CC - Item 2A - Annual Action Plan~ A ~ v 1 W t ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2008 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN SUMMARY The City of Rosemead is a federal entitlement grant recipient of Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As part of the process to receive funding, the City must undertake development of a Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. It is called a Consolidated Plan because it consolidates the application process for HUD's four (4) entitlement grants into one consolidated plan and application. The four grants are: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). All four grants are driven by an entitlement formula process set by the federal government. The City is eligible to participate in two (2) of these programs: CDBG and HOME. As part of the requirements of the federal Consolidated Plan process, the City is required to hold a public hearing regarding the projected use of funds prior to adoption of its Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan. In order to receive the FY 2008-09 allocations, the City must comply with the following requirements of the Consolidated Plan final rule regarding pre-submission requirements: ➢ Fulfill citizen participation requirements by conducting a public hearing to receive citizen input regarding annual funding needs; ➢ Publish a draft Plan and Annual Action Plan for a 30-day comment period in order to receive citizen input regarding the final document; and ➢ Conduct a public hearing adopting the final Plan and the Annual Action Plan. The Annual Action Plan is a part of the Consolidated Plan, which takes all HUD requirements regarding planning, needs analysis, reporting, budgeting, citizen participation and certifications and incorporates them into one process. The full Consolidated Plan must be completed once every five (5) years and the Annual Action Plan must be completed annually. J APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: y City Council Report February 12, 2008 Page 2 of 3 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a public hearing and take public testimony on the Annual Action Plan covering the period July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007. No City Council action necessary. ANALYSIS For the FY 2008-09, staff has received notification from HUD that Rosemead is expected to receive $1,138,481 in CDBG funds, which is a 3.65% decrease from the current $1,181,629 allocation, and $496,123 in HOME funds, which is a 4.8% decrease from the current $521,224 allocation. In conducting this public hearing, written invitations were sent to the six (6) non-profit organizations that are receiving CDBG funding this year. These organizations include the Family Counseling Services, Morrison Health Care (Senior Nutrition Provider), People for People, Rosemead High School, Rosemead School District, and Southern California Housing Rights Center. Copies of these invitations are enclosed as well as the written proposals that have been received from these organizations. It is expected that all six organizations will be represented at the public hearing. In addition, several new parties have communicated their interest in submitting a first time funding request and may attend the meeting to make a presentation. The hearing is also open to the general public and anyone present can submit a funding request for the Council's consideration. However, in accepting these recommendations only three broad funding categories are considered eligible under CDBG-regulations. A project must either provide benefits to low or moderate-income persons, eliminate slum or blighted conditions, or is an urgent need. In addition, of the CDBG funds received, no more than 15% of the annual grant amount can be used for public services and no more than 20% of the grant amount can be used for Planning and Administrative services. More than 70% of all funds received must be used for low-to-moderate income activities. Of the HOME funds received, no more than 10% can be used for administrative and program delivery activities. 15% is set aside for Community Housing Development Organizations, as constituted under the regulations. The balance of funds can only be used for housing activities. Due to limited resources, it may not be possible for the Council to endorse all of the projects that are submitted by staff and the various parties that attend this hearing. Therefore, to properly evaluate the proposed projects, staff would recommend that the Council defer making any final recommendations until all funding requests are submitted to the City. A summary of all funding requests and staff-endorsed projects will be provided to the Council for review at a future meeting. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS Notice of the public hearing was published in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on January 28, 2008, as well as through the regular agenda notification process. City Council Report February 12, 2008 Paqe 3 of 3 Quj,~ - Prepared by: . Michelle G. Ramirez Economic Development A ministrator SubPe Bria Assistant City Manager AttachmentA - Social Service Requests MAYOR: JOHN THAN MAYOR PRO TEM: JOHN NUNEZ COUNCI LMEMSERS: MARGARETCLARK POLLY LOW GARY A. TAYLOR i 5 E 'A E O S WCpnron~no•'" December 20, 2007 Ms. Jennifer Foote Family Counseling Services 121 S Santa Ana. San Gabriel, California 91776 0 lj'Cl lA \v sVmcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 Subject: City of Rosemead Community Development Block Grant Hearing - 2008-09 Fiscal Year Dear Ms. Foote: The City of Rosemead is in the process of preparing its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget for the upcoming 2008-2009 fiscal year. Your organization has received CDBG funding in the past. Should you wish to be considered for funding in the new year, which covers the July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 period, following steps need to be taken: r An evaluation meeting must be scheduled with me no later than January 7, 2008. * A written funding request must be submitted to this office no later than Thursday, January 24, 2008. (See Attachments) * A representative from your organization must be present at a public hearing before the City Council that will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. In preparing a funding request, it should be noted that the City's total CDBG funding allocation for the new fiscal year is very similar to the current year's allocation. Following the public hearing, City staff will develop recommendations regarding the use of these CDBG funds. These recommendations will be considered by the City Council sometime in early spring. Should you submit a funding request, you will be notified of the date and time the City Council is scheduled to take formal action on staff s recommendations. December 20, 2007 • • Page 2 If you have any questions regarding the hearing process, please do not hesitate to call me at (626) 569-2102. Pat Piatt Management Analyst Attachments • CITY OF ROSEMEAD • PRIVATE OR NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION Request for Funding - Fiscal Year 2008-09 Name of Organization: Santa Anita Family Service Address: 121 S. Santa Anita Street. San Gabriel, CA 91776 Executive Director: Dr. Fred Loya Contact Name: Dr. Jennifer Foote Telephone: 626.308.1414 Fax: 626.308.1818 Email: drjfoote@sbcglobal.net Purpose of Organization: Santa Anita Family Service was founded in 1951 to fostei well-being of the San Gabriel Valley creating healthier families and communities through professional leadership and the provision of high-quality educational, mental health and social service programs. Enter "X" by the appropriate designation: X Non-profit organization For-profit organization Enter "X" by all that apply: A faith-based organization X Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED CLIENTS RECEIVED: (Please Complete Attached Backup - Performance Report) See EXHIBIT A,B,C (Est.) ROSEMEAD 2007-2008 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 An institution of higher education FY 05-06 31 FY 06-07 17 FY 07-08 50 See Attached (EXHIBIT D) See Attached (EXHIBIT E) 2008-2009 FINANCIAL REQUEST: $40,000 1. State the Agency's mission , goals and major objectives. In additiodescribe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Missions Statement: Santa Anita Family Service was founded in 1951 to foster well-being of the San Gabriel Valley creating healthier families and communities through professional leadership and the provision of high-quality educational, mental health and social service programs. Goals: • Support Family Stability • Sober Living • Drug-Free Lifestyle • Violence - Free Lifestyle • Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention • Older Adults Stability/Independence • Emotional Well-Being of Adults and Children Objectives: • Provide: o Individual, group, family, and conjoint treatment o Parent-Education o Drug/Alcohol Treatment o Domestic Violence Treatment o Case Management o Linkages o Information and Referrals for Housing, Food, In Home Supportive Services, Child Care, etc. Programs designed to meet goals and objects: • Rosemead Program • Senior Services • Pathways • P.A.C.T. (Parents and Children in Transition) • PC 1000 • Domestic Violence Batterers Program • White Cap Foundation • Family Support • DV CalWORKS • CalWORKS Substance Abuse Program • General Relief Substance Abuse Program • Project: ARMS (Assisting in the Recovery and Motivation of Survivors) • Proposition 36 • Image Plus: Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Education • Impact Plus: Project: Violence/Gang Prevention Program • Family Preservation • YAB (Youth Accountability Board) • Food Stamp Program • Monterey Park- Ethnic Harmony Program • San Gabriel Unified School District - Family Resource Center • Arcadia Unified School District Program • Covina Unified School District Program • Asian Helpline 2 • • 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2007-2008. Are any planned for FY 2008-2009? No new programs/services 3. How are clients referred to your agency? Community Agencies, Schools, Police Department, Department of Children and Family Services, Prototypes, Residents of Rosemead 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures Loss of United Way Funding in the San Gabriel Valley 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising, etc.) See attached (EXHIBIT F) 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? None at this time. Services are provided out of our San Gabriel office. We have made past attempts to work with the local schools to provide a variety of services, such as parent education; however, space is often an issue and the families are also able to commute to the SG office where the services are already being provided. 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply X Low and Moderate-Income persons or households X Abused Children X Handicapped Persons X Illiterate Persons X Battered Spouses X Homeless Persons X Migrant Farm Workers X Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program/project: 50 Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional page if necessary) Our program is geared towards an array of issues many face; thus, to speak on one case study becomes a challenge. Therefore, I have chosen one that deals with a mood disorder that many deal with - depression. A woman in her mid 50s suddenly found herself abandoned by her husband of 30+ years. She found herself blaming herself for his infidelities; she began to believe he was right when he said she worthless and that she was a horrible mother. By now her children were grown but she was left with self-doubt. In turn, she began having difficulty sleeping, eating, and performing her usual activities. In the end, she felt worthless and alone. Because of the low cost counseling program, she was able to utilize therapy as a means to cope with all. she was facing in her life. Through her time in treatment, she was able to explore the emotional abuse that she had endured for years, increase her confidence, sense of self worth and feelings of independence. She began feeling able to and did begin to resume her regular activities. She also began to learn to deal with things she had never had to deal with before, such as financial management,. paying bills, etc. In addition, she began to build a network of support, which she did not have in years prior. It was her hard work in therapy that she was able to leave treatment with a sense of competence, self worth and pride in herself. She had now developed viable coping mechanisms, increased her social network, and had an understanding of the depression that took hold of her. 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes X No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG Santa Anita Family Service has had an extensive experience with CDBG. For over 10 years we have worked with one or more of the following CDBG: Azusa, Baldwin Park, Monterey Park, Rosemead, Gloria Molina's office. In addition, we have applied for 7 DPSS CSBG grants in January 2007 and award announcements have been delayed until March 2008. 12. Total number served in prior years funded by the city of Rosemead 9 years (since 1999). Summary Last 3 years: • 2005-2006 o Total Persons Unduplicated = 31 o Total Persons Duplicated = 130 o Total Counseling Hours Provided = 492 • 2006-2007 o Total Persons Unduplicated = 17 o Total Persons Duplicated= 101 o Total Counseling Hours Provided =316 • 2007-2008 (July-December) o Total Persons Unduplicated = 26 o Total Persons Duplicated = 59 o Total Counseling Hours Provided = 124 4 CITY OF ROSEME • PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Pl ease count number o f unduplicat ed persons White Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin Origin Native Above Low Income 81 % or Higher of Median Income Low Income 80% of Median income 3 3 Very Low 50% of Median Income 6 1 9 3 Extremely Low Income 30% of Median Income 1 1 17 19 2 Unknown/Other Total 31 5 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Please count number of undu licated persons White Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin Origin Native Above Low Income 81% or Higher of Median Income 1 1 Low Income 80% of Median income 1 1 Very Low 50% of Median Income 4 4 3 Extremely Low Income 30% of Median Income 11 11 3 Unknown/Other Total 17 6 • CITY OF ROSEMEAD • PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Please count number of undu licated persons White Black not Hispanic Asian or Americ Hispanic/ SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific an Asian Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Indian Household Origin Origin or Alaskan Native Above Low Income 81% or Higher of Median Income 3 3 1 Low Income 80% of Median income 1 3 4 1 Very Low 50% of Median Income 6 1 7 5 Extremely Low Income 30% of Median Income 1 7 2 1 11 6 Unlrnown/Other Total 25 13 13. Proposed Program Budget (Public Service Requests Only) CDBG SHARE OTHER SOURCES Personnel $35887 $329212 Equipment $0 $0 Supplies $600 $8400 Consultant Services $0 $0 Space Rent & Utilities $4500 $82500 Audits $0 $10000 Other (Telephone) $1200 $10800 Mileage $0 $2000 General & Direct Liability $213 $21787 Program Income $[2400] $0 Total Costs $40000 $464699 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET EXPENSES Use Whole Dollars Only A Most recent fiscal year 2006/2007 B Current Operating Year 2007/2008 C Proposed Budget July 1, 2008 to June 30 2009 D Percent Change Expense Salaries 283500 283500 297675 5% Employee Benefits 39690 39690 44652 12.5% Employees Payroll Taxes 21688 21688 22772 5% Profes. & Consultant Fees 0 0 0 0 Supplies (Program & Dffice) 7000 7000 7000 0 Telephone & Fax 12000 12000 12000 0 Postage & Shipping 0 0 0 0 Occupancy & Utilities (Maintenance) 89000 89000 89000 0 Rental & Maint. of Equip. 0 0 0 0 Printing & Publishing 0 0 0 0 Travel and Transportation 2000 2000 2000 0 Conferences 0 0 0 0 Specific Assist. To Individuals 0 0 0 0 Membership Dues 0 0 0 0 Awards & Grants 0 0 0 0 Insurance (General & Direct Liability) 22000 22000 22000 0 Equipment Purchased 0 0 0 0 Misc. Expenses (Audit) 10000 10000 10000 0 Transfer to Other Funds 0 0 0 0 Dues to National Organizations 0 0 0 0 Other * * 0 0 0 0 486878 486878 507099 4% Surplus (or Deficit) of Total Support & Revenue Over Expenses * Percent Change Between Items in Columns B and C. Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between columns B and C (C-B)/B. No changes greater than 15% Explain What is Included in the "Other" Category. None TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only ublic Support A Most Recent Fiscal Year 2006-2007 B Current Operating Year 2007-2008 k"' ' - P ~3ti%]Axv' 4+ C Proposed Budget July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 g VX Y'.. ax :i':, ~+:kP«} iiyTL`~ D Percent Change ° X14 YFi ~,y'q~ Contributions 500 1000 1000 0 Foundation & Private Grants 20000 20000 20000 0 Fundraising/ special Events 1000 1500 3700 146% Legacies and Bequests 0 0 0 0 Other Federated Org. 0 0 0 0 United Way 56000 0 0 0 Misc. Organizations 0 0 0 0 Other 0 0 0 0 Subtotal Government ederal 77500 xax . sVS;3a 47000 22500 ' 0,91 t(, 66000 24700 z G i9 te a- t 15011 69000 9.7% ~.r max, z 4.5% State 296000 330000 345000 4.5% Local 63500 65000 65000 0 Subtotal Other Revenue Membership Dues 406500 ~~"I t P ..2 0 461000 . t~ab ~r. ~P.wF[?g11 0 479000 ~ { t .N'^y^' {may ~~1~~in' Tw g SY. 53"~+&if 0 3.9% "3:«.-. f~bY T}s s ' ~aYTiJt ~}•f••'mn M I~ . 0 Program Services Fees 2878 3378 3399 .6% Investment Income 0 0 0 0 Transfer From Other Fund 0 0 0 0 All Other Revenue 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 2878 3378 3399 .6% TOTAL REVENUE 486878 486878 507099 *Column A is the Audited or Most Recently completed 1-Month Period Percent Change From B and C (C-B)/B. Please Explain Changes Greater than 15% Percent Fundraising is a focus of our agency for this next fiscal year • 0 I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST FOR FUNDING Date 9 Ap 3oy - lglq P f-2 Phone Number s s s s s s s ~ ~ o s s s ~ m ~ % o s s o ~ s s m e a n s m ~ o o ~ - s s s s ~ W ~ s m s ~ s g ~ s s o N a u o X 8 8 0 8 N 1 V 3 N LL = m ~ e o n 8 $ $ g a m 1 °o 8 u N % jj . N N °o s o E ° m a g ° 0 e ' a ' y m ° S 8 S S _ ' o N t N N S m y Q ~ m ~ a0 tw 94 N y% > E ~ o ~ m o S E ~ m ~ Z n % ° i ~ o a ~ N 2 E ° ~ f c m C ~ ~ a a a a a ~ ° 5 ~ ~ g d m ~ ~ Z E b fn in of - ° 'x 1 I y LL O O O 0 ~ d S m 6 O L c N ~ d 0 ~ ' E E E E ( ° C m ~ ' m c n ° ~ E ? n W c n p i n m k U a Q ° o ° o r r z z z' z' a a i m u a O - E d' v S o °a 5 c~ % F in a r E m r ~ - E p m a m S @ ° LL L i ~ O U % qq ~ O Z c E'~ H U Q u • 0 x v ~ y Y } le M < s , H y ~ m n S ~Et m~ ( rv a e ~ ~ ( a 4 O ~ { 4 ~ m Fi ~ ~ ~ try 3 fl ~ 3 ~ ~ • .1° . a . 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N N N N w N N N N ` E E E E E E E E E E E E E S E E E E i E E E E i E E E E ;s E E E E E E E E E E 3 E E E E e E E E E E E E E E u ~ ~ ~ ~ a= z z s= = = = , z z z z =f = = = = a = = = = a= Z = = o= = = = Santa Anita Family Service • 'Projected Budget for FY 07-08 EXHIB IT D 1 of 2 pages Projected July 06. June 07 July 07-June 08 Income 4000 - Donations 9,600.00 13,600.00 4600 • Revenue - Assoc Org. Monrovia 2,000.00 2,000.00 5001 - Senior Center Contract 796,295.00 677,611.00 50012 • Family Support Contract 150,000.00 150,000.00 50015 - DV Calworks Contract 256,800.00 240,000.00 5002 • Pathways Contract 22,931.28 19,682.00 5003 - Pact Contract 102,768.40 116,667.00 5005. Food Stamps 14,200.00 5006 • City of Azusa Contract 9,363.86 10,000.00 5007 • City of Covina 9,550.00 9,550.00 5013 - City of Baldwin Park-SC 5,000.00 5,000.00 5014 • Covina Unified School Dist 21,570.00 21,570.00 5015 • Arcadia Unified School 5,405.00 5,405.00 5016 • Pathways GR-Contract 9,947.46 8,007.00 5017 • Pathways Calworks-Contract 8,935.52 7,144.00 5019 - Proposition 36 Contract 395,159.61 425,944.00 5020 • Family Preservation Contract 568,233.38 516,533.00 5021 • ARMS Contract 41,904.00 41,728.00 5022 • City of Rosemead Contract 38,452.50 40,000.00 5023 - General Relief/FCS Contract 15,196.75 13,302.00 5024 • Calworks/FCS Contract 13,669.64 12,434.00 5025 - Image Plus Contract 61,726.00 74,047.00 5026 • Impact Plus- CDBG Contract 16,679.00 15,000.00 5027 • City of Monterey Park Contract 5,000.00 5,000.00 5029 • Whitecap Found 22,000.00 20,000.00 5040 - Arcadia Health Council 150.00 150.00 6000 • Murex Petroleum Corp. 1,367.52 1,367.52 6100 • Amerada Hess Corp. 6,584.90 6,584.90 6150 • Danbury 741.67 741.67 6175 • Ranch Oil Co. 408.32 408.32 6200 • Counseling Fees 62,034.50 68,237.95 6201 • Pathways Fees 533.00 533.00 6202 • PC 1000 Fees 12,543.90 12,543.90 6203 • PACT Fees - 15,458.40 15,458.40 6204 - Domestic Violence Fees 63,289.75 63,289.75 6205 • Prop 36-1 Fees 8,814.06 8,814.06 6206 - Parenting Fees 2,246.00 2,246.00 6207 - Senior Center income 7,732.53 7,732.53 6208 • Sex Offenders Fees 12,751.00 12,751.00 6209 • Rosemead fees 2,064.50 2,064.50 6211 • Anger Management Fees 2,686.00 2,686.00 6212 - Adolescent Group Fees 690.00 690.00 6213 • Chronic Illness Fees 260.00 260.00 6214 - Empowerment Group Fees 790.00 790.00 6220 • YAB Fees 268.00 268.00 6230 Rental Income 2,345.20 2,345.20 6500 • Miscellanous Income 372.05 372.05 6520 - Interest 1,097.95 1,097.50 6810 • United Way Allocation 116,316.00 46,400.00 6811 • United Way Donor Contributions 1,524.68 - Total Income 2,911,257.33 2,722,256.25 0 EXHIBIT D 2 of 2 pages Expense 7000 - Salaries 7050 • Salaries - Clerical 7090 • Salaries - Para Professional 7100 - Health Insurance 7210 - Payroll taxes 7230 • WIC Insurance 7240 - Unemployment Insurance 7400 -Stipens/SC 8040 • Accounting Services 8041 • ADP Fees 8110 • office supplies 8150 • Educational Supplies 8175 - Educational Training 8200 • Telephone 8300 • Postage 8400 • Mortgage Interest Expense/Mon 8410 - Rent 8411 • Mortage Interest Expense/Covina 8430 • Utilities 8440 • Maintenance - Building 8490 • Other Building Expense 8501 - Rental 8 Maint of Equipment 8530 • Computer Maintenance 8600 • Printing 8720 • Mileage 8810 • Educational Conferences 9000 • Membership Dues 9100 • Filing Fees 9200 • Liability Insurance 9500 - Miscellaneous 9520 • Bank charges/Fees 9540 • Business License Renewal 9570 - Purchase of Service 9580 • Attorney Fees 9590 • Drug Testing 9592 • Fam PresSubcontractor 9593 - DV Cal-works Subcontractors 9594 • Family Support Subcontractor 9600 • U.S Finger Print Expense 9610 •Van Expense Total Expense Net Income Santa Anita Family Service Projected Budget for FY 07-08 July 06- June 07 July 07 - June 08 1,411,010.93 1,263,704.20 148, 785.68 144, 582.48 434,537.40 434,537.40 69,612.93 69,612.93 148,273.94 148,273.94 70,315.99 70,315.99 13,569.44 13,569.44 4,265.22 4,265.22 25,560.00 23,360.00 10,663.01 10,663.01 46,577.23 26,077.00 648.67 648.67 1,271.89 1,271.89 37,391.20 35,070.94 4,887.33 4,218.94 19,642.93 21,275.85 100,148.59 80,496.85 13,037.74 13,004.12 36,805.32 35,113.55 41,590.41 11,689.56 -11,062.48 4,533.16 12,775.77 12,775.77 2,770.00 - 7,222.80 7,222.80 29,734.78 29,734.78 2,383.62 2,253.67 1,506.80 1,506.80 201.00 200.00 28,434.21 26,641.88 4,451.17 4,801.00 7,933.21 900.00 370.00 370.00 20,311.16 21,153.16 210.00 - 2,873.32 2,873.32 108, 896.92 109,196.92 16,936.00 16,103.00 66,287.01 - 69,514.01 570.00 570.00 154.00 154.00 2,941,555.14 2,722,256.25 -30,297.81 0.00 • 6 month contract - applied for $ 697,833 • Santa Anita Family Service Projected Budget for FY 08-09 EXHIBIT E 1 of 2 pages Projected July 08 - June 09 Income 4000 - Donations 13,600.00 4600 • Revenue - Assoc Org. Monrovia 2,000.00 5001 • Senior Center Contract 677,611.00 50012 - Family Support Contract 150,000.00 50015 - DV Calwarks Contract 240,000.00 5002 • Pathways Contract - 19,682.00 5003 • Pact Contract 116,667.00 5005. Food Stamps 14,200.00 5006 • City of Azusa Contract 10,000.00 5007 • City of Covina 9,550.00 5013 - City of Baldwin Park-SC 5,000.00 5014 • Covina Unified School Dist 21,570.00 5015 • Arcadia Unified School 5,405.00 5016 • Pathways GR-Contract 8,007.00 5017 • Pathways Calworks-Contract 7,144.00 5019 • Proposition 36 Contract 425,944.00 5020 - Family Preservation Contract 516,533.00 5021 • ARMS Contract 41,728.00 _ 5022 • City of Rosemead Contract 40,000.00 5023 • General RelieflFCS Contract 13,302.00 5024 • Calworks/FCS Contract 12,434.00 5025 - Image Plus Contract 74,047.00 5026 - Impact Plus- CDBG Contract 15,000.00 5027 • City of Monterey Park Contract 5,000.00 5029 • Whitecap Found 20,000.00 5040 • Arcadia Health Council 150.00 6000 • Murex Petroleum Corp. 1,367.52 6100 - Amerada Hess Corp. 6,584.90 6150 • Danbury 741.67 6175 • Ranch Oil Co. 408.32 6200 • Counseling Fees 68,237.95 6201 • Pathways Fees 533.00 6202 - PC 1000 Fees 12,543.90 6203 - PACT Fees 15,458.40 6204 • Domestic Violence Fees 63,289.75 6205 • Prop 36-1 Fees 8,814.06 6206 • Parenting Fees 2,246.00 6207 - Senior Center income 7,732.53 6208 - Sex Offenders Fees 12,751.00 6209 • Rosemead fees 2,064.50 6211 • Anger Management Fees 2,686.00 6212 • Adolescent Group Fees 690.00 6213 - Chronic Illness Fees 260.00 6214 - Empowerment Group Fees 790.00 6220 - YAB Fees 268.00 6230 - Rental income 2,345.20 6500 - Miscellanous Income 372.05 6520 - Interest 1,097.50 6810 • United Way Allocation 46,400.00 6811 • United Way Donor Contributions - Total Income 2,722,256.25 ~J • Santa Anita Family Service • Projected Budget for FY 08-09 EXHIBIT E 2 of 2 pages July 08 - June 09 Expense 7000 • Salaries 1,263,704.20 7050 • Salaries - Clerical 144,582.48 - 7090 • Salaries - Para Professional 434,537.40 7100 • Health Insurance 69,612.93 7210 • Payroll taxes 148,273.94 7230 • WIC Insurance 70,315.99 7240 • Unemployment Insurance 13,569.44 7400 - Stipens/SC 4,265.22 8040 - Accounting Services 23,360.00 8041 • ADP Fees 10,663.01 8110 • Office supplies 26,077.00 8150 • Educational Supplies 648.67 8175. Educational Training 1,271.89 8200 • Telephone 35,070.94 8300 • Postage 4,218.94 8400 . Mortgage Interest Expense/Mon 21,275.85 8410. Rent 80,496.85 8411 • Mortage Interest Expense/Covina 13,004.12 8430 • Utilities 35,113.55 8440 • Maintenance - Building 11,689.56 8490 • Other Building Expense 4,533.16 8501 • Rental & Maint of Equipment 12,775.77 8530 . Computer Maintenance - 8600 • Printing 7,222.80 8720. Mileage 29,734.78 8810 • Educational Conferences 2,253.67 9000 • Membership Dues 1,506.80 9100 • Filing Fees 200.00 9200 . Liability Insurance 26,641.88 9500 . Miscellaneous 4,801.00 9520 . Bank charges/Fees 900.00 9540 . Business License Renewal 370.00 9570 • Purchase of Service 21,153.16 9580 • Attorney Fees - 9590 • Drug Testing 2,873.32 9592 • Fam PresSubcontractor 109,196.92 9593 • DV Cal-works Subcontractors 16,103.00 9594 • Family Support Subcontractor 69,514.01 9600 • U.S Finger Print Expense 570.00 9610 . Van Expense 154.00 Total Expense 2,722,256.25 Net Income 0.00 • 0 EXHIBIT F 2007-2008 Funding Resources FUNDING SOURCES ALLOCATION AMOUNT United Way 22,166 Client Fees 198,361 Contracts ARMS 39,336 City of Azusa 10,000 City of Baldwin Park 5,000 Senior Center Contract 677,611 P.A.C.T. Contract 116,666 Pathways Contract 19,682 General Relief 48,777 Ca1WORKS Contract 38,050 Pathways Proposition 36 425,944 Family Preservation Contract 516,533 Family Support Contract 150,000 Domestic Violence Calworks Contract 240,000 Domestic Violence Grow Contract 13,800 City of Rosemead 40,000 City of Monterey Park 5,000 White Cap Foundation 20,000 Impact Plus 15,000 Royalties 10,000 Image Plus 74,047 Miscellaneous 18,000 TOTAL 2,703,973 MAYOR: JOHN TRAN MAYOR PRO TEM: JOHN NUNEZ COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARETCLARK POLLY LOW GARY A. TAYLOR December 20, 2007 Mr. Nader Poursadeghi Morrison Management Specialists North Hills Culinary Center 8329 De Celis Place North Hills, California 91343 oscmcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770, TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 Subject: City of Rosemead Community Development Block Grant Hearing - 2008-09 Fiscal Year Dear Mr. Poursadeghi: The City of Rosemead is in the process of preparing its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget for the upcoming 2008-2009 fiscal year. Your organization has received CDBG funding in the past. Should you wish to be considered for funding in the new year, which covers the July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 period, following steps need to be taken: * An evaluation meeting must be scheduled with me no later than January 7, 2008. * A written funding request must be submitted to this office no later than Thursday, January 24, 2008. (See Attachments) * A representative from your organization must be present at a public hearing before the City Council that will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. In preparing a funding request, it should be noted that the City's total CDBG funding allocation for the new fiscal year is very similar to the current year's allocation. Following the public hearing, City staff will develop recommendations regarding the use of these CDBG funds. These recommendations will be considered by the City Council sometime in early spring. Should you submit a funding request, you will be notified of the date and time the City Council is scheduled to take formal action on staff s recommendations. December 20, 2007 • • Page 2 If you have any questions regarding the hearing process, please do not hesitate to call me at (626) 569-2102. Pat Piatt Management Analyst Attachments MAYOR: JOHN TRAN MAYOR PRO TEM: JOHN NUNEZ OOUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK POLLY LOW GARY A. TAYLOR December 20, 2007 Ms. Noreen Rand People for People 860 E Mission Drive San Gabriel, California 91776 Poseslicad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 Subject: City of Rosemead Community Development Block Grant Hearing - 2008-09 Fiscal Year Dear Ms. Rand: The City of Rosemead is in the process of preparing its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget for the upcoming 2008-2009 fiscal year. Your organization has received CDBG funding in the past. Should you wish to be considered for funding in the new year, which covers the July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 period, following steps need to betaken: * An evaluation meeting must be scheduled with me no later than January 7, 2008. * A written funding request must be submitted to this office no later than Thursday, January 24, 2008. (See Attachments) * A representative from your organization must be present at a public hearing before the City Council that will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. In preparing a funding request, it should be noted that the City's total CDBG funding allocation for the new fiscal year is very similar to the current year's allocation. Following the public hearing, City staff will develop recommendations regarding the use of these CDBG funds. These recommendations will be considered by the City Council sometime in early spring. Should you submit a funding request, you will be notified of the date and time the City Council is scheduled to take formal action on staff's recommendations. December 20, 2007 • Page 2 If you have any questions regarding the hearing process, please do not hesitate to call me at (626) 569-2102. Pat Piatt Management Analyst Attachments 0 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PRIVATE OR NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION Request for Funding - Fiscal Year 2008-09 Name of Address: Executive Director: O Contact Telephone: b0 6 cjd lf7 ol£7.1 / Fax: ~(O - Email: Purpose of Organization: P Enter "X" by the appropriate designation: %1_ Non-profit organization _ For-profit organization Enter "X" by all that apply: A faith-based organization _ An institution of higher education Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED CLIENTS RECEIVED: FY 05-06 (Please Complete Attached Backup - Performance Report) FY 06-07 (Est.) FY 07-08 ROSEMEAD 2007-2008 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009: 2008-2009 FINANCIAL REQUEST: dd "71? 17 • u 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Missions Statement: `S LJ Lf A TTH (24LIAf Goals: Objectives: 011 Programs designed to meet goals and objects: JD 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2007-2008. Are any planned for FY 2008-2009? /VD ✓uc w 0 RD19A14S 3. How are clients referred to your agency? (S 0 c- 14 T -/'n c H, ZP 0 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures -d' CAI C ~f9~GJ /ti ~~~'~S 02. 0 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising, etc.) 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply ~t Low and Moderate-Income persons or households - Abused Children Handicapped Persons Illiterate Persons Battered Spouses Homeless Persons Migrant Farm Workers Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program/project: & O 4940 Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional page if necessary) 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes \IJ No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG 12. Total number served in prior years funded by the city of Rosemead • • CITY OF ROSEMEAD PRIVATE OR NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION Request for Funding- Fiscal Year 2008-09 Purpose of Organization: People For People is a non-profit food program. We began operations on Marchl, 1984 and since then we have served the unemployed, welfare mothers and fathers, low-income families, the elderly, homeless families and individuals. We serve the cities of Alhambra, San Gabriel, Rosemead, Temple City, Monterey Park and all the unincorporated county areas within our service boundaries. Our purpose is to help people on a monthly basis, providing food, clothing, job opportunities and moral support. 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. A Mission Statement " The organization seeks to promote those forms of interdenominational cooperative effort as will be for mutual benefit of the Christian cause and Christian values in our community including; the assistance of food; clothing; counseling; and referral to educational opportunities for the needy in the communities of the participating churches". B Goals C objectives The object of our program is to continue to serve qualified people with supplemental food, clothing, including counseling on a one to one basis according to their needs. We also provide job search and follow up to clients who need employment. The homeless are given food, clothing, hygiene kits, and blankets on a needed basis. We provide home delivery to the elderly and disabled individuals, in the city of Rosemead. ~2, u V u O 0 a r O d O 'fl d A w 00 O L A4 Q 0 0 y O w o ` ° E O d 5 E °-a ° r 0. ° O w 5 •S o u v s •C p o 0 O p V f "J N~ C O •O N 5 lC •u N N ' ^ w w W ~qq .OC G ~ N L E CC.. 'c 2] pp C ~ i... N u ~ w0 m ~ `o^° T 5 H G o.5w' 0 3 ti= o u a o 'O r 1O ` NN n •0 3 s a v> > ' ' 5 W F p o y a i w U T v o O w ° c y a i cOc v 7 w x vw W P4F W . . 3 f+. i~C ~ O 'O G p y ~ .U C t~ a~i 'O C ~ ~ t~ b0 L O p N v j N O 0 O ` ' d a N d~ m w «N c > C oo ,.d°' o m E E E E c0 L' d o a, o xi. 7v"un`m~ 3U~wir vw=;C;; Em°3 a v 06 o d 5 N T K 3 o C p . 7 V N« N 7~ ~ aOtry t E V 5 ~ 00 N 5 ~ O N E o . o w E v ie ~ o .v Y 4 0 = .0 U U h a 'C O a 4w. N~ v d < p ~O.. 2 N e d 'O N o •G C 'o o 3 d o V" O ow s c ° °ww° C ~a~A ~x O `9 T E a ` E x W d 3 E rvr~~ Q E° V y d b O 'O . AO Y N y N y wT Y 0.5.0 m E o 73 n d p e ur eo E a ds 3 v E 5 a a E ~ 9❑ ❑ ' E o y .e;$ C « U N C7 ~ 7 FC T W v C 0 0 O~ v ~ 3 y 9 CN. w° V m o °0 00 _ d o a o C 0 r j O U ❑ V N O O ✓'f N an w c ~ o _ $ F Y a i w o .~e o w w ,a en `N, N 5 d o > •L 0 0 0, o X N 3 0 o k` 0 v 0 0 .O s m In Ww~ tb o w° riV-°,mx Y o p .p w 3 `0 L 4 C 3 - E 0 or 00 c 5 o ~ o o . o 0 ° W. w V y . T tr..xU-°, ti 0. L ~L ti 0 m C, u z e v L a IJ 'r U U V l U d ^Q C~ e h u e z u Q CITY OF ROSEMEAD GRANT CONT. 3. How are clients referred to your agency? By local churches, The Los Angeles county 211 service, word of mouth, local chambers, school and by other organizations, in our service area. 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising. Etc.) Churches & Individuals $ 70,000.00 Fundraisers $ 33,000.00 CDBG Grant $ 27,600.00 Foundations $ 11,500.00 Estates $ 33,000.00 Estates are from 2006-07 Our food donations come from churches, local markets, food drives during the holidays and from the Postal workers food drive which occurs in May each year. This food drive filled our pantry for the year in 2007, we collected over 90 ton of canned and dry goods. 8. (a) Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: Our home delivery has been successful. We provide food and fellowship to 30 Rosemead residents on a monthly basis. These residents have no transportation to come to our location for help. The seniors we help are very low income and some are in need of someone to just sit down and talk with them. We enjoy our home delivery as we can spread a little joy to others and our clients are very grateful for the service. 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG People For People has had a successful and harmonious relationship with the City of Rosemead for many years. We were so pleased to become a recipient of the CDBG Grant in 2000-2001 which has continued to the present time. We have learned many ways to improve our ability to serve the people of our communities. We have upgraded our methods of record keeping, fiscal responsibilities, working with State, Federal and City employees, community service workers and our faithful volunteers. We are so grateful for the opportunity the Grant has provided for our clients and co-operating with the HUD representatives. J --3 • • I a CITY OF ROSEMEAD PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Pl ease count number f unduplicat ed persons White Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin . Origin Native Above Low Income 81% or Higher of Median Income Low Income 80% of Median i n G ncome o Very Low 50% of Median Income Extremely Low Income 30% f M di I 21 T U J ~i ! b / Q/ l T an ncome o e 15 J U Unknown/Other Total CITY OF ROSEMEAD PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Pl ease count number f unduplicat ed persons White Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin Origin Native Above Low Income 81% or Higher of Median Income Low Income 80% of Median income Very Low 50% of Median Income Extremely Low Income 30% f M di I (p 1 o e ncome an ~ Unknown/Other Total 4 • CITY OF ROSEMEAD • PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Pl ease count number o f uncluplicat ed persons White Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin Origin Native Above Low Income 81% or Higher of Median Income Low Income 80% of Median income Very Low 50% of Median Income Extremely Low Income 30% f M di I J16 /7 a 1) ya c5" 8 a e an ncome o CO IO Unknown/Other Total 13. Proposed Program Budget (Public Service Requests Only) CDBG SHARE OTHER SOURCES Personnels q 7'T $ ff a $ Equipment $ $ Supplies $ $ Consultant Services $ $ Space Rent & Utilities $ A Q Q $ Audits $ $ Other $ $ Total Costs $ ~i~ ga _ $ as n U J TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET EXPENSES Use Whole Dollars Only A B C D Most recent Current Proposed Budget Percent Change fiscal year Operating Year July 1, 2008 to 2006/2007 2007/2008 June 30 2009 Ex ense Salaries 3 1 0 153 L4 5. L- a2, Em to ee Benefits Em to ees Pa oll Taxes j to 11 000 1 D BCD Profes. & Consultant Fees 00, Su liesoWioe. SI ~l ( arj N (~j Tele hone & Fax a alp 6-0~ Posta e & Shi in LOCO Occupancy & Utilities a N to ( 0 (o Rental & Maint. of E ui q 6 0 _ Cl 30 0 Printing & Publishin Travel and Transportation Conferences Specific Assist. To Individuals !~(n . /700, DO• Membership Dues ► 0/100, oZ 5 . Awards & Grants Insurance Equipment Purchased / c~00. Misc. Ex crises 0 1 q 3 n 1,5 Transfer to Other Funds Dues to National Or anizations Other 1=oOd ban V) Coo a 000 Surplus (or Deficit) of Total t & R S 103 &P 85 I evenue uppor l j Over Expenses * Percent Change Between Items in Columns B and C. Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between columns B and C (C-B)/B... Explain What is Included in the "Other" Category. 9 • TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only A Most Recent Fiscal Year 2006-2007 B Current Operating Year 2007-2008 C Proposed Budget July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 D Percent Change * Public Support Contributions Q D 7 Foundation & Private Grants V0, tj to 14) Fundraising/ special Events 3 Legacies and Bequests Q Other Federated Org. United Way Misc. Organizations Other _ O Subtotal - Government Federal State Local Subtotal p`~~ a o7.~ Other Revenue Membership Dues Program Services Fees Investment Income Transfer From Other Fund All Other Revenue Subtotal TOTAL REVENUE *Column A is the Audited or Most Recently completed 1-Month Period Percent Change From B and C (C-B)B. Please Explain Changes Greater than 15% Percent • • I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST FOR FUNDING Signature MN Title bize - t900(0f Phone umber Organizat on V e MAYOR: JOHN TRAN MAYOR PRO TEM: JOHN NUNEZ COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARET CLARK POLLY LOW GARY A. TAYLOR December 20, 2007 Ms. Yvonne Gandara Rosemead High School 9603 E Mission Drive Rosemead, California 91770 Ppsemcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 Subject: City of Rosemead Community Development Block Grant Hearing - 2008-09 Fiscal Year Dear Ms. Gandara: The City of Rosemead is in the process of preparing its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget for the upcoming 2008-2009 fiscal year. Your organization has received CDBG funding in the past. Should you wish to be considered for funding in the new year, which covers the July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 period, following steps need to be taken: * An evaluation meeting must be scheduled with me no later than January 7, 2008. * A written funding request must be submitted to this office no later than Thursday, January 24, 2008. (See Attachments) * A representative from your organization must be present at a public hearing before the City Council that will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. In preparing a funding request, it should be noted that the City's total CDBG funding allocation for the new fiscal year is very similar to the current year's allocation. Following the public hearing, City staff will develop recommendations regarding the use of these CDBG funds. These recommendations will be considered by the City Council sometime in early spring. Should you submit a funding request, you will be notified of the date and time the City Council is scheduled to take formal action on staffs recommendations. P December 20, 2007 • • Page 2 If you have any questions regarding the hearing process, please do not hesitate to call me at (626) 569-2102. Pat Piatt Management Analyst Attachments • CITY OF ROS.EMEAD PRIVA'T'E OR NON-PROFIT CONE U M SERVICE ORGANIZATION Request for Funding - Fiscal Year 2008-09 Name of Organization: Rosemead High hool Address: 9063 E. Mission Dr. Executive Director: Larry Callaham, Principal Contact . . Telephone: Yvonne Gandara Fax: (626) 286-6396 Email: lcallaham@emuhsd,k12,ca.us Purpose of Organization: For the past 52 years, Rosemead High School's counselors have provided guidance in planning students' programs, arranging peer facili- tation, and giving individual counseling to the limits of their budget. Enter' X' by the appropriate designation: x Non-profit organization _For-profit organization Enter "X" by all that apply: _ A faith-based organization -An institution of higher education a Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED CLIENTS RECEIVED: FY 05-06 20 (Please Complete Attached Backup - Performance Report) FY- 06-07 n/a (Est.) FY 07-08 80 ROSEMEAD 2007-2008 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: 13,650 AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009: 549,970 2008-2009 FINANCIAL REQUEST: 14,560 1. State the A etc 's missio g Y n, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Missions Statement: The mission of Rosemead High School is to enable all students to acquire the skills needed to live productively and creatively in a diverse society. We will develop self-esteem and empower students to take positive control of their own lives. We will foster an appreciation of individuals of all cultures and beliefs. We will encourage life-long intellectual curiousity and . sensitvity to the arts. We will promote physical well-being and self-discipline Oaf ~naf safe environment. We intend to produce educated, responsible citizens. The goal of this program is to provide crisis intervention counseling and support to resolve at-risk high school students' short-term problems that are overwhelming and traumatic. Objectives: Provide a crisis intervention counselor to give students the education, guidance, and resources to ensure the crises are not prolonged. Programs designed to meet goals and objects: (1) Suicide prevention counseling (2) Protecting children from exploitation (3) Managing intense grief and acute anxiety (4) Trauma recovery (5) Anger management 2. $rietly explain any new VZOgrams or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2007-2008. Are any planned for FY 2008-20097 We will continue with the same high-need program, with no new services anticipated. 3. How are clients referred to your agency? Clients are enrolled at Rosemead High School in grades 9-12. Students self-refer as well as parents, other counselors, teachers, and school administrators. 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures There are no changes in funding sources or expenditures. 2 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising; etc.) School site - General Fund: Title V• AB 1802 Pu it Retention Block Grant 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? Office space 7. The Proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply x Low and Moderate-Income persons or households x Abused Children x Handicapped Persons Illiterate Persons Battered Spouses x Homeless Persons Migrant Farm Workers Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program/project; 150-175 Provide a specific example or ease study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional page if necessary) This school ear, a 9th grade student had his mother die suddenly of a stroke. She was only in her mid-thirties and in good health He and his two younger brothers are now being cared for by his grandmother and aunt. He is having a terrible time coping:,with the changes in his life and the loss of his mother. Individual counseling is helping him to better handle the situation. 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes x No 11. Describe your organiza5on's experience with CDBG We have received 2 prior Community Development Block Grants: '07-'08 $ 13,650 '05-'06 $ 5,000 12. Total number served in prior years funded by the city of Rosemead '05-'06: 20 (one semester only) '06-'07: n/a '07-'08: approximately 80 3 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES WPM. Black not not of of Hispanic Hispanic Origin Origin Asian or American Pacific Indian or Islander Alaskan Natlvn Head of Housebold Above Low income 81 % or Higher of Median Income 1 1 Low Income 80% of Median income 1 1 1 3 1 Very Low 50% of Median 1 3 Income 5 9 3 Extremely Low income 30% 1 5 of Median Income 6 5 Unknown/Otber Total CITY OF ROSEMEAD PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 SUM311ARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES n/a Above Low Incu wm[e slack not not of of Hispanic Hispanic Origin Origin lumber of undu lie Asian or Americar Pac fie I Indian ox islander Alaskan Native AL Hcad of Household 8I % or Higher of Income Low Income 800/0 income Very Low 50% of Income Extremely Low In of Median Income 4 • CITY OF ROSEMEAD • PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES wrote not . f Black not of Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female Hispanic Hispanic Pacific Islander Indian or Alaskan Head of Origin Origin Native Household Above Low Income 81 % or Higher of Median Income 4 4 1 Low Income 80% of Median income 1 14 4 19 3 Very Low 50% of Median Income 1 1 1 3 2 Extremely Low Income 30% of Median Income 3 3 3 13. Proposed Program Budget (Public Service Requests Only) CDBGSHARE OTHER SOURCES Personnel $ 14,560 $ E ui ment $ $ Su lies $ $ Consultant Services $ $ S ace Rent & Utilities $ $ Audits $ $ Other $ $ $ $ Total Costs $ 0 5 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET EXPENSES Use Whole Dollars Only Most recent C - D ye:, fisca) ear . Current Proposed Budget Percent Change Operating Ycar Jul 2006/2007 2007/2008 Jun L X008 to ne 30 2009 Salaries E to eeBenefits $ 439,410 $ 441,610 Em to ees Pa 11 Taxes ` 1~- PrOfes. & Consultant Fees 49 410 52 856 Su lies Tele hone & Fax 2,560 2,660 4% Posta e & Shi in s Occu anc & Utilities Rental & Maint. of E ui Printing & Publishin - - , Travel and Trans ortation Conferences 5,027 5,230 S eci: c Assist. To Individuals Membershi Dues Awards & Grants - ui went Purchased - Misc. Expenses Transfer to Other Funds Dues to National Or anizations Other Surplus (or Deficit) of Total ° Support &Revenue ° Over Expenses * Percent Change Between Items in Columns B and C. Please explain Changes Greater than 15% between columns B and C (C-B)/B. Explain What is Included in the "Other" Category. 6 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only the amount requested is 69„ based on to 32 days in '08-'09. for 30 days in '07-'08 7 *Column A Is the Audited or Most Recently completed I-Month Period Percent Change From B and C Please Explain Changes Greater than 15% Percent 0 I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST FOR FUNDING igna re Name Carry Ca laham, Principal Title (626) 286-3141, ext. 5405 Phone Number EMUM, Rosemead High School Organization 24, 2008 Date MAYOR: JOHN TRAN MAYOR PRO TEM: JOHN NUNEZ COUNCRMEMBERS: MARGARETCLARK POLLY LOW GARY A. TAYLOR 5 E M E O o y l~0 DNMRATED\Y+° December 20, 2007 Ms. Julie Hoffman Rosemead School District 3907 Rosemead Blvd. Rosemead, California 91770 Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 Subject: City of Rosemead Community Development Block Grant Hearing - 2008-09 Fiscal Year Dear Ms. Hoffman: The City of Rosemead is in the process of preparing its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget for the upcoming 2008-2009 fiscal year. Your organization has received CDBG funding in the past. Should you wish to be considered for funding in the new year, which covers the July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 period, following steps need to be taken: + An evaluation meeting must be scheduled with me no later than January 7, 2008. * A written funding request must be submitted to this office no later than Thursday, January 24, 2008. (See Attachments) + A representative from your organization must be present at a public hearing before the City Council that will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. In preparing a funding request, it should be noted that the City's total CDBG funding allocation for the new fiscal year is very similar to the current year's allocation. Following the public hearing, City staff will develop recommendations regarding the use of these CDBG funds. These recommendations will be considered by the City Council sometime in early spring. Should you submit a funding request, you will be notified of the date and time the City Council is scheduled to take formal action on staff s recommendations. December 20, 2007 . • Page 2 If you have any questions regarding the hearing process, please do not hesitate to call me at (626) 569-2102. Pat Piatt Management Analyst Attachments • CITY OF ROSEMEAD • PRIVATE OR NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION Request for Funding - Fiscal Year 2008-09 Name of Organization: Rosemead School District Address: 3907 Rosemead Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770 Executive Director: Amy Enomoto-Perez Contact Name: Julie Hoffman Telephone: 626-312-2900, Ext. 232 Fax: 626-312-2913 Email: ]hoffman@rosemead.kl2.ca.us Purpose of Organization: Education Preschool - Ath grade Enter "X" by the appropriate designation: X Non-profit organization For-profit organization Enter "X" by all that apply: A faith-based organization An institution of higher education X Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED CLIENTS RECEIVED: FY 05-06 (Please Complete Attached Backup - Performance Report) FY 06-07 (Est.) FY 07-08 ROSEMEAD 2007-2008 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009: 2008-2009 FINANCIAL REQUEST: 79 146 (38 students) 120 $11,698.00 $29.2 million $12,000.00 9 • State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Mission Statement: Rosemead School District provides a challenging academic learning environment that encourages lifelong learning. In partnership with parents and community, our mission is to nurture the intellect, aesthetic, physical and emotional growth of each child in preparation for new horizons. Objectives: Increase parent participation in classes provided during Peace/Health Fair. Reduce bullying and suspensions by 10% as indicated in California Healthy Kids Survey and school site documentation. Programs designed to meet goals and objectives: Conflict Resolution Classes provided to each of the five school sites, the Peace/Health Fair, a community outreach program with education and city resources for families. 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2007-2008. Are any planned for FY 2008-2009? 2008-2009 Encounter Programs - educational and motivational presentations to promote parent support and involvement for successful student transition into Middle School. How are clients referred to your agency? The parents of all K-8`h grade students are notified in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Chinese about the events with follow-up contact by community liaisons. 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures: A 6% raise for 2007-2008 and increase in benefits will increase expenses in the current funding year as well as 2008-2009. 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising, etc.) Safe and Drug Free Schools - Title IV - $19,589.00 for materials and instructional supplies. 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? Elementary school sites 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply X Low and Moderate-Income persons or households Abused Children Handicapped Persons Illiterate Persons Battered Spouses X Homeless Persons X Migrant Farm Workers Elderly Persons 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program/project: 220 Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional page if necessary) One of our parents (MrS Perez) lived in a home with several other families. The home was chaotic and the families often took advantage of her. As a result of her training through Conflict Resolution, she learned to be more assertive about her needs and her children's needs. The families eventually moved out resulting in a calmer environment to raise her children. 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes X No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG In 1996, the District was awarded CDBG funds to provide training in Conflict Resolution to the City of Rosemead Park and Recreation leaders, as well as, families in the community. The funding has been renewed through 2008. 12. Total number served in prior years funded by the city of Rosemead To date, 1,430 clients have been served through Conflict Resolution Classes and the Peace/Health Fair. 3 • CITY OF ROSEMEAD • PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Pl ease count number f unduplicat ed persons White -Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin Origin Native Above Low Income 81 % or Higher of Median Income 1 1 2 1 Low income 80% of Median 3 2 5 1 income Very Low 50% of Median 11 5 16 4 Income Extremely Low Income 30% of Median Income 42 14 56 21 Unknown/Other Total 79 27 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Pl ease count number o f undu licat ed persons White Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin Origin Native Above Low Income 81 % or Higher of Median Income Low Income 80% of Median 8 1 5 2 income Very Low 50% of Median Income 33 4 37 1 Extremely Low Income 30% 3 37 23 63 18 of Median Income Unknown/Other Total 108 19 4 • CITY OF ROSEMEAD • PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Pl ease count number o f undu licat ed persons White Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin Origin Native Above Low Income 1 1 2 81 % or Higher of Median 0 3 3 Income Low Income 80% of Median 4 4 8 2 income Very Low 50% of Median 6 3 9 2 Income Extremely Low Income 30% of Median Income 18 11 29 8 Unknown/Other Total 51 12 13. Proposed Program Budget (Public Service Requests Only) CDBG SHARE OTHER SOURCES Personnel $ 11,203.00 $ Equipment $ -0- $ -0- Supplies $ -0- $ 600.00 Consultant Services $ -o- $ -0- Space Rent & Utilities $ -0- $ -0- Audits $ $ Other Indirect costs $ 797.61 $ $ $ $ $ Total Costs $ 12,000.00 $ N W U) Z W CL x W W f9 Im n V Z a W M O J Q F O H n U e e s o ; e o o o o o a o o e e e m m m d m d O m m O o OI O N Nl 'm m [1 N 10 m N O m < O 10 A O O r O N 10 OI O O O m M t7 N m 7 0 0 m O O O O N N C N m L O O O O m O1 m u u ~ u c m U m a 10 ` N m t'1 m O ~ O O N m O r C') O m OI O O y m ~ N O d ' O N 0 O d N O r m m m 4 m r r N r m 0 C ) O C] d O O) O N M t7 th m 01 N r y m O N y r h N OI N 47 m w (O 01 CI CI N N Cl N ~0 [7 N t7 N m r r r m p N C IL 10 N d r O m N r r N N ~f1 Vl 10 U a N O r d r N - f7 N N ~ m d T C J O ` a Ol m m m o m o N o 0 o m o o r o t'f o O t'f O m t7 m ~n o m m r o o r o o d N o n N m O r OI N r O O N O O C5 O d N d N 7 m0 _ N d r _ O m ~ O m m W t~l m I(l m O ` N " an d d OI ~ p N C) N N a} N OI N m r r i0 OI N r 01 t'f d r N N ( ~ r t ) N N N N r OI r y m C r d r I+f N U '60 N m O N O q d N OI m N d O t7 O d N A r (7 , m O m O u r m m O N d ' O (7 N r C M. - m W. O m m z N 7 O m w m o m- N N- m m e OI N N m o Of r ~ - N ~ O ~ ID d 10 d m t7 O N ~ m O OI t0 (7 d OI m r m d ~ O d d N ~ Of t7 r r N tD f7 (7 t7 N r M O O a U O 1° t7 m N ` N m N m H O 2 W a W m c W J N p x m w _ J I > D C m ~ c v w p o a N J m _ ° - A c c O m m w 0 Z m J m y m m C J C i L C L m C m C w L C L m y p m J m m> m m N m ~ O. p m U m 0. a w t C7 m O m 0. y m ami m °e m c m m u `e c x ` o O o m ro ` y E IL a > N x d 0 _O W - L m jd C m U O O m N Q J O 7a J ` > ` m 0 U C y m 2 m W x m E E ° J v o m ` o ; wi w m w w a m H a 0 K m F U 0 a w F p 0 n 0 C m O 0 m O L m N N 5 `m m C U C x m N a U m N E . J m UN~ SU EU C C m d m v C E m J q U C C m m U m c a u z O m m U v O L_ C a m U c L C 6 w LLI Z W W H LU 0 m Z W CL O J Q O H 0 0 o e e e o M (n rn rn o ~ m ~ N N O cD f~ O O O h N 7 N N c C V d t O O O O O O O O O O O O O _ _ _ d Q ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ Q Q Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ t0 C d U d a C o ro o m N N O m o rn cq V: d_ N N N 0 m O t 0 M N O O O O d N N V A N N N N 0- 0 d T O ~ a` o o LQ o (o n do M M m m o o } 0 o C 0 (O (O N V' (O m N N N N N m o U ~o aN O 0 0 (o o~ rn m o n 0 N ( 0 (C LQ LQ V_ r N It d of d d M M r U do O o P-1 t+ i 0 TN N N Q N N n 00 O w o N ~ C m C ~ C7 > m N d W N d LL m m O c LL d t d w r a m m m m v o O c 2 O C ed C d C Q Z = > O C d C C m 7 L U) C 0 > W O L c Q E E LL d L O m 7 m d m m L N L N (p L O 7 0 O O m C J O 0 > d Q > O O CL U LL LL 0 7 0 w C7 LL U) ~ cn O 2 a s i- Q (n H C O a O _d O t (D N C d V m CL e c m d o m O DL a L m Ol C O O m L U c `m d T d 1a( y a w 'o E W' O m N u m n ~a c C d d r U co N d m N ~ U d " a o u o C d d v o0 ~ E o v O a Q LL ~ m p( rn c m L O Q U C C CO'. E d u d u nm. . I j u MESSAGE k", P*-'. !,,,Q, I FEEL (your emotions) 40 YJU WHEN (describe the situation without blaming) BECAUSE (be specific) 1 (ea/.mil R-rof a62.4,~ vU~ W~+ick l AND WHAT I'D LIKE IS (how this can be resolved) ,I _T 1T Perna,< 4<3 ~S C~irr/z.~..t %a ?fw .r;? ~4,e_ BE A PEACEMAKER! • ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISIPICT :;,''r `M EFFECTIVE PARENTING THROUGH CONFLICT RESOULTION COMO SER PADRE MAS EFFECTIVO USANDO RESOLUCION DE CONFLICTOS EVALUATION/EVALUACION Site/Sitio: Scale: 1 = limited Value 3 = Some Value Extremely Valuable Escala: De poco valor De alg(jn valor Muy valioso 1. What is your overall rating of the sessions? Comments. Cufil es su evaluci6n total de las sesiones? Comentarios. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Was the training beneficial to you? Please explain. ~ea , Vt `cc!~ Two . El entrenamiento fue beneficioso para usted? Por favor explique. 31~ What was the most meaningful experience for you? b e a b~Zw+- p e, ct,)'f" CuAl fue la experiencia mas significativa para usted? {X cL 4t e CCa a ~i r-.4 . -re-c,- LL- -F- o L 5 rn o V 4. What recommendations do you have to improve future sessions? Qu6 recomendaciones tiene para mejorar las sesiones futures? 5. How would you rate the presenter(s)? ~c c e I I e v, -I- , u d e~.5r d S Qu6 evaluaci6n le dada al presentador(res)? -~_e c,t . sic-:. it 6. Would you be interested in future parent education classes? ~e/D Estaria usted interesado en clases para padres en el futuro? I a e; C c • ROSEMEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT EFFECTIVE PARENTING THROUGH CONFLICT RESOULTION COMO SER PADRE MAS EFFECTIVO USANDO RESOLUCION DE CONFLICTOS EVALUATION/EVALUACION Site/Situ Scale: 1 = limited Value 3 = Some Value = Extremely Valuable Escala: De poco valor De alg6n valor Muy valioso 1. What is your overall rating of the sessions? Comments. Cubl es su evaluci6n total de las sesiones? Comentarios. 1 2 3 4 5 06 2. Was the training beneficial to you? Please explain. El entrenamiento fue beneficioso para usted? Por favor explique. 3. What was the most meaningful experience for you? Cuaf fue la experiencia mas signi cativa para usted? 4. What recommendations do you have to improve future sessions? Que recomepdaciones tiene para mejorar las sesiones futures? 5. How would you rate the presenter(s)? Qu& evaluaci6n le dari al presentador(res)? ~l e Y Q Q -y 6. Would you be interested in future parent education classes? Estarfa usted interesado en clases para padres en el futuro? 1' °s. OOL DIS ICT S H CH ROSEMEAD EFFECTIVE PARENTING THROUGH CONFLICT RESOULTION COMO SER PADRE MAS EFFECTIVO USANDO RESOLUCION DE CONFLICTOS EVALUATION/EVALUACION Site/Sitio: 'z S M 0 Scale: 1 = limited Value 3 = Some Value Escala: De poco valor De algun valor 1. What is your overall rating of the sessions? Comments. Cuil es su evalucibn total de las sesiones? Comentarios. 1 2 3 4 5 C4' 2. Was the training beneficial to you? EI entrenamiento fue beneficioso P Please explain. ra usted? Por favor 3. What was the most meaningful experience for you? Cull fue la experiencia mas significativa para usted? T Ale sEcIcie 4. What recommendations do you have to improve future sessions? Que recomendaciones tiene para mejorar las sesiones futures? T wish sue (w hOA- 4 we Closges vvefe 014'eo 5. How would you rate the presenter(s)? Qu6 evaluacion le daria al presentador(res)? Vv y C, o ad 6. Would you be interested in future parent education classes? Estaria usted interesado en clases para padres en el futuro? yes/ 0 0 i. 61 Extremely Valuable Muy valioso 0 I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT REQUEST FOR FUNDING ~TTWnA &Ln( Signatur Name Superintendent Title 626-312-2900 Phone Number Rosemead School District Organization January 22, 2008 Date 8 MAYOR: JOHN THAN MAYOR PRO TEM: JOHN NUNEZ COUNCILMEMBERS: MARGARETCLARK POLLY LOW GARY A. TAYLOR C December 20, 2007 0 Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 Ms. Frances Espinoza, J.D., Director Southern California Housing Rights Center 520 S. Virgil Avenue, Suite 400 Los Angeles, California 90020 Subject: City of Rosemead Community Development Block Grant Hearing - 2008-09 Fiscal Year Dear Ms. Espinoza: The City of Rosemead is in the process of preparing its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget for the upcoming 2008-2009 fiscal year. Your organization has received CDBG funding in the past. Should you wish to be considered for funding in the new year, which covers the July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009 period, following steps need to be taken: • An evaluation meeting must be scheduled with me no later than January 7, 2008. • A written funding request must be submitted to this office no later than Thursday, January 24, 2008. (See Attachments) • A representative from your organization must be present at a public hearing before the City Council that will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. In preparing a funding request, it should be noted that the City's total CDBG funding allocation for the new fiscal year is very similar to the current year's allocation. Following the public hearing, City staff will develop recommendations regarding the use of these CDBG funds. These recommendations will be considered by the City Council sometime in early spring. Should you submit a funding request, you will be notified of the date and time the City Council is scheduled to take formal action on staff's recommendations. December 20, 2007 • • Page 2 If you have any questions regarding the hearing process, please do not hesitate to call me at (626) 569-2102. Pat Piatt Management Analyst Attachments CITY OF ROSEMEAD PRIVATE OR NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION Request for Funding - Fiscal Year 2008-09 Name of Organization: Housing Rights Center Address: 520 S. Virgil Avenue, Suite 400 Executive Director: Frances Espinoza Contact Name: Frances Espinoza Telephone: (213) 387-8400 ext. 35 Fax: (213) 381-8555 Email: fespinoza@hrc-la.org Purpose of Organization: Los Angeles, CA 90020 The Housing Rights Center's purpose is to promote equal opportunity in housing. We do this through by offering City of Rosemead residents services from our four key areas: (1) Discrimination Complaint Investigation, (2) Enforcement and Legal Services, (3) Landlord/Tenant Counseling, and (4) Education and Outreach. Enter "X" by the appropriate designation: X Non-profit Organization _For-profit organization Enter "X" by all that apply: _A faith-based organization _An institution of higher education __X _Not Applicable TOTAL UNDUPLICATED CLIENTS RECEIVED: (Please Complete Attached Backup - Performance Report) FY 05-06 209 FY 06-07 185 ROSEMEAD 2007-2008 FINANCIAL SUPPORT: AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-09: 2008-2009 FINANCIAL REQUEST: Page I of 9 (Est.) FY 07-08 200 $25,000 1.4M $25,000 9 • 1. State the Agency's mission, goals and major objectives. In addition, describe programs designed to meet goals and objectives. Attach any recent evaluations of programs or needs assessments. Mission Statement: The Housing Rights Center's mission is to actively support and promote fair housing through education and advocacy, to the end that all persons have the opportunity to secure the housing they desire and can afford, without discrimination based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, familial status, marital status, disability, ancestry, age, source of income, or other characteristics protected by law. Goals: (1) HRC will assist a minimum of 200 Rosemead residents with housing discrimination and landlord/tenant concerns; (2) At least 10% of Rosemead clients will be assisted in languages other than English; and, (3) At least 85% of Rosemead residents who complete an evaluation about a Rosemead housing rights workshop will rate the information provided as being useful. Objectives: To educate/inform as many Rosemead residents as possible about the fair housing laws. Programs designed to meet goals and objectives: 1. Documentation of Activities HRC's comprehensive intake database includes a reporting component that makes the production of statistics and other diagnostic data accurate and efficient. Statistical reports will include all demographic and complaint issue data, which will facilitate the analysis of trends and emerging needs. We also track all our outreach activities in a database that allows us to track our activities by event type. 2. Documentation of Discrimination Complaints HRC will continue our practice of maintaining complete and organized case files. Our case files adhere to a strict format, which facilitates case management and review. Case files include all relevant documents and materials produced in the investigation and resolution of our cases. 2. Briefly explain any new programs or services to Rosemead residents during FY 2007-2008. Are any planned for FY 2008-2009? In 2007/08, HRC translated new fair housing literature into Chinese and distributed it throughout the City of Rosemead. We also advertise Housing Rights Workshops in three languages: English, Chinese and Spanish. In 2008/09 we will continue to promote fair housing education in Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish. 3. How are clients referred to your agency? City Hall, Internet (HRC Website: www.hrc-la.org), Phone Book, Outreach Events, Community Organizations, word-of-mouth. 4. List and explain any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures. There have not been any major changes in funding patterns or expenditures. Page 2 of 9 • • 5. List major sources of funding and the amount (i.e. cities, county, state, federal, fundraising, etc.). +d-YEARu'' I'. ~y_i3;'EUNDING'SOURCE r ;in,A"r? %MOUNT;RECEIYED?i?i 07/08 Alhambra $27,000 07/08 Baldwin Park $15,000 07/08 Carson $29,220 07/08 Culver City $19,557 07/08 El Monte $40,000 07/08 Glendale $15,000 07/08 Hawthorne $40,800 07/08 Inglewood $55,620 07/08 Lancaster $23,150 07/08 Los Angeles $411,252 07/08 Los Angeles Coun $136,150 07/08 Montebello $20,000 07/08 Monterey Park $25,000 07/08 Oxnard $28,200 07/08 Palmdale $24,984 07/08 Pasadena $60,000 07/08 Pasadena Mediation $40,000 07/08 Pico Rivera $20,000 07/08 Pomona $30,000 07/08 Redondo Beach $22,050 07/08 Rosemead $25,000 07/08 South Pasadena $5,000 07/08 Ventura City $9,000 07/08 Ventura County $43,260 07/08 West Covina $15,000 07/08 Whittier $25,000 07/08 Registration from Training Seminars/Attome Fees $250,000 6. What facilities in Rosemead are used to conduct services? HRC conducts Fair Housing and Housing Rights Workshops at the Garvey Community Center. 7. The proposed Community Service would be provided to: Mark each that apply X Low and Moderate-Income persons or households Abused Children X Handicapped Persons Illiterate Persons Battered Spouses X Homeless Persons Migrant Farm Workers X Elderly Persons Page 3 of 9 8. How many Rosemead citizens do you project will benefit from your program/project: 200 9. Provide a specific example or case study of a client that exemplifies how program objectives were achieved during the past year: (Attach additional pages if necessary) A recent case HRC resolved was for a Rosemead resident who had a disability and been given a notice to vacate. The client was diabetic and awaiting a liver transplant so his mobility was impaired, hindering his ability to find a new place to live. After interviewing the client, HRC sent a demand letter to the company who managed the client's apartment building. In our letter we outlined the fair housing laws which give people with disabilities the right to request reasonable accommodations, which are changes in rules, policies and procedures. In this case, HRC requested that the management company extend the client's notice to vacate, allowing him 30 additional days to move from his apartment. After receiving our letter, the management company called HRC and granted to accommodation. HRC requested written verification of the accommodation, which the management company faxed to us. By resolving this case, HRC helped the client and the landlord avoid eviction proceedings. 10. Has your organization conducted the proposed activity before? Yes X No 11. Describe your organization's experience with CDBG The Housing Rights Center has more than 20 years of experience working with CDBG grants to provide fair housing services to local cities and counties. These cities and counties conduct annual programmatic and financial reviews. HRC has always received excellent reviews. 12. Total number served in prior years funded by the City of Rosemead CITY OF ROSEMEAD PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Please count number of unduplicated ersons White Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin Ori in Native Above Low Income 1 2 5 1 9 81 % or Higher of 7 13 7 3 30 4 Median Income Low Income 80% 11 1 41 16 4 73 2 of Median Income Very Low 50% of Median Income Extremely Low 20 4 54 19 97 5 Income 30% of Median Income Unknown/Other 209 Page 4 of 9 • • CITY OF ROSEMEAD PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Please count number of unduplicated rsons White Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin Origin Native Above Low Income I 1 1 3 1 81 % or Higher of 10 1 9 5 4 29 Median Income Low Income 80% 26 33 12 18 89 4 of Median Income Very Low 50% of Median Income Extremely Low 19 4 27 12 2 64 9 Income 30% of Median Income Unknown/Other 185 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008** SUMMARY OF DIRECT BENEFIT ACTIVITIES Please count number of unduplicated rsons White Black not Hispanic Asian or American SUB-TOTAL Female not of of Pacific Indian or Head of Hispanic Hispanic Islander Alaskan Household Origin Origin Native Above Low Income 1 I 2 81% or Higher of 2 3 10 15 1 Median Income Low Income 80% 1 13 6 6 26 of Median Income Very Low 50% of Median Income Extremely Low 2 13 6 8 29 5 Income 30% of Median Income Unknown/Other 72 **Slats are from the period July 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007. Page 5 of 9 • 13. Proposed Program Budget • CDBG SHARE OTHER SOURCES Personnel Wages $ 19,047 $ 966,996 Personnel Fringe Benefits $ 2,233 $ 182,455 Single Audit $ 60 $ 4,440 Testing/Tester Training $ 158 $ 19,842 Travel/Mileage $ 70 $ 9,330 Rent/Storage $ 900 $ 95,404 Office/Public Info Supplies $ 422 $ 14,578 Equip/Computer Consultant $ 893 $ 30,207 Phone $ 600 $ 26,900 Postage $ 160 $ 13,840 Insurance $ 300 $ 12,700 PI Internet $ 57 $ 4,443 Subscri /rn Mt $ 100 $ 7,000 TOTAL $ 25,000 $ 1,388,135 Page 6 of 9 • • TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET EXPENSES Use Whole Dollars Only A Most Recent Fiscal Year 2006-07 B Current Operating Year 2007- 08 C Proposed Budget July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 D Percent Chan e' Expense Salaries 920,766 986,043 1,010,700 2.50% Employee Benefits 100,299 103,314 101,070 -2.17% Employee Payroll Taxes 76,723 81,374 83,380 2.47% Prof & Consultant Fees 29,911 20,300 20,000 -1.48% Supplies 37,075 16,820 15,500 -7.85% Telephone & Fax 26,185 27,500 25,500 -7.27% Postage & Shipping 13,844 14,700 14,000 -4.76% Occupancy & Utilities 94,547 96,304 95,000 -1.35% Rental & Maint. Of Equip. 19,382 20,860 20,000 -4.12% Printing & Publishing 19,724 10,200 9,500 -6.86% Travel and Transportation 13,853 9,400 8,500 -9.57% Conferences 11,510 3,806 4,000 5.10% Specific Assist. To Individuals 36,167 41,400 42,000 1.45% Membership Dues Awards & Grants Insurance 13,860 14,000 13,000 -7.14% Equipment Purchased 25,216 10,578 5,000 -52.73% Misc. Expenses 24,185 11,485 9,850 -14.24% Transfer to Other Funds Dues to National Organizations Other" 469,656 472,598 473,000 0.09% TOTAL EXPENSES 1,932,904 1,940,682 1,950,000 0.48% "Percent Change Between Items in Column B and C. Please Explain Changes Greater than 15% between columns B and C (C-B)/B. One time upgrade of network server and computers. "Explain What is Included in the "Other" Category. Other represents subcontractors used to provide service to LA City only. Page 7 of 9 • 0 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET REVENUE Use Whole Dollars Only A Most Recent Fiscal Year 2006-07 B Current Operating Year 2007- 08 C Proposed Budget July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 D Percent Chan e' Public Support Contributions Foundations & Private Grants Fundraising/Special Events 9,670 9,825 10,000 1.78% Legacies and Bequests Other Federated Or q. United Way Misc. Organizations Other Subtotal 9,670 9,825 10,000 1.78% Government Federal State 1,701,441 1,688,356 1,690,000 0.10% Local Subtotal 1,701,441 1,686,356 1,690,000 0.10% Other Revenue Membership Dues Program Services Fees 36,054 35,000 35,000 0.00% Investment Income Transfer from Other Fund All Other Revenue 185,963 215,000 215,000 0.00% Subtotal 222,017 250,000 250,000 0.00% TOTAL REVENUE 1,933,128 1,948,181 1,950,000 0.09% 'Column A is the Audited or Most Recently Completed 1-Month Period "Percent Change From B and C (C-B)/B. Please Explain Changes Greater than 15% Page 8 of 9 I HAVE BEEN AUTHOIZED TO SUBNHT REQUEST FOR FUNDING Signature Name Executive Director Title (213) 387-8400 ext. 35 Phone Number Housing Rights Center Organization January 24, 2008 Date Page 9 of 9