CC - Item 1 - National Blood Donor MonthW --I TROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING JANUARY 2008 AS "NATIONAL BLOOD DONOR MONTH" WHEREAS, National Blood Donor Month has been declared since 1970 to help ensure an adequate blood supply and to stress the importance of giving the "Gift of Life" through the donation of blood; and WHEREAS, National Blood Donor Month is a month-long observance that shows us that donating blood is a simple, safe, life-saving and selfless gift that millions of Americans can do; and WHEREAS, National Blood Donor Month makes us aware that every day blood is needed in hospitals and emergency treatment facilities for patients with cancer and other diseases, for organ transplant recipients, and to save the lives of accident victims; and WHEREAS, National Blood Donor Month addresses the need for constant replenishment of blood, especially during the winter months when blood is traditionally in short supply due to a reduction in donor turnout because of the holidays, busy travel schedules, inclement weather and illness, which can put blood inventory at a critical low; and WHEREAS, National Blood Donor Month helps us understand that approximately 37 percent of the US population is eligible to donate' blood but only about five percent do, contributing an annual total of about 16 million units to the American Red Cross, that in turn are transfused to approximately four million patients; and WHEREAS, in Southern California, the American Red Cross provides 400,000 units of blood and blood products per year for the protection of patients, and there is a need for additional healthy, regular volunteer donors to join the ranks of those who already give of themselves so generously; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, the Rosemead City Council hereby proclaims the month of January 2008 as "National Blood Donor Month" and urge all citizens to pay tribute to those among us who donate for others in need. We urge citizens in good health to donate regularly and urge all civic and service organizations and businesses, if they have not already done so, to form blood donor groups to provide blood for others. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of January 2008. MAYOR MAYOR PRO TEM COUNCIL MEMBER of `!~°.semtacl