TC - Item 3A - Traffic Calming Measures for Location 2: Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves AvenueROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 2024 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TRAFFIC CALMING REVIEW ALONG FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff has completed a review of the road segment along Falling Leaf Avenue, as well as recommended appropriate improvements at the location of Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. The City of Rosemead has received a request to review the segment of Falling Leaf Avenue, between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. The city is requesting to evaluate this segment for the installation of traffic calming measures. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff has completed a traffic review of this segment of Falling Leaf Avenue to determine if the street segment qualifies for the installation of traffic calming measures. ANALYSIS The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a field review, and a review of approximately 3 -years of available collision data. Existing Conditions: Falling Leaf Avenue is a north/south street, considered a local road per the California Road System Functional Classification by Caltrans. Falling Leaf Avenue has a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH. The roadway is approximately 26 -feet wide with one lane of travel in each direction and no marked centerline. Parking is allowed along the west side of the street, except during street sweeping hours and areas marked with red curb. Land use along this segment of Falling Leaf Avenue consist of single-family residential housing and Jay Imperial Park. This segment has sidewalks on both sides of the street. City Traffic Commission Meeting September 5, 2024 Page 2 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment along Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue meets the requirements for the installation of traffic calming devices along the street. Please refer to the Installation Exhibit in Attachment A for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. These improvements include: 1. INSTALL SPEED LIMIT SIGNS (R2 — 1) AND 25 PAVEMENT LEGEND: Install "25" Speed Limit signs (R2 — 1) for northbound and southbound directions of travel along Falling Leaf Avenue, between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. a. For southbound direction, install sign along the west side of the street, approximatelly 150 -ft south of Garvey Avenue. Install "25" Pavement Legend adjacent to the signage. b. For the northbound direction, install sign along the east side of the street, aproximatelly 150 -ft north of Graves Avenue. Install "25" Pavement Legend adjacent to the signage. 2. INSTALL YELLOW CENTERLINE: Install 50 -ft of solid yellow centerline along Falling Leaf Avenue, at the intersection with Garvey Avenue, south of the intersection. Prepared by: Allison Richter, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A — Technical Traffic Engineering Report ea TRANSTEch TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: September 5, 2024 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC CALMING ON FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead has received a request to review the segment of Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. The request is to implement traffic calming measures such as speed humps along the segment of Falling Leaf Avenue due to speeding vehicles. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff has completed a traffic review at the subject segment. The traffic review included a review of existing conditions of the segment, 3 -years of available collision data, Average Daily Traffic (ADT) counts and 24-hour speed survey counts. Figure 1: Vicinity Map a i Q a > i a Q Kelburn Ave E 3 a Z Denton Ave LEGEND Cos -ltrA e. Segment: Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue (2,950 Feet) Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 14 TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE SEGMENT FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 1: Existing Conditions Diagram — Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue � ql b 4 � b d dp � 2�Gp a b • Q' LEGEND No Parking; Monday; No Vehicles Over 3 PARKING 6AM-10AM Street ■ Stop Sign (111-1) 4 Tons sign (115-2) Sweeping Signage 6e■ -10u oveN3TONs Anytime (R26 Variation) PARKING No Parking at Any aNY Time sign (115-2) TINE Falling Leaf Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Falling Leaf Avenue is a north/south street, considered a local road per the California Road System Functional Classification by Caltrans. Falling Leaf Avenue has a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH. The roadway is approximately 26 -feet wide with one lane of travel in each direction and no marked centerline. Parking is allowed along the west side of the street, except during street sweeping hours and areas marked with red curb. Land use along this segment of Falling Leaf Avenue consist of single-family residential housing and Jay Imperial Park. This segment has sidewalks on both sides of the street. t -o OSE EAD ,oaT,sm,,ow�ame,w Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 14 TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE SEGMENT FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE COLLISION DATA Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS). A review of collision history within the segment of Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue was conducted over a 3 year period between January 2021 to the most recent available data, December 2023. Intersection Collision Breakdown Veh vs. Veh Veh vs. Ped Veh vs. Bike 2 1 0 Collision Breakdown - Year 2023 2022 2021 1 1 0 Table 1: Collision Table: Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue Cos-leAD ,oaT,=sm,,ow�ame,w Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 14 Severity 1- Fatal 2 - Severe Injury Motor Day of Lighting 3 - Other Visible Vehicle, Collison Primary Primary Secondary Factor and Collision p Date Dist. Time the (Day, Night, ollision TypeInjury Pedestrian, Road Road Week Etc.) 4 -Complaint of Bicycle Detail Factor Descriptions Pain Involved 5 - Prop Dam Only (PDO) FALLING NB BACKING STRTNG/BA 1 8/22/2023 GARVEY AVE 30'S 16:00 TUE DAYLIGHT REAR END 5 OTHER MV MV HITS NB LEAF AVE CKNG STOPPED MV SB WRONG 2 4/22/2022 FALLING NEWMARK 180'N 16:04 FRI DAYLIGHT BROADSIDE 5 OTHER MV WAY MV HITS WRONG LEAF AVE AVE SB LFT TURN SIDE MV Cos-leAD ,oaT,=sm,,ow�ame,w Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 14 TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE SEGMENT FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken on Thursday, March 21,2024, Friday, March 22, 2024, and Saturday, April 20, 2024, for Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. A summary of ADT data is shown in Table 2, 3 and 4: Average Daily Traffic (ADT). The ADT is attached (Attachment 1, 3, & 5) at the end of the report. Table 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT), taken on Thursday, March 21, 2024. Location Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) 3/21/20. 3/21/2024 1 Vehicles per Day (vpd) 3/21/2024 Falling Leaf Avenue NB SB TOTAL between Garvey Avenue 499 611 1110 and Graves Avenue Table 3: Average Daily Traffic (ADT), taken on Friday, March 22, 2024. Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Location 3/22/2024 3/22/2024 3/22/2024 Falling Leaf Avenue NB SB TOTAL between Garvey Avenue 496 633 1129 and Graves Avenue Table 4: Average Daily Traffic (ADT), taken on Saturday, April 20, 2024. Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Location 4/20/2024 4/20/2024 4/20/2024 Falling Leaf Avenue between GaNB SB TOTAL rvey Avenue and Graves Avenue 433 519 952 SPEED SURVEY To assess the speed at which vehicles are traveling along Falling Leaf Avenue, a 24-hour speed survey was taken. A 24-hour speed survey was taken on Thursday, March 21, Friday, March 22, and Saturday, April 20, 2024, for Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. The average 85th percentile speed of vehicles along Falling Leaf Avenue among the 3 days observed is at 31 MPH. This means that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled are traveling at 31 MPH or below, which is slightly above the prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH. Table 5 below shows the Thursday, March 21, Friday, March 22, and Saturday, April 20, 2024, speed survey results. The speed summary is attached (Attachment 2, 4 & 6) at the end of the report. t^ Cos-leAD ,oaT,=sm,,ow�ame,w Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 14 TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE SEGMENT FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE ble 5: Speed Survey along Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue (3/21/24, Dir. of Date/Time of Location 85%ile Speed Prima Facie Limit Travel Survey Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue NB/SB 3/21/2024 24-hour 31 MPH 25 MPH Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves NB/SB 3/22/2024 31 MPH 25 MPH 24-hour Avenue Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves NB/SB 4/20/2024 31 MPH 25 MPH 24-hour Avenue PROPOSED SPEED HUMP CRITERIA The City is in the process of developing a Traffic Calming Policy that would include criteria for the installation of speed humps. The policy would need to be considered and approved by City Council prior to the recommendation and installation of a speed hump. Within the proposed traffic calming policy that is currently being developed, a street must meet the following criteria to be considered for a speed hump, including: Items that are typically required for the installation of speed humps includes: • Residential Street, or a Local Road • Posted Speed Limit of 30 MPH or below • ADT (Average Daily Traffic) of 500 to 2500 vehicles • One lane each direction, with a roadway width of 40 -feet or less • Resident Petition Although the residents asked for speed hump installation at this location, speed humps cannot be considered at this time without official review and approval by City Council. RECOMMENDATIONS After a review of existing traffic conditions and following the proposed speed hump criteria, the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, the segment of Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue was found to qualify for the installation of traffic calming measures. The following measures are recommended and shown in the Recommendation Exhibit below: t OSE EAD ,oaT,=sm,,ow�ame,w Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 14 TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE SEGMENT FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE 1. INSTALL SPEED LIMIT SIGNS (112 —1) AND 25 PAVEMENT LEGEND: Install "25" Speed Limit signs (R2 —1) for northbound and southbound directions of travel along Falling Leaf Avenue, between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. a. For southbound direction, install sign along the west side of the street, approximatelly 150 -ft south of Garvey Avenue. Install "25" Pavement Legend adjacent to the signage. b. For the northbound direction, install sign along the east side of the street, aproximatelly 150 - ft north of Graves Avenue. Install "25" Pavement Legend adjacent to the signage. 2. INSTALL YELLOW CENTERLINE: Install 50 -ft of solid yellow centerline along Falling Leaf Avenue, at the intersection with Garvey Avenue, south of the intersection. �,t ' OSE►WE'AD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 14 RECOMMENDATION EXHIBIT: ROSEMEAD, CA—SEGMENT OF FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Date Prepared. 9-5-24 OINSTALL SPEED LIMIT SIGNS (112 — 1) AND "25" PAVEMENT LEGEND: Install "25" Speed Limit signs (132 — 1) for northbound and southbound directions of travel along Falling Leaf Avenue, between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. a. For southbound direction, install sign along the west side of the street, approximatelly 150 -ft south of Garvey Avenue. Install "25" Pavement Legend adjacent to the signage. SPEED b. For the northbound direction, install sign along the east side of the street, aproximatelly 150 -ft north of Graves Avenue. LIMIT Install "25" Pavement Legend adjacent to the signage. 2 O INSTALL YELLOW CENTERLINE: Install 50 -ft of solid yellow centerline along Falling Leaf Avenue, at the intersection with 25 Garvey Avenue. TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE SEGMENT FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEV AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE ATTACHMENTS 1. ADT (Thursday, March 21, 2024), Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. 2. Speed Survey (Thursday, March 21,2024), Fa lli ng Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. 3. ADT (Friday, March 22, 2024), Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. 4. Speed Survey (Friday, March 22,2024), Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. 5. ADT (Saturday, April 20,2024), Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. 6. Speed Survey (Saturday, April 20, 2024), Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue �m O E AD Prepared By Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page Sof 14 TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE SEGMENT FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEV AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Attachment 1: ADT(Thursday, March 21, 2024), Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue r.an..a nr �'o� Data at VOLUME�4 �10" Falling Leaf Ave get Garvey Ave & Graves Ave Dan mursaaV Care: 3/2e/2024 Cis Ros.u:.ad RritIedm rn24 MOCKS) 002 Prepared By'. Transtech Engineers, Inc. 1 Page9of14 S6 Us We DAiLYTOTALS INES MIS 10 3 0 0 13 22:0 0 0 6 10 SO 6 6 0 0 5 2 0 0 7 41222!W L42 TI 213 174 3117 TMAIS IN M7 723 SPUJ% 55'0% 41 349% SPUT16 IS M 396% AMP,aklattv 07IS Ills 07 IS Par Pes,k Star 1710 ISIS l7aO PkH,F� 0711 0765 0.707 ISH's,,,r ost 0197 am 7 9PD11ottv (DIS 04S 0715 4 Gts,&kla�r 171M ISIS 17M IgHrr,±,, 0711 orall (LM ISHI 086A 0950 Prepared By'. Transtech Engineers, Inc. 1 Page9of14 TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE SEGMENT FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEV AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Attachment 2: Speed Survey (Thursday, March 21, 2024), Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. o�n�N4w• • m/yaneea SPEED Falling Leaf Ave Bet Garvey Ave & Graves Ave Day: Tm,r:eay DON:3/➢/202_ CM/: Rosemead ProlectM CA24 020090 002 01111I 0I AM C — PM Pnk H... 1T)D 1210 710 vol 1AA BTU 6sC 1710 VClure 15 14 50 Z2 15 5 3 95 Frm AR Prepared By Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 10of 14 O Eq ..,......_._•,.. 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F`Nmnd,.4 bI intemadpngSeein VOLUME Falling Leaf Ave Bet Garvey Ave & Graves Ave Day: Friday Dna: 3/22/2024 (Lr: w as prolan r. uz4 axmso_DDz O Prepa red By Transtech En gineers, In c I Page 11 of 14 SB L UFFALS 1% 183 Gainers 297 450 747 SPI 521% 47996 surail witnia 31 SON ".296 area WAS 1445 1915 IeK) AdeRvene, 55 40 AS Phimolea, 42 57 as ftwFelmr a 70) 070 04W KwFeler 0955 Gan 0.733 7-9111kerm at 55 An 4-611'affe 59 95 7-SPIAShey, 55 40 IS 4Sftvaew 33 53 IS P%WF,nSr 0700 070 Gan PI 0825 One U WU O Prepa red By Transtech En gineers, In c I Page 11 of 14 TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE SEGMENT FALLING LEAF AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEV AVENUE AND GRAVES AVENUE Attachment 4: Speed Survey (Friday, March 22, 2024), Falling Leaf Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Graves Avenue. P,.,.l., gNa oUF..,., S.F.I.ES SPEED Falling Leaf Ave Bet Garvey Ave & GavesAve My: Fnday rate: 3/¢z/2024 Cry: Ms need Preen cu 4 oetufu wt AR Prepared By Transtech EDglneers, In c. I Page 12 of 14 O Eq ..,......_._.,.. 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