1,212,937 1,133,200 1,128,252 (4,948) 00/. Administration 1,608,981 1,594,900 1,242,379 (352,521) -22% Finance 761,914 962,600 865,419 (97,181) -10% General Services 784,756 1,423,500 960,618 (462,882) -33% Public Safety 10,927,865 11,495,300 10,860,000 (635,300) -60% Public Works 4,032,131 4,407,100 3,954,745 (452,355) -10% Parks & Recreation 2,411,901 3,952,600 3,484,762 (467,838) -12% Community Development 1,752,791 1,890,500 2230,697 340,197 18% Capital Proj 62,193 1,447,800 1,153,887 (293,913) n/a Table 4 Transfers to Other Funds - 8,500,000 8,500,000 0% General Fund Exp by Dept 24,332,885 37,600,000 35,050,644 (2,549,356) -7% Salaries and Benefits Operations & Maint 7,711,121 9,212,500 8,120,117 (1,092,383) -12% 16,621,764 19,887,500 18,430,527 (1,456,973) -7% Transfers to Other Funds - 8,500,000 8,500,000 00/U General Fund Exp by Category 24,332,885 37,600,000 35,050,644 (2,549,356) -7% Fund Balance Based on unaudited figures, the Fund Balance of the General Fund will increase from $28.6 million reported in the City's FY 2022 audit report to $32.4 million. Of this amount, $14.0 million is committed per City Council Fund Balance Policy, $765;760 is committed for prior approved CIP projects, $133,000 is assigned for certain activities, and $352,000 is nonspendable (prepaid items and long-term loans). B) — CIP CARRYOVER NumBERs In accordance with the Comprehensive Financial Policies approved along with the adoption of the annual budget, budgeted amounts for Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budgets carry forward into the next fiscal year unless the project is complete or otherwise removed from the CIP. These City Council Meeting — V Quarter Budget Report and Related Actions November 14, 2023 Page 4 of 9 carryovers represent previously approved, but unspent, appropriations and may carry forward multiple years until the project is either complete or the appropriation is released. The Policy further stipulates that the carry forward budgeted amounts were to be reported to the City Council as part of the 1st Quarter Budget Report. With the annual audit nearly complete, the amounts remaining for current projects have been identified and presented herein. The appropriations to be carried forward are for 34 CIP projects, accounted for within 16 funds, for a total continuing obligation of $46.0 million. The following charts show both the continuing obligation by project name and funding source of the continuing projects. Table 5 — CIP Projects 31029 31026 31027 31030 31023 31028 31020 39006 TDB TDB TDB TDB TDB TDs TDB 39004 39002 41023 39007 TDB TDB TDB 43011 24013 TBD 49017 24010 43010 21031 21030 49014 43009 49015 49016 Facilities Acoustic Panels (RCRC & Garvey Gym) Facilities City Hal Elevator and ADA Improvements Facilities City Hal Interior Renovations Facilities CouncilCbamber/Conference Room Audiovisual Upgrade Facilities Garvey Park Main Office Renovation Facilities Public Safety Center Upgrades (Construction) Facilities Public Safety Center Upgrades (Desgin only) Facilities Roof Repairs at Garvey Park Main Office & Gym Other Irrigation System Master Plan Other Parks & Facilities MasterPlan Other Permitting Syatem (Planning, Bldg and Safety, Public Works Other Record Database Management Plan GIS Other Wireless Broadband/Parks & City Facilities Park System Garvey Park Parking Lot Reconstruction Park System Garvey Park Splash Zone Improvements Park System Lighting Upgrade at Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex Park System Picnic Shelter Roof Replacement Park System Playground Equipment Rept (Garvey & Rosemead Parks) Park System Resurfacing of the Garvey Park Tennis Courts Park System Rosemead Park Parking Lots Resurfacing Park System Rosemead Park Walking Trail Park System Zapopan Park Walking Tral Streets Citywide Arterial Street Improvements Streets Mission Drive Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon System Streets Residential Street Resurfacing Streets Rosemead Blvd/1-10 Freewy Ramp Improvements Streets Sidewalk ADA Master Plan Streets Street Light Master Plan and Improvements Streets Valley Blvd Resurfacing Project (Phase I & 11) Streets Walnut Grove Ave Resurfacing (Phase 11) Streets Walnut Grove Ave/] -10 Freeway Ramp Improvements Streets Walnut Grove Street Light Installation Transportation Adaptive Traffic Responsive Control System Transportation Traffic SiRM Arterial Improvements 75,000 400,000 525,000 50,000 200,000 2,010,000 14,915 400,000 460,000 250,000 500,000 300,000 250,000 360,000 200,000 100,000 75,000 300,000 48,776 275,000 500,000 420,000 4,049,654 361,580 1,300,000 5,839,891 11,561 63,875 3,005,900 2,343,500 5,987,025 374,366 8,952,653 City Council Meeting — 1" Quarter Budget Report and Related Actions November 14, 2023 Page 5 of 9 Table 6 — Funding Obligations by Funding Source 101 General Fund $ 214,915 201 Gas Tax 1,951,500 202 RMRA 3,043,897 220 Prop C 2,933,427 225 Measure R 1,101,058 226 Measure M 2,690,100 228 SLFRF Categorical 2,520,000 229 Measure R Capital 26,707,826 232 Grants - Measure M 361,580 233 SLFRF - Rev Loss 2,284,200 245 Street Light District 1,697,651 250 DIF -Traffic 50,000 251 DIF -Public Safety 10,000 252 DIF - Gen't Govt 75,000 253 DIF- Parks 75,000 260 CDBG 265,800 Total Fund Obligations $ 45,981,954 Q— FY2023-24 FIRST QUARTER REVIEW As adopted on June 27, 2023, as shown in Table 7, General Fund budgeted revenue was estimated at $28.8 million funding, appropriations of $29.7 million. As of September 30, 2021, only 6.3% of anticipated revenue has been received while 20.4% of appropriation have been expended. Table 7 Total Revenue $ 28,837,200 $ 1,821,717 6.3% Total Expense 29,678,900 6,044,167 20.4% Net $ (841,700) $ (4,222,450) First Quarter Revenue With only 25% of the year completed, 6.3% of estimated revenues have been collected which is slightly lower than a year ago but higher than 151 quarter of FY 2022. Based on final FY 2023 numbers, staff anticipates General Fund revenue will meet or exceed budgeted estimates. Table 8 presents revenue by category with comparisons of receipts as of September 30 of years 2023, and 2022. As shown, receipts are lower than FY 2023 but higher than FY 2022. City Council Meeting— I" Quarter Budget Report and Related Actions November 14, 2023 Page 6 of 9 Table 8 Taxes 21,508,800 635,422 3.0"/0 22,628,200 544,033 2.4% Intergovernmental 195,800 - 0.0% 254,100 28,736 11.3% Permits, Licenses, Fees 2,348,000 944,799 40.2% 2,664,800 745,950 28.0% Fines & Forfeitures 605,300 151,017 24.9% 574,300 180,936 31.5% Use of Property 671,400 (34,656) -5.2% 1,274,100 (215,560) -16.9% Charges for Services 926,700 247,929 26.8% 1,393,900 304,422 21.8% Miscellaneous 61,000 7,172 11.8% 47,800 233,200 487.9% Transfetln 1,400,000 - 0.00/0 0.0°/a Total 27,717,000 1,951,684 7.0"/0 28,837.200 1,821,717 6.3% The City receives 85% of total General Fund revenue from just six funding sources as shown in Table 9. The City largest source is property tax and property tax in lieu of VLF. Property Tax and Property Tax in Lieu of VLF provide 40% of General Fund but very little revenue in the first quarter. Property Tax — Under Proposition 13, the assessed valuation of properties held by the same owner from year-to-year is adjusted each year by the lesser of 2.0% or the percent change in the California Consumer Price Index. When a property is sold, the property is reassessed to market value which, in turn, increases property tax revenue to the City. As reflected in Table 9, Property tax revenue does not flow in 12 equal installments; instead about 40% is received in mid-December and another large portion is received in May with smaller portions provided in months January through June. As shown in the table, property taxes are below last year during the same period which is mostly attributable to a decrease in unsecured property tax revenue. Taxable property that is not adequately secured by a lien to guarantee tax payment is referred to as unsecured property. The items that are evaluated and gathered in the unsecured roll encompass various assets such as boats and jet skis, airplanes, enhancements made to properties owned by others, and business assets, among others. Property Tax in Lieu of VLF — Prior to 2004, cities received a portion of vehicle license fees paid by vehicle owners to the State of California. In 2004, the Legislature reduced the VLF rate and `swapped' the City portion, dollar for dollar with property tax. Unlike the VLF, this In -Lieu revenue grows based on assessed property value rather than vehicle value. This source now provides nearly double the amount the City receives for secured and unsecured property tax. However, payments of the In -Lieu revenue are made in two equal payments in January and June. Sales Tax — Sales tax is another significant source of revenue for the City and provides over 24% of total General Fund revenue. As of September 30, the City has received one payment credited to the fiscal year. Payments received in July and August are accrued to the prior fiscal year each year. As shown in the table, receipts for the first quarter are slightly below first quarter FY 2023. Despite a minor decline in comparison to the previous year, it is noteworthy that the total revenue generated from sales tax in the last fiscal year surpassed the budgeted amount by a significant margin. Consequently, we anticipate that the sales tax collections for FY 2024 will either meet or City Council Meeting — I" Quarter Budget Report and Related Actions November 14, 2023 Page 7 of 9 surpass the projected estimate by the conclusion of the fiscal year. Transient Occupancy Tax — TOT revenue was budgeted approximately $100,000 higher than actual receipts for FY 2023 in anticipation of an improving economy. The first quarter TOT revenues are not collected until October; therefore, the zero revenue reflected below is expected. Franchise Fees — Franchise Fees are another top revenue estimated at $1.86 million for the year. The majority of the revenue within this category is paid annually during the third quarter of the fiscal year. Based on final FY 2023 numbers, the budgeted estimate is achievable. Building / Plan Check Fees — In response to the pandemic, building and plan check fees were budgeted at reduced amounts; however, activity in this area continue to grow with current receipts at 29% of the budgeted estimate at 25% of the year. Use of Property — The financial statement for "Use of Property" indicates a deficit. The reason for this occurrence can be attributed to the adjustment made to reverse the accounting accruals of interest earnings from the previous year, as well as the timing of the accounting entries for interest earnings in the current year. Table 9 Property Tax 3,652,300 84,499 2.3% 3,758,000 20,000 0.5% Property Tax in Lieu of VLF 7,680,700 - 0.00/0 7,919,200 - 0.00/0 Sales Tax 6,505,800 549,600 8.4% 6,789,300 524,034 7.7% TOT 2,200,000 1,324 0.1% 2,300,000 - 0.0% Franchise Fees 1,470,000 - 0.0% 1,861,700 - 0.00/6 Bldg/Plan Check 1,700,000 818,793 48.20/6 2,000,000 584,026 29.2% All Other 4,508,200 497,468 11.0% 4,209,000 693,658 16.5% Tn l 27.717.6110 1951-684 r7.0% 28.837.200 1,821.717 63% First Quarter Expenditures At 20% expended at 25% of the fiscal year, General Fund expenditures are well within budget parameters. As shown in Table 10, all departments are below the 25% mark with the exception of the City Clerk's Office which is 76% expended at this time. This anomaly within the City Clerk's Office is caused by the payment of large insurance premiums to CJPIA due in July. On the category basis, personnel related costs are 21% expended on September 30, and operational costs are 20% expended. City Council Meeting — I" Quarter Budget Report and Related Actions November 14, 2023 Page 8 of 9 Table 10 Legislative 792,500 99.933 13% 814,100 161,293 20% City Clerk 1,133,200 930,252 82% 1299,700 982,824 76% Administration 1.594.900 244370 15% 1385.900 241,135 17% Finance 962,600 190,071 20% 1,002,200 229,261 23% General Services 1,423,500 205.947 14% 1,145.200 171.175 15% Public Safety 11,495,300 1,113,969 100/4 12,897,900 2,090,202 160/6 Public Works 4,407.100 724252 16% 4.566,600 735,371 16% Parks & Recreation 3,952,600 756,250 19% 4,030,500 934,365 23% Community Development 1,890.500 366.404 19% 2,4761800 320208 13% Capital Proi 1,447,800 - n/a - 178,332 n/a Transfers to Other Funds 8,500,000 - n/a n/a General Fund Exp by Dept 29,100,000 4,631,448 I6% 29,618,900 6,044,167 200% D) — FISCAL YEAR 2023-24 BUDGET AMENDMENTS Road Maintenance and Repair Accountability Increase appropriations in the Road Maintenance and Repair Accountability Fund in the amount of $556,000 for additional post relating to the Residential Street Resurfacing project. The $556,000 is a budget placeholder. A substantial plan amendment recommending the use of Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") funds to finance the additional costs associated with the Residential Streets Resurfacing project's expanded scope will be presented to council for approval in December. State Gas Tax Fund and Public Facilities Internal Service Fund Increase appropriations in the Public Facilities Internal Service Fund by $360,000 for the Garvey Park Parking Lot Reconstruction and $275,000 for the Rosemead Park Parking Lots Resurfacing Project, while decreasing appropriations in the Gas Tax Fund by $635,000. The budget amendment is necessitated by the fact that parking lot capital project costs are non -eligible Gas Tax Fund expenditures. Measure M Fund Increase appropriations in the Measure M Fund by $152,100 for the New Avenue Street Rehabilitation Project which was approved by the City Council on May 0, 2023. City Council Meeting — 1 s` Quarter Budget Report and Related Actions November 14, 2023 Page 9 of 9 E)— 2024-25BUDGETPREPARAT/ON While more than half of the current fiscal year remains, preparation for the 2024-25 budget will begin soon. In anticipation of that process, staff has prepared the preliminary budget calendar for the new year. The process begins with a `Budget Kickoff with staff scheduled for early January. The following table highlights Council presentation dates throughout the process but as always, the dates established may be adjusted as necessary. Table 11 2022-23 Preliminary (unaudited) numbers, 2023-24 General Fund 1 st Quarter Budget Review, 2024-25 Budget Calendar November 14, 2023 Acceptance of the 2022-23 Annual Comprehensive Report (ACFR) January 9, 2024 Budget Kickoff Meeting (Stall) January 9, 2024 2023-24 Mid Year Review March 12, 2024 Delivery of 2024-25 Proposed Budget May 9, 2024 Budget Study Session May 28, 2024 Review and Adoption of 2024-25 Budget June 11, 2024 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Receive and file the I` Quarter Budget Report; 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2023-69, amending the FY 2023-24 Operating and Capital Improvement Program budgets. FISCAL IMPACT Budgets for existing Capital Improvement Program (CIP) being carried forward to FY 2023-24 have been authorized in prior years and carry an obligation of fund balance within the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. The available fund balance within the Road Maintenance and Repair Accountability Fund will be utilized to finance the additional $556,000 increase. The available fund balance within the Measure M Fund will be utilized to finance the additional $152,100 increase. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: A ��__- Bryan Chua, Finance Directory Attachment A: Resolution No. 2023-69 Amending the FY 2023-24 Operating and CIP Budgets Attachment A Resolution No. 2023-69 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FY 2023-24 OPERATING BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS WHEREAS, a fiscal review is a prudent method to ensure that the City maintains a healthy financial structure; and WHEREAS, the City routinely adjusts fiscal year revenue estimates and appropriations throughout the fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the FY 2023-24 Operating Budget and CIP budgets on June 27, 2023; and WHEREAS, the revised appropriation constitutes an update to the Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget approved pursuant to Resolution No. 2023-32, and Resolution No. 2023-33. WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the 151 Quarter Budget Report including unaudited data for FY 2022-23. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the City Council authorizes the cavy forward of appropriations for projects approved in prior fiscal years but have remaining project funds as follows: 101 General Fund $ 214,915 201 Gas Tax 1,951,500 202 RMRA 3,043,897 220 PropC 2,933,427 225 Measure R 1,101,058 226 Measure M 2,690,100 228 SLFRF Categorical 2,520,000 229 Measure R Capital 26,707,826 232 Grants - MeasureM 361,580 233 SLFRF - Rev Loss 2,284,200 245 Street Light District 1,697,651 250 DIF -Traffic 50,000 251 DIF -Public Safety 10,000 252 DIF - Gen't Govt 75,000 253 DIF- Parks 75,000 260 CDBG 265,800 Total Fund Obligations $ 45,981,954 SECTION 2. That the City Council hereby approves the following appropriation of funds: Road Mai ntenance& Repair Accountabi l ity ("RMRA") Fund Appropriation RMRA Adopted Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 50,000 Budget Amendment-StreetsResurfacingProject 556,000 RMRA Revised Budget (excluding carry-over) 606,000 Public Facitilities Internal Service Fund ("PFISF") Appropriation PFISF Adopted Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 1,185,333 Budget Amendment - Gavey Parking Lot 360,000 Budget Amendment -Rosemead Parking Lots 275,000 PFISF Revised Budget (excluding carry-over) 1,820,333 Gas Tax Fund Appropriation Gas Tax Fund Adopted Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 1,395,500 Budget Amendment - Gavey Parking Lot (360,000) Budget Amend ment - Rosemead Parking Lots (275,000) Gas Tax Fund Revised Budget (excluding carry-over) 760,500 Measure M Fund Appropriation Gas Tax Fund Adopted Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget 283,300 Budget Amendment - Gavey Parking Lot 152,100 Measure M Fund Revised Budget (excluding carry-over) 435,400 SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, and it shall thereupon be in full force and effect. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 14th day of November, 2023. ' ' C 419 "DEM"GIMI)RAV Rachel Richman, City Attorney Steven Ly, Mayor ATTEST: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) § CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution, No. 2023-69, was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 14th day of November, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk