Attachment A- NarrativeCentral Park
8001 Garvey Avenue
8001 Garvey Avenue
Central Park will be an extraordinary community of 283 two and three-story condominium
homes with enclosed garages, a “community center”, “tot lots” for young children, lengthy
walking pathways for residents and their pets, and all surrounded by lush landscaping in
the beautiful City of Rosemead, California. Located along a half-block frontage of Garvey
Avenue, while not a favorable location for major retail, Central Park will offer a unique
opportunity for “live-work” commercial along its entire Garvey Avenue frontage.
Thirty-eight three story “live-work” condominiums, on 1.9 acres, will have 21,337
sqft. of “entrepreneurial micro kitchens” and/or retail businesses. Each “MEHKO” small
business may have indoor dining, food preparation and sales, along with their own
private dining patio. This block of Garvey Avenue has full curbside parking providing
convenient access to the many varieties of micro home kitchens and their chef’s
California enacted AB 626 into law September 18, 2018, establishing regulations
requiring cities to allow Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKOs), subject to
County Health Departments implementing regulations. The Los Angeles County Health
Department has prepared its “MEHKO” guidelines for cities and currently anticipates
implementation of their MEHKO laws and operating regulations this spring 2024.
Additionally, AB 1325 was Signed by Governor Newsome on July 21, 2023,
expanding the rights of MEHKO owners to sell more products than previously
permitted up to 90 meals per week and $100,000 in annual sales. This new law allows
Chefs to offer a greater variety of meals, cooking classes, and both dining and “to go”
orders. Additionally, the State can issue a Type 40 alcoholic beverage license for
“onsite beer and wine” service adding to the quality and variety of menu selections.
“MEHKOS ROSEMEAD” will be the first branded and marketed commercial district for
boutique dining and shopping experiences. With more than forty curbside Garvey Avenue
parking spaces, MEHKOS ROSEMEAD will be “the” destination for unique meal
preparation, baked delicacies, food products, and outdoor social gathering.
Welcome to “MEHKOS ROSEMEAD” for your next dining experience!