PSC - Item 3E - 2. SAO Rosemead Stats May 9-15, 2024STATISTICAL highlights THIS WEEK ARRESTS FELONY 3 MISDEMEANOR 5 TOTALS 8 LAST WEEK ARRESTS FELONY 2 MISDEMEANOR 5 TOTALS '7 NOTE WORTHY ARREST ARRESTS THIS WEEK VS LAST WEEK FELONY NESEE TOTAS •-HISWEEK JST\NEEK Rosemead SAO deputies followed up on a sex crime report that occurred at 8914 Valley Boulevard in the city of Rosemead, DBA "Rite Aid Pharmacy." Upon further investigation, Rosemead SAO Deputies discovered the suspect's vehicle information. By remaining persistent, SAO deputies were able to locate, detain and arrest the suspect. The suspect was charged with lewd conduct in public. 05-09-2024/ RD 0534 Due to an increase of calls for service near the g000 block of Garvey Avenue Rosemead, SAO deputies have been conducting extra patrol checks near the area. Rosemead SAO deputies arrested two individuals at the business shopping center located at 9014 Garvey Avenue. Both individuals were in violation of trespassing. 05-09-2024/ RD 0534 While conducting a patrol check of the local parks in the city of Rosemead, SAO Deputies arrested an individual for drinking in public. Later that evening the Rosemead SAO Deputies continued patrolling the parks. They later arrested an individual for violating posted park hours. O.j-12-2024 / RD O.r,R4 Target Loss Prevention (LP) coordinated with SAO Deputies to detain and arrest two female suspects. LP saw the two suspects conceal clothing and cosmetics into purses and bags. The two suspects were arrested for 459.5(a) PC shoplifting. Target recovered $688 worth of stolen merchandise. 0.j-1�-2024 / RD o.r,�6 Target Loss Prevention (LP) coordinated with SAO Deputies to detain a male suspect. The suspect frequently steals from Targe and evades LP. The suspect was seen grabbing merchandise with a locked anti theft device and using pliers to cut the device off. With the close communication, SAO Deputies detained, identified and arrested the suspect for possession of burglary tools (466 pc) and shoplifting 459.5(a) PC. In addition, Target was able to link the suspect to other thefts at other Target locations. O.. )-09-2024 - 0..ri-1.r,-2024 / RD O.r,R6 Local residents in the area of Walnut Grove Avenue and Grand Avenue in the city of Rosemead have been concerned with transients in the area. Rosemead SAO Deputies have increased their patrol checks around the clock and arrested four individuals. The arrests include possession of burglary tools and theft warrants. OPERATIONS O.. )-09-2024 Rosemead SAO deputies assisted Detective Bureau on a Search Warrant Operation in the city of Sout El Monte. Several individuals were involved in a burglary in the city of Rosemead. After further investigation it was discovered that the individuals reside in the city of South El Monte. Rosemead SAO deputies conducted a tactical approach and gained access to inside of the house after several announcements were made. Several articles were located and booked into evidence for prosecutorial purposes. Two individuals were arrested for possession of stolen property and grand theft. DAILY OPERATIONS SAO team members adjust schedules to work daytime and evening operations based on crime trends. SAO team members review crime reports (SH -R-49) to identify the latest crime trends for the city of Rosemead. SAO team members conducted daily patrol checks at the following locations: • igoo MONTEBELLO TOWN CENTER, RSM. DBA "MACYS" 91o8 GARVEY AVENUE, RSM. "GARVEY COMMUNITY CENTER" • 8728 VALLEY BLVD, RSM. "MINH SQUARE" • 3514 ROSEMEAD BLVD, RSM. "BOILING CRAB" • 3600 ROSEMEAD BLVD, RSM. DBA "ULTA" • 3600 ROSEMEAD BLVD, RSM. DBA "TARGET" • 3010 SAN GABRIEL BLVD, RSM. DBA "T -MOBILE" • 8450 VALLEY BLVD, RSM. DBA "888 SEA FOOD PLAZA" • 1827 SAN GABRIEL BLVD, RSM. DBA "WAL-MART" • 8463 GARVEY AVE, RSM. DBA "PALM MOTEL" • 2618 SAN GABRIEL AVE, RSM. DBA "ROYALE INN MOTEL" • 2619 SAN GABRIEL AVE, RSM. DBA "COURTESY INN MOTEL" • 8621 GARVEY AVE, RSM. DBA "FLAMING INN MOTEL" • 3029 SAN GABRIEL AVE, RSM. DBA "PALACE INN MOTEL" • 8000 VALLEY BLVD — 9400 VALLEY BLVD, RSM • 740o GARVEY AVE —91oo GARVEY AVE, RSM • 2000 SAN GABRIEL AVE — 3500 SAN GABRIEL AVE, RSM SAO team members conducted numerous, ongoing patrol checks throughout the city actively seeking and deterring criminals/criminal activities. SAO team members assisted code enforcement with aiding homeless individuals throughout the city by offering information on shelter services and other outreach programs. SAO team members continuously moved the decoy police vehicle throughout the city of Rosemead. The decoy police vehicle has been strategically placed at various business locations throughout the city to help deter crime. The decoy police vehicle continues to help prevent overnight commercial burglaries. The vehicle has been strategically placed in areas where crime trends are occurring. MOTOR 05-09-2024 — 05-15-2024 Rosemead Motor participated in the Police Unity Tour in Washing DC. The Police Unity Tour is the largest fundraiser for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Thousands of officers across the nation gather together and ride a bicycle over 250 miles to commemorate fallen officers. BUSINESS OUTREACH of -14-2024/ RD 0535 Rosemead SAO Deputies met with Walmart Asset Protection Management and employees and coordinated a joint effort to donate gifts to Temple Station and SAO Deputies for their hard work and dedication. Walmart management is extremely grateful with our current partnership and future planned events. SAO Deputies met with Walmart employees at Temple Station and presented the gifts to Deputies during briefing. Walmart employees met with the station's Captain and were given a tour of the station. Rosemead SAO Deputies met with California Macy's AP management meeting. SAO Deputies specifically spoke over an hour about case building, safety, partnership with local law enforcement, and their local DA office to ensure prosecution. The presentation taught all Macy's California management how to write statements, gather video surveillance and to properly document incidents. DEPARTMENT