CC - Item 5B - Solicit Proposals for Engineering Services• E M F S y~w7►' ~ONapRnlFp ^g5 0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER OL C-e*.:o DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2008 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES SUMMARY, On December 11, 2007, the City Council discussed the possibility of bidding the City's existing contract for engineering services. The City's current contract for engineering services was approved on July 14, 1981, and has not been updated since that time. Although the current engineering firm, Willdan, has provided responsive services through the years, it is prudent practice to solicit bids from other qualified engineering firms to encourage competition and ensure that the City is paying the lowest possible prices for these services. After reviewing this item on December 11th the Council asked staff to develop a request for proposal (RFP) for engineering services: A RFP has been prepared and is summarized below for the City Council's review. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Approve the attached specifications for engineering services 2. Authorize staff to solicit bids from the attached list of qualified engineering service providers 3. Authorize staff to submit a bid to perform engineering services DISCUSSION Protect Description/Scope of Servires The current contract for City engineering services has riot been updated since it was initially adopted in 1981. The scope of work in the attached specification includes providing professional engineering and inspection services in support of the City's Community Development Department. The specifications provide for the same services APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: n ~A- City Council Meeting February 12, 2008 Page 2 of 4 that are currently performed, with enhanced reporting standards and clearly defined performance levels. Over the past two months, staff has conducted a review of the City's engineering services including analyzing past service levels, observing current operations, looking at future development in the City, and interviewing the City's current contractor, Willdan. This review confirmed that the City's engineering functions were in need of new standards and greater accountability measures. Issuing a request for proposals (RFP) will provide the City with well-defined performance levels and better controls of engineering costs. Services in the RFP include development review, traffic engineering, design responsibilities, public works inspection, grant administration and development, and utility coordination. General Engineering Services • Plan review for all public projects • Recommend regulations and ordinance to City Council regarding engineering functions • Oversee storm water/NPDES functions • Prepare grant applications and administer grant funds • Ensure compliance with regional and state requirernents for public projects • Prepare design documents and specifications for public projects • Provide assistance to City Council, City Commissions, City staff, as needed • Participate in the City's Capital Improvement Project planning process • Manage the City's Geographic Information Systems program Traffic Engineering Services • Plan review for all public projects • Recommend traffic safety improvements • Prepare grant applications and administer grant funds • Recommend regulations and ordinance to City Council regarding traffic engineering functions • Recommend improvements for maintenance' of traffic signals, signage, and roadway markings • Provide assistance to City Council, City Commissions, City staff, as needed Public Works Inspection Services • Provide construction observance of work in the public right-of-way • Provides permitting and observance of utility improvements City Council Meeting February 12, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Request for Proposal Process To ensure that a high standard of service is maintained, the specifications for Rosemead's engineering services are detailed in the request for proposal and the proposed agreement. These specifications include: minimum staffing levels and service requirements, operational reporting requirements, insurance requirements, and performance standards. Service levels will be monitored by City staff who will also review the contractor's required reports for operations. The term of the proposed contract is for two years with an option for three additional one year terms at the City's discretion. Experience has proven that a multi-year contract is the most cost-effective means to have engineering services performed for both the City and the contractor. Bid Process and Analysis Upon City Council approval, the RFP will be mailed to a list of qualified engineeringR services firms. Tentatively, proposals will be due to the City by Tuesday, March 25` and staff will present a recommendation to the City Council on April 22, 2008. The timeline for soliciting bids is included in the RFP If approved, the new contract would begin May 1, 2008. Evaluation Criteria Proposals submitted to the City will be reviewed by the City Council, City staff, and local engineering professionals. As indicated in the RFP, fee schedules and costs will not be the sole criteria for award of this agreement. Instead, evaluation criteria for the proposals will include several categories, including experience, cost, management ability, and reference checks. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for engineering services are provided through several funding sources including the general and redevelopment funds, Proposition A funds, gas tax funds, development review fees, and other grant programs. It is estimated that the City spends over $925,000 for contract engineering services including $500,000 for traditional engineering functions and $425,000 for capital project related work. These costs do not include City staff time spent to administer contracts, meet with consultant staff, and review consultant staff work. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Not applicable LEGAL REVIEW This staff report has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. • C City Council Meeting February 12, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Prepared by: C~(~ Chris Marcarello Administrative Services Officer Submitted y: kaS&aeki Assistant City Manager Attachments: (1) Request for Proposal for Engineering Services • CITY OF ROSEMEAD NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES A mandatory pre-proposal meeting has been scheduled on Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 10 AM at Rosemead City Hall to review the scope of services and answer questions on what will be included in the contract. Attendance is mandatory at this meeting. All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope and received at Rosemead City Hall on or before Tuesday, March, 25, 2008 at 11 AM with the following notation: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemead Attn: Chris Marcarello, Administrative Services Officer Please direct all comments or questions to Chris Marcarello, City of Rosemead, 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California, 91770. By: Chris Marcarello Administrative Services Officer • • Introduction The City of Rosemead is located in the western San Gabriel Valley region of Los Angeles County and spans 5.5 square miles and is situated 12 miles east of Los Angeles and 25 miles north of the Port of Long Beach. The City incorporated in 1959 and today is home to around 60,000 residents. Its strategic location and business-friendly environment earned Rosemead the coveted title of "most business friendly city in America" by Kosmont Companies. Rosemead is a general law city operating under the Council-Manager form of government. Rosemead's international reputation for being a premier community has attracted a number of corporate headquarters to locate in the City, including Southern California Edison and the Panda Restaurant Group. 1. Proposal Package The City of Rosemead is soliciting proposals (RFP) from qualified firms to provide general engineering services over a guaranteed period of two (2) years, with three (3) additional one year terms. Each renewal period shall be done at the sole discretion of the City. The. successful firm shall enter into a contract with the City for General Engineering Services to cover the work item enclosed in Section V. Proposed Scope of Services. The award of the contract is anticipated for the beginning of May 2008. In general, the work consists of, but is not limited to plan checking of development plans (for residential and/or commercial sites) and public infrastructure plans, legal documents, subdivision maps; traffic engineering services; updating the City's pavement management system; public works inspection services; and civil engineering design services. It is expected that the consultant will utilize a combination of staff and sub- consultants to adequately perform the City's required services. A list of potential sub-consultants that will be used should be included in the bid submittal package. Bid Submittal Each offeror must submit one (1) original signed copy and five (5) duplicate copies of the complete proposal in a sealed envelope marked "Proposal for Professional Engineering Services" and the name of the offeror. Proposal submissions must contain page numbers. Please note that proposals are limited to a total of twenty-five (25) pages (including appendices) using letter-sized paper and not less than 12 point font. To be considered, all proposals shall be completely responsive to the RFP. "Completely responsive" is hereby defined as meeting all requirements as outlined in Section II, Proposal Requirements. Technical Qualifications Proposal -2- 9 • and Cost Proposal must be submitted in separate envelopes clearly identified and marked: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemead Technical Qualifications Proposal And Proposal for Professional Engineering Services City of Rosemead Cost Proposal Proposals will be received by the City of Rosemead until Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at 11 AM. If mailing, proposals shall be sent to: City of Rosemead Attn: Administrative Services Officer 8838 Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 The City does not recognize the US Postal Service, or any other organization, as its agent for purposes of accepting proposals. All proposals received after the deadline will be rejected and returned unopened. No extensions will be granted. All proposals will become the property of the City and will be made available for public inspection after an award is made or all proposals are rejected. Resection All proposals will be reviewed to determine conformance with the RFP requirements. Any proposal that the City deems incomplete, conditional, or non- responsive the requirements of the RFP may be rejected. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals as well. Screening, Selection, and Award Screening and selection will take place through the process described below. Contract award will be made to the Offeror which meets Proposal Requirements specified in Section II of this RFP, and submits the proposal considered most advantageous to City. Negotiations may or may not be conducted with Offeror; hence, the proposal should include the Offeror's most favorable terms and conditions since selection may be made without discussion with any Offeror. The screening and selection process shall be as follows: - 3 - • • Step 1. Sealed proposals will be opened and evaluated to determine compliance with Section IV Required Qualifications of Contractor. Proposals meeting specified requirements will be considered responsive and will be included in Step 2. Step 2. Responsive proposals will be evaluated and then presented to the City Council for review. Following this presentation, a decision will be made whether to recommend awarding a contract without further discussion to the Offeror that best meets the needs of the City. It is expected that negotiations will take place with the primary firm on the final scope of work, contract, and proposal price. City Council approval is expected in April 2008. The City reserves the right to withdraw this RFP at any time without prior notice. Further, the City reserves the right to modify the RFP schedule described below. The City also makes no representations that any contract will be awarded to any Offeror responding to this RFP. The City expressly reserves the right to reject any and all proposals without indicating any reasons for such rejection(s), to waive any irregularity or informality in any proposal or in the RFP procedure, and to be the sole judge of the responsiveness of any Offeror and of the suitability of the materials and/or services to be rendered. Evaluation Criteria After review for compliance with required qualifications, the City will evaluate proposals based on the following criteria. Cost will not be the sole criteria for which an award is made. General Quality and Responsiveness of the Proposal Presentation, completeness, and thoroughness of the proposal • Responsiveness to the terms, conditions, and items of performance • Grasp of the scope and services to be performed Qualifications and Experience of Firm and Key Personnel • Qualification and experience of key personnel • Experience and past performance for similar scope and services • Verifications of references Fee Proposal • Costs will be evaluated should offeror meet all other criteria. Fees will be listed in concurrence with instructions listed in Section ll, Proposal Requirements. -4- 0 0 Tentative Schedule The tentative schedule and description of events for this RFP are given below: Date: February 14, 2008 March 4, 2008 Week of March 31, 2008 April 22, 2008 April 24, 2008 May 1, 2008 Inquiries Activity: Issue Request for Proposal (RFP) Mandatory Pre-proposal Meeting Interviews, if necessary Selection recommendation made to City Council and award contract Agreement executed and Notice to Proceed Start of Services Please direct all comments or questions to: Chris Marcarello (626) 569-2118 City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California, 91770. II. Proposal Requirements The proposal shall include the following: 1. Understanding Scope of Services - Describe your understanding of the services to be performed and/or the product to be provided. 2. Methodology and Work Plan - Provide a brief description of the proposed work program and techniques to complete the scope of services. The work program should demonstrate your firm's ability to conduct these services in a professional and efficient manner. 3. Experience and Qualification of Firm - List similar services successfully accomplished within the last five (5) years. 4. Key Personnel - Please provide the names and qualifications of the key personnel assigned to this contract. - 5 - • o 5. References - Provide a list of references from the past and current clients within the last five (5) years. 6. Fee Proposal - The fee proposal is considered a criteria, but is no the sole factor in the selection process. Performance for all services shall be based on the following: A. Plan Check Services - A percentage of the plan checking fees (to be determined by the City and consultant following negotiations) that are collected by the City for each project. B. Hourly rate for any services performed for traffic engineering services. C. One time flat fee for preparation of pavement management system update. Updates are usually conducted every two (2) years with the last one occurring in 2004. D. Engineering Design Services based on time and materials A fee schedule shall be provided for the proposed services. Fee schedules should list the hourly rate for each personnel category and other charges necessary to complete the services required with this contract. See Section V, Proposed Scope of Services for a detailed description of each service. III. Contract Terms Professional Services Agreement No agreement shall be binding upon the City until a Professional Services Agreement is completely executed by the Consultant, City Council, and approved by the City Attorney. Failure to execute and return the contract agreement and acceptable insurance documentations in a timely manner may be just cause for the City to rescind the contract offer. Minimum Insurance Requirements The Consultant shall, at its own expense, procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the Agreement by the Consultants, its agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors. Consultants shall also require all of its subcontractors assigned to the project to procure and maintain the same insurance requirement for the duration of Agreement. -6- O O Specific insurance requirements will be provided to all Offerors at the March 4, 2008 mandatory pre-bid meeting. Conflict of Interest It shall be the duty of the Consultant to comply with all applicable State and Federal laws relating to prohibited conflicts of interest. As part of its response to this RFP, the Consultant shall disclose in writing any financial, business, employment, or other relationships with the City or with any of its officers, employees, or agents that are or were in existence during the twelve (12) calendar months immediately preceding, and including, the date the Consultant's response to the RFP is filed. In addition, the Consultant shall disclosed in writing any financial, business, employment or other relationships with any contractor or engineering who may have a financial in securing design and/or construction contracts for the project. The Consultant shall have a continuing obligation to keep the foregoing disclosures current and up-to-date during the term of this contract, and the Contractor's failure to timely disclose the existence of such a relationship shall be grounds for immediate termination of the contract. Permits and Local Licenses The Consultant shall obtain and pay for a business registration as necessitated for doing work within the City of Agoura Hills. Valid licensure shall be in place for life of the contract as stipulated in the executed Professional Services Agreement. IV. Required Qualifications of Contractor Proposals for the management and operation of the Rosemead Transit system will be evaluated by CITY to determine whether or not they meet the following required qualifications. Proposals which fail to provide documentation responding to all of the required items set out below may be considered non- responsive and will be rejected. A. Experience In order to be considered eligible and qualified, Offeror must have a minimum of five years of experience in the field of providing engineering services for cities of similar to the size of Rosemead. A statement of qualifications demonstrating the foregoing and listing the Offeror's experience in the public engineering field, together with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least five other clients for whom similar services are being provided, shall be furnished with the proposal. Clients referenced should be located in California if possible. -7- • • B. Organization The Offeror should submit a description of the firm's organizational structure, history, legal status (i.e., partnership, corporation, etc.), list of owners and officers, capabilities and experience, and management philosophy. The City is particularly interested in the Offeror's approach to managing engineering projects, organizational resources and expertise available, and the primary businesses or range of diversified businesses in which the Offeror's firm is involved. C. Resource Allocation Offeror's proposed allocation of contract resources must demonstrate an understanding of scope of work requirements as described in this RFP and attachments thereto. D. Staffing Contractor shall at all times be responsible for maintaining appropriate staffing levels, employing sufficient qualified and properly trained personnel to perform the management, administrative, and engineering services. The staffing plan must include the resumes of the proposed key personnel showing all relevant education, training and experience. Offeror should also describe other personnel to the extent that their particular experience, skill and availability will affect the performance of this contract. Offeror should also specifically address any technical resources and staff that will be available to assist their local management at no additional cost to the City. E. Financial Responsibility All Offerors shall provide a financial statement, as prepared by a certified public accountant, for his/her/its prior fiscal year, consisting of a balance sheet, profit and loss statement and such other financial statements as may be appropriate, which shall demonstrate the Offeror possesses adequate financial ability and stability to enable the Offeror to fulfill his/her/its obligations in engineering services. If requested by the OFFEROR, such information shall be treated as confidential by CITY and shall not be subject to public disclosure. As a condition to further participation in the selection process described in Section II - Subsection I, City reserves the right to require an Offeror which has deficiencies with respect to City's criteria for financial strength and stability to provide financial information regarding one or more principals or guarantors of - 8 - 0 • Offeror, which principals or guarantors, upon approval by City, would be required to execute a guaranty of Offeror's obligations upon award of the contract. F. Debarred, Suspended or Ineligible Contractors OFFEROR certifies by submission of a response to the RFP (proposal) that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction with federal, state, or local department or agency. V. Proposed Scope The consultant's services shall include but not be limited to, the following: 1. Plan checking of public improvement plans, grading plans, hydrology/drainage reports, subdivision maps. Plan checking shall follow a set schedule of turnaround timeframes as established by the City. It is expected that plan checks should not exceed three (3) total plan checks. Turnaround times are as follows First Submittal: 15 working days Second Submittal: 10 working days Third Submittal: 10 working days Major Changes at Design State: 15 working days Major Change in the Field: 5 working days This turnaround time schedule does not exclude the option for expediting plan reviews as needed by the City. Expedited reviews is not the norm, but is anticipated for certain projects deemed as priorities by the City staff. Weekly meetings shall be scheduled at City Hall to discuss plan check issues with the City's project engineers. Unless otherwise directed by City staff, no plan check shall be returned to the developer, or the developer's representative, until the City's project engineers have been updated on the status of the plan checks being returned. For any reason, if a plan check is expected to exceed three (3) checks, the plan checker shall inform the City's engineering staff, and a meeting will be coordinated by the City with the plan checker and developer to resolve outstanding issues. Plan checks shall be performed to ensure compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and Local codes, standards, and regulations. 2. Traffic engineering services include, but are not limited to: one, 8-hour day of service at City Hall each week. Any additional hours of service (to attend meetings, hearings, special events, etc) shall be paid on a time and -9- • material basis. Services shall include, but are not limited to, review of any technical traffic studies, preparation of land development, project comments, review or traffic control plans, review of traffic-related infrastructure plans. 3. Pavement Management System - The current system needs to be updated to include a recommendation of an action plan that outlines a ten (10) year plan to outline street improvements and the anticipated costs. 4. Engineering Design - On an as-needed basis, staff may be needed to conduct engineering design, and/or check designs of presented to the City. This item shall be paid on a time and materials basis. 5. Additional Services - On an as-needed basis, additional services including inspection of public improvement or grading operations and field surveys may be requested by the City. Any additional services shall be separately negotiated and paid on a time and materials basis. A more detailed explanation of functions is detailed in Attachment A. -10- • • Attachment A Scope of Services General Engineering Services • Plan Review for public improvement projects - streets, sewer, storm drains, signals, signs, striping, traffic control, grading • Plan Review for land development projects -final maps, subdivision map act documents • Establish bond amounts - performance, I/m, grading, development fees • Review/Recommend regulations and ordinances related to engineering functions • Recommend/Prepare/Administer grant applications for construction projects • Oversee Storm Water/NPDES functions • Prepare design plans and specifications for public projects • Provide assistance to other City Departments, City Council, and Traffic Commission; attend public meetings as needed GIS System Management • Manage and update system • Add layers and integrate into system • Create maps for other City Departments Traffic Engineering Services • Plan Review for development projects - assess traffic impacts • Prepare design plans and specifications for public projects • Recommend traffic safety improvements - parking, signage, speed limits, traffic calming devices (control devices, stop signs, speed bumps, cross walks, pedestrian/bikeway safety, channelization) • Recommend improvements/correction action at locations with high accident rates • Recommend/Prepare/Administer grant applications for traffic safety and public improvements • Review/Recommend regulations and ordinances related to traffic engineering functions • Recommend improvements for maintenance of traffic signals, signage, and roadway markings (using FHWA's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) • Provide assistance to other City Departments, City Council, and Traffic Commission; attend public meetings as needed • Review Traffic Impact and Parking Analysis (completed in conjunction with proposed projects) • Ensure compliance with City traffic study requirements and City Congestion Management Plan (CMP) • Conduct/Review traffic forecasting methodology • • • Conduct intersection capacity analysis/project impact • Recommend mitigation measures • Review Site Access of Projects • On-site circulation sizing (internal network, drive aisle width, orientation and throat dimension) • Review driveway locations on bordering arterials and site dimensions • Review traffic control at site access points and key internal locations - spacing, sight lines, left turn provisions, right turn restrictions, control measures Capital Improvement Project Program • Prepare/Oversee design, plans, specifications, estimates, and contract documents for projects - streets/public right-of-way and facilities/parks • Conduct design survey, construction survey, and construction observation for projects • Coordination with utility agencies • Coordination with regional agencies (County, State, etc) • Provide field inspection services and accept completion of work once finished Inspection/Permitting Services • Provide construction observance of work in public right-of-way Maintenance Services • Parks Maintenance • Vehicle Maintenance • Facility Maintenance • Trees Maintenance • Street Sweeping • Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Maintenance • Hazardous Waste/Illegal Dumping Clean-up • Graffiti Removal • Street Striping Survey Services • Survey base mapping and construction staking; Design surveying, photo control, aerial mapping, centerline surveys, corner records, Record of Survey Geotechnical Services • Perform soils and materials tested -12-