PC - Item 6B - AB1234 MomorandumMemorandum To: Planning Commissioners From: Sheri Bermejo, Principal Planne~~ Date: March 12, 2009 Subject: AB 1234 Ethics Training for Local Officials On October 7, 2005, the Governor signed Assembly Bill No. 1234. This law requires that all local agencies that provide a stipend to members of a legislative body must provide ethics training to local agency officials by January 1, 2007, and every two years thereafter. As follow up to the discussion that took place at the last Planning Commission meeting regarding this State law, staff would like to provide you with an opportunity to satisfy this requirement. The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) provides free on-line training directly from their website. This training may be accessed at the following links (http://localethics.fppc.ca.gov and http://www.localethics.fppc.ca.gov). This is a self-serve training program, and it is your obligation to print a certificate and provide it to the City Planning Division. If you do not have access to a home computer, please feel free to contact me to make arrangements with the Planning Division to use a City computer.