TC - Item 3B - Line of Sight Review and Red Curb Request at 2718 Stingle AvenueROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: MARCH 7, 2024 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: LINE OF SIGHT REVIEW AND RED CURB REQUEST AT 2718 STINGLE AVENUE SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a red curb request review and line -of -sight review, and recommended appropriate improvements at the location of 2718 Stingle Avenue. The City of Rosemead has received a resident request to evaluate the line -of -sight visibility and existing roadway conditions at the location of 2718 Stingle Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a curb marking review to determine if red curb is warranted adjacent to the resident's driveway to increase visibility and allow the resident to exit their driveway onto Stingle Avenue. The resident reported that vehicles park up to the driveway aprons at their driveway, making it difficult to see, and sometime to exit their driveway onto Stingle Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures. ANAT,VCTC The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a field review, and a review of approximately 3 -years of available collision data. Existing Conditions: Stingle Avenue runs north and south and is considered a local road by the California Road Functional Classification Map with a prima facie speed limit of 25 mph. Stingle Avenue is approximately 40 feet wide with one lane in each direction and no marked centerline. Parking is allowed on east side and west side of Stingle Avenue, except in areas marked by red curb. This City Traffic Commission Meeting November 2, 2023 Page 2 of 2 segment of Stingle Avenue travels through Single Family Residential zoning and Commercial Zoning, per the City of Rosemead Official Zoning Map. Across from 2718 Stingle Avenue, there is an automotive shop. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that red curb should be installed on either side of the driveway at 2718 Stingle Avenue. Please refer to the Installation Exhibit in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL RED CURB ON THE EAST SIDE STINGLE AVENUE, AT 2718 STINGLE AVENUE: Install red curb on the east side of Stingle Avenue, both north and south of the driveway located on 2718 Stingle Avenue. (Per CAMUTCD Section 313.23): a. Install red curb on the east side of Stingle Avenue, 2 -feet of red curb north of the driveway and 2 -feet of red curb south of the driveway located on 2718 Stingle Avenue for a total of 4 -feet of red curb. Prepared by: Allison Richter, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A — Technical Traffic Engineering Report i TRANsTEch TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: March 7, 2024 SUBJECT: LINE OF SIGHT REVIEW AT 2718 STINGLE AVE INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate the line -of -sight visibility at the exit of the residence's driveway located on 2718 Stingle Avenue. The resident reported that vehicles tend to park close, and in occasions, block their driveway exit. The resident explain that it is difficult to maneuver around the parked cars when entering and exiting the driveway. Additionally, the parked vehicles also limit the resident's line of sight, making it difficult to enter the street. In response to this request and on behalf of the city, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate curb markings to remind drivers to park at an appropriate distance from the driveway and to increase visibility of the incoming traffic along Stingle Avenue. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 3 years of available collision data, and a line -of -sight analysis. Figure 1: Vicinity Map ��, CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSE14E'AD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of—7 LINE OF SIGHT REVIEW AT 2718 STINGLE AVENUE EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 2: Existing Conditions near 2718 Stingle Avenue ' t Oki' i 14-P ti III ill _ AF LEGEND Existing Red Curb Stingle Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Stingle Avenue is a north/south street, considered a local road by the California Road Functional Classification Map. The prima facie speed limit of is 25 MPH. This segment of Stingle Avenue stretches from Garvey Avenue, 1280 -ft south, and ends on a cul-de-sac. The roadway is approximately 39 -feet wide with one lane of travel in each direction and no dividing centerline. Parking is allowed on both sides of street except in areas marked with red curb. This area of Stingle Avenue consists mainly of commercial buildings and a few single-family residential homes. PICTURE SUMMARY View of eastbound traffic along Stingle Avenue, facing 2718 Stingle Avenue Are. OSE EA � A- - View of westbound traffic along Stingle Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 7 LINE OF SIGHT REVIEW AT 2718 STINGLE AVENUE R1 W View of northbound traffic along Stingle Avenue COLLISION INVESTIGATION Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review of all recorded collisions that occurred within 100' of 2718 Stingle Avenue. The record of collisions was conducted over a 3 -year period between January 2021 to the most recent available accident data, December 2023. Based on the information provided, there were no collisions found between this 3 -year period. CITY OF ROSEMEAD co E EAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 7 View of southbound traffic along Stingle Avenue R1 W View of northbound traffic along Stingle Avenue COLLISION INVESTIGATION Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review of all recorded collisions that occurred within 100' of 2718 Stingle Avenue. The record of collisions was conducted over a 3 -year period between January 2021 to the most recent available accident data, December 2023. Based on the information provided, there were no collisions found between this 3 -year period. CITY OF ROSEMEAD co E EAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 7 LINE OF SIGHT REVIEW AT 2718 STINGLE AVENUE FIELD INVESTIGATION A field investigation was conducted in February 2024, and the existing conditions were reviewed. Field photos were taken, and the existing driveway and curbs were measured. The existing driveway is 9 -feet wide, and the width of the gate entering 2718 Stingle Avenue measured 11.5 -feet. During the field investigation, the resident of 2718 Stingle Avenue expressed concern about vehicles parking too close to the driveway, and making it difficult to exit the driveway. The resident also stated that vehicles parking too close to the driveway also affect the line of sight exiting the driveway. The installation of red curb may help improve both of these concerns. LINE OF SIGHT ANALYSIS A Line -of -Sight analysis consists of reviewing the existing conditions a driver encounters when approaching an intersection to turn onto the other street and determining if there is limited view for the driver turning. The driver of a vehicle approaching or departing from an intersection or driveway should have an unobstructed view of the intersection, including any traffic control devices, and sufficient lengths along the intersecting highway to permit the driver to anticipate and avoid potential obstructions. Any object within the sight triangle that would obstruct the driver's view of an approaching vehicle should be removed or modified per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Obstructions within sight triangles could be buildings, vehicles, hedges, trees, bushes, tall crops, walls, fences, or parked cars. A parked vehicle extends approximately 7 -feet from the curb, so it's necessary to consider the width of a vehicle when determining the amount of red curb needed to obtain a clear line of sight. On intersections in urban areas where street parking is allowed, the common practice by motorists after stopping at the curb and watching and yielding for any potential pedestrians walking on the sidewalk, is to pull a sufficient distance forward in the to have a better view of oncoming traffic. For a local street, such as Stingle Avenue, with a speed limit of 25 MPH, the recommended stopping sight distance is approximately 155 feet. Figure 5 presents an example of a clear sight triangle at a driveway Cos-l01-101 eAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 7 LINE OF SIGHT REVIEW AT 2718 STINGLE AVENUE exit. An additional 2- feet of red curb added to the south side of the driveway would provide a better view of oncoming traffic and would improve sight distance for the residents when existing their driveway. Figure 4: Example of Stopping Sight Distance Triangle with Vehicles Parked Along Curb Stopping Sight Distance Stopping Sight Distance Vehicle obstructingview� Area to be clear of view obstruction Driveway Entrance Min 7' distance for vehicle clearance Figure 5: Suggestions to Improve Line of Sight for Vehicles Exiting 2718 Stingle Avenue w Existing red Curb - 0' 0 Install approximately 2' of red curb on the east side of t4 Stingle Avenue, north and south of the driveway E,j;r k f t entrance. This red curb is recommended to increase c� line of sight when exiting the `! driveway. 1 ! >r 41 ■ i �)1 t� f Legend >< Existing Driveway ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Available curb space for parking �2' R0SElE'AD Proposed Red Curb CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 7 LINE OF SIGHT REVIEW AT 2718 STINGLE AVENUE RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field conditions, and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that additional red curb is recommended to be installed for the driveway approach of 2718 Stingle Avenue, as shown in Figure 5. The red curb will provide a clear line of sight for vehicles exiting the driveway to see oncoming and approaching traffic along Stingle Avenue at this location. Please refer to the Recommendations Exhibit. Recommendations: 1. INSTALL RED CURB: Install red curb on the east side of Stingle Avenue, 2 -feet of red curb both north and south of the driveway located on 2718 Stingle Avenue for a total of 4 -feet of red curb, as shown in the Recommendations Exhibit. a. With the installation of red curb south of the driveway, there will be approximately 19 -ft left of available parking space, which equates to 1 parking space for vehicles parking along Stingle Avenue. b. With the installation of red curb north of the driveway, there will be approximately 65 -ft of available parking space north of 2718 Stingle Avenue. R0 S E►�E% CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 7 RECOMMENDATION EXHIBIT: ROSEMEAD, CA — 2718 STINGLE AVENUE RED CURB REQUEST Date Prepared: 2-22-24 NN MCI --� l 1 1 oil r 1 INSTALL RED CURB ON THE EAST SIDE OF STINGLE AVENUE. INSTALL 2 -FEET OF RED CURB NORTH OF THE DRIVEWAY AND 2 -FEET OF RED CURB SOUTH OF THE DRIVEWAY LOCATED ON 2718 STINGLE AVENUE � CITY OF ROSEMEAD KOS) AD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 7