CC - Item 4B - Emergency Summer Closure of Garvey Pool0 0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 22, 2008 SUBJECT: EMERGENCY SUMMER CLOSURE OF GARVEY POOL SUMMARY Garvey Pool is one of two pools used to serve the residents of. Rosemead. The pool dates back to 1950 and has in recent years required numerous repairs to interior and exterior facilities and to mechanical systems just to keep it operational. Most of these have been "band-aid" approaches which have not adequately addressed the fundamental problem of the pool's age and failing systems. For fiscal year 2007-08, City Council approved $84,000 for improvements at the facility including the gutters and deck. When contractors recently assessed the condition of the pool deck, they discovered that the deck, its substructure, and the gutters need to be replaced. The deck is lifting and cracking over much of its surface. Five of the gutters are completely clogged and several others are operating at 30% capacity. This has left the pool's filtration system largely ineffective. Both of these are serious potential hazards for pool users and put the City at significant risk of liability. In light of these discoveries, it appears that the pool will likely remain closed during the summer months. Thus, it is imperative to address both the issue of the pool's condition and the swim needs of residents around Garvey Pool. In an effort to proactively meet the recreation needs of residents, staff proposes operating a shuttle to take patrons to Rosemead Pool to participate in swim activities; and, to assign additional staff to Garvey Park this summer to expand normal park programming with water play activities. To address the problems at the pool, the following options are proposed: 1. Bid the deck project and make repairs as soon as possible. 2. Permanently close Garvey Pool and consolidate all aquatics activities to Rosemead Pool. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: O • ITEM NUMBER: • • City Council Meeting April 22, 2008 Pace 2 of 2 3. Hire an architect to create a Master Plan for Garvey Park to include the Pool, Gymnasium, Clubhouse, and other park facilities/amenities, and proceed with renovations as funds are made available. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that City Council approve the following: • proposed shuttle to transport patrons from Garvey Pool to Rosemead pool, and • provide additional staff to Garvey Park during the summer months, and • provide staff with additional direction regarding next steps at Garvey Pool. ANALYSIS , Garvey Pool consistently draws more patrons each summer than does Rosemead Pool. It regularly meets capacity in swim classes and Recreation Swim. Thus, there is a clear demand for the pool and the programs we provide there each summer. The City expends $110,000 to staff the pool each summer. A portion of these funds could be used to cover the cost of shuttle operations and additional staff at the park for the eleven weeks of summer. Given its age and disrepair, Garvey Pool is in need of a complete renovation. It does not meet ADA requirements, is not built to current code, and operates with great inefficiency. To continue to make repairs on an "as needed" basis only temporarily delays the inevitable, wastes funds, and ignores the potential for increased patron risks and higher costs associated with inflation. A simple deck replacement will likely uncover other areas requiring repair. City Council has already approved $550,000 for Garvey Gym improvements. The needed deck repairs are estimated at $250,000 (barring the discovery of other problems). Hiring an architect to draft a park Master Plan would provide Council with estimated costs for renovations, encourages a more efficient use of space and consistent architectural style for park amenities, and ensures that Garvey Park facilities are ADA compliant, meet current building codes, and are energy efficient. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. IERY-SCOTT on Director