CC - 1972 - 16 - Commending Raymond C. Mora• i _ R E S 0 LUTI0N NO. 72-16 • 1 V 1 , 1 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF.ROSEMEAD, commending and congnatueafii.ng CORPORAL RAYMOND C. MORA, USMC (Ret.) WHEREAS: . Conpona2 Raymond C. Mona, on this day a6 Febnuany 23, 1972, has when . .the Citizenship Oath to became a citizen o6 the beloved Repubtic o6 the United States o6 Ameki.ca; and WHEREAS: Upon this distinction's being con6eAAed, we stand in awe o6 this man and o6 the measure 06 his dedication to the cause o6 this nation in that he has 6ehved nobly and tong in the United States MaAi.n0"Comps duAing the Vietnam con6P.i.ct in which he su66eAed the gn,ievous toss . ¢ o6 his beet and one hand when an enemy mine expCoded; and WHEREAS: The history o6 ouh nation is nepZete with epochaP accounts o6 Just such unseL6.i6h sacni6ices by its young men which have done much to .insute the continuance o6 this nation, the hope o6 mankind; and Raymond Mona'z zacAi6.ice ahaU be counted among those epocha.Y accounts; NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the City Councit o6 the City o6 Rosemead do het~eby express.. ° oun unbounded admiAati.on bon Conpo=Z Raymond Mona, our. gnat tude - ' 6ar his exempCany seJCV.ice and sacni6.ice, and ouh pAu:de in his becoming a citizen o6 the United States o6 Ameh.ica and o6 the ' City o6 Rosemead. rrr A of ' PASSED, _ . APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day o6 FEBRUARY, 1972 -Mayon Stua4t H. Maude e 1:. T---7-Lo no em HeAbW R. u eh. oun n AAnotd n eFs en oun n enn Pike oun n PauZ S. ay on.