CC - Item 4C - League of California Cities 2008, ~ i • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER l`!t-ep- DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2008 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 2008 PLANNERS INSTITUTE AND MINI EXPO SUMMARY Attached for your review is information regarding the League of California Cities 2008 Planners Institute and Mini Expo, set to take place March 26-28, 2008. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the attendance of any Planning Commissioner, City Planner and staff designee. ANALYSIS Conference sessions will include: How to Run a Meeting; Character and Caliber: A Design Review; General Plan/Master Plan; Advanced CEQA; Planning Commission Administrivia: Good Decisions That Can Stand a Challenge; Planning in an Uncertain Climate: Legal and Practical Perspectives; Planning Commissioners Roles and Responsibilities 101; Land Use, Energy, and Water Challenges; Site Plan Review: Looking Beyond the Standards of the Zoning Code; Ethics Training; and City Finance 101. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funds for attending this event are included in the 2007-08 Budget. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through. the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Matt Everling City Planner Attachment A: Copy of Conference Brochure APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: D 4 4- J 4 ~ IP L Wednesday;! II I MARCH 26- Friday ii j.'I 1E I SACRAMENTO CONVENTION CENTER---, 71 YOU WILL WANT TO ATTEND ~ LEAGUE IF YOU ARE A... OF CALIFORNIA TTT ° USJIU ° uu:p/o o~Q l`1?A:Jn1,9u lu1~ML^A:.1I i 7R'E0STRATI0H AND)HQUUSING~ DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 22, 20®8 The Full registration fee includes program materials, dinner on Wednesday, breakfast on Thursday and Friday, and lunch-mini expo on Thursday. HOTEL INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS HYATT REGENCY HOTEL: S 100.00 plus 12'% tux, plus $1.50 per room/ night tourism assessment fee. SHERATON HOTEL: S 160.00 plus 12% tax, plus $150 per room/ night tourism assessment fee. Hotel Reservations Must Be Received No Later Than 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 22, 2008. STEP 2: SECURE YOUR HOTEL OPTION A (credit card): The online conference registration link will take you directly to the online housing reservation for each property currently available on your selected dates. For immediate hotel reservations and confirmation, please book your required rooming needs online after registering fin t conference. Registrations completed online at wwwsacities.org/events by Friday, February 22,'-008, will also receive a S20 CityBooks discount coupon. NOTE: Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing and are subject to a S50 processing fee. No refunds will be given for cancellation requests received after March 12, 2008. Substitutions can be made on site. MOBILE TOURS The following mobile tours are offered at 525 per attendee on 'T'hursday, March 27, 2008. Advance online registration is required. Folsom bus and walking tour Citrus Heights bus tour West Sacramento bus and walking tour Sacramento Downtown Railyards bus and walking tour Sacramento Downtown Redevelopment walking tour All reservations, changes, or cancellations nmst be addressed directly with the hotel. The hotel will make a full refund if the cancellation is made directly to the hotel at least 48 horns before your check-in date. STEP 1: REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE All attendees must register for the conference directly with the League of California Cities, online at www.cacitics.org/cveuts prior to reserving the hotel room. Once your event registration is complete, you will be led to the housing registration page. If you need to send a check or money order, please print the registration form from our website www.cacities.org/events. OPTION B (cheek or money order): After the League oFCalifornia Cities receives and processes your registration for the conference, you will be sent an a-nhail with an online link (UP, L) For hotel reservations and/or a housing request form. If you select to mail the housing form with hotel deposit. please fill out Elie hotel reservation Form completely and uhail it with your check or nhoney order to the Sacranrcnto Convention and visitors Bureau. G- d for new basic . • Session titres, speakers, and topics are s,lyca to change. WMH99POsWo MARCH 26 : 10 d ri n_i T IN REGISTRATION 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CITYBOOKS 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. GENERAL SESSION 1:00 - 2:15 p.m. FIRE SAFE STRATEGIES AND PLANNING Developing California communities with Fire Safe Planningwidhin theurbau- wildland interlace not only helps structures survive wildfires, but Aso saves lives and millions of dollars. Discuss guidelines for hands-on implementation of fee safe strategies for Elie development ofpublic safety dements within local government general plans. BREAKOUT SESSIONS 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. ® CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AC'T' BASICS 101 • Acquire the Fundamental summary ofCEQA • Learn the law's objectives • Bemnhe familiar with the terminology and usage s MODERATOR: Susan Healy Keene, AICP, Community Development Director, City of West Hollywood SPEAKER: Christi Hogin, City Attorney, Cities of Malibu and Lomita, Law Firm of Jenkins and I login, LLP, Malibu ® }'TOW TO RUN A MEETING Are your ntetiings getting unruly% Get practical tips on how to have amicable dynamics and sueceuful meetings. MODERATOR: Emmanuel Ursu, Planning Director, City of Orinda SPEAKERS: Wayne Goldberg, Director of Advance Planning and public Policy, City of Santa Rosa Janet M. Ruggiero, FAICP, Community Development Director, City oFCitrus Heights HISTORIC PRESERVATION ESSENTIALS Experts will present the benefits of historic preservation in your community. The critical components For establishing a historic preservation program, how to integrate it into existing policies, and a variety oftechuiques to bring about a historic survev will be elaborated. MODERATOR: Jay M. Trevino, planning Director. City of Santa Ana SPEAKERS: Janet Hansen, Deputy Manager, Office of Historic Resources. Los Angeles Marie Nelson, State Historian II, Survey/ CLG Coordinator, Local Government Unit, Califonna Office of Historic preservation, Sacramento Lucinda Woodward, Supervisor, Local Government and Information Management Unit, California Office of Historic preservation, Los Angeles SENIOR AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING What does -aging Giaidly in place" mean and who really resides in these dwellings? Increase your knowledge of what is "Section 8" and the design guidelines required to build these contnnmities. MODERATOR: Robert Storer, planning Commissioner, Town of Danville SPEAKERS: Anne Burns Johnson, president and CEO, Aging Services of California, Sacramento Lydia Tan, Executive Vice President, Bridge Housing Corporation, San Francisco CITIES AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS: WHAT CITIES CAN AND HAVE TO DO As California continues to grow, its cities are expanding onto agricultural land at an unprecedented pace. The same farmlands, however, provide an economic base for many conunun ities, habitat for endangered species, flood protection. and other benefits. Discuss the Williamson Act requirements and acceptable methods of mitigation for agricultural land conversion. MODERATOR: Ralph Raffi Kachadourian, Senior Planner/City planner, Developincnt Services Department, City oFSanger SPEAKER: Dennis O'Bryant, Williamson Act program Manager, Depannwnt of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, Sacramento Discuss the nesv approaches to parking principles, creating parking districts, and how they should operate. Review proposals described in Dr. Sboop's book, "I lit, High Ctw of bree parking. Examine real- life implementations of creative parking solutions. MODERATOR: Melisa Tintocalis, Program Manager, City planning & Conununity hwesunent, City ofsan Diego SPEAKERS: Kelly Beede, Parking Services Manager, Town of Truckee Steffen Turoff, Parking Consultant, Walker Parking Consultants, San Diego LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP: GREEN BUILDING PROGRAMS Discover what the process of adopting green building ordinances entail. Hots- is success nmasuo:& Which departments are involved and who manages the progranhse MODERATOR: Thomas Jacobson, professor and Director, Institute for Community planning Assistance, Depart cutup Environmental Studies and Planning, Sonoma State University SPEAKERS: Maureen Tamuri, AIA, Community Development Director. City of Calabasas Steve Widmcyer, PE, Vice President, Willdan, Industry BREAKOUT SESSIONS 4:15 - 5:30 p.m. ® CHARACTER AND CALIBER: A DESIGN REVIEW Most zoning ordinances are designed to prevent new buildings from destroying the character ofueighborhoods, but don't provide the tools needed to ensure that new buildings have high caliber designs. Discuss how design review process can improve the quality ofarchitecnre and landscape in yourconununities. MODERATOR: George Buell, AICp, City Planner, City ofsan Clenhente SPEAKER: Alan Loomis, principal Urban Designer, City of Glendale How do you know when a plan is efFective% What makes a plan a "good" plan? Analyze the tools to create a master plan and valuable policy guide For your community. MODERATOR: Susan]. Daluddung, Ph.D., Director ofCommunity and Economic Development, City of Hayward SPEAKERS: Richard Mitchell, Planning Director, City of Richnrond Heather Wooten, planning for Healthy Places, Public I lealth Law & policy, Oakland Lisa Wise, Lisa Wise Consulting, Los Osos ADVANCED CEQA Environmental impact reports cat) be daunting documents containing hundreds oPpages. Ten key tips will be presented to help you attain the pertinent dements in these often immense documents. MODERATOR: Mahdi Alzuri, Deputy City Manager, Couununity Development Director, City of Rancho Cucamonga SPEAKER: Larry Wiener, president, Richard Watson and Gershon, Los Angeles HISTORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES AND OUTREACH Discover how a conununity can increase support for historic preservation pmgranu and what role the neighborhood plays. Address ways to create historic preservation outreach pi option while involving the ocighhorhood. MODERATOR: Jay M. Trevino, Planning Director, City ol'Santa Ana SPEAKERS: Roberta Deering, Senior planner for Historic Preservafiou, City ofSacrauiento Janet Hansen, Deputy Manager, Office of Historic Resources, Los Angeles Marie Nelson, State Historian 11, Survey/ CLG Coordinator, Local Government Unit, California Office of Historic preservation, Sacrameuto ® REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS 101 - }IOW DENSITY, IMPOSITIONS AND ENTITLEMENTS AFFECT DEVELOPMENT FEASIBILITY Discover how financial impact policy decisions impinge on development feasibility alongwith an overview of real estate development economics. MODERATOR: Charlie View, Development Services Director, City of Brea SPEAKER: Cal Hollis, Managing Principal, Keyser Marston Associates, Inc, Los Angeles WHAT'S SO IMPORTANT ABOUT A LITTLE MUD AND MURKY WATER? The most productive ecosystems in the world, wetlands and vernal pools, support an enormous array of resident wildlife. Waterways containing natural wastes zinc] pollution are cleaned as they pass through swamps. Yet, at an alarming rate, wetlands arid vernal pools are being tilled in for development of housing, industrial plants, highways, and airports. Learn how to balance development and the environment. MODERATOR: Mahdi Alzuri, Deputy City Manager, Community Development Director, City of Rancho Cucamonga SPEAKERS: Caroline Christian, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Studies and Planning, Sonoma State University Thomas Jacobson, Professor and Oncctoq Institute for Community Planning Assistance, Department of Environmental Studies and Planning, Sonoma State University ® PLANNING COMMISSION ADMIN- ISTRIVIA: GOOD DECISIONS THAT CAN STAND A CHALLENGE The devil is alwavs in the details! Examine the process of making a good decision that can withstand a challenge, appeal, or even judicial review. Review what is involved in developing an adequate record, the kind of evidence the commission relics on, what happens when there is an appeal, and the requirements for due process. MODERATOR: Susan Healy Keene, AICP, Community Development Director, City of West Hollywood SPEAKER: Christi Hogin, City Attorney, Cities of Malibu and Lomita, Law Firm oPjenkins and Hogin, LLP, Malibu DINNER AT THE HYATT HOTEL 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. It's time to have some Fun! Join your colleagues at the Hyatt Motel Ballroom to network and enjoy a delicious dinner featuring California Cuisine, along with live music. NOTE: Single event/meal tickets for the dinner are available for $75.00. Guest/spouse fee for the entire meeting is $160.00. Badges must be purchased in advance and will not be available at the door. Please refer to the registration form for more information. "This prggrarn has been submitted to dteAmerican Planning Association to be approvedfor CM credits to AJCP members. Please check your onsite program to find out holy to apply for credits," UHM,3P&WO MARCH 27 REGISTRATION 7:30 a.m. - Noon CITYBooKS 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. NETWORKING BREAKFAST 7:45 - 8:45 a.m. Enjoy breakfast while networking and planning your day. GENERAL SESSION 9:00 -10:15 a.m. ® PLANNING IN AN UNCERTAIN CLIMATE: LEGAL AND PRACTICAL PERSPEC'T'IVES I How should cities integrate concerns shout global warning into their planning process? What kinds of analysis and policies should cities include in general plans? How does [he California Environmental Quality Act apply? What are cities doing now to address the causes and consequences of climate change? BREAKOUT SESSIONS 10:45 a.m. - Noon PLANNING COMMISSIONERS ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 101 What is your role and responsibilities as a planning commissioner in your conuuunity? How do you interact with the city council? Do you have knowledge of the legal and planning doQ111em6 needed to make the best planning decisions? Discuss innovative ways to improve your practical working relations with ,stuff, proponents, and the public. MODERATOR AND SPEAKER: Lynn Osborn, Planning Commissioner. Town of Danville SPEAKERS: Joel Rojas, Community Development Director, City oFkancho Palo' Verdes Emmanuel Ursu, Planning Director, City of Orinda CTNMQ 3P&W0 MARCH 2 7 ama~ THE Top 10 QUESTIONS PLANNING COMMISSIONERS WANT ANSWERED As a seasoned conunissioneq have you always wondered how other cities conduct their nrcenn43% Do you need to know how to interact with staff, or wonder if you have the same relationship with city council as other planning couunissioncrs? Briny your questions to exchange with your peers. TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (TOD) TOOLBOX FOR PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Arc TOD's successful in reducing vehicle trips and parking dernand, while supporting neighborhood scale retail activity? How cat) planners and professionals be champions of mixed use and intill? Acquire the tools available to evaluate and support TOD plans and projects. SITE PLAN REVIEW-LOOKING BEYOND THE STANDARDS OF THE ZONING CODE What constitutes a good site plane How do planning commissioners meet the mininumt standards of the Zoning Code? Areyou inspired to create places of livability and endurancc% FACILITATOR: Susan Healy Keene, AICP, Community Development Director, City of West Hollywood REDEVELOPMENT: WHAT MAKES IT WORK? In a tine of economic uncertainty, leadership and resolve are needed to guide California to economic prosperity. Redevelopment has proven to be one of the most effective ways to expand businesses, develop affordable housing, createjobs, and provide public infrastructure. Understand how redevelopnnent works as a "smart growth" approach that encourages infill development in urban areas, slows development of vacant farniland, cleans up contaminated sites, and revitalizes old neighborhoods. MODERATOR: Charlie View, Developnwnt Services Director, City of Brea SPEAKER: Amy Feagam, Ikedeveloputent Director, City of Folsom LAND USE, ENERGY, AND WATER CHALLENGES Join this exciting panel discussion to gain an in-depth understanding of how your city can qualify forstate bonds and other monies to integrate regional water managemrent. MODERATOR: Lisa Bender, Associate Director, Center for Collaborative Policy, California State University, Sacramento SPEAKERS: Cristopher Cabaldon, Mayor, City of West Sacramento Judith A. Corbett, Executive Director, Local Government Commission, Sacramento Linda Fiaek, Executive Director, Delta Protection Cornnaission, Sacramento Kannyar Guivetchi, California Deparnnent of Water Resources, Sacramento MODERATOR: Paul Zykofsky, AICP, Director, Land Use/Transportation Programs, Local Government Commission, Sacramento SPEAKERS: Susan j. Daluddung, Ph.D., Director of Communityand Economic Development. City of Hayward Dan Zack, Downtown Development Coordinator, City of Redwood City SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY BLUEPRINT The "Blueprint planning Prograui" initiated by Caltrans to 2005, through funding and capacity building, encourages Council of Governments to work with other government agencies, the private sector, and the public, in building consensus for a vision of foturc land use and transportation. Gain perspectives on the benefits of cross-agency coordination in San Joaquin Valley. Experience how local land use planners and officials have made these eflorts work. MODERATOR: Ralph Raffi Kachadourian, Senior Planner/City Planneq Development Services Departurent, City of Sanger SPEAKERS: Marjorie Kirn, Deputy Executive Director, Merced County Association of Governments, Merced Carol Whiteside, President, Great Valley Center, Modesto MODERATOR: Alice Angus, AICP, Community Devclopurent Director, City of Orange SPEAKERS: Robert Imboden, AICP, Planning Commission Chairperson, City of Orange Robert Klekner, AICP, Principal Urban Designer, RBF Consulting's Urban Design Studio. Newport Beach Edward Knight, AICP, Assistant Planning Director, City of Orange LUNCH / MINI EXPO Noon - 2:00 p.m. Enjoy lunch with your colleagues and be a part of the Mini Expo! Exhibiting eunnpanies will display products and services in the areas of budgeting, performmnce, measuring, retirement planning, economic and ronununity development, affordable housing, emvironnnental planning, arbitration practices, traffic solutions and airquality. NOTE: Guest/spouse fee for the entire meeting is $160.00. Single event/meal tickets for the lunch will be available for $50.00. Badges must be purchased in advance and will not be available at the door. MOBILE TOURS 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. $25 sign-top lee To attend one of the mobile tours you will need to register online. The tours will be on a first-cutuc. first-waved basis. You will receive a (our coupon in your registration packet along with your badge and meal coupons onsite. Once a tour is filled with 4.5 people, it will be market) online as Not Available. There will be no refunds. HISTORIC FOLSOM: OLD MEETS NEW-MAKING SUBURBAN CODES WORK FOR HISTORIC DISTRICTS TOUR LEADER: Amy Feagans, Redevelopment Director, City of Folsont 'l'ake a walking tour of Historic Folsom, an 1590's era historic district enibedded in a fast growing modem conununity. Visit the old town on Sutter Street, where new building activity shares the street with original turn-of-the-century buildings. Project plans include a 120,000 sq foot mixed use development with a 400 seat public amphitheater, a new parking sn'ucture, sidewalk, and building facades among other beautification efforts. CITRUS HEIGHTS: SUBURBAN INFILL -SUCCESSES AND FRUSTRATIONS TOUR LEADER: Janet M. Ruggiero, FAICP, Community Development Director, City of Citrus Heights Once named by the Sacramento Bee as the "un-city" Citrus Heights was incorporated in 1997. Before then it was part of the largest unincorporated urban area in the state. This first ring suburb has been redeveloping old commercial corridors. Witness how a general plan, two Specific plans, a visioning project, and a new zoning ordinance, have all been prepared to provide a new sense of place. WEST SACRAMENTO: WATERFRONT TOUR TOUR LEADER: Shanna Zuspan, Redevelopment Analyst, West Sacramento West Sacramento's waterfront is a core city asset. "1'Ite Sacramento River provides the city with water, recreation, andideutity. Waterfront revitalization is a central cleanent to West Sacramento city planning and its relationship to the region. Participants will become familiar with the city's efforts of historical and habitat preservation, fostering an emerging high-rise skyline, the Itiverwalk, and mixed rise developments. CITY Oh SACRAMENTO- "THE RAILYARDS"-BIGGEST INFILL SITE. IN THE COUNTRY TOUR LEADERS: Nedzlene Ferra, to, Senior Planner, City ol"Sacrantcnto and Richard Rich,'Hhonras Enterprises The 240 acre Railvards site is perched on the edge of greaumss again. Site of the western terntions ofthe'rian,coutinental Railroad, the old Union Pacific site recently was purchased by Thomas Enterprises. Come tour the project which will include the regional u'ansportation hub, renovation of the historic railroad shops, and 12,000 residential units in an urban, noxed- use convnunity. CITY OF SACRAMENTO- DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPING Downtown Sacramento r--- istrznsfonningas redevelopment stakes the most ofits water- fronts, historic buildings, and Seat as the state r_• u capitol. Progress has been marked by SuccesseS and challenges.'['his tourwill explore both with an eye toward providing you with some of the practical lessons learned re_gardingwhat it takes to crake a project successful. BREAKOUT SESSIONS 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. MEDIA TRAINING You may be asked on occasion to represent your city in an interview with the press. It is critical that you feel comfortable delivering your city's utessages. In this inter active ,session, you will gain insight from print, radio and television news professionals on how to handle press inquiries and to provide the infotmadon the press needs for different news mediums. MODERATOR: Scott Summerfield, SAE Counnunications, Pleasanton SPEAKERS: Tamara Keith, Sacramento (Legion Reporter, KQED, National Public Radio, Sacramento Jim Smith, Editor, Woodland Daily Democrat, Woodland ETHICS TRAINING HOW TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN THE PUBLIC'S TRUST: PRACTICAL ETHICS AND THE LAW Your ability to lead in your communit y depends upon the extent to which the public trusts you and trusts your city as an institution. What are some questions that public officials can ask themselves when confronted with ethical dileuuuas: What doe, the law require ofyou as a public servant? Discover the tools and resources available to you to deal with ethical and ethics law issues. Those that sign in and attend the full session (two hours) will receive ethics education credit for purposes of AU 1234 compliance. MODERATOR AND SPEAKER: JoAnne Speers, Executive Director, Institute for Local Government, Sacramento DINNER ON OWN Visit your hotel's concierge for restaurants and reservations. C~G30D ~VARC H 2 CITYBOOKS 8:00 -10:30 a.m. BREAKOUT SESSIONS 8:15 - 9:45 a.m. ® CITY FINANCE 101 • The essentials of California city revenues and spending -'trends in California local government Finance • Potential impacts from the state budget • Critical issues and proposals for fiscal reform MODERATOR: Charlie View, Development Services Director, City of Brea SPEAKER: Michael Coleman, Fiscal Policy Advisor, League of California Cities, CaliforniaCitvFinantt.cont, Davis 2005 -A YEAR OF HOUSING UNCERTAINTY Where will one children live? Where will we live? Is there hope ou the horizon in 2009? What can local government do to facilitate the development of affordable housing? Explore the process of preparing a certifiable housing element and its benefits. MODERATOR: Donald Lamm, AICP, Deputy City Manager, Development Services Director; Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, City of Costa Mesa SPEAKER: Lynn Jacobs, Director, Department of Housing and Conununity Dcvclopnent, State of California. Sacramento THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS! Frustrated that you only get five days to review your packets? During this informal, interactive session, conic and share frustrations, and hear how other cities have solved problems orissues you might be having. FACILITATOR: Lynn Osborn, Planning Commissioner, Town of Danville TRAFFIC CALMING PROGRAMS THAT WORK Successful traffic calming programs emphasize the iutportancc oPbalancing the three "E's- Education, Enforcemmnt, and Engineering. Thrv start out by relying on local residents to take the lead before installing higher cost treatments. Examine several traffic calming programs that are being intplentented successfully its different parts of t e some. MODERATOR: Robert Storer, Planning Commissioner, Town of Danville SPEAKER: Hector Barron, City Traffic Enginceq Department of Transportation, City of Sacramento PREVENTING URBAN SPRAWL Urban sprawl continues to define many conununities with traffic congestion, strip commercial corridors, loss of agricultural land, unediocre architect ral design, and segregated land uses. The ubseuc, of a contnumity vision and clearly defined policies to address urban sprawl leave small towns or rural cities vulnerable to undesirable impacts. Get an overview of Ahwahnce principles, smart growdn principles, new urbanism and sustainable commmnities. MODERATOR: Ralph Raffr Kachadourian, Senior Planner/City Planner, Development Services Departnent, City of Sanger SPEAKER: Fred Brusuelas, AICP, Comnnnity Development Assistant Director, City of V isalia ADOPTING AND IMPLEMENTING FORM- BASED CODES: A PROGRESS REPORT Font-based codes have received a lot of attention in the last few years as local jurisdictions struggle with how to ensure and iniplement their community's vision for revitalization and development. Learn how diFferentjurisdictions in the state are successfully implementing fonn- based codes. MODERATOR: Paul Zykofsky, AICP, Director, Land Use/Transportation Programs, Local Government Commission, Sacramento SPEAKERS:John Anderson, Principal, New Urban Builders, Chico Stephen Lawton, Conunonity Development Director, City of l lercules Daniel Parolek, Principal, Opticos Design, Berkeley GENERAL CLOSING SESSION 10:15 -11:45 a.m. CALIFORNIA TRF,NDS-THE FUTURE OF THE HOUSING MARKET AND THE ECONOMY A guest columnist For various publications including the 14,'J1 Street Journal, Carole Rodoni has been President of Fos R' Carskadon Residential Real Estate, Chief Operations Oftimr oFCornish and Carey Residential Real Estate, and President and COO of Alain Pind Realtors. Carol will comment on how the global, national, state, and local economies are impacted by the housing correction and the sub-prime/credit impact oF2007, whetter or not care Facing a recession, and where interest rates are headed. SPEAKER: Carol Radoni, President, Bannbou Consulting, San Jose VISIT THE CAPITOL The Capitol is only a few blocks away! Guided walking tours arc available all day long. Please check-in with the League registration desk to fund out if the legislature is in session. OF AI oU E CITIES 1400 K STREET , SACRAMENTO. CA 95814 W W W.CACITIF.S.ORG WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 - FRIDAY, MARCH 28 SACRAMENTO CONVENTION CENTER REGISTRATION AND HOUSING DEADLINE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 2007-08 DEPARTMENT OFFICERS PRESIDENT Robert Combs Planning Commissioner, Town of Danville 1sT VICE PRESIDENT Donald Lamm AICP, Deputy City Manager. Development. Services Director, Executive Director of Redevelopment Agency, City of Costa Mesa 2"o VICE PRESIDENT Emmanuel Urm Planning Director, City of Orinda DIRECTOR Sharon Fierm Community Development Director, Cityof Campbell IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Susan Healy-Keene AICP, Director of Community Development, City of West Hollywood PRESORT FIRST CLASS US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1022 SACRAMENTO, CA PRICING INFORMATION FULL CONFERENCE Wednesday, March 26-Friday, March 28 One day registration is not available CITY PLANNING STAFF, $495.00 PLANNING COMMISSIONERS CONSULTANTS, $740.00 PARTNERS The full registration fee includes pro- gram materials, dinner on Wednesday, breakfast on Thursday and Friday, and lunch-mini expo on Thursday. Registrations completed online at www.cacities.org/events by Friday, February 22, will also receive a $20 CityBooks discount coupon. MOBILE TOURS $25.00 GUEST/SPOUSE Al) Events $160.00 Wednesday dinner $75.00* Thursdaylunch S50.00* * On-site only. • SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS If you require special accommodations related to facility access, communication and/or diet, please contact Conference Registration at 916-658-8291. WWW.CACITIES.ORG/EVENTS J .tom MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE... League of California Cities A 1008Annual Conference September24-27 Sailinginte(beFuture Long Beach 2008 PLANNERS INSTITUTE AND MINI EXPO 2008 Planners Institute and Mini Expo Wednesday, March 26 - Friday. March 28, 2008, Sacramento Convention Center Registration Forms Must Be Received No Later Than Friday, February 22, 2008 Register Online and Receive a CityBooks Coupon Register online by going to www.eacities.org/events (and receive a CityBooks coupon); If you need to send a check or money order, please fill out this form and send it along with your payment. Please enter your name and title as they should appear on your name badge and registration. Please indicate guest/spouse's name if attending (if guest/spouse is not a public or city official). Please complete one form per registrant: Payment Information: If paying by check or money order, please mail to: League of California Cities 1400 K Street, Sacramento, California 95814 If you have questions, please contact Conference Registration at (916) 658-8291. NOTE: One day registration is not available City Officials Name Title All Others Address a here confirmation is to be mailed City Zip Code Telephone Fax E-mail for registrant Spouse /Guest Name (additional fees apply) Registration badges must be worn at all times during the conference. It is your meal and events ticket. ➢ Events include: • Wednesday night dinner • Thursday lunch & Mini Expo • Thursday and Friday breakfast $495.00 $740.00 MINI= Guest/Spouse (includes conference all food events) $160.00 Guest/Spouse (Wednesday dinner) $75.00* Guest/Spouse (Thursday lunch & Mini Expo) $50.00* * On-site only Note that it is inadvisable to use city funds to pay for spouse registration. See 75 Cal. Op. Att'y Gen. 20 (1992). Consult with your city attorney for more information. Registration in not complete until full payment is received. CityBooks coupon not available with fax/mail registration. NOTE: Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing and are subject to a $50 processing fee. No refunds will be given for cancellation requests received after March 12, 2008. Substitutions can be made on site. ® If you require special accommodations related to facility access, communication and/or diet, please contact our Conference Registrar at (916) 658-8291.