CC - Item 4C - Ad-Hoc Veterans Commission• • ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER C. CHI, CITY MANAGER &(;-C--~. DATE: APRIL 8, 2008 SUBJECT: FORMATION OF AD-HOC VETERANS COMMISSION SUMMARY Mayor Pro Tern Nunez has requested that the City Council consider the formation of an ad-hoc Veterans Commission. Staff has engaged in some preliminary and cursory research regarding this possibility and prepared a memorandum outlining some of the basic issues regarding this potential action (Attachment A). Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council provide direction regarding Mayor Pro Tern Nu6ez's request for creating an ad-hoc Veterans Commission. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachment A: Memorandum Regarding Formation Of Ad-Hoc Veterans Commission APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: 6 City of Rosemead Memorandum TO: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER 0 FROM: AILEEN FLORES, PUBLIC AFFAIRS MANAGER DATE: APRIL 1, 2008 SUBJECT: RESEARCH REGARDING VETERANS COMMISSIONS Per our conversations with Mayor Pro Tern John Nunez, I have researched existing Veterans Commissions throughout the nation, including those at the state, county and local level. Based on his input along with what I have found, below is a summary of what I believe would be the purpose of the proposed Rosemead Veterans Commission: • Honor all Rosemead residents who have served or currently serve in the military. • Strengthen awareness of and increase the community's pride in all military personnel. • Take leadership in developing, enhancing and coordinating the Memorial Day, Veterans Day and other events designed to honor service men and women. • Connect Veterans with available resources. • Provide an avenue for networking. • Coordinate fundraising events to finance on-going efforts. • Preserve honor for Veterans of the future. • Provide support to Veterans and their families when in need. The overall goal of the commission would be to provide residents of Rosemead who have and continue to serve in the military a sense of belonging, appreciation and support. Possible Activities based on information gathered form existing Veterans Commissions: • Recognize Veterans annually at a City Council meeting ■ Create a military banner program that displays the name of the service person. Banners could be displayed during the 4th of July, Memorial Day, September 11tH Veterans Day and other designated dates. Banners could be sponsored by local businesses and community members. • Create a permanent memorial honoring Veterans. • Include a Veterans Commission float in the 4th of July Parade. • Set up an information booth at all community events for volunteers to promote the commission. • Coordinate Veterans networking events. • Provide a Veterans discount on City sponsored classes and events that require a fee. Veteran's Commission • • April 1, 2008 Page 2of2 • Create a webpage on the City website that provides an over view of the commission. • Ensure that Veteran's know what services, benefits and assistance. • Honor service men and women when they return from their tour of duty. They could be honored at a City Council meeting and be given a welcome care package. • Coordinate an on-going program to support troops or adopt platoons that are currently deployed by collecting donations, including funds that can be shipped to them through programs coordinated by the Department of Defense, USO, or other military support organizations. It is recommended that items be sent throughout the year and not just during the holidays. Action Items/Challenges • Developing/providing a budget. • Providing staff support to insure that it is an on-going and active group. • Recruiting active volunteers. • Promoting the commission and its activities. • Compiling resources and timely information regarding assistance that is available to veterans. • Creating guidelines that provide items such as: o How commissioners are appointed o Requirements for being on the commission o The terms of their appointment o Powers and duties o Structure and purpose o Required activities, o How activities and events are to be planned including regular standing meetings. Guidelines are necessary so that the activities are carried out by a majority of the committee volunteers rather than a committee/commission operated by City employees.