CC - Item 2E - EDMS Request for ProposalE M F S O '9 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MAY 13, 2008 SUBJECT: ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EDMS) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SUMMARY The City has thousands of vital records and important documents that exist only on paper. These records are stored throughout City Hall in numerous file cabinets, boxes, and shelves as illustrated in the attached photos (Attachment A). There is also a large amount of files at our off-site storage location. During the last budget cycle, City Council approved the appropriation of $58,000 in order to purchase an electronic document management system (EDMS). The EDMS is a process that converts paper documents into electronic images that can be viewed and printed from almost any computer. EDMS also indexes documents so they can be searched electronically. Most importantly it would provide the community a way to easily access public records online, at anytime. Staff has researched and analyzed the City's needs for storing and retrieving official City documents. To identify a company that would provide the most effective document imaging system that is customized for the needs of the City and community, staff has prepared the attached Request for Proposal (Attachment B) for your review. Staff recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached specifications for an EDMS and authorize staff to solicit bids from qualified EDMS providers. ANALYSIS Through the course of regular business operations, the City has and continues to generate thousands of documents, a majority of which exists only in paper. Many of these documents were created many years ago, before computers were an essential part of the office environment. These official and historic documents include City Council and Commission agenda packets, ordinances, reports, and resolutions, building and planning documents, permits and other valuable records. It is estimated that the 107 file drawers and 367 boxes located throughout City Hall contain approximately 1.6 million pages of documents. There are also over 2,000 plans, blue prints and tract maps that are stored on various shelves and in boxes. This does not include the documents stored at our off-site storage facility. Approximately APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA City Council Meeting • • May 13, 2008 Page 2 of 3 2,000 mores pages are generated each month. For example, during the period between October 2007 and April 2008, the smallest City Council agenda packet contained 115 pages, while the largest agenda packet included 1,048 pages. The EDMS would provide a system for creating an electronic back up and a secure and efficient storage system for these vital documents. The public would also be able to review agenda packets prior to public meetings. Rather than having to pay $.15 per page for copies of an agenda packet, the public can view the latest agenda packets from the comfort of their own homes. If a member of the public had requested a copy of the agenda packets, the cost to photocopy the packet would have been $17.25 for the small agenda packet and $157.20 for the large packet. A majority of City documents are public records, however, they are not easily accessible by the public. Many inquiries and public records requests require staff, mainly the City Clerk's office, to sift through volumes of documents stored in various locations throughout City Hall. It is the responsibility of the City Clerk's office to respond to inquiries and make copies of documents for external requests and to business units within the City. The process of retrieving documents, sifting through pages, making copies and distributing the documents can be very time consuming. Due to the lack of an efficient archival system, the council, staff or the public may have to wait days or weeks to receive the information they have requested. The document management system would allow for the efficient storage and quick retrieval of City records. In December 2007, after a major rain storm City Hall experienced minor flooding in the basement. Luckily, the only room that experienced any damage was the kitchen. Had this area been a location where documents were stored, many vital documents would have been damaged or destroyed. As mentioned earlier, many of our documents only exist in paper and we do not have back up of these documents. The attached pictures illustrate the 107 file drawers, 367 boxes and 78 shelves located at City Hall that house vital City documents. A majority of these documents are located in the basement, which are stored underneath pipes, making them vulnerable to potential water damage. Benefits of Document lmaginp • The preservation of vital City records • Mitigation of damage to paper documents from water, fire, and deterioration • Improved accessibility of City documents both internally (for City Council and staff) and externally (for the public and the media) • Increased staff efficiency and productivity by reducing research time and making documents more centrally located. • Ensure compliance with governing regulations regarding management of documents including adherence to records management policies and procedures and defined in the City's Records Retention Policy. City Council Meeting • • May 13, 2008 Page 3 of 3 Improved management of City records including the elimination of duplicate and/or unnecessary paper documents and a reduction of filing errors. Request for Proposal Process To ensure that the vendor is able to provide a high quality system and service, the specifications for Rosemead's EDMS are detailed in the request for proposal. Bid Process and Anal Upon City Council approval, the RFP will be mailed to a list of known qualified EDMS providers. Tentatively, proposals will be due to the City by Wednesday, June 18, 2008 and staff will present a recommendation to the City Council on August 26, 2008. Evaluation Criteria Proposals submitted to the City will be reviewed by City staff. As indicated in Section 1.3 Vendor Selection Criteria, page 5 of the RFP, costs will not be the sole criteria for award of this project. Instead, evaluation criteria for the proposals will include several categories, including ease of use, quality of imaging, records management standards, document retrieval, speed, security, cost, integration of other hardware and software, vendor's performance on previous contracts and reference checks. FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this project was budgeted in the 2007-2008 budget process. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project does not require environmental review. LEGAL REVIEW This staff report has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. Prepared by ~~~vtl ~OUW, Aileen Flores Public Affairs Manager Attachment: A - Photos of City Hall Storage System B - Electronic Document Imaging System Request for Proposal C U - c (D o 0) o ~ o x ~ O cn cn ~ C O u ~ U U O O N O ` ^W E C O W ` .E OY U) L - W ^ W o U c o O co L N _ O O c O U ~ N U l > id - L ATTACHMENT A 0 a~ 0 a~ U O a~ CD c~ a L O O O L L U ~ U O N C O U Q N > O ~ U N C U N N (0 CL J W W L W U O O ^L' W U a U a~ L O 2 Q~ O Q L U a_ • M (D 0) (6 0.. c~ C L U N L O L cn Q~ O 0- E Q~ O L CL O w ^C W E U O D) C O U U) a) O U L O cn L 2 W O Q W L U a a) • a) O a) L Q E U O U cn 2 m > O Q O (D U L U C a_ LL a) L C a) E 4- O O U O cn a) L a) E U o a3 U ~ " N 0-0 n O o cn Q~ c L E a) U . _ co L .n C w c~ CL Lr) N c~ CL C O c~ N L U N C Y L co U O 3 cu c c E ai ~ o s C C -p o ~ W O L N U ~ O CL co ca IL N c~ L O y-+ U) W U C N LL N L c N L O U) ^U) W Q~ U c (Q LL N Q) N CL cn _ L F-- C O N U O a_ U 0 0 r- W CF) ca d O C N L O U) U) a) N U C ca C LL C O 70 Q 01 N N ~ a O U L ~ L O O V) ch U ~ O r-+ (II _U C LL 00 m rn c~ r L Q .C c O U cn a) LL N D) n Cl) L f- C O O L U a_ a~ c~ IL A" cn E L Q m O U cn a) U- O 01 m 0- U) L F- C O N L U n • '11 ol o 2 ~ c -E 4 - o ca a) _ E con CD U o o N c L- U) 0 -0 -p c o o cu cn E a) "a 0) a) 1LamoE 0 a~ c~ n. 0 -v `G 2CD CL 0 (C) CD C7 C7 CD m 0 0 N a CD X CD a n 0 0 cn m 3 CD 1 CD I 0 l J 0 cn N .-r C cn 0 0 r-F (D a CD cr m CD T 3 CD CD CD =5 0 h CJ 0 ATTACHMENT B Request for Proposal City of Rosemead Document Imaging Storage Retrieval System Bid Opening: Wednesday, June 18th, 2008, 11:00 a.m. Please submit your price proposal. Furnish all necessary equipment, materials, and labor (including cost of insurance and all payroll taxes on such labor): Prices quoted shall be F.O.B. jobsite, Rosemead, California. No charge shall be allowed for your complying with this request. The City of Rosemead reserves the right to accept or reject quotations on each item separately or as a whole and to waive any defects in the bids submitted. Discrepancies, ambiguities in, exceptions to, or omissions from the specifications or conditions imposed by this Request for Proposal in any of its parts shall be brought promptly in writing to the City of Rosemead's attention. The matter shall be clarified to all bidders by means of a written supplement which shall become part of this Request for Proposal. No oral alteration or variation in terms shall be valid. In order for their bid to be considered, each bidder must submit the attached Company Information Form with all sections completed. SUBCONTRACTORS: Proposal shall include a list of all subcontractors that bidder contemplates using on the jobsite for approval by the City. Once approved, the list shall not be changed without prior written permission by the City of Rosemead. QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS RFP Questions or comments concerning this RFP are to be directed to: City of Rosemead Development Services Business Unit Attn: Pat Piatt, Management Analyst 8838 E Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 Voice: (626) 569-2102 Fax: (626) 307-9218 E-mail: ppiatt(a).cityofrosemead.org Subject Line: Digital Imaging The RFP will be made available in electronic form upon request. The document is available to download from the City of Rosemead's website: www. cityofrosemead. orp • • All questions related to this RFP should be directed in writing to the City of Rosemead, Pat Piatt Management Analyst via phone, fax, or email. Questions of a general nature that do not affect the specifications will be answered immediately; those of a technical nature, or those which possibly modify the specifications, will be referred to the City's consultant. The consultant will provide answers to the Purchasing Division. No questions concerning this Request for Proposal will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 17th, 2008. Questions and answers will be issued as an addendum and will be sent via e-mail to all known bidders. This will ensure equity among bidders and that the question and correct information is routed to the appropriate person. Telephone communications shall not be binding on the City. Contact with other City employees is expressly prohibited without prior consent of the Development Services Business Unit. EXAMINATION OF SPECIFICATIONS: Before submitting a proposal for this work, each bidder shall be held responsible for having examined the specifications and be satisfied of existing conditions under which the work will be performed, For questions, contact the City of Rosemead, Pat Piatt, Management Analyst (626) 569-2102. All equipment and materials shall comply with all federal, state, and local safety rules and regulations, including OSHA. 2of19 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Rosemead is soliciting proposals for the acquisition, installation, training, and support for a document imaging storage and retrieval system. This Request for Proposal (RFP) will cover hardware and software for the digital imaging use by the following departments. City Clerks office City Manager/Administration Planning Department Building Department Community Development Business Unit Finance Maintenance Services Parks and Recreation Public Safety Proposals should include three (3) scanning workstations and the capacity to allow up to 50 concurrent users. The deadline for submission of proposals is Wednesday, June 18th, 2008, at 11:00 a.m. 3of19 0 0 SECTION 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.0 ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead, incorporated in 1959, has a population of 57,427 and is located in Southern California near Los Angeles. The City has 62 full-time employees, which are organized into 9 departments located in several buildings. Rosemead is committed to creating a City of the highest quality by providing responsive, cost-effective and innovative local government services. The City's vision for the future includes providing "seamless" services, streamlining work processes and removing barriers. The City's values include open communication with customers and seeking new and better ways to deliver services. The acquisition of a document imaging system is one phase of a comprehensive records management program being developed by the City. 1.1 EXISTING TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT The City of Rosemead Currently, the City's network uses TCP/IP protocols over Ethernet 100 -1000 MBPS topology from city hall to 4 locations using point to point VPN (Maintenance yard, Garvey Center, Rec Center and Safety Center). The network client workstations are served by a variety of servers running a mixture of windows 2003 server standard and enterprise. The servers are using applications such and Microsoft SQL server standard, Microsoft Share point 2007 Server Enterprise, HDL Business and property license software, Microsoft Exchange 2003 and windows file server which support more than 85 users accessing various applications on these servers. Total file storage on these servers are 2 Tb The City's existing minimum standard configuration for a client microcomputer is Intel Duo Core 2.0 GHz with 1 GB RAM and 70 GB hard disk runs windows XP service pack 2 and computer associates Threat Manager for Enterprise and Microsoft office applications. Attached to our local area network are 2 networked copier/printer/scanner Aficio 3260c and LANIER LD190. 4of19 • s 1.2 DOCUMENT IMAGING PROJECT TEAM A project team comprised of representatives from various departments has been organized to bring this technology to the City of Rosemead. 1.3 VENDOR SELECTION CRITERIA Evaluation of the proposals is expected to be completed within 45 days after their receipt. The City of Rosemead will award the contract based upon the proposal the City determines to be most advantageous. Selection criteria upon which evaluation of the proposals will be based includes, but is not limited to: 1.3.1 Ease of Use 1.3.2 Speed (input, processing, and retrieval) under fully loaded conditions 1.3.3 Features 1.3.4 Security 1.3.5 The ability, capacity and skill of the submitter to perform the contract. 1.3.6 The ability of the submitter to provide the services promptly or within the time desired by the City without delay or interference. 1.3.7 The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, expertise, and efficiency of the submitter. 1.3.8 Integration to other applications 1.3.9 The cost to complete the project or the part(s) of the project the City elects to award. 1.3.10 The quality of the submitter's performance on previous contracts with the City of Rosemead and other public agencies. The City of Rosemead reserves full discretion to determine the competence and responsibility, professionally and/or financially, of submitter. 1.4 VENDOR SELECTION PROCESS 1.4.1 Selected vendors who meet the minimum requirements may be invited to demonstrate their systems at Rosemead during the week of July 14, 2008. The consultant will schedule times after the bids have been received and reviewed and qualified vendors are determined. 5of19 1.5 1.6 1.4.2 The City will require visits to existing installations of selected systems the week following the demonstrations outlined in 1.4 Arrangements will be made individually with the selected vendors by the City. 1.4.3 Proposals will be available for public review when the award recommendation is presented to Council. CONSEQUENCES OF SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL Upon Award of Contract, the submitter shall agree that: 1.5.1 The City shall not be obligated to respond to any proposal submitted nor be legally bound in any manner by the submission of a proposal. 1.5.2 Acceptance by the City of a proposal obligates the proponent to enter into an agreement with the City. 1.5.3 An agreement shall not be binding or valid against the City unless or until it is executed by the City and the proponent. 1.5.4 Statistical information contained in these documents is for informational purposes only. The City shall not be responsible for the accuracy of said data. City reserves the right to increase or decrease the project scope. 1.5.5 Information received from the City of Rosemead about its operations, plans, products, or services may not be revealed to any third party without prior written consent of the Project Manager. 1.5.6 Proposal shall include a list of all subcontractors that the Vendor contemplates using for approval by the City. Once approved, the list shall not be changed without prior written approval by the City of Rosemead. ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF PROPOSAL The city reserves the right to select the successful proposal and negotiate an agreement as to the scope of services, the schedule for performance and duration of the services with proponent(s) whose proposal(s) is/are most responsive to the needs of the City. Further, the City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or alternate proposals, or waive any informality or irregularity in the proposal as is in the City's best interest. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or portions thereof, received in response to the request or to negotiate separately with any source whatsoever, in any manner necessary, to serve the best interests of the City. Additionally, the City may for any reason, decide not to award an agreement(s) as a result of his request. Non-acceptance of any proposal shall not imply that the proposal was deficient. Rather, non-acceptance of any proposal will mean that another proposal was deemed to be more advantageous to the City or that the City decided not to award an agreement as a result of this request. 6of19 1.7 RIGHT TO CHANGE TO AMEND REQUEST The City reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this request. The City will notify potential proponent(s) of any material changes by posting on the City's website. No one is authorized to amend any of the request requirements in any respect, by an oral statement, or to make any representation or interpretation in conflict with their provisions. If necessary, supplementary information an/or clarifications/question/answers will be emailed to all companies who have expressed an interest to submit proposals. 1.8 HOLD HARMLESS DEFENSE CLAUSE The contractor shall indemnify, defend, and save harmless the City against all loss, cost, or damage on account of any injury to persons or property, including employees or property of the City, contractor or third parties, occurring in the performance of the contract. 1.10 PRODUCT OWNERSHIP Any documents, products or systems resulting from the contract will be the property of the City of Rosemead 1.11 METHOD OF PAYMENT Payment will be made within thirty (30) days after invoices are received and accepted by the City Manager. Invoices are to be rendered monthly. 1.12 PROJECT MANAGER The Project Manager is: Pat Piatt Management Analyst City of Rosemead 8838 E Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 1.13 JOB SITES City of Rosemead Civic Center, 8838 E Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California, 91770 and other City office locations. 7 of 19 0 SECTION 2 WORK SCOPE 2.0 DELIVERABLES Deliverables shall include, at a minimum, the following components, installed and fully functional as described below and elsewhere in this proposal, at specified Rosemead City buildings as appropriate: 2.0.1 All required software (1 copy on CD for every release, including upgrades). 2.0.2 All required hardware. 2.0.3 All required ancillary devices (if required, cabling and network upgrades must be fully disclosed with the bid proposal, but will be provided by the City of Rosemead). 2.0.4 The successful installation of the Digital Imagine Retrieval System must take place within the agreed upon time frame(s). Successful installation is defined as all components purchased via this proposal and contractual agreement that are fully operational and able to be relied upon on a daily basis by the City of Rosemead. 2.0.5 One set of hardcopy manuals and one set of electronic manuals suitable for uploading on the City's Intranet. 2.0.6 On-site employee training completed within 14 days of successful installation. 2.0.7 Annual software technical support. 2.0.8 Annual software maintenance and upgrades. 2.1 SILENCE OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMPLETE UNITS All materials, equipment and/or parts that will become a portion of the completed work including items not specifically stated herein but necessary to render the service(s) complete and operational per the specifications are to be included in the proposal price. Vendor may be required to furnish evidence that the product or service, as proposed, will meet or exceed these requirements. 2.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The following provides an overview of the business and functional requirements of the Departments which will receive Document/Record Management and Automated Workflow solutions, based on their unique business and functional requirements. 8of19 0 0 2.2.1 EDMS REQUIREMENTS: • Store electronic and scanned documents in a robust, enterprise EDMS with expanded accessibility to electronic content via the City's intranet/internet, as appropriate. • Address physical file tracking, records retention, destruction documentation, information queries, data validation, electronic document management, document version control, information sharing, webpage archiving and imaging and workflow system interfaces. • Preserve the City's vital records. • Store and access applications, plans, etc., and provide easy access to previous applications and relevant information. • Improve access to and delivery of information to citizens and staff via the web. • Maintain a system that is easy to use. 2.2 IMAGING REQUIREMENTS: Implement imagines solution to support scanning and linking of hardcopy documents to e-application that are part of this process. Implement a small and large document scanning device, integrated with the EDMS Implement standard number and naming conventions. 2.2.3 RECORDS MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS: • Develop a standard uniform filing plan used throughout the City, to administer the management, archiving and destruction of documents and records. • Electronically manage and organize records through a single records management interface and enforce a standard system for managing the entire document lifecycle regardless of media type. Implement standard number and naming conventions. • Reduce record handling processes that are conducted manually leaving the City vulnerable to inaccuracies and inefficiencies. • Effective and efficient management of the citywide records inventory. • Use of automated tools that adequately address the full spectrum of records management functionality. 2.2.4 AUTOMATED WORKFLOW PILOT: DOCUMENT RECEIVING, RETRIEVING, DISPOSITION. Use of automated tools that adequately address the full document life cycle, e.g., receive, date stamp, determine destruction, scan/index, assign retention, and disposition (e.g., issue automatic email and work list notification to various recipients). Provide an imaging system made up of a high speed scanner and state of the practice imaging software, to capture hardcopy documents in this business process. 9of19 • • Provide ability to receive faxed, emailed or scanned documents into the business process and released in the EDMS. Allow City staff to track the process, e.g.: o Determine the physical location and completion status of the file or project during processing so staff can easily answer customer inquiries. o Allow customers and/or outside agencies to check the status via the internet. o Produce summary results. SECTION 3 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 3.0 PROPOSAL FORM All proposals must be submitted on the form(s) provided in the RFP Specifications. Supplemental material may also be submitted. 3.1 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION 3.1.1 Proposals must be received no later than Wednesday. June 18`h, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. at the following location: City Clerk's Office City of Rosemead 8838 E Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA. 91770 Proposals received after this date will not be considered. This is a closed bid process. 3.1.2 Proposals must be submitted via mail, courier, or in person. No FAX submittals will be accepted. All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope or package, plainly marked: "Request for Proposal Document Imaging Document Imaging Storage Retrieval System" Wednesday, June 18`h 2008, 11:00 a.m. Name and Address of Submitter 3.1.3 Pricing information must be included in a separate, sealed envelope within each sealed copy of the proposal. 3.1.4 Five (5) complete copies of the proposal must be provided. 10 of 19 • • 3.1.5 Proposals must be signed by an individual authorized to bind the proposing entity to all commitments contained therein. 3.1.6 Submitters shall identify in writing all financial statements, copyrighted material, trade secrets, or other proprietary information that it asserts is exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act. 3.2 BID SECURITY 3.2.1 The RFP shall be presented under sealed cover and shall be accompanied by cashier's or certified check, or a bidder's bond executed by a corporate surety insurer listed by the State of California, Department of Insurance, as being certificated to transact Surety insurance in the State of California. If a bid bond is submitted and the insurer is not certificated as required above, the proposal will be deemed non- responsive and will be disregarded. The submitter guaranty shall be in an amount equal to at least 10% of the grand total amount of the proposal and made payable to the City of Rosemead. All signatures on the bond shall be notarized. A cashier's or certified check may be submitted in lieu of a bid bond. 3.2.2 A successful bidder shall furnish a Faithful Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Bond, each in a sum of not less than 100% of the total price, issued by a Corporate Surety or Sureties acceptable to the City of Rosemead and listed by the State of California, Department of Insurance, as being certificated to transact Surety insurance in the State of California. The insurer must maintain the Certificate of Authority during the entire Agreement period. If the Certificate is withdrawn, work will be stopped until such time as the bidder furnishes new bonds from a certificated surety. 3.2.3 The successful bidder agrees that failure to execute an Agreement and file acceptable Certificates of Insurance with additional insured endorsements as required herein, within 10 calendar days after receipt of the Agreement, shall be just cause for annulment of the award and the forfeiture of the submitter security. 3.2.4 Proposals will be received until 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June, 18th 2008. Late bids will not be accepted. Proposals sent by facsimile will not be accepted. Sealed Proposals should be mailed to the Office of the City Clerk, 8838 E Valley Blvd, Rosemead, California, 91770. Proposals are to be submitted in a sealed envelope marked: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DOCUMENT IMAGING STORAGE RETRIEVAL SYSTEM BID OPEN: Wednesday, June, 18th 2008, at 11:00 a.m. 11 of 19 SECTION 4 CONDITIONS 4.0 RIGHTS is The City of Rosemead ("City") reserves the following rights: 4.0.1 To modify this Request for Proposal. 4.0.2 To require additional demonstrations and site visits to existing installations. 4.0.3 To determine the competence and responsibility, professionally and/or financially of submitters. 4.0.4 To accept the most advantageous proposal. 4.0.5 To purchase some components from other vendors. 4.0.6 To reject all proposals. 4.1 LATEST TECHNOLOGY The submitter must provide all new hardware necessary in addition to the hardware currently utilized by the City of Rosemead and the latest versions of all software. All manufacturer's licenses, titles, manuals, and warrantees will be passed through to the City of Rosemead. The submitter warrants that deliverables will be in conformance with the RFP, free from defects of product or workmanship, and fit for the intended purpose. All warrantees survive delivery and are not waived by the City's acceptance or payment. 4.2 ABILITY TO PERFORM Submitter warrantees that it possesses the expertise to provide all equipment, labor, materials and licenses necessary to carry out and complete the work in compliance with the request for proposal as well as any and all federal or state laws and regulations. The submitter shall guarantee that all provisions of the proposal submitted shall remain in effect for a period of 120 calendar days from the date of proposal opening. Proposal may not be withdrawn after the submission date. 4.3 INSURANCE The successful submitter must comply with the City of Rosemead's insurance. (See attached Exhibit 1.) Submitter will be required to provide Certificates of Insurance with separate endorsements naming the City of Rosemead as an additional insured and to maintain such insurance for the entire length of the Agreement. Types of insurance required: 12 of 19 0 0 1. Workers' Compensation 2. General Public Liability and Property Damage 3. Automobile Liability and Property Damage 4. Professional Liability 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 All insurers MUST be listed by the State of California, Department of Insurance, as being certificated to transact Surety insurance in the State of California. The insurer must maintain the Certificate of Authority during the entire Agreement period. If the Certificate is withdrawn during the project, work will be stopped until such time as the Submitter furnishes new insurance from a certified insurer. PAYMENT TERMS Payment for equipment and software, software, will be made upon successfu components and functions operating network.) less 25% of the price of equipment and I installation at the City of Rosemead (all successfully using Rosemead's existing ACCEPTANCE TEST / TITLE The City will require a 30-day acceptance test, which will begin after completion of installation and training for each phase. Twenty-five per cent (25%) of the price of hardware and software will be retained by the City and will be released after successful performance of the acceptance test. After installation and training, the City will exercise all functions of the system to ensure it meets all requirements stated in this RFP and as stated in the Vendor's proposal. The Vendor has a duty to repair or replace any problem components within the agreed upon time frame. The City's acceptance will be transmitted in writing. If there is no successful completion of the acceptance test, the City shall have the option to return all equipment and software and the Vendor shall refund any monies paid. MAINTENANCE Software Maintenance and Support costs shall not exceed 10% of the software purchase price for the first three (3) years after successful installation of Phase 1. BILLING The Submitter shall provide an itemized billing for equipment, software, installation, training, and maintenance. AGREEMENT Upon selection, Submitter will be required to enter into an agreement with the City of Rosemead within 10 days after receipt of the agreement forms from the City. Submitter warrants it is willing and capable of entering into an agreement. Failure or refusal to enter into an agreement as herein provided or to conform to any of the stipulated requirements in connection therewith shall be just cause for 13 of 19 0 0 an annulment of the award. Vendors should note requirements regarding software maintenance costs (may not exceed 10% of software price), indemnification, and insurance. The insurance provision should be reviewed by your insurance agent to ensure your ability to comply in a timely fashion. 4.9 BONDS The successful bidder shall furnish a Faithful Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Bond, each in a sum of not less than 100% of the total price, issued by a Corporate Surety or Sureties acceptable to the City of Rosemead and listed by the State of California, Department of Insurance as being certificated to transact Surety insurance in the State of California. The insurer must maintain the Certificate of Authority during the entire Agreement period. If the Certificate is withdrawn, work will be stopped until such time as the Submitter furnishes new bonds from a certificated surety. 14 of 19 0 0 City Of Rosemead Document Imaging Storage Retrieval System COMPANY INFORMATION FORM Dear Sir or Madam: Please complete the form below. Company Name: Telephone No: ( ) Contact Person: Address (Other Than P.O. Box) City: State. Full 9-Digit Zip Code: Fax Number: E- ail Address Comments: 15 of 19 0 0 PROPOSAL FORMAT The proposal is to be divided into tabbed, marked sections and is to include, but not limited to, information for each of the following: A. FIRM'S QUALIFICATION/EXPERIENCE FIRM OVERVIEW -Define the overall structure of your firm to include: 1. A descriptive background of your company's history; 2. Principal business location and any other service locations; 3. Primary line of business; 4. Length of time you have been selling proposed product(s) and/or providing proposed service(s) described in this document; 5. Number of locations and where proposed product/services are in use. REFERENCES - Submissions are requested to include at least three (3) references with names, addresses and telephone numbers and one (1) from a financial institution with whom the firm has done business. References should include at least two (2) projects similar to that described by these specifications. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Submissions are requested to include recent financial statements with their proposal. Audited financial statements are not mandatory. Unaudited financial statements will be accepted. If submitters firm does, however, have audited statements; please include a copy with your proposal. OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVED WITH - Submitters are requested to provide a list of other projects that you are currently involved with or will be involved with. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT - State the percent discount off of manufacturers latest published suggested list price; percentage markup above cost; and/or hourly rate for installation for additional product(s), future enhancements, upgrades, advancements in technology, etc. Also state the basis for determining the fee for any additional services required under the same conditions. PROPOSED PROJECT TEAM/STAFF AND QUALIFICATIONS Identify the project team, staff involved and their qualifications including the number of staff and individuals, if any, who will specialize in contract performance with the city of Rosemead during the term of the contract. Provide the contact information. Submitters are requested to provide qualifications and credentials as well as experience information on submitters key personnel. C. PROPOSED PRODUCT(S)/SERVICES(S) Submitters are requested to identify the proposed product(s)/service(s) to include but not limited to all necessary components to render it complete and operational. 16 of 19 • • D. SUPPORT/WARRANTY/MAINTENANCE WORK PLAN TO INCLUDE: Installation Education and Training Testing and Support Operation Manuals/Handbooks/Documentation Warranty Conversion Spare Parts Maintenance Test Equipment Impact on Current System Schedule - Provide a schedule on each phase of the proposed project beginning with program development and ending with the date of operation. The schedule must include all tasks that will require time in the process, such as City review (identify amount of time assumed for each task). E. PRICING/FEES Within a sealed envelope, provide an explanation of the total cost of the product(s)/system/service(s) showing a breakdown by item. Be sure to include all items necessary to render project complete and operational. Does the purchase price include each of the following? 1. Installation, education and training? State details. 2. Testing and support? State details. 3. Operation manuals/Handbooks/Documentation? 4. Warranty? State details and time period. 5. Test equipment? State details. 6. Any spare parts not otherwise covered under warranty/maintenance? State details. 7. Proposed modifications? State details. 8. Proposed updates/enhancements? State details. SUPPORTING MATERIALS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Various questions included in this RFP will be used in making a selection and should be addressed by section and number. Submitters are requested to include with their proposal copies of descriptive literature sufficient in detail to enable an intelligent comparison of the specifications of the proposed with that of the requirements stated herein. 17 of 19 • r: List at least three (3) companies (preferably municipalities) where the same or similar products and/or services as contained in this specification package were recently provided. List one (1) financial institution. Company Name Contact Person Title Address PO Box City State Zip Code email Phone Number Fax Number Company Name Contact Person Title Address PO Box City State Zip Code email Phone Number Fax Number Company Name Contact Person Title Address PO Box City State Zip Code email Phone Number Fax Number Company Name Title 18 of 19 0 0 Address PO Box City State Zip Code email Phone Number Fax Number CERTIFICATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS M/WDBE STATUS is certified as a: CHECK ONE, IF APPLICABLE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Minority-Owned Business Enterprise Women-Owned Business Enterprise If any of the above is applicable please attach the appropriate documentation. *****NOTE***** THIS DATA IS REQUESTED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND WILL NOT AFFECT THE BID AWARD. (SUBMISSION OF THIS INFORMATION IS NOT A REQUIREMENT) Certification of non-discrimination A. The contractor (submitter) and/or any subcontractor(s), if permitted, certifies complete compliance with the Federal Civil Rights Law and the Americans with Disabilities Act, agreeing to non-discrimination based on race, age color, religion, disability, gender, ancestry, national origin, or place of birth in employment practices, programs and services. These practices, programs and services shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. B. The contractor shall in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will received consideration for employment without regard to race, age, color, religion, disability, gender, ancestry, national origin, or place of birth. C. Upon request by the City of Rosemead, the contractor shall furnish all information or reports required to investigate his/her payrolls and personnel records which pertain to current or future contract(s) with the City for purposes of ascertaining compliance with this non-discrimination certification. 19 of 19