CC - Item 4I - Restriction on Mission Dr at Encinita AveE M F s R~ ~ q O o~ Q~Q PRORATED tR59 • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 22, 2008 SUBJECT: EASTBOUND LEFT TURN SIGNAL PHASE AND "NO U-TURN" RESTRICTION ON MISSION DRIVE AT ENCINITA AVENUE SUMMARY On January 3, 2008, the Traffic Commission reviewed the traffic signal operation at the intersection of Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue. At this meeting, the Commission approved staffs recommendation that no traffic signal modifications be made and that "No U-Turn" restrictions be added for eastbound traffic on Mission Drive at Encinita Avenue. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install "No U-Turn" restrictions for eastbound traffic on Mission Drive at Encinita Avenue. DISCUSSION At the request of the Traffic Commission, staff conducted a traffic study for turning movement counts at the intersection of Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue. Using state guidelines, staff found that the intersection does not warrant traffic signal modifications for eastbound traffic lanes on Mission Drive. Instead, the study did show that the installation of "No U-Turn" signage is warranted for the intersection. Attachment A includes a detailed report, traffic study, and intersection diagram. FINANCIAL REVIEW Not applicable ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Not applicable LEGAL REVIEW This staff report has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 0 • • City Council Meeting January 22, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Prepared by: Chris Marcarello Administrative Services Officer Submitt b B ki Assistant City Manager Attachments: (1) Traffic Commission Staff Report, 1/3/2008 11 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: JANUARY 3, 2008 SUBJECT. REQUEST FOR EASTBOUND LEFT TURN SIGNAL PHASE AND "NO U TURN" RESTRICTION ON MISSION DRIVE AT ENCINITA AVENUE SUMMARY Commissioner Gay requested staff review the traffic signal operation at the intersection of Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue. Commissioner Gay indicated he felt there was a need to install eastbound left turn signal phasing (left turn arrow) and prohibit U turns in this same direction. Staff Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that no traffic signal modifications (eastbound left turn signal phasing) be made: to the intersection of Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue at this time. It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of "No U Turn" restrictions for eastbound Mission Drive at Encinita Avenue at this time. ANALYSIS Mission Drive is a 30-foot roadway traveling generally in an east/west direction through the City. Therc are two lanes of traffic separated by a double yellow centerline. At its intersection with Encinita Avenue, Mission Drive provides an eastbound left turn lane onto northbound Encinita Avenue. Rosemead High School and Rosemead Park are located on the north side of Mission Drive between Encinita Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard. The posted speed limit on Mission Drive is 40 mph. Encinita Avenue is a 43-foot wide north/south roadway. There is one lane of traffic in each direction separated by single yellow skip striping. Rosemead Park is on the west side and residential uses are on the east side of Encinita Avenue. Encinita Avenue is signalized at its intersections with Mission Drive and Lower Azusa Road. Parking is • • Traffic Commission Meeting January 3, 2008 Page 2 of 4 allowed on both sides of Encinita Avenue. The posted speed limit is 30 mph on Encinita Avenue. Exhibit "A" depicts existing conditions at the intersection of Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue. Discussion Turning movement counts were taken at the intersection of Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue during the 7:00 to 9:00 AM and 4:00 to 6:00 PM peak periods. These traffic counts indicated that the peak hours occurred at 7:00 AM and 5:00 PM. There were no eastbound U turns observed during the peak periods counted. Table 1 summarizes the peak hour turning movement counts. Data was collected regarding the eastbound left turn delay on Mission Drive at Encinita Avenue. This data recorded the number of eastbound left turn vehicles waiting in the red phase, turning on the green phase and turning on the yellow phase. The data was taken during the AM and PM peak hour. Tables 2-AM and 2-PM summarize this information_ Eastbound Left Turn Phase Analysis The installation of left turn signal phasing is based guidelines provided in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD). The CA MUTCD indicates that left turn signal phasing should be considered when one or more of the following conditions exist: 1. Collisions - Five or more left turn collisions for a particular left turn movement during a recent 12-month period. 2. Delay - Left-turn delay of one or more vehicles, which were waiting at the t epinning of the green interval and are still remaining in the left turn lane after at least 80% of the total number of cycles for one hour. 3. Volume - At new interser..tions where only estimated volumes are available, the following criteria may be used. For pretimed signal or a background-cycle- Controlled actuated signal, a left turn volume of more than two vehicles per approach per cycle for a peak hour; or for a traffic-actuated signal, 50 or more left turning vehicles per hour in one direction with the product of the turning and conflicting through traffic during the peak hour of 100,000 or more. 4. Miscellaneous. Other factors that might be considered include but are not limited m: impaired _ight distance due to horizontal or vertical curvature, or where there are a large percentage of buses and trucks. Collisions The reported collisions for the intersection of Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue were revimved for the period from January 1, 2005 through February 28, 2007. There were. 4 reported collisions during this period. None of these reported collisions involved left turning vehicles at this intersection. Therefore, the collision guideline is not satisfied. • • Traffic Commission Aleefing January 3, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Delay - The delay analysis is provided in Tables 2-AM and 2-PM. During the AM peak hour, 47 total cycles were observed. Of these 47 cycles, 7.experienced a delay. This is 14.9% of the total cycles being delayed. During the PM peak hour, 39 total cycles were observed. Of these 39 cycles, only 1 experienced a delay. This is 2.6% of the total cycles being delayed. Therefore, the delay guideline is not satisfied in the AM or PM peak hour. Volurne - This guideline is to be applied to new intersections. However, the volume guideline was reviewed for informational purposes. During the AM peak hour, 173 eastbound vehicles turn left from Mission Drive onto Encinita Avenue. The volume of conflicting westbound through traffic, is 525. This is a product of 90,825. During the PM peak hour. 404 eastbmind vehicles turn left from Mission Drive onto Encinita Avenue. The volume of conflicting westbound through traffic is 281. This is a product of 113,524. Therefore, the AM peak hour does not satisfy the guideline but the PM peak hour satisfies the guideline. Miscellaneous - Fhere are no unusual conditions at this intersection that would satisfy this particular guideline. Recommendation Based on the data rol!Pcted fnr.the eastbound !eft turns on Mission Drive at Encinita Avenue, the installation of an eastbound left turn signal phase is not recommended at this time. _Eastbound "No U Turn" Prohibition The turning movement and delay counts taken at the intersection of Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue did not identify any vehicles executing eastbound U turns. The reported rol!!.sion history does not identify any U-turn related collisions at this intersection. A general rule of thumb in, determining if U-turns can be "easily" made is to measure from the outside: of fhe left turn lane to the curb (of opposing traffic). If this distance is less than 42 feet, U-turns should probably be restricted. The width of Mission Drive at E_.ncinita Avenue is 60 feet. The width from the outside of the left turn lane to the curb is 35 feet, which is less than the 42 feet "rule of thumb". Therefore, a "No 1.1 Turn" restriction is recommended for eastbound Mission Drive at Encinita Avenue. Recommendation Based on the width of Mission Drive at Encinita ,Avenue, the installation of a "No U Turn" restriction for eastbound Mission Drive at Encinita Avenue is recommended. • • Traffic Commission Meeting January 3, 2008 Page 4 of 4 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Joanne-- Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Exhibit A: FxEstin 7 Conditions at Mission Drive and Encinita Avenue Table 1: 7urriing Movement Counts Table 2-AM: AM Peak Hour Delay Uata Table 2-PM: PM Peak Hour Delay Data Q:\in18774-Rsd Relahier 07-nMTratfic Commission AgendasWanuary 2008\Mission-Encinita EB LT phas and No U Turn.doc 10 0 SCALE 1° = 50' LEGEND SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION Q / r27. T71 EXISTING RED CURB 74. 7) 1p. 4 / RS- DEi "D• 7 ® N ~ ~ ,l a N I 10, i N . v(( O / DET DET A" 'A" co ' l / 7q 77' 7,,J / ENCINITA AVENUE C 14' EXHIBIT A CITY OF ROSEMEAD MISSION DRIVE AT ENCINITA AVENUE • 0 TABLE 1 Mission Drive and Encintia Avenue Turning Movement Counts Count Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 AM Peak: 7:00 - 8:00 North Leg I 161 SB RT SB LT 372 107 ES LT 1731 1 76 WB RT EB Tt I 28E 525 W-8T H 0 rcus Vest Le East Le Mission Dr. Mission Dr. Dote: There were no eastbound U turns observed during the 7:00-9:00 AM or 4:00-6:00 PM peak -criods PM Peak: 5:00 - 6:00 • • rl- d O C Q N O > O N Q O N M O Q o> c r o N W Z W -0 > co co m o F i R O O ~ c C N o ~ io Q ) O U o o' -o Z T p } } } 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z 0 N O y. Z n N A 0) n c W U _ C L L ~ Q T j ? 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