CC - 1967 - 083 - Ellis Lane - Ralph St to DeAdalena AveRESOLUTION NO 67-83 y-4^ k A.RESOLUTIONsO,F THE,`CITY COUNCIL=OF THE,CITY.`OF ROSEMEAp, CAL.I'FORNI,A~CONF;,I,RMING_ A ST.REET.~ •`SUPERIN,TfNDENT?,'S REPORrT~~AND ASSESSMENTS THEREIN rg.iP.}q fi , (E1=lis plane Ralph `Street too DeAdalena 'Avenue) x~. ,!'T.~~~{!✓~~UFGx Ji lU ~Y n~'~M~JkA k;' XC.1h < e + .y' 1e THE C.ITY.+COUNCiIaL'~OF,`'THEUCI*TY}OF ROSEMEAD DOES;HEREBY' RESOLVE" AS FOLLOW~S a,, k i +,'xr, l' i t a, Sect'i on ,1 I nf`accor""dance with Sect i.on 5883 of the Government' o e the `r'eport°af the Street Superintendent'with, respect:to'~ th'econs,t~UCt, ; Ofi Xlmpr.OV ements E1s Lane, ,R'al h S reext toviDeA'da Xveue) % an the',propose~ assessmentsset? orth therein are hereby. ' .COnf I rmedxX+ Seat'i on 2 I n tf e, event -.thaf.;said, assessments are not,paidt<wit in.rve'() `days from date;rher, eo,f, the'-Street,, Super"irntendenl i s,"dfi°re`cted= to 'recprd a"notice; of l,i,en in the office, of ,t he County.Recorder and turn 'over a•;notice of Tien to the.'tax coI?dector for del iveryR to the `counay audi tor. for. entry,-on,the'°county:;assessment books ppposite`,the `d'escri.pt,ions of the parcels concerned PASS EO, AP_PROVEO`:AND',ADOPTED ;this 261th day of September, r i y 7, 14 ' ~t~ 1 ' ~ it~ se '1X 15 i .yV 3,y ry.a w. . A AY r H ATTEST;;` . a 7. _ w . O • ,S~!k~r J' .i's~'k rt Y.`1,,}+Tv x£,, q/.y. ,t.. jx *{'dt i"'~ ' .r.w, ~i~. "k