CC - Item 6C - Close Up Program, Washington DC 2008ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 22, 2008 SUBJECT: APPROPRIATION AMENDMENT OF $20,000 TO BE USED FOR A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ALHAMBRA SCHOOL DISTRICT CLOSE UP PROGRAM, WASHINGTON D.C., 2008 SUMMARY Recently, teachers and administrators from San Gabriel High School met with Mayor Tran regarding the possibility of providing financial assistance to disadvantaged students for the purposes of sending them to the Close Up Program in Washington DC, Philadelphia, and New York. As members of the City Council know, many San Gabriel High School students reside in the City of Rosemead and the Close Up program will allow this next generation to experience our nation's capitol and learn more about the history of the United States. The cost to send each student on this trip is $2,348, a price which includes accommodations, airfare, etc. San Gabriel High School is looking to send eight (8) students . on the trip at a cost of approximately $20,000. A Close Up Event Package has been attached to this staff report which includes letters of support from the Alhambra School District and letters requesting the City's support from students. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council appropriate $20,000 in account number 4200-6410- Fund01 (Community Promotions - Miscellaneous Expenses - Fund01) using unreserved, undesignated General Fund fund balance for a contribution to the Alhambra School District to help send eight (8) disadvantaged San Gabriel High School students to the Close Up, Washington D.C. event. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: RESOLUTION NO. 2008-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL APPROPRIATING $20,000 IN THE COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS DIVISION, MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES OBJECT OF THE GENERAL FUND WHEREAS, San Gabriel High School (SGVHS) teachers and administrators met with Mayor Tran to request financial assistance from the City to pay trip expenses for disadvantaged SGVHS students to Washington D.C. to participate in the Alhambra School District "Close Up Program", and WHEREAS, the assistance is to pay for student accommodations, airfare, etc., and WHEREAS, staff recommends that $20,000 be appropriated in account No. 4200- 6410-Fund01 (Community Promotions - Miscellaneous Expenses - General Fund) and subsequently paid to the Alhambra School District to pay trip expenses to Washington D.C; for disadvantaged students, and NOW THEREFORE, there is hereby appropriated to the Miscellaneous Expenses object in the Community Promotions Division of the General Fund (account 4200-6410- Fund01) with the funding coming from the unreserved, undesignated fund balance of the General Fund, $20,000 to be contributed to Alhambra School District to assist with expenses related to the "Close Up Program" trip to Washington D.C. The additional appropriation is made a part of the approved FY2007-08 budget as though it were a part of the initial approved budget fully set forth and the City Manager is authorized and empowered to expend such sum for the purpose of such account, but with no expenditure by any office or department for any item within an account shall exceed the amount budgeted therefore without prior written approval of the City Manager. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 22nd day of January, 2008. John Tran, Mayor ATTEST: Page 1 of 1 .J I U E ro N c T O V 0 V w E N m a) 0 a) o E 2 a a° N m E o 0 > N a 0) m c "0 0) m ro a) V 0 a) m > N co o m o ca 'Z 0 c a m o E S2 0) E a N ° m` (D Z! m e a a) o m N o m 'E N E 0 y N O. a) . 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FFj~9 fn N o T D dj - U O N ' r o J N O U a COL T N L 7 U ' C E la N j. m L W 9 L O O Q N t° O c . . 0 0 'co, m) 'CO N N c W YO Y O C ° N l 0 N N j ~ A N ~ T a c ✓w C 0 @~ c 3 q i -y c Q m E .0 a o w w Z Y , d O O p n 0 d 7 O ° s t c a~ a £ R O ° 2 H v rn m Y N N w L T N E e C . o c Z5 co Q ) t a m (D o T ° 3 ¢ > w > o o Z co CL y o 3 A "O N ° C > C O O C ro N m c a ro ` o co C - ) IT ° - ` O o o ca T m y d o ~ ~ o L N C ` O N C O ; U' U O co {pe bt ALHAYMRA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Gabriel High School, 801 Ramona Street, San Gabriel, Ca. 91776 (626) 308-2352 James Schofield, Principal FAX (626) 308-2332 January 9, 2008 Dear Mayor Tran, Thank you for meeting with Mrs. Vairo regarding our student study trip to Washington DC, Philadelphia, and New York. It is a wonderful opportunity for our students. I was reflecting on my own experience visiting these three great cities for the first time only three years ago. To see the birthplace of our Constitution and the Liberty Bell, to visit the heart of our Nation's Government, and to experience New York, particularly the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island where so many great citizens found freedom in our country, are memories that will remain with me a lifetime. For our students to have the opportunity to have these experiences now may inspire some to forge their future path in the political arena. For all of them, it will reinforce the core values upon which our country was built and upon which it is operated. Any monetary support the City of Rosemead could provide would be incredible. Close to ninety- percent of our students receive a Free or Reduced Lunch due to their socio-economic status. For ma* it could take years to have an experience such as this. Again, thank you for the interest and compassion you have shown to the students of San Gabriel High School! ' Sincerely, James T. Schofield Principal, San Gabriel High School • • ALHANMRA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Gabriel High School, 801 Ramona Street, San Gabriel, Ca. 91776 (626) 308-2660 Jennifer Sunada, Assistant Principal FAX (626) 308-2507 January 15, 2008 To: Mayor John Tran Rosemead City Council Purpose: San Gabriel High School is offering an educational opportunity for our students to get a first hand look of our national capital and its inner working with New York City's United Nations and Philadelphia's Constitutional Foundation Timeframe: Sunday, March 23, 2008 to Saturday, March 29, 2008 Cost: Each student is $2,348.00, which includes airfare, etc. For adults, add an additional $350.00 to the stated cost. We would like to offer scholarships not to our academic high achievers but the social and dis- advantaged students. Please consider granting our 'students who are residents of Rosemead a monetary supplement awarded by your city council that would enable these students to have such a wonderful hands on experience with government. The only way our students in the past have been able to go to our National capital was through the Migrant and English Learners program for that specific student population. Other surrounding school districts have offered similar educational personal exposure to our government, but San Gabriel High School has not been able to provide this experience to our students. Our long-range vision is for other Rosemead student residents to have the same experience by attending the Presidential Inauguration in January 2009 with one or more of your City Council Members, accompanying them on that trip. This would create a bridge of learning and partnership with their elected officials. This could possibly lead into further civic involvement or even an internship with their city. In the past, our students at San Gabriel High School have been involved with our national elections by participating as poll-workers. We, as SGHS teachers, would like to inspire, engage, and empower our students to become responsible citizens for life. espectfully yours, Maria Vairo Social Studies Teacher • • Dear Mayor John Tran and Rosemead City Council, My name is Daniella M. Oropeza. I am a senior at San Gabriel High School. My mom is a single parent and has to raise three children. I am a very outgoing person and I believe I can gain more insight from participating in the Close Up Foundation program. Close Up will allow me to "debate one-on-one with Washington insiders", and learn about how our government functions and how its decisions will affect me. I would very much like to attend this trip. I would be very happy and honored to be able to be involved in this program. By traveling to Washington D.C, Philadelphia, and New York, this will enable me to visit places that I would have never imagined seeing. In turn this will help me understand everything I have learned in my government class first hand. I `am also very excited to meet kids my age from all around the U.S. with similar goals and interests. This experience will inspire me to get involved, vote and make a difference in this world. Thank you for the sponsorship that you have given us. Sincerely, X/w" ' V Daniella M. Oropeza Dear Mayor John Tran and Rosemead City Council, 0 I have been a resident of Rosemead all my life and I currently attend San Gabriel High School as a senior. The trip to Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and New York would be a great opportunity for me to learn more about our government. I would love to get involved and make a difference, especially when the presidential elections are just around the comer. It would be a great experience for me to meet people around the country and be able to speak my mind. It would be a great chance for my voice.to be heard because every voice matters. `Sincerely, V Victor Tang • • Dear Mayor John Tran and Rosemead City Council, My name is Kevin Tran. I am a senior at San Gabriel High School who plans on continuing my education as a film major. I am an only child and a resident of Rosemead for the past fourteen years. My parents were ecstatic when they heard of the generous opportunity you were offering me. I am looking forward to seeing America's historical background and to observe how Washington DC and New York run this nation. I am thrilled to have this chance to meet other students with the same interests as I do from around the country. I believe this trip will be a memorable experience for me to look back on. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Sincerely, Kevin Tran • • Dear Mayor John Tran and Rosemead City Council, My name is Megan Moreno. I am currently a senior at San Gabriel High School. I live with my mother and two younger siblings. I enjoy playing soccer in my free time and have also coached for my siblings' soccer team. I help my community by being a part of the Big Sisters Organization. I have also taken a first responder class to be able to help those in need when the time comes. I would love to go on this educational trip with the Close-Up Foundation because it would be a great learning experience. Washington DC and New York are the most political states in the country and it would be so wonderful to get to be a part of it. This trip would greatly contribute to my studies of our government and further my knowledge of how this country is run. My hope is to come back from this exciting adventure of a life time and be able to tell people how our country works. I want to come back knowing that this is what I want to study for life. r Sincerely, Megan Moreno • • Dear Mayor John Tran and Rosemead Council Members, My name is Bianca Duong. I am currently a senior at San Gabriel High School. I have three little brothers and a wonderful daddy. You could say that my journey in life has started out rough. My mother left us, not too long ago, to fend for ourselves. She left us with nothing, not like we had much before that. After she left I was forced to go out into the world and look for a job. I became responsible for things like paying the bills and rent, buying a family car, and keeping my younger siblings away from the fact that their mother was never coming home. Yes, it was hard, but I persevered and have proven myself worthy of doing anything I set my mind to do. I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to visit Washington DC with the Close-Up Foundation. Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed to one day become President of the United States. With this scholarship I will be able to witness first-hand how things operate in the big DC, I will better understand what my government stands for, and I will enhance my knowledge of "What's going on" in my country. Thank you for helping to ensure a future for this country by giving my generation the chance to shine. You will not regret it. Yours Truly, Bianca Duong 0 January 14, 2008 Dear Mayor John Tran and Rosemead Council Members, • For those who don't know me, my name is Phuong Vuong. I am a senior at San Gabriel High School. When I was little I was diagnosed with a condition that necessitated a bone marrow transplant. After looking forever, my family finally discovered that my brother had the same white blood cells as I do. If my brother had not given me his blood cells, I would not be here. In my freshman year of high school I began having some walking difficulties, but I still think I am really lucky to be alive. I appreciate life more each day and would always like to live life to the fullest. 1 really want to go to Washington D.C., Philadelphia and New York to take advantage of the opportunity to get to know our nation's history and what people have been through to bring our country to where it is today. I believe this trip will provide me an opportunity of a lifetime. Thank you for giving me this sponsorship that will allow me to go to New York, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia with the organization Close-Up. I will use this opportunity wisely. There are no words to describe how thankful I am. With gratitude, ~r. Phuong Vuong 1 • hurnmrv 9. 2008 Dcar Mayor.lohn Iran and nnmbCs ofthe ROSCmcad City Council. No, 10 me start off by muoducing myscll; my name is Mynga Le and 1 have been a resident of Rosemead Ibr 7 years. I attended Garvey Middle School and currently attend San Gabriel High. Growing up in a family 9. my parents stnGgled to make ends meet. For as long as I can remember. my father has worked from early in the morning to very late at night. It breaks my heart to see him still work at his age. He works hard so that my mother can stay home to support us. Despite these hardships. my family instilled in me the importance of education and dedication. Their hard wort: has inspired me to push nrysclf to Ccel in school and serve my coinnumily-. At school. I work hard to earn high grades in my honors and All courses. I have also joined various clubs and taken cabinet positions such as President of Friday Night Livc, Secretary 01 Courtesy Committee. Secretary of Executive Board, and Special E=vents Coordinator for Academic Decathlon. In the conmunity I am involved with a Vietnamese youth group at my church as well as Adission Spirit. an organization dedicated in teaching the young to be proud of their culture. iNly parents are my source of inspiratioij and I hope someday in the Hance I can give back to Ihem as much as thcv have given to me. One of the lessons key have taught me is. if you so your mind anal heart on a goal. you can accomplish it. No obstacle. great or small, can stand in the way of my dreams. Right now my ambition is to attend the CLOSE UP WASHINGTON DC. This trip would be a great opportunity br me to surround myself with people who share the same passion. I would love to surround myself With people Who truly believe that change can occur to better the world. This would give me the chance tojump in the pool of diversity and enrich myself with other cultures as well as learning more about my own. I u my believe Thal every person has a gift. a talent which by being e.xqued to can be learned from. By anendine CLOSE UP it would take my IcadCship skills to another level. The only way to find your self and understand pusKetiycs better is to he somewhere different and be around different people CLOSE UP WASHINGTON DC Would give us the chance to Iem'n not iimin books but fort actually being there From participation in this week long 11'11) 1 Want to become not only a hotel' leader but an even hatter person. I Would lilac to take all of the knowledge I have gained to make small changes in my community, and hopellully the world. Thank YOU very 1111X11 for taking the time to read this letter and for your consideration. Sincerely. P- IMynga Le • lanuarv 7. 2008 • Dent Mayor,lohn Tran and Rosemead City Council Members, MY name is Michael Vuong. I am a junior attending San Gabriel High School and a resident of Rosemcad for seven years. I am an active student taking part in various service clubs at San Gabriel High, two of which I hold cabinet positions; President of Courtesy Committee, a club dedicated to helping out the school and the community, and Public Relations Officer of Friends of Rachel, a club dedicated to promotin a safe school environment. In the last three years, several leachers have inspired me to love politics and law. This spring, I will be fortunate enough to participate in a field wip to Washington D.C., Philadelphia. and New York, under the Close Up Program. This program is dedicated to providing high school students with the opporumity to learn more about our nation's political history. I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the United States and moral glory to further my goals to become a Political Science Major. History has become a passion of mine. It has become a force that drives every aspect of my life and decision I make. It has shaped my world and my thoughts. This first-hand experience call further my understanding of our governments in today's society. It will give me insight about the foundation of our great nation. I am grateful for my parents for being able to give me the opportunity to take advantage of this wonderful experience. Many students would benefit from this "real learning experience if they were given the opportunity to participate. Please give San Gabriel students your full consideration. Sincerely. Michas ig