CC - Item 2B - 2008 Legislative Action DaysJ • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER A-X DATE: APRIL 8, 2008 SUBJECT: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES - 2008 LEGISLATIVE ACTION DAYS - SACRAMENTO - APRIL 16-17, 2008 SUMMARY Attached for your consideration is information regarding the League of California Cities 2008 Legislative Action Days. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the attendance, at City expense, any Council Member, City Attorney, City Manager and staff designee. ANALYSIS Conference sessions will include: Current Budget Issues and Strategies, Updates and Action Steps on Infrastructure Bond Implementation; Pending Legislation/Issues of Critical Importance and Keynote Speakers from the Administration and Legislature. FINANCIAL REVIEW Expenses for this conference is included in the 2007-08 Budget. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by, Jan Saavedra Executive Assistant Attachment A: Conference Brochure APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: A 2008 LEGISLATIVE ACTION DAYS NEW DATES and STARTING TIME! Wednesday, April 16 - Thursday, April 17 Sacramento Convention Center and Sheraton Grand, Sacramento Take this opportunity to have your voice heard at the State Capitol. Meet one-on- one with legislators in their Capitol offices. In addition, join hundreds of local elected officials and appointed leaders from around the state to learn the latest on infrastructure bonds, the state budget, and key legislation. Bring your elected leaders, public safety leaders, business leaders and community leaders to demonstrate the broad support for protecting funding for locally delivered programs and services. Plan to have an influential delegation attend and carry the message clearly and emphatically to help get the public attention needed to preserve local services by being part of this impressive event. Registration is Free Hotel Reservation deadline is Wednesday, March 26 Online Pre-Registration is required at ~rww.cacities.orR/events Deadline is Wednesday, April 9 C Wednesday, Aprif16 Sacramento Convention Center- 3r`f floor Tentative Schedule Registration Open 8. 00 a.m. - Noon General Session - (NEW EARLIER START TIME) 1000 a. m. - Noon. • Current Budget Issues and Strategies • Updates and Action Steps on Infrasuvcture Bond Implementation • Pending Legislation/Issues of Critical Importance • Keynote Speakers from the Administration and Legislature African American Caucus - Lunch Discussion on the State of Black California Noon -1.30p.m. Limited space is available for this session. RSVP to the AN Caucus staff liaison at (916) 658-8224 Lunch on Your Own (with your Legislator or Division) Time to Lobby at the Capitol (visits will be coordinated for nrasinrum effect) /.00 - 5.30 p.m. League Lobbyist Debrief - 4.15 -5.00pm back of the Convention Center Latino Caucus Foruni - National Digital Transfer Newstlash, Telecommunications Act Update and Impacts of the State's fiscal Crisis to Local, Low Income and Minority Communities 1.30 - 3: 3 0 p. nt. Limited space is available for this session. RSVP by calling the Latino Caucus offices at (916) 669-1343 Legislative Reception at the Sheraton (Invite your Legislator) 5:30 - 7: 00 p. rn. Evening Free to Dine with Your Legislator 700 p.m. 7(ursday, ApriC17 S(aeraton Grand, Sacramento Registration Open 8.00 - 9:00 a. rn. Breakfast Buffet or Breakfast Meetings with your Legislator 8.00 - 845 a. m. General Session 8:45 - 10: 30 a. m. • Debriefing on meetings with legislators and administration officials • Additional briefings by representatives of the Administration and Legislators • Strategies on how to continue your advocacy efforts back home Adjourn 10:30 o. in. Plan individual meetings and lunches with Legislators, or key staff GENERAL INFORMATION Free Pre-Registration online is required at wtvw.cacities.ore/events. Conference Registration Deadline: Wednesday, April 9 Registration NO onsite registrations will be accepted. Hotel Hotel registration deadline is Wednesday, March 26. Reservations Hotel reservations by phone are not available for this conference. "rhe online conference registration link, will take you directly to the online housing reservation for each property currently available on your selected dates. For immediate hotel reservations and confirmation, please book your required rooming needs online after registering for the conference. Sheraton Grand, 1230 J Street, Sacramento. CA 95814 - 5192 +taxes Hyatt Regency, 1209 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 - $192 + taxes ® If you require special accommodations related to facility access, communication and/ or diet, or have additional questions please contact Conference Registration at (916) 658-8291. Airlines We invite you to visit .atrtr.cacitics.or~/travel for the new Enhanced Local Government Airfare Program. General From Reno (East): Take 1-80 West to I-5 South towards Sacramento. Take the J Street Exit, Directions follow J Street, and the hotel will be located on the right side or J Street. From San Francisco (West): Take 1-80 East to U.S. 50 East. "rake the I-5 North Exit towards Redding. Exit onto J Street. Proceed on J Street, and the hotel will be located on the right. From Sacramento International Airport: Take I-5 South to Sacramento and exit at J Street. Proceed on 1 Street, and the hotel will be located on the right-hand side between 12th and 13th Streets. From South: Travel north on 1-5 and exit at J Street. Proceed on J Street, and the hotel will be located on the right-hand side between 12th and 13th Streets.